Every day. Mrs. YOUNGEST AND SHORTEST. the Tom Thumbs or the British Armyâ€" Boy Hero or the Battle of Elandslnagtc. It may not be generally known that the youngest soldier in the Queen's Army is but nine years of age. Nor is he a make-believe soldier either, for he has been recognized as one of the armed defenders by Queen Victoria herself. His name is James Ewen McNeil, and he is the son of Sergeant- Major J. McNeil, of the Cameron Highlanders. A photograph of our young soldier was sent to Her Ma- jesty by Colonel McDonald, and the Queen sent a graciious letter of ac- knowledgment. There are many youthful drummer- boys in the Army, one of the' youngest being in the 2nd Battalion King’s Shropshire Light Infantry, who is but thirteen years of age, and is now at the front. He :has been referr- ed to by Drum~nfajor Keene as a "smart, athletic youngster, of whom the battalion is proud." 1n the Duoiin husuiers there is a young bugler boy of fourteen, who was badly wounded at the Battle of Colenso. A war correspondent gra- phical.y describes the incident, whith speaks volumes for the courage and nerve of this little soldier. He was one of the. first tobe‘ wounded in gthe left attack, receiving no fewer than three wounds in the chest and’ one in his right arm. One would have thought that the pain caused by such wounds would have fallen. But, like a. true soldier, he manl‘ully struggled against his weakness and staggered back to the dressing station in the rear. When the chaplain saw. him he‘ asked him his age. "Fourteen. years seven months, sir," replied the wounded soldier. “'Where do you feel the pain?" he kindly asked. “There is cmly a stinging in my right arm,“ came the brave reply. Mention, too, may be made of Trumpeter John James Shurlock, the boy hero of the Battle of Bland- slaagte. This youthful hero of the present South African campaign is but sixteen years of age, but the bravery which he displayed only a few weeks ago is worthy of record here. He belongs to Squadron A 90f the 5th. Royal Irish, Lancers, and ,at the engagement referred to shot three Boers with a revolver. "The men Of his regiment," wrote a corresponâ€" dent at the time, "were so delighted with the youngster's pluck and prow- pss, that when the fighting was our they carried him round the camp in triumph." Young Shurlock joined the Army when he was. but flourteen. It is interesting to note that the slhortest soldier in the Army! is B. Grace, of the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, who is but lft. 6in. in height It is strange, too, that this regiment should be able to boast of the record In the other extreme, in the person of Private McCulloch, who stands 6ft. 81-2 in. in his socks, the tall- est soldier in the Queen’s Army. _â€".._..___. Pillllll‘ noun. The Truth About Backache Proved By Dodd’u Kidney Pills- llrs. Katy Langleed Given lvldeneeâ€" No Doubt In the Mind: of the People of Stuplooâ€"Baclmehe in leolly Kid- ney Ache. Staples, Feb. 12.â€"’I.‘here is no doubt in the minds of the people of this district that the canton-1‘ tion that backache is a symptom of kidney disease, is literally and abso~ lutely correct. If not. how is it that Dodd’s Kidney Pills, a kidney mediâ€" cine, cure backache? For there is no dispute about it that Dodd's Kidney Pills do cure. backache. New cases in this neighborhood are coming to light Katy Lougheed is One) of the most recent, but there are Scores more. 11. has long been contended that backache is really kidney ache. But up to within ten years ago, when Dodd’s' Kidney Pills were first given to the world, the ï¬act had never been actually proved. But Dodd's Kidney Pills have turned the theory into a (am. If one has backache one's kid- neys are out of order, and no amount of medicine which does not act on the gidneys. will do the slightest good. our many people have been crippled with lame back and given up trying to be cured in despair! They were not LWare that backache is but a symp- tom. not a disease. The real Backache, about which no- body who ever experiences it can 'be. mistaken. is not an echo of the he:sz at all. It is the ache of disordered? kidneys. The kidneys are situated: opposite the small of the back. Thus? the pain is termed Backache. It is no‘ use treating Backache, so called. local,- . It is the kidneys that demand treatment. That is the reason that' Dodd's Kidney Pills havo such a re<i puiation for curing Barkache. 