Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Feb 1885, p. 2

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HARDWARE MERCHANT, â€"FiiE-â€" CHRISTMAS CARDS, PICTURE BOOKS AND 5 large stock of fAXEs tinnitus Pllfllllll of all kind: It lumberinen. “ Ahead of any” Cross-Cut Saws, the best in the market. Ellis’s Drug Store, YEXIZLON i'.\ LIA. Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, a general stock of Hardware, Pllllllll & EilllK SlllllS, ; and carpenters’ and other tools lfi‘ :t'd Q 1I» it" ffl" 9 A. l’. nnvus, ‘ ARRISTER, Attorriey-at-I.aw, Solicitor ) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. .â€" MAR'I'IN & HOPKINS, ARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, &c ney to Loan at 6 per cent. Kent street, Lindsay, Ont. RS. Mums. Mo- Office, 3 by the best manufacturers. November 7th, 1884. (1'. ll. Hot-Kiss. 1". I). WERE“ l Ethel-"24121011111115 (Basalt ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, d: SOLICITR ) and Notary Public. Money to Loan. Office, Kent street, Lindsay. HUDSI’E’I‘H .k JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLIUITORS, Arc. Of- fice, William street, Lindsay. A. Ilci-srurii. A. JACKSON .. _.- .V. ..._.._._<_.O.-_..___~. C'LEARY .k (J'LI‘IARY, ARRISTERS, ATTUltNEYS-AT-LAW, . Solicitors in Chancery, ('50. Office, l Canada and England. The remarks of Mr. John Bright, at the great meeting held at Birmingham a few days ago, with reference to Can- ada and Sir John A. .‘lacdonald, will , grate harshly on the ears of not a few Doheriy Block, Keutstreet, Lindsay. Canadiung_ The attitude of Sir John AllTllvil tl‘ang lli'nn O'Lmnv. and Canadm as displayed by the enacp I ment of the N. I’., was one of antago- nism to Britain. British goods of near- ly every description: were heavily taxed with the avowed intention of their final exclusion; and this, too, by a colony long fasten-d by the mother country ' with the most tender solicitude, and in , whose defence she has spent millions l )IclN'I‘Y IE d; STEWART, A RIllS'l‘l‘IRS, ATTUllXHYS-AT-LAW, Solicitora in Chancery. ken, Lindsay. Office over Ontario Bunk, Kent street. Mo- liey to Loan at 8 per cent. on real estate 'ccuritics. Tiros. STEWART. D. .I. .Ilclsri'iiiz. BARRON .k S.“ I'I‘H, BARIHSTERS. SOLICI'I‘URS‘, kc, Lind. say. Manny ft) Loan on security of mort- gages, promissory notes, .kc. and shed some of her best blood, was felt by many in Britain to be an act of the blackest ingratitudc. This feeling J0,” A, Bum,”- .J. ,1 SW", was not confined to Britain, but, to the W One or the firm will he rit their Fen l honour of (Jannda’ has been dfcply felt cluu Falls oflicc every Thursday. hel'F- 'lle have regardefl 5” JOINS G. A. JURIMNY Manager. l policy as a inc-re sharp to Win and retain office, and, in its beginning, middle and end, reckless of what ties it rent or who iwas to suffer thereby. To them Mr. Bright's utterances are only what they might have anticipated from it policy which could not fail to alienate the mo‘ thcr country from Canada; and now that. one whose ivords command the re- spect and attention of the civilized world should give so plain a hint of Canada by her own act being placed outside of colonial federation, there a- rises in their minds a feeling of despair as to this country’s future, and they iii- stinctivcly ask what. is to be done to avert the evils that threaten it. No one can for a moment imagine that Canada is prepared to take up a position as an independent nation. Its population is too scattered, too few, too poor, and, what is still worse. so divided on political questions that they are but DIIS- Blvlilulws & (l {AHA-“y little better than a rope of sand. The ‘t llYSlClANS, SIIRGI'IUNS, 62c. Office; United States would have us at their Mid {yfliflt'llcf dinl‘Clll' “P‘l‘vrim Clm'S‘ mercy, and could overrun and overturn Elixir? “EM” from ""3 I our whole institutions at pleasure. The P. I‘Awsii Iloiuxoivs, II. II. GRAHAM, )1. ii, i connl‘iun)‘ 0f the two cuumncs 1? SUP“ ,L D" C, “I. 1,, ,._ _, (.I ,,' 1",, 5",“, “0+5 that there can be no effectual barrier iii- ~.. 0. Grudunth’Gill pitiil. London, v. v. s. ; turposcfl to shield u9 from the over College, .\Iont., lHtiti. it, u. n. (23., England ' whehning strength ofour gigantic neigh- bour. A separation from Britain just I now would inevitably lead to our being ’ compelled to come to such terms as the States might dictate. We are happily not yet in its claws, and we are able, if we choose, to abolish the legislation that threatens to put us there. The l N. 1)., so far as we can judge, is neither socially, economically nor morally worth tlircc straws to the country. Some of its results are deeply to be deplored. l Foremost of these undoubtedly is the parricidal attitude it assumes towards Tailoring business in rooms over the post- 5 Britain, and next, in compelling us to office, respectfully solicits a alllll" of public , pay a heavy taxation in “,0 name of em l“""“g"" E cournging home industries. These two Garments Had? In "W I131“! 