,‘6' LEGAL. &e. iâ€"iriiiii ii $15 on .rrzrus, . mum? .1 .n t} l? llamas. ,ll'rl'llri. " .13 33' 3; SOLllflTll tilt)? 14) Loan lll'i sl'ILr‘ll a .l.~\(.'l\’>'u.\'. rill M“! fl '2) .‘I (I'Llikil't' J; H Li: \lIY. ' "l"; t' . "KAT-LAW. .kc. 0:.“ , 443.: a 0'l.rrrr .\l Sillll'l‘.\lll,>. PJ-JIRICTRT.‘ " -' 1‘!" t .\lr-lr: r".,,.;,,., \v r'ml‘. .-.u‘.'_': '.~,- had on r(-.:l Vol V l'YlllC .\r S l'liW \ ll'l'. ;. \Tt'.l"lԤ3 " .\Ti'tr. Ii"'-.-\T-l. \il'. ‘1' w ll 1' r: .;1‘. Lind-“H. '-"i a v.-'rUr?..r will. at Urn-t. .‘lu- l.- u: .r’. e r f"i;i. Uzl r-.-.rl t‘i'.tlv" r ’l'rws Erratum. "if if u in". {xi ii i in; . If.†KN» ‘. ': J. .\.“ ll van-ll) ,}.‘ it"l XVIW'. SULll'lTlift. .l . - Q. 'r- l.-.:n Oli‘lrfv: ul'l l': u? -'r-t'. l.Zr.-l--_-.'. u.,t .l rr..rrn-r<.~'m;, n. A, l ' -A'l‘-L.\“'. '. - Kt-nt street, \l.l']X. .\. llr'llf'lelll), 3 ' Solicitor in Chart- , "e. Strictut- lt‘fl'i'tll'gi'il'll in .‘rgrplir'at'nn: for Patents of l.rll'l‘ from f'r-mhr Land's Department. .\lunr-y to Loan on Mortgage Security on trr-ru lu mil hnrr Utlirre, Collmrue nlt'w-t, l'W-llI-lun Fain, r---r< ..J . .lflllN .\. l.\llll()N, .).\Rllls'l'llll-A'f-lulW, l.intl:ay. )on Kt-nl Strut-l. next door: "it of Keith's Agricultural and llrrltll‘lnr‘lll Store. MEDICAL. :\. \l'. J. lH;‘iil.\â€Sl, ,‘l. l)., (‘lllllxl‘ilL l’li_\“i«'i.rn, 5:; lt'§i~lt'llt‘l‘, llric'r: Unllvlg“. atror-t, Lllzdwry, \\'\i.l\'l'1.\ll"l'. .'\l. i1, U. .\l., fit.\lll'.\'l‘l§ of lll‘tiill l'nivr-Nity. Mon 1 tre-ul. and l’rm inrl r! [.5 "tllirrlt'. l’hvsi- clan. and .‘irtrg'on ttvar-trzchrn. (-rit “ritual. and if. p’rrrir-e. “flit†:rnvlr lr-nt-e. in illv' house lulr'ly rit‘r‘ltpit-rl lI,\' llr'v. l“?lill"*l' Starll'nl'rl, :ll thr- r-nrnrr of Lindsay and lint; streets, Liu‘lâ€"‘uy. i ltrz. ll. l'X‘l\'l"l '" of Trinity (‘ollr-go.: ; . .\l ll. l"r..- .._- of Toronto. .\lcrnh.l -f‘rrl. l‘h_\.< and S'lrg, tint. l’hy<ici:rn,y lergvou :ruil .\rn-o .vr. Urlir-e,(fullmrne , u trm-t, l’vm-lnn l";rll»=. in: J. ll LOWE. ' )llYSll‘HN .v .\‘l'lnllflIX. l‘orunt-r for. tlr- l'roruional ('nurny ot'llalihurtorL l 151.?“ Htliw :rrr-l r- {l m- in Mr. Thomas .\lurr . 1' li'lllsâ€. l"r.rnr'i~. Slim-l l‘lusl, FUNCIUH , Frlll‘i. i l 'l‘. W. lll'l.\lll'i. ll .\., .‘l. ll, tl‘lthl l‘l' (‘Ul.l.l‘irill:. 'l'llllllN'l‘UJl. if. l'.l .\j S, ftnl . l'lrr. 4‘rrrlr‘lxr'ru‘, fart-Juli l‘hy~ir?.rn at the lrr<aue Afr um. l.rI:lll-tl|. Hut. X. if Special nt-g rf-“rlimr pairl L-I di-mr-w- of Women :Ultl‘ l'hilrlrr-n. 11:3)" Ullir- frr tln- pint-n1 on Francis ‘ :1ll‘r'l'i\\‘l“l. l"! lrI‘lIIll l‘v.:il.. -v-~â€"‘-‘â€". MISCELLANEOUS. l t'll'il'HNlt lll\'l.\‘lll,\' l‘tll'll'l‘ lV‘ f5 'r'nr: t‘rll'N i Y tllx' \'ll,'ltllll.\. lilllHJ r".\’ .._.o.ll\\l. l‘h-rk -l \.\ll-:‘3 .l l’l)\\ fill. ‘ '. . .‘r l'l'llJ'll ll"rl .\v. tlzli ‘n 'lrl fuller“!- l‘l'IlL‘lIlll {(3 ‘n I‘I ‘- 'I l.l‘3.\'l) i I ~ tilt " ' ~ :i.r:g lost-rer uruz'trl‘w r :4. .\gpl} to .lrrll\ _\ ii \ilfll‘lN, \' lr‘Ll-vr. Lind“) J. NEELAi’dDS, l) x-zx't‘ls'r‘, t .1 N l).-'.-\ Y. illit‘ ul- '...v !' Mr \2 3} l" .\l»' \rzmr a ll--: \r, l"; \H n\‘ l~‘.\t.l.~‘ ' ' 12th. Teeth :1 pain or :ll lllr‘ v :r..tr i-ry arurrly 'ro racxn'i $50,000 .\l ‘ l‘i .. l l \ r . “till 1'. p“ . l._r or pl} 2: ‘zl' in full or ,~ nt .UJ r_r.'~.-~ .\lorlgtgt.‘ J l. l‘inlV. llrrrzgzrr. k“. M“ “til-2: llalrray Wu K. lieu: .trret. erzdsu \ithEY 'i‘Il l.†\N (I-i ‘ll‘fll lid. {c r - 1', : .“ZLL l‘ruau , f‘l’td‘ l. ‘ .~\} No, 1‘ mm u; H, r: .7 _ l‘ «a: run} .Ercd ‘ Knuth-H \r-rfr an: til .\wg 1r ' l? n onngj *3)“ “disc ‘4’“ v u' “ Run 5130!, l..r.~.~.-.} \ 'rr'l‘ll‘li J Sr1'."‘.s}‘~‘.‘fl':l':.\'X"'l:/\:=il‘ uo-lrr- apnrd w 51 , :-‘s:r\::.3 “m f. : any-Erhli 0.,3" t 'l r do“; the 7A?!) murmur»: :5» -~-. ‘ ‘r ~w:.::e“. authority or tin! of M: .l IX 5: Ti. 4‘. Skll‘r'll. g. .9 new. Farris: Tull: 'JL; ..‘.: I-rnvr‘vant‘vr, ; rem), $0.. kc. Wellington l l .\lcdir‘al i ilofr-r- r' tn the Htauda.‘ ‘. l‘.’ ir-nix, Connrt'tE-I ~ insurance (Turn-i t .rn. Snrgtun and At“, lr'lll Hr? , i.rr‘ r‘. . :rzivcs men who both appreciate the ad- J "tulips; WATCHMAKER, llllllllll & llllllllllll, dealer in Clocks, All Kinds, it day. 5 day and 30 hour, Alarm strike,tc AMERICAN WATCHES, the Best and Cheapest, l.\' SILVER AND GOLD CASES In 1h" newest styles and at lowest prices. w Persons 5 -n-iing watches from a dis- trzrce fur rvgulr‘, can have the amount of arm-'4 au-l prlc» reported on for their cons d- «rar‘ron. and as I do the work mvself, can depend on having it done satisfactorily. ‘ Brit‘lon's Block. foot of Kent St.. Lindsay. N T A H I 0 B A N K. Capital - - - - - - $3,000,000. l‘rv-Il nt . . . . . . . . . . . . Sir. W P. Rowland. VA: -Pr’-- dent . . . . . . . . C. S. quwski, Esq Licuerrl .\l;ru..g--r ...D. Fisher, Esq. LINDSAY BRANCH. D afls' hr, gin. and sold on all points in "lnrrln. L'nirwl Matt-s and Great Britain. and gown] banking business transacted. duvings Dr-partmcnt REOPEXED. intorrlve' allowed on deposits of ï¬ve dol- lar: and r.pw.rrds. g s. A. srcucu'rav. Manager. 