.....-.w.-.é, . .‘ fl ..- A. -. ‘. - -~.¢-~a~+ - a .o -- ~. r... W“ FOR STYLE AND soonemv COMBINED: Go to Wm. Campbell, who has the largest,_besthAGHINEs . . .. assorted, most stylish and cheapest stock of? MILLENERY in town. SEE THE PLUMS. ‘ Our Opening takes place every day,, .4 is a a?" . OOOOOOOOQQOOOOOOOOOs T0 EflY GUSTGMERS ANDTHE PUBLIC I desire to draw your attention. GENERALLY. _ Come early and. TO, THE. FARMERS. Of the surrounding I vicinity. If your. should need repairing, or if you should want any repairs, or new mould boards or steel land sides on your ploughs, COME EARLY, and don’t. put ofl‘ till wanted. If you think of purchasing good Pea Harvester, Hay Fork, or any other imple- ment, give ROBSON a call, and you will get them at prices to. meet. the times. rues.aessea. FENELON FALLS. The Fenclon Falls Gazette. Friday, April 16th, 1897. The T. V. G; In the Dominion estimates, just brought down, is an appropriation of 3650.000 for the Trent Valley Canal, which is good evidence that the Govern- ment has decided to push the work toâ€" wards completion. Anoiitiéiinintoté at... V On Friday morning last, the 9th inst., exactly seven months from the day the red mill was destroyed by ï¬re, the work of clearing away the ruins preparatory to building a new mill was us more certain than that wide-spread misery will result. from the departmental stores if conducted forany considerable time as they are at present, and no ef- fort should be spared to put an end to their career of deception, And that their success is the trait of deception, if not of something worse, is beyond the shadow of a doubt. No man or combi- nation of men can make money by sell- ing goods‘at or below cost, but they can make money if they lose a trifle on. say. ten percent. of the goods disposed of. and make a large proï¬t on the other ninety per cent., and that is just what is done at the departmental stores. Who ever heard of a hardware merchant, or~a dealer in boots and shoes, or a druggist, refusing to sell a customer as many tin pails, or pairs of boots, or hot- tles of medicine as he is willing to pay for? Yet we are positively assured that no departmental store will 'on "bar- gain day " sell two articles of the same kind to the same individual! This fact ought to convince every person who be- comes cognizant of' it of the principle-- or, rather, the want of principleâ€"upon which business is done in these take es- tablishments, and if no one patronized them except on bargain days they would collapse in a few weeks or months. For proof that they charge more than ordi- nary prices for many articles we need not go beyond our own village. In Eaton’s catalogue the No. 2 Daisy churn is $4.25; Mr. Heard sells it for $3.50. Two kinds of washing machines are $3.75 each ; Mr. Heard sells them for $3 50. Sanderson, Percy 8:. Co.’s prepared paints are $1.50 per gallon ; Mr. Ileard sells them at $1.30 ; and hundreds of similar instances of over- charge can no doubt be found in the catalogue by any person who’ll take the trouble to lookfor them. Sarah the masses of people who crowd the depart- mental stores know is that many of the articles sold therein are, or appear to be, wonderfully cheap, and so, as the Star says, they almost tumble over each other in their eagerness to secure barâ€"â€" gains, and too often find when they reach home that they have get less value for their money than they would have ob« tained if they had spent itlcisurcly and carefully in three or four stores that do Powles’s Corner. ‘ (Carrcspondc‘ncc of ‘thc Gazette.)