5011‘, l of themselves are enough to silence all and customers may rely on gctiing a good 3‘ the sopliistry which the ingenuity of fit. ('Auryu rriuonuHr. j SirJohri and his coadjutors have cm A' (‘LMIK‘ ploycd to win and retain the spoils of l-‘cncloii Frills. Drc'r lRtli. ISM. ~13. ‘ . , olhcc. We shall feel much mistaken if the I country does not become aroused from one end to the other by Mr. Bright's remarks, which may well demand the serious attention of all its inhabitants. JARVIS .k )[.-mit'(‘.,u,1,, , We have drifted into a position where I’cnrlon Falls. Jun“ littli. 1554- “41- : it seems impossible to remain. Our ‘-~-~'--~~«~~~H-----â€"â€"-â€"-â€" statesmen have sailed our harque into J. the region of breakers. nnl seem to be DICNTIS'I‘. LlNl)§;&\'. l careless if it be wrecked. provided they I â€" share the plunder. But, no thanks to One ofiho firm will be at the them, there. are men who will, with will- MGARTHI‘R IIOl'sn, blessing Rum, . in: hands and warm hearts, make an on the third Monday oft-itch month. chtl: i ‘Im'ri’ ‘0 fit-"r n 01““ or we threatened extracted by laughing gas without pain or danger- Eve“ ll"? EPIH‘ “I the WWW Injury, or no charge will be lllzlllt“. fl" (mice established in Lindsayncarly fifteen years. .MEDICAL{ A. \V. J. DEGRASSI, M. D., ORONER, Physician, Surgeon, .kc., &c. Residencc, ilrick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. M___m . DRS. WILSON & WILSON, I)HYSICIANS, SURGEONS .r ACCOUN chi-rs. Office, Fr ' "is Street East, Fen- clon Falls. I'LS. Witsos, .‘I. a ,.\l. n.. c. .\l., ii. c. P. a 5., Ont : Dr. A. Witsos, .ii. in, ii. 0. l‘. a 3., ()nt. Du. J. H. LOWE, IIYSICIAN ll: SURGEON. (‘oroner for the Provisional County of llalibnrtou. 36’ Ollice next door to the McArthurl House. Residence, the house lately numb: pied by Dr. llrysou, on May street, li‘enclon ,l :Fnllr. ) L. Surveyor. )omniissioncr in the Q. ll., . Coiivcyanccr, .kc. Resiilclice,iind rul- dress, Fenclon I-‘ulls. Miscnnnaivnons. ' ' New Tailoring Establishment. l The undorsigncd, having commenced the ‘, BAR ( .i A. rig“ Five good llnilding Lols for sale cheap in Frnclou Falls Writ. Apply to V sees that not party interests but. the in- terests ol' the country have bccorne im- pcrillcd by the adoption of a policy in. ‘IIB t‘lTl' HI" l.H.\'lHl.\' l"! lNSl‘lt- ’l A‘l‘I: (To. t'apiial 15"" own-i sterling, Deposited with the Doiiiiziiuu tion-ruinan ‘ $100,000. ‘ Till Rout ISII‘RAKCI‘. t‘o, or EVCLLVI’Mâ€"u- Capital. Sl'i,l.'0“.i‘mil. ll--;m~'itml with Do- minion Government and otherwise vested; in Canada. Somme. Tun Wuran Isst‘iuxl‘: ('0. or ('uxtu. (‘npiul and Assets, Sin}; 7.3-5.3. .I. I). SMITH, .Ijrnl. Fenclon Falls, Jan‘y '.‘:nd. lsit. {8. _._.._ .a..._.._._.__.. INSURANCE. GEORGE OURIIISHAI, Gonna! 1mm and Loan Agent.- Britain. iiigs upon the industrial interests of :irtinns Ind statesmen of that. country, not, we fear, to our benefit. crimiimiing character against them is nor can they avoid remarking that it has been sanctioned by the voters at ,thc polling booths. In these circum- l all just cauin of offence. Whatever ‘ Canada may become, she in not. now in PENELON FALLS. ONT" ‘ a position to assume an attitude of in- NPRNHU the following Karol I'll" compo downdcu“. nor i, §ho ergo in ‘ Pee“- rain, with nhich hmmua can be transacted upon the non a ‘snnugroui terms. The Canada I‘emanvul Lulu t Sailings Co The Imperial Insurance Company. of Lon don. England. I'm (‘itiuai' IIHUFLRH‘ Company, offknm til. 9‘ '1 dull .I'r; but. The Lauruhm- inuntzcr Po .0! England The llualedvn'w: Lite Anecutmn. ofCan- ads. uinry point of view a gainer by the strictures which have led to these ob- ‘. serrations. There is a vigorous agitation going on in Germany against an increase on : the duties on grain imports. , Saturday, Feb’y 2lst, 1885â€".â€" loo obvious not to escape their notice; ‘ ’ stances it. seems but prudent to so far 1. 5 change our custom! urifi’ as to remove 3 NOW 15 2711; Turn (1- Alldel 5011, Penelon Falls , l berrs to call attention to his 5 l l by men in high position, some of whom are now in this chamber. and have to J l day luxurious carriages, with servants We“ Worthy the attention of, in Iiveries, flaunting their ill-gotten ; ' : wealth in the faces of the ruined share- ; holders." fdircctor of the bank from 1860 until its doors were closed in 1866 knows its l i l l l l I f E l , must for ii tluie become timid when it ; Itlllt‘JI to our continued connection with . The subject of the .\'. l‘. and its bcnr- ‘ Briiain will be cart-fully scanned by the, Its dis“, vol-é icy that has drawn from Mr. Bright the : AIV ery Serious Charge. In asking what all p-' had been taken In rI-ulllv' up!!!) the axwls of tlie Bank of Upper Canada in the Senate On the llth iiist., the Hon. .