Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Mar 1900, p. 5

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l t l l a l 'rm‘nmuwxsc . _w t « 1:; v .t -... u - -. y .. will belfiutd'at the residence of Mr. George Brooks, lot 31, con. 5, Verulam. (Bury’s Green,) on the evening of Tues- day next, March 6th. A 'first-class programme will be provided, consisting of vocal and instrumental music and various games. Good accommodation for teams. Admission 15 cents to those without baskets. Everybody welcome. METHODIST CHURCH Norss.â€"Evan~ L'Ollst Hill is a powerful preacher, a very patient exhortcr, and sings the gospel of God’s love right to the hearts of his hearers. The meetings are well attend- ed. and quiet, thoughtful and earnest work for eternity is the object. and not the making of sectarians. All are wel- come. Next week may be Mr. Hill's last week. Let all come and welcome. The subject on Sabbath evening will be “ The Story of My Conversion." GOOD ROADSâ€"We direct the atten- tion of our readers, especially farmers, to the report. on page 8 of the deputa- tion ofth‘e Victoria county council to the Good Roads convention held at T0- ronto in December last, and we hope it will be. acted upon. as our leading roads are anything but what they ought to be. G 0d roads are costly, we know; but the money spent upon them is well in- vested and pays big interest in the sav- ing of wear and tear of horses, vehicles end harness, to say nothing of comfort and convenience in travelling. CURLING.â€"Two rinks of Lindsay curlers came to the Falls and played a friendly game with a local eight.“ After a close game of 16 ends the home team pulled out three shots up. The following were the players: Lindsay. Fenelon Falls B. J Gough. J. Twomev, '1‘. Blackwell, W. Davey, ’1‘. Brodie, J. Robson, J. W. Anderson, skip.l1 J.Brandon, sk. 14 A. Fisher, G. H. McGee, 3. T. Petty, E. G. Hand, Rev. J. W. Macmillan, '1‘. Sadler, Dr. McAlpine, skip. . . . 17 T. Graham, sk. 17 ,‘ 28 31 A COLD SNARâ€"Last Sunday, Mon- - ' day and '-Tuesday were, if we are not mistaken, the coldest three consecutive days this winter, our own thermometer dropping to 32 degrees below zero, and one or two others in more exposed situa- tions going a little lower. Tuesday was the coldest day, but it was calm, and not so hard on people out of doors as Monday, when a keen wind was . blowing, making it necessary to be thoughtful of the condition of one’s nose and cars. We have noticed for years that thereis almost invariably an in- tensely cold snap at the end of Februâ€" ary, which appears to~be the “ last dying kick ” of winter. after which the wea- ther gradually grows milder, as we hope it will do from this out. Moonv's REMARKABLE Liraâ€"We have received a book of much impor- trnce at the present time from the Poole Publishing Company, Toronto, “ The life of D. L. Moody.” The book is at- tractive, and is well printed on good white paper. Thirty-three illustrations embellish its pages, covering the out- standing‘ features in Mr. Moody’s career, home life and religious experience. Its circulation will probably be very-large, as Mr. Moody had a powerful influence in Canada, was known here quite as well as across the line. and his was a potent name in thousands of Christian households. The book is published at 2?) cents in heavy paper cover. or 50 ‘ cents bound in cloth, is for sale at all bookstores, or will be sent postpaid by the publishers on receipt of price. Ev- erybody will want to read the story of the life work of this remarkabie man. l’aRaI.YZED.