Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Feb 1885, p. 3

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x ...»- p d _ szDI-ORD gaaencre‘ném‘c SALE, Booming cor-rang as AT )1. A. REGANS ___AT_.._ WAGGONSAND BUGGIESinrrr rnrrrnnr rrrrurrr srnr‘rr, rrrrrrrrrr rrr‘rsiTHE CITY STORE. m hand, a“ gmnmteeo he first class, which he will sell MUM” CHEApEr THAN EVER. Be sun”1d 5'00 his stock of Jrge stock of I have decided to clear out all my . . . . . _ . ‘ ~ . ‘ , . ~ _. y‘~- Notwithstanding the comhined eflorts oi the inanutactureis to advance the pi ices of Vi lute Whiter Dry GOOdS at COSt Prices i and Grey Cottons, the City Store. anticipating their projected scheme, has entwined them and i laid in their season’s supply at. the lowest price ever reached in the-history ot Canada, and is I prepared; while the present stock lasts, totmdersell all previous etlorts ever made. Our prices at. present for Factory Cottons and Steatnlooms are fully ten per cent.‘lower than any whole- sale house is offering the Same goods for to-day. \Ve invite every buyer or Lottons to visit. the City Store and examine prices and quality, itionly for the sake ohentnpartsrm, \V e delight. in showing our patrons good value. and we have it. to show you. It is early In the season to say much to you about prints, but we have an advance hue 01 only 100 pieces,. but larder ex» ceptional cirhnmsmnces, which we are selling at 5 cents a yard. lirese .goods are tull 7:) inches wide. and are without doubt the best value ever ofi‘ered to the City Store patrons. 1 hey are w- - - _ - to make room for large spring purchases to arrive in a short time. T r z _ , ) - r r _ V V _ ~ i8 Sr Flannels at Cast...- IDress Goods at Cost. )rmers requiring: a hr’“';‘”“ ‘1” “1"” t9 ill-“PC” his Spring Blankets at Cost. Mantle Cloths at Cost. both Harm‘V99 “Huh ‘3. Just .th‘" ihmg, {milling}? hum" H“ “void Shawls at Cost; “'ool Clouds at Cost. . “1‘3”th l “Him”; {mm madlmcsz Tweeds at Cost. wool Hosiery at Cost. Wool Shirts at Cost. Woril Drawors at Cost; SEEDERS. JLTIVATORS, RAKESz Comm sun-rs at Cost. Prints at W- . . . . -.1 . . r . 1; t .. - i -. ' ' worth walking: a long dlstanee to see, and-you ll sn) so too a an you Mr t run. 11 rum 1 AND a 3‘05“ NOW 15 THE TIME To BUY “333 her. 100 pieces won‘t; hold out all summer. We can guarantee you the goods now, but a. month find is liound’t t” he ""‘h'rs‘fld by any one. Grey and White (lotions. Shirtings. Tickings, Cotton Twcerls, Shootings, Ducks! llen'cc we cannot; and Denims, as the prices have been advanced by the mills. CITY DRAPLJRS .A‘ND CLOTnncns; = Kent Street. Lindsay: 5;: h? All of iimfirlone at short notice. Various patterns of Moll!)