Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Sep 1894, p. 7

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oh HEALTH. Pure Air. A writer gives valuable suggestions on the subject of ventilation. She declares that it is wise to protect ourselves from the rain that falls by day, but says it doesn’t follow that by doing so it is wise to exclude fron our dwellings all pure air and breathe that which is impure. If air that is confined and breathed and re- breathed during the day becomes foul and unhealthful, by what process does that which is confined and breathed and re- breathed during the night becsme pure and healthful? “For the past fifteen years,’ says the writer referred to, “I have slept summer and winterâ€"except on a few occasions when it was impossible to do soâ€"wi:h at least one window of my bedroom wide open every night, and have enjoyed ex- cellent health, but on the exceptional nights I always awoke with a headache 9‘:- a feeling of suffocation. I conclude there- fore that as much nonsense is indulged in about the maligu influence of night air and the malaria said to lurk therein as upon any other given subject. A freer admis- sion of night air to badly ventilated bed- rooms would destroy many of the illusions that exist in regard to its unbealthful- ness.” Reform in the ventilation of our houses, our churches and our public buildings is needed as greatly as reform in any other all our churches and public buildings. If wives and mothers and home makers gen- erally can be induced to let light and air into their parlors and bedrooms their husbands and sons will soon banish foul air from our churches and public buildings. Women are largely responsible for poorly ventilated buildings of all descriptions. A great many people frequently congregate in halls, churches, etc, where the atmos- phere, unless the windows are kept wide open, is about as melodorous as that of a oharnel-house,yet they do not consider such an atmosphere too foul for human beings to breathe. It is the first duty of every wife and mother to see that her house is thoroughly ventilated day and night. It is a fact beyond dispute that the parlors of a large proportion of houses are so closeand stuffy that breathing is painful. Nine tenths of the bedrooms retain the person- ality of people who occupy the apartments from time to time, it clings to the bedding, curtains and carpets, and has been closely shut in lest fresh air and sunshine should find admittance and with their purifying presence carry damage to the furniture. Disinfectlng in Cases of Cancer. In discussing several instances in which cancer seemed to have become located in certain dwellings and reappeared from time to time, Andrew Wilson says:â€"VVe know of no definite or certain microbe or para- site as associated with cancer, so that, at present, if science is working very hard, it is working in the dark regarding the exact and specific cause of the ailment. In this respect, cancer is difi'erent from consump- tion. There we have a well known germ; its life history has been studied, we know how its dried spores possesses infinite capabilities of living on and of causin infection, and we can account in a rations fashion for the conveyance of consumption from those who are sick to those who are well. If there is a specific germ connected with cancer, asrecent researches tend to suggest, may it not be that, like the germ of tetanus (or lockjaw). this cancer microbe lives in the soil, and in a damp soil prefer- ably, aud that in certain conditions of soil or air it remains in a dwelling to infect and re-infect successive occupants? I do not suppose anybody regards cancer as infect. ions from person to person. What we are told of its history points rather to a com- mon cause from which the different cases in a house spring. Moreover, there is one other point not to be missed in this recital. The cancerous troubles appearing in the various persons whose histories 1 have de- tailed did not necessarily affect each person in the same way. In one it appeared in the liver, in another in the stomach, and so on. I re ard this latter fact as indicatin that re ably a common cause orginate this isease, while the individual peculiar- ities determined the exact mode of its ap~ arance and development. Pending further ight on this national questionâ€"for it really is a national and public matterâ€"there is one thin to be done. If nowadays we disinfect ouses and rooms in case of con- sumption, and attend to the personal hy- giene of the consumptive patient, it is clear the least we can do is to practice the same disinfection in cases of cancer. This is one preventative measure well within our grasp, and we should see, as a matter of public health, that it is duly and carefully carried