Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Mar 1900, p. 10

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. .. A " : ‘\â€"o ' ' I RKETS. m P ssuon. FENELON FALLS MA . The H I "9 a Reported by the North Star Roller Mill C'o. “ Morse Jim." said « the old colored Fenelon Falls, Friday, Feb. 23rd, 19 00 citizen, ‘.‘ dc rheumatism got me. on do Wheat,Scotch or Fife 66 to 68 13 um c T o SOCIETIES. msrou N0. 23 soxs or TEMPE“: sz' ‘ GREAT mums « ‘ ' ' - 11 bu'hél-ui 65 67 once meet in the Orange hall every Wtds docmr 8.? my ".me laughonbii yams $322: Stirring“ .... .... 65 67 P d nesday evening (It-8 o’clock. W P tor ax a. over er you” arse - g b abolflflun ~ 35 33 .. . I , ~ -, ’ D (loom), . .. “ All right. I'll do any thing I can for ggfiigfifu u H“ H . I 40 45 In ‘Vlnter L’Illhnel y fO'I‘ next 10 ays M. WILSON, R_ a you. "\VhIt is It I?" ' . Oats “ .... u... 26 3? _ _ ' . W ‘_‘ _ “ You know dat brand er Watermll- Peas’e, l 5V , 59 g - _ @ NIGHTS or TENTED MACCABEHS lion (lat I lalt so well 7" 1 Rye, ” 47 48 ". ‘ 1 Diamond Tent No. 203. Meets in the u Yes ” = ' {Pomtoesy “ u" H" - t . ‘ 'True Blue hall in McArlhnr’s Block on we - e . . .co-Io-oonoo ' . . ‘ I I '1 . “ Morse Jim. w'en I dead en bury I ggggrégfgégenunu H“ - ,4 ,5 I ' I , first and third TuesngALn ‘22:; ronzpnth Wants you tor plant some ’pon top my Ham’per goumm , 5.00 e 50 _ R s l G, W'. Buiéms, .R. X. grave, on w'en time come for ’11!!! “If Hides . 6-50 7-50 ' . .____._____-.-_- ripen I wantsryou ter come dar. DOD t Hogs (live) ...... .. $.35 I - I I a APLE LEAF TRUE BLUE LODGE m, t'otch any knife wi‘d‘: youâ€"don’t cut Hogfs (Dressed) 2.53 5:00 » , » 42. new,“ meetings hem o." ,h. ’uul but tel: 0' fist en bus’ ’um Wide Bee ""3" “"" ' ‘ 2nd and 4th Wednesda in each month. ’ y Sheepskins . . .. 50 9° . , . y open en let de sweet juicegoak “101(1) re}; Wool « 16 18 . Hull m McAruugfs 1,10,“, 1‘ f t . ’l vi tit “arse imâ€" ' l ' ' .. 1.90 2.10 ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' - J. A. Potater .l\. I~‘. iletcol e D. M ,‘i‘f. en 11 t, c , l 3 113335: 32333,???" 1.80. 2.00 W ill take charge of the Dressâ€"makmg . ’ J. stat-m, sensed-em . ~ -,_________ Flour, Family, Clipper.... 1.60 1'33 t - ' g lst Of ___.______ ____ » '- Bran. pet-100 lbs 7° De artment 011 ' 01 a on 16 ANADIAN ORDER or ODDFELLO-Wfl» makes Troume' ‘ Shorts, “ “ ......... 3" 90 p . ' . ' ’l‘rent Valley Lodge No. 71. Meet in ' . h Mixed 0110p .q. ."n ' so 1.00 March. / the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block on , '“WVhy does u’t; Adelaide bring to t 8 _ v > p V p , _ _ . , . _ _ .w H5. 3 . ' . the first and third Mondays in each month. .turkey:?,,'f, demanded the professog, who . _ . . . . . Entrance to roams. .tthUgh Store. W. 1.1mm, N u; ’t’ w ‘iti‘no' carving knife in han . w I ' ' ' ° J. F. Vancon, Sec. ,6“ Noare'spzdh‘se.