- r , _ ,_ _. , ,_ . . .,. on rrr rrrrr nuuns ru rrr rrrrnru rr rusr rrru rrru fl ; "Kit-gall}. A” “mums; ct! in i1 first-class manner and on short notice. Some I l f Cheap recondvhand “EGG? for 5"]? . t l _ 7 i N _ ) I ll. , f ‘10“ F “S A ‘ - > \ > __ ’ lie retttrnssincerc omit" tit-r liberal iinrrmmue beam-«d on hr... duringthe ‘ m "mic mm" M our "m Gst‘ ’ ""1" he "‘W‘l 0 “H a iNo. 2 Dobson’s Block, -' ’- 2 Doors West of the Post Oificea M. -t. REGAN, ‘BRANDON 6‘ 30350fo "mm""""‘°°‘“S‘°'°' in the inhabitants of innelun tails and Surrounding Cuuntry. ' H p y H V ‘ I i ‘ II: " tr "1.3 1 ti t k *t ., of \Ir. John A; Ellis, and . f r . _ math:\liii‘Eepldihli‘iigiis tfef‘efiihdefiwg to solicita continuanceNEVV ' of the support extended to him. and we will use our utmost Selling @fi’ at finest! put, 14 yea”. and Wm spano pains to merit a continuance of it in the future. _ 300‘)” be so” so Cheap' > | . Call and lfixalnine the Goods. [ 563‘“ No trouble to shew ther'n. Mrs. KEELEY ‘ Fenelon Falls, January Zith. FRAMES STREET EAST. including iarties in want of â€"-andâ€" GENERAL GRWEREES AND PRSVESISNS, ALL KINDS OFWOOL. CROGKERY’ GLASSWARE’ 8‘0. ‘ ‘ ‘ all of which turn be sold at. ‘ ‘ ( VX1133 Try our TEAS, they will please you both in prices LL55 Tux“ Ll-“Esin PRlu‘fls‘ and quality. In addition to the ahove We have also a large A llit'c lolof and Well selected stock ot‘ Presents9 & such as Dolls of all sorts and sizes, Toys in great variety, Toilet Sets, Vases, Fancy Uhinaayare and varioim other articles. to which the attention of intending purchasers is respectfully invited. Mens’ and Women’s which will be sold as low as the lowest. Yours respectfully, ) r ' r r _ pr ‘MRSJHEELEY .BhAA 8' ‘ Fencion Falls. Nov. 27th, 1884. Fenclon Falls, February 18th, 188:). ___ ‘ WM “m i ‘1 mm Patterns 1 Fcnelon Falls, February llth, 1885. ESEW FEEWETEERE FM? :vli J. is now in t'ull running order, and is fitted up with all machinery necessary to Specialties For Fail Trade 0...... chlland \iale Own i‘lunttlitcturcd kept. constantly on hand and sold as cheap as the cheapest; It . ég UNDER-TAKING A SPECEALTY: L S A large nurnher of Collins to select from. and a handsome llearsc furnished when \ l x I D r required. ()I'Ili'l's solicited 11ml arrir'sjiltilinn grrm'rurtml. Sash and Doors made to " 1“l’ l" ‘i' ‘1 order on short. notice and ot‘ the best. materials. ‘ l 1,8,.(gfa 3T 0. i r] rig r“ r: 1 WILLIAM MCKEOWN. 1' r 'eJL " r J' “Jr ‘J ‘99 Axe Handles, (‘ow Tics, (,‘hairr, I i ~ i . 1),,ji-y Arrival; ' PAIN'rs. one man every. BAKEEY PR N9 Aflmxggmfl FEE crrrrrsrnns GOODS '7‘ ' 1 ‘ S ; . - -. .- v- -<- ' ~ . reat Central Show oi , and .i largr and “til .r.sorttd .1 .: lo the G MU. A. Mummy“ . '2. STOCK OF GENERAL HARDWARE. fiSI A full assortment of 0 he found complete in In order to make room for Spring irnportations, 1 will sell should (all and see the . w Cardigan Jackets, Shirts, Drawers. Clouds, Woollen SOME EXTRA CHEAP LINES Ulsters. Mantles. Blankets and Sealet Caps. E4“. GEEPESGE. J OHN St. LAWRENCE, ON FRANCIS STREET, PENELON FALLS, General Dry Goods, Clothing-7 McCall’s Bazaar gloVe= endeavours at all times to make prices satisfactory to one and , ,_ all who may favour us with their patronage. Our stock willrFANsY DI. G fl - ,- For Two Weeks Gniy- y OOH. O 11110 r l 1110] 7 D . SiiEii .. ‘. nr B A R G- A I N s for the next two weeks only. Such as offered at .lllS establishment. _ - ‘ hose. Wool Shawls, Sklrts, Mutts: