Fenelon Falls Gazette, 13 Feb 1886, p. 2

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Iixfi;§fiféfi‘fmmmi annual. u Christmas Cards.E l llllili [UTEUGHT CHEAP. PICTURE BOOKS, PLUSH GOODS, TOY BOOKS. ALBUMS, and a nice assortment oi POCKET BIBLES, all pricel, suitable for Christmas Presents. LO‘V PIIICES to Iuit the hard times. fl” Call early and often at the Drug and Book Store. 'W'. I}. ELLIS. Penelon Falls, Dec'r tom, 1855. LEGAL 820. A. P. unvmx, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. MARTIN & HOPKINS, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, kc ney to Loan at 6 per cent. Kentstreet,Lindsuy, Out. 9.8. Manny. F, D.MOOIIE, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, & SOLICITR and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Ollice, Kent street, Lindsay. Bio- Ofiice, G. II. Horxms. IIU DSI’ETII (k JACKSON, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, kc. fice, William street, Lindsay. A.Jacxso.v Of- A. Iiuusrz‘rn. O'LEARY (k O'L IARY, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-ATâ€"LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, 8m. Oilice, Dohcny Block, Kentstrcet, Lindsay. Ant-nun O’Lnuv. Ilcnu O'Lsanv. v. MCINTYI‘J? "' STEWART, ..ni.ISTERS, ATTOltNEYS-AT-LAW, Solicitors in Chancery, (k0,, Lindsay. Oilice over Ontario Ilank, Kent street. Mo- ney to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate ecurities. I). J. licixrvnz. BARRON & SMITH, ARRISTEIIS, SOLICITORS, &c., Lind say. Money to Loan on security of mort- gages, promissory notes, lire. Juuu A. BARRON. J. B. Stunt. 36‘ One of the firm will he at their Fen elou Falls oiIice every Thursday. G. A. JORDAN, Manager. MEDICAL. A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., ORONER, I’hysician,Surgeon,&c., dzc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. DRS. WILSON & WILSON, IIYSICIANS, SURGEONS d: ACCOU- chers. Office, Francis Street East, I-‘en- elon Falls. I'LS. Wines, 3‘. B.,M.l)., 0.31., v. or. a 5., Out Dr. A. thsox, M. n., u. c. r. e 5., Out. Tuos. S'rnwaur. DRS. BUICROWS & GRAHAM, HYSICIANS, SURGEONS, kc. Office and residence directly opposite Carrs hotel, William St..l.ind.~'a_v. Calls from the 1country promptly attended to. I’. l’ALarJt Bonaows, II. II. Guam“. 3!. 0., u. n, v. u, u. c. r. a c. u., late Soho Hos- 8. 0. Graduate .\l‘(li|l pital, London, r. r. s. ~College,.\lont..,186li, ta, M. a. c. 5., England "Vs-Unt’IEYons. JAMES ntcusox, L. Surveyor. Comnissionerin the Q. IL, _ . ('«invcyanccr,&c. ltesidence,nnd ad- dress, Fcnelon Falls. MISCELLANEOUS. mac-.. 1.... .. .._ W. H. GROSS, DENTIST. LINDSA.Y. Over '25 years' experience. The general- ly acknowledged head quarters for good dentistry. A stock of about IO‘JH‘M) artifi- rial tel-lb to QPlr‘f‘I from. A written guar- nntcn given, if desired, with every set. of good truth. “Miami Air git-In, 30-ly. 81’ LEC'ILXCLES. A full stock of Leturanco's famous Spoc- tarlcs at l-Illis's Drug Store. Every pair guaranteed. Call and see them. to-ly. mfiAIiE-llxle. Five good Building Lots for sale cheap In l‘enclou Falls West. Apply to JARVIS & )chOIIGALL. Fem-Ion Falls, Juno luth, i384. lT-t t. J. NEELAIIDS, lDEN'IIST. LINDSAY. One ofthe tirm will be at the McAu'rut'u Ilot’sx, Fesnmx FALLS, on the third Monday oft-itch month. Teeth extracted by laughing gas without pain or injury. or no charge will he mpde. fl- Illllcc established in Lindsay nearly fifteen years. M m..-__.___._______.â€"â€"â€" ' llIE (‘II‘Y OF LONDON FIRE lNSI‘ll- net; Cu. Capital £:,o.m_wm sterling. Deposited with the Dominion Government. Stoonoo. Ta: Raul. Isavaucr (‘0. or KNOLL“!â€" Capittl. Slantwt’tJJdiil. Deposited with Do- mmion Government and otherwise Tested in I‘anada. $600,MI). Tun Winn! lsmnvn (‘0. or (Yuma. Capital and Assets, 93331553. J. I). SMITH, dyad. Penelon Falls, Jan'y 22nd, ts‘it. til. INSURANCE. GEORGE OUIIIIBHAI, Guanilmmandlunm‘v PENELON FALLS. can, represents the following first clue coupe. ales, with which business «a he tunnel“: ‘ upon the nut “untagwu‘urm. The Canada Peru-pent Lou l Savings Co The Imperial lumen Company, at Lon don, England. The Citinu' lacunae. “pay, of Can, u, m- and Wu. The Luann-n Income. 