Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Feb 1885, p. 3

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RNG' ME = in .. .,.., 5 "a, _;,__,_. ‘3 ,, . . i_‘a’.--.:.¢-.-.»-va.éa 5.9% . 2‘ iv " u i - ‘ i; H: gilt]: )I. 4L. ‘ ‘lrl: :finfia non q , Q o“ ‘3 ’-‘*« “1U lllll PlilEl lllll fill! 08 Sllllll fill E CITY STORE . .vtzl- J..:. a 4 u , _ % ()ltlliillll,£1il _' 2‘21, ..‘. ‘ 7 v' 13;” Viv-H. 1'-‘i.ll'l;li“ \llll rcll g V H V r ___ 2 v- - i I have decided to clear out all my , . r i -. I’m a I ‘ u‘ \ I y- o C H E E; E, 3125 'd E v E R. . . . Notwithstanding the eoniliined ellorts ot the manulai-turers to advance the prices of \\ lute ; *""‘“â€"“*’"‘ '- Winter Dry COOdS at Cost Prlces and Grey g‘ottons. the City Store. anticipating their protected scheme. has iiiityy'ittt‘il them and 1:" “31" -"i-’: ‘ ‘ 35' “1' i _ , , , ilaid in their seaSon's supply at the lowest price ever reaehed in the history ot (anada. and is ) v .' t i ' ) ')( ,7 «i ‘0 "‘“k” “m” for large Spr‘ul‘ Puml‘ms ‘0 "me 1" a gm” “’8' l prepared, while the present stock lasts. to undersell all prey'ious etlorts ever made. Our prices I v i“ A ‘i. .\\i i ) l l l I l b, i Flannel,- ut CH“. Dress Goods at Cost. at present for Factory Cottons and Steainlooins are lully ten per cent. lower than any whole- }:mmr- “Warp,” H i.“ g;; ,3.. nil in lll>I in his Sprinwi maw“ it first quie Cloths at Cost lsale house is offering the same goods for to~day. \\ e lllVlIt‘ every liuyer ot Lottons to y‘iSit. Tooth ll'ii‘rini s huh :m- is z the thin: {or rough land. 116' it? ‘11 i C t i “r 1 Clouds ,lt Co,t the City Store and examine prices and quality, it only lor the sake ot_eomparison. We delight. .,i_,, i-,...,,- I}... filial; 3,,” pm, mapping. l 00 ';"‘1“ '5 “t 08 ‘ | v 00 _ ‘ i b ' in showing our patrons good value. and We lnu‘e it to show you. It is early 1n the season to . i 1; 1’11'41' fin» -7 T : Tweed“ “t ("'M‘ “ 001 Hosmry at COSt' say much to you about prints. hut we have an advance line ol‘ only 100 pieces, hilt under ex- 1 SLLF'DL‘HDLL‘L’ ' Luca" l “""’I Shim" “t Gust “7001 Drawers at COSt- ceptional circumstances. which we are sellingr at Ci cents a yard. These goods are lull 29 inches I . o ‘ ‘ -‘. I ‘ o q i ' ‘ v SEEDERS. CULTHFATORS, RAKES. , Cotton Shirts: at Cost. Prints at Cost. wide, and are Without douht the host Value CVLl‘ll‘ otlered to thle Lit) btoie iliations.B 1119) “re ' ' - -- -' i n s”. ~ ‘ s» 's' ' i ‘ .'?‘tlt‘lll utreinem KT Tit. {.717 T. IV 1’ T ‘ “in. ninth walking a long distanu. to .tt, and you ..i} o too \\ all you sit . . A‘iD, “‘I‘L‘fSJâ€"i‘G .B-A‘CHILES’ , K“) Now IS THE TIME To BUY 1 her, 100 pieces won’t hold out all summer. We can guarantee you the goods now, but it month and i~ lutigiai Lu? :n izznn-rmal li_'.' any one. f Grey and Whitt- (,‘(Illt,ill.