3 Mrs. Katy Lougheed, of Szaples,l writes: "I can highly recommend Dodd’s Kidney Pills as the best thing for lame back that I ever got. I have only used two boxes and they cured me If â€"â€"-.bâ€"_ The night before Sir Redvers Buller left London for South Africa, he was a. visitor at the famous "Beefsteak 00m." of the Lyceum Theatre, where e In-edicted that his absence from England would not extend over a long- or period than twelvo months- I CYLON RENTEA? It's far more delicious than Japan. Sold only in 1 Lead Puckett. RINGS AND GLOVES. News comesâ€"and from Paris â€"that we are supposed to wear our rings outside our gloves. But the fashion is a vulgar one, and will be adopted by none but extremists. There is some excuse for its existence in France, however, for in France women still persist in wearing tight-fitting gloves, which in America and England are considered the worst form. â€"â€"*â€"â€"â€"â€" A YOUNG GIRL’S DANGER. HOW SHE OVERCAIMIE IT. AND BAF- FLED HER TORLIENTOR. Toronto, Dec. 26th.â€"Miss Ida Hob-; kirk, of 184 Harbord St., this city, 13 a young lady who is exceedingly popular with a ver 1 extensive_circle of friends, all of u " _m are reJOIcing over her recent escapeafrom a terrible danger. The story of her.experience is deeply interesting, told in her own straightforward way. Here is her narrative: In 1896, I took I a Position in a downâ€"town store. My work was not unusually hard, but soon found I could nto stand it, and my health failed. I grew very thin, had splitting headache continually, dizzy spells, and extreme weakness. My tongue was thickly furred, harsh and dry, every morning. and I arose tired and aching. I was dull and low- spirited all the time. "My sister brad used Dr. Arnold’§ . be cremated after death if he or she ï¬lms made a declaration in the pres- English Toxin Pills with remarkable benefit. and I also began to take ‘ence of two witnesses. them. I candidly state that improve- der 15 a declaration on the part of merit began almost immediately, til] the parents is necessary. {to-(lay I am in better health, and much‘ stronger than I have been for Years. To Dr. Arnold‘s English Tox- in- Pills. and to them alone the credit isdue.†Ever“ girl and woman who suffers as Miss Bop-kirk did, should use Dr. Arnold's English Toxin Pills. They will give new life and health. _ Dr. Arnold's English Toxin P1115, the only medicine that cures diseases by killing the germs that cause it, are sold by all druggists at 75c. a box; sample box 25., or sent post-paid on receipt of price by The Arnold Chemical 0-0., Limited, Canada Life Building, 42 King St. West, Toronto. ____......â€"â€"â€". STILL IN GREAT DEMAND. The great cities of the world use up an enormous number of horses every year. and these must constant- ly be resupplied by others from the country or from foreign lands. In is stated that in the suburbs of London alone there are 750,000 horses in use, and that 100,000 horses 'must every year be sent into these suburbs to take the place of those worn out. -â€"~â€"-â€"‘-â€"-â€"â€" A SISTER SAVED. a.