-â€" Last TueSday fore- noon Mr. Nathan Day, of Lakcview farm, Fenclon, sent a lad to the Falls, ' a distance of about four miles, with three-quarters of a cord of pine wood to be delivered at the chemical Works. A great deal of snow having fallen, the chief object in sending the sleigh to town was to break the road, and the load was a mere nothing to the team of large handsome grade Percheron mares that drew it. While crossing the iron bridge over the falls, the driver noticed that the ninth more was sick, but thought she would be able to go as far as the chemical works, in which he was mis- taken. for she gave not entirely when. opposite Mr. Lansfieltl’s house on Bond street. Unhitching the train, the driver started with them for the House stable; but oppI-site Dr. Gra- ham’s, on Francis street, the sick animal fell and was unable to rise again. though she made several attempts to do so. A knot of personsâ€"horse. experts and othersâ€" soon gathered, and, after acou- sultation, the equine patient was put on to a sleigh, drawn to Mr. Aldous’s stable and transferred to a box stall, where Dr. Mason is attending her. She is eight years old, three quarters Perch- eron and weighs about 1,600 pounds. lllr. Dav says that he was offered $275 for hot: and her mate, which, being only half Percheron, is far the less valuable of thetwo. The sick mare is believed to be sufl‘ering from paralysis of the spine, to which, it seems, horses Mansion ' The Universal Favorite Noxon Disc Harrow, (OUT-THROW ) ‘ The only Disc Harrow that has adjustable pressure springs. This feature: is in- valuable on hard or uneven ground. ~ bleach Nov Sectional Spring Tooth (rtrrsn WITH GRAIN AND enass sowme‘ armors- Musrs Ir Dssmnn,) with reversible points, also thistle cutters if ordered. The lightest draft, best working and most‘ easily operated cultivator manufactured. The teeth work directly under the axle and within the wheel- line; has the New Spring Lift. THE CELEBRATED Steel Hoosier Springalilrgssure. Our'old reliable HOOSIER Drills are so , well and favorably known that they speak for themselves. There are now over 60,000 in use among the farmers of this country. are manufacturing for the coming season. In addition to the above we call speeia Binder and No. 14 Oxford Clipper also-our patent Spring and Spike Tooth Eat It will amply repay all intending purchasers to see 1 attention to our New Victoria Front-cut Mower, rows- and Friction and Ratchet Dump Rakes. our lines before placing their orders elsewhere. Send for our New 1900 Catalogue- THE NOXON 00., Lil, Ingersoll, Ont. ______________________________â€"â€"â€"â€" that have been allowed to remain idle for a few days, after being worked hard and well fed, are peculiarly liable. We are glad to hear that both Mr. Day and Doctor Mason have hopes of her recovery. Mr. Dav wishes us to thank, in his name, all who helped to take the sick animal to the hotel stable. DIED. SMXTHERAM.â€"In the township of Fenelon on Saturday, February 24th, 1900, Mrs. William Smitheram,aged 66 years,8 months and 20 days. VAncos.â€"oln the township of Pension on -. Monday, February 26th, 1900, John Varcoe, aged 90 years. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill 00. Fenelon Falls, Friday, March 2nd 1900' Wheat.Scotch or Fife‘.... 66 to 68 Wheat, fall, perbushel.... 65 67 Wheat, spring .... 65 67 Barley, per bushel. ... . . .. 35 38 Buckwheat “ . ... . . . . 40 45 Oats, “ .... .... 26 27 Pease, ‘ .... 57 59 Rye, “ ........ 47 48 Potatoes, “ .... 25 30 Butter,per lb............ 18 20 Eggs, per doaen...... 15 16 Har,perton......:...... 5.00 650 'Hides ..... . . . . . .. ...... 6.50 7-50 Hogs (live) .. 4.50 5.00 Hogs (Dressed) ...... .. .. 5.00 5-25 Beef . . . . . . 4.50 5.00 Sheepskins . . . . . . . . 50 90 Wool ........ . . . . . . 16- 1-8 Flour, Silver Leaf ...... .. 1.90 2.10 Flour, Victoria 1.80 2.00 Flour, Family, Clipper.... 1.60 1.80 Bran, per 100 lbs . . . . . . .. . 70 80 Shorts, “ “ . . . . . . . . . 