5o-t.f. L0- l.ind~u_\', Fell. lGlh, lQSl. {i c 1’: ltlJlI fills; Gnostic “Saturday, July 2nd, 1881. thmc NEWS FROM THE STATES. Attempted Assassination of Presi- dent Garï¬eld. l The Slfll‘tiing news came to-dny (Sat- lunday) by telegraph that an attempt ' had been in do to assassinate the Pres- identof the United States. While: lie was purchasing a ticket in the Balti- lmorc & Pulmllllc Railway depot. M STA I \\';rshin_'rnu, this morning, some person l lived at him with a revolver. the bullet i from which passed through his arm and entered his body near the hip, lodging in the vicinity of the kidneys. The rvounrl is a serious one. but Dr. Bliss. who was promptly in attendance, says it is not necessarily fatal. The would- bc a>sas~irr \vus arrested on the spot, but : neither his name nor his motive for the The above are all the particulars we have been able to obtain up to the hour of going tn press. crime is given. Mr. Smiflils First; and Last Plank. The Lindsay Post and a facetious correspondent in North Victoria are puking fun at. the correspondence that h. s paw-d between Mr. John D. Smith â€"Il]r: original though not. now the only L‘rniflr of this villageâ€"and Mr. George l.;ri llaw with reference to the latter l‘llllning for parliament in this riding on t the Trent Valley Canal ticket. \Ve re- eurnurnnd them bothâ€"the Post and its l l E l“. (l, we rnean,-â€"to read the following l l rem :rk<, under the above heading, from the l‘r-tcrlirrrrrugh [fr-view :â€" "Although we are not of the same political p.rty as Mr. Smith. of Ferre- ‘. lou halls. we, like him, and, according % in him, like the electors of North Vic- inriu, rm- Certainly prepared to make the rip-ruin; up ofthe 'l‘rcut Valley Wu» ‘ lt'l‘ rout.- tl.c ' fir t. pla'rk ' in our politi- .‘ r"ll pl rtllrrnr in llorrrirriun politics. And '\\'c- lrrl‘ir-Yr‘ that .\ll‘. Smith. when he 2 \\['r'l',' tr .‘lr. liairllrrv, proposing that h r \lu-ulrl lur‘utm- a candid rtc for North Victoria. in the vVl'nI of a vucnrcy be ' hv .\lr llector Cameron's fin-n tln- political arena, with :l.-- 'lr‘vnl \'rllev >eh--m:-a~' the ‘ï¬l‘sl I‘r' I'l‘l~l‘l , rH-l ':r»r p r k ' in hi~ political platform. ll-r: u .v- lltlr't‘r'ef'rl to what “in think is l.» rum rhlllg‘. in lr'r'll we think we may Irrrrni om. feeling of Wu!" of the whole rli~tricr, from ~- l: -.\ n: Quinrc to the (iv-nt‘gian Bay. \\'e lake on In re than one 0c- 1| rn-uly‘ pointed out that the fez-l- ~l‘.‘ t v :ri-rws‘l 1- hint on; in rh§- .li~lricr was cxeer-dingly mum: Hut] uuarrimuuw-n this subject. .r'ui l|~r h ~rtor proof ewnld he vli'vrr led of r' u \‘ vrroctn 's~ of lhi~ upirrin-r than that ‘rfii r ll'd hr the fact thrt Mr Smith. of l'h nvlnn l".rli~, mm ol'rlrc nrrnt promi- qut hallwr" of the llr'lurur party in North V'r‘lnflrl, should tr-vrrlcr his ac. :ivc 1nd r‘l:~'l‘_’\'flc supprrt to :t gentle- r: who IerlJlrt'~ hirn-- if to ha- :r gen~ oral ~uj pr tor of Sir .l >ir-r .\l cd-mald. u~ a our-lid Me for tho llvrr|~c of Com- m..ryt_ upon I .v .\iufl' ch-r‘lrrism that llr' r ~lr-vuld urrkv- llu' 'l'r u: h’lrlr')‘ rclit'lllv‘ ;\ ‘ first and la~t plank ' in his 0'. .tlirrm, ~rrrrl bccauâ€"c ho b-Zi-w-nl that Mr. lmi l- l)\\",\ gr-at energy. if he :u't‘cptr'rl the pmitinn, would do much to weurc no rally rurlizrtion ol the wishes of the; L‘tlll‘liilh': r'r'. Nur‘nr' ulw knot“ anything of North Victoria on doubt but that trail .\lr l.ri.li.r'.v 5w: his war to aver-pt a nr-tni- rativrn. :thl go to l'ariirrnvut on Mr Smirer ‘ tir~t and last pl rrrk.‘ he would , lave been t'lf‘Cil‘ll practierllv, if not ac ‘ tualiy. by arreiamrti-rn in the event of ' \Ir. Cunt-mn's retirement. But al- though Mr, Sruith‘wrï¬'v-rl in this prrtic- ulrr ilullfu‘vl has failed in its immcdi. ate obj or, we trust it will prove the, N the future action of ourl ultimate result of this case. the doctors prrtir-s all along the y inn- unrrl we see barge! laden with the : warmly praised for the murxge with grain of th-t West. towed down theiwhiclr they acted up to their convic- “'lzat. is wanted to secure our1 ‘ o'tjrct is a determination on the part of: ‘ he“ lh“kl" ' politieiaml 0“ both Trout. imh parties in select for their rcprcsout- I raring.» of {hid scheme. and have thcl energy and the ability to push it. L'u-T there are men like Mr. 1 thrust- lnidixw who think the scheme; l".'iu'lafu‘~b-. impraczrcable, and who denounce any expenditure on it as a waste of money. Hence the great importance of putting forward as our representatives men who are able and willing to meet its oppo- nents wherever they may appear,â€"â€"mcu who are themselves thoroughly convers- xut with its merits, and imbued with “to great importance, not only to this , part of Ontario, but to the Dominion. i This is what the Trent Valley scheme l requiresjust now. and it is. to our mind. a very hopeful sign that a man of Mr. Smith’s political standing in the dis- trict has taken up the position which he has done in this matter. and we hope it will be followed by others. As to the manner in which Mr. Laid- law throws cold water on this project. , in his reply to Mr. Smith, we shall have something