Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 Dec 1896, p. 3

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LA, A NEW COMPETITOR. (‘blna flnnulncturrs ('41:! and l'nseus 1hr American Article. China has thrown down the gaunt- let. to (he blg coal miners of the United States. An American bark recently brought to the Pacific Coast a mixed sample cargo of anthracite and manu- factured coal, mined and made in the Tonqmn district. t is intended to push the Chinesv fuel at prices greatly be- low those which Pennsylvania and Welsh coals of the same character are HEREIS ONLY on: sun: WAY V‘: known to medical : HSTHE; M E ., men for prompt- 3‘ ~’~ ly checking " Of Year “ -- 5 troubles of the i. when men .. kidneys and re- ? storing these great and women '- organs to health become weak-‘ HIS “ and strength, and ' that is by the use of . _._-_.____.... s. LUMBEBING ON THE OTTAWA A LIFE OF GREAT HARDSEIP AND EXPOSURE.‘ River Drivers Often W'aist Deep in Icy W'atersâ€"Pain-Racked Bodies the Fro. quent Outcomeâ€"Only the Most Roâ€" bust Can Stand This \Yeary Round 0f Toil From the Ottawa Free Press: Only those who have en aged in the arduous occupation of lum ermg know how dearly earned is their livelihood, for among the many vocations of men that of lumberman ranks among the comes when healthy babies wake in the morning and t laugh. A share of - those dim as are made byScott’s Emulsion. Half the cod-liver oil, Le. Scott’s Emulsion, is taken by babies. .It makes them happy 13 cushion- ing out their little bodies and making t car com- fortable. Dimples are health. Did you ever see lesPatotxxxowwwwI of Dimples asi bah with them professional beauties, but they Accepan subsumm don't bathe and brush with sufficient ,~ - Hz: energy and. they achieve only transient results. When Lily Langtry stepped QUITE A DISFINC FION. into professional life from society ranks \Vhat is the difference between avis- she told a friend that it was all rub- it and 8- ViSthion? , -. - . a .1 Well, when your pretty young Sister bbh’ mus “Mk about her mauelous comes to see us, that is a visit. \Vhen ‘ sist upon having it. or 7 n from the above named remedy, and _ ""“ were using it yet with the firm hope infiiii‘étin‘ii’ifiinfi and almost certainty that in the near International Patent Bureau, 12 Melinda 83.. future all the painful effects would. T°T°nt°- LONG“ experience. Lowestrutog disappear. Others told 1110 that “my E‘f‘ii‘niiof‘oiigf'mfieiifob‘ii‘fzfilgr“ ' " now bringing. Experts haVe pronounc- . . . W- _ _ . .. .. . . -, . . - _ _ most do erous and difficult. There is . i - . ~ ,- ed the lonqutn coa. bed practicad) the weath the heat}? shanty labor from earliest E lugcglhlgofilggki‘smigrrsgcrggbiégltfid exhaustible. The manufactured coal 1:: er and run dawn to evening star. when the toners 3,5“ “wromnm “0,10,,”me g entirely new to American markets- It d ’ .~ It h t d the fol:1 hfalf £3110 yeadr ishmmtaatelfrom hams - a. G. Mills. RA.â€"A. Milkâ€"J33. Hales. 1.1.3 - . v - ‘ it 00 an men s, an w 058 iy roun is uâ€"a V is made by the Chinese natives from 0wn_ gener .., 35.5 c. . _ “Hun-n ER PAan we hub 1 0031. dust. The dust is mixed “P JUL” ally. .. The L “St gatzme'gfjgfi fingfinaggca‘sfiggfil“gfmsgse‘épafgg (3)3: Father Groulx. of the Arch- P313”, quilt; only sold in lots to sun i.