Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Jul 1881, p. 3

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.‘5 . 4! _ - fl. -,. e, FENELON FALLS #flfli' HARDWARE ' titltlllS. Dundas it Flavelle Bros. an...“ {L’szzlrsfiizussn'z m” mum [Mpumuu’i The Undersigned Any person in want ofn bendstone or mon- I K3,”. STREET’ begs to inform his containers and the men: will do well to examine his designs - L I N D S A Y . public generally that he I . “as just recrirri ‘nl opened up :i lurg-Y Sti‘i‘a ill TOYS, helm purchasing elsewhereâ€"NJ. :0: Two nuggets of gold were recently IE BELIEVE i L ‘ 7 found near Frnrbestnwn. Butler.munty. t We sie showing the largest and (“Heat range of TWEl-IDS nnd‘CLOTHS to be lq 4 Cdifmll. weighing twenty-eight and w d S T O R E . found anywhere in this locality. , J‘ L fire ounces repel-lively. Several hun- ' ' â€"-â€" I: BELIEVE ,z,‘ gm“ ,1" My sited dollars worth of gold lay alongside has secured the agency for the s New Stock of , The undersigned is now selling We "9 no, “and by anyone for NT. STYLE 0, “ms” D O L L 8‘ Yr ‘X S E s" S! l Toilet Sew ':" l .i g ’ml assortment M" We cannot be undersold, as mnny of our goods are bought from first hands in ( l: (’ (, (1 S. the old country. .\lilliuer_\', .llniittrs. l‘..ill:.>:<. wE BELIEVE ‘ , ll In giving A good article. msking it well. trimming it well. and then stamping it I with our recommendation. l and Motto humus. l‘l~i.'ii llll PM" “E (‘itrdliunrtix (‘zl2‘.\‘:\>' and built: “kilns: That this olicv will always succeed. and our increased. and we are glad to say 3 . ‘ . .> ., , , H ‘ -. . iEcrca'sing, trade in this branch is the strongest evidence of it. A "‘9‘ h“ “l \l 4“. 1 “HI “"1 “ ““l‘m Blinds Jim l't‘t‘t‘l\‘<'.l. DUNDAS 8t. PLAVELLB BROS. Kent Street, Llndsny. May 12th, 1881. , I88I. stigma l88l. O of them. ' ‘ In the hot months of July and August I the Blood should he kept pure and cool arith an occasional dnse of Dr. Csrson's Stomach nnd Constipation BEtters, s wonhy family medicine. ln lnrge 8 ounce bottles, 50 cents, nt John Nugent‘s Drug Store. A pltlnble story is told of: little boy fiho starved to death in Pittsburz. Penn, become of a thrust disuse. He lived four weeks without eating: or drinking. Suli'ering terribly just before he died, he asked his mother if he would get nny dinner in heaven. a. Hurrah for Reapers. flowers I: Sul- hy Rnkes, the best and chespest in the mnrhebâ€"llsss-y's manufactureâ€"to be seen 1! Robson l Robson‘s Cnrneron Lake Foun- dry. Penelon Falls. The leading farmers offlorth Victoria will testify to their supe- riority over all others that they have ever tried.--l l-t.f. Entities ' tastefully got. up, at Very Reasonable llt‘nni-y Haulan 8: Lance Tooth, Axes. Logging Chains Cow Ties. Cutlery. Skates, and all kinds 0! Hardware, As low as Any Other House in the County. A Call Solicited. Geo. H. Bertram. Feuelou Falls, December 8th, 1880. Titan-3r: and Instrument of Boston, which is a. WONDERFUL TBIUIPH of mechanical sltill, sad the most perfect mechanicnl instrument in design. operation and efl'ect that hns yet been produCed. A mere child, without my musicnl education, can produce an endless Variety of EXGELLENT HUSH}. It has sixteen reeds. mm, Price $14 to $16- Blankets, both white and coloured, and The public are invited to inspect these won- me Price, cannot be ("at dert‘ul instruments. , WM. CAMPBELL. Fenelon Falls, Nov'r 12th,1880. Prices. A large and well assorted stock 0 MANTLES, from 82 50 to 810. Mus. liiililde. on lilinlil, BE“ .