Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Dec 1896, p. 5

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my“ estate near Limerick have been evicted Five leuants 0.. Lord Dunravcn's,‘ for non-payment oi rent The phea-nnts imported into the Province of British Columbia, and l Fifth County Council Division, County of which have been carefully preserved for the last two years. have taken to their environment and multiplied in numbers beyond the must sanguine expectations. The London DIi/y New: publishes a despatm lrotn Constantinople, saying that another massacre of Artneniam is reported to have m-cur'cd in the vicinity Ol‘ Diarbekir. it. is ru m.er that more than 500 pursons Wcrv killed. A ilatnbur; you”; man has just hm] his sanity proved by ill-2 liounlgcn pay; He tiCCth‘d ten Items nun that he In") 1 bullet in his head w ich he had firm] into it in trying tocmnnit suicide He complained of the pain. and, "3 I“. attacked his kt'cpt.‘l'~ and the doctors could liod no trace 'i' a. Wound. was locked up as a duo-1m us lunatic. The Roentgen rays liavu now shown the exact place of the bu! at. A. l’us.inch farmer has lost four horse.- i'rn-n Cerebral Spinal meningitis. and has four more hoth suffering from it. The til~t'll“t3 prineip :lly shows itself by paraiy sis of the throat, thus render- ing the adtnioi~tration of medicine int- puSVlblC. There is a dulncss in tire first httl‘.’0.:1ltll the animal will drink very slowly. Then he has intense thirst, but control drink. When he gets down he is unable to rise. The great >ltil'ln which swept over Minna-om and the Dakotas on Wednes- d-ty, 'l'iinrx-nlay and Friday has resulted i-u some loss of life and great loss of live stock. Railroading has been en- tirely ubanti-i-tcd until th a storm breaks. Freight trains on tine Hastings & Da iota Railroads are in drifts near Gates Station.nml the Eureka accommodation is fast at Hill's View. An utterly de- moralized- condition prevails every- where. The outward movement of grain and provisions from Montreal this season in almost every important staple shows a gratify-int: incl-cave. with. the exception of flour, pork nnd’smokcd meats. These three show a decreu~e as compared with the season of 1895. flour bring 330,061 barrels less; pork 1742 barrels. and smoked meats 2005' boxer-l. All the raw cereals show increases. wheat being 3,- 200,000 odd in excess of 1895; corn, 3.000.000; peas, 2.200.000; ONE, 2,- 300,000; rye 300,000 bushels and up pics, 500,000 barrels. . Sth-u-vcar-old' Nettie Brinklc was at- tacked by a large bald eagle in the Quaknke'Valloy. Her cries brought Miss Jennie McDowrli, aged 16 yours. to her assistance. Miss McDowell struck. the bird with a stick. when it swooped down on hur head and shoul- ders, tea-ring the flesh- and clothing. The cash: repeated the attack half a dozen times, when the young woman thrust a large steel lint-pin into the big bird’s neck and brea<t and succeeded in killingit. Miss McDowell's face, hands and arms were torn by the eagle’s talous. Eighty hogs were killed at \Vindsor, Ont, durim: the past week because of hog cholera. . . The cold weather which prevails in the storm swept districts of the North- W'cat killed ten carloads of sheep dos. titted for Chicago at Grand Harbor. Devil's Lake. This November is the coldest kuowa in the North-West for fifteen years. Tin-re is great sufiertng on the stock fungus and thousands of cattle will be killed if the weather con- tinues cold. At Vertnillion, S Di. therein hardly a tree left standingr and every orchard is ruined. NDENCE. CORRESPO in the Editor of the Petition Fall: Gazette. Sta,- , Allow me space in your paper to make reply to it piece from Powles's Cor- ners in the Gouda of Nov. 13th, referring to school matters, in which your correspond. out said that “ the parent; that Would keep I boy home from school and would not let him learn his lessons should taste the sweetness of the law.” Had he used the plural instead of the singular I should have let the matter pass unnoticed. I had a chat with the teacher and trustee (J. B Powlos), and the matter cxplatned why he was kept home. But through. spttc and nothing more was that piece written, which tore open the old wound and added a little more wormwood and grill. Had that cor- respondent a grain of commonsense he would never have stooped to writing such trash. It has become an abomination and Itinkcth in the sight of the people. Why, air, one of the Lindsay papers has refused to publish any more of his trash. Had that correspondent