60.,“ Inghad. [it Could." don Lite Association,“ Can. “A. The Excelsior Panning )uu. , In introducing this mill to farmers l 4 have the pleasure of offering to them a 3 mill that has never been brat for clean- ing and separating mixed graiu. FARMERS And others in want. of a good light. llORSE-I’OWHR for sawing wood, running grain crusher or straw cutter, , should call and see them. For strength and durability they have no equal. Poweu as n "AND S 'I' B. A. W CUTTERS. This straw cutter is particularly suited to those having a small farm, or for stable use. No one should be i without one. Saturday, Feb’y 13th, 1886. A Riot in London. A very serious riot occurred in Lon- don, Eug., on Monday lust, and tears are entertained that the trouble is not yet over. A demonstration of unenr ployed workingmen Was held in Trafal- gar Square, and several Socialist orators availed themselves of the opportunity to promulgate their doctrines. A crowd estimated at. nearly 50.000 persons quickly gathered, and, inflamed by the speeches and irritated by the futile ef- forts of the police to disperse them, soon started on a march through the adjoin- ing streets, smashing windows, looting stores, hotels and dwellings, and steal- ing or destroying property valued at $400,000. Three policemen were hurt, but no lives were lost, nor was any per- son very seriously injured. Several of the ringleadcrs in the riot. have been arrested, and steps are to be immediate. ly taken to relieve the terrible and widely spread disasters that led to the disturbance. ReorgitnInfug Schdols. At a. meeting of the school trustees on the 3rd last. the secretary was in- structed to write to Mr. Henry Reazin, l Inspector for West Victoria, requesting him to vistt our schools as soon as pos- Mary came to my hou~e on Friday, thcl dinner and remained until about four . o'clock. They had with them a basket that would hold about a peck. They! raid they had been to Mr. Fisk's fivr‘ some turnips, but had not got any, and ‘ thought. they would come to mv place = = for some of their potatoes, which were i fill my eell'ir. When they were living? in my house they bad part of a roll of felt paper resembling tlze pit-cc pro- duced. It is the only kind of felt paper I have ever seen. Du. A. \t'tusos. swnrn, said: Two years ago Sophia Udy had almost com- plete solidification of one lung, and I , l l idid not then think she would live as 1 long as she has. i Du. E. S. \VILSON, sworn. I have not been treating any of the Udys nor supplying them with medicine. Was , in their house on Thursday, Feb. 4th. ‘ and told Mrs. Udy that the girl need not submit to a medical examination unless she wished. "vl'l In) ri-nwtt f~r telling her except that. in no iguui'nur person, she might have bwu 't.')-‘ll‘.,vl into submitting. Du. Gnauau. (rt-mile: l. ,l Could not say whether the call ‘.‘-‘.l.~ ll ‘l'lt ilivv or , not. My opinion is ll-LtY it as. hat I 3 l connot say positivvly. If ll l::|.’$'l 'l\'>'l'x' l placed OVt‘l‘ a new-born chil‘l's uiunth ll l would die and no marks would he left. Have attended some of the Udy family, but not Sophia, though I have seen her once. I do not think that either of the girls was euccintc. MARTHA IIALL, sworn. About a couple of Weeks ago while passing Udy‘s I saw one of the girls sitting in her night clothes, and Mrs. Udy had a baby near the window. It was a baby that could walk. (Laughter) The witness, a young girl. was told that that was CDOUL’ll, and she might go. Mas. Stusu JANE Hexcnv, sworn, said : I live in the village. Don't know anything about the child that was found, except what I have heard. I called to see Sophia several times since she came from Lindsay, and she was up and down i every time. Saw all my other sisters. Sophia was sick with a headache, but none of the others were sick within the last two or three months. )1 its. ALICE DUNDAS. sworn. I have heard about a child being found, but don't know when, though I think it must have bet-n on Saturday. I know Sophia Udy and have seen her twice since she came from Lindsay. Never said that there was anything wrong with her, and don't know that there was. There being no further evidence, the hall was cleared and the jury left to deliberate. It was then about 10:30 p. m., and two hours later they decided to return the verdict given on Monday - o . o n d ' ' l l‘ ' . I‘ ' " Sible, With a View to reorganizing the OHM“ “‘9‘” l’f‘fmc the "'{lumt “33 re“ 93mm The warm”). carried on, his opened. L‘Lz, “ That the child had been instructions ; Mr. Ilenzin promptly made his appearance ; and, at a meet- ing of the Board last Wednesday even- ing, his opinion as to what ought. to be done was read and adoptedâ€"as will be seen by the proceedings published in another column. There is such a thing as legislatiug (as well as marrying) in haste and repenting at leisure; and, from what we have heard, the trustees â€"or, at. any rate, some of themâ€"ap- pear to already regret having so hastily agreed to Mr. llcnzin's suggestions. The regret is no doubt. caused by the (ll5>atti.