~ M r. A. Rutherford has been laid up for about two weeks, having strained his back lifting heavy weights, but he is now able to go about. Mr. Frank Worsley started for the North-west on Monday, the 5th inst. We hope he may do well. Mrs. E Beacock has taken a change for the worse, which we regret to hear. Dr. McAlpine of Lindsay was in uttuud- ance upon her last Sunday morning. We hope that she may yet be restored to good health. Very little has been done on the land yet in this locality, but next week it will become a general thing. 13"!†wheat and meadows have been damaged to a considerable extent. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. I’owlos attended the funeral of Mr. John Greaves ot‘ Eldon last week. Deceased was a bro- ther of M rs. l’owles. Kinmount. (Cm-respondcncc o/ the. Gazctlc.) The marriage of Mr.. T. l’etrie of Peterborough and Miss L. Coban took place on Wednesday, April 7th. The showers _of rice they received showed the. good‘wishes of the Kinmount people. Quite a crowd gathered at the railway station on Thursday morning to 0011' congratulations and bid the happy cou- ple good-bye. The basket social at Union Creek, considering the \VCllllOl', was a fair sue-- cess. A basket social will be held at the Church of Eng] llltl parsonage on Thurs- day, April 22nd. The stave factory is closed for a few days for improvements and change of machinery. Mr. John A. Falls of Fenelm ll‘ulls passed through our village last wch on his way to l’lalib-irton. B? All the latest walking Hats in black and colors at Mrs. McDougtll‘s. 3155“ Come and see the fancy straw Sail- ors at Mrs. McDougall‘s. {315? Crime and see the black rustic Sail~ 5E; . . . v commenced, and is now in pl‘OUl'cSS. ‘ b a- . lone.†,l-inci leg orsalers \[cDou in" to the fact tl t 1 l * 1' rl] l r v . 1 '0 - . = “sumo†1 “1- P - ~ g' s , . ( 1‘1, 11‘ 0 amp “1 13,} e .-or a on time we both hoped and be H H ,, '. " ‘ ‘ “Md “,3, the bumd mmwould be â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-°_- .--.-_...--_‘â€" Comcn. MLI-.u.\<-.â€" the \Illrge ;’n.. ‘5. .I‘m to w . h": . '~ 9‘ .41"); r n r. us-h the largest, best and cheapest stock of Hardware, Paints, Oils, Tinware and Stoves evhr offered in the county of Victoria. I have succeeded. in purchasing direct from the manufacâ€" turers this year’s supply, and; replaced by another; but as the months rolled on and one discouraging rumor after another got afloat, we began to fear that possibly the predictions of the pessitnists might prove to be correct, and that the village was deemed to an- other protracted pcriod of depression. The sale of the Howry effects adver- tised to take place on the 15th was anxiously awaited, as it was the general opinion that the question of mill or no Personals. Miss Myrtl: Washburn, a former res- ident oi the Falls, is now one of Mrs. l. McDungall’s staff of milliners. She arrived here from Guelph on Thursday of last week. and her mother and brother will shortly come to the Falls with the intention of'remaining. Mr. J. H. McNally and family left on Monday for the States, and will re- conncil met on Monday evening, and, after passing a by-law to extend the time for the payment of taxes, and granting $2") to Mr. llolbrook on appli- cation ol' .\lr. McKcndry, adjou DJLl un- til Thursday. {tï¬i‘ Come and see plain straw Sailors, also children’s Sailors and trimmed hats at Mrs. McDougull’s. Tun ROSEDALE Womrs.