Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Feb 1885, p. 2

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, pied by Dr. Brysou, on May street, l-‘enclou = ‘Ftllls. l NO W IS THE TIME I l CHRwTMAS i CARDa l PICTURE BOOKS AND lilllllSlllllS PlllSllllS of all kinds at Ellis’s Drug Store, PZNELON FALLS. LEGAL &c. A. r. onvmx, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Imw, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. MARTIN 5; HOPKINS, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, kc ney to Loan at 6 per cent. Kentltreet, Lindsay, Out. 1’. S. Mun-Ia. .‘lo- Olliee, G. ll. llorxtss. F, I). MOORE. _" ARRISTER, ATTUIINEY, l; SOLICITR and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Ofiice, Kent street, Lindsay. HUDSI’ETII & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOIIIIJI'I‘ORS, kc. lice, William street, Lindsay. A. ttunarurn. A. durum-m , Of- ‘â€" .,_._____ , O'LEAKY k O'LEARY, ARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW,g Sullcitors in Chancory, kc. Utlicc, Dohony Block, Kcutatrect, Lindsay. An1'nut10'hnttv. “can ()‘I.I:Auv. l W l MCIN’I‘YRE a s'rnwAIrr, l ARRIS‘I‘ERS, AT'I‘t)ltNlCYS-AT-l..\\\',l Solicitors in Chancery. Inn, Lindsay. Ofllcc over ()ntario Hank, Kcnt street. .\lo- ney to Loan at 6 per cent, on real cstatc ccnritiea. D. J. Helm-rm. Tans. Srtzwau'r. I BARRON & SMITH, l ARRISTERS, SUMCITHIES, k0. Lind say. Money to [Minn on security of morl- l gages, promissory notes, kc. 1 JOHN A. llAtutox. fJ. [5. Saint. l [93" One. of the firm will be at thcir l-‘t-n , elon Falls ollicc every 'l‘hursday. (i. A. JORDAN, .llunoyir, ' ;;MEDICAII_“ A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. It, URONER, Physician, Surgeon, kc, kin. Resident-e, llrick Cottugc, Wellington street, Lindsay. DRS. WILSUN & WlLSUN, "YSICIANS, SURGEONS k Ali'lfllli-i ClIPI'S. (mil-c, Fr ' "is Street Eust, Fen- elon Falls. PLS. Winsomu. It, M.n., C..\l., M. e. r. .t 5., Out Dr. A. WILaoy, M. a, II. c. l'. a: 54., Hot. Dtt. J. ll. LOWE, HYSICIAN & SURGEON. Coroner for the Provisional County of llalihurton. 363' Office. next door to the .\le.-\rthur‘ llonsc. Residence, the house lately occu- I DRS. BURROWS & GRAHAM. PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS, kc. oml-n and residence directly opposite (.‘arr's ltotel, William 81., Lindsay. Calls from the pountry promptly attended to. ‘I‘. I’Atauzu Ilotnmws, II. II. (IIIAIIMI. .\t. n , or. n., c. u, it. c. e. .t r. w. lute Soho Mosul H. o. (lruduatc .\I‘Gill pitul, London. r. r. s. .Collegc, .\Iont., Idol}, 31., M. It. C. 3., England ' sunvnvons. JAMES DICKSON, l ‘) h. Surveyor, Com nissioner in the Q. ll.,, . tlonveyanecr, kc. ltcsidcnce,aml ud- dross, Fenclou Pulls. Pâ€"Vâ€"â€"â€"_â€"_‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-9â€"_â€" MISCELLANEOUS. flitâ€"IntIortnéEslldlliSltIiicid : fie undersigned. having commenced the , Tailoring business in rooms over the post- 3 cake, respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. Garments Made In the Latest Style, and customers may rely on getiing a good fit. ('lmrgrs ratatouille. A. l"l..\l:l\'.' Fenclon Falls, Dec'r Nth, 18st. 41L 3 13:11.}.(‘1‘rxx It." S. Fire good l‘ntllding Lots for :‘fi‘ll‘ cheap .in lt‘euelon Falls Wfit. (Hilly to I ' 1 JAIIvls .t )lrlml t:.\l.I.. renal“ Falls, June l‘th, :sat. IT-t l. .I. NEELANDS, DI-ZN't‘IS'I‘. LINDHA‘Y. One of tLe lirm will be at the Molnrttlra Ilot'siz. l-'v..\‘r.t.os I-‘.\t.t,s, on the third Monday I‘rl'cach month. T-‘c‘tl. (attracted by laughing gm without pain It! injury. or no charge 1 ill be made. fl" Office established in Lindsay near!) (fut-n years. ""5 l'lTY (W l.')\'l)l*.\' Filll-I lVSl'ib urn I‘o I‘apzlal £5.” vIIu-o-t sterling. Deposited with the llumttzion tiovt-rmncnt. .stnngmn, Ta: Rout. lurmxcr l’o or Hm: no 7.â€" .(‘lpiuL $l“,l'tluw-H. ll-positr-l with l|v~ wit-ton Govvruturnt and tltllt‘ffi'..vn‘ tested in [jundg‘ $11 ht'mn‘» Tux Wurst“ humwu I'm. vi finial. Capital and .\$3€lt' $1337.13, [.11 S‘llTll. .tz-m‘. Penelon Path, Jsa‘y 21nd. lbs. h INS‘UILINCE; GEORGE CUINIIGHAI, Gena-d Insurance and Loan Agent. PENELON FALLS. 0NT., represent; the full win; first rh-i comm. bin, with which turntva car: he YM'Ht-ft-‘l upon the Inf-H sinniagcou; term: The Canada I‘ermncul Loan 8 Savings t‘a Tho X'pelilt (as-trance Company, ot Lon don, England. The Cztiuns l‘.‘.!.:r‘s".t‘"l‘v‘t1}‘$ll)'.«‘{t‘IE‘.A« do. PIN .ui ta". 3: I: The Llax‘liau’t Irn trance (‘3 It! iii-ugh“? The Painted." no: LLH' Asturzatmn otL‘an- Ada , 5 mus, but have not yet been productive Isidc, irre>pcctlvc of" all arguments or : sidc of tho house, may Spend their clo- ‘ Montreal and London ["1113 Press stnallcr but. still ' l'ails to support the other. Andercon, HARDIAHE EERGHAHT, Penelon Falls, bch to call attention to his large stock of AXES, wcll worthy the attention of lumbcrmcn. “ All -ad of any ” Cross-Cut Saws, the best in the market. Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, a general stock of Hardware, Pllllllll lilllllll Sllllli, and carpontcrs’ and other tools ’ by the best Inattuliicturcrs. November 7th, 1884. Gltcfcnclmt falls Q5a3cttl: Saiturday, Feb’y 28th, 188â€"3.. Thc debates in the Federal Parliaâ€" Incnt now in session are at times vigo- of much btfllt'ilt to either at the two po- litical parties. Each mcmbcr tlicrc is lparcutly bound to sustain his own conscqutlnc‘cs. The opposition, counting as only one to thI on the govct‘ttnlcnt qu-cucc as luvi~hly as they choose, but it is like lighting the wind >1) tar as any t‘t'>tllt.5 arc concerned. as. when the Vote cntucs. tin: government is found to bc lrrcslstlblc. Thu position of the govern- . nn-nt is. also not only strong in numbers, 3 but by tho skill'ul use of it: linunccs has 1 surroundcd itself with a leiâ€"'ion ol‘ skir- tnlshcrs ontsldc the doors of parliament, who not only ass-all the rank and tilt.- ol' the opposition. but vindicate the policy , of their patrons at every point. Forc- tnost ol' tllcsc anxiliarics is, we rcgrct to say, the press. or that portion of it which is so lar in the pay ol‘ the govt-ru- mcnt as to bc rcccivlng large sums l'or ‘ real or imaginary printing or advertis- ing. Last year the Toronto .llvlil got over $1 1.0”“. and the. Montreal Gazelle, Hum/ll, llamllton Spec/Illur considct'ablc sums; whllo l'rotn Calgary to llalltax the majority of the (.‘IHIM‘I'VRâ€" tivo papers were subsidised more or loss, at a total cost of SIS-15,000. These pen- sioners on the government bounty are to their bcncliictors “good men and true," and are at all times ready to de- l'cud thcm through thick and thin. Il they are not mercenaries, their relation to the government gives them the ap‘ peat-now of being so. Not onc ol‘ thcm but knows that if they wurc to C‘llsc supporting the govnrumcnt it would at once strike them all its pay list, which in not a low caScs would be equivalent to putting an extinguisher on them. The press has been called by an omi- ncnt writer the “ palladium of our civil and religious libcrtics‘," and, were he cognizant ol' the relation in which many journals stand to the Dominion trov'ern ment. he would add, “ if any party will pay them for it." A ncwspapcr whose vcry C.\'l>lt‘ll(3u may be lmperilled by the frown of a prime minister is hardly a l‘l‘ce :tgcnt, nor arc its utterances to lJL' regarded as the unbought voice ol'one. The support uihtrded by conscrvativc pa- pers to the government is great, but is only one of its arms. Lawyers who last. year were paid $036,000, contractors who earn a living by keeping on good terms with it, and the whole host. of protected mannlacturers whose capital is at the mercy ol' the government. are. bound to aid it or go to the wall. The N. l’. is 2 the nursling of Sir John and his Col- lcagnes. and would soon shrivcl up if they ucglcctcd it; so both the nurses and the nursed arc in jeopardy if either 3 in addition to (ltd-f? tlt‘pcnllanls on govcrttlncnt pap, are the. iron and coal mine owners, and last, but not least. the millers, who arc ‘ now asking for a share ol' its betn-li- , (-cncc. The aggl't'gatc ot‘ support. accord- ed by these parties is great; but their lllllitl\'t‘5 arisc from the exigencies of their position and are anything but disâ€" i llttt'rt'fitt‘ll. That Sir John and his friends =hould ; , have devised so cliectuzil a method ol‘ chaining to their chariot whet-is those whose votes~ lll'tcvl them into other, : pt'o\'r~ that tl.ev are :tdcpts at political unmonrtug. l‘lr. ,ll'u-lwt‘zlc and his \‘~Illt‘,t'_‘lv‘~ Into a lailut'v' itt tho :It't ol' :aiuing edict"- :llill retaining it when got ley \t'wul'l not stoop to win victory by what they considered tlnli Illt“llt". and were t‘uusluptentiy trlppr-l up by. tlwir Iilm‘rug It: "Is t'l‘Ewtlll‘llt‘, The no lpilslti-n ol' altl ‘, and the double row wt. tlntlIlHI'i‘ t:- with which llll‘ govern men: llA‘ surrI-nodml itself. forbid the hope oi prl-~~Ilt \‘lt-tury on the port of tlm “ppm-Ilium. _\ii they can reasonably . li”l"‘ in that l-\' .\ warehlnl criticism ul~ the gth-rnuo-nt and li\ policy they may succth in c inverting a majorin ut the tltCt‘t!‘ to the innit-t that ;\ clung" wt ['1 this thvv ton . . , . be survtwtuz. All i. ::< tartr rewarl, I-llt‘v :niicy is titt‘t'~~.|t'}‘. HINT-J sit wit ti.-~ It'rxsnrj; benches. In: when than. lln'y uni timi tlllt the li- tnini-uu tlli'l LI- itt‘nult' .Ihwlutriy t;«Ct‘~.~JtԤ l0 itnpsm heavy tans to limit its requircnnnts The t-dftice- who have auntie-um} that dtbt M larg-‘ly arc the In ya} it 027. but at present the} art- unly x'wntractiu.’ more, and their reek le-socu in this r-«p‘ct may yet prove tl.-.ir bill"_ and do for thcm what the op;- aiii. n L:- titii-ni t-~ grow so art-at it lm 0'3!" who ought ‘;*‘tt:‘\li-l’t. .._......_._.__..