“"A premonition of im- - v d t h is. in the Apprentlcesi wanted. V pending. trouble hung over the com- The Pr°°f °f “ g°° V“ c v _ . . using of it. Our customers have had pany. ‘ . ' over twenty years’ experience in the . “ Why has Adelaide delayed ?” be kind of watches we sell. . asked. “Is there no‘_ one to, aid. Ade- . watches, have to be man Pretty ; laide ?” No? ' 'Aid delayed ?: All, do much on trustâ€"your safeguard lies in ' ' bu ing where you have confidence and {Egypfglt‘iigigt EgailfigSgutBrkcy’ and whine your dealer has Will and tlblllt ' ' to make you satisfied. ' » ‘l .i I' wonder”, mused one 'Ofthe young" ' It does not pay to buy cheap watches V' er members of‘the group, “ if the egg .41).“; is,' cheap in‘ qualihty. We1 cat; = .. li l this turke was hatched sengood watc es~at suc reaso a. Sign; 13° laid " y prices nowadays that you can afford to o. L. No. 906. MEET IN THE Damon ‘ . hall on Francis St. West on the second . . Tuesday in every month. J. J. Nm'lsou, W. M. J. HI. MARSHALL, Rec-Sec. NDEPENDENTORDERMFORESTERS. Court Phoenix No.182. Meet on the last Monday oi‘ each month, in the Trui Blue hall in .lchrthur’s Block. R. Docnanrv, Chief Ranger. JUST Acumen. ‘ - ' SAMUEL _ g » Th f. ‘0 ed The prob . buy one that will give'satistaction. h t , um, s 6 Pro essor gl‘ an ._ , . ' If on need one come-and see W a p , I ' If able effect of his example" on the rising we 1,3,,“ to show’ you, and get, our OAEOANDIFIIXES NEI?‘?7L!Enb. t generation had never occurred to him. prices; . x I “a ’ e0 3 m e ' H 4 Lâ€"a " .-.. ‘ Repairing sent by maul promptly at- T'rue' Blue hall in McArthnr's Block the first Wednesday in every month. P. C. anosss, header. R. B. Svmssran, Secretary. M ' r. AND A.M., G. R. c. THE SPHY . Lodge No. 406. Meets on the first Wednesday ol'each month,on or before the full of the moon, in the lodge room in Cunningham’s Block. H. H. Gamma, W. M. , Rsv. W. Fauxcozun, Secretary , " I ‘ ' ' t ded to and all work guaranteed. A Warning to Liars. e“ ’ , it What was the happiest moment lof' _ i 1 your life, dear? ” she asked. OPTICIANS’ JEWELLERs, “ It was when you said 1‘ Yes,’ dar- . r ling," he replied. ’ LINDSAY. She sighed and permitted her cheek to rest against his breast for a‘ long 'time. Then she said: . - _“ Harry, do you remember that dia- ‘ : mond ring we looked at in Blazem’s? I iNewFurs, v New Plaid Skirtmgs, , ., Children’s Bonnets, ‘ I MM - 1.L - ' ' I i CHURCHES. was there yesterday, and they had it ' ' t o - ..... still. What a splendid present it would I - p ‘ BAPTIST CHURCHâ€"QUEEN-Sd‘.-â€"m:v $7.7 make i n _ James Fraser, Pastor. Servmo ever After he reached the next room he . ' Sunday morning at 10.30. Sunday'School . every Sunday at 2.30. 9.111. Prayer meet- (:2 ing on ’l‘hursdayevening at 7.30; Minister’s l “Ii Bible-class on Tuesday (fortnightly) at 7.30 l ’l mm M THODIST 'CHURCH’Lâ€" COLBOHN Streetâ€"Rev. R. H. Leitch, Pastor. Sunday service at 10.30 a..m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Epworth -- League of Christian Endeavor, Tuesday } eveningrat 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting on. 