80 90 Mixed Chop “ 90 1-00 ANAD prCI'F-Ic , -.Y. One-Way Excursions To Manitoba and the Canadian North- West will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during March and April. Passengers, travelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 2 p. m. Passengers travelling with Live Stuck should take the train leaving Toronto at 9 p. m. Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. For full particulars and copy of “ Setâ€" tlers' Guide ” apply to any Canadian Pa- cific Agent, or to A. H NOTMAN, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent, lKing..St. East - - Toronto. Dr. T. P. McCULLOUGH, Specialist, EYE, EAR. NOSE and THROAT. Will visit Simpson House, Lindsay, every Wednesday. Hours, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Consultations, eye, ear, nose and throat. Peterborough, corner George and Murray WATGHES. The proof of a good watch is in the using of it. Our customers have had over twenty years’ experience in the kind of watches we sell. Watches have to be taken pretty much on trustâ€"â€"your safeguard lies in buying where you have confidence and where your dealer has will and ability, to make you satisfied. It does not pay to buy cheap watches -â€"that is, cheap in quality. We can sell good watches at such reasonable prices nowadays that you can afford to buy one that will give satisfaction. If you need one, come and see what we have to show you, and get our prices. Repairing sent by mail promptly at- tended to, and all work guaranteed. Britten Bros, OPTICIANS, J EWELLERS: LI N DSAY . ssreets. snooun mvusrou coum' --0F THEâ€" County of Victoria. l‘he next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, ON MONDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1900, commencing at 1 o’clock in the afternoon- Thursday, April 12th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before April 7th. S. NEVISON, E. D . HAND, Bailiff. Clerk Feunlon Falls, Jan’y 18th, 1900. Good Furniture Is always cheap furniture in the long run. Looks better. Wears better. Gives better satisfaction. I have the best and largest stock of furniture of all kinds," from the best _ manufacturers in the provmee, _ consisting of "ELâ€"DINING ROOM FURNITURE . ~BEDROOM SETS To Montreal or New York for choice patterns or low prices in WALL PAPER. We have them here now for your selection. coonwm’s, unusav, NEXT 'ro SIMPSON HOUSE. wEASY CHAIRS, â€"ROCKERS, ~LOUNGES, â€"SlDEBOARDS, ., â€"SPRING'S AND MATTRASSES, -â€"KITCHEN FURNITURE (all kinds,) and prices are away down. ordered ,Work promptly attended to. Repairing and all W Undertaking in all its branches. L. DEYMAN. Cultivator, ‘ Something far A Farmers to Read. I have lately secured? the agency at Fenelon Falls for the celebrated. ‘ Massey-Horns Farm Implements, Verity P10vs,_Boin Waggon, Etc. and have now on hand a full stock of machines and repalrs of all kinds. Take a. look over your seeders, drills, barrows, plows, etc, and If any repairs- are needed, Come and. Get Them befbre the rush of spring work commences; A complete stock of hardware and tinware always: on hand. GEO. McC-iEE, The erasartnaszstss’... FURNITURE, DOORS, SASH, â€"-AND ~ "i UNDERTAKING,“ W. M‘Keomn’s, FRANCiS ST. WEST, FENELON FALLS. NEW SPRING . HATS. A complete new stock of all the latest styles just opened out AT The" Bed Store. Come and take a look at them. You , will be sure to find What you-want. ii w. consortia. The Re (1 Store. Does * Your Sleigh - ' need repairing? If so, bring it to S. S. Gainer’s shop on Francis St. and have it done before you want to use it. Or if you require new sleighs. leave your order with him now, so as to have them when sleighing commences. __ _,..,__..._._maa. , . .. 1‘. ...._- v .--.... -4. .1 .., l‘ . i ‘. 3 _. .4 x . l. i. .. r1. '5‘; I.‘ ,,. 5. , ,,. .5." e .r T I ' ' t , . ~.«‘)»M‘m'~'p I . " h r i ‘h ' 1. -, - ~ «MUM _ . 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