___ Tlqu‘ is to l:v,'\\~ of any impound-4 {tom the Ssa inn. Low Temperatures. The severity of the cold this season :has led many to heave a wistful sigh I for warmer weather ; but cold as it has 5 been here it has not been so fatal in its f consequences as in the Western States. chan-ka papers gave a record of 14 . dcaths from freezing. and similar stories come from Minnesota. We have not 5. en much about the effects of the frost in Dakota. but, as it lies Well north and prairie, its inhabitants must have had a trying time of late. As regards the Canadian Nortancst not tnttch reaches here, as the holders of property in that region would rather conceal than pub» lish any items tending to hinder its sale. A retired farmer in Ontario has written a lcttcr to a Dundee (Scotland) newspaper on the subject, which they would rather not have seen, as it gives a sad picture ofthc severity of the. cli- mate. A neighbour of his whose stock of coal had run out. went. to Brandon, 1:") miles oti'. to get more, and on corn log back lbund two of his children dead and his poor wil'e so badly frozen that she had to gct both feet amputated. He also tails of lurious blizzards, which come on suddenly and last tor three or four days. " when you can't even open your door to cross the yard to food your cattlc, but most Sec them slowly starve and freeze before your eyes. .‘lany and many a good farmcr has lost. all his cattle and horses this way every season.” We are gradually gaining information about the so much vaunted great North- West, but the more we learn the less we are disposed to advise people to go there. It is all very well to look at in midsummer. when everything is in full bloom, but it is quite another matter to l'acc the rigours of an Arctic winter there, and pcrhaps losc onc’s amily or cuttlc besides. Whoever is living there in summer, if he is to enjoy lilc tolera- gccsc, who lea vc in the fall for southern regions. It is a wise move of the Pa- I'lllC Railway Company to sell all their lands thcrc to the Government, and they may throw the railway into the bargain. The Salvation Army. It. is now barely five weeks since the Salvation Army tired its first shit in l"t.-uclou Falls ; and although, as we no» ticipatml, the: hall is not quite soak-use- ly crowded as it. was on the nights of thc first two or three mot-tings, the at- tuuilancc is still vcry good, and fresh ‘ couvorts are reported cvcry wcck. The exact numbcr so l'ar is Mild to be 1-15. and although, judging from what hap pens in other places, a good many ol' tho recruits will sooner or latcr gct tircd ol' the religious warlitrc against their own natures and desert. the ranks, , at any rate it is to ho llopcd that some. lwill persist in their detcrminatiou to lcud better lives ; :Ind, il' so, the clltlt‘ts , oi the Salvationists will not havc been in vain. Already it is noticed that some of our best (but not most l'avotlra- bly) known adult villagers show a marked improveman in their walk and conversation, and that annulust Ill" ju- vcuilcs thch is a great dual less profan- ity than there used to be. The lead-w of the movement lit-rt: will tIoL let the zeal of tllclr followers stagnatc it" they can help it; and as they could only rent the hall for Saturday evenings and Sundays, prayer meetings are held I at the houses ol‘ members live evenings in every week. On Saturday there is a parade, followed by an opcn meeting, but hunduy is thcir great day. uttd thc “ soldiers " are kept pretty busy from morning until night. there bcing knee : drill in the hall :It 7:51“ a. m.. .' parade and meeting at 10:30. ditto at 230 p. : m.. and a meeting without paratd‘ at 7:23”. We hear no complaints ol‘ tho proccodiugs, cithcr indoors or out, being noisy or in any way objcctionablc, and the majority of our people appear to , regard the Salvationlsts with favour; but of course tltcrc are a feat scoll’crs g and (-avillers, and solo-'2, who are ncltlt. , er the one nor the other, think it wrong that thc War Cryâ€"alto paper published in the interest of thc armyâ€"should be sold on the Sabbath day. Whether it is wrong or not to do so is a question in ethics which we will not nudertakc to discuss; but it would be a coucch sinn to a prejudice if the War (Zr-I] wcrc not (llrll‘iblllt‘tl on Sundays, or it" it were. given away on that day and a col- lection takcn up, instead of payment ._ being demanded. So far the. Salvation ’ .\rm_v is credited with having done 1 good \vork ill I‘lcnalon Falls, and as I long as it continues to do so it. will bc \\'i.~llml (loll Speed even by those who factor less emotional methods at evinc- ing t'cllgiott. In Full Operation. Messrs. .‘lcllougall, Brandon .k’ Al- lan's ucw grist mill on lloud street \ve-t is now in l'ull Opl'l'ntittll. having -cotIIInenc.-d regular work on .‘ll-ndav; know, 1 last. As most of our I'l}.‘|'lt'r.~ chopping has bin-n done for the, ptst three month: but what everybody was impatient for was the completion or the ‘tlwurlug machinery. This “‘3‘ all in and really to commencr' its mission of llr'llltlh": 'l‘l_\'.\ 11,5“; but it could not b-- ~tar9~~l until :I'o uxperl sent by .‘lt'~‘l’\ liwfdle .\ .‘lel,.'nliuugh. tho mmllt u-turcrs, lIa-l in~pvctcul it and prottultnt’l‘vl it in pwrl‘cct order. This _\va~‘ done about the middle nl‘ l.t~t Wri'k', :I l‘t'“. lutgs of grain wwru ground In any old experiment bx'twcctt tin-n and Siturd'ty t‘t‘.