‘Ir. AIL‘X-l nuder said that the collupxc of the bank 1 “ was not due entirely to ordinary com- . mercial losses. but that a large part of? its capital, (originally $3,000.000), as! also one million borrowed from the Government, was wickedly plundered Mr. Alexander. who was a: whole history. and if what he says is true, as it probably is, a heavy load of responsibility rests on the shoulders of several individuals who at present carry pretty hiin heads in this Canada of ours. The Senator's speech, for which we of course cannot make room, will be found in full on the eighth page of last Monday's Globe, and all who read it will agree with us that. in the interests of morality as well as ofjustice, a nit-st rigid investigation ought to be made, especially as Mr. Alexander has shown how the whole of the debt due by the Bank of Upper Canada can be recover- ed aud a million dollars saved to the country. The honourable gentleman is not at. all mealy-iuouthcd. He does not “ think " this, or “ infer the other ; but he says in the plainest of plain English that an immense sum of money was feloniously appropriated by certain ofiicials of the bank, and it would he scarcely an exaggeration to say that he mentions the offenders’ names. When a prudently and honestly managed mon- etary institution collapses from ordinary causes the ruined 0r impoverished shareholders are heartily sympathized it with; but when â€"as Senator Alexander says was the case with the Bank of Upper Canadaâ€"the failure is the re- sult ofdowuriglit theft and swindling, there is conjoined to pity for the victims a strong desire to see the thieves and swindlers punished. To be sure the alleged villainy in connection with the defunct bank was committed nearly twenty years ago; but the responsibility for a crime lasts until the criminal has been tried and suffered the penalty ini- posed ; and if there are good grands for believing that the president or any other oflicial of the late bank of Upper lanada actually stole the funds of that institution, he ought to be arrested on the charge forthwith. The R. 0. Concert. The R. C. choir concert held here on the 12th was highly successful and was the choicest programme ever presented to a Fcnelon Falls audience. The dif- ferent performers took their respective parts in a very creditable manner. As the programme was a very lengthy one, to go into detail on the merits of" each would require almost too much space. so that we are conipolli-d to l-rii-flv sketch the different ones taking part. Both parts of the coricl-rt Optimal with a selection by the band. which. as. is ll>il$ll. took well. This “‘ii.‘ followed by a grand chorus by the choir, which “as rendered in faultless style. The next was a song by Miss Beglcy, the ballad singer, which was sung in such a well cultivated voiCe that she was recalled. Master Johnny Smith next sang “ 'l‘lic Dear Little Shamrock of Ireland," and won the ad- miration of the audience. Mr. J. A. Gillogly, who was next in order, gave a song in the Seotcli dialect, which brought forth bursts of applause from all parts of the house. This is not this gentleman's first appearance here, and he isa tower of strength on any pro- gramme. Miss Polly and Teresa Shan- alian, of Orillia, next. sang a duett cu- titled“ O’cr the Hill and o’er the Dale ” in beautiful style. Both these young ladies are very sweet singers, and we hope to hear them here again on some other occasion. The great event of the evening was the club swinging by Mr. McNaughton, of I’ctcrbomugh, who kept the audience spell-bound for twen- ty minutes at each time he appeared. by his marvellous performances with the clubs. )Ir. McNaughton is now considered the acknowledged champion club swinger of Canada, and those who viewed him will not dispute his right to it. Miss Stewart, of Ilaliburton, sang the beautiful ballad, “ Orange Blossoms," in a very happy manner. and was enthusiastically applauded. This young lady has a well trained voice, and is a great favourite here. Mr. L. inlibcrte sang a song in his native tongue, in good voice. which was highly appreciated. Mr. Braylcy, of Toronto, next gave a solo, which was well received. .‘lr. Dixon, of Toronto, I in his comic songs, convulsed the audi- ence with laughter, and was loudly en-' cored. Mr. Ozicr sang a French song which took well. The accompaniments were played by Miss Leinay, of Liiid- I say, in a very agreeable manner. She also played an instrumental solo in very brilliant style. She is thoroughly pro- ficient in music and added greatly to the success of the evening's entertain- uicnt. This finished the first of the programme. and the second part was a repetition of the first, with the cxccp. tion of a chorus by the Company, “ Sail- ing," which was rendered with good of l fn't. .