to say in on early issue. even though the bald assertions which Mr. Lnidlaw makes cannot. be characterized either as arguments or reasons. They are simply the assertions of a. man whose assertions. however honestly and eneagetically made. the narrow gouge railroads are a standing monument. should not be accepted without the clos- est scrutiny. Power. M. Faure, a French gamut. has a- chieved the seemingly impossible feat of boxing up eler-tricity in such a shape that. it. can be sold in “quantities to suit purchasers," to all who desire mo- tive power to run any kind of machine- ry, and the Globe, in an article on the subject, thus amusineg describes the possibilities of the future :â€" “Ir is difï¬cult to conceive what a revolution such a discovery as that. of the practicability of stored electricity would make in our daily life. The power for the day's work would come to be delivered in carts as is now the coal and the milk. A large factory would want. perhaps a ten dollar box of power, while a five cent. box received daily might serve the small household. Or perhaps use will be made of Dr. Siemens‘ theory, the truth of which he has already demonstrated; namely, that the power of all Niagara could be trans- mitted a long way on a single wire, and reproduced without very great waste. 1' In that case the household box of'powcr would be a ï¬xture like unto a gas-meter, except in point. of truthfulness, and the power man Would every morning bring around his wire connected with Niagara and would turn on the rrquisite quan- tity of energy. Then, when anything in the way of household work is requir- ed to be done, the condensed giant could be carried up or down stairs to the scene of operations. Probably a cheap and easy method will be previded ofirrstnntrrncously converting the elec- tricity into heat, and away will go all our stoves and half our household trou- bles. The stored electricity can be set. to cutting wood, running the sewing machine, kicking tramps, rocking the baby, shaking the carpets. and. perhaps, so lazy shall we get. to be, stirring the tea. In the evening, all to be done to get. light would be to connect the power box with the electric lamp and let. it blaze away. Railroads, street oars, buggies, bicycles, and all manner of ve- hicles could be propelled by boxed pow- cr. Vessels could use the motion ofthe waves with which to box up electricity enough to set the machinery going. and when that was exhausted could lie to and store up some more. Storms would then come to be popular institutions. and the fortunes of Vennor would mount like a. rocket. The newapaper would be printed by boxed electricity“, and prob- ably the types would be set. by the same force. Ploughs, harrows and reapers would carry their orvrr motive power. and likely enough the irreverent farmer would sit upon the lightning while it was humbly tilling the earth and gutll criug the harvest. Horses will become of no sort. of use; neither will about half tho produce of the farms which goes to feeding horses. Also, half of the men will become of no use except as distributors of stored electricity. But this will be compensated for by the irr- creuscd comfort of the remainder of the population who will be able to subscribe liberally to the relief of those whom electricity dispossesses of the means of subvistcnce. In short. there is no end to the crnscquenccs which may flow from the boxing up of force. The ap- plication of the title, " greatest discov- cry of tho age," to such a revolutionary affair is absurdly inadequate to describe the pn<3lblllllcs it places within our reach." A Critical Operation. The operation of removing the pro- truding portion of the brain of Mr. John Fountain‘s r-lrild (the necident to whom was recorded in lu~t week's Gazette) was performed on the 23rd in. by Dr. Brysnn, of this village, and Dr. Herri- m.rn. of l.ind<ay. Before commencing the operation they considered it their duty to to fully explain the greatness of the risk to the parents ofthe patient, as ntlrzr medical men had expressed the opinion that the brain could not be soc» cue-fully removed. as the child would certainly dic it'it were attempted. Not- withstanding this unqualiï¬ed assertion, Drs. BrySon and Horn man thought 0th. erwisc, and. the little girl‘s father and l mother having cnmeot rl, she was plucâ€" ied under the influence of chloroform. l and the protruding portion of the brain. which Weighed two ounces and three- 'quartrrs, was skilfully and expeditious» l ly removed. After recovering from the influence of the chloroform and the shock of the operation the child com- menced to improve and gain in strength. but the latest report as to her condition was not quite as favourable as several preceding ones. Whatever may be the who had it in charge cannot be mo tions, with the certainty before them that, if the child died under the opera. lion. they would incur a good deal of blame from the public and probably from the pmfe.