‘Sééhllflili‘ifitlis"‘l~§§’l’l’i“:§.‘i..ll; firstparts that = as... side world through a long looked for bishov's Palace. Ottawa. sun“ M a “u m» l ' '5.“ I ‘ i - ‘ ‘ '. ‘ t . ' letter from some loved one far away. -â€"- __ “mf‘fl‘ “"515 c‘fi“"‘”‘fi’n* “limes-3ft; the weather ed minions 0‘ suf‘ Then the days lengthen, the frozen cnnrxplns '1“) THE VALUE . . . gum... h... ?““"“’Ti‘,.‘9” $531303? is u} be fi' h ferel's ‘0 health; lake breaks up, and comes the driving â€"-d ‘ mutilptgl olffiihp figesitlllgggfiiy mv-h' equal to the a CCtS are t e r it has done what of logs anfd hewn timbeér down tlhe tort- of The Remarkable Medicine, Ryek- no (“cw’lm - . ' . .‘_- ‘ - . - ’ - , uous swi t runnin s ream, w en ncâ€" , HEY AT LOW RATES b 1'. to best. American or British Loan, “)lriilég kidneys. The ‘ zgjerneggergggfi cessity often mus gum driver to Wilde mans Kootenay Cure. w. n LONG. Elma”. onxfigplgéx fiufi‘gnblfifiofimpgfififgflfi Sate: en- urea 15 not ~1- before.“ has made body deep in the swift flowing, icy wa- Archbishop-s 1331308, 23an 8t. E..'1‘oronto. "'va xiii and Welsh anthracite for th 0 n off men stronger and tMS' - None but the Strong can en' Ottawa, Canada. Nov. 8. 1895- WANTED_L_l-u or Womw. in new Town and m”. ‘ I . . .‘ ~v- b0 t $133 I W ’ . . gage m such heavy labor, only the most Mr, 5, s_ Ryckmzm m, R city. to um a Kid (non moi house use are no“ be”qu at a u b ' ‘ f d ‘- healthier; ‘t has robust are abhe to Stand the ten hours Hamn'ton on't tad Cleaning Works at Home. No experience requi ‘On- The Tomluln “320‘ “30 game “t 15 one - made -- women of daily toil, with butamid-days hour's M D . ' l ,, messages 2331'; w“°°“°““"““‘* flfggea‘fgg": 533’“,§.%i~%‘v.fofiqu§§°anffii back upon the . brighter egdtha - resplte£hSuch (it: grief; is the tgfeo‘gf witg yourr filial“ logisting 38111126; °NTARI° DYE w0'1?”- Tmoxwm 0“ - -' ‘ v > ; .. 1 s an 5 many ousan a orers in e - . _ ' . racite steam con. can be quoted at at nd dls- 9‘" . - than twenty-sin persons.o.f different 1 least 81 aton under the present price lungs'a 1 : alorieun alllD these tawa valley. and among' the many is ages and conditions, residing in our ' . Tnv of welsh coal of that grade. ease resu A it 3,333 ,I Z / 7; fl,” cit ,diwho hadtIused tlIiJe medicine cellilevd h __ g. _ gr}, ’/ '/ I " o ‘enay e." pon my mo '1‘ . , S HERE'S To BEAURY. caused by . be Wise for you to r /%I,: A, I some_mformed me that. after suffering g . - weakness 0i , use It and thus V4727; 49' g //I/ (I atrociouslry for many years from Rheu- lhere are many domesm “vomen Who . f. avoid the dangers .7/J/f z [é ,1/4,’/ ’5 matlsm' under one forl'n or anothgr; 3.6T. W.Stnlnped on each Drop. have the hair and complexion to make the kidneys. -; of the season? In, .â€" ,-/¢///./,t/yflv , they had obtained considerame when w___q~‘ ‘ ' , //,’. ' ’_./ ' ' ‘ l 4 4 4 4 4 had been cured completely, felt"no more pain could digest perfectly, slee .. ‘ 9,er >1. 3.: ~ '3' :‘:.:.- . soundlly, had r ined their lost weigh . so much. so tha they could be said to have been resuscitated and to have beauty. “It is because I understood so \ m s _. much better than the women around mil-11131.31???