Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Apr 1894, p. 1

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1...,Wwww- .. ...... V... . » - -o VOL. XXII. Garden Seeds FLOWEâ€"Sâ€"EEDS JI'ST ARRIVEDâ€"A FULL STOCK OF THE ABOVE, AT LYTLE’S DRUG STORE ..,. TRY OUR PURE BICARBONATE OF' & SODA, CREAM 0F TARTAR AND BAK- lNG POWDER, AND YOU WILL BE PLEASBD. ‘ FLAX SEED WANTED. H. JEYTLE. Fenelon'Falls, March 14th, 1894. IPi-ol‘essional Cards. hm" piste. MlSS THISTLETHWAITE, who has studied for years with the best teachers on this continent, and has passed the required examinations at the Toronto College of Music, will give Lessons on Organ or Piano, ALSO VOCAL LESSONS IF DESIRED. For Terms apply at Mrs. J. McArthur's residence. LEGAL &c. A. P. DEVLIN, BARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. HOPKINS & CHISHOLM, (Secesssoa To Mums dz Hoexms) ARRISTER. SOLICITUR, &c Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Otlicc, Wil- liam street, next to the Bank of Montreal. G. 11. llorxrss. D. H. Cmsnonu. MOORE & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, kc. 0f- fice, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. Jacxsos. MOINTYRE & STEWART, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, die. Olliccs over Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. Mclsrrns. ,.__..........___..~- . . were. T. STEWART. ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., 62c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, â€"n. 13.,M. c. r. a s., Ontario,â€" llYSlClAN, SURGEONV dz ACCOUCII- cur. Otiiee, Colborne Street, Fenclon Falls. Du. H. ll. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University oi Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England, Member 01 the Col- lege ot‘ Physicians k Surgeons of Ontario. Office and residence on Francis-St. “est Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gentle oflice. R. M- MASON, TETERINARY SURGEON ; llonor Grad- ' uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1894 ; n. .n. o. v.51. A. Residciiceâ€"l-‘rancis Street East, Penelon Falls. .. _ .........-...- “ sensing: “MAâ€"“W .-..wâ€"w. v.-. JAM ES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., . Conveyancer, kc llesidence, and ad- dress, Fenelon Falls. ' emit. W. H. Gross. Dentist- Thc beautiful Crown and Bridge work pnetised with success. Gas and all other aunsihetica for extracting teeth without pain. A set of Artificial Milt, better than the average, for $8 00. Rooms directly opposite Wood’s stove depot, Lindsay. H. HART, L. D. S. SET OF GOOD TEETH P011310. Gas and local anmsthetics for painless ex- mctiog. Satisfaction guaranteed in all branches of dentistry. 081cc arr Faimather & Co‘s store, and: unit. tho postâ€"coins, Lindsay. HAS COME, AND”, nowgrs THE TIME YOU WANT To BUY YOUR CLOTHING. We have a great variety in Men’s, Boys’ and Youtlzs’, at any price you want, all new goods and nobby styles. HATS I HATS I HATS I We have the largest stools of Spring Huts ever .Thursdayeveuingat7.30. brought into the town, all new styles, and prices _. to suit the times. Don’t buy until you have . seen our stools. McDougall, Brandon & Co. SEE OUR . . 50. IOC. when our have ever shown. WINDOW SHADES AND WINDOW PAPER. . . . TIIE CHEAPEST IN TOWN. NEW BRICK BLOCK, COLBORNE smear, g FENELON ; E FALLS. : g E g g l ; $8: Papers If you see them you will buy Sure. At 150., 170., 20c., 250., 350. and 400. are the Best Value we hilElelSillli’S DIRECTORY.