‘lilliaivi-i Slain :l"" one door north ri‘ El. l‘. lir... store. Fcnt‘lon Fuller \ln)‘ ‘Jvilli. 1““. . I:.ti.2\ui'o :"7IOTOtm liKHAi'KY. ' U ._._.:H~._.._._._ TI‘INI Ir} 'l‘.\ l 5 1 JG. I have, in stock the largest assortment of Husicnl Instruments that has ever been in- troduced into Lindsay, comprising i N.-. Summer Arrangements. Exams: ’ r i I I 0-0 m &3l“ng8 B OXEY, MONEY, MONEY. RE-‘IO‘ AL- a ' . a v v _ , , Titiilll: t'lll'l‘l ll" ..:".'.’::;'.°;.F.'.'.':.::Erluiizzgith' 3...... ,Im "fiwpwr’mdw JOSEPH NEVISON New Go" 5 - New G°° 5 ° ~ null... 21.. .l .1 lb‘sn. , tiate straight. lonus on good has removed his â€" 0:0 -â€" l LINDSAY TIME ln Penelon Falls. on Saturday, July 2nd, Richter Organs, &.c. the wife of Mr. ll. l’. lleming of: son. farm property security for any l . .. .. . As llr. Reekie has broken his agreement . I : ‘ 7 "l S I : I! I I s V , ~ . . . . . ». . ‘ "m‘ "" "" " "‘ with me, I nut prepared to sell any make of term orymrs “t eh?!“ percent" S T I O 3 - hTAT“ xx m “M. M m l 1:. MARKFAT IKI‘APORTS Piano or Organ at the lowest living profits. interest, with the privilege of 1 _. “HI-” y r N r r ‘l-I'u- have 5““ °Pened 5‘ Toronto, viu H. ’1‘ ll. lI-HVi' Z‘J'.‘ u H». Large Stock of Spring Tweeds, to the west side of Colborne street, next door to the Mechanics’ institute, where he will keep on hand n good stock of Single & Double Harness W. J. MARSHALL. Lindsay, May 20th, l881. repaying any portion of the principal at any time, the in- terest ceasing on the sum“ so FENELON FALLS MARKETS. . Lindsay. viii \\‘.l'.l'. .\' l.. litlllwtii' ui ril |‘ Penelon Falls. Friday, Jilly lst, 1881. Wheat, full. per bushel - - $0 00 0 00 M. ii} EScT'Q-"all'ii. 1:. Mr “ "‘ 1881. THE HAEK WES. 1881. Wheat, spring, “ - - . o 00 l 15 paid. . 8:29}: [‘5' Mill“ _ : _' ' This gives the borrower eV- for farm or mad work’ values“ New Patterns! New Styles! The Largest nnd Clioiccst Stock in Town. ,“E‘dqm. ""' ,H‘ p ' - . t. _ v A. t '_ . . - . . . ' . i :2 i: ' ' - ‘ 2?. “ :3 THE STEM“ 003090th “y He 1”" °“ SHAWL STRAPS BASE HALLS an“ & uoLonEn wonern slunmss 33.122353. Pith“. ,, Z : : Z on 25 having been thoroughly overhauled and re- ll“ mangage “"3 sum he may l l , I i “a,” ' ~ i ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . . d ., ‘. . . .; . . ‘ . v _ I. v ‘m w i : . mm", P" ,h" ‘ _ _ _ . 0,, ,3 paired flnfirst'tegllal;ecd’nlgiipsg’nxédls now in be able to spare at any time WMPS’ Halters, Snaps. Do not get. your Spring Suit until you see our sfock. lera lulim yttrn anllu (. “I hr | pepsin" 11.11,.“ ,_ l Dreised "Oils. Per "’0 lbs. 0" 00 and stop the interest on so glfamll‘ed , R‘ - E s l e - - - - ll 12 ' . s ‘ tittic‘s......... " "£53,253? "1 _ - . - 0 0.. .0 7 00 Tounsts &Pleasure Seekers much, or he can release his Cutrycombs, BrusheS, Read .Made c|othing Hats caps 3‘6, tum... Onions, large, per bushel, - O 00 1 00 can have all the advantages ofa trip(with farm at; an s time without, be. and t - - - . ' y 5 5 t .