~liictitiii expressed at the proposed new :irrangelneutx which We iuucy will i meet with a good deal of OppOnlllIitl from both north and south oi the river. The chief argument in favour oi the erection of a new school houm, instead of increasing the accomde ition by building an addition to the old one, was, that it would put, a stop to the complaints of the parents whose children had so far to go to the old school-house that they could not attend in very cold or wet weather ; and these complaints I will be revived if Mr. Rcuziu's proposed course be pursued. The Inspector is invested with a good deal of power, and can, unless we are mistaken, enforce his suggestions; but we do not. for a mo- ment suppose that he has the least, dis- pOsitiou to be arbitrary, though no doubt he is of the opinion that the or- ganization of the schools so that they shall best serve the end of their exist- ence ought to override all other consid- erations. What is to be done we really ‘do not know. I the question to hire two sets of teachers, l one for the north school and one for1 the south ; and, failing this, it appears i impossible to keep all the pupils in the , . I , laffutr and are t.‘S|IL‘t2ill._’ 'L lilnl : i ‘ to attend theltler will be greatly (ll-appointed. A}; divisions to which they naturally belong and yet enable them school-house nearest to their respective llomcs- During the summer a quarter of a mile, more or less,m.1kes very little difference, except to the mere infants who ought not to be admitted into the public schools ; but in midwiuter, or on stormy days in spring and fall, it is ocrtalnly an aggravation to have to send a child to a remote schoolhouse while there is one close at hand. We confess our inability to see how the difficulty is to be overcome ; but. as six heads are better than one, perhaps the trustees will beable to hit upon some course that Is likely to be more popular than the one suggested by Mr. Iteaain. The Inquest Concluded. The inquest on the body of the child .3 found on I7dy's farm by Mr. John l’vr- i ryrnan on the morning of Friday, the ' 29th ult., was concluded last Tuesday vafter three adjournments. , Devlin, county attorney. came all the way from Lindsay to conduct the pro- Ceedings. but even with his assistance no evidence calculated to implicate any person was elicited. A Man. “'31. .‘chtss‘os, of Fidlcr's‘ hill, was the 6m witness on Tucday. ; After being sworn. she: said: I knew nothing about the child until I went to Dr. Wilson's 06cc with my little girl, and he asked me if I had heard that , the body had been found. g Udy faintly, and they all stayed at my 3 house for three days after they left the labour. either of the girls. thing wrong with her lungs. Sophia has visited me slowâ€"the la-t time about four weeks . and if anything had been the matter with her I think I would have area it. Mn. Udy and 16? Look out for Robson’s 2-gang Plough, the strongest. and best. in the - market. THOMAS ROBSDN. illcfeltelmt falls Q’Jugrttc Of course it is out. ni‘i that nllc lay for Stll.” illil" l:: Mr. A. l’. ‘ I know the, fans. but I noticed nothing uumualé All were; healthy except Sophia, who had nonc- : born alive, and that it had come to its death through the culpable neglect of some person or persons unknown.” Traditions. Any person who has served, even for a few weeks, as local reporter for a newspaper, and whose duty it is to as- certain the facts upon which flying ru- mors are based, will lose all faith in traditions, if he ever had any. The simplest statement. will become so ulter- ed and umgnilii-d by the time it is an hour old that its author can hardly recognize it, and it we had published everything that came to our cars as we heard it, the Gazette would have con- tained enough lies: to sink a man-nilwnr, provided lies weighed a pound each. Last week some one dropicd into the other: and told us, with every appear- ance of believing it himself, that a Lind- say Salvatiouist named Strong had killed his wife with a tire shovel while in a “ glory fit,” and that Capt. God- frey of this village was going to town to assist at. the unfortunate woman‘s funeral. It. was hard to resist the icinptntion to put so sensational an item into type; but when the truth was known all the “ glory " and loud con- sequences were knocked out of the of- fair, which dwindled to a case of com- mon aggravated assault. It appears that Strong was beating one of his chil- dren so uumercil'ully that his wife in- tt-rfered. and he struck her such a vinâ€" lcnt blow on tho lwrvl with ‘l slinvv-l l.’ llt'. l The brute was taker. h-l- n i..~ lhdim; Magistrate, who .~l~~il :.zu. I'l iii. [ three month:. at. :....r:l iwlmur. How] of our readers \vhn mgr-3 at“ llm tradition. for us, thank you. School Board Proceedings. Fenelou Falls, Feb'y 9th, 1386. The Board mobâ€"all the members present and the chairman in the chair. Proceedings of last meeting read and approved. The following COHHIHIUICH', tinn from Mr. Rustin, the Inspector oi ‘ Public Schools for West Victoria, was read by the secretary : To (It: Barri of lz'Jucnli'on, Pardon Falls. Gunmen,â€" l have the honour to state lthat. having t'l-ltml the different dc-l lpnrttncnts of lhc Fenolon Falls public * schools, I find the first and fourth grades ‘ and the southward school very much overcrowded. I recommend as a rem- cdt‘,â€"â€"- i ll.) That Miss Newton and her di~ vision, consisting of third book scholars, be sent to the south ward school. 