~‘, Shirtings, Tickings, Cotton Tweeds, Slieetings, Ducks , hence we cannot. _" ""“" ‘ and Denims, as the prices have been advanced by the mills. i b .'.'v: " lil1’\.l. '1'.” rim!» ilil' rl' U“‘. n.‘ ' a ~IID‘I,|.III'V. All Lil .l n i l l l Jll lJl'L intice ‘oint (213:3: Dlt‘x1,lclgs 113,1) (:Ido,rl[11‘:1:5’ chi-11p Ft"“lll'l haul lil ’i‘il l. . . , . . , . 7 to make room for our new Goods. Sever in the history of Fenelon Falls will . nu mini. mm - :. it. ..i o urn-:11.» in» -‘.i'i~l On in". Illiringtlicl goods be so” so chem No. 2 Dobson’s Block, - - 2 Doors West of the Post Office, - - Kent Street. Lindsay. I'm! ll Wan", ani uh. ~; i: 7 i 1:.i li' :t i,- illlllillillltic of it in the future. (1:111 and Iflxanline the Goods. O gnomes s; RonsoN.’ I L |_ I N E M. A. REGAN, The Cheap Dry Goods Store. , Panamanissa in lhe Inhabitants of lenelnn Falls and Surrounding Enunliy. Mrsfigmm Has just received and opened up It lnrg stock of i H: " '1..'*l t1 I rt :k. -t'., i' M '. J l A. Ell': : l F 'wLeLhe: tolsolii‘iltna contiiliiiaiii-ii of the support extended to him, and we will use our utmost “mum”: ! ' 3 (In it .11 t' i t :k‘ "HS Sat'sli 't ‘* ti me am ' ‘ i. ». 2 \Li'rii‘ifliiiiiyl Yalvoui'nii:syi'i)tlillh:iinpiiti'oniiginu 3dr stdelt will F 1° he found complete in _m,d_ Fm TW" weeks only' GENERAL GRDBERIES niin Piiiiiiismiis, ALL KINDSOFWOOL. all of which will be sold in. Parties: in want ol 3 : Al i “l . ' . ' I . . I ‘ Dii hiiiiils, i, it it inn; ti. liilliiiOi it , . , , i In order to make room tor Spring Importationsi 1 W1" 50“ CROGKERY’ GLASSWARE’ &c' LESS Tn.“ LINIISAY plupES. >llillilll (‘tlll lelll 8(‘(3 illC ’ ,8 W Try our TEAS, they will please you both in prices I w a L L E fi G a n s A I c n s I and quality, In addition to the above we have also a large A lllL‘O lot or 55 “in”; "6&1, a I I. u i "ll -l ‘ 't *1 st ‘1: l' - B E? g :12 ' S for the next two weeks only. Such as md “L L LL u UL 0 3 ’ 'iieiim o so‘n sortsnui sizes o‘ain Cardigan Jackets, Shirts, Drawers. Clouds, Woollen Mens and women 5 Boats 8‘ Shoes’ I in” i u i m great variety, Toilet Sets, Vases, Fancy (illifl'i‘il ill il‘ih' (‘Hlillillf‘illlllCllt. - ' - v' i‘- z" 713 , \,' , Wins-Wu at rari n u ie a in on I Hose. Wool Shawls, Sk1rts, Mufi‘s, Overcoats, - “'1’” “11”” “Um 1“ 1°“ ” 31° 10w” H n kind.unfifiéllnuO'FiStOJangSalad: t _ .