‘Ir. Dickson, ol Periolon It'alls, was , awigucd the honour of the chair. which v position be filled with marked ability. f The entertainment closed with the na» tional anthem. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"9 Rizmvr»:ui.\’o.â€"\\'e are glad to hear that Mrs. Thomas .‘luynes. who was so badly injured by a ram last wet-k. is recovering. though her broken arm will -_ of course be uSchxi for a long while. ‘ 3' We are coming. we arc comingâ€"i and will open on Monday. February 23rd,: in Mr. Wm. Jordan‘s block, a bankrupt, stock of General Dry Goods and Clothing. 3 to be sold by public auciiun without reserve. v W. Faint-unis: t 00., .Iutuwrn. ‘: A Concertosâ€"In the results of i the races last week, which were pub-' , lished as handed in, there Was a mis, ' tngc which requires correction. In the cult nice on the second day Mr. Me" Rae's “ I-‘mwcr of the North " was crcd- - itch with the fifth place in each licat._ ; learning the exact “ heft " of the load. ‘ city of Mexico gave birth to seven babes , strongest man in the world, and he lives " 3 wl.ich was wrong. as In came in fourth ; ‘ and as one of the tithe-s was afterwards » di~cuVered to be six years old. " Flower of the North " was given third place and third money. Tan C.\.\'AL.â€"A few’mm are still at , min: the walls of the cu: above the lev- : el of the walls of the inner lock ; but ,» they will be throueli in about a week. i and after that nothing more will be done until some time in the mouth of: April. 1 Saw AD\'EHTISE.\IE.\'T.â€"Brandon .k f Robson's new advertisement will be 3 found on the next. page. They have a . well assorted stock of groceries, provis ‘, . ions. crockery, glassware and boots and shoes. which are well worthy of inspec- tion and will be sold cheap. Give them , a call. A SICK liottsE.â€"â€"On Thursday morn- l in: last a fine-Ionizing brown horse. 7 yean old. one of a team owned by Mr. l Duncan McNevan, was taken sick while , being driven across Cameron lake, and i is now (Friday noon) lying in Mr. , Jackson Reid's stable not likely to rev cover. Mr. Fisher, veterinary surgeon, l of Lindsay, who was telegraphed for to attend the animal, says that. it is suffer- ing from a disease of the blond. A CHILD Bunsenâ€"Last Wednesday evening while M rs. John Pogue, of Ver- ulaiu, was out milking the cows. her youngest child, a little girl about lSl months old, pulled a burning stick from I the stove, and by some means set the, l i I l l l | i right sleeve of her dress on fire. Her brother instantly ran out and told his mother, who was fortunately not far distant; and she, rushing into the house, extinguished the flames, but not before the poor little thing was badly burned on the arm and side of her face. SENT TO THE :\SYLU.\I.â€"â€"For some time past Robert Baxter, blacksmith at Greene & Ellis’s mill, has had fits of temporary insanity, brought on by drink, and as he was unreasonably jealous of his wifeâ€"though apparently without causeâ€"it was necessary to have some one in the house to protect her when her husband was under the influence of liquor, as it was feared that he would take her life, as he had repeatedly threatened to do. Lately he has been so violent that Dr. Wilson declared it was not safe for him to be at large, and on Wednesday Constable Nevison, arm- ed with propcr authority, arrested him and took him to Lindsay and lodged him in jail, and from there he will be â€"or perhaps already has beenâ€"sent to the asylum at. Toronto. A TRAIN CANCELLEDâ€"Last Monday considerable snow fell, and as it was ac- companied by it high wind drifts along the railway track and elsewhere result- ed. Consequently, when the ti'ain from the north arrived at the Falls two or three hours behind time on Tuesday, no one was surprised ; but. a good deal of surprise was felt and expressed when word was telegraphed from Lindsay that the return train had been cancelled. Why this was done $000 here appears to know; but the general opinion is that there was no necessity for it, as the afternoon was qu'tc fine. and that, therefore, the cancellz ‘ifinowtgs arbitrary and unjustifiable. So - .. -‘IIISC that there were but few paz‘hgers and little freight for the north on Tuesday, and the railway authorities thought it would hardly pay to make the return trip; and we are not fooliin enough to im- agine that if they (It'll think so, they would let the interests or convenience of the public stand in the way of their own. Conn WEATHERâ€"The weather pro- phets who said that we were to have an open winter ought to retire from busi- ness ; for though the first few weeks of it were rather tnild, the cold for a long time past has been so intense that the winter, as a whole, will rank above the average for severity. Tea or fifteen degrees below zero has been nothing uncommon of late, and on Tuesday morning last, in exposed situations, the thermometers registered from twenty to twenty-two. The