2) That. the junior fourth class, x‘ (except six of the best pupils.) be also ‘scnt tn the south ward school. All of those thus sent to the south ward school to form one grade to be taught by Mr. llerron. (3.) The senior second book class now in the south ward school to be sent to the north school; the remainder of; the pubils in the south ward to bel taught by Miss Newton. t l (4.) Miss Mexican, with her thirdi division. to occupy the room thus vacat- ed by Miss Newton. 2 (5) The second book scholar: sent. from the south school, together withl the senior class in the fourth grade, to ! lumpy the room vacated by Minn Mar : Niven, and to be taught by Mia Mo- ; Dumas. l (6.3 An additional teacher to be en- t gncarly fifty pupils from the Loretto v if they have only stolen enough. Cen- gaged by the Board, to take charge oi the room thus vacated by Miss McDi- armid. H. REAZIX Moved by Dr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Ellis, That Mr. Reazin's sugges. tion with regard to the reorganization i received l“ fir“ blow lo'ulfih‘ l" ‘l'cl : who was driving along in a cutter, n‘t- of the schools be adoptedâ€"Carried. Moved bv Mr. Robson, seconded by Bobbing Albany. SEVERAL PERSONS HURT THRO'STSER‘ ISO GEAR GOING WRONG. 'ALBANY, X. Y., Feb. 6.â€"Bobbing l occurrence of two serious, if not fatal, l I accidents. One sleigh ran into the Mr. Mullahâ€"That the following accounts " BIOOHS" Brutâ€"’9'" “‘9 lull-3°“ bl’b‘ be paid, D. M. Leary, for iron ladder, $37 80; Wm. B. Ellis, for maps. globe &c.. 834 05, and that. the chairman give his orders for the sameâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Martin, That. Messrs. Moffut, Mar- tin, Ellis and the mover be a committee to make arrangements for furnishing the other school-room south of the river. â€"Cnrried. Moved by Mr. Ellis. seconded by Mr. Mrrtin, That the Board engage Miss McDonald, at a salary of 8150 per an- num, to teach the first department in the school north of the river. â€"Cart'ied. DENTAL NOTICE -â€"- Persons whose It‘t'lll need attending to will please take notice that Mr. J. Neel-ands, dentist, of Lindsay. or his representative, will be ' a: the .‘chrthur House, Fenclon Falls, on Monday and Tuesday next, the 16th and l7tll inst. VULCASIZABLE Connâ€"A valuable addition to rubberdentul platesâ€"makes a beautiful and durable gold surface next the roof of the mouth. Wherever in use. people are delighted with it. Go to Mr. Gross, dentist, Lindsay, and get a set of teeth on this plateâ€"5‘12. Hmnu'mrxtrnsr AT Connects?! â€"' The juvenile members of the Fcnelon Falls Band of Hope will give an enter- tainment in the Methodist church, Cob- oeonk, on the evening of Tuesday, the 23rd inst... and the people of the vicinity may rest assured that it- will be well worth attending. For particulars see posters. Tun Iuou Bunionâ€"At the recent :2 meeting of the county council it was moved by Mr. Swantou’ and seconded by Mr. Daniel, “ That the iron bridge at Fenelon Falls be replanked." The motion was passed by the street: and bridge committee, and the work is to be done as soon as practicable, under the superintendcncc ofour rceve. A Tnaw.â€"Wedncsdny, Thursday and Friday of last week were three of the coldest days on record for mun-y years, but on Saturday evening a thaw commenced and has continued ever ~ince. There has been no rain to speak oi, but the snow has dimppcared from the hill' sides and the sleighing is be- coming very bad. positively that. he saw a robin last Thursday morning, and some think that spring is at hand. VISITORSâ€"On Wednesday forenonn convent, Lindsay, accompanied by three of the sisters, arrived at the Falls in sixsleighs, and put up at the McArlhur House, where they took dinner, and afâ€" terwards spread over the village, seeing the sights, and (some of them) visiting friends or relations. They left about 4 p. m., and as the weather was very fine and mild and the sleighng good, the young ladies had a pleasant drive both out and home again. AUCTION SALE.