Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 Nov 1897, p. 4

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. “u” .‘o.« ‘ 1;:- $30,000 from an insurance company,‘ A BUICKâ€"There is a rumorr‘that the name of which was given, to protect the English Land Company have found them from some threatened legislative n Pufcllast‘r for the nine townships they assault upon their businem; and that. own 10 the County of Haliburton; and ~ though the treasurer of the company l that a number of mills will at once he denied the truth of the statement, no ' erectedfo CM .up the various kinds of action for libel against the reputable wpodowith which the hind is covered. citizen has been commenced or even It Eh‘S bf? 50. the WHIPâ€"'0 0r Hallburton. threatened. )Ir. Seth Low, one of the Wh'fim W1“ “0 do?“ be “‘8 00m” OFPP' candidates for the mayoralty, says ; . orations, and which has been dcoreasmg u The sudden dead) of“ Mr George ‘ in population rt31‘.58\'cl‘tll years, ought under the stress of the campaign is a ‘ 50°" ‘0 be 1‘ thl‘lVlng place. great traaeiiy‘. N0 SOldlt-‘l‘ Oll the bat‘ Fancy striped Flannclettes, regular price tlefield ever gave his life for his country To, for «to. Tag ltnn Srons. more evidently than Mr. George has A NEW “LIGHT HOUSEp__MCSS,.5. . laid dO‘V“ his life in balm” of the Q‘W McDougall, Brandon and Austin are 1 “New York- Pure in "WNW. lllgh 1 about to erect, at the east side of the r . l . . . . mmded» absomtely devomd ‘0 me 5‘31“ stone mill. a new building, the timbers “A. , FARMERS WANTING To enable me to give the v Very Best . Bargains ‘ .,~v~m«â€"aâ€"uâ€"o_.~_.. _._ With Roller Bearings, Root Gutters and. Pulpers With Roller Bearings, vice of his {CHOW-me“. as he thought l of which are now being framed. It is they could be best served, he has lalleu to 1,0 16 x 45 feet‘ a story and a half : in the thle 01 the battle. Mam“ the ; high, and is to contain the dynamo, the ‘ tyranny anticormptm" 0i one'man PO‘V‘ machinery connected therewith, and a t <_4. “rt. < . u «xiv to my customers I have bought largely from the manufacturers the very best quality of . . . . Cook and Heating Stoves, Axes and Axe Handles, Cross-cut Saws, Rope Ties, Cow Chains. In these lines everything is a bargain, and in some lines 25 per cent. cheaper than any other years. The only genuine COLD BLAST LANTERN kept. IF YOU HAVE TEN CENTS to ten dollars to lay out it will pay you to come and get my JOS. HEARD. FOR STYLE AND ECONOMY COMBINED Go to Wm. Campbell, who has the largest, best assorted, most stylish and cheapest stock of ,Ensilago Cutters .wliose hearts are made to burn within Plows, Gang Flows and. Barrows, would do well to call at or controlling the political machine." Wâ€"- _.. ._. ._â€" Runaways. Last week there were two lively run- aways, neither of which terminated as -eriousl_v as at first seemed probable. 0.1 Thursday, while the blood colt that I draws Mr. McFarland's grocery waggon l was standing chained to a post in front I of the store something frightened him. he gave such a jump that the ring of hisbit broke. and away he went, full gal- lop, down street. Mr. Eli Worsley ol' Fcnelon was on the canal bridge in a covered buggy at the time, and just as he had got over it the runaway overtook him, and a bind wheel of the waggou caught a hind wheel of the boggy, with mixed up and picturesque results. The colt went down, the waggou turned over on top of him, the bngg was thrown on to its side, Mr. \Vorsloy was tangled up in the cover, and his horse COIU‘ menccd to kick. but not violently. For. tunately a number of men were close at hand, and, rushing to the spot, grabbed the horses and liberated Mr. Worsley. Both vehicles were slightly damaged, but no other harm was done. On Friday afternoon Mr. William Hothcrington of Verulam came to the Falls in a covered buggy, and drove in- to the Mansion House shed, where be tied his horse. About six o'clock the Thos. Robson’s, Fenelon Falls, as he has a large assortment to choose from at low prices. w A quantity of 2-f001‘ dry Map/e for sale cheap. "iterator... an. Gazette. Friday, NEE-er 5th, 1897. A Great Man Gone. On our first page will be found an article from the Globe on the late Henry George, who died at 5 o’clock last Fri- day morning at the Union Square Ho- tel in New York City, of apoplexy, or perhaps it would be more correct to say" of exhaustion caused by over-work. Mr. George had only just entered his sixty- first year, but he was never a very ro- bust man, and the mental and physical labor consequent upon his candidature for the mayorality of New York no doubt materially shortened his eminent ly useful life. He was one of the many the shed and started for home as fast as his legs could carry him. A few minutes later Mr. Hctherington got in- to another rig and followed, and near Mr. Robert Welsh's, about a mile lrom the village, had the Satisfaction of find- ing his buggy on the road, and the horse, which had slowed down, was