out. Sulphur in Throat Troubles. There has been of late some discussion on the use of sulphur in throat troubles, espec- ially those of diphtheretic character. This is by no means'a new remedy, having been used as a threat disease panacea in certain households for at least a quarter of scan- tury. As soon as inflammatory symptons made their appearance the threat _was throughly dusted with sulphur, this treat- ment being repeated every hour if the case was severe. As only good could come from swallowing the powder, it was used with the utmost freedom. Sometimes tea spoon- ful doses were taken with the most satis- factory results. One of the very best pre- parations for throat affections is equal parts of sulphuroua acid and glycerine. This may be diluted in the proportion of one teaspoonfnl of the mixture to half a glass of the water. The threat may be brushed with it, or it mar housed asagargle. Free- ly applied it will usually relieve all unpleas. ant symptoms at once, and rsisted in, it rarely fails to cure the most 0 tiuate cases. The objection to it is that it is too simple for the medical profession to approve. Worry and ludigestmn. Worry is a baneful curse and source of direction, and this reform should begin in our houses and should work outward into and deliclOus. untold evils. It some the face with lines and furrows and has a most- depreasing ef- fect upon that hypersensitive organ, the stomach. The physiological explanation of this is the close alliance of the great sym- pathetic nerves, whic'nare worse than the telegraph for carryin bad news ;theworry and anxiety which epress the brain pro- duce simultaneously a semioparalysis of the nerves of the stomach, gastric juices will not flow, andâ€"presto ! there is indigestion. One sign of mental health is serenity of temper and a self-control that enables us to bear with equanimity and unrufiled temper the petty trials and jars of life, especially those arising from contact with scolding, irascible, irritating folk. It is well to remember at such times that these unfortunates are their own worst enemies, and a cultivation of the art of not hearing will help us very much. It is a very useful art all through life, and well worth some tron ble to acquire. It Sher-pens the appetite, improves digestion, and re- stores health and vigor ; all the organs of the body are aroused to healthy action by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. More than all, the liverâ€"and that’s the key to the whole system. You have pure blood or poisonous blood, just as your liver chooses. The blood controls the health, the liver controls the blood, the “ Discovery ” controls the liver. You can escape just about half the ills that flesh is heir to, by being ready for them. Brace the system up with this medicine, which prevents as well as cures. For all diseases caused by a disordered liver or impure bloodâ€"dyspepsia, biliousness, the most stubborn skin, scalp and scrofulous affections, the “Discovery " is the only remedy so certain and effective that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn‘t benfit or cure, you have your money back. You pay only for the good you get. The customs antho rities of Boston have decided that the works of 2010 are immoral but not obscene. General A. J. Pleasanton, originator of the blue glass theory died at his home in Philadelphia, aged 86 years. Roses are now in full bloom. Many com- plain that their plants throw suckers from the roots. These are budded roses. You should buy roses grown on own roots, then will have no trouble. Brown Bros. 00.. Toronto, Ont., are the leading rose growers in the country. Write them for an agency After a courtship of two hours James Wood and Miss Mary Stewart were married recently near Youngstown,0. Get Rid of Neuralgia. There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. It is a disease that gives way only to the most powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment of Pol- son’s N ervrline. Nerviline is a positive specific for all nerve pains, and ought to he kept on hand in every family. Sold every where, 25 cents a bottle. .At Red Clifi‘. 001., a woman candidate for mayorwas defeated at a recent election largely by the votes of women. St. Leon is recommended on the high- est scientific authority. Why dose your system with filthy drugs when St. Leon can be obtained for a trifle ‘2 , Among Edison's recent patents is one for an improved form of lamp filament and a method of magnetic ore separation. Charlatans and Quaeks. Have long plied their vocation on the suf- fering pedals of the people. The knife has are to the quick; caustic applications ave tormented the victim of come until the conviction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor proves on what slender basis public opinion often rests. If you suffer from come get the Extractor and you will be satisfied. Sold everywhere. AClevaland contractor has undertaken to move a stone house weighing 5,500 tons, basement and all, a distance of sixty feet. Spooner’s Phenyle Disinfectant gwmixed with fish oil or grease, will prevent':. the Horn fly. Apply with a brush about the horns, head and back of animals. A Bostonian has electric lamps concealed about his windows so as to produce a similar effect to sunlight shining through the panes. Reclpe.