â€"â€"Mr. W. H. Steven- son, having sold his property in Fenclon with the intention of moving to Maui- toba, has advertised an auction sale of all his stock, implements, household furniture. &e., on Tuesday, the 23rd lust” and, as everything will be sold without reserve, many persons will no doubt get guild bargains. Mr. Stevenâ€" son has two or three pedigreed Durham cattle, probably as well bred as any in the Province, but they will be knocked down to the highest bidders. MASONIC Cowmanâ€"A grand Ma- sonic concert wus given, according to announcement, in lngrniu’s hall on Thursday evening, and those who can appreciate good singing say that it was one of the best entertainments of the kind they ever attended in this village. The hall was crowded, and the receipts, which are not yet exactly known, must have amounted to nearly $100. The stage was nicely decorated, the best of order was maintained, and the concert. was in every sense a decided success. Mr. Hugh McDougztll, W. M., oflicintcd IL" cliulrmau. American Refugees in Canada. "' l’icn." of the Toronto News, says : -â€"A correspondent from old Uncle Sam‘s farm wants to know if American refu- gees in Canada are received into good society. They are, dear boy, they are; tcol society and genteel rascality are not incompatible in this country. Au- dacious assurance, backed by stolen gold, will get a man most anywhere in this country except in jail. If a man is cultivated, and his wife dresses wall, society ain't going to read its nether garments over the darkened source at wealth. A fraudulent bankrupt or a crime-steeped bank cashier is just as good as anybody else, if he has hung onto the handle. Eno is swelling around Quebec with his wife decked out in rill” and sutlns and diamonds, and even the company of the lieutenant-governor is not. too good for him. The Montreal colony A villager declares . l l i l sleigh in the world, as the latter was being dragged up the hill. Four peoâ€" ple on the colliding sleigh were injured. the steersmnn internally and it is feared fatally. One lady had her teeth broken by the shock and another received se- vere injuries about the limbs. The other accident occurred 0n Madison avenue, the chief slide, over half a mile in length. A sleigh carrying about twenty persons, running at a terrific rate of speed, lost its steering apparatus, and, swerving out of the street, carried away bodily a sto=lp from one of the residences, on which was standing an old man watching the sport. Two of the crew of the sleigh were severely hurt. The old man escaped without serious injury. The bobslciglt races for the local pennant will be held on three nights of neat week on Madison avenue. After the Chinese. IKE “'HITI-I MINERS OUT WEST SHIPPING THE CELESTIAIS OFF. PORTLAND, Oregon, Feb. 7.â€"To-day, as if by some preconccrted and secret arrangement, the Chinese are being driven 0th of fiuttlc, W. T., the scene of the recent raid upon the celestials by the white miners. It is understood that. the Knights of Labor are at the head of to-dny’s demonstration. _So far no personal violence has been olfered t0 the Cliiuamen, but they are corrnllcd wherever found and marched to the steamboat landing, where the steamer Queen of tlre Pacific, which plies regu- larly between San Francisco and Puget Sound, is lying. On arrival at the wharf the rinters march what Chiuumeu - they have on board, after procuring for each one a steerage passage to San Francisco, which costs 810. Up to two o'clock this afternoon about one hun- dred Chinnmen had been stowed away on board the steamer. An effort was then made to rash :1 number of others aboard without paying their passage money, but the captain of the steamer stationed five men at the gungwnys with trains of hose ready to throw boiling water into the mob if the attempt should be renewed. A Startling Visitation. A MOCKER OF DIVINE THINGS PROMPT- LY I'UNISIIED. N nw YORK, Feb. 8:â€"A special front Harrisburg, Pa, says :-â€"Ou Thursday : morning there was a jovial crowd in on hotel at Millersburgh,- Dhu‘pliin county, and, while they were imbibing, Samuel Mccter, a patent medicine peddler, en- tered. A discussion followed on religi- ous subjects, and Mecter dared the men to indulge in an imitation of the Lord’s Supper. They agreed to have it with beer and bread, and accordingly :1" glass was filled with that; beverage. They then knelt in mock humility, and with the beer in'ono hand and the bread in the other Meeter went. along distribu- linga bite and sup to each. Suddenly, when he was about half through, a strange noise was heard, and, looking up, the men saw a sight that. made their blood run cold, and froze the mar- row in their bones. As near as the men could describe it. they declare that it was an immense ill-formed and foul beast, with great cloven feet, painted horns and eyes that flashed tire. With wild yells the men rushed out into the open air and scattered in every direc- tion. Finally all of them reached their homes except Mccter, who was away for a long time and at last. arrived, a maniac. He was put. to bed and physi- cians summoned, but. they could do nothing for him. He raved, howled and prayed, and declared that, he had seen the evil one and that he was lost. Ilis torture was terrible, but nothing could be done to relieve him and he died in the wildest agony. -0 Enveloped in Flames. SIX MEN SIIOCKINGLY HURNED IN A SIIASTY IN ST. LOUIS. ST. LOUIS, Feb. ("ILâ€"At 10 o'clock last evening