“ and Stays 3' month“ “.251. ,, _ WWI/ ('27.'1,-"r:‘ been transformed into new man. I met? I filed ‘5)“ ii.” of kclspl'ngifmi’ gogg‘egg‘in m 8' “a a “mi 5 ' ’ (’qu ' ‘ with five cases'of Skin Diseases. Where y igure. ow 0 A Y ‘\ ////o 1% the medicine had produced wonder-~ learn to actl” . Thomas Dobie, of 130 Head street Chau- ful results, es ecially in one case of In £11058 days 017831115 were 1088 abund' diere, who for twelve ion yea’rs has at least nine yIdars standing. In sev-. ant than now. But Langtry kept: her r (J wrought for the great lum r king, J. Wages of Rheumatism and ParalySis, I complexion wtth milk and massage, and IL Booth, shanty'mg in the snowy nor- eminent; physicians, after careful; study her white hands. With soap and lemon them forests, and lifting three inch had pronounced the cases incurable. As juice, and her figure Wth (mid water ' deal during the summer heats, I It is Rheumatism is such a, . common ailâ€" ' i “ ‘ " . baths. Home women shudder at the If Pure, You are safe_0thérwise You not, t9 be wondered at, that in 1113 long meat, and as doctors have always such] TORONTOâ€"Gerrard and Yong. at." thought of the 0041 dJP- U193! ,0-1‘8 (1011' Ar in P I“ experience and great exposure he difficulty in overcoming it, I think it. 9170- tholnteat and best course. of mun... . cute from cuddling and Sitting and ‘ e e ' should contract a severe. cold that m is quite proper to make known such} 1“ 1“ °°mm°Pclahahorthand and Pen '4 worr and pie. But let them cycle and W" time took rmanent lo - in in the re- aremark ixle medicine to or, suffer- '““"‘"’ °°Pflim°ntm 23 Btndentlaalist- . Bgtrolhizc the cold dip and they will soon THE KIDNEYS ALONE pe dg g a Do gagmmomm 81! Weeks. Gehnpamoul gion of his loins and kidneys. Like many ing humanity. i am pleased to have mg to, New Prospectus Monuont strong and handsome. Beauty lies . W“ others he thou hi; to work it off but the occasi n of recommendin. it to the pa . Ad so 6105,: to the skin that women. ate Purify the Bloodâ€"No other Organ Can in vain. Soong the pains in thé re_ pubmc ofothe Capital. 3 W finding out every day how easy It 15 â€"D0dd'3 Kidney P1113 H619 and gion of the kidneys became so intense “fishing you further success in your to be handsomev and that is Why there Heal the Kidneys \Vhen Weak and that Labor was a. torture to him, and undertakings, believe me, sir. run . 1 . are twenty "beauties" now to one of SGML it was only‘ the indomitable courage, Yours respectfumY- ‘ s M U G G I E R . born. of a knowledge that othâ€" (Signed) EUGENE GROULX, Pr. ‘ twenty years ago. 15 3’0!“ 1’100‘1 PumV I lers‘ were dependent. upon him, , , ' v ‘ If it is, you are fit for all the duties' that urged {him to pursue his , G . I , , ’lllE BESl‘ REMI.DY FOR CORNS and. en Joyments of life, your eyes Willi weary round of daily toil. Every sudden gassfigflff'rfggf Aiglfz Fully Paid-up Shares, only 25¢. each, in Is Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. be brlght and your t11011811” Cheerful- movement of the body wasas a. thorny ijme_nerve pain cure_penetrates to buck. “nonuuhanolm hm,de "m." GOLD MINING AND MILLING COJ‘LTD. to all who have tried it. Fancy get- Strong nerves: and your heart Will beatl stin . Added to this was an unusual ,. . . . ting rid of painful coma in twenty- as regular as 3- 0100k- andgexcessive sweating which necessi- repo‘e’?‘ and. affords- rwlef valm- 05‘: m." d.