‘ . ‘ ,ri,‘ ‘ r 1 O . - I T ‘ 1 . - ours respee ll 3', is respeett‘u y invited. l3 .1. lhihli) JJIL HOOd-S' Mitts, Gloves! BOOtees’ Galters’ BIHNDOV & ROBSON 'MRSJHEELEY Ulsters, Mantles, Blankets and Sealet Caps. , . , ‘ H ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' Foneionrnnwov minim . v . , , . v - , V ) Felielon Falls, Fehtutuy 18th, 186:). _______ lll [l lltllfl'-(fllll lllll"_". ( lUlll EH. i‘llil“ l LkC” Do not let the time pass without securing some of the great Bargains, as I am y “.UUdS in 2.1.0:” (hrnniunl I” scum-“l. determined to clear out the above named stock before the lst of March. I ‘1 l D “ . F. GEoRGE. "-" ‘ Jodi]? ‘rlu "‘ T A Ran-"RENCE Fenelon Falls, February llth, 1885. Juan}: h; U- Lulu“: W 5 g ‘ M AN AGE}; . 7 E ( - 3 m. sg“‘“â€" riEW rnniiriiiir erTniiv. _ O - I“ i 39 A full assortment of .5 I { gr; . "a The undersigned respectfully informs the public that his new factory ‘ _ ‘ £527; {‘3 g 5;? ‘33 E: ?u ' 0N FRANCIS STREET, panama}: FALLS, General Dry GOOdS, Clothing.) McCall s Bazaar glove- "'tl : I I W ..,.__. is now in full running order, and is fitted up with inchinery necessary to I , _- _ _ ' . "V, I m turn out wor ' at s iort notice, in t to est possible marine pd at. moderate prices. ‘ ° t | S :3 i. l - i l b - ( C ‘ 1 F V I ‘ lilting P-tttei'ns always not .. e1 .. ~ Hats, aps ant 111s, ALL“ on hand, and will be \Vvllnnd \vgllx. ()W“ NIHHHlEu-[Hl'r-(l . kept. constantly on hand and as cheap as the cheapest. “a H . A . mm“ Mlmmflu. Onltcmvt “1 1’1100,1)Y w. W 52:33:23than:origin:i'n:t:iÂ¥i:::i:nn;i'"“"'“d- 8”" W Dr” W ‘° Wm. Campbell. ’ 1 '- ‘rrz I“. i f “H i I m“ V i r v v . i 4 i A i. . ,- I I LL [W p j '1” A “31% W39 4m i l WILLIAM MCKEOWN .Ifffiflii‘:Filiflii'.“ 4%: .‘\.\'t' ll:illiili'ri. i'i>\\ ’lVii‘S. (‘llllllh 1-):l’il)’ A].).iv1tls l’A]N’E“i-'-$. no enrer, = N0 Annflssmm FEE â€"«»-â€"â€" l ; v “ I -AND- ., ,_ i ,, . , GHRISTMAS GOODS BiikE z .1 lo the (neat Ccnttal 5110“ of M (L A. “Mm,” ‘PEVISIUNS-BOOTS I BOOKSTORE .~\ii unusually (‘lltllk'l‘ lot of . _‘&Nl)â€" 4 "â€"‘x'P" Pafl u @mkizag gmvesa, .lOIl) MOFFAT ,,,,,,,,,,d,,,,,,,,, 0, SHOES MUSIC EMPORIUM. . ' lungs to inform his customers and the puh-j fine fies“ 1'iilil‘i‘m‘llllll;r illi‘ lli‘rl lll:llllllzlt'l ill‘l'S. lie that. while i'arrying on the Baking linsi- “vhich is no“; ()11 cyhllfition at l 7’ ‘ Hess as usual, and turning out dain . ) C If ‘ ma (.mmi”. L, ,1; “do”, . - "i . . . .. .. .. . .. w. ..' ' -. i , « ’ O t- m '. purthnsmg clu- Chandeliers t3 Or.;::, Lists ml Lamp Tllmmmg‘s, 1 I 'l j 0 MAGUIREJS CHEAP CASH 001- Ohm. in all shades :lllil patterns: and ;il\\a_\'s lll .‘llfl'li. a large. assorl , 3 G' 1" METHERELI" . l , ‘ . . , Sugars S 'ru 5 Tobaccos Rice Raisins . s urn-ism: Tm: ma. -, i- lneiit ol"l‘inw;irt-. Slay i‘l’iiii-s :iial lullioiis. (‘ash lor shins. KL“: ’ y 3 p' ’ ' i ' "mm "m" ' '; . S Q ' i : Cali-us: lluns ken he has ju<t opened out a (’un um' 'l.anh’ ‘ioap‘s mid a” other . . l-‘eiielon l-‘alls. Heroin-r LI.