â€"-Tiie pub- lic works at ltuscdale, which were shot i. ,. , , . , . ' 1 1d [1 b q 1 d. b I . _ rum qbout, the ï¬rst of 3121‘. down over a month ago were 'i‘ id J a _ _ lllll wou ten c ..ett e , uttie re s I q l n , “5‘1"†sun of the sum must have been form Mr. James Field of Stayner eame to on Wednesday last, under the superin- ‘ ‘5‘ e V known, 10,. on Monday of last week the Falls last Friday, and 15 again a tendence of Mr. '1 humus Archer. About (kg A0 SHEA? as; I USED 1.3- about a dozen men wcm set to work ï¬n. member of Mr._ M. McCullum's satorial a dozen men are now employed, but the 2d. . Eng the ice,_},ouso “cm. the min, and on staff. number wtll soon be increased. .' " T . "' ‘» ‘ s u . . . , l N I Small. )Orsonauv be. the followup; Thursday “ bug †John Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones of PClCI- W Butter and eggs taken in exchange J if} an? F Pa 1‘. ‘5 I11 I J'- m 1‘ for myself. behind the counter. morning, noon and night, and~ lbr noflung. IF ‘OLD JDE’ LETS Yflu OUT a WITHOUT PURBHASEHG_ If you don't want to buv give me a friendly call anyhow. e, Thanking everyone for their patron- age this last seventeen years, Yours Respectfully, .5931. HEARD. Thomson arrived from Peterborough and immediately commenced hiring men to attack the debris bright- and early next morning. The new mill be about the size of the old one before the Howry ï¬rm added to it, but it will be longer in proportion to its width and will have higher walls. It will be built by day’s , work, not by contract. under the super~ l intendencc of Mr. Thomson, who expects square timber required was sawn list fall at Mr. John A. Ellis’s mill on the lake shore. The new mill is to be fun nished with two bandsaws, all the nec- l essary trimmers and edgcrs, a lath tna~ chine and probably three shingle magl chines, as that. was the number in the old mill. With the exception of some chains and gearing that were not render- l ed useless by the ï¬re, the contents of the mill will be new, and everything re. ' quircd except the saws will be obtained borough have been visiting their rela- tives at the Falls since Monday last. Mr. Charles Borland left on Tuesday for Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Miss Pearce of Manilla has been at the Falls since last Friday visiting her brother, Mr. Henry Pearce, and will stay another week. Mr. Alfred Smith and his family, and Miss Mary Taggart (Mrs. Smith’s sis- Mrs. McDougall’s Millinery Opening. The miliinery opening on Thursday and Friday last at Mrs. R. McDon- gall’s far exceeded any previous display ever made in Fenelon Falls. The show- rooms were artistically draped, and the profusion of flowers in the ronms were so real looking that one could hardly believe that they were artificial. The for millinery at Mrs. McDougall’s. WEAVINdâ€"Mr. Samuel llutchison, who left here for Kinmount about three years ago, has returned to the Falls, and is prepared to do all kinds of weav- ing at moderate prices, as will be seen by his advertisement in this Week‘s Gazelle. W See young ladies2 High Corsets, with braces, at Mrs. R. McDougnll's. if"; it will be because vou want the earth f0haveitreadytocommenceoperations to“), left as Week to take up their “38' ata?’ Girl-50.....i. w....t.,nr... v in about three months, as nearly all the “100% 10 Lindsay. Children’s Corded \Vaists, at am. 1:. MC- Dougal l’s. DENTAL â€"Dr. Neclands, dentist, will be at the McArthur House, Fenc- lon Pulls, on Monday. the ltlzh inst, on arrival of the train from Lindsay, and will remain over Tuesday. ll: will have gas and local pain obtunders for the painless extraction of teeth. Call early. 3&3" See Silk Handkerchiefs and Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs at Mrs. It. Mc- Dougall's. K, from the William llamilton Manufae-y 39;,» See me nghswinï¬ CW3“; u“. VA turing Co. of l’etcrborough. It is ex- i ladies kept pouring in from early moru- latest out. at Mrs. It. MCDrJllgllll'd. ’ i “is peetcd that the site wiil be cleared ofl ing until late at night, and Mrs. 310- THE Culu'gw BEâ€, __(),, my] up,†“ hilth STAR RttER Mild. rubbish by the end of this week, and as soon as the frame timber is needed it; will be brought on flit cars from Mr. Ellis's piling ground. The capacity of the mill will be 150,000 feet in twenty- I four hours, and it will probably, be run 5 day and night. 