°p'fhnd “1”???” R‘S'mm t°'t'.ah°"‘“$ four hours. “Putnam's” does it. . If impure your blood will carry its stantxy. 'l-he whole ran-“go of .medi- fig; a?" 52%;:1110. P332215)! “1:113:35!‘ Iii ,mpurnles along to every nerve, ussue' cine affords no parallel to Nervtline as MAmmm My. 3‘ View,“ Street. Torénw' joint. and to every organ of the body ;' 3' P3111 mmever- for PROSPECTUS- tated frequent changes of clothing, and which weakened him to such an ex- tent that his appetite was almost en- NOVEL ADVERTISING. A novelty in advortising is shown in a. Scotch church, according to a north- ern paper. _’l‘ho congregation could not pay its minister. To help it; out. of its dilemma- a soap firm offered to pay £120 a year for five years on condition that its advertisement be hung up in front of the gallery in the church. The offer was accepted. . \Vhttt is it makes me hale and stout. And all my friends can’t. make it out, I really could not. live withoutâ€"Briggs' Life Pills. Noel Parfait; the French politician and. author is dead. If you are in doubt when purchasing 8. Cook Stove, Ranige, or Base Burner buy one bearing the we‘ll-known name "Garland" and you Will be sure to get; the very best article that money and ingenuity can make. HE GAZED. it will carry the seeds of disease, deâ€" cay and death. , And there is only one .way. one means by which it can be purified, and at is by healthy kidneys, and‘ by them alone. \\’o are, indeed, fearfully and won- derfully made, but; we are made just right it’ we only know how to keep-so. It does not matter .how these impur- ities come, their effects are inevitable unless the kidneys are doing honest. work twenty-four hours every day. You understand ;â€"there is no other organ. that. can do the work of the kidneys, and like the heart, they must keep right at it, tired or not. But‘thcy are too often overworked by our imprudence in eating and drink- ing , they are disordered by chills, colds, shocks and injuries; and they must be‘5 constantly looked to, and signs of disâ€" tress promptly heeded. ' Then. whenever they'need help. give them the sovereign aid of the scienti- fic discovery embodied in the kidney tirely gone, and eventually but. little food and much water was his daily fare. Many vain efforts were made by Mr. Dobie to free himself from the pains which had fastened themselves upon him, and one medicine after another was used, but. without effect. Life be- ,came a burden, and existence a thing almost undesirable. After many fruit- less efforts he was induced to try Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills. \Vhen three boxes were taken the change in his condi- tion was marvelous, and his own words tare, ” when I had taken six boxes I was a new man and consider the cure i worth hundreds'of dollars." Mr. Dobie. ialthough com lctely cured, continues , taking Pink ills occasionally and is [very enthusiastic in his praises of what I the pills have done for him. Many of Ibis fellow workmen seeing the great ichange wrought. in him by these fam- Ious pills have been led to give them . a trial for other ailments and are unâ€" animous in pronouncing them superior to all other medicines. in McClary’s g, rfifiéafl‘" £~% A tall brick chimney foundry at London fell repaired, but no one was hurt. wh‘ile bein Itching, Burning Skin Disease CURED