‘lylcs' lttiiln-ny .lunc. 3 all articles in his hue of business. . ADM”; P" hflrfel, - - - 0 00 2 75 "fly Condo”) 0"? lhe W611 know WM“! - , by" d t th Dress Goods it full stock. Black and Colored Lustrcs, Black and Colored Cnsliiiicrt-s, .\lindcn Sixitinn Imu- Clbh‘gcli P" ‘l‘llmy - ' ' 40 m 5" bElween mg“ 0 1’8 0 pay e cnm- Prints, it lnrgc stock in new pntternsâ€"a splendid assorlmrnl. liigoldsby Carrots, per bushel, . - - 00 25 F E N E L o N F A L L S pany is heavy bonus for taking ‘ . m < ‘71 y.. , . llysurt h on u Beets,‘ " ‘4 - - - 00 25 . ’ their money Expenses ver Repairs promptly and neatly executed. Cotton Goods 111 G1 eat {Ll let) - (iniild's «:.:-. ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€" "‘_‘”' ' R°5°dfll° find little more {hag mom; of fly 5181:5355? “mm his slnhcerehflgflng" r0" Ask to see the couticouk cottons at 9,10 and 11 cents per yurd,jtlie very best value "rm" 7 'l "3 ' New Advertisements. P e ' m “mm”? W" W W e "as in the trude. ‘ STAT,,.,I\.S mm, H,,.,,.,’,1~- ' so far been favored, and is determined to meritnconlintiance of it by turning out COBOCONII. vatc loans. DUNDAS AND CORNWALL sulmmos, V S. CORNEIL. I INDSAY FALL SllO‘V. “"3 Plenum or "well Will “‘9” "Pay the good work at moderate prices. » small cost. Until further notice the Cobo- - , . . ‘ . - , ,_ - ' J w A T OHEs W.Elrzlmslu Sh‘f:.“::‘.“ °f â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"“‘""‘°"” W 26‘“â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~’ 188‘” imam] and Chan a,“ Bus, 8 S W ‘1'” m; 3:133:20"----*~::« . T .V , ‘ y t - ICTORIA GROCERY AND E ll 3 . Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents nos, o are. an u s. 3,5,,1,,m 31,, L. , ,,,,,,, m, mm,“ 0, ,H mm,” ,0 ucsdayfll‘hursd 3 &Saturday LIQUOR STORE. ._ . 3a» Do not mu to see our stock. “(an 3 mm,” mm, ,_ ,, Lindsay to my nt-w nntl mngnificvnt stock at 9 o'clock n. m., after the arrival of the E D Mylcs' R‘y June. -- 5.1M of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. My Victmia Railway twin fmm Ellsworth and The subscriber begs to inform his custo- ‘. . & MCFa'rla'nd, REMEMBER, E WILL NOT B UNPERSOL ' l“"".“2"“‘ " 5 4“ flock 0,. Silver American much“. including the stage from Bubcnygeon. arriving at Cob- me” and-the public general],- that he has new"! the” Sine"? than“ for the “literal Agent for Hsnpsns’ BAZAAR PAT-muss. 3 lit-(tic s -- 9.1:» “ count (it I2 o clock, one hour before the de- “may: on hand ,1 compiem smck of patronage bestowed .on them, since they JARVIS & hICDOUGALL tell 3 u lt.:i.. . a ui‘rivu 9,35 “ In line of watches especially ndnpted for torture of the Toronto& Nipissing Railway commenced business in Foiiclon Full>~ 1mm: ltt.lt> ” McArthur’s Block. Fenelon Falls. llltll'S " ]t>_‘_'u u gugrgcf‘nnrk’l‘ofolnto. Reiit_rii_ing,n:villrl letltve u o n .m arrivm one on ..nl|s at 4:30, topconn’ect withg the Victoria , I41 Gallium! h I” i” d , A j ) Mil uiid R'_\'.luul-*‘ lint.” H . l l llniln‘uy tmin going north and with the school tenchcrs‘ use. selected from N‘llflble mnkers only, is the large-3'. and best ever shown in Lindsay, tind has been purclmsed I particularly solicig an SllPll lilllllllllll, entirely for cash. slnge m nohmygeun. Cured Meats, Herrings, Md be“ to inform the pubnc "1M theylmw Lindy“). ,.,.,-,,-,. 