“ Sickness Banishedâ€"Health Restored Gentlemen,â€"â€"Dr. VVard’s Blood and Nerve Pills have done my Sister .so much good that in grateful apprecxa. tion I told Mr. Tully, tho_druggist, I would gladly givo a testimonial un- solicited, as to their merits. {My sister, 16 years of age, caught a v1_o- lont coldâ€"since then she has been in very poor health, lost all colour was anemic, her blood had no vitality,- and she had no physical strength, she be. came extremely nervous, so much so that she could not stand any exertion or, excitement, and it was impossible for her to get restful sleep, she lost her appetite, her heart became very weak, palpitating so violently that she could hardly breathe at the sligh- test exertion. When she commenced taking Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills two months ago she was in a state of complete physical and nervous prostration. Her blood was scanty with no more strength than water. Since taking Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills she has been rapidly mend. ing, her appetite has returned, she sleeps well her nerves are stronger, and her heart gained strength so that it is able to fulfill its functions. Prior to taking Dr. Ward’s Pills she had taken many medicines Without any special benefit. Dr. Ward’s Blood and Nerve Pills are certainly the only medicine that has done any good. _Be- fore taking them she was getting weaker, her heart and nerves losing strength daily. Since she had began taking them she has daily and con- tinuously gained health and strength, CLARA ELLIOTT, - 80 College street, Peterhorough, Ont. M.â€" Water in South Africa is often as precious as gold, and sometimes infinâ€" itely more precious. Every year Wit- uesses a terrible drought in some part. . *- ' RELIANCE CIGAR La Toscana. 193' FACTORY .Montrea SHAKESPEARE’S NAME. The name_of Shakespeare can be spelt 4,000 different ways. The poet himself spelt it 22 ways. FOR HUNGRY PEOPLE. â€"-. Soda Water Prescrlbed as a " Filler†For Abnormal Appetites. Carbonic acid gas, says a medical authority, has the singular property of lessening the sense of hunger, and may profitably be remembered in deal- ing with» cases of diabetes in which bulimia is a prominent symptom. The . seat of hunger is found in the solar plexus. By the use of water charged with carbonic acid gas the branches of the solar plexus distributed through the mucous membrane of the stomach are influenced in such, a way that the abnormal irritation of the plexus which is the foundation for the raven- ous hunger often present in diabetes and certain forms of indigestion may be greatly mitigated, if not whoilly appeased. .Water‘ charged with car- bonic acid gas may like wise‘be em- ployed with advantage in many cases of hyperpepsia in which there is a sensation present in the stomach de- scribed by the patient as a gnawing "goneness," emptiness, etc. â€"â€".____ Best Remedy in the World for Gatarrh. Miss Bessie McK. Kennedy, of King- ston, N.B., says: "I have used Catar- the best remedy in' the world/ for, that disease." Catarrhozonc is a new scien- tific treatment that cures Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis and irritable lthroat. Very pleasant and effective to use, contalns no deleterious drugs. 'Catarrh-oâ€"zone. is for sale by all re- liable druggxsts. Trial outfit sent i for 10c in stamps by N. C. POLSON & 00., Kingston, 0nt., Proprietors. CREMATION IN NORWAY. Norway has a law dealing with cremation. According to the not every person over 15 years of age can For those un- ‘l‘. can A 00].. IN on DA! ’hlo Laxative Brcmc Quinlno Tablets. All gaggle" refund the monoy If It falls to cure. I. W. Grcvo'l signature Is on ouch box. "Sniping" is firing by sharpshooters lwherever they see an enemy’s head or imb. MONTIIAL HOTEL IIIID'I’OIV. u n . Tho Belmcrcl, Free Ice £1.13; Ilctoi MHW do u 0.1.]. Motion, loom-l. Goo. Cornish t 0’... W Amun novelâ€"r:s:-sc‘:..:'ea do 8 - J“ E. T l'fln’ 1133' {3.33. Inc loll . gem ...