sleighing, however, was splendid until a few days ago, there having been just enough snow to keep the roads in firstcclass order, and no drifts; but a few have formed during the past fortnight, and travel has been somewhat. impeded. In consequence of the omission of the usual January thaw, symptoms of a scarcity of water are be- ginning to be observed; and farmers say that unless spring sets in unusually early their cattle will have to be put on a short allowance of fodder, which has been consumed at a terrible rate during the long-continued cold spell. II i-IM'Y Loansâ€" For some time past Mr. R. C. Smith's teams have been drawing green wood (chiefly basswood) l from where it is cut to the phlp mill. The loads all pass the Gazette ollice, and we have often been astonished at their magnitude, as they appear to be l thirteen or fourteen feet long and nearly as high as a oneâ€"story house. But it appears that the foreman who superin- tends the chopping thought. there ought. ‘ to be still more put on the sleighs, al- though tlic teninsters declared that they took all that their horses could possibly I draw; and last. Monday one of them, feeling sure that his load was an enor- mous one, asked to have it weighed, ‘ when he got to the village. An at- : tcri‘pt was made to comply with his rc- quest; but the hay-scale, upon which i the sleigh was with some difiienltyi hauled, will only Weigh 8,500 lbs, which wasn't enough by a good deal. There was therefore no possibility of but several good judges estimated it at : nearly or quite six tons. No wonder; Smith's teams, big as they are, were ‘t’aggcd out at the end of their day's‘ work of three four-mile trips and return. Ice in Cuba is worth two cents per pound. The Queen is sufl'ering from bron- . cliitis. Monday. It is re She will return to Windsor on ! poer that a woman in the? in one day, all of whom died. The~ mother IIFt’s. The Chilinn minor is considered the , principally on the leniil, the cheapest: and most nutritious to}! known for its , Weight. I I, l l 'bcrs will be held answerable for the likely to aSSist outbreaks of cholera. annually consumed in fireat. Buffalo is; V l . ‘ of the remains has been obtained. Precautions Against Dynamite. l The new regulations for the admis- sion of pmple to the house of commons amounts almost to prohibition. .‘Icm- work a: the .335, end of ,he may, trim, , conduct of persons admitted at their request. Strangers will not be allowed 1 ‘ Io‘ promenade on the terrace even if cs- cnrted bv members. Reporters are de- St. Patrick's socieiy. but he has finally . *nicd admission into the inner lobby. ( lentil!!! Cnl'rider and committee rooms. A deputation of journalists has becnl appointed to endeavor to secure a mod itication of the regulation. There is a Igrowing movement in the dunks and_ among builders uud other tradesmen to dispense with the services of Iri~h la-L borers. Fifteen hundred Irish work-i iugnien were recently summarily dis-l missed from buildings in the course ofl construction in East London, their fcl- l lowâ€"workmen of other nationalities be- ing unwilling to work beside those, whom they regard as possible dynami- ters. It is rcported that a similar movement has been started at Man-l Chester, Liverpool and other provincial cities. __ â€"â€"~ .. oâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" How to Save Three-Quarters of a' Million. Now that times are tough. and mor- chants and Illtllllllecturel's, and all other business men are either working with a reduced staff, or have made a reduction in the wages of their employcs. would it not be well for the Doiuiuiou Govern- ment to cut the wages of their cmployes all round, from the Cabinet Ministers down to the other: boys. A general re- ductiou of ten per cent. would ease the tax payers to the extent of seven hun- dred thousand dollars, and would not. by any means ruin the civil service ein- ployes. It would take a reduction of four per cent. to bring the cost ofcul~ lecting the revenue down to the basis of ’82-'83. Why doesn't the govern- ment do business in a business-like way, and cut its garment according to its cloth and the hardness of the times. Of course the civil service dudes would all howl if such a thing were threatened, but it should be understood that the civil service is for the country, not the country for the civil scrvicc.â€"Torou(0 Ncws. o.