'l‘hursdayevening at 7.30. ' .whispcred to himself. a. . ‘ p. “ 'I‘h'at’s always the way. Never told . > Is always cheap furnltule 1n alio in my life withouthaving imme- the long run. Looks better. 'diate music to be sorry for it." Wears better. Gives better *0 ' satisfaction, I have the-best “ever Tool-£9 to mend' and largest stock of furniture A rural schoolmaster had among his of all kinds, virom the .best ' ‘sclmlars three whose ages Were respectâ€" manufacturers 1n the provnlce, ennui in GLASSWARB. AGreat Clearing Reduction in Hats. w. CAMPBELL. "You don’t mean to say," said an astonished visitor, “ that those old I’mcu â€"DINING ROOM FURNITURE arc going toschool for the first time in -BEDR00M SETS V T. ANDREWS CHURCHâ€"COLBORNB Streetâ€"Rev. R. C. H. Sinclair, Pas- tor. Services every Sunday at 10.30 a. m- and 7 p m. Sunday School evcrv Sunday their “was? ,, V . __EASY CHAIRs, at 2.30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meeting “ That’s right," replied the school- â€"ROCKERS. "My Tuesany “8 p' m‘ Prayer mow" master, “ they hain’t had time till now. â€"-LOUNGES, , every Thursday at 7.30 p. In. An they wouldn't be at it now only . â€"SIDEBOARDS, they've made up their minds to git _SPRINGS AND MATTRASSES, :married, an as the gals they air to mar- -KITCHEN FURNITURE (all kinds,) ryoir all good readers and writers, they - ‘ ' w! down. don't want to ’pear ignorant when they and Pmces are 3‘ d’y .» (ALVATION ARMY â€"- BARRACKS ON Bond St. Westâ€"Gupta Barkcrdz Dar- rach, Servtce every Thursday and Sat- urday evenings at 8 p. 111., and on Sundays _ swan, ~ 011. PAINTED wunw suns. . . A d at 7 a. m., H a. m., 3 p.111. and 8 p. m. settles down Fer life." Repzurmg and an Oldere ' ; . _._.-.___.__ , work promptly attended to. SRALOYSIUS R.C.CHURCH-â€"LOUISA - ‘ ., , Streetâ€"Rev. Father O’Learv I’aslo . A Quamt “We G'”- W Undertaking in all its branches. H ' Services every alternate Sunday at 16.30 ' . ' . . - a.m. Sunday School ever Sunday at '2' . m l“ [A small girl. 3 years old, went ‘to a ' V I . Lo 'i . ' If you need anything 111 these lines call _ U 3 - -_ P children's party the other afternoon. .. - _ p _ . 11:31:31ESI§CS,,%§ICFi‘TXEIEgvgbsyépiET _ I . . ..__._â€"____ â€" x . . '. I s or. I I Alter she had returned home she said > , ’ 8mm: every summy at 10.30 a. and 7 z I. m roi‘brfiféergafly a “me girl f0“ r I p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.36 I 7 h H . , . . - - through a chair to the floor. The other , _ - girl's laughed. I didn't." To Mofitreal or New York " Well. why didn’t you laugh}? " f n for choice patterns 0,. , 10w 9 I . .. . - “ house I was the one ,ttat 6 Prices In through." It was the some little eirl who. after ' ‘ "ALL V. v a trip in the courtry, remarked : I, â€" _ - 3‘ I wish I had a' house out of "doors “re have ~them her? HOW p. m. Bible class every Thursday evening at 7.30 o’clock. .LDK’ M has. I 11$“ Seats free invall churches. Everybody I'nvt'zedto attend. Strangers cordially welconld. "-1-. . w; BIISCELLANIGOUS. , ‘1, .