tasted the sweetness of the law (as he calls it) some years ago instead of an apology for alandertng people he would have been a wiser and a better man to-dny. Had he mentioned any name he should have tasted the swactness of the law. Yours truly, A RATEPAYER. DIED. Alannaâ€"In the township of Verulam, on Sunday. November 39th, 1896, Mn. Isabella Iiotfat, aged as yours, 3 month: and 16 days. Estimateâ€"In Fencion Falls. on Sunday. November :am, l896, Ann Gunilla, dough- tcr of Br. 11. W. Brandon, lgcd 4 days. Victoria. Notice is hereby given that a meeting will be held purs mat to the County Councrls Act, 1896. at the Oddfellow’s Hall, lN THE VILLAGE OF COBOCONK, THE 2131: DAY OF DECEMBER, 1896, TELEGRAPH POLES ‘VANTED ._]3y _. H.D.Mc£alirey,nillswegn, iii. To be delivered at Railway Siding-s during the comirg season. Parties having Cedar suitable for between the hours of one and two o‘clock Poles can realize best returns from in the afternoon, for the purpose of nominating cmdidates for the office of COUNTY COUNCILLOR for the Fifth County Council Division of the C runty of VictorTa. Ifa greater num- her of candidates are nominated than are required to he t-lectcd, the polls will be opened at the polling places for each of the polling sub-divisions within the said disâ€" trict on Monday, the 4th Day of January, 1897, the polls to continue open from nine o'clock in the morning,' until five o’clock in the afternoon and no longer. Dated the first day of December, 1896. H. J. LY’l‘LE, 42-2 Nominating Officer. ESTR AY STEER. Come on to the premiScs of the under- signed, Lot 27 Gun. 3 of Verulum, about six weeks ago, a. roan Steer, one year old. The owner can have it upott proving prop- erty and paying charges. GEORGE WOOF, Fcnelon Falls 1’. 0. Nov. 23rd, 1896.41.3' their timber by writing the undersigned for full particulars, and naming their near- est railway station. J. W. BLAIIQQ MANAGER, DRILLIA, ONT. WANTED . . . Men to Engage with us as Salesman. New season just opening; new style 0 plate book; more attractive and yet lighter than ever. ALL SUPPLIES FURNISHED FREE. We are the only Cntmrii in Nursery pav- ing salary and“ commisst'un fiom the start. Liberal commission to part time men. Large list of specialties, all having been tested at. our trial orchards. If you want a sure thing for the winter, write us. STONE & WELLINGTON. N urserymen and Fruit Growers. TORONTO, CANADA. OVER 'ZOO ACRES IN CULTIVATION. When about to select a hat or bonnet do you ask for to shape of the style of MISS 0R MRSJ? IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR. Baum Paper and Picture Frames â€"â€"13 ATâ€" ten or twrlve years ago? Do you think if the milliner uses the newest trimmings, and arranges them-on-ii: in- tlic latest style, that the effect will be exactly right? There ‘ will be something wrong; perhaps some people would not notice it, but. you- would. w. A. GOODWIN’S, YOU WANT. Baker ’ tBlock, Kent-st. ,Lindsay. Artists’ Goods a Specialty Machine Needles, Alabastine aud- Dv Works Agency. WPicase callnndsee my 5c.Papcr. 1: rescuer E E 3 TN! ONTARIO WIRE FENCING CO" Ln Piston. Ontario. - TIrIE McDID‘LLEN FENCING --AND-â€" THE LATEST. especially if it suits your taste and purse. It is all the same when you buy a dress or wrap. The material may be fashionable, the fit good, and the style of making mod-. em, but if it is cutby a chart that has been in use probably since before you wore a. dress, you cannot expect it to have that smart, np-to-date appearance so desirable nowadays. THE WORLD MOVES, and if improvements are made in all other directions, why not. in the art of garment cutting? The DE LA MORTON Tailor System is new, but it is NOT an experi~ meat. It is patented and registered, and has been tested long enough to prove its superiority over others, both new and old. If you want correct style and perfect fit, combined with comfort, give it a. fair trial. It will cost you no more than the old- fashioncd way. Customers express satis- faction every day. M. E. GALDER. Rooms in McArthur Block, nearly opposite PilllLTliY NETTING WWW ARE THE BEST ever made or sold in Canada. You want only THE BEST for your money. Don't waste it on poor imitations and cheap aub- stitutcs, but ask for and buy the McMullen goods. They are unequalled for FARM, LAWN or POULTRY fencings. No snow drifts with McMullen’s fencing. For sale by hardware and general merchants. General Sales Agents: For Ontario and Western Provincesâ€"The B. Greening Wire 00., Hamilton, Out. For Quebec and Eastern