FOR 35 CENTS. Dr. Agnew's Ointment relieves in one day, cures tetter, salt rheum, piles, scald head, eczema, barbers' itch. ul- cers, blotches and all eruptions of the It: is soothing and quieting, and acts like magic in the cure of all baby 35 cents. A fifteen-pound codfis'h‘, recently ex- amined by the Fish \Varden of'London, was found to have a roe containing 4,872,000 eggs. skin. humors. Shilloh’s Consumption 7"“Cure' It is the leading cures where others faill. Cough Cure, and no ‘home should without it. Pleasant to take and goes right to V the ' spot. Etrutford. Ontario A large. finely-equipped. old-established inm cationâ€"NONI BETTER IN'CANADA. Bad Business Education at Lowest-Possible Con. Graduates aiwa a successful. Write for nothingue. . J. ELLIOTT. Principal- ri‘tishAmerican usiness college confederation Ltd” Llfo aunggigéfln. Affiliated with Imtltute of Chartered Accountants. Send for Handsome Fri-e Pro cctun. ‘ ‘ EDW. TROUT. President. D. H. H( SKINS. 8091 Amongst an Army of Competitors '5 treatment of Dudd's Kidney Pills- Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills act directly ~ ‘ ."‘ - - - ' '-‘ ‘ 3 I ” summing some,wa ncutely from the ""-"T I on the blood and nerves, building them thglgggingeio’]? mugfinreaggegggwiifhgi 5 effects of having 'just previously had IRISH HL MQR- . anew and thus driving disease from the is ’i” Bar am comings ‘ ' M a spear about the. size of a cantor pole _ ’ljraveler (in lreland)_â€"â€"I don't see how system. There is no trouble . due. to g _ ' CEYLON TEAâ€"STANDS SUPREME crowded through him. the knight 13y it is you people keep in such good huâ€" either of these causes which Pink Pills A 'Family. Medicin040ver, twenty Lend Packets only. Black or Mixed. All will not cure and in hundreds of cases t ~ , . . r , G ' Gus, b t I P o is; | 1110078. . . e . h and 0 198 ct r h sor Kened'vs‘ Ba Wide Awake, and Ice Ihnt You Got supine. lnor. As for his triumphant opponent. he lrishlnanâ€"Sure, we do niver have 611- they have restored persons to health Combmnfion Pins or sweet little gram, just stood more, gazing into the knight. ough to ate to get: bilious. after all other remedies had failed. Ask mes are sold yearly in the Dominion of 40"” a 60 mu per Lb. for Dr. \Villiams- Pink Pills and take Canada, which is the best guarantee of, ‘ ,n,‘ a ' \ ‘ ' marvel If ure on will have ood di estiou, , - ,- . - _ . . i Rapld’ pun-m, Its abtwn ls a p y g g I goad th“ made him wmce mad”) Its the irritated nerves, soothes them into This lsadevrlopodolaim, with shaft llOi‘eot 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 HEART’S HEALER. 4 4 nothing else. The genuine are always their quality and the estlmauon, .in. Twmmglx YEARS' Mrs. Hugger, Wife of Capt. Charles enclosed in boxes the wrapper argund, whichme. are held M a {mu mam , ' r , Mugger, of Sydney. 0.13., Got Re- “1310!! mammal?” trade mark DE; cine. Sniau pills small dose; and r, ' i « lief in 30 Minutes 'From Heart‘ Williams, Pmk. Plus for Pale People' sweet. ’ .- .1' Disease of F‘bur Years' Standing. Mal/f be had from "'11 dealers 91' sent . . » . ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ and Declares She Owes Her Life 01‘ 311‘ b.0305 f0? 32-50 b3“- ;lddl‘essmg “10 ' W'P't’ 84" ' - ' Prove the mom of IiOOll'S Sarsapurlllaâ€"posl to Dr. AgnBW‘s Cum For the Post ‘2‘.