Overcoats, Hoods. Mitts, Gloves, Bootees, Gaiters. Ill UlldCl'-Clotlllllg, (oilOllLlS, SliillVlS, ($0., Do not. let the time pass. without securing some of the great Bargains, as I am goods in great demand at season. determined to clear out the above named stock hetore the lst. of March. Giififii' SM SS ifilrfi RY :- é I I The undersigned respectfully informs the public that his new Factory fitting Patterns always on hand, and will be sent by mail 170.915 paid on receipt at price, by IMAM" Wm. Campbell. Fenelon Falls, April 4th, l884. at cost prices. iiiiSil ‘ I. An unusually choir:- lot of Y ‘ ‘ 1 -____Ax1)___; I ‘ p‘ in]? & I has now on‘hagrl a splendid stock of E . . l begs to inform his customer! and the urhw “0 l‘I‘CSll I _ “I” l’l‘lil't‘fit‘lllllI}! llll‘. lit‘si lliillllllilt‘illl't‘fi. lie lhnt,while carrying on the linking linsiâ€" which is n0“r on exlnlfitfljn {1t ' l it and exirrnino goods before purchasing cllni - - _ r ncss as “sunk and turning out dain r 1 A t 't ' _ V . V _ . . .Chanc‘iehers to Order, r Gad i MAGUHREJS CHEAP CASH BOOT GJ'METHERELZI m a]; ~.r:rdes and patterns . .mr .l \\.r\s 1n stor \. a .rrg_t. .rssort iéu-r'osrn rir‘zzw;r.l;ntcrpnrcu, (-nl-H ;., . nu may; . « men: ’l‘inware. Stovepipes and l'llhows. (‘ash t'or skins, &e' l FWWl‘m Min": 0““‘lwr gliml‘ HS" and crammed with a general stock of the most complete nature, hindsui', October um, um ever offered to the gaZe of an :ulnnrrngsr public. «M ~7â€" "" . minim” ‘ H V i ‘ (311031) "bl‘ 0:18]! In i i m“ , “w”. . . -, . , . I r. r. , v .c. ,FRESH GfiacERIES w 1,. w . _. . ’ INTERESTING To ALL. ’( J- I Jâ€"l «J i I, i l to 1 LI] I I mums the attention General excellence is the distinguishing: feature which is noticml in this stock "-â€"‘- ‘ all of which will he sold at the very lowust‘. ot' the public. . , . . . . . I of‘ new goods; nothing there for the purpose oi carehrtr: the eye only, but good Tl”? ‘III‘lPR-iri'nfll 1m"- JrM relented a good . ’ Sugars. Syrups, 'l‘obaccos, Rice, Raisins Currants, Starch, Soaps and all other (lakes. linns kc. he has just opened out a. . , , groceries, which he will sell nim- s‘tuek of I r _,_ 7_74_,7“__ living protit. - I l ho res coals : ho -st. rims, which it" honestly list-d will give honest service to l ““"’””‘""l "l. = , thtl: \vt‘arrir. liakenit rnlsirl while the stock is fresh and Well assorted; the prices;. . i . suit 'd to the tastes of in ' customers. ' are 1”“ i l A ml I‘luultluiu‘r‘t ) * ' v ' t ' ) V 1) ) h ‘ 1 '3 (I [ll [15' ' l'lzu'thr‘HWare. llr-oums. l’aiis, Washtubs. ' 7 . “liltthlllu-lii‘lfllius. Clutllt'S lull“, Matches rl‘l'|l]1](S 2L]l(1 ‘ :llIS(‘H " (Fl')' (‘3!1). lwldr'h nrr- \\'lrli \\'nl’llr"“ ut llllpl'i‘liun 3nd , R F R w a R OATS‘ BRA-V & and other articles in great variety. L § {1 will In- u./.I r/wrp. ‘-., ‘ _ i - - , ' V « r * FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. J _ ‘ ' ' v, .P A R M P R 0 D U c E 8! i I Ifllt-nt Ht... I4ill‘l?fill)'. in any style at lirr- Flurrlt'ki pvmihio notice. 3'0 ll" 15 THIS, T131]; Ill.) 1‘ [T U L 1’- (‘nsh paid rm. 13mm- & I attire the low-i " i ' . .1. J....E?:..T.’