-â€"For Making a. Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. Adams' Root Beer Extract. . . .. ...... one bottle Fleischmann‘s Yeast.... .. . ..halta cake Sn or ............................... two pounds Lu owarm Water .................. two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water, add the extract. and bottle: place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it terments. then place on ice, when it will open sparkling The root beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 and 35 cent bottles to make two and five gallons. AP. 726. n... “Tired Feeling The marked benefit which people overcome by That Tired Feeling derive from Hood's Sar- -. saparllla. conclusively proves that this medi- cine “makes the weak strong." J. B. Emerton, a well known merchant of Auburn. Maine. says: “About five years ago I began to suffer with very severe pain in my Stomach, grad- ually growing worse. I took Hood’s Sersapa- rilla, being convinced that I was troubled with I) sin com - rated with Liver and KiamptroublcsPul lm raved at once and am certainly very much be for and feel more like working. \.: Mr. J «1' . B. Hinton. Hood’s Sarsaparilla always gives me relief and grunt comfort. It la n God-send to any one suflering as 1 did." Hooo'a ILLS cure Habitual Co :2 restoring pe taltiu actions! the allmzr‘ttaw‘canazon b cine. torn printin tpald only 10 cents. The H .‘ “ I St" Huh" PL cralfimf loo A. Lum muttering. man No advance fee:- (fire and, cum _ TEE~ - LINTON’ . “ refinements aranteed. u a am in Shutgr Stz. Toronto. Srmma and A‘GRATIFUL GIRL. 1t: Fxprrlsnrr of a Young lady in Ho: treat \‘- to fxprelrd to Dieâ€"Bow In Life Was saved. 'rom lnPatrio. Montreal. The full duty of a newspaper is not sim- ply to convey news to its readers, but to givs such information as Will be of value to them in all walks of life, and this, we take it, includes the publication of such evidence as will warrant those who-may unfortunately be in poor health giving a fair trial to the remedy thatphas proved of lasting benefit to others. LaPatrie having heard of the cure of a young lady livmg at 147 St. Charles Borrome street, of more than ordinary interest, determined to make an int estigation of the case With a view to giving its readers the particulars. The reporter’s knock at the door was answered by a young person neatly dressed, and showing all the appearance of good health. " I came to inquire," said the reporter, “ concerning the young lady cured by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Bills.” . “In that case it must be myself," said the young girl smiling,, “ for 1 have been very sick and laid up with heart disease, and some months ago thought I would soon sleep in Cote des Neiges cemetery. . you come in and sit down and I Will tell you all about it ‘2" . . The young girl whoae name is Adrienne Sua‘ve, is about 19 years of age. She stated that some years ago she became ill, and gradually the disease took an alarming character. She was pale and listless, her blood was thin and Watery, she_ could not Walk fast, could not climb a stair, or do in fact any work requiring exertion. Her heart troubled her so much and the palpi. tations were so violent as to frequently prevent her from sleeping at night, her lips were blue and bloodless, and she was subject to extremely severe headaches. Her condition made her very unhappy for, being an orphan, she wanted to of help to the relations with whom she lived, but instead was becoming an mcnmhrance. Having read of the wonders worked by_Dr. ‘Villiams’ Pink Pills, Miss Suave determined to give them a trial. After using one or two boxes she began to revive somewhat and felt stronger than before. She slept better, the color began to return to her cheeks, and a new light shone in her eyes. This :ucoursged her so much that she determin- :d to continue the treatment, and soon the heart palpitations and spasms which had made her life miserable passed away, and the was able to assist once more in the household labor. To-day she feels as Young and as cheerful as any other .young and healthy girl of her age. She is very thankful for what Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have done for her, and feels that she can- not too highly praise that