â€"________.___._ ' ...“_~_..... : t ~ UBLIU LlllRARYâ€"PATRICK KELLY, iii’} . . . .. ., ' . 4' Librarian. Open daily Sunday exceptâ€" if"! “he “um” “35- for your selecuon' . ed, from 10 o’clock n. m. ti’ll H) p. m. Books ; - - Goonwm’s, - x The “ Home Beautiful.” ' exchanged on Tuesdays and Saturdays from in, 12 a.m. till 3 p. m. and in the evening from "c: 7 to 9. Reading room in connection. LINDSAY, " f” Fair Countessâ€"I wish to get some NEXT TO rugs, something really artistic and SIMPSON HOUSE. GROCERIES DEPARTMENT. I . , . - v ° 1 OST OFFICEâ€"l". J. KERR posnus ;~ '. x -‘.- . _ b I . . We destre to call your attention to the foliomng line 0 TERI Officehuursfmm 7,1,5 (“mm i “swam-W" lino“ .“L M" “Had ~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"' goodS'just received: P-‘P- in“suinrrsouthclosvsn'7‘35 n-m- if; 3 to pay a very high price. ~ , t ~ _ ’ . I p ‘ , , d liar] gmug north closes at Il.40a.m. Sav- vi» 1 ‘ H‘ms‘ Dealerâ€"Rig!" this ""3" It s a Strong Statemen ‘ Choice Cleaned Currants; Chowe Seeded Raisins, one poun mgs bank and money order business traas- ' ' ' ‘ . . . ‘1 . , . Here. madam. are some antique I‘ul'klNll but a straight fact. when we Say “It! ,vkmues (East Brand) o Fine Fllluted urrants ; Selected “med “0'” 8 ‘l- m- l" 7 I" m- ‘3 . i rugs just in from the factory. Take the greatest help to the live grocer P‘ L ‘ a.’ H ,' _‘ ’ .N. f n t 1 {01.0%,} 55 â€" -«fl.â€"~â€"_..:___:__T.:::3M .9 ,1. ,1 ‘i ' V l ‘ R-Ilsms' Sultana Raisins. A u s 00: o .1 . w l . . them home, smear them With grease and general storekcepcrln Canadai: a. encla « t y _‘ 1 1 8, mod (,renoble ‘Vn1_ NEE/SFAPE LAEV. 3,; I sud Whacmjulcev the“ “8'1 “Wm “ “The Canadian Grocer” Blackwell’s Peels; bolt-shell A mon s, L le . 1 ..___ _ ' a} V i. 7“ “1””: dry “‘0‘” l“ a" 0WD, l“? the!" . . , ' nuts . Shelled Abnonda. 1. A postmaatoris required to give mm” 1.31,, . [it . . . .. - 1,, d h In , -h t own ’ I , by letter (returning the paper do“ my; 54,: t 1‘1 fm “nee d‘I-‘s m H” sun' 8" L ey You cannot Rad t w“ on g z ' ' answer the law) when n. subscribcrdou “Vii g look as faded and antique as the genuine ' some valuable information. Spend a . not take his Pager out 05”“; 6mm “in. ‘ imparted “new oosuug “m “mes as :61“ i2: 31.525353120233233 (or. Toilet 1nd Dinner Sets For the next tWO weeks we Will atom the] retaioxhs for its! notibeing taken, ,, i “no ' amp c 2‘ . ' , _ ~ '1 ny neg cc 0 0 so ma ms t ie postmaster. ‘g "t ; -.__.