- Tne Transfer of Real Estate. The Attorney-General on Friday in- troduced his Bill to simplify the trans- fer of real estate. The general purpose of the Act, he explained, was to make the transfer of real estate as simple as the transfer of batik Stock, and to make the title of the holder as secure. This result it is dcsigncd to reach by the adoption of the 'I'orrciis system in force in some of the Au~tralian colonies and in other countries. The change pro- posed practically amountcd to a revolu- tion, and the Government felt compelled to proceed with caution until such time as it was ascertained with what. degree of favour the experiment was received throughout the Province. It was pro- posed that the adoption of the incasuro should be optional for the present, and that its operation should be confined to the county of York and the city of To- ronto. In reply to Mr. Meredith, the Attorney-General said that at. present the duties under the new system would probably be assigned to some existing officer. Provision was made under the Act, how'cver. for the appointment of a Master of Titles, to whom it was pro- posed to commit the whole administra- tion of the Act. He stated further, in reply to Mr. Meredith, that the Gov- ernment had considered the nr-ccsiitv 0f the creation of a guarantee loud to secure those availing themselves of the new system against loss, and the idea was that a charge of one quarter of a cent on the dollar of the value of the property should be made to create this fundâ€"Globe. 0-.» About Cholera. If the transatlantic steamers will slow their trips we shall get no cholera. That is the belief of Dr. I’ettcukofcr, as set forth in a new German book. The dis- ease cannot make a sea voyage of twen- ty days. If we could not cross the ocean frorii Europe in less time, cholera would . never reach us. There are unfavoura- ble Iarid routes. Cholera never gets over deserts which require more than twenty days for caravans to cross. South Amer- iea enjoyed exemption from cholera un- til leil, when first-sailing vessels car« ried it from Philadelphia to lilo Jauci- l ro, and a terrible epidemic was the rc- I stilt. Cholera makes the most rcinark- l able jumps. The soil and its moisture, Dr. I’ettcukofcr thinks. play a principal 3 part. in starting epidemics. Clay soils in relatively dry conditions are mowt Something Ilis argument is. that the rain~soakcd earth has not air enough for the animal l germs to breathe. In heavy clay soils1 water drives the air completely out. w.-. 1 11’s Liquor Bill. Britai The cost of the intoxicating liquors in the neighborhood of £100.000,000,: and would purchase SJIUUJHJU Coats. at l 40:, ,Qlfijlllflllilfl ; 8,000,000 trousers, l a; 20s. £s‘,000,nlio; 000 000 vests, at? 10:, “000,000; $000,000 hats, at! (H. 111400000 ; 8,000,000 boots. at 624 Ind per pair. £4,000,000; $000,000 stockings, at ls lid per pair. £000,000; 8.00010”) i-Iiirts, at £2.0mm00 ,x 8.000000 blankets, Ills b'd per pair.i £5,000,000 ; 8,000,000 gowns. at 1:5- m. £5,000,000 ; 8.000.000 bonncts, m. 105, £4,000,000; 10,000.000 caps, at 2% 6d. 131000.000; 20,000.00 chairs, at Gs. £4 000000 ; 4000.000 tables at t 20,-, £4,000,000 ; 2,000,000 brink cases 9 at 40s. £t,(ioo,000; 40.000000 books at is. £2.000,000; 8,000.000 clocks, nt 7 225 6.1, £9,000,000; 20,000,000 bibles, . ' at 25. 111000.000; 1000 ID cottages, at? , £200. £20,000000; poor rates provi- '- ded, £l2,000.000; pensions for 100.000 ' pnblicnus, at £200 a my, £20.000,000, ‘ and for savings bank, £30,000,000 ; to- ; tal, £100.000m'm. _._.‘.._..-.__.___. Sitting Bull wishes. to b(- made a cit- izen of the I.'uit--d States and allowed to vain. 5min: Iidzi has captured the key to the Indian queuing. i l , Iv freedom while here. ' right away. N Fenian MONTREAL. Frll. IT.» .l'lnrl Granville. = British foreign secretary of state. has‘ , refused an spplicaiion from John Boyle 3 O'Rcilly. editor of the Boston Film. to ’ allow him to visit Canada. England, or Ireland. The Irish exile was invited to lecinie here by D. Barry. president of declined to come after consenting. A deputation from the National society went to Ottawa and requested the min- ister ofjusticc to guarantee .‘l r. ()‘Ikt'Il- Sir Alexander Campbell replied that he could only IN- rusponsible for his own department. but any outsider could take out a criminal warrant. and have the editor arrested It appears that O'Roilly was tried in Dublin, Ireland, in [866. for high trea- son, convicch at the as'sizos, and scu- tcuccd to twenty years“ imprisonment. Through the connivzincc of James Ste . phens and confederatcs he cscxpcd not long after his incarceration and went to America, where he became a citizun. Considerable disappointment has been i expressed by the Nationalists. as prepa- rations had been made for the lecture. The British minister was very emphatic in his refusal. . ._.._. N... The horses in Montreal are. suffering from cquino smallpox. There are 150 tradesmen in Paris who deal in nothing but old postage stamps. The Marquis of fiartington is in favour of accepting the military aid of- fered by the colonies. A glass bed is being exhibited in London. and the lair of the bug is open to the gaze of the scrutinizing world. The number of letters posted in the world every year is said to be 52,000,- “00.000. The mining camp at Alta, Utah. has been almost entirely de~troycd