Provincesâ€"â€" James Cooper, Montreal. SELLING ill. I have decided to Go Out of the Millinery Business and will sell my entire stock of Millinery At Greatly Reduced Prices For Cash. S‘ALESMEN. Pushing; trustworthy men to represent us- int the sale of our Choice Nursery Stock- Specialties cou- troll'ed by us Highest salary or commis- siom paid weekly. Steady employment the year round. Outfit free; exclusive territory. Experience not necessary ; big pay assured workers; special inducements to beginners. Write at once for particulars to ALLEN NURSERY 00.. Rochester, N. Y. NEWSPAPER LAW. 1. A postmaster is required to give notice by letter (returning the paper does not. answer the law), when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office and state the reasons for its not being taken. ' Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster responsible to the publisher for payment. 2. If any person orders his paper discon- tinued he must pay all arrearages, or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount, whether it is taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinu- ance until the payment is made. 3. Any person who takes a paper from the post-office, whether directed to his name or another, or whether he has sub- scribed or not, is rcsponsible for the pay. 4. If a subscriber orders his papa-r to be stopped at a certain time, and the pub- lisher continurs to send, the subscriber is bound to pay for it if he takes it out of the post-office. This proeecds upon the ground that a man must pay for what he uses. 5. The courts have decided that refusing Velvet and Felt Hats, trimmed to take newspapers and periodicals from and untrimmed, from 25c. UP. Come and look at the bargains fuses w ray for it. I am offering before buying elsewhere. lMBS. HEELEY. the post-office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is primd facie evidence of intentional fraud. ' 3‘ The latest postal laws are such that newspaper publishers can arrest any one for fraud who takes a paper and re- l’nder this law the man who allow: his subscription to run along for some time unpaid, and then. orders it discontinued, or orders the post- master to mark it -' refused,” and have a postal card st-nl notifying the publishers, lays himself liable to arrest and fine, the am: as for theft. Shades. S- ‘ umrah for the i i olidays 2 Just opened out at Nevison’s Bazaar, one of the most com» mouldings a. specialty. plete stocks ever brought. into Feuelon Falls, consisting of' Christmas and New Year's Cards, Stationery and Toilet. Arti- cles, a fine line of Books suitable for presents, Toys of all kinds, Pipes, Purses, Pictures and Perfumery, Dolls of all des- criptions and sizes, Musical Instruments, a fine assortment of Watches, \Vedding Rings and other Jewelry, Fancy China- ware and GInSs‘ware, Vases, Bedroom and Toilet. Sets, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Dressing and Shaving Cases, Smokers” Sets, Writing Desks and Work Boxes, Wall Paper and Window Pictures f‘nmed to order in all the newest styles of‘ NEVISON- WE ARE? AFTER Your t ‘ade, and if you look carefully through this list you wil} feel that we have taken the right step to secure it. Compare our prices with other stores or with any catalogue of. prices that may have been sent you. 34-inch Factory Cotton (nice round thread. smooth finish) for .. Beautiful Flnnnclcties in good neat. patteriis . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . See our regular 10c. Flunncilctte (32 inches wide) going at. 25-inch Grey Flannels (good thing to wear) . . .... . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. 25-inch “ “ pure all wool, light and dark, plain and twill .. Pure all wool Factory Flannel, 27 inch, nice neat pattern . .. Very heavy Cnnton Flannel, good warm nap . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . Fast Color Cotton Shirtings, nice pattern . .. ... . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. Fancy Plaid Dress Ginghams, new designs . Good Heavy Feather Ticking . . . . .. Stocks of Fast Color English Prints ...... ...... American Cotton Butts, free from dirt, at four for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Big drive in Cottonnde, suitable for boys‘ wear; .. .. . . . .. . ... . . .. . . .. New winter weight in Twecds, a big drive 58-inch Table Linen, cream laid .......... .... .... 36 Apron Ginghnms, fancy borders . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Fancy Border Towels, 14x28 inches, euch.... ...... .... .... Fancy honey-comb Towels, 20 x 48 inches, each . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. Purc. Linen Towels, fancy check, 13 x 26, per dozen. . . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . 54-inch Mantle Cloths, all shades .... ...... .... . 54-inch Heavy Beaver Mantle Cloths . . . . .. Children’s Coatings in ciderdowns 40-inch Tweed Dress Goods, beautiful combinations of colors. . . . . . Nobby Plaid Dress Goods, just the thing for school dresses . . .. ... ... 36-inch ALL tvoor. Serge Dress Goods, 33 shades 40-inch ALL WOOL Black Cashmere, a bargain Ladics’ Winter Cashmere Gloves, very fine See our Ladies’ Wonder Hose (seamless) .. .. . . .. . ... .. .. Ladics’ Winter Under-vests, long sleeves... .... .... .... .... Children’s Winter Undervests, long. sleeves . . . . .. . .. . .. Ladies’ Swell Jackets, this season’s importation . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. Beautiful Lace Curtains, bound edge, cream or white . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . Table Oilcloth, 1} yards wide, new pattern confined to us. . . . .. . .. . .. Men’s and Boys’ white unluundercd Shirts, linen bosom .. . . .. . . .. . . .. Men’s Winter Shirts and Drawers, shirts double-breasted . . . . .. Men’s Flanneleitc Shirts, collars attached . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . Men’s putc all wool Socks, white heels and toes, henvy.. .. .... . .. . . .. Men’s strong elastic Braces, very long...... ...... 1,000 Men's and Boys’ Caps, bought at a. big sacrifice . . . . .. Boys’ and girls’ School Cups for three prices, 15, 12:} and .... Men's long Wool Shirts, good and warm. for the woods . . . . . . . Men’s all wool Cardigan Jackets, a‘ snap: See cttr Jumbo white Bed-spread . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Colored Wool Bed Blankets, 54 x . White Wool Bed Blankets, 54 x 76 “...... .......,...... .... .... Job lot of Ladies’ Jackets, small sleeves, to close at...... Black Velveteens, good silk finish ............. ...... ...- Coiored Velveteens, very rich finish . . . . . . . . ...‘L. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. Canadian. Factory Yarns, all shades, per lb. . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . “ Fingering Yarns, 5c. pen 91min. By the 11‘). . .. . . .. ... . . .. Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose, d'oublev heels and toes . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . Men’s Hbavy all wool Mitts, double.... ...... ...... .... Boys’ Short Pants, linedLnll through . .... ... .... . ..... . ... Men’s Serge Pants, well made and trimmed ... ... Men’s very strong wool Tweed Pants, 313- pairs . . . . ... . . .. . ... . . . . .. Men’s Navy and Black Serge Suits, single and double breasted . . . . .. Big drive in Children’s two-piece Suits, size 22' to 28, for. . .. . ... . . .. u u “ Boys’ (A u u 22 to 32, for............ Men’s black Waterproof Coats, all sizes....... .... ...... Men’s double breasted all wool Frieze Ulsters, tweed lined, half belt, muff pockets, tab for throat, full standard length.... Boys’ Overcoats at all prices, $5, $4, $3.50, $2.50 and. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. Men’s four-button all wool .... . Suits, Italian lined, neat pattern E‘orse Blankets, shaped and strapped-.... ...... ...... .... .... Bed Comforters, 68 x 72 .... ...... ...... .... 2} Bushel Grain Bags, Eagle brand, seamless, 16 ounce, 3 ply, per doz. New Brunswick Cotton Yarn, fivepouuds for.......... ...... ...-nun ...-once. ...-u. cocoa. acoww-o-oo Ind. IIOO‘I“ local-Algal... lIcconIOIDonol coo-OCOIUOIIOIoo'. one... ...oooooounl-glo cocoon-Oncollco. Coo-c. ottocooouooloooooo-osorc ogre-4 one... tococlooltottc .... ...-~- 03 cents 0.3 07 10 15 23 08 05 05 08 05- 25 12} 23 24 10 02} on 50 75 1 00 50 20 10 25 33. 16 10‘ 15 10 3 50 29 25 29 25 17 10 12 25 10 45 75 1 00 25 l 95 50 20 35 46 65 25 25 25 7G 00 75 25 76 50 â€" Hut-How w 95 2 00 4 50 50 1 25 2.40 90 Our space will not permit us to enumerate a larger price list, but we have HUNDREDS of untold bat-gains waiting for you. We have this season laid in the best assorted stock ever shown in Lindsay, and at prices that will make it move out quickly. Try us with a letter order. OPPOSITE ONTARIO BANK. Furniture, Money refunded if not satisfactory. CARTER, ' " ' LINDSAY. Doors, Sash, -â€"â€"ANDâ€"-â€"-â€" UNDERTAKING, -â€"â€"â€"ATâ€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" FRANCIS ST. WEST, FENELON FALLS. W. M‘Keown’é,,

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