‘l|ltl:, and .‘lxltt-ltmorning business t‘rttttlnv‘ltl'Wl in g-uil 'Iln- which on :I turn cut \I."-~."t(_\' ll\'-' hurt-ls n! w \‘I ‘ m l Ill) earnest. mill. I‘JII pinch li'hlt’ in taunt-til?!” hunts, i.:I~ simu- hey-n running allow! lut‘r-s-ztntlv div and night. and grain at all tan; is him in: pmrvvl in tar I‘ntv-r than it can i;- “li~;~>v~<‘tl t. The hullrliu: slautlal that. notwithstanding tin- \a-t i! "t ‘tlln amount ul mzicbim ry it 'f'tlttdill‘, “arm-- iy a jar I~ felt . :ri l,.t~ t:tcl’_\titiu_1 in it i~ the wt that money ci't h'Iy. :Inl .‘lr |i~- Ir_:-‘ XII: is (lit: p:v-i.ltog ‘,_'t't|itl~. thcrc is may reason to ford emollient that it all} givc I‘m: tail-wt .~.|Ii-lJCIlI-li t v all its patrons. The l'Jrlllt'r‘ for army u ...- ,ir‘-- :3 'll'.’ 'iL: in l CE.“ it l~ 1’. it‘lt;lit lo --p:r.i:l vn. and .-:.c an-i a'l vi-x- -p:.~n tit" ltnj‘x“ tl. I: it all: l.»c--~1nl is for the greater part a trcclcss roiling - bly, would require to imitate the wild - l l l t l l l l l l i l I l . l , in Lind-:ly at ten Iloll:tt'1~'p<.‘l‘ too, but 1 Ftlll> ‘ their intention to aid in making itâ€"a great financial success. Village Council. Fenelon Falls, Feb. ‘2Ist, 1885. The council met pursuant to adjourtn ; meat. Members all present, and the rccvc in the chair. Minutes of last i l l l l mcuting read and approt'ed. .‘lr. Swan- , ton gives notice that at this meeting of council he will introduce a bylaw en- titled a by-law to raise by way of loan the sum of three thousand dollars for the purposes ot‘ union school section No. 3, of Fcuclou Falls. Moved by Mr. Swanton. accondcd by Mr. Saudtord, That [Ky-law No. â€". entitled a by-law to raise by way 0 loan the sum of $3.000 for the purposes of union school section No. 3, Fcnelou Falls, be received and mad I: first time. 7â€"Curried. Byâ€"law read in committee of the whole and without amendment. By-law read a third time and passed. Moved by Mr. Thomson, seconded by Mr. Sandl'ord, That should a depu- tation be arranged for by the warden of the county of" Peterbnro,’ as per his lcttcr oi the 17th inst. re T. \i. C., that Mr. Logan be appointed a delegate to represent this municip:llity.â€"â€"Carricd. 'J‘hc cnuncil then adjourned, to mcct on Saturday, March 7th. REMOVALâ€"Mrs!Heelcy reminds us I that we have not yet noticed ltcr re- moval into M r. Newman’s new brick block, and we must. apologize for having unintentionally neglected to do so. Mrs. llcclcy's present premises are the must commodious she has ever occupied in Fcuclon Falls, and with more room, increased facilities, and a larger stock, she hopes to do a better business than ever before. 32?” The great auction sale of general dry goods and clothing still goes on at the store next to Mr. llcgau's in Mr. Jordan's new block, I’cnclon Falls. Don’t miss this Opportunity to sec:er bargains. W. FAuuvtzarmat a: 00., Audio/was. SKATING C.\lt.\‘l\'.\I..â€" Another ska- ting carnival, tlto last ol' tho scltson. is to be held on the II‘cnclon Falls rink next Wedncsday cvcniug. Admission 2 adults, :15 cents; children under twelve years old 1;") cents. There will be Chlâ€" HUM: lanterns by the dozen and music by tho band, and the rink will hc carc- l'nlly lloodcd, so that the ice shall bc in first-class condition. For particulars scc'bills. “Innâ€")1 r. Duncan .‘Ichvan’s horse. montionctl in our last issue, died about livc o'clock on Saturday evening in the stable at licid's hotel, and the carcasc was soon al'tcrwards drawn away and lleposired somcwhcre on me Share (,f thing eminently calculated to damage Cameron lake, to l'urnish :1 feast. for crows and dogs. The poor animal fell ill on Thursday, and appeared to suffer chct't‘ly at later 'als, especially just be- l'orc lIc dicd. licport says that. Mr. .\lc.\'orau was oliia‘ctl an execptlonully high price for him not long ago. MAKE A No’rn or I'r.~â€"A concert and social in aid of thc Fcnclon Falls Presbyterian church fund will be given in lngram's hall on the evening of Tuesday next, March 3rd. The pro- gramun- will cmltracc vocal and instru- I.I~:.t..l music. readings and dialogues. Mr. John Pony, of' Lindsay, will be amongst the singers, and the brass band has bacu engaged for the occasion. licl‘rcslunents to be served from hall'- past (3 o'clock; concert to commence at 8. Admission to both. 23 cents ; chil- dren under 12 years of agc,15 cunts. All are Cordlally invited to attend. Souuv TO LOSE lIIII.â€"Wc regret to hear that Mr. J. W. Graham, head master in our public school, will hand in his resignation at tho next tttCOting ol'thc trustees. “is reason {or doing so is that his health is falling from tho clients ol' so much indoor confinement and mental labour, and as ho has bccn oll'crcd othcr employment that is likcly to prove, in the end, more rcmuneratlvc as well as more healthful than teaching. he has (lccidcd to zit-ccpt it. ham has successfully conducted the Fenclon Falls school during the past four years, and both trustees and pupils. as well as the members of our little communit' generally, will be sorry to lose hitn. A .