overtaken a little further on. The only damage was to the crossbar of the bugs gy and some parts of the harness. them by the contemplation of the mis- ery that everywhere accompanies civil- ization, and he was one of the few phil- anthropists who, with intellects as large as their hearts, attempt to find a remedy from the frightful consequences of the “ unequal distribution of wealth." He is known all over the world as the author of several striking works on political and social subjects; but he is better known to the average newspaper reader as the chief advocate of what is called the “ single tax system,” the general introduction of which would, he believ- ed, have the effect of making abject poverty an almost unknown evil. The writer of one of the many notices called forth by his lamented death says : “ Mr. George’s philosophy rests on two basic propositions: that the earth is the property of the human race, no generation having the right to alienate any part of it, and that what a man pro- duces is his own against the world, no manor Government- having any right or claim to it. To assert the first prop- Powles’ Corner. {Correqjondcnce 0/ the Gazette.) Diphtheria has taken a new lease of life. On Friday, the 29th ult., Mr. and Mrs. W. A Gillis became alarmed. as one of their little girls was not fool. ing well. Dr. Wilson of Fenclon F-ills was sent for, and found the little girl had diphtheria. Proper remedies were applied immediately, and the patient is now out of danger. Mr. H. Suckett made his last trip to the Cameron cheese factory last Mon- day. The season has been favorable for Mr. Sackctt and the patrons, and no doubt it was a profitable one. Mr. S. J. Fox of Lindsay, manufac- turer of brick and tile, has purchased a large quantity of wood from Mr. N. Day of Lukevicw Farm. We under- mill otiice. A new flame. 14 x 16 feet, is also to be built. Tue dynamo is at present located up-stairs in the stone mill; but, from various causes, it docs not work very satisfactorily, and, there- fore, the new building is to be erected. Call and see (nr new style of Geiits’ Mocha Gloves. Other people charge $1.50 nd $1.75 for them. We sell them from Do. up. Tin: Ran STORE. 0': A GOOD DEEDâ€"A short time ago Mr. Henry York. who lives south of the river, built a small stable for tho acciim- modation of his cow and laid in a couple of loads of straw. He did not ellect any insurance, and one. day last wet-k the stable and its contents ivcrc burned in ponscqucnce ol'somo children play-- ing with lire. As Mr. York is a poor man, a subscription list was placed in the hands of M r. John Golden. who had succeeded to well tip to the time we were interviewed by him that he prob- ably soon collected cuough to cover .‘Ir. York’s loss. Mtonr [lava Buns \\'ousn.â€"~On Thursday of last Week whm Messrs. 'l‘hos. Robson, it J. McLaughlin and John Aldous were about loii'ing Miii~ den for their camp at Clear Lake, the team ran away, taking the opposite- direction from the camp, and the cow- tcnts of the waggnn were scattered promiscuonsly over about half a mile damage was don-c -â€"- oven the “ little: brown jug ” fell right side up, and, after collecting their various belongings, the hunters proceeded on their way. [t has been suggested that the horses: ran away on account of Mr. Robson's addressing them in the Yorkshire diu- lect, to which they were totally un- accustomed. Dress good‘s in endless variety, a new lot just re ccived. ’l‘na. Ria) Sroam HALLOW Emuâ€"As the last day of October fell this your upon Sunday, some of the boys of the village celebrat- ed Hallow Eon on Saturday and some on Monday. A great many of our vil- lagers think it high time for the annual pranks to be put a stop to, and we are of the same opinion, as the boys do not appear to think about, or care for. the possible consequences of some of' their acts. On Monday night they removed the gate of a yard in which a large number of bees are kept, and next morn‘ ing two cows were found roaming around among the hives. Fortunately they did not upset any of them; if they had, the little inmates would no doubt. have attacked them, and then there might have been dead cows and a ruined apiary, which would probably have afforded in- tense delight to the boy or boys who rev moved the gate. osition, he would take in taxation for the benefit of the people in every com- munity, rural or urban, the ccmomic rent or continuous value attaching to land, irrespective of improvements. To assert the latter, he would abolish all tariffs, all inland revenue taxes and all municipal or other imposts on houses, buildings, machinery and other products of labor. For that reason his scheme has been di‘SjfillaiCd the single tax." Henry George always maintained that poverty was chiefly, if not entirely, the result of the private ownership of land,’and in one of his books he says that the enthusiasm of free traders and reformers of all kinds is dampened by the reflection that. in the end. their Pg ‘2; I efforts will, if succeszul, tend chicflv to enrich land owners, who also dci'ive ‘ , nearly all the bein'lit of labor saving The undersigned beg to announce to their numerous inventions, 31,... (;,,P,._,e in,” q,,,, um (’“l‘NililL’l” and the public ocucrallv that their new mayoralty of .