marvellous remedy. Indeed her case points a means of rescue to all other young girls who find that health’s roses have flown from their cheeks, or who are tired on slight exertion, subject to fits of nervousness, headaches and palpitaticn of the heart. In all such cases Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are an un- failing cure. Sold by all dealers or sent by Snail pos tpaid; at 50 cents a box, or six hues for $2.50. by addressing the ‘Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockvflle, 01115., or Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be “amt as good." Coughing leads to Consumption. Stop the Cough, heal thepLungs and strengthen the System w Scott’s Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil and hypophosphites. It is palatable and- easy on the stomach. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Subslllulesl Scott A Bowne, Believille, All Dragging, 5%}, .131. M m g,- " u d" “67:! Slim/433m cl ‘ 59233,. 11514373 \10 3Qth jpptlanmpv K'w 93m; w. “trade/“Wu Eéllvzau 3'! 31 a" ‘fin hanow o) 81.151100!) Wrecked d: Resoned By W. J. HUM-ER. PhD D D a «or chapters to men on social purity and ruggli?‘ ing. his written in plain lancu urn that al may understand. Live Agents wanted. Cir {plain containing term-x sent on application - lLLlAM Barons. Publisher. Toronto. Ont. Peerless Machine: ram: '~“"*_. x0 , O'rmia ‘ .z' "1 ' ‘A‘nâ€" '§ "rt: ' IT’S MADE ssscm (12 Gold Medals) Hardware and General Stores all sell it. SAMUEL ROGERS a: 00., Toronto, Ont. Made in 32-20 saw and 4:40 callbres. Ti: H» simplest and srongcst repeater on the magkeimen, gen . . ,. V 32.30 owx , ~ » . - 7; , :.REPE. T~lN- : mg The most root! 1 i I ‘ Write (or gamlogen‘hea for rough “use. The Mall ‘ New Haeeiudoflsqu.’ ""T-‘l - 1-: 31:12.00?“ ' " ’ .9 J‘LLUSTRATED CATALOGUi-ZEFREE‘T METALLICROOHNGSQ FARMERS, “use something guoi.‘ l. ms was E 3‘! NAN/Jch’ "5533170550 NTO. ' MIT (IRSENDASCENTSRMP *1 FOR PARTlOllLARsPRICE usr, SAMPLES.OOTTON YARN.&c. THlSi 5609’!) FOR 5 2‘1”? SEN 0T0 ‘ gREELMANBRosrtgs. . . GEORGETOWN,ON. HAMILTON LAOIES’ COILECE Reopens September 6. 189:. All teachers honor graduates of universities ir colleges. Regular courses for graduation .n literature and science. music. art. elocuti on, etc. Excellent accommodation. inspiring in~ etructorg refining associations and pleasant .urroundings. Address the Principal. A. BURNS. S.T.D.. LLB. m nounâ€"(3E BELLEVIIJJI. ONT. Sl’LEXDIQ RECORD 0?le candidates for motor Matriculation. All were successful. imlldates prepared for 'l‘eachers' certificates. | Dl0'1n3rlF‘il“'&ll{dBd Commercial Science. "Hie. no rrs. ocution. “’ l mraday. September 8th. '91. i l mam ‘ -r v--ilcndar address PRINCIPAL DYER. M.A.. D.D DO YOU WANT "THE EARTH?" The first edition of this handsome new illus- trated weekly newspaper appeared Aug 25; and it sold lik h v ' introduced. c at cakes over) where it wad WE \VANT A SMART BOY In every town. The most liberal terms ever gggggd:EBetgh%flriiglto apply.8\Vrlto : “ The . . or in n . " W" mgmm. Car: 3 l to 1 Adelaide St. GRANBY Runnniis Theywfill‘léetfifCCC satisfaction in fit, style and finish, and it has become a hy- “Granby Rubbers ” wear like iron. cLAHE Bus. 8. 00., HERATIKG Our Specialty. We have letters from all parts of Canada saying Preston Furnaces are the Best Let us send you Catalogue and full particulars, and you can Judge for Yourself. - PRESTON, ONT. Our Steel Dome and Steel Low Radiator - Coal Furnace. with three steel radiating fiues- â€"â€":o:â€" WHOM is the MOST POWERFUL and ECONOMICAL Heater made in Canada. Ifyour local dealer does not handle our goods. write our nearest house. --:o:-â€"â€"- The Melllary Mfg. 00., LONDON, - TORONTO, - MONTREAL, WINNIPEG. - VANCOUVER. THETIBRTH YMFG. (sourâ€"H DUPLEX AND SINGLE AND POWER STEAM PUMPS TORONTO, ONT. vnu 0AM KEEP voun HOUSE WARM n mmmmmmmmmnmmmmnm gOXFORD moi» FURNACES COAI‘." ’ "mi ALI. sure or sunmucs.. Gapccitp from 10,000 to 80.00 Gubic “Feet WOOD FURNACE HEAVY CRATE. on 7 adapted for wood burn 3 Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome and Radiator. which beat quicker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modern Constru tlnn and Great Heating Powecr LARGE ASH PIT COAL FURNACE Large Combustion Chamber Long Fire Travel.enelrolinz radiator Large lie-tin Surface Large F Door Sectional Fire Pot Rotating Bar Dumping Crete DEEP ASH PIT Full Guaranteed Capacity :. fitfifigang mm.......,, m... ....llfanufactnred by.... The- CURHEY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd" TORONTO. h‘ovh- 4 ‘9. v o...'s- v. .â€" .._.fla._w~ ._..-__-.~\-. A... “V...” . .,. .....â€"...__...-....... s _ - r . s-..$rj_,v~..< 2.1." .W... ,. . __ H he‘d-aim. w...” m... I .. “--..~.‘_i._.. - . .

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