«inn also. but little doubt that her chance of re- cnvcry has been greatly increased by the operation, and we need «arme add There can be l that hub: is receiving every conceivable care and attention that Dr. Brysou and her relatives can bestow upon her. Should ebb survive ber terrible injury, of which there is still only a posibility. her case will be jurtly looked upon as one of the most remarkable in the an. axle of Canadian surgery. Village Council Progedings. Feuelou Falls, June 27th, 1881. The council met for the transaction of bushelsâ€"members all present and the reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded by Mr. Robson, That the reeve be paid the sum of one dollar and twenty-ï¬ve cents for repairing crossing on Elliott streamâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Fitzgerald, seconded by Mr. Deyman, That Dr. Wilson be paid the rum of 83 for attendance on Charles Wise; also the sum of 822 50 for attendance on James Fox Jr ~Car'd. Moved by Mr. Robson, seconded by Mr. Campbell. That. John Stafford be appointed Inspector of the drain on the South side of the Feuelon river, and that. he be paid at the rate of 81 per day during the time the walls of the drain are being built and covered.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Robson, That. Mr. W. Deymau be hereby empowered to employ a suit- able man to collect. the poll tax, at the usual rate of two per ocut.â€"Cnrried. Moved by Mr. Robmn, seconded by Mr. Fitzgerald, That Messrs. Greene 8; Ellis be allowed to expend the amount of poll tux received through their men in improving Ellis street and extending sidewalkâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr Campbell. seconded by Mr. Dcymun, That. our solicitor be in- structed to notify Mr. C. W. Moore to remove the fence or any other obstruc- tions on the public road at. his house in this village, and. in case of noncompli- ance that the solicitor institute proceed- ings in the courts to compel the remov' al of said obstructionu.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded bv Mr. Deyrnnn, That. the treasurer is hereby authorized to pay to Mr. A. A. McDonald, our solicitor, the sum of 850, in pursuance of former resolution puss- ed by this council, for transmission to Bethune & 00., whether the veeve of this municipality sign the order or not; and that, in case of refusal on the port of the treasurer to pay the same, the solicitor be and is hereby instructed to compel judgment. Yeas, Cameron, Doy- man and Fitzgerald; nay, Robson.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Deyrnan, seconded by Mr. Campbell, That the council do now udjourn.â€"-Uarried. Death-of the Rev. Potter. Our readers will regret to learn that, the Re!’. Richard Potter, so long pus- tor of the Methodist clruroh in this vil- lage, is dcad, The reverend gentle- m-my who had been stationed at Arne- linsburg, was on his way to the confer- ence at Brampton, and had eat “5 inf as Hastings. where Mrs. Potter's rel“- tivcrt live, when he was seized with an attack of bilious fever, to which he was subject. and which proved fatal in s ire of all that. nredicrl skill could do to ar- rest. it. He died on Wednesday. the 291h ult, and leaves a wife and four children to mourn his loan. He Was a- bout. 50 years of age. but. looked older on account. of the gruyness of his hair. and had been in the ministry 24 years. WNWâ€. THE Maunanros Case-“We notice in the local intelligence in Friday's 0101);: that. the Trustees have obtained ajudgrncnt against the Council for 8226. Drvrsrou COURT.â€"~Tlrursday last. was Division Court. day in Fenclnn Falls. There were not many cases, but some of them were obstinater contested and took a good deal of time to dispose of. 8011001, Examxarrox.â€"Tlre regu lar quarterly examination of the pu ils of the Fenelon Falls public school will be held on Thursday qext, July 7th. commencing at 9 a. m. All are respect- l‘u ly invited to attend. TRE Chumsâ€"The abundant rain which fell early this week carnejust as it was needed and had a. most beneficial effect upon the growing crops, which we hope will prove to have been less se- riously injured by the late frosts than they are said to have been. r A Goon Yumaâ€"Our farming friends t.‘ell us that timothy hay will only be an average, but. that clover is looking splendid. lu proof of its abundance we may instance a five acre ï¬eld mowed a few days ago by M r. Alexander Ellis, of lot. 14 in the lat. non. of Verulum, who drew from it twenty large loads. weighing, he thinks, about. sixteen tons. A thrr HOIJDAY.â€"Dominion D4 paroled very quietly in Fenelou Falls. There was no celebration or demonstra- tion of any kind and a few of our villa- gers went. to Lindsay to participate in the rejoiciugs. We are glad to be able to report that our business men had sufï¬cient loyalty to keep their stores closed, which was more than we expect.- ed, as they are generally very poor hol iday keepers. Sanaua Scaoor. Excoasrorv.