11,... t. ilispnlcli iit lowest rules. J. MCFADDEN, Captain. JOHN AUSTIN, Manager. Feiiclun Fulls, May 26th, l88l. Kinniount. with sing- for Mimic-n. JAMES MISS. Mitlmpt'r. one who lives in yuuruwn neighbourhood and will huvc tin interestâ€"such us no and no effort will be spared to sustain the high reputation which the Fenclon Fulls bakery has deservedly borne. Their stock of several bmnds oleiisky, Bottled Ale and Porter, dzc. The attention of hotel keepers and others is invited to this stock. PlastertllScOds of till kinds always on hrtnd. The cash system will be strictly adhered to. Cash for Farm Produce. l l ls. , -" h, ' ' ill”.lr2Ӥr°£.iii 95,3..1'3'Lii'alSZEtZL‘ Plfllllls, lllgflllS; Vlfl inspection of my stock by intending plir- W parties ,mmdin - . - . . - .. . . .-.. .. . . g to trnt’el by this Just moved into the remises lntel ' occu- ‘ ' ' v v - ~r - Cb“‘°"t““d I “m ammo“ mi“ I w" “"0” “0'” fl'i“ Please 1’0 fm board at the “9"” 00d FISh & BIaCkerel' Plea by Mr- Wm. Marginal], where tliey will Where can be found an excellent assortment of Infilde I" 3.11:1!” li'lll PL"! ' ' ” ' ' ' ‘ ' ' lower prices thnn they can bp bmlgm t,r mentioned, us she “I” lenvc sharp on time. A choice assortment of he lmppy to recplw a 0,,“ from his cus,o_ I I I , EM-“ N A . . I p . . . . . . . . . . - - l - . . .- r l . -. or ruebetweenrans & cobcconk. mussels él‘::.'..f’d“'.“l. .2332: has? Drugs Medlcmes Chemicals, tSpongeS, ‘ c . .v . . . _. ‘ _ . , ‘ l . l 4. _' HIV“ 1‘ Ill ‘ , . . , . . . . c"::’i':e‘i:";‘:;:lr 'Zilf‘rh02:15::‘2fw‘3‘3: so" 5,0 coptis; bit-tween either of those places and Dund Barrett, they are prepared to furnish ’ ’ Tm" "’ " ' ’ t ‘ y ' U ‘ ' - .osrt u c. 1.5 cents. oronlo viii ti. ’1‘. II. :n- ” 3" h . ’ . x v . h I. u . . y . - s s r fore nnd whom you mny never see ultmn. Excursion or [tic-nit: parties liberally dealt Port and bherry Wines, Trusses and Shoulder B c ’ I .( qu‘l ( , \ g you will have [he ulvnnln a of bu 'in from Will! and ttll freight curried with care and . ' . l A ‘ u ‘ ' ' I g 3 g ’ 110“qu and Tom Glns’ Cflkesl Buns: &c-v 55-: “t Tensnnflble Pl‘lCCé 2 einl S l’i‘lleloll l-‘tllls, \‘.'lll|:1lll;.’l‘ l'ui' llulvt‘uym-un l PERFUMERY 350-, (334-, always on hand. A large and 4 , . FAMILY GROCERIES m COMPLETE STOCK OF DYE STUFFS oftlie best; quality and at low prices. Also, WELL SELECTED STOCK OF STATIONERY. comprising a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and gcudrnl stationery. J. \V. LEONARD. ‘il‘lll‘l'dl ’l'l'Jillt‘ .hfll'lll. Lindsnyflluy:1r.