\'.tttuow Esc.IeI:.â€"Abnnt 1 p. In. last chnesday three or {our school" children climbed on to a slcigh passing up Colbornc street. to have a ride, and at the corner of Francis strcct they jumped off again. All allghted sall'ly except. one, a little girl. whose Clothe; . caught on the sleigh, and she, was thrown down in front ol‘ the hind run- tn-r and dragged some distancc. For- tnnately several persons on the comet until-ml the occurrence and shouted to the driver. who stopped his horses be- fore the girl was hurt ; but she had a narrow est-ape. 'l'ltc Common practice. ol‘ stealing ridcs is a very dangerous} one, upcctally on the main street, and I I it ought to in} put a stop to at once, hav is--â€"or was, a tow days agoâ€"selling til.» l'urmI-rs who bring it into the ' npparvntly don't know what to ad»; for It, and so make sort: to ask enough. ll'tllrc thc raw-s tho price. ln‘t'c was l'rom ten to twelve dollars: but the 4-way weather k'pt a whole lot nl l)tit'~'€ in tin? lln’ltt'l SlllilvN UFO Ili|y~ longer tll'i'l was evp-eiml 1 and a~ they at-: up all tho lily and tin: roads were bad. the ln-tel-km-pt-r- ("will oniy get a halt supin by paying two or threw illtlltl'" «trim in it. .\< lt Was. with t'-l!"l\\'IHHl it tmw i~ with hay: eve-p ll'tll'li I'irc'llnst'ltlr-v- loreml it up to ex- urbitnut prit-w. and litrmvrs are Imtor» lily trying their b st to tnakc Ilio~~~ prlww ["‘lillilltl'lll. -â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"- Thv‘ Prince and l’rinr‘uss of \thm will toakv 3 our of ll"‘lllitl in April. and lmll .1 s-tlws ol l-".‘r-‘- at ‘ ca-tic. 'l‘lm i“.~it is intrude l t.» ~tr-:u_’ll‘l , , . Il-Itr in v“ the .‘Q'Illilllv‘lil ul‘ .nt tlty' am 'iI_' ll." Irish. "in: morning piper express the l‘tpttlt‘tll [laid lin' pzrrposml \‘l‘it will ltt' .1 plucky and lHZ‘Irrl'dl‘. carpiniun-ut, but data that it is w- ll t» Ic Ittml tho lri-h par-pie that. the union bth no tin- tau exuntrics still cvl~z~ It |~’ c'Ipv--".-'-l that the Visit will be pl‘ vlut‘tiu; of" gc'wd .".‘ I'..~. l I l l l l :dynamitcrs there toâ€"das. ___._\,‘_____..__..,_.c. . = of Ireland. “I, firm i in Scptctnbcr. saying he was iutorestcd Convention of Dynamiters. A MEETING IN PARIS. AND .‘tl'RDEROl'S A RLSULI'TIOXS A IIUI‘TED. Loseos, Feb. ‘23.-â€"â€";\ Paris dispatch circs an account of a congress of Fenian . An eye~wit- ness says that around the table were. seated clcvcn delegates to the long» talked-of convention. Two represented the Irish revolutionary party in Grvat _ Britain. three extremists reported from the I'nitcd States, two from Ireland. two lrom the continent. and two repre- scutcd the It‘l>ll invincibles. Thirteen Fenians, a Russian nihlllst and a man- ufacturer of dynamite were also present. i All were armed with revolvers iu rcadi- ncss to about any detective who might interfere with the proceeding. ' John .‘Iorriscy, of county Carlow, Ireland. presided. chcral letters of apology for absence were read, all expressing bitter hatred of England. Morriscy referred to past work and future achievements of tlic dynamitcrs and invited discus- sion of the means which would lead to the end of England's cvil government The remarks were greeted with cries of “Down with England." and “Long live dynamite." Patrick Corcoran detailed what he described as 1. "crimes and tyrnnnlca of Ymgiaud'.’ He proposed a resolution to the chi-ct , that this congress,con>ichsring that T'jllp? : land has thrown d’nm) the glove, ac”- ccpts the chailengc and duties lit-r, and taking all entailed risks resolves to pun- ish England. The resolution advises crimes by pursuing the dynamite war on an extended scale, and to, cause exâ€" plosions not only in London but in all towns and villages in England. Several dclcgatcs pleaded in l'ztvour of' innocent women and children, saying, “\\'c are not warring against the English people, but. against the British govcrmncnt, therefore it is better policy to attack only vessels ot' the British navy,bar- racks, and arsenals." Modilicd conuscLs did not prevail, and it was then" pro- posed to cfhsct a fusion of dynamitcrs and lnvinclblcs. bttt this was frustrated by a. telegram received from “ No. 1." The congress rejected the proposal for an alliance with the Russian uihllists. .latncs Mchrmott, lllC inl'ormcr. was: again condcmncd to death by solcmn rcsolution. It was also decided to dis p‘llcll two dynamitcrs to the camp of" tho Mahdi lor the purpose of instruct- ing bitn in the use of a new dynamite cannon. James Stephens was not. in attendance. The American delegate, Capt. James Murphy, and seven other delegates, voted in l'avour of Corcoran's I resolution and four voted against it. l‘hc mcctlng seemed the proposal to 'd l P" l'W-lx‘ " - tntn crtic trace 0 ac.» as some the cause. The American delegate said that dynamite donations had largely in- creased since the attempt upon Rossa's lll'e. chcrnl delegates expressed the opinion that the French government would not. grant the extradition of dy- unmitch as long as Irlslimcn committed no overt act against France. A secret couclavc of the delegates lollowed the meeting. It is reported that the police have obtained a clue to the whereabouts ot'.thc dynamitcrs' secret printing press. .