â€"We are requested to announce that the an- nual excursion and picnic of the Fune- lon Falls Methodist Sabbath school will (D. V.) be held at Rusedale on Tues- dzrv. July 19th. Tire steamer Cabo- con/s will leave at 9 a. m. and take adults to Bosedale and return for 25 cents; children half price. Children of Sabbath school free. The public are respectfully invited. Tu: Countâ€"The comet which ado its ï¬rst appearance on Thursday of hut. week and has been teen every night since in tho northern heaven, but excioed a good deal of argument. in the scientiï¬c world. as astronomer: appear unable to establish its identity. Some assert that it is the comet. of 1812. while others say that it isn't; but all agree thut it will be visible for a con- sidenble length of time. and that it. is '- going for " the north star at a rate of speed which dearesves day by day. Brannon-Last Thursday afternoon sympathy and a slight surgical open- tion. Having, pxrtaken too freely of some potatoes which had been thrown out. of a cellar, she swelled to such an extent that she would probably have ex- plodedâ€"or expired, at. any rateâ€"had she not been scientiï¬cally punctured in the proper upon. which let out the gu and gave her instant relief. Tux .\lz'ruomsr Excuaaros.â€"The recent. excursion to Tomato under the auspices of the Fem-ion Falls Methodist Church was a great sum. The per- centage allowed by the railway mmpcny amounts to $70 17. of which. after do ducting expenses for posters, &c., there will be 882 94 in aid of the trust fund. We may mention, in this connection. that. the Rev. Mr. Glover has been re appointed pastor of the Fenclon Falls Methodist church. to the great gratiï¬- cation of his numerous friends in the pongregatiou. z Ammanâ€"Mr. Robert Stuart. of enelon, met with a serious accident last Tuesday while aseisting at a logging bee at Mr. John Rutherford's, in the same township. It appears that one of the logs had part of a limb left on it. which caused it to swing around when the horses commenced to draw it, and Mr Stuart, who was alluding near, was struck with such violence between the ankle and knee of his right leg that both bones were broken. Under the care of Dr. Lowe he is doing well, but will Of course be laid up for some time. He says that, had he not: sprung nimbly back, the log would have struck him on the body and might have killed him. LATEâ€"Owing to the necessity of printing the Somerville voters’ list at brief notice, this issue of the Gazette is a day lateâ€"in fact two days; for though the paper is dated for Saturday it al- most always goes to press on Friday of- ternoon, and we could not get this num- ber out until Monday. A votere' list is not much to look at when done, as it appears to be about half blanks; but making it. up is like puttingu puzzle together, indeed, it is nearly as bad as the famous 13, 14, 16, and covering the pages with solid reading would not take much more than half the time and trouble. POTATO BUGs.â€"â€"Fronr-some reason there are very few young potato bugs this season, although there are plenty of old ones and the females are laying with their accustomed assiduity. The great majority of the eggs have, however, failed to hatch, which we attribute to the exceptional coldness» of the weather. and if this opinion be correct even June frosts have their advantages. We speak from our own experience, and if other persons' potatoes have no more juvenile bugs than ours. they are safe from se- rious injury; but instead. of neglectim; the pests on account 01" their numerical insignificauce, it. would be a good plan to make u more vigorous onslaught. than ever upon them, which would. leave scarcely any to perpetuate their species next. year. EARLY POTATOEs.â€"Thc Gazelle has this week received presents rife-ally po- tatoes from no less than ï¬ve of its friends and admirers, to whom it re- turns its grateful thanks and the cos 0 mary “ notice." First appeared M r. J. Twomey (who is generally first. in tin- ï¬eld, both at. seedtimc and harvest) with some very nice ones; then Mr. \Vu'rcn. with sum? much better; then Mrs. Nic. with some about as gold us Mr. \Vrrâ€" rcrr's; then Mr. Alexander Ellis, with far the best ol all; and, lastly. Mr. Cup plesmne, whose sample, though hardly as large individually as some of the oth- ers, was eqqu in quantity to the whole of‘thenr put. together. Walk in. ladies and genrlcmen. the smallest corrtribu tiona of choice vegetables will be thank- fully rcccived; but pleaaa don’t. for,†that. there are many garden prolucts lllOl‘J acceptable than potatoes. and fully as worthy of eulogistic mention in tho Guzetle. m A Fatal Storm. HAVOC IN THE COUNTY OI" DURHAM Millbrnok Station, Juno 28 ~--By the storm tn-day on the first concession of Gavan. R. Gillmour's house and burn were blown down, Mrs. Little was fatal ly injured. James Avruslrong's hou c and burn were blown down, R. Slewart‘.~ house and burn were wrecked, and Mrs. Stewart was also fatally injured. A number of other: were injured more or less. Trenton, June 28.