‘ .(l. l,“ i. um- slut‘li Or l WWW“: “hid! he “'1” be” and crammed with a general stock of the. most (-oniplete nature Lin'lr‘uy. “Cl'ilu-r um, um m. 9â€"--uâ€"-â€"-nm and a large :lllil \i'i-ll assiirlt-il STOCK or: newsrooms. “NDâ€" 1(1‘lll-H‘," I‘lnduuy. C] : f . (ji 3] 9 'w- ll'w-dt tl *gaz- t'an :diiiriigliilli-. - v l l tr: gFHESH GRBGERIES, ‘0 ‘1’ 0‘ “ ‘ ° ” ” ‘ ' ‘ ’ ’ ” INTERESTING TO ALL. -flflifl V 'i ""' ’1' . a {'1 2“"! M ‘Wr’lii A i’ Iii-in r A w and to which he invites the attention 1 ‘1‘) J i all of which will lit- sold :11 the very lowest1 of the public. Gcncral excellence is the distinguishing feature which is noticed in this stock H ‘ ‘ ‘ living ivrolil. i of new goods; nothing there for the purpose of eatehin: the we only, but good HI" “H'l”r=lfl“"'l lm“ J'H‘l "'N'Iri-il it good i ' : l honest goods at honest priees, which if honestly llst‘il will L'lVP’llHllt'sl si-rrii-u lo "“"””'t'“‘ "r , - , ( y//,] \v : , ’ the wearer. Make a rush iiliih: the stock is fresh and Well assorted; the priei-sl l ‘ .-..~'.‘i i-'~i- ' "s i" A. I; (I l 3‘ . l . I t u . ; ,l‘lflrtlltHlWfll’c, Brooms. Pails, Washtubs, .ne iu. L snittl 1:)lll..l.l,l.a()l my :1!- Ium 1”â€" , And )louldingu. llilllcklng‘bruillcst Clothes Plns- “Mall” “Trunks and \ :llllh‘t‘fi W cry (Shoal). “int-ii up; Well “urtliy Or inspection and G g 5 ii B OATS‘ “RAN & SHORTSJ, and other articles in great variety. _ q ‘ T 7 _ ‘ M], ,l, ,,,,,, HM,“ ’3 . i. M” “:3 .1 V I I y i i i I E l LOO: n, l O o; in la i E . E12- ARM PR 0 1) non Canned fish, film 8, Vegetables L. . EA :- E, “H . FRAMES MADE TO onnnn taken in exchange for Koo-is. an 1("n‘ H‘n IAIN'HNF- , l” “".""',"1“”‘ H‘“ “WNW” l’m‘im': "Mic.- ‘\'(l /A\' Yil/ll',‘ lilniiil': '17, l '1’. (2‘51, Paid “,1. “Hum. REL“. of the very best brands and at. the low-i â€" Mâ€"M- *‘~ ~“""""‘ “W” " "’"wq’" ' ' ‘ ‘ " "*"M ‘“"~“~-‘ 1V1)” l'nihliht'. Klll‘Ulllll'lillLf and Per Hanging duiil- as u-nnl. A gum] stock of kept constantly on hand: also . est possible prices. ' ‘m “‘“"'" ‘mâ€" ‘ M!" The undersigned will do all in his . , i - k" ' ' ' . < ‘ ' a ‘ ‘ IF Ag‘bfififim'fl lI-v\\'l'l‘ tu Illi'rll .i x‘tililiulaim'i’ Hi the In’lll'illl- & 0 e I I' I A!“ L‘- UHHS, “LAND Ah“ lLTTY N0 M *' dasiiHE-b 'I‘F“ “‘ ill""“‘ll-‘ l“"‘"’“"‘1 0” l‘m’ 'lllril’g and other farm produce. v l A ,k‘l" "“""1“""-" "“ l“"”'l' in) ','.l". 21'," 1.225. ‘ r : . O ' ' Evil" Flour and feed kept constantly l ' ‘ 1 y' ‘1 . ' ) n , I ' . . . . . - ,F‘ i‘il‘iwi‘i‘m' lie: all :ztiii ~:_\ lo-s nl , JOHN MOFFAT. U“ hand. ll k l (1‘ U i ""”"l"“ ’""“""’i." ‘11:, I’M. {MI-l r. = lr‘enrlon l“.