\ow lurk in 131;, but .; .‘t -‘ t C . - - , \ i , ., , .' ' ,. '0. was defeated. thongh he pulled a very l'ltillcl Flour 15‘ 110“ ernlllLlUl‘ and trundlni'fi nlcht large rate, and it was not thought prob- mul (lav. The lilitCllilWW “11'0"?”"ii L" 0‘ the “‘0” able thathe would i... .-i etc-d this your. “Puhwfi path-Tn. and the t'llltllllV 0i. tilt) output second l [lo was the avuwt-il enemy ol'rascality to 1mm. in()1ll111"l0 Special attention given to gristing and dl‘mm"~!.\'~ “ml had Ollcl’b' and MILLINERY in town. Come early and SEE THE PLUMS. Our Opening takes place every day. ago 6, l stand Mr. Day has taken some drain tile in exchange, and is offering it for sale at the same price that Mr. Fox charges at the yard. The wood and W. W. Casu Runwars, â€"- Mr. Wi‘liziâ€"iii Burgoyne, who is now solo propriotot’ -ol' the Red Store, has lately put. in a couple of " cash railways "â€"one in the grocery and the other in the dry goods H " v _ departmentâ€"and is well pleased with 12-“- &C-â€"Don t forget the [IV-:11 T03 them, as they facilitate busiuew and alv in Twomcy’s hall this evening. or the most totally prcvont the possibility of anniversary services and fowl supper in "figuring, ()n a wire which extends from the Presbyterian church on Sunday and the counter to the office. and the counter Monday next. Posters around town end of' which is raised and lowered by give in“ Purtlculars- a lover. a little metal box runs to and Look out for The Red store ad next week, l'ro. Carrying a statement of the amount Tm; HOSEIMLE BitIDGE.â€"â€"-'l‘lic steel l “r “NV “'0 “"‘l ill" m'vwv. Ir It ho a . cash sale, fr in the clerk to the ollim frame of the new RO>CtiHlC bridge pass- l u I ' i and returning cm i ' or with tho or i ir- cd through the Falls last Tuesday nl- l I, l T,“ r, l in ‘Ft. ‘7 - 0 ed change. if there be an '. tcrnoou on a scow towed by the steamer “m” up in n p i” H” ‘(fifl m .mit 'Or ' 7 ', S. 5 "i '1 Maple LIVIJ‘. It came from the Central 1 - " J -5 - v , , l town and City stores. and such of our Bridge W orks, letcron'ough, and Mr. ‘ - . . _ . . readers as have not seen them in Opel'll' J. Hill. one ol the c impany emplovces. ‘ - ,, . .. ‘ . . , .- , v. ‘ 2 lion would go and taken look tit them and superintend its erection. .ic piers ‘ , , . .5 . . , , at . lr. nirgoynr: .u. are finished, and the bridge iril. proba- T H, N , ,v b) m" _ ‘ y -D V ,3 . owe ingrn .m, Panic In: you pity W; b.) L Ur: .1 rm}? fur 1mm“ b) [h , for other places. in}; lilili Smart. midllc of this monta. ,. _ , , Q . . ll”. ltl‘\l( â€". '- an: the door ol the Hunt: Minxâ€"Mr. James Dickson, rink 0pm; rm \l’.~l;,....l;.y 1:..¢_ w,» w .m l’. L. 8., returned home last. Monday, ‘ (lawn in HM: what tile were shipped by water. W animal slipped its bridle, backed out of of territory. Fortunately no serious l Wm going on. and ,alter an absence of over six in tnths, mum] (“-0 m- ,i,,-...-, m.” 3, “mp, um)“, and chopping. “'0 pay Lindsay prices for wheat and Coarse grains, of which we Want an unlimited quantity. llidcs :iinl skins, Furs. Cattle. Sheep. Pigs, etc... bought and sold. Agents for the Canada Carriage Company. Parties biiving Flour or Food in (‘lnalllltlt‘s.WOlllti do well to write tis for quotations before purcliasmg. loDougall. Bland” 5‘ “Sm-l ,00000 o..- repcatcdiy sail that, if he became: from the D.l'3plliil District, N. W. T, inivor. licwtinl-l drive from the country l near Lake Winniiwgosis, where he has or hand to prison Certain iiiillioiiairc~ ltilvll engaged rubliviliog eight town-I who are kunvu to have acq‘iircd their: ships for settlement. We tried to get wmlzh by illegal means. Some. idea of, SWIM: notes of his trip, but he ivas too the extent to which bribery and corrup , busy to spare the nece-sary time, as he 1 lion prevail in the great city may be ; has to leave again the beginning ol'uext .icrfvcd from ((1.:- l'act that a reputable i act-k on an iii-peeling tour. i‘lillrfl. (“TV “50‘?” Slfl'u“mr”- dcolawd Rica's underwear, reoulnr price 31.27.11” tl.a: to his own kuoivicdgc .‘lr. l’latt‘ 75¢. per suit. This is E snap. ' (one of the “ bosses") had received Tritium Sroac. ' ‘ rin‘. li'iil I -thc S‘lllr‘l'illu’n‘ll‘HC: of Mr. William Campbell. spreading and levelling sand, , of which about fiitv loall< will be r'q'iir. ed. aL the “l’ico to be covcimd turn-tires 4” x l5{l1'-rnt. Hitherto llll' lion! of the flour has been lower than the luck. , and at the north east corner the ground , was so l!:"'3li highvr than elsewhere that it could ht: skated over until the 'u fluid-ml Ft:i'vral times; but this .icrty has now been obviat‘ h

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