by an immense snow slide. Fourteen lives were lost. The workmen of London, (I'lng.,) are applying to the Government to bc gIVI n employment. The wholesale discharge of Irish eni- ployccs in London and other English cities is reported. l‘lniploycrs are afraid they may be in league with the dyna~ mite fraternity. At Mr. Tildcn's gigantic stone castle of Greystoiie Mr. Cleveland had to sleep in a bedroom forty feet long and twenty feet wideâ€"and this is only one of ninety nine rooms in the building. The estimated cost to the State in police serviCe and deprcdations averages $1.800 per criminal for each year he is at liberty, while a far smaller sum will support and guard Iiim in prison. The Liberals in the newly constituted electoral district of South Kcnsington England, are, it is said, very anxious to obtain the Marquis of Lorne as their candidate at the forthcoming general election. A young chap at. Tobasco, Mexico. offered to wade into the river and kill an alligator for fifty cents for an Amer- ican traveller, and the traveller ha- been waiting four weeks for him to re- turn to the shore. A twelve-yearold girl, carrying a parcel of meat, was attacked last Satur- day by a dozen mongrel dogs on a va- cant lot in Philadelphia. After securing and devouring the meat. the dogs hor- riny mutilated the child and tore oil her clothing. Ilcr condition is critical. l’cter Kelly, a farmer living near Lllf‘ town of Monte, in county Westiiicatli, was found dead near his llOllM} on the morning of' tlic ch. His skull was battered in, and the placli'whcrc the body was found showed signs of n soâ€" vcre struggle. The murder is attribu- ted to a zrarian troubles. There have been nine hundred deaths of Roman Catholics in the city of Mon- ti'cal since the lat of'Jaunary. This i~ so unprecedented that Rov. Father Son- tcniic called attention to the startling mortality in his sermon in Notrc llamc church on Sunday. No cause was as signed. and no epidemic prevails. Tom Elliott, it rich young farmer of Dakota, having declared that he would never marry until wheat Sold at a dol- lar per bushel, a neighbouring farmer, who has a daughter willing to relieve Tom's loneliness, has Offered to take his en‘irc crop at ii dollar a bu~hcl, and give him a cheque for it at the wedding. Some cxcitcincnt was excited in Lon- don (l‘lngf) on the Ililll, especially in connncrcial and financial ciiclvs. by the receipt of dispatches fioin Ilcrliii, aii~ noiincing that Russia has ordered 2.000 Krupp guns for the plll'plisll of sll’t‘ll‘JIlI- . cning the plinlllllll in Central Asia. The guns are to be of the largest. pattern. and are evidently intended for service Ill fortrrssl-s. Sebastopol will be made a iii-c port. ()0 Saturday l:i.~t .‘Irs. l'i-tcr \l'nmlâ€" cock, of Forth Frederick-burg, mother of licv. l'ili Gilbert and Nelson Wood- cock. dicd at the advanci-vl age of 0-1 years and II mouths. ller remains were buried on Sunday last in the CHI)- etcry adjoining llcthaoy Church, and on Monday night the bme was stolen. Immediately upon the dost-cration be-; ing discovered every endeavour was put forth by the family. but as yet no trace â€"â€"â€""' Why" What's thi- matter?” Ladyâ€"(Willi far" enveloped in ii roll of hot clothh‘)â€"“ (till I'm crazy with that Neurnlgin that continually troubles inn,“ v Well, how foolish? Why don't you go to Wm. H. Elli-is Drug Flore, I’v-nclon Frills, and get a bolllr: of Fluid Lightning? It cured ml: in less than than one Il’illtllll'. [always km-p a bottle in the house. It only 17 ».- o -w . ‘v costs 'in cents." James llraylcy, Hamilton, says: “I read - the tulimonials for )fcfircgor'a Speedy : Cure. and found that I had not to go 10' New York. i'hilndt lphia. Louisiana or Tt-x. ,' as to find living n‘ilncsvvs of its value; we have plenty of persons right here to prove its merits. I got a bout:- and it helped me vcr and indigestion u I think any one could he. I have taken three bullies and am nrnr- ly well, and can cut any him! of food with- out it hurting me. I may say lhatl am Irt‘b, tcr than I ever expected to hr Free trial bottles at Wm. B. Ellib‘: Drug Store, Fenc- lon Falls. If you Ihnuld be an unfortunate at to turn, Seal/l or Wound yourselfin any wily. the proper 1'25ng inn-p (Ll-kn our; Lani it ii Mcfjrrzor & Parke‘u (Juror/Lie Kermit. Inlil‘. on having, and be sure 3m.- ge'. SIM fin-go.