“4 “Faced”. Of "0 cm,“ “,‘l’i’x , . .. . . 7' ~ { tlvc.perfectpcrmanent Cures. Heart'- ‘ “41mm Medmme CO" BIOCkH 0' - " l . ‘ . . . ' . ' h 1 cures nl Scrotum in scwrcst forms, 5:11: “it affords me great pleasure to .n ' . .W . v I 4 Rheum. uithlntonso itching and burn commend Dr- Agnew's CUT“; [01' ill“ , S l ' ‘ 3m”,1m.m,.h,,ns'pimplcs'cw. {Icartbt l lwas sorely .aéflictteg wilth ' ‘ How's This! - ' . l V cares of Dysm-psla.Rheumatism.(‘atarrlu b3 War,“ “"1 i 6' .300‘30‘1’391" W1. ‘2‘ We offer One Hun red Dollars reward for i . ' toinngmnlmaking rich, red blood, . P.1Il‘.;llla(t)l‘oer} .}l(l)(liirnll‘lg;2i3rllig anyygnse of Cnlarrh but cannot be cured by ~ ; ' i Curesof XcrvmtsncssaudTlmtTiru-lI-‘celilig. iii-aiml- by best. Dhysicidns hand digit Hanscmrnlit‘cdxFBHEVEYSCCO Toledo 0. I ; â€";~‘-L5EG.§USII§AEE IN CANADA- by feeding nerves. muscles and tissues an “memos knmm m mm}, 1 dewr- We, the undoingneé have known F.' J. - - - ln’m‘wwm'T on pure blood. For book of cure: b} mined to ‘ try Dr, Agnew's Cure for! Chernef {01' “10111115915 {OMS-.5115 balm" .“im ‘ ' in. umr. The first .1... gm m. gaggiggggmggmIggsmggztgeaggfi;°.:fi P (gt-“res > 5 great relief inside of thirty minutes “on; mfuiolhyihcirflrlnc.‘ y' m - g , r . SALE y 4 E i used two i()il.95, and lth toâ€"day l | wnsrstt'l‘nuax, Wholesale Drugalste. Toledo, " ' ’l'rnll Creek. lloulnnd. Konlenny.' n. 0.. have been completely cured," Ohio. ,Golil Mlnlmz Hacks "Jo-e." “Mont! = . ' Irr- : 31:23:“.‘3- Tings & ~ - - ‘ - a "2:2: ‘1 . S... w ‘2 U r. _, L 33 _ l " 's ‘. - .‘ .. ' , ornia," " era" an ,‘ . on". .m “ i l. \Cl -(.\1 'thll ‘ . Halls (.ntarrh (,ure is taken internally,act- Form“, :9: Pro‘pM/tu‘ “.th Wm, are“ 0 s a a p a I i ,1 clump iinipatldlt' 31): um; found Fig directglnpon the blood and lmucous four- 4 "application. ‘Any stock .wnntod can yaecurcd. ‘ “w? .113”. "l m“ .5 'P‘P I ‘-”‘.“.“.":"‘h%:; was. slis*l‘;‘:m.:.2:;:...'“- I v ~ = - .rorrnroemmm-o ~ M d dd ‘ ‘ [flotilla].-. an ‘ : llfl. )OJ mtg l; .c-as . - A pretty colored picturo . n A. “:- Roa‘q 8500.. p . _.___.___“ ‘ “’5‘”:‘~"~"“‘i:-}’°wf‘"'“”' “m” “ "‘me '“ 50‘" "“”'~“‘5- i "â€"-' for every 12 “Sunlight” or ‘ 4K1n~SrcctEMt Tomato. . ). aretfibost alter-time. .‘um‘fi. ‘Pr"l)".““"”‘“‘l _S""”'t ram?“ You" 3 George Meredith, it is said, presents 8. every 6 “I, ifebuoy" sggp ! a V ' HOOd S i ills pills. aid digestion. 2.3a. hill- ~" 1 Limit ‘lf lifhullll cont: lib. Hit: ‘ copy of his novels to every servant in ; wrappers; - '7 W. ____..___._-_-_-...... .. ._ u- ...- to th- with: n, H u-t you car In: khls employ. . - , s -‘“‘“”‘ ‘1‘ in" Mndms' I Stop that Cough! 'l‘ake warning. It These pfctures no "on - i e 3" ' ‘1 \V \VD “.1”; IV DIQTRFQS may load to Consumption. A 25c. bol- wprth getting ""umud'my in" “y ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘ the of Shilob's Cure may, save, your life. Addresfl, 5 NEW YORK sTocKS and WflEAT, , . . ' ' . The winnings of the Prince of ‘il'itles . i l v - ‘ . n hrom Chronic “Ciilsrr'hâ€"But Insiali- l on the turf of this year amount to clan-i ' l v ,, a ({L‘nvous liv.;;~lnl‘(l.\lu\vs liiit‘cl‘ll‘h'l side",ij over momma. a p I“flurrooskpertttlzesystedmofcohnlggnl‘ni151:}!in .~ Vixt'on r. .