-. Cunningham and Burton. FURTHER HEARING 01“ TI”) CASE OF THE LONDON I)YN.-\.\Il'l‘l-leS. LONDON. Fcb. 2-1-.â€"-Tlte examination ol" Cunningham and Burton was rc- : sutned to-day. Three constables testi-l licd that they had seen Cunningham in thc towcr shortly bcl'orc tho cxplosiou. Constable llevonald saw Cunningham in the rccoption room ol'thc whitc tower ; a quarter ol'an hour bclbre the cxplo- , >illlt, with othcr pcoplc. Cunningham , was the last of tlic party to pass out. ‘. Nobody passed out :tl'tcr him during lil'tecn minutes [unending the explosion. Elizabeth Elliott, with whom Burton lodged from May to Scptcmbcr, 1834, tcstiliod that. llutton lctt tbr Americal in the presidential election. He wrote witncss from New York on December 7th, anti called on her in person on Christmas day, saying he had just ur- rlvcd t'rom Amcrlc. Evidence was given showing that Burton had worked at his tradc at odd times in London be- tween )lay and Soptetnlnsr lith. llc Thc l'nrc and gave him a good charut'tcr. liurtllâ€" l’oluud said that at the next hcarlng tho crown would produce an entirely A new branch ol l(f>llll|"!ll_\' against (lun- niugham and linrton. E was receiving fresh (:\'lllcltt:t: against the Tut: l'ltlt‘E or “Ailâ€"The very llesti prtsonors daily and the police wcrc kept busy iltvcstigntin: it. .07..- oâ€"» u A Murderer Arrested. BnAr‘mnuIlurz. Feb. 221r-l.â€"J)n the l llltlt ol' January. 15.-. llscnI‘ 1". limit- with. llll‘l‘ (Ilmrll-s White, .\u.~tt:l‘lll7., .\'. Y., tnnrdnrcd his companion and partttcr, whom he cut up into I'llt‘CI‘r‘, and bnrutrd his head and limbs in a box stove. and salted down tho other portion ol' his, trunk. with the object of -t?’lllt_'t‘:|lilt'_’ tlI-r lnhumiu crime. and they F Worn: l'uuud in the shanty occupied by deceased and the pl'i-thrt'. l|:t«t:tivl~ ‘iil~l»_-r.~‘.-~~-vc~ all Kilrlcr llook. New Yolk. loilflwud the criminal to thc l'a- viii". null tltcncl: through Cattml‘r along the. litr: ol the Canadian l'aellio rail- way. and ymterliv. with tllc :I~‘~I-tatIC-': “lillil’fll titlil‘vrs, sneer-“it‘d in :Irre-ting the mnr-l-rII-r at 5- mil lilver, in the di‘tlirl of l'al’l‘)’ Soon-l. Tit-'5' Irilfirt‘tl through hell: with thclr ptiwncr cu rout-1 to Toronto this morning. .-. "he North (Tamil-n lI-_-i~l.ttur-: pro- prt-tw t-I draw th~ line at tho.- ft,_".' of it.“ in pvrtnittlrig tl.-; "Ilt‘ ul' I-Iiv.’II'i’-’;. Tm: ' l'iut‘or nl l“n.-‘:tu~~~:nr)‘ " has just 'il-“l in. England In the pv-r-v-n of “I. lam li'lut, ‘alm :utaiuml the rip.- ll-,- urn the:- (dint nun-n in i'ivlfnzw'. it" not in tin: world. .-\ ~lp-pl.--rd lo: b-lnnging to Jacole Smith. or .‘ihilnb-xinth, Ita~ lulu-rt In llrx~k:i. :I 'lisnnm: n9. Lunxlrl-rl mi. -’ After .I -t I_j.' ml tiirm- week. it got honnwlci. it'll “arctic-l bacin' to it: ' Iml havoc acne. {hit .t;:' 4-l “T it'll“. w vr n returncd to the shop on January l2th -. l and workcd until tllc iflst. man considered him a good \vorkman’ . . . is extending. or hearing was delayed until .‘loudav. : Tl“: prosecution I l l l l =atnnug tln: horses in Caldwell muoty. l l t "'“Laiin.; sump; " m Another cxccllcut measure bearing on the relations between capital and labor has been introduced into the pro- vincial legislature by Mr. Meredith. It is a bill defining the liability of employ- ers to make compensation for pz‘tSonal injuries sustained by workmen in their service. It provides that in cases where personal injury is caused to a workout) by defects in machincry or plant. by, negligence on the part ol‘ any superiu-' tcndcnt or person iulrnstcd with author- ity, by any act or Otltix~i0n of such per- son in obcdicuce to rules or instructions, by neglect of other employees in a sepa- rate branch or department. and in some other cases. the workman, or his legal representative in case of his death. shall have the same right of computaation as though hc were not iii the scrviec of his employer. There. are some reasonable exceptions, as in the case where defects have not been disenrercd, or where work- ingmen. knowing ol thc defects or tit-g- llgeucc. do not give iulbrmatlon of them. The compsusatiou to be awarded is liar ited to five years' earnings. .\ most tlccchary and important provision is one making it illcgal ibr an employer to avoid the liability itnpOscdv the bill by agreement with his cmployes, and 1 making any such agreement t<.t:illy void. j lint for this clause the bill, ill adopted, 1 . l l l l l l l I l j l would be a dead lctter, nis there is tlol doubt that thogrcat majority ol the op» ct‘ativcs, in order to secure work, Would 1 be willing to sign away their right to compensation. M r. Mcrndith is entitled to the thanks of the working classes for rho practical interest in their \vclhn‘o cxhibited in the lutroductimrol‘ this bill and Ille‘ kinv l- dred' measure to give priority to claims for wages.