-During a heavy thunder storm that. passed over this place this afternoon the lightning Struck a house occupied by G. ‘1'. Hughes. Tearing off the shingles on the roof, it passed down the chimney. and then down the stoveplpcs and out of the stove in a room in the lower part ofthe house, instantly killing a dog lying be- side the stove. Passing under the car- t. a short distance. it came up, tearing the shoes off Mrs. Sprung'a feet, slight: ly burning them, and throwing her :- croas the room. Mrs. Hughes was also in the room, but. escaped unlrurt. The fluid then parsed into a bedroom ad- joining. upzettlng things generally. It. passed out again at the door, and made its escape into a back kitchen. and thence through the door into the earth, As both Mrs. Hughes and Mrs Sprung were quite cloee to the stove, their e capo was very narrow. mâ€"o†Vienna has a plague of sparrows. A chasseur has specially been engaged a- shoot them down with an air gun. The latest Sunday unvelty in Bolton was the funeer of a Christian China- man, the first known there. A farm in Mid Kent. which sold within the Int twenty year: for £22,- 500. was lately put up u a reserve bid of£9,000, but. there wu not a litlglr A Cairo girl, whore lover is named Pelee, buhfully addresses him an " P.» limb." Her modesty in of several yearn' duration, and has bxï¬ed tbc.rkill of the best physiciam. A religious paper in England pub- liahu an illustration of the hm of tho Vr'uorr'a near London. She is repre- named as a large ocean summer. with no» waves dashing over her in all the fury a cow owned by Mn. .‘chiarmid, of afxu Atlantic norm, while the rigging this village, became the object of much in crowded with human being. l l ' lost! l GENERAL NEWS. Griseom, the Faster. The Chicago fasting case still continues to llllhvcf nnricv. and Gr’ueom is resolute in keeping to his Melt. He wrllyrobwhly fast for more than lm ty days. and it is clear that anyone can fut fora lengthened period without injqu to health. But Griscmn is not “maul u a s ow. The cmwd does not visit him. The receipts M the door are next to cutting. it will he a losing sjmlrtinn 'l‘ui< is perhaps for the bat. an it will check all such ex- hibitions in the future. The World's Progress in Ten You; An English statistician, .\Ir. Mitchnel G. Mulh-rll pins the following as respecting the world‘s increase in the elements of progress in the decade between 1870 and 1880: percentage ofincwm» in popula- Hon. 9 76 : in ng-icnlture. S 53 : manufac. ~urea. IS 60 : commerce. 33 20; mining. 4706: cmvinz truth-.53 3:3 : earnings of nations. 19w! : public wealth. 10-57 : tam. 2234: public debt. 43 39- The tangible increase in public W with since )870 would sufï¬ce to par 0588 per cent of all existing national debta Kinmouut Bridge. The warden of tho County of Peter- bnrough in his addrpsr to the Countv Council made the following obsorvalions regarding the Kinmnunt bridge :â€"In namwlunce with the instructions of your Irv-law nflast. sc-Ni-rn that. I all \uld ascer- tain'whether the County of P t rhoro-rgh was linhle for-the repairs or Construction of rho Kinmount bridge ; in company with Mr. Belcher, county engineer, I visited Kinmouot and madensnrvey of that part of the boundary of Galwrry and Sninerville. and found (hit. the Burnt. River, over which too hr‘llge is situated, does not run through any port of the County of Peter- borough. nor touch upon or form the houndlrrv of the County of Peter-borough . an we con<ider (Pm Wfl are not. liable according. to statute I have referred the mof the Kimnount bridge toldr. James Dennistoun for advice. He advised me that. we were not liable. His Opinion will be laid before you. Toronto and Ottawa. Mr. Gnoderham appears to he the truth- ful and loyal gentlemen which vre have n'- rvrrys maintained he is. The last report is to the effect that he is actually proceed- ing with the construction of the Otlrrwn und'l‘omnto Railway. Mr. J. 8 Camp- bell, nl‘ Port Perrv. has commenced to purchase the rightarf-vmv for the Toronto and Ottawa Railway, helwoen Pete-b07- ough and Marion, where the lim- cr-os-os the Brockvilleunrl Utt‘rwa Rrilrvm'. Mr. Campbell is the right mm for rl’u1 job. He i~ jrwt the boy to do rt. Uhufidonoo rvill he str;9ngvhened by Mr. Campbell's con- nection with the amide. Elections. There have been twlr elections since our That in Durh-rm. to ï¬ll the V]. canny caused fy the death of Mr Rose- veur. rook pines» on Monday. and rho Cun- a-‘Pl'vulifa candidate was elm-ted. 'l'lmt in Waterloo. to replace .\Ir. Springer. :Ip' pointed Sheriff. resulted in the election-of the Fido-an orndirl rte. 'l'lrey ind‘oare‘ an. 'thiug [he on? c-Ills‘lilllPIICV is (lrmsorv :- rive. the other ltel‘u-m. 'l‘hc ligrrrm. il l they show :rnytlï¬ugal all. show a. slight increase in hw-rm- uf ri‘nz R-lumm-ag Too M .I ny Teachers. The ntth of rdr..l ll. Knigh', public school inspector for Ersr Victor i1, rn-rrl or the late muering of thr- Vrnrnrir County Council. at nine tlrrt the supply of 'leh‘ls is in PXUPN~ Orlhe IlPlnuII'l. and :ru a cunt sequence the iOalflll'l'i :rrc nrrrlcrlrirlhl'in: much other. Teachers of expmmm-r» are l-eingdiuu’urd. and. young teachers. at vet-v low rerluriosmro l'wing cngrgmi. 