.‘.'L.11“:'LifiiiifildilI}..i'§rilli..iii.'iif (‘ash Paid for liutler 6; Eggs i No 3" "‘ iil"7“!if" l""‘“"“"'! “” hi1" mm“; and other farm produce. i kept constantly on hand: also taken in exchange for goods. and ir-nrx'r's. orrs, CLASS AND rmrr , ., . .. . . r» » m1“ l’uiniiny, Krrlwmirnéng and Paper u ,lu-pt I'rrtirld'lllj’ (ill hand. lirL‘ 1r l‘i live .\L'.It’.-‘. H. NlZi'lStiN’. ' Hanging done in ltrllfll. A good ltori of , . ~ . '1 , ' i . ti Drrrrrlas rt; 1* tar cite Bros} - . V v i v i I ‘ I tor all 3{grades and st_\ lt-s ot i V‘ni-‘W ".il-‘..lt::,-".".:."~: 'Tâ€" ' -». . , ‘ , . r r “3:” i i ~ if 5 ‘7 U- W-‘H '1 ""l‘AhLA-Wd P. IHHHM'r'mez. 3 H ' l“t"trelrirr Fails \lav ""nd l.\~l> 3 i "1'm”i"i' i‘ *' r-"' l" H W k l . ‘ Y ~ . . -â€" v - r . t . i. I.. All .\ 4, n! l in]! on B I ' .1‘4. .1 1 A" 9 \‘Hll ('glll lilly lttl' (‘ilrli i(; l'ltvnt arm-t, mar \Ir. .“ahdinrd'n Cur- ua ~4llli|llll3. ('.\lll’l-I.\"l‘l£ll .\ irr'rrnrrcrr, You Will Find FENELEJLFALLS. " iTire “Fem-ion Frrilstiazr-ttc" Extra cll'orts have liven made in my Ft'lt't’tirm tn havo L- rrrrsr rssnnrnrrrr r .. , L WT?" m ' 81 . usuallv sulrl Tile. in $l, for 131‘. to ti-rn'. Hm“, u" ever seen in Frill‘ltllt Falls. ‘ film}; 4...”.-. n. ' “ \n i ' “at w rrrrnrn’ 81 n ma n .uu'u‘r‘z. . i r. .. r “r 'K ,.,r huh. N, 'hitn. .‘ .ipF. ('r.rr5.*r‘vrr'.l.-'. lirndrt-s, ,' "i ii. 1 j. “in” , r I! rr-- .mtpet Vic-l. a ll he lil‘r’l’ it I. ‘ a TRUNKS a muses. BLANKET: ~ ‘ * "H1 } .kqlvvrlining‘ Inn-u. MY GROCERY AND CROCKERY Department is also full. (ireat liar-gains will he given and satisthetionguarantor-rt. . rut-3.... l and r. ultra: other articles, at. r . â€", . l 1- ~... -- l ~ ‘ ~ -"~trr .t". '. . n.‘ 1|(.‘l‘> (13 0‘ dint”) '- ’ nH‘“ ‘ u “ ’ 1" Purim-wind or lvr-zzm-s tnrrlu, 'r'l rrnm marten truth . . . ‘ : . , . ‘ . . 5 ; pr-r in." ‘rl‘r utrnnru lingual adv, fli‘I‘llH'hl', 12.23.. jg :.1: :r. r~~-., 2r J05- 3"“ a , , . , , ,. _ '. ,p , .\ ,NL y‘nvgl n L.“ch Y -. wot: per im" in! tn" lilli ro-wrttun.uud 3 GIVE us A CALL AND EXAMIHE nun srocx. art-s. \Vnrd. ‘ . FLANNELS VEl’x . r-z-r “we: "yr whey-33w inm- ” Mun. .-mtr.u s I] in: )tdf. III )nlf u! «v riot-.2 ‘ (tastier. lot a tolurnn or lru, upon (tawn- nhlc imam: JOB PRINTING '1‘ ml Wilma!) lit/r.» t-xu'rilrr! "nulyl :1". It is "it “‘“uth l” “MW fâ€"“”"l\ Dress 5- “anue maker: . These goals have recently heel”: purchased hy us at less K? I have purchased my stock in the best markets in 5':’"’r'"-"'l““1"" “"““‘i'"""‘ m“ 3 than the cost rit'rrrarrut'mfmi‘c‘ Canada, and l defv competition for Cash in the county. Resmen‘m 0“ Bond St" WeSt' I c . & "I:ro M": i'umllmlu‘" “:qu. .â€" “) . S. n. HAND. , v, s ‘ nu: iisiirt‘ 1-9 .‘lr Turn-i 9. act unit iv... ill 2|(.l\'i|lli"‘ “in i“). ii”: the I}. 3!. l I 4131:. :-l -.E 11-: 13': How: $1.: 5? E'.~.:.- an: ~~ ("hurnc " {yum “mi: unul [he . Kent Street, Lindsay i 1mm», .\'v .v .i. .'-. tisi'.» .n Echelon Falls, September 15th. 1351. twp“. 5-“, A... m; in, h,“ list of January, leer}. Try it. ‘

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