- This is- nccdcd' leuislutluu of a class which tlic Mowat administra- tion ought. to have long since provldcd. As they have failed to do so, it is to be l hoped that no- part-y Considerations will be l'lcrutlft’cd' to stand in the way “fl thci- adoption by the legislature. Mr )lowat lIaS‘ud‘tttittcd‘ t'lic justicc ol' the principal: embodied in the bill respect- ing wages, and the one under prcscut consideration ought to cmnmcnd i.se.‘l‘ equally to his sense of justice, and no tcchnical obstacle should be thrown in t 2 the Wit’ of its assawc.â€"â€"-7brouto News 5 «~«~~.. o ~â€"~»~â€"» .â€" A. Heifer in a: Haystack. The Livcrmorc ldi't'orll'snys :â€"-John- son Righter nearly lost a boiler lately under very peculiar circumstances. lit: . has near the bum a stack of secondl grade hay about a httndrcd lcct long. to which he allows his stock to run during the winter. The calves, it seems. have catcn tnnncls into the stock and make ‘ them a l'avonritc resort; and n lva days | ago, when Mr. Righter lost some pigs, - he thought they must have taken rcl'ugc ! with the calves. He therefore crawled into a tunnel fil'ty feet, and lound, in- stead of pigs, a hcil'cr which had been missing over two weeks. The hay had given way at one point, thus rcducing the size of the tunnel and preventing her egress. She had been thus impris- oned fully two Weeks, with, of course, plenty of' food, but. no water. When taken out she could scarcely walk, but is now nearly recovered. __..__.... - .. A Murderer’s Dog. LOUISVILLE. Fob. illâ€"Wm. Adams. who killed his swccthcart and commit. tcd suicide near Sliclbyvillc on Sunday, t'as buried near that city yesterday. Adams owned a pct dog, which was an inseparable companion in his moody wanderings. Alter his remains had been tukcn to his homc his dog stutiotr cd hitnrcll'closc bcsldc the body ol' his dead mastcr, and rcl'nscd to be driven away. Just bel'oro the l'uncral thc d”! was locked up in a barn. Al'tcr thc lntcrtncnt a brotltcr ol' [\tlilllls‘fi wont to the barn to relentlc tho dog, but lound that it had burrowed a hole under the walls of thc building and cscapcd. As the animal could not be l'onnd anywhere about the place, a visit was made to the: newmadc grave. Tlmrc it. was lbond stouo dead in a shallow hole it had dug busidc the grave. ._ W. _. _ _..-.wâ€"..-¢_.._ \Vltllo filling a watcr tank in a past- ‘ seugnr car at Altooua ()llt) day last Week. stunt: worktncn found in it u trout cight inchcs long. All ultrmlng epidemic has appeared (lhlo. )luny ltavc dlcd and tho dist-aw (lutllc arc fll-U attacked. ' The loss thus far is $2l|,lllltl. 'l‘lm dis- l case appears to alTM-t the kidneys, kill- ing tho animals in thirty+ix hours, 'l'ln'm: nttctuph‘ \vl-ro undo in London, England, la~t Monday to hang John - Len l'or murd-zr; but the drop Would ' not lull, though the excl-titlntlor puttul. I l toll and stamped on it. and lloally tlml l 'v condemned than, who had swooucd, was I , earricd hack into his CF”. The bllt'l‘lll .â€" | ' otlicwr then tcll'graplanl to the home 530- l l l l rctarv lor iu~truct|ons. and a late. «lis- patcli says that l. on watt-um: has boon comumtcd to hit: imprisonment. S-Imt: Florida ho}~, who had a swim- ming llolv; along the banks of the St John river. \vcrc ol'tvn driven out ol‘ the water by a Very large alligator that. calm.- tit-sample them. At hut they hit “ npln a littlt: rocket to got even with ' him. 'l‘hI-v cntrtt‘ut'tcd :no artificial boy . the exacts: and shade of thu-t ‘ldllvt.’ -lvr-.-ri.n:, and pudch it. a littl-: way lrilm ~lmrt: “ill: :3 pill-3. l’l’l“t'l’ll)' Lin: alligator came up with his mouth wide open likn a rtw‘l trap, and at onn bill: lit: took in our littll' tho boy, wltlchju‘t tall lir~t about tbrm': miles up the river. ('uptain .‘lack. an inacntur in Chic't l'or :i-~:I~-iu:itluti. 'l'hvrc “on: (W!) coul- paniom with him known Ila lliitun and linnnno. .‘l Ink tt-wttn that three (.‘iti- r-zgo m. n are now abruarl nu dynamite tiiivio’m. “H 53",“ llzat. Chicago in liml- ' moon.me with dyuatultcr-, who am.- bits-r hatching Ilr‘prrato' “themes, and that a grant upheaval will lift”! lellth' l'ana-lw and (Uni llau runs-cits to ion; . Caring-u are threatened. , until the A 9 "WW". T lephnut got rld of his piers at Ellis's Drug Store. I : ill-gs to 0"“ the attention of lb. P ,. . -__,,,,_ H: 32’ X: In 8 00d: fight it burg. 1‘: firm put (In). . 0f 0"- lfi‘dl‘wn equnrter afar. $83M“. whereupo rival concern uttered it at hall tl rice, or eight yards for one cent. The lit hire monso of a New York mus on an exploring expedi- llun Till! 0} interior of thc clcpltIM‘S ll'lmk. vititrlthat mammoth to bellow \ tacnngerin was in no tertneutor, avented his spito at. the some time. licking up the keeper's dog and dust; him to pieces against the ncarcst \i In early ‘ober. just before. the leaves Chang our, every Norwegian farmer fills t \r three of his barns with small 1) es out. from the alder‘ and a-‘ll trt‘fi id with this food thd ('MI'S have to l ntent, for all the hay is l‘NlUth‘ll role horses. The truth ol collteting mooring these is entrust: ed to old womland young 1.1"“.th latter climbing into the trccs when necessary. _ ‘ __ “ Why! W‘s rite matter?" I.ad_vâ€"( \\'ilh t‘amiwlnped in a roll of hot t~ll-tlis)--“ Ultl‘ut crazy with that Neontlgia that t‘ottrmlly troubles me." “ Well. hownlishl Why don't you go to Wm. I".. Ellihrng Store. Fenalon FM”. “13 Fl" 3 lm- of Fluid Lightning? it rim-st me in lessan than one minute. I always- keep“ his in firehouse. It only costs 25 cents.