'l‘lw ntframinns which «Ely-rd leaching pnuweas- e~ for the lam will ï¬lms hr- rlimiuikhod. And it good thing km thw lull the ~rebool teacher» would be much boner employed following the plough. Mysterious Murder on the Brigh'on Rail- wav 1' m‘st. nons-rtiond ed on the line of the Brighton A man named G mid wm Hilllrlwrl in several phrcea rmd ill-r horly thrown ruto rt tunle It is believed that he was robbed of a. large sum of monev. The railway mrriugn in which the murder was our» mirto. was saturated with blood, and (no hulls-ta WPI'P found rmhmlderl in thr- wood. work of the coming». The murderer wru found in the carriage. He told a story about. being attacked hya fellow traveller. The police (ironed his wound. made him comfortable. and sent him home. He. mmmllv mulo Iris esotpe. and a†Bag- lrmrl are laughing at. the blunder of the police. m-Ir'dm in: nor. rvr- Conkling and Garfl :ld. The split among the New York State Republican†respecting Gonklr’ng and Plan. rem-ring as wide an over. The Cook ling men remain firmnnd a" do the friends 0‘ the other rule. The l'Nl lmlint was on follmva ,-â€"Potter. 49: Cnnkliug 31.. Wheeler 43 Corns-ll BJNI'DHIH 17,l“o gm- 3 flrnwlv dilution 1. R rgurs l. L’url hallo!â€" DPPHW 40. Kernrur 5‘) NHL '3". Cornell 0. Wheeler 1. Crawly 6. llo~klua l, Lap ham 3. 'l‘v-Pm'rine I. The “tamarer and llnll-lirnmlq had (I lengthy u-nfor-anao on Monday evening. hut re-chod no anno'u'imr. The frienrlu of Conlcling sent. a proposition to the flail broods that they would ameyrt Depcw for the long form if the others Would accept Cankling for the short. one. but. the Half-breeds Would not. listen to such an arranuemo t. A Mexican Hrllwav Horror Mexico h’ll a low miles of railwnv. and a few anldioru, A train win running on le milwnv and in tho train was Ihn Mexican soldienr it wunt on in - hrirlgp‘ the bridge lira-kn. and the train want into the river. A few c-rrn fr-ll on the bank, and there tnok lire owing in a llnrrnl of ale rhnl bur-ting. About 300 porn on wore kill-rd The Government hru been inform- ed ofï¬cirlly that the watirlent. mu named hv 2m “film-r. who appruhumlel lhr- rlruor. tion of ï¬lllllif‘ri. compelling with rr piu'hl in his bind the enginm-r to go ftrrlt'ml in «pin 0f the Maternity and tlmkrmv, Brill] WP"! pzrv-wl and have liven 'urc-lr-rl, \mmrg rhelleul :yra lhlle"“V|Hl vr no no and ï¬ve children ‘â€"w llth Omaniâ€. nur- American c-mdim new“ the lion cluim rim “itlrin the Vu' md furlilt’ fer- rimrie-r n" the L'niun. Civilization h'I- M- Hinnl his lriglwq lmml ufrluvol mmmrf Wu admit it. l‘hom can. indeed ha tulle «l min on up. an j-ort. I‘lu- In/e national "all" I“; a." inn-routing nrlinln rm Ill†high oivi iarti -n of the Ir-d-lt-Stmo of Ken. qu‘KV. which i4 mm nf llw lino-l SI 40“ in thoo Union. 'l‘lm Ruvio-w -t-|r-. 1h .5 m r:- m-an 'rro Milt-(I m K-mluvkv m -ix rlnvs thin in lml-Iriu in night yea i and w ulu [have 'vrï¬ ï¬ling" in ' '--nnvmimu where no homicide rip-r v-marrwd rhhr» i in mm gruv-ov-nd in luv-on I'uunn. K: nIuckv. a m .j wiry of murder“! "in". I r uni-'ht-r c army, in. rynvm ,Jlrunno have lwnn kil owl Ind inï¬ll-linen wounded in two That’s something like Civilization! ._=__H_.__4 R .rrumy, I Irish Adults. ~§- ~ Purnell is supporting: ledstone‘s [mud Bil . which is uniting some prom 1:, wi I to sent up to the Lords this session, who will probably amend it. and mud it. and son r it back to the Command. Then the Cdmmona will [HQ it spin ln‘its ori. gins-l form. and then thd‘fnu will com- mence. How the struggle will-end is pot. to be foreseenbut probably the [null NH hack out at the Inst moment and pass rhu' hill. The Lords never- give way to tho people. exempt when farce is about. to be! med. As soon as their Order is threatened they give wav. » Miss Parnell: o-r-ister of tho agitator; is in Montreal. .\lig Parnell will be enter- tained during the week in vurinusyvays, and on Monday evening he at a formhl re- ception to take place in Albert. Hall, for which elaborate preparations are beingL made. The agitation in below! is calming Rom) and there is not nearly so much excite mom as there was a week or two since. The crops are good. the farming pnpulm rion are busy. and the political excitement: has in a measure spent itself. , Ms. I'rmrell has notified the ero _of his visit to the Unith States. The object of the visit i« understand to he to discourage the oxarlinus of the skirmishers. Minister Lowell hmbaen instructed to direct. American consuls throughout. Ire- land to report fully a statement concern. ing the character and extent. of the dianflecllon particularly rolrrtlvu to the presence and conduct of tho Irish-Ameri- can element. At. a meeting of the Land League this‘ week MrSextnn stated that £l00 000 had been subscribed. of which £50,000 worn» mpended. Nothing was roceivnd din-int; the past. week from America, and very little for several weeks previous. ’ .\Ir. Gladstnno‘s motion giving the lamd brll precedence over other parliamentary business was crrr-iod on 'l‘uesd-Iy. __â€".