__ ' -â€" offer special value in these goods; also a large BtOCk Of 1‘31le responsible to the publisher rm- payment. . To The Manner Burn. the Mactean Pub. 00., maul Goods, Lamps etc. .i$.35.”with?$01.11;:.fgfg'ggfgygg; 1E: ‘ 79mm“, . "ou'nuh ublisher may continue to send it until A negro who recently'came over to ° Igaymvm is mndwnnd collect Lbewhom H Georgia from cub“ and spunk-5 Eng‘ . 1 ' _ , ) . A amount, ivhethnr itfis taken from the nfligo list; but imperfectly. became involved in 55393113 {-nglsgufl COURT A full line or the be“ 300d” and latest at) ks money can. or 110" (“fl-ecu,“ be ",3 legal (lISCOD‘lHIl‘ 2 i a quarrel with a native colored citizen” '-__Q,. Tm,“ buy. ‘ I I I 511:8 Kiri]; £(licgilly‘t‘nl0:[trinitiltalmper mm; L, \whom he referred to as an “African.” (:Jountv 01.- Victori',‘ ' y “1;- fi - H: .1 q -'- I. ‘5, - - ‘ ' .. _ post other w no. not directed to-l,’ . “rank de replied the - READY MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. o. .. , gin negro, “ oil is Ailikin, I ain’t no , l'he ne‘xtsittings of the above Court will scribed or not, is responfilnlc for the pun . 4. If a subscri«bie'r:0rders his paper to he 2} [r i I e' r l ’ ‘ y ’ S ’l.‘ is a. nice ‘ * V ouths and BO 8 111 S it 0 Spaniel en what's mo,’ I ain't no black be held in 0101‘3011'35011’ WWW" F0115; and S e 0" lIen 8’ Y ( ’ . l i stopped at a certain time, and the.an I ' . .u r t . . ' e are on! a few of the f Philistiuol I kin speak Nunited States 0N Mgflggy,’ Apply” 23rd, 1300’ line of Ulstelh and 0'» CI‘CO’lt‘w. I‘hes y _ r v- I kin!" ‘ ‘ l e _ a c v 4. - n ‘ 0 I Woods nst laced to stock. You are muted t +. ' . . i oommencingnt 1 o’clock in the afternoon. hnt‘s 0f n6“, t p ‘l $33 a . lishcr continues to send, the subscriber is l , _ ' ,8 hefl,er bound to pay fpr it if he takes it. our of g1}. .{ “E “’ 1 Thursday. April 12th, will be the last day take a close look th1 ough the stocks and compare price w pasmmcc. 1,3,59,00qu"W" the gm“ Mrs. Nuwudâ€"Oit, Jack! The cook or SBrVit-e all defendants residing in this You buy or not H,“ 1}me “ms-$1,,”Try???“ Us“ , (I l ' 8 cl an uu'l _ mood to-du '. 1 county. Defendants living in other coun~ » . ,. . . 5. 'n cult-is tare (00” t. “M rerun“, 2) Eistllrlirlit host +0 only} in a policemdn i ties must ln' served on or before April 7th. Our 200. Tea 1!! immense value. ,0 take “(:vsmlwrs "m, lwriodicnls-hqng‘t :1 ,, . u- t t a. ‘o‘ ~ H ' _ r “I. , ‘ , the p03t-n.ict-. or removing and leav" ' ,- 3“ Newtnl (.tsi-nn!5ucd)â€"â€"â€"Whatl In an S. NM I fie”. in. l). Hngli,‘ ‘ ‘1 “F “ 4 A “mm “may ,. ,’ ,5 mm“ film :E -. 1; mt- Iwi’ . l ‘fi - . . . . ’ ' JQQ. J‘s-ace Lassie-asst u or? new n we" ' ‘ 't ~ I l H 31:. N.1'ot-â€"Ol=. UUâ€"lt' pacu] her. ; Fem‘l‘)“ " 8-”, '-’ r ' ~ ‘ ' "' v 3' l v. a t a *. B s "fluâ€"«W» _M__ "Mwumwmfimuwm ,,_-___-..,...f......._-......s....~w.-.,.am.~.m~as~-.~mu:mwww.mmtmmwamnau;g‘xmfiumggtfigpqflgs A .1, . ‘ KL . ., "a. .

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