“ James Ilrayley,-ffiiltnn. says: "I rud the testimonials ti .\chrcgur‘s Speedy (fare, and found thI had not to go t‘d New York, I'hiladrlja, Louisiana or Tax: as to tind living wittascs of its value; we have plenty ol pcrstt right hert- lo prove its merits. I got a tile and it helped Ino' right away. I was bad with Bilious Fe" ver and indigestion nl'thiuk any one run! be. I hare taken tbn‘bottlcs and am Iii-nru ly well, and can rutin kittl of food with! out it hurting me. Ifay say that I am betv' “‘1' than Icvt~r (‘xpdcd to bc. Free trio! bottles at Wm. E. Eh‘s Drug Store, Fence Ion Falls. ‘ l If you should hobo unfortunate It!’ tU llurn, Seald or \\’nni yourself in anyway, “'9 l’l‘litlvr tiling tnit-ep clean and heal IC is )errt-grr it Pun-"a (‘nrbnlic (lerate. Insist on luring, mi be sun: yol set. Mcv (Iregor k Ihrke's (‘Irbolir (it'lfllf. Price; 2:» cents. \‘m. E. lllis, Druggist, Fenclufl l’IIllh, hats lie granite. ,_ )14\]? Id] FED. tram-at:saunaâ€"Ai the residence of the bride's parents, on! Wednesday, Eeh‘y’ Limb. by tltcltev. “'In. Lochcad, .\lr. Russell Warner, oi the township of ()tonuhee, to' Ellen .httlr‘,tl‘tll-st daughter of Mr. William- Swnnton, ol'1bc township of Fcnclon. ])II~II). H , FIsK'.~â€"â€"llt he ton‘nsdill ot‘ Vernlath‘, on‘ lsflturlllu‘, lidtrdrl’ry 2lst,,Cnthcrine, relic! ut'tilc lato Illz. Julius Fl. -. aged 7-8 years.- I‘ ENIE m '5‘ FA I.l.s .‘M-IIK E'IlS‘. Ri'porl'nflly .lreliougulliti: Ill‘ollilim'. rc-nn‘tml math... roam-Italy atoll Hill's:- Whent‘, mu, per bushel - - $0 73: 0 7'5' Wheat, spring, ‘r v â€" a U 75')’ O 79' Harley, per budltell v s 4 50 60' (rats, 5- u v r s â€" 28‘ :«b' l’cusc, “ “ - â€" - â€" 5'3 .‘r'l' Rye, “ “ - - v 4 4‘" 50’ Potatoes, “ - - - - 25 30 ltuttcr, pcr ll)., â€" - - - â€" 16 I8' Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbl., $5 00 $5- 74-" Iii-cf, pcr Hm lint, - â€" - SI 50 $5 00 Eggs, per dozen, - - - - 18 20 Sheepskins, - - - - - {I0 7-! liver llldes, - - - - $5 00 $6 00 Hardwood, dry, sawed, - $2 50 $3 no Hardwood, green, unwed, $2 00 2 .50 lluy,pcr ton, - - - - $I| 00to$l3 no “New Advertisements. ._ .. ...â€" 1%. ‘V. 'I‘I[()l\l I’H()N, Accountant. Commission and Real Estate Agent. Loans Negotiated. I’m-It's. Houses and Lots for Sale or to Rent. .“Jttf‘y to Loan at the lowest current rat". Mortgages and Notes negotiated. Colloc- tions made expeditiously and returns exo- euted at once. Corner ol George and Sim- (:ol' Streets, over “ China Hull," l’etcrboro'. Hl’ltl(. ’l‘ ,\.( 314105. A full stock of Laurnuec'a {nnmmt Spec- Hrcty pair guaranteed. Call and see them. “My. I [(-i fi-r SI ruycd. Strayed from the subscriber, about the be- ginning of November lush-I dark red [33!" rising twu years old; shows Devon grud-I hus the nhcll of not: born broken ofl'. Wu. l.t|':At(_ Feuelon Falls, Jan'y lllth, IBM». 4 r THE Iranian an xv. av. “Lou: lhe following NEW LIST OF CASH Hm luwt'w! I'Vl‘r )‘I-I (tfl't'rt'll in '- or its vicinity by any deulo " SUGA ' 1.“! lh-t. lit-lined Sugar for . . 5.. I lit! U Granulated Sugar I” ~ 1 on IT “ llrlght Sugar lor ~ - l 00 SYR U PS. 1: gallons Golden l‘or - ~ - $1 00 TEAS. t Spur-Lil lim in Japan, juut arrin-d, value in Faun-in, equal to any so cent In in llu; market, I!“ cent» per lb. NEW FRUIT. Flown l'utranh, ll: lhu, for - ~ 54 00 - \‘aluotiu llaiaim, ll lbs, fin l. 00 “ lmnllmt Layers. per lb. - - l5- " Flt." In mat-t, lit lbs. for - l 00 ‘- Elrml- Figs in hour, per bar. If» Alto a large nwurttncut of Orange. not! lJ‘umna, Grape», Nata, kc. OYSTERS in tiu4 and bulk. at rlmtcr quotation» than ‘ _ .‘ you can obtain In the Toronto market. at that jam-Into went oil and blew him : CANNED GOODS- {lull-ll. American Salmon, V «. v ‘ ’ go, r'iy- he i.- mrt-rin that Cunningham. prlljz,‘m;;‘rlfi: : : : l "I": ' I-bo Man urn-.twl for (simplicity to tho M,,,,k”rl _ _ _ ,, ,, nt- lmod-lu ['Lpl'r~ili:I-, is the sauu: man who, u 'r.Inmtm-«; . - - 3-. u ,3,“ visited him two ylvnr- ago. Cunning- 4 Fort. ~ - ~ - - 2" “ Mic, ham th-ru had No toll-rod tnacllincn,’ PM"; ‘ ' ' - I"; 1“ c. Mic inr bit-inn: up hlltp-s and :mntlmt‘, “filial: : : : : go It “"3... I TOBA GOES- l Vinwt l’ritn-e ol W-lm (Ibo-wing - 42¢. lb. '- “right fitnokingfin - - v (the. lb. lint (looming - - - â€" - 506. lb. Tl»: about tiguru must nominee you that no only way to buy your good; cheap in to pay v'a-Ilt. t W. W. BLOTT, W Oyster ltoom». up-utain. "fl i'enelua I'alln, Sort 2cm, IBPL .

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