|.lss.., Toronto and illipissingllailwayl. TIME ihBLE. lst‘nction. G. W. REALL- (r'oltlxmilh‘! "all, nu! (Inorlo lhmllas tl' Fla- relle Brothers. Lindsay, Sept. (lath, IP80. N E W TA 1 L0 R'S SHOP. __ A. LALIBERTE respectfully informs thc'gentlemen of Pen- clun Fiills uiid its Vicinity that he llllS com- menced thc tailoring business will be found, its usual, fresh, good and well nssorte .' Hour, Feed, Eggs, Butler, (in. 1 31:0 NEY. or the concession, thence west in A straight line through the west half of Lot No. 8 in the 8th concession to the line between the 'Ith end 8th concessions. All psrties interested will take duc notice. ll. J. LYTLB, Township Clerk. Cnmbrny, June llth, ISSI. 15-4. at very moderutc charges. T w , H V 38‘ Commerc‘nl travellers and their lug- mmm” " "" l ‘ " 1' ' gage mun-yell safely and expeditiously to any desired point. The subscriber never had ti stnbleful of better horses than at present. Come and try them. (ill be kept on hand and farm produce l ’l' k’ xn‘n \ . - ' \ A N Monty w L,,,m__$g'000 of Private funds ‘1 _ . JOHN CHISHOLM. n v d n ,' , NAOK‘M u Ingi «(t on .lnmlii. l.- .lim li. l.- :l. _on rcnsonnbh- terms. on ne Next to the Globe Hotel, Kent st., Lindsay genera 3 cu m' A "me lo," Of a e Efifutllflinp'l'll \l-lil I ...- .| mm, Apply ‘0 nipnsitc the residence of Dr. Wilson and w ‘ ' T ‘ H d, C ~ A l . i l ‘ t . i I" l A' “- Mcnox‘u‘ng _ sililirits n shure of public patronage. Clolli- RESUMED BUSINESS. Cl Glasswal e e I I . i ' , 'ljorontu, tlt‘llltl‘l. 7 4.2 u in. All!” pm. reach" rum ‘my “my ‘88, S"i'§“4°.'- lug will he made in the latest. styles and is on the shelves and will be sold its cheap Physicians' prescriptions and Domestic Rompes carefully compounded. m “ 11'}?! " Lil: '~ “It: " ‘ " ’ ' “i . as any in town. A visit ofinspcction from - - " ' l I ,-" _, H '. '." '; ', l' m W A GOOd Flt Guaranteed- I{ennedy & NeWn‘lan all needing anything in theirline of busi- Pure Wlnes and. quuors for Med-lanai PurPOSES- llil’l‘ff,‘,,l,llffl m, :1: ,'_ N H Garments cut. for persons who wish to _ , , he“ is resl‘emfuuy schema. A full assortment of Patent and Proprietary Medicines always on llillltl. A- Lindsay .\li.l It. -l l” p. m. l‘.‘ a.» I make them up at home,an charges reus- would inform the citizens of MOFFAT ti: McFARLAND. "out for H R Stevens. Fundy Veuembic VEHETWB. t ()rilliu H l 4?. .- unable in all cases. 0 ’ ' ' a . 1 Midlund J0. d l. l I n, l' " ' .l , r l l 2 . . l ’- * ' Notice is hereby given (but tlin miinicipnl Fenclon Falls, May 17th. l880. l4 N" on FM 5' Mfiy 6th, 1880 E. “l’lmc'H'l‘v "r- l "-7 l‘» “'- 3' ""“ Council of the Township Of Font-Ion will _ ._. V ~ 1880 l Hanan“. '”""‘“ at its next session. to be lit-Id .1! the village i‘ , R D S, . Fcnelon Falls, 21th, . 1 . _. (“MSG NWT“. M3". ,. ,mr‘l,‘ ,‘, U, of nosed“, ,m Tupsduy! L . 1‘ and vicinity\thn.t they have resumed busi- . , ' ' ' _ _ ness in Mr. l'ewmun s old stand. The stock __ , ' Y , ' ‘r -. ) . t l ('uhm-unk, llt-l-zil‘l 3 mi :. m. 1 :~ g in THE 30th DAY of AUGUST, 1881, 0“) ESTABLISHED consists or 6w Sim .0 m 561655.” 6 NW“ ‘ um r a ‘ ,.,,,,.,_.,., m A JUST A REMINDER ____o Lindsuy hm it It a. :m t-.: . n V I p , , , 7 . tut-nun “ I'm-m. m, 1 u Pants: u 13"-] MW y ’ A, R ENT “"“ ‘ “m 5"” “W G. G. In 1C I T 11 in... l. 7 .t 4. .. .». ‘ ° - . . . . . ‘ . . \l' .1 -'Il- .|.- l. l -- 7 :u - ~-- tn close up that purl of tlic roml now run- The subscriber returns his sincere thanks is filling up his shelves With new arrivals of hl’thG (J()OJ)S, among which ,.u‘,’:;,,:,l,_,,:,,, ,,',,.',',.,,_ 1,, .. 