- SOCIETIES. “ APLE LEAF TRUE BLUE LODGE No. 42. Regular meetings held 'on the second Wednesday in each month. Hall in McArthur’s Block. R. TARGART, Master. H. AI'STIN, Deputy Master. J can lie Graven, Secre tary. CANADIAN ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. Trent Valley Lodge No. 71. Meet in the True Blue hall in McArthur's Block on the first and third Mondays in each month. J. J. Nevisox, N. G. R. M. Mason, Secretary. O. L. No. 996. MEET IN THE ORANGE . hall on Francis-St. West on the second Tuesday in every-month. stxs Dnvu'sn, W. M. J. T. Tnoursos, Ja., Rec-Sec. NDEPENDENT ORDER of FORESTERS. Court Phoenix No. 182. Meet on the last Monday of each month, in the True - Blue hall in McArthur’s Block. Jss. BILLET, Chief Ranger. JOHN R. GRAHAM, Secretary. ANADIAN HOME CIRCLES. FENEâ€" LQN Falls Circle No. 127, meets in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block the first Wednesday in every month. P. C. Buncsss, Leader. . R. B. Svaasrsn, Secretary. A F'. AND A. M., G. R. C. THE SPRY . Lodge No. 406. Meets on the second Friday of each month, in the lodge room in Cunningham’s Block. Dn. A. WILSON, W. M. Rav. W. Fanxcoun, Secretary. CHURCHES. BAPTIST CHURCHâ€"QUEENâ€"ST.â€"REV. James Fraser, Pastor. Service every Sunday morning at 10.30. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30. p. m. ETHODIST CHURCH â€" COLBORNE _ Streetâ€"Rev. G. W; McCall, Pastor. Sunday service at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Epworth League of Christian Endeavor, Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting on PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHâ€"FRANCIS Street Westâ€"Rev. ill. MeKinnon, Pas- tor. Services every Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30 p. m. Christian Endeavor meeting every Tuesday at 8 p. in. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7.30 p. m. ALVATION ARMY â€" BARRACKS 0N Bond Street Westâ€"Captain Wiseman. Service every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday evenings, and on Sundays at 7 a. m., 10 a. m., 3 p. m. and 8 p. in. ST. ALOYSIUS R. C. CHURCHâ€"LOUISA Street~Rev. 'l‘. B. O’Connell, Pastor. Services every alternate Sunday at 10.30 a. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 2 p.111. T. JAMES’S CHURC Hâ€"BOND STREET Eastâ€" Rev. Wm. Fnrncomb, Pastor. Service every Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday School every Sunday at 11.30 a. in. Bible class every Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. W Seals free in all churches. Everybody invited to attend. Strangers cordially welconwzl. MISCELLANEOUS. ,1, ECHANICS’ iNSTITU'l‘Eâ€"P. KELLY, 1 Librarian. Open daily, Sunday except- ed, from 10 o‘clock a. m. till 10 p.111. Books I exchanged on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 12 a.m. till 3 p. m. and in the evening from 7 to 9. Reading room in connection. OST OFFICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTMAS- TER. Oilicc hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. In. Mail going south closes at 9.15 a. in. Mail going north closes at 3.30 p. m OUNTY COUNCIL. . WARDENâ€"E. Borrcn, Boncnvcnos. ' Berley . . . . . . . . Geo. E. Laidlaw. Reeve Bobcaygeon. . . E. Bottum . . . . . . Reeve Carden . .J. Alton . ...... Reeve Dalton . . . ... . J. Thompson . . . . Reeve mdon Dr.J.W.Wood Reeve ' ‘ " ‘ ' ' ' A. McFarlane Deputy W. C. Switzer Reeve Wm. Adams. . Deputy F , Jno.Chnmbcrs Reeve cue on . n u . . o “rm. Depuli’ Fenelon Falls” J. McFarland . . Reeve Laxton,’Digby and Longford John Bailey. . . . Reeve Richard Kylie Reeve Lindsay . . . .. { Geo. Crandcll Isl Deputy R. N. Johnston 2nd Deputy { W.Lownsbrough Reeve Emily . Moriposa F. Sharer . . . . . lst De put y lOmemee ... Dr. V. Cornwall Reeve Bryans. . . . Reeve D. Walker. . . . Deputy John Ilowic..Rt~evc A. Morrison. .Deputy , , Jas. Lilhgow.Reeve ‘em am """ John Kelly .. Deputy Woodville N. Ferguson. . .. Reeve Ops..........