a burst of flames, envelop- ing a shanty near the railway tracks east of St. Louis, was discovered. No one was near the place, but the glare of light attracted the attention of all the railroad men that happened to be out. They ran toward the plncc,und as they did so they heard the most piercing shrinks, groans, and cries, telling that human beings were held there in a fiery cage, unable to escape. There was a rushed to the door. It was forced in, when two men staggered out, their arms and their clothes ablaze. Other men were dragged out unconscious. The victims, as they came out, Were soiled and rolled about on the ground in the snow. Their bodies were blackened, and long strips of flesh peeled off. pre- senting a horrible night. The unfortu- hob-nobs with the first families. 1 hates. six in number. Were taken to the and the daughters of our best citizens relay depot, where they were attended are not above the eyes of sconudr-"ls whom an honest man should thrash for presuming to ring his door hell. i 9 to. They had_ strolled into the shanty one by one, to warm up. and were sit Yes“ ting around the stove talking when and- dear boy, if you can get your hands on l den],- uw Move seemed to burs: open a few hundred thousand dollars of some other person's money, come right along and bring it with you. You will be a usual, a thief, a villain, .an nahung wretch. but society will open its down wide for you. and all you have to do is to walk in, hang up your hat. and enjoy yourself. Just put your feet- flzht up their escape. and it. seemed an eternity down at 200,000 head and the flames went all around the room, enveloping the men before they could turn towards the door. They could only beat about. with their hand- and struggle with each other in an en: dcavour to get to the exit. They gnp pied with each other, and this impeded . c. .-. w “in l l l again. not molested. 3.3%”) IV “I V “‘ ,{. .‘L' A Battle. The Peterborough Ravine says:â€" On Sunday afternoon at about three o'clock the Salvation Army were out on the usual parade. While moving down Slmcoe street a young man named Wall, tempted to pass. In doingso he skirted along quite close to the edge of the pro~ cesston. the horse inlso close quarfcrs, and while it. was passing him he. gave it n crac on the head with his jiugliug tambour- ine. The horse jumped to one side, but not before Wall had retaliated by giving Webb a cut with the whip. The Army then turned on “'all and vigor- ously belaboured him with flags, drum~ sticks and other implements of war, while Wall stood up and plied the whip with great energy. cutting and slashing right and left among those who came within range. retired in good order. and Wall drove down street as far as the corner. There he turned round, and, as if to invitc' another attack, drove past the army This time, however, he was 0-. A Remarkable Pigeon. The Hampshire (Eng ) Inch-lawful! ofJunuury 9th says :â€"-Mr. .las. l‘llcy, the secretary of the Isle of Wight I'oul- try and Pigeon Association, has just received a letter from Milbourue, staâ€" ting that a pigeon was brought into the town by tho captain of a ship. who picked it up in an cxliau<ted condition some distance from the Coast. it having hovered round the vessel for three days. From the description ol the stamp on the wings, the writer knew that it. he- longed to the Isle of Wight Association, and Mr. Eloy was able to idcutify it as belonging to Mr. Butt, of High-street, Hyde. The bird had also a tape tied under its wing, showing that it hui previously been picked up by another vessel, and liberated 700 Inilc~ lvom the West Coast of Africa. It appears that the pigeon, with others, was taken over lto Clierbouvg, and then liberated, so tllatit might compete in the Crystal Palace show. \th the poor bird went. l l d such a distance out. of its course is of course a mystery. Mr. Eloy hopes to have the bird home in time for the. show, to be held at the end of the mouth. o-.â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘-_- Injured by a Cow. ' The Hastings Shir sayszâ€"An As- pltodel farmer had rather an exciting time one day last. week. He was dri- ving ncow int'o t'mvu for Mr. Black, the butcher, and when n’bim't a.” mile from the village the animal became un» manageable. After vainly eudenvoring to restrain the brute and an eudlcst amount of trouble, they got the animal as far as the yard of the Methodist chu‘rch, into which she was driven until Mr. Black was sent for. While the cow was in the enclosure Mr. Archie Shearer drove up with the intention of putting his horse in the shed, and while doing so the cow made a rush and struck him, inflicting pu-inful injuries. By this time Mr. Black appeared, and another attempt was made to drive her. The now i‘rcnzlcd animal made a dash and rushed eastward along Albert-st... on which