7 . , .. ,, hing scross Lots ii nud it in the 8th conces- for the liberal patronage bestowed on him C 5 , will be found l'Xlll'ltlyo 1., 17.. l. .. ; ,., .. slon of the said township. and commonly during the pust nine years. and begs to in- I , . . l 'l‘urunm llrl‘lVI‘ li -, . -- t,,-. -- known as the -- llitll Point Rand," and to form the public that they can obtain _ Bones 3597 m "3‘19: and Pfiimg T l .. ogwn I laid in liru then-Of, to commence at. CLOTHING. t , l’ll‘ir't'llgt'l" lt':l‘.'4- LVN!» ~-x :.t l" 7‘. l: m. t 9 non tut corner of the cttsthnll'ul Lot. 5 s 1 ‘ ‘, , , l - ‘l T u. :.. .l v: '1‘: z: . |,. ,.~,.' No, 9 in me an. cannula”, on the lake . . GROCEI‘IES, l k . of the Latest Patterns and the \ cry llcst Quality, 22,”: '11:: H” ,, imp, ‘, "if: I , , . . any hour of the day or night, at his stable l I ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ' “ shore, running west pnmllcl with the line , JOSEPH HEARD, ' 4.1" p. in. between Lots N08. 9 nnd In to the centre On I‘l‘llncis Street 1511813 Cont-eultmery Mid o Fcnelon Fflns’ Apr“ 08th 1881 3-5m L A E D R E S S G o O l ll. li' " '“lmll -'\ ll ‘ll’: - , . . . 9 I II I l & hâ€"‘Eâ€"M" 1M Cretnns, Prints. CuanS ML. d?- , I Having purchased the stock of A. W. Lssh- o L D B o N Y The “Fp'nplnu lflflmlfll‘l H er the willscllthe some . . . . i-i r’itt-l ~'.'t~.".' ‘~ l 2:. .v t Y CRUSSED will be lnuiid fresh and at bottom prices. Special Inducmuxuts In sugars. P H ' ‘ Over the Alp , 1,, BOOTS & SHOES he is Offering: a splendid nerttrllht‘nt Ul' Wright’s I l I i make. and is sole agent for Folâ€"'itrty's Cclt‘lirltlctl “ llnrdisiiiSt-mn,” Wlllt‘li is , a! l ‘. wurruutcd not to rip. Any pair in which this scam fails to t-utwcur the luth arm at! AT AND BELOW COST. 8 E. R. EDWARDS. ‘lElllEB New goods at n small Advance on cost. L 8 JAMECS Ill-ClFSON. h Q B Penelon Falls, l-‘eh'y 24th, 1831. 6143'- Boots and Shoes 9. specialty. Fnrm proâ€" “in be rephced l. 4,, "in, , ,,,. ,.,..,. ., . . one or. ommssioner in t e . ., ,w, , d tsk ' h . ' ' ' . . . . I ' ,, ' ." . . i I . Conveyinccr, .tc. Residence, and nd- HE NEW DRUG STORE. "cc cu m “C “so a Surprising Fcntl but most of w» A” the above goods “'lll be sold tit the very lowest ltvtpg prices for cnsh :. “the, H~ ' 1‘ Mr H n i. ' dress.Fent-Iun Falls. u 3@ TERMS STRICTLY CASH. 0. mm produce. A call solicited. ‘ ; ADVERTISWG RATEC‘_ ___._._._.__...- Fenclon Falls. March 4th. 1881. ; prurflmnnn, U, ,U ,. ,, 3., g, ,_ ‘ ' l l .r-rlim' wi'unu'm l‘w "-‘\»v- .n. I on their return by not being properly shod. i l I 4 . r” .- "f ‘ ' I l I l :H rI-nt-t pt-r llll' . .' w !,'- ,v, rI-nlg pi-r llui- for v :. J. v, n i.‘ Are you afraid of the snme sad fate? If 'I.C t:":..l. "1;,2 you nre,you had better call-t 1' ’” 'm H' - - ‘ » “ One More River to hfull unlit. i') l.‘ ;rH-tl'.' nll'l u: int 3.: -r 4 The subscriber begs respectfully to in- form the inhabitants of THE FENELON FALLS JAMES AGlVElVS, and surrounding' country that he still con- when :0" Win “a HEATED A.