2 Dougall and her assistants were kept busy showing the beautiful hats and bonncts, and, judging by the pleased expressions of 'the ladies, they have every reason to be satisï¬ed with their work. Flowers are in abundance,roses, violets, lilacs and lily of the valley be- Mondavgext, the 10th inst., the curfew bell will be run: regularly at 9 p. m., and any boy or girl lonud on thc public streets after that hour. except under , proper care or guardianship, or for some unavoidable cause, will be liable to be escorted home by the constable. Any ‘ ing .the favorites. _ Almost every size parent or guardian may be suunnoned t and shape to bats will bcworn.all-l10ulel for permitting his child to habitually i “‘10 medjum 51105 “"H be m9“ POPUlflr- break the curfew by-law after having The injury done to legitimate husi-l 'lhc.w“re Stock hn‘qrbcon we†assorted bee†warned i†‘l'l'l‘ll’f-h “"‘l “WY b0 0 Roller Flour Mill is now completed, and grinding night ncss men by departmental stores. is so , ffriï¬rtgei’él‘ “'lrflgcwlï¬fszlwzozl‘i; ï¬ned fit†‘ll’c 5'“ 10%?“ 3:; “'igl‘mt . . - t ' ‘ . ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' o ' ‘ q .vrent that the most determined war ise ' ‘ .' ‘ A costs, or t to socom o cnce 92. an {or Cl and d t). Tht lnachintr} throughout is of the 1no..t ls . were greatly Mummy, and showed the the min, offence 85' ' gl modern pattern, and the quality 01 the output secondl ‘good taste of those in charge. Mrs. Departmental Stores. ‘ The undersigned beg to announce to their numerous , customers and the public generally that their new to be waged against them, and the lle- = . . . Itail \lerchants’ Association of Canada. v v v - . v - I l ‘ , . , 51:73" Sir. Latin: and Children s lloswr'.‘ to none in Ontai 10. n, 51,, R, Mcpougm, ' , . Special attention glVCII t0 gristmg l immds to hold in Toronto, at a date? geiloggflg vf‘lfilyeséépi :pciliplliit;l;‘:rl::;l|g: ; .~ 1 r t v 4- - s a - " ‘ ' a i ‘ ‘ i ‘l‘ H 5 I i . ntl chopping. ~ll 0.1).!) I..1nd._,t_\ pure? but \\ heatnndwot yet fixed, a large contention at ; nucndance m the Openin" and for the 357“ See Kid Glow-p, Silk Gloves and ; , coarse grams. 01 wlnch we want an uullmlted quantlty_ {which they hope one or ttao ni‘erchants‘ numerous ordels ahead; given this 3 Mittens at Mrs. R. McDongallie. :8l llides and skins. Furs. Cattle. Sheep, l’lgs, etc., bought l {3:015:35 cézijcï¬rfouï¬y 3:321:33?! : season. She wishes all to call 'and in- . A BREAK'DOV’N-"l'nsl Sunday MW- and sold. Agents for the Canada Carriage Company. l “ï¬ghge joined the crusade inaugy-f 39°ct lief StOCk'_being fUllYFOYWiUCOd $90", “We ‘1'†:0“ Ti,“ Sic“ 1â€" 0" ; f [raffles buying;- Flour. or Feed in quantities would do ‘ urated by the ’l‘orontoStur and Suzuki that She “n 3â€â€œ “Wham†‘° all “5 my t° Prim“ “l "“1‘35†(“mum ‘ ; h . a customers. the reach of but buggy broke, the horse ‘ went off at a mild gallop with the lore well. to write us for quotations before purchasing. day Night against the greedy {monopo- . “5‘3! and a Very gmd amele mm onel ii i i V 7' i i i ‘ wheels, the front of the buggy fell to the l ' Of them the Whitby Un'OrticIc, appears 38’ Game and see the black and white, i _ _ ' U , . a ' b, 9 d Me, d a d H y b d , ground. and Mr. Steel and lnsltttle mo, , . 90 0'11. 5"“ Pan“ 50mm: “em ‘0 u an w I re n w" e mm m who waamth bun, dived gracefully‘over. 5 white Sailors at Mrs. McDougall's., I