°::.:'° m Fm†The Boers requested President Kru- ger’s permission to'use Dumdum bul- lets, but he refused. “Pharaoh marmaum The War Office have so far declined the services of lady doctors who have I volunteered for South Africa. FOR OVER FIFTY YBAR5 m. WINSLOW'S EOOTIIING IYBUP bu boon mod 1: mother: for their childron toothloy. It soothe: tho ehld, lotto-l tho [um oIonI sin. curse wind colic, and II the but. remedy for Alan can 250. o bob Ho. Boldh all druulefl r. music-t the world. Bo nto nod for "In. In ow'o Seoul-5 Syrup. An Irish Fusilier, writing from the Pretoria race-course, says the prisonâ€" ero are not allowed to receive letters. ‘ one..â€" O'KEEEE: firs. east-r ' ms- wid‘én.rm..o, WELL um. President Krugeris announced to have put a tax of from thirty to; fif- ty per cent._ on the output of Johannes- burg gold mines. Blemlsbee,;’;.’f:, Geniplexlcn TREATMENT- Send one cent stamp for circullr. W.J. URQUHAB'I‘ Analytical ClLerniEtL‘iGQ Quoen St. W., Toronto. _.......4 .-- _.._..._.. .. . .. . _ In the Boer lines at Belmont the ground was littered with cartridges, every one of which bore the mark of the leading London makers. Sru‘n or 0310. (new on Tampa. Loon COUNTY. Fem: J. Cmmnv makes oath that he in senior partner of the ï¬rm of F. J. Citizqu 8:. (70.. doing business in tho Clty of Toledo. County and State aforesaid, and that) said firm will pay the mm of ONE HUNDRED DOL- LARS for each and every case or Arman that: cannot he cured by tho use of Ham/s ersann Guns. FRAN J. O BRET. Sworn to before no and :m erlbc in 33‘ presence, this 6th day of Dec labor. A1), 1 . : """" : A. . cusses : sun. : Notary Public. Hall’s Octavrh Gun Is taken internally. and acts already on the blood and mucous surface: ‘ct thosystem. Se df rtutimcn I. l e . F.J. R NEYto ., 'f o 0,0. l Bold by Drugglnts. 760. x Hall's Family Pills are the best. I l } It. WHAT WAR MEANS. . During the last two years 41,375 men . have been killed in battle. ‘ BONED. SENSE mas Roaches, Bed Bugs, m and Klee. Salary-.11 Bran-lam, 61 at Queen W. Tornado. A MARKED DIFFERENCE. CEYLON TEA you will like if. Compare LUDELL with others and you will at once notice the difference. The flavor of Ludello has mode it o favorite. Try it. Load Peck-goo . 25, 50, 48, 50, Ice. Rh I INFLAMMATOIY. GOUT. LUMIAOO. RHEUMATIG PARALYOIE. EITHIA Our Method ls sure and has cured thousandsâ€"some pronounced lncuizble. Write at once. Booklet and Proof on request. Addru: d The SWISS-AMERICAN 60., Windsor, Ont, Canada , NIURALOIA. SGIATIOA. MUICULAI, in e 1511 CALVERT’S supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. 0. CALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND. FARM WANTED. west of Hamilton. liust be cheap, r Address CATTLE, care of Wilson Publishing Co.. oronto. FOR. SALEâ€"NEAR FRUITLANDâ€"In the Niagara district. on the lake shore. a valuable fruit. farm ; a mlendid chance; satisfactorireaipnl givenfor sellin . For full particulars address . Dickenson, Jun. hart Elanfofll. Music Teachers Wanted ‘ To send for cur HUS CATALO U! and SPECIAL H TE Whaler. Boyce 8 Co. In Yong. St. Conn-ox h 00., Agents, Montreal. Itenp for catalogue. 373 St. Paul Street, Montreal HARRIS “‘3'†5°"?- ‘ LEAD, COPPER, BRA I. Wholesan only. LculDiateneeTelephonel’Iâ€. WILLIAM 8T., TORONTO. Pourrnv, sums, EGGS, APPLES, and other PRODUCE. to ensure best results cpnslgn to The Dawson Gommmlen 00., Limited, car. Wont-Market A Dolbomo St., Toronto, permanently euros Ontnrrh of new. - D I throat, stomach and bladder. 500 k 81 a box. Write for pavtlculun, The Indian Oaterrh Cu!" 00., 146 83. J minor-It... Montreal. Mlllo. Millo & Haleo ' Barristers,etc..removed to Wesle‘vmd 5.,Rieh- nond Bf. .. cronm. New Importation: lineal 3§“3a8'° gaOIngsâ€"mum chap and An) cnoan Hog 0am: oâ€"rolnble goods at ri ht prion. PAR , BLACKWELI. a 0., Toronto. I . catholic Prayer magmas: Religious Pictures, Statuary, and Church Ornaments, Educational Worh. Mail orders roceivo prompt unen- tlon. D. l J. IADLIII 51 00., Momml. :I-u. .o'w‘; on!» MR†sA Mama Intending lemon call and yet no†of ï¬fteen yo ore-to Chambers Toronto. lot the very bolt and your work to no “ BRITIBH AMERIBAN DYIING CO.’ lack for agent In your town, or and direct. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec. WE ARE OFFERING T0 INVESTORS modal stock. guaranteeing In 0 dividends: also on In. Moll-ant stock payable In men blylnnolmonu, drowln en: dividnnd~, half yearly. Peru“ wanting safe an to table Investment should correspond with he sun Savings and Loan 00., Toronto. Honoylconod on favorable terms; agents wanted in unrepresented dlnrlch: write us. e... Mosr' NUTRITIOUS. EPPS’S GRATEFULâ€"COMFORTING. COCOA rsaasrpsrâ€"SUPPER. Carbollc Disinfectants. Scupo, Olnt- men-t, Tooth Powders, etc.. have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. ThPlI‘ regular use prevent infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a com Ioto SHEET OF DISCOUNT. _We are oqulppec to tail. it’ll c'IL’fI‘.’ TORONTO. OI". Garters OILD DUN! 100. Cures In a jiffy. P. Mo Ta: or: MBINII muuunnâ€"sm and Jeans} 0. Rollo'nd. solo agent. for the Dominion. Send 3». for sole. Improved and unlm revod. Ono-ï¬fth oxa‘orlonco u to dlntrlotto settle in. A. W. A'US , ll llyelng! meaning! dominion Llne "until" Portland. Mo.. to Livorpool, vIo Ilnlfhx. Largo and fast Stonlnors ‘Vonoouvor, Dominion, Cambroman. Baton o passage :- -Fl t. Oobthgo‘vx‘norh: Eco-l Oobln, ; 8W. 8 .60 on . For further information apply rolccol “onto. on DAVID TORRANCE t 00., General I 11 8t. Beaumont.“ mud“. . . Mlchigan Land for Sale. ooc ACRES 0000 FARMING LANDlâ€"ARENAQ ’ Iooco. Oxemow ond Crawford Countles. Tltlepeg. out. On Michigan Oentrnlh Detroit. 8: Mackinac on n Lake Railroads, at prices mnglng from 32 to r acre. Those Lords are Close to Enterprising NON owns, Churches, Schools, em, and will be Ioldon on rouonohlo terms. Apply to n. M. PIERCE. A cut. Woof Boy City. Mich. 0: J. W. CUR’ IS. Whltromoro. Mich. We All! orrrnmc 'ro mvrsrons mole] stock, guaranteeing largo dividends; also on - i ntolmont stock payable in no rthIn-nlmcntc, draw 9 ouh dividends, half yearly. onion wentin nto um groduble investman should correspond vi the Sun avinus and Loan Company, Toronto; money lowed 'l favorable terms; agents wanted in unrepresented trick: wrlto us. Farmers Intending to Seed ,corn Hate This. Mineral Extrac iyï¬Ã©feiï¬wg 7.5: rave-taro" from inking u can: when mg‘, 2 mt ad 14 uro- cf com net you n In macro far had the Iced all eclercnudhod non-hm brown I also ololm It as 56.1! o heavy coat? :‘I’IIIXN for melting corn um :13. looking so ‘9 Pleased with it that I have when the 3y for, onoorn who wish to buy only a box . In an}: onion not Ila Shoo h. 1a). a , oelcnfllmsholl. M" . ' l m. 35.00- will be col 1... 543??! 33:335.... “Ir-- a“ rm:- “tar‘n .. ' I: no er :0 own on to A?!“ m. directly at 8.13.. and 01.11. fgr shi Every box of Extract guaranteed to the satisfaction money rofundod. Gentlemenâ€""1 have much pleasure in recomme lug your Odor-loss Crematory Clout, which I porch ‘ from you. It does its work weiland is perfect; odor! s when in use or burning out. No family can a ergl (20‘ Without it, as itis indispensable to hem ch, and it. is w: I sense of duty I eertlf In its groat usefnlseu.â€"â€"Yeun km .1 DR. D. B. THO PEOI'J united: of other- who have used this closet will ï¬tgymto tho above. For catalogue and price t The odorless cremath closet ' (30., Hamilton, ant. “I. I. Allm, Hon-got. mm J. IAIII. Inn. and mac The Canadian Heine Safety BOILER ~ 6, . Efgaslllaggourno 8t., m l lllgh close Water Tube Steam I sellers, for All Pressures, nutlcs and Fuel. IND P0! DESCRIP’I'IVB CATALOGUE. Toronto llaetrle leht 00., lamltol. The ’1‘. Eaton 00.. Limited. The Many-Hurts 00., Limited. The Gotta Porcho Rubber I Mfg. Tho Wilson Publishing 60., Limits (All of We. when hollow my ho seen wovklnï¬. l i I Across a’s PETROLEUM Enamels A most efficient substitute {or cod-liver oil, pleasant to the taste, and agreeing with the most sensi- tive stomach. Used by physicians in the treatment of all throat and lung troubles, and - if results What for anything-almost no limit to the good it can do. Who-m. mmauymuunmau mecca-«pound