Mrs. J. M. Wilson was walk- ing and was met by the infuriated ani- .» t .. ,, s I “‘0' ‘ warms; Ted Webb did not like to see At length the soldiers l , . ' sewed on his clothes [or buttons. A “pound nugget of gold has been found in Siberia._ The Earl of Aberdeen has been ap- . pointed Viceroy of Ireland. As was predicted. the winter has i been very open‘ and lots of cold weather l got in. ,I It is expected that the. Speech from' ‘ the Throne in the Domin'iuu House will i contain no allusion to Riel. 5\ minister in Rooks county. Hurrah,- , rides forty miles and preaches fonr ser- mons every Sunday for a salary of SI‘UO' i a your. Michael Iltyltr, SENS that Mr. Glad-’ \ stone is (new.th English statesman who has the courage and ability to grapplo‘ with the Irish problem? The sir c’nulm brothti‘s, of Walker County, Georgia. aggregate thirty eiglifi fev-t seven inches in height and nvurag’o' 200 pounds each. 'l‘ho Church of l'higlnnd has nine ‘ preaching stations along the line of tho 2 Panama Canal. 'l'hcre area large num- 1 her oi Englishmen mnoug the workup-r): Prince llisumrck is alleged to liavo‘ ofi'crcd the Duke of Edinburgh JIM“),- Ollll pounds to induce him t- surrender his rights to the Duchy of Saxchnborg: Giulia. Tennessee has a man under arrest for murder, whose guilt is suspectc‘d' because when he entered the room where the victim's body lay, the wounds' bled afresh. At St. John‘s, N. F., recently. it' squad of the. Salvation Army, composed- of a man and three girls, were set upon' by a mob, pelted with mud, and other- wise maltreated. Lord Salisbury and the other meln‘. bcrs of the retiring Ministry were hoov- cd at Portsmouth while returning from' Osborne. when- they had gone to delivut‘ the souls of ollicc to the Queen. A Detroit “ lawyer " acceptctl'n‘ fed of 33 cctits from a newnboy who was held at. the Central Station on a charge“ of trying to break into a stall on tho market. The boy was discharged. . An English paper says [that the Hill‘â€" «loos are colnplalulng about the poor' quality of idols l'nruislh-il thcin bv tllo’ Birmingham mamlfucturcrs. 'l‘lu- idols are too ugly for even the most. devout lllmloo. . A negro passed through Mla‘dlmu'; (LL, from a hunt, with St‘\'f‘.|‘ltl l'ttllbllN‘ hung on his arm. and before he got out' of town the left Iiiud li-ot oi'vncli rabbit? was mi~singâ€"u rabbit's loft. hind foot» for luck. you know. All overseer of the poor at St. Albums,- Vt., who invostigatud a case of'sup- posed need, found the head of a family saving his money to feed his hum-«v abundantly,- While he let the rust nl’ tlic‘ futuin beg dilly for their food. The New York Courts have n uovul~ way Ol'tcsling the sanity at a tostntov' who made his will a few hours before' his death. It was shown in evidence: that he had said he thought If tvllisky-’ ,. punch would do him good. That settled- it, and the Court sustained the will: _ Among other subterl'uges to keep his money from falling into the hands of' Turkish brigaulls, bicyclcr Steveuu,-whor is making a tour of the globe on his bf- cyclo, lutd gold coin covered with cloth- I‘l‘is‘ pautaluou buttons were worth 854' per' dozen. In Norway it is believed that wnlves‘ are hightcned away by telegraph li'u'cls‘. I‘t is said that. however hungry a wolf may be, he will never go into a spot: l incl at. the junction of Wellington street. , The snow being deep Mrs. Wilson could that is enclosed by ropes stmtahed- on- ‘H . . . ,. posts. Since the first. telegraph line tvaa‘ not get. out cfthc way of the" undue-amt established, twenty years ago. Wulvos’ brute, and was therefore knocked- down have never appeared in its ueighbouw and received severe injuries. The ani- mal continued her race along the Nor- hood. ' . Al yobtll' employed in a Manchester} wood road to Walter Scotts' and was N. H., print. works was last weclo drag; caught nextday. Mrs. Wilson and Mix". gell- head first: through the space he: Shearer still suffer from the shocks sus- tween two retiolving copper cylinders taincd. «-o_..___... Joseph Arch, M. P. Many people were startled when they saw Mr. Joseph Arch, tho member for the North-western district of Norfolk, which wore only three inches apart, but} the copper, being t’hiu, yielded with the" prc9sut'c brought to beu‘r'on‘iv, and did young man escaped without any serious» tawny.