I The Michigan Legisratnre has re» bolted to extend the power to vote to women. Hi- Bettie Green, of Forsyth county, : 61.. bu two silk dresses which she nsde herself. having raised the worms. span the silk, colored and woven it with her own hsnds. Prince Edward Island has an " Act respecting dogs," which enables the owner of sheep worried by a do: to re- cover the full value of the animals from the owner of the canine. Some Irish labourers, while (1111:1113 ’ n drain near Ennis, unearthed a large.- iron eluped chest, which, upon exami- natioo.wss found to be full of gold coins of sncient date. the name “ O'Neill." -.__.-._,.__ fl. Hurrah for Reapers. Mowrrs 5: Sul- ' ky Rakes, the best and clirnpcst iu the mksb-Musey's manufactureâ€"1o be seen at Robson I: Robson's Cameron Luke Foun- dry, Pension Polls. The leading farmers ofxorth Vietoris will tI-stify to their Supt:- rlority over :11 others that they 111m.- ever triedâ€"1141. BIRTHS. In Penelnn Pnlls.on Thursday. June 'lnd, the wife of Mr. George Littleton, of a. daughter. DEATIâ€"IS. At Rondnle, on Saturday. May 281b, Mr. William Hooey, Sr., aged 5'.) ycurs. In Pension Falls, on Fridny, June 3rd, William Wesley, third son of Mr. James Jewell, aged 15 years. MARKET RICI’OIII‘S FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Penelon Falls, Friday, June 3rd, 1881. Wheat, fall, per bushel - - S) on 0 01') Wheat, spring, H - - - 1 11:7 1011 Barley, per bushel - - - 50 5:. Oats, " “ - ~ - - :1!) 3'1 Pense, “ “ - - - - 55 “ 60 Rye, “ “ - - - - 55 b") Potatoes, “ - - - - 18 210 Butter, per 1b., - - - - - » 1o 12 Dressed Hogs, per 100 1115., 0'.) 011 Eggs, per dozen, - - - - 9 Ray, per ton, - - - - - 7 5!) to it 5'1 Onions, large. per bushel, - 1 00 1 1‘5 Apples, per barrel, - - - 2 00 2 5 Csbbsges, per dozen, - - - 45 to 50 Carrots, per buslwl, - â€" - 2o 3'1 Beets, u h - - - :10 10 New Advertisements. Lmnsnv 1mm. snow." " WA'i‘EHEs. I Invite the attention of all visitors to Lindsay to my new and nIrIgniiiCI-nt stock of GOLD AND SILVIle WATCHES. My stock of silver American watches, including n line of watches especially adapted for school tenchcrs' use, sclcclcd from r1~1i.1111c tankers only, is the largcs'. and bust cvcr shown in Lindsay, and has been purchased , entirely for cash. inspection of my stock by inn-ruling pur- chasers, and I am cunfrdcut that I can quote lower prices than they can be bought lur elsewhere or from any cxpcnsch city I‘SlilI)‘ Iishmsnl, and instead of dealing: with an I particularly solicit an entire stranger, one who ncvr-r saw you bc~ - fore and whom you truly rn-vwr scc again, you will have the ndvnntngo- of buying from one who lives in your own r1cig11bour11ood and will have an iutcrcslâ€"such stranger would haveâ€"in giving you 11 good article sud seeing that it gives pcrfcct sut- isfnction. r G. W. BEALL. Goldsmilh's [[111], next rluortu 0111111113.)" ["111- vcllc Ural/ten. Lindsay, Sept. 30111, 18811. 115 110 or 0 1V 133;. Money to Loanâ€"$13,000 of privntc funds â€"-on reasonable tcrms. Apply to .\. A. MCDONALD. Nil/1.11.1012 l‘J-rl' JAMES DICKSUN. L. Surveyor. Comnissionor in tlrr 1‘1 11., . Conveyanccr, kc. Ilca‘idcncc, and 1111- dreu. Penelou I-‘alls. Pension Fells, May 25111, 1881. ORPOIIA'I‘ION 01" THE COIN TY OF VICTORIA. Notice ls hereby given that thc Munici- pal Council oftho Corporation 01'1111-1‘111111- I ty of Victoria will meet in the Council Chambers II THE COURT HOUSE in the TOWN OF LINDSAY on Tuesday, The 14111 day of June. 1881. at 13 o'clock noon, fur the lr.\!1.~’11u111111 of general business. Lying upon the r’ cofl'er wss s lsrze sword engraved with . 11111 11 1111111111,; Themvnaers’igned KENT STREET, LINQSAY. 3 W. J. MARSHALL 1 has secured the agency for the :ORGANINA Instrument of Boston. which 15 n l WONDERFUL TRIUMPH most perfect of mechanical skill. and 1119 , much-4111011 Illill’llllirill in dcsiizn. operation 1 arr-lctl'v-r:'.111nt has yet br-cn prudliCt‘II A l more child, without any IIIII>I(I.L1 education. i can produce an endless Vill'lr‘lj' of 'EXDELLENT MUSIS. It has sixteen reeds. r The public an: invited to inspectthesc won- dcrful instruments. I have in stock the lurgt'st assortment of Musical Instruments that has evcr been in- troduced into Lindsay, cotnprr’smg â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€" Pianus, Organs, Viullns Killings. Concertinas, Banjos, Harps, Mouth Organs, Richter Organs, &c. As Mr. III-ckie has broken his agreement I with m~-,1 atn [rrcparcd to sell any make of W. J. MARSHALL Lindsay. May 20111, 1881. Plant: or Urgan at the lowest. living proï¬ts, public generally that he 1 a New Stock of tastefully got up, at I'cry Reasonabl l Prices. A large and well assorted stock 0 lMANTLEs, from 82 50 to 810. LADIES’ COSTUME CLUTIIS, l Price to {316- Blankets. both white and coloured, and the Prices cannot be beat. “in. CAMPBELL Fenclou Falls, Nov'r 12th, 1880. l J,.\:[t).\'EY, MONEY, MONEY. I am now prepared to 1103.10- tiate straight, loans on good