\'D PUBLISHBD , l tinues to manufnciigzlhei; Wooden and eel-l & IN THE DOMINION. U , Iron surprisingly Cheap for anh, n he is Unparalleled Success/ l "d “iii;iiiifi‘ii‘iii’offifil"'““““ .mfnllocimmh-O ,DETERMINED to SELL Repalrmg a, Specmlty, -, nfl'his stock in order m mnlte room {or m: Essentimiszull Better Assortment than Ever, hr m time. Haring W . i was»: film: an... m... ComprisinsGMineld-nd ALL WORK WARRANTED. THE LARGEST mounts“ Dd S. BROKENSHIRE, Fl L 0 E R S E S, l I ‘ - In the village, he is able to supply every l Penelon Fells. opposite Victoris R R. S. a. A . u‘ custumer with what he may wsnt. thus sav- M, My. M- "w v, , ing those who may pntrnnizc him the trun- m m to 1 mm 2 D." SW53, 3 Ap.n18th,l830. .51}:â€" seal do”. l Me of running all over the village fur the claws: n . l. “42...... m at men n ' PATENT MEDICINES, "C Aim-w J‘OIâ€"IN NUG-ENT stranger Would lll|\'(‘â€"l!l giving you n good article and seeing that it gives perfect sul- thsnlts his numerous customers in In order to reach the climax of ‘ “:nd the surrounding country for their very l“tonal patronage during the past 4 years, . . . Ln 3 Eqrart‘; it .’ as“! your. purchasers will find it. to their advantage to call upon w l )th ,m, «I l :T 3 latâ€"Anyw-iwn ' 3‘»'|3- " WV" ' I O l, ' 1 red to his rintm- u: n ' .‘f 11H" ‘ ' L l " lms Iuhsrriliwdnrrwt :‘f' """ ' payment. who” “wk or 5 2nd.â€"lf n pew n n: . GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, 2 llt‘hlill Im'itmt v.3; ': r: ' v m1- - .1 'l .I from the nflirl' 4,! 'z ' 71rd -â€"-lf st.lm-r.t--r- w v ' sv. take the per. v' t r ' I ' - -- office M whilt’. ' needed nrticle. He is now ofiering Gwen“ and Glu‘warc' ‘ â€"CHAS, ll‘nLOUR AND FEE-l). L§CCn Rupturgfii‘gfig Women's Split Boots for 90 c'ts W I, . ,- . . umwdm'mdmfiMKY: Perfumery. ; . . is now full in every department. Give them a trial and Juing for yourselves. , ‘ . I . _ Manual-numb dim-z F Y amusing per pair. fi‘ D in t full In all and I-xsm-t . . ‘ l , held respons:t1,t:u'lt. -,- I . i .v !~ _~ fligwmm:&L&%md m“ t l E'an Clmwlhaumrufliaw erg“. f inc his Stock before purchssiug elsewhere. A: The Highest Pnce pad for Farm Produce, Pork, Butter, Eggs, ~ 5:”, 5nd,“, . , .. a ,w .4 ,, ,‘n, - ' m“ " F‘“ 7' - ' ..-. . . .iw' -- r." , ' Iv~ '.v' A d ‘ 'M N“ l Brushes. Combo, at. 35- , Renateâ€"met: application. Peas w yun 3 Sheepgkin. .nd “nice, 1 f Lil'mrjgutilx'f’fi unset“ m'm .“mwm on A", hm", c,“ ; Order-ad lurk a Specialty. «Fem-1a! traits. nmbho‘vsf y m ' ill-N Edwafi ““ ;, mmâ€"Phsgltilng' prescriptions prepared 3 ingaimggâ€"m ruin-Msfl 193?“;“- “~ Bepsiring done with nestness snd despair-n. 4 mm corn” m ’ '“i can sud despeteh. A full selection of? zxsmm Ax. lot SPIRAL 1105‘“ m = Fin: clan 'Olklann c0910!“ "d " "lib € ble fit (counter . ‘ 38‘ Just received. a large consignment ol Salt and Coal Oll.l , { “p.45, '00,... Remember the Standâ€"one door north of J. Xuzcnt's Dr‘ug Store. ' ‘ ,V A; I» L. MCDOWALL & BRANDON. , them uncalled tn. 5- t '7 intentions: (and. Mud WuunIMSuBPi-u. t W ‘53-" ' ,_. ' l. Csll or Address. CHAS: CLUTEE (lots : . i R kawh-r- & 4 o.’ Hemilton) 38 Adelaide-st, wast: nu: ‘uxss Achzw ' l , Paulo: ?nlls, ?ebrnsry latte, lssl. ‘u. ' (‘rsrd 'l'matn. " ' was. cummiru'xm ' 0”“ We‘l‘efi. “El Pcnelon Polls, October 25th, 1880. “Mun -. “a!!!

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