- A professor who got very angry ad the interruption of a workiugman while enter the House of Commons in a rough “0 W0“ explaining the operation a. gray tweed jacket and billycqck hm, I muchtuc In a factory, strolled away in n‘ learned that at a meeting of the Work- ingmeu'n Club at limuniugton he had previously stated he “ should enter thr- Huuse of Commons in the very suit of clothes in which they saw him that night; and when he appeared as a guest at that. great banquet. which he heard would be so large that. the largest l room in the National Liberal Club would scarcely contain all thuse who had applied for tickets, he should go in the same dress they saw that night." And so he did. Nor is any lault to he found with his procedure. It. “'liul'l have been the mure~t mumuwry had this homey-handed son of the soil ap- peared in an evening dressâ€"Which, by the way. he is scnrc~~ly in a position to afford, though he prides himself on be- in;: now a “ little freeholdcr." Former ly he worked in the fields as a hired laborer. At the same time he acted among his associate-t as a Methodist preacher, and he is certainly a man oi sterling pern‘nmtl worth. llis aim of helping to restore an independent yen man class. I believe to be in the best interests of the country at large, both as regard-i the physical health of tin: nation and its military strength. By the recent formation ul'a society for the voluntary senior) of allotments to agri- cultural lahouren more than a hundred llfldvd proprietorsâ€"Cum.rvativea an well an Liberalsâ€"have shown that tlwy hall] the schema to he lt'1~ll)le and praisewarthyâ€"Loud/m Lifn, “w” In Paris it ctr-H 33 to urinate a body, and this inciudrs e mi un‘l libuur j with an urn thrown in. In Milan the icon! is only 8i 40, but they give no urn or chroma. j The load of cattle in the I’m Handle region during the recent storm in net This «oust m» on the stove and spit. in the corner. and i before they heard the cries of those t cl-vnily be a mare J’lteifi, however, and ask for what you don't sec. ready to bow down before you. WI.“ this country wants is such a . coal oil at the flames burst out around : The fire was the result either i inveighin: agaumt the plague of gmtul revival of honesty as will make a man ashamed to harbor one of the defraud- ing. disgraced hounds that contaminate it by making it a refuge. - The nenognpber's fen in a pro- longed contest over a will in a New York Court were nearly 88,000,, member distinctly that they had smelled them. of a practical joke or a deliberate attack upon the litres of the men to settle an old grudge. _____..,,_..____ Ajnryman in Boston was aodrnnk in the box last week that he had to be removed and the trial postponed. We're all who came to their rescue. They m. i it is to be hoped that it in much over , the mark. The agricultural papers I f India are lthum, There are mmwthin; like {unr- ' teen million: 9! goats in the l’rv-id~=nv:y of Madras, and it is aligned that not gonly have they destroyed young forest l um, but reduced, through the annihi- , lation of maistureabserbing herbage, many of the watercourses to dry ravines. | ltulf, and asked another nmn :â€"--“ Who is that lollow that pretends to know more than I do about that lltnlt'ltttlt'lll ? "’ “ “ll, be in the man that. invented it," , was the answer. , Natural gas is now bring successfully used as a street cleaner. At. Beaver Falls, I’n., n ll0~t3 with perforated meâ€" ltullic hose was attached to the main, i the gas was iguio-rl, and the mountains of snow that blocked the street warn re. duced to water in u fuw minutes by a ,powerful stream of hissing bluc lire. ‘ Pittsburgh people are now talking of l applying the some syrtcm on an exten- sive rcalc. A New Jermy clergyman who recent- ly died left a pruvi-imi in his will in. regard to the raising of goals an an ar- ticle of fund, The deem-«ed nlcrgytmtn helicvcd that gont~" limb is lar prefera- ble to «Winch limb. and tlvulrcul to do mullifllllll: to mnplmaizu his views on the huhji-ct. The goat halt hithch played many parts in the drama oflile; it. now rumniua to be seen how he will pan out as a nth-titute for pork. [SI IO'I'I 1H. Al's'rls‘ -â€"Io I’vnvlun Fall», on 'I'bnrlday, February llth, the wile at Mr, John Austin Of a daughter. 51, [hailingâ€"-1" l’gnelmt Valli. on Thur!- duy. February tltll, the: wifv of Mr. Atehcaun St. (Jr-urge ofa daughter. I) I I'll). Baum-r -â€"(lo Tuvmtny. February 25ml. at 251 Georgi- atrvvt. Toronto, erlrnclt “'ll- liatn linrrun. formerly l'rmeimtl ut l‘ppcr < (Ian-um Collar-gr, tfl the I‘ll“ pen! of m- age. Dre-mull was full“ r of Mr. John A. liarrou, u! hmds iy. â€".â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"- FENHIJIN FALLS MAILKETS. [I’lmrurl ’n/ .VCllvmf/ull (f "landfall. Fem-lull l'allu. l'rirlny, l’rl/y thlt, I880, When, (all. per litH-v‘wl - - .51! 7‘! 0 7' Wheat. spring, “ - - - 0 65 0 75 Harley. per butlml - - - 4': 30 tom, -- n - - . . .32 33 ‘ l’ruae, -‘ “ - - - - 5f) 66 "yr, .. H _ _ - _ 5o Potatoes, “ o . - - 25 30 "utter, per ll.., - - - - s 12 II! Drug-rd Hogs, per ill) lbs, .35 05! $5 75 lice-f, per IOU llu, - o â€" 5t 50 ‘5 00 Eggs, per down, - - - - M II III-3'. Per ton, - - - - o'l 0” “0 0° Sheepskins, - - - r - 25 35 llrrt’llidn, - ~ - - V5 ’1" 37 99 ‘ L w _.‘_‘ AAâ€"A‘

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