-...â€".__.._. Beecher-'3 Vanished Cach- Uno of Ute mysteries of the age is whnf’r Henry Wurrl Beecher has done with his money. At one time he was in receipt of 320.000 from his church, 310.000 from him newspaper. $20000 from his lecturingmnrl $10 000 from marriage fees, literary rvork and his lrnokv, m-rking n Inlul ofSGt),000 a your. Yet Beeclrerneverhrrd any money to apnro His hou<ehold was modest, not. expensive; his wife was nppm-ontlv not. extravagant; he gave nothing that. \Vllrr‘ known to clnrilv. and yet. he was nlrvnyo impemnious. Wth ho wanted to help 'l'iltnn he grrven mortg rgrz upon birth-mar: and now he has sold his house, furniture, and buildings, and gone to live with n married son. He told run. he did this he, mum rho young birds had all grown up ï¬nd if nvn out nl‘tlre nest, and yet it w-s u m-rrvel lll'll in his old ago he shonlrl leave his comfortable homo upon the Heights of: Brooklyn and go into narrow quarters as: a boarder. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"o- Nihilism. . Thorn isn story circulating that llm' Nihilist-I, like tho Land Leuguorh, urn hnghrning to split. up among Ilromselvosf. 'l‘ho inrpctuoua spirit»I cannot tolerate the slow rwrrching of the more moderqu members of the orumrizatrrm. to rlIiVP ahead like fur-y; reign-rile†of cons-qumro‘s. Such is the storymnd' iLia not worthy of belief. 'l'heNihilisl organiza- tion iv the mn~t complem- ever clienterl. and nothing in ever lh’imycri. Such stnrim nro pruluvh'Jy not afloat. by tho- Nitr‘rliatq lhr-mwlvmr, infl moon the untrue of European all ring. and! will prnlmhly go nurlymmitiug Kingsa wan ‘77, in until popular rlghu um worm-«l. I' hrs been suggested thatara the Russian guan arr-o alM’nll. with several chariots try hour from, the ('zrr should lnr'n lho Nihi- li‘ls out. and lick himsoll'onrl his guard». Tho-re, sperm safety in the suggestion; i'“. although, for that m-rttor, Ireis a pretty close prisoner in hiv own c'mtlo now. ..... The Lucan Lynchings. if WM 0 fy on Tuesday that the Will†r-Inl for the removal of the two Foo-boloyw \vm rocoivad hv the ()nlnr'io Attorney (inn- r-rzll,fl’l|ll1 the Hon, Mr. Blaine, the Alumh mnSn-r-elury of State. vv-vy .-imp n. It says that tho two prinon- cr-r having been oltrr’gml by her .\lujrwlv Qwon Victoria with wilful 0 0mm" of her May-NW have permission to f'l‘fflr'VP them from tho United States 'l‘or- l'llnl iPs. fruit to fetch them. and hay will be con- veyed of, once to inndnn, Ontario, whom thov will he put on their trial. poswl by some llvrt they will turn eroetr'n evidence, and il. i-r also said that. aevcml' nlhm'a aro nnximu to ho accepted rm Qvipo-n’s ovirlonco. believed by those most intimate with the mac. on each other. and it is not. probable that. t' is (uh-c will he an exception. A few days will pr-otnhly bring matters to n crir sis. _.._--._..o -....t_ V. .. Murdlr of Abdul Aziz. ~â€" 'l'he trial of tho poranns charged willy rho murrlorofAhrlul Aziz commenced on Mommy witlrn public examination. Nomi l’aulm admitted having order-ml Abdul A21; to he! put to death by lhn command of" mmrniuaion composed of hiltllml“ lluchrli. and Mahmoud I’nshns. Court did not. take. very long to make up its mind. It rl-ci'lnd'. that, Abdul was murdered and that Maintain, Boy. and llrulji Mohamed om guilty of murder, and that All Boy, Ned)": Bey. Mid- hat. Nouri, and Mahmoud Phall'l areâ€" "an mmplices. Sentence will be pronounced someday, and probably somc- «ll-y lure _aomething may be done in tho-thm r â€"â€"_. H“... a. o... Trlol Pootponed. â€"â€" Captain Rmkin and manager Goorgh l‘m-i-h on 'l‘ueufrry surrendered their bail in answer to the charge of mmaloughter ' of ElingoanltillI-d by Mr cop-sizing of tho rte rmcr Victori r. “ll-ll")le l owing to the .\frrgiutrato Ilutlm: that he mu otherwise engaged. The pro. readings urn w-ry nurpiciouv. Why this lit-lay 'I in there only one Mzrgiotrato in [ï¬ction ? _ ...........¢. o The lower c'ock of the first Presbyte- rian church, Neuark, N. J.. lately atop- Thc town limc keeper found in tho per], what-la of the clock a tangled luau of bay. to me, gm-n, atrium and feathera, umounl- ing to lrnlfn peck. A prir of birdll had entered the tower through a hole in the dial and attempted to build a nest in the The slow rcvov lutlml of the wheels tore their work to PM, .g, and they kept ml reconstructing it machinery of the clock. until they Hopped the whee-hr. Scarlet fever in decimating the honed V , of Park. There are 585 Chiuem children in Sm Punch-co public rchonln. 'l'lrcy wanl‘ 'l'lwv will grr‘ully The. document. in: murder, tho- A police officer hats gone to Dow fl. is sup“ These stories are not. The hi‘lr do not become inhuman- 'l‘hm flm wrestler, Mnntrrfn. tho sergeant, lirrlrr't: The) case wno .rgnm “Hit, 5 n The quieth and mm: inofl'cnrrivo men)? H h -.' of west, L'Iuia police is named Kick, All Ohio wl aim was divero'cd the 0112- " Wm, er day,-xod ran-minute» nhemuda. man ried a man-Impul’ittshuvg. «- r -v a _.._..x_ __ __ .-.