{ Somerville . . . . ,1 a ‘ (“K A SwellPrisoner â€"â€"_â€" WHO HAS RUN TO THE END or ms Tarn- ER TEMPORARILY AT VICTORIA, B. L‘. Vicroars,'B. 0., April Iiiâ€"Victoria city jail has at present as a guest at styl. ish young Englishman registered under the name of Percy Whittall and who is charged with uttering worthless cheques in settlement of sundry wine bills. lie pleads ignorance of busircss require- ments and intoxication as the only ex- cuse, and feels his position keenly. Bar- rister George Powell, who is retained as his solicitor, announces that the young man has an income of £40,000, and since his incarceration he has, by the. death of his father, come into the peer-- age and vast estates, James Whittall (his father) having been a millionaire brewer of Dumfries, who was elevated by Mr. Gladsmne after long service in the House of Commons. The son was mixed up in the Dunlo-Bellc Bilton sounds] a few years ago and has since been travelling at a very fast paceâ€"so fast that the family could stand it. no longer, and when he was drunk, it; is alleged. shipped him from Liver- pool to the Pacific coast on the sailing barque Astoria, in order that his esca-A pade might blow over. On arrival at San Francisco he collected $3.000 there. to his credit, spent it in a fortnight, and came here, where he proceeded to repeat his “ celebration ” on credit, and by giving cheques on local banks where he had no account. Had he not been intoxicated he certainly would‘not have done so, for Bell, Irving &. Paterson, his agents at Vancouver, say they have instructions to pay all bills certified by him, though not to advance money. o-.â€" A Rich Find. PARIS POLICE DISCOVER A GREAT DE- POSIT 0F EXPLOSIVES. PARIS, April l4.â€"-At Aubcrvillires, in the Department of the Seine, five miles from the city, yesterday, the po. lice discovered a quantity of explosives buried six feet under ground. The place where the explosives were hidden was at the junction of the roads leading to St. Aims and anourncnnve, and it was marked in so peculiar a manner as to attract the attention of the police. The explosive material was contained in .31 dozen tin boxes, and consisted of sulâ€" phuric and picric acids, chlorate of pot- ash, carbonate of soda, two kilogrammes of coarse powder, 10 kilogi'mnmes of dynamite and a number of dynamite cartridges. Together with these was a quantity of scrap steel, nails, bullets, etc., and a reversible bomb, filled and charged. The latter was taken to the municipal laboratory with great care, while the other explosives were convey. ed thither in a cart. An unusual num- ber of loitcrcrs have recently been seen in the vicinity of the place where the explosives w‘ei'e found. â€"â€"â€"~â€". . .â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Shot Dead While She Sang. NEW YORK. April l7.-â€"â€"Petcr Duane, 12 years old, living at Ridgefield Park. shot and killed Belle Shields, cued 1-1. The girl, with several others, was at. tho home of young Donne’s father, and the party were gathered around the piano singing hymns. Young Duane went. into the hall and brought back a heavy breech-loading gun, which he pointvd in fun at the group. The gun accident- nlly went OH and Belle Shields dropped dead on the floor. The shot had nearly torn off the top of her head. The boy, frightened at the result of his careless ness, rushed out of the house to the home of a brother, who took him to the Sheriff's house and gave him in charge. The girls had been singing " Jesus. Lover of My Soul," and the unfortunate girl was just singing: the line, “ Let me to thy bosom fly,” when the fatal shot. was tired. -0 Pugilist Dixon is very fond ol Charles. Dickens’s novels and thinks Dickens was a genius. Over in the Panhandle of Texas there is one pasture that covers 3,000 000 acres. It is a wonderful tract for cattle posturing. Wm. Taylor, a farmer from near ilennmrris, blew out the gas in a room “ylnccrimmnnhd Depluyiat the Market Hotel. Grill. and was found dead on Saturday morning. Fishery Inspector Kerr. of Hamilton, made a raid on a lot. of Bull'an (Hier- men between Fort Erie and Point Ahiuo on Saturday, confiscation two or tlm-o miles of nets The Bufi'alo people were fishing in Canadian waters. i 6 . V.M_W-W_mm~. ..

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