|lls‘. .l'ZHI‘ l'ltl: lrr’l. lT-li‘. -. V . r I - .- o ‘ ‘ ” M . w n, i ‘ - J..’ 3.,- ,;, _' i , BO 0 i S i S ‘5’ H 0 ES “Fit air“ 235%?” i i at d . I "4. 4-. 9 __.. . .. -» - -» «3 3’0” Hill lilly llll‘ t':l>‘ll ( I lino: vtn'rl. mu! Mr, Snnilfurd'. Ii)"- ,.Iv.-ii l ' ‘ l‘ixtrzi i-lliirls hue ‘ -:u- in i:i_\ >i'ik't‘illlll to have ' ('.\lll'lC.\"l'l".l{ .\‘ lil'lldll'ill, You Will Find . A Emu t'nriur.‘ I‘m»: fl‘fl'Jlnnlile. V pig] “2?. MST FENELON FALLS. I “ C"“’”‘°‘° , mu» -- l‘i-ni-lon Falls Gazelle” ' ' if : V 3" p 3" “I” “‘r.~_:â€"*Iâ€"_‘â€":‘nlli U P “Cpl. _ _ _ ‘« ilill'l" e'n-n’ Fa Hrlur :1 .v- I. .m- 0 1 ’ Ln» [Iii-J . fir; , i OiiTO‘rni-‘r‘; “iii. “Oz-id: ! 3- I'd {:u‘ilitll’i-il, & usually sold ille. to 51, for -l-)i‘. to live. -’ 1m rim: «ii iii; innit-lingo: n M ‘ li l‘d’w- .rri'“ "g "Mn " slMtltll'Tlll.‘ 1n .i Haunt ADHM'M, Whips, Snaps, Currycombs, Brushes, ‘,._ TRUNKS 3.. VALISES.§ BLANKETS """‘.';"{..t:’.:.tn:’£'h’;f.:;f"“’"’°"‘ MY GROCERV {Hull} CROCKERY w Zi‘zll l v I ‘ _ | . ., . iii‘ -~ and various other articles, II I _ j 4\ dvvrt hung ltntnn. 1)“ “trillu‘lli is :-.l~ lit: . I ». -‘_w1:‘=~' \% H1 liiv‘ .9"!an “ml rowino niw. ‘ . , . I as, he:th as ordinary e‘li L'Umls for $23 7"). ' . - O 1 .v. m. on. s... O. Jos. liaisons Harness Shop, ‘ ' ‘ " - . ,. ... _ .. _ . S . ’ perlinr per annuin ital-vial Itlvrrlinrmrnu, fl” â€"--- - O â€"~~-‘~~~~-‘ ‘â€"'~-â€"â€"'-"- -- Culborne "get, Pent-Inn Pulls. L S v E Y ‘ “'5” l", i”"' "" "l" fir“ mnnwnt.nd 2 A Er‘f‘2flfifls 1.5. ‘11.(1‘ - $001,"! “famed Rapfiring do“! F L A N N E I H...” pr! line {or ribrr! Hahn-quot. inner. . , . . with neatness and dimotch. 3i-l)‘. , “"‘L ('I”””“':""" ’2' H" J”’- '1‘” ."U 0’ l: :~ :. - t.« a t.’ 1~ Dress 8‘ mantle Maker! â€"â€"â€"--â€"-â€" y These goods; have reeentlv been puri'hased l-y us at less 'iI-=='-'- 1"“- ""l‘-"”“"f “'3‘. was muon- :, ~ Aun' rrzus. .s H, _ _ V. ‘ A ’ . , ‘- ‘ I. .' ,. l, N. ,, ,,.l..\ < ‘ 1:;‘rejtr l‘w'l-‘ia;.t,.dci.ifisul‘w>rk other 0 D 11 ‘ _ , , , , .O, a ' my” 1 h. .. , _ a . . . .. .i . i ..... m t. in o ‘ than the cost oftnanitflittuie. JOB PRlleIlws. “th “all I -, p U x H - I M 3;, Residence on Bond St. West. . d .u f h ,,_,,n,,.,,,.,,..-, m...“ an.” m, i k ‘ i i â€"r ‘ a next E; .n '.A .‘l: T":.r:‘)'s_ nni will be In a Vance wl Pay or 1‘ e' ""331" '2'”: "-‘Ihm‘i‘!’ """l5' ' i ' I g . .‘ l g 1 g l 1.4]‘4.12 o ~‘2', ‘ i I 5.11:): E.‘.;:i.:.':.1'4:;5 i=4 u Gazette " from no“' until thei & j S. D. "AND, ‘, ' lst at January, 1356. Try it. {KC-m SiI‘CC‘t. Lindsay’ ‘ 1’"ququ ,‘.. . I»,‘_‘ ;\\.‘ --v.‘...‘... l

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