- & f'nrkc- Carin/Ah: ('rrntc. Pf.i'.", ta, Wm 12. £11... b:agg..:, Feat-lea ', one the gnome. . ;. It is also rl-portcil that i I ten] in bad with Itilious fr‘r- . , 39)“ In the (Rum of Saturday, the 31" Y ult . quite a feat in cmsscut sawing on the ‘ farm uf Mr. J. R. Ellis, of Fenclon, us roe corded. The saw uscd is the celebrated . H Ahead of Any." and is manufactured spa cially for Berti-uni 3 Co.. of Toronto, by Henry llission .ti Sons. ofl‘hiladclphig-an- and stands unrivalled in make‘and‘ fillI‘I‘Iy by any saw in the market. Thert- bu been a large number sold in dim-RM district: since last fall. and they are all that they claim to be. Sold by G. 8. Anderson, Fen-v f clon Falls. FENELON FALLS Rq-origj Ly .Ilrlhmyull .I‘ Brundbn. Fem-Ion Falls. Friday, Feb'y 20th, I885. __,.._.._.._.a M A RR TITS. Wheat, fall. per bushel - - $0 74 0 76 3 Wheat, spring. “ - - - 0 76 0 78 , llarlu-y. per bushel - - - 50 60 ; Unis. " -‘ - - . - 27 30 ll'cuse, “ h - - - - 50 55 , Rye. “ " ¢ 4 a v {5 50 l l'uliiloes, “ - - -‘ v- 33 35 l llnllcr. per lb.. ‘ a - o « is 18‘ l Dressed Hugs, per ion its, so on s 7 4, Ilccf. per 100 lbs, ' - - $4 50 $5 00 , Eggs. per dozen, ~ - - - 18‘ 20 l Sheepskins, - - - - o 30 60 ! llt'i-t'llidcs, - - - - 55 no $6 00 ' Hardin-oil. dry, sawed. - $2! 50 $3 00 Hardwood, green, sawed, $2 00 S'.‘ 50 Hay, per ton, - . ~ - SID 00 tnSl‘.’ 00 New Advertisements. '1‘ 13 N I) 133 R S. Tenders addressed to the undersigned If this Department (marked “ Tender for Ti”: her") will he received until noon on Saturday, 21st of February. 1885, for the supply of the following qiinntitiel of WHITE PINE TIMBER, to be delivered whch directed ON THE LOOK GROUNDS, LINDSAY, not later than the lat of October next. 1,500 lineal feet of 12 x 12 square, as fol. lows :â€" . 20 pieces in 40 feet lengths. 20 it It 35 u u 544 lineal feet of 12 x H Square, In 34 feet lcngihs. 0.302 lineal feet of It! x 12 square, a: {oh lows :â€" 10 pieces in 40 feet lengths. 12 i. ll 3“, ii H 17‘) l.’ (t 30 If it 1“ ii ii 36 H u [u U M II 3.) .1 ii 23 r. u 12” ii if 30 i. H 3.600 lincul feet of 10 x 12 square, in I3 fcct lengths. 1,000 Iiucnl feet ol‘6 x 9 square in 20 feet lengths. 22,434 feet ll. )I. of planking, as follow-I : 58-: pieces .'t x l" in ll! Icct lcngthl. so: u 13 x [0 “ lit u n The timhcr furnished must be of good quality, free from unsound knots and do- fccts, and subject to culling. All timber six inches in thickness or unâ€" dor to be sown, and the tenders to mention whether the remainder will be Iicwn or suwn, and give a separate price per IfncuI foot for timber and per thousand font B. M. for planking, delivered its stated. If the timber is hewn it. must be made in sufficient size to admit of the sticks being counter-liewn to the full sizes specified. Each tender must have the bond fl!!! nig- niitnres of livo persons as surctica for this due fulfilment of the conlriicl. The lowest or iniy tender will not uncor- sni‘ily he accepted. ROIlT. McCALLUM, I'fnyt'nrcr l‘ilbfi'c War/rt. Ilizimiirints'r or l‘i'iiuc Wouits, } Iii-2. Toronto, (ith February, I885. To (In- la'JiIor off/u- I'l-nrlon Full: (loath. 1!. \V. ’.l.‘IIOl\II’SON, Accountant, Commission and Real Eltnto Agent- Loans Negotiated. l’nrirs, Houses and Lois for Sale or to Rent. Money to Loan iii the loves! current MINI- .\Iurlgngvs and Notes negotiated. Colloc- iions made cxpcdiliously and returns exoâ€" i~ntml at once. Corner of George and Sitti- (:m‘ Streets, ovi-r “ (.‘liiiiu flail," l'clcrboro'. S l.’l'20'l‘.\ (314135. A full stock of Liiurunr-c's {anions Spec- tm-h-s at I'lllis's Drug Store. Every pair guaranteed. Call and see Illl‘Ill. “Edy. IIeifi-r S frayed. Striiyed from the subscriber, about tit be- ginning of November last, a dark n-d Heller rising two years old; shows Devon breed; has the shell of one horn broken off. Wu. LOGAN. I’cncloii Falls, Jan'y lilth, ISM. 47. THE lllllINlLuSH shill , \V. \V’. :l £In(')'1"l.‘ lit-gs to cull Illl' lllll'lllillll of the public to the following NEW LIST 0F HSII PRICES, thr lowest i-vcr yet olIi-rml iii l-‘t-iielon Fail. or its i'iciniiy by any dealer in grvcoricl. SUGARS. 20 lbs. Ill-lined Sugar for - - $I 00 135 ” firnnulatml Sugar for - I 00 I? “ llriglil Sugar fur - - I 00 SYRUPS- ilgulloiis Holden for - s - SI 00 TEAS- 3 Special line in Japan. just arrived, fine-I. { value in ('iiriiida, liq-ml to any {:0 cent. "I in the market, :50 cents per lb. NEW FRUIT- : I’im-st I'iirrniits, If) llir. for SI 00 j ‘4 Valentin Raisins,” lbs, for l 00 1 "’ London Layers, pt-r Ib. - - l5 “ I’igd in liialii, Ill lbs. {or - I 00 ‘- Ilium: Figu in box”, per box 15 Also a largr- Ihruflfll"fll of Orange. and LI-rnonu, Grapes, Null, kc. OYSTERS in tins and balk, at closer quointionl than you can obtain in the Toronto market. CANNED GOODS. Ilritish American Salmon, lent caich « - - 1 lb. tins, lac. New Lobster: - - ' - “ “ 15c. , " Mnelterrl - ~ . “ “ I26. “ Tomatoes ~ . - 3 ' " lzo. " Corn - - - ~ - 2 “ “ I2 c. l " I'earl - c - o 2” “ '2 n. " '- Apr:ch - - - - 3“ " Mr. M Benn! - - - - . 2 u M tun TOBA. GOES. Vince! Prince of Wales Chewing - 42c. lb. ' bright Smoking 6‘s - 501:. lb. Cut Chewing - 50:. lb. 1 i.» sin." figure: mun connncc you that ti." only way to buy your good: cheap in to pay will. W. W. BLOTT. 38' Oyittr Room: updtnirn. ‘6] insulin. Italic, Nov r 261b, 1518‘. .I o.- l

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