~ 10w: atar- . ~ 2 - - . , . - . , , , ' I ro or r 0nd“? Hoots 0 our on m i I ‘ n m ‘ ' 1‘01” («mtmunn (3&0 hm‘u’fl Cfl-Wifl‘ , ’ Ind earl-aspen lhgly lucrr’aee: the chance. 0 dun h r in: and ': ‘ ‘ ' ' r ‘ .o . _ mitten: vrz-tf‘on: u. :‘f’lp;°‘qt109“,{.“;E‘hi‘..H““'fi'- n Cures Headache. hervoumicss. lamp- limenp nto lus Itxgtusung L 3‘ 'iEons on the l-‘ace, and makes the head tit. ' . , v .. 23 sec“ Toronto 6 Willie termination of the elections in thoStotu . -' P - -_ ~ ",-"l\n, . . "flukw‘mmw‘n rh" ' mu!” “m " ‘\’ g ' ’i the Root flea, the great Band, Purifier“ i i in favor of mind Currency nmkuu the pin-wont tempting to no relief _ , , nu let» this n'houi .udy Almuii 1303-01? X0“ C311 Rev 69.“. as a bum ‘ _ y , ' fin!»unusuallyfavomblefuroperating. Every- MILES (08m) “0‘ 11‘,ng It. - ‘ i , . ' I . ~ ‘ BOOK lhmgu booming, andalivelyinarketlslookcd an?“ “"999'm- Rm. Dr Bum.” of P, “1.0 _ i - Anout .a year ago Ben Reed. u Cm- s I BOOK I I fot'from now until Citrietlmw. . am“, "9513 ‘f’ ,, ' ‘ .. ‘ 7“ , H ‘ ‘ » 5335' cngo policeman, bought a small intern" not)“ W Sum- of :20, 5‘14). $39.1an upward». Invested ,,~ , um. Anti to la {\Iv wale and l were, .1011: trouhmd ’ . - C - v - r n _ lbrovnzhu- rc'urnlaruoxirwas. saunas row-nix .- s -. - .. , 0st. in a ripp.e Creek mine. how he: ‘10.}! Stamina Worn. tumult-1:97? , H I -, , I, _ . v “a w“ “m a“ all-) distressing Latarrh.’ but “a have is n mvuonaue‘ v CHOICE my... 1;, pumcuim. J. I. Mt . ,1"--;!‘dJH-tll_l\‘crtIva-ll. tommoldzn'hcuon 4 and iniarkfhummz; enjoy‘ed fixetltixgi {{om the? aggravath l fl. ‘ . _ “y 01.9140.33R:.»;hmon.iw.roronvo 5‘ v,‘?"f‘f‘,d"‘-"lfi")f;‘."fl‘ f"?"f,"-,‘j:tir§m,‘mui m ( n- mainly since a! may. we irst used r. , . o - . â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€" ~-â€" ' ' Auditahvowl 3.07525 lime};ngifz'wiru. gUBHEL‘TAIB'LJ.O£:: Agnowna (Vitamin: powder. "5 at”. W HAT DR. A. E. SALTER SA ‘. S. Avjlgug (“151,193. _Engiisfiix refine}: and 3?.,iz_,r;’,..a. ‘7‘.“ may; unpumm, 4,0,,“ . ‘ . tion was instantaneous giving the Buffalo N.Y.â€"â€"Gent¢'â€"From an arâ€" America“ {‘73 mind" ' ’5” ° gm“. “"3”: ‘ â€"”‘“‘“‘ “'3' v . ' [allotth Mt. . ,. .' . . . ' , .“ . y l‘." . - » ‘, ct. 1-" L’.» , if :..- : . -i b at“ wuigomioyeoro most gratefu. relief angina ten filln' 5min. know.edge. gained in olxwrvmg :‘or‘ghfo pr‘w' Pad“ “'“kwcu 5 (0' 816311122 Zilfzriizfngufo; l‘fi‘fidfiw’ m cam 1” rs 8P]? g'sA. 5.6‘.":1ESIL:SB Lon ,“ lites after first app'Jcatlon. “o con- the effect of Your Shifnh's Cure in cases "m -‘ ' .. * > , ” -~ l‘lf'r. tr: 02.1 rzlé/bl’u'u. I’mnv‘zl 0’- r-z-d “HI/lam . at: L, cc. 1‘ u ‘2 nLutoM‘ .1 ‘ _ ‘ .. . . . .‘u:,. _ '- "2- _v i“ w 22:" ~' ‘ “'-, » ‘ . cw n'. '13:) 0.5.14“. 2 LIV-l Z-h x, '1“ L,“ "Hat “Mann-dunn- lt a go island to httinianity. and of advamed tCoast'irnp..ori, I am‘ p‘rgh ,gwoooapuororENth‘.“ and" WIN,“ mum I.” I,“ ,m‘ e, um gnu“; r, paging“ "won"; mm“;- «smfe that no LJN‘. can mum chnmic plant to say it, is 1.»: runs. l’PBJflY‘KIH!.B .- l 3 ~ ~ ' -~' _ ' ornit'uns. uminnuuprlim or ‘lll‘a‘ll..y smitlil that it will not iui- lil'llifliy that has erm- ivofl brought in " . i . ml BONITA!" mvramzur M20 7308700., :ne'. ‘ilt‘.)' re.tcve and permanently my ;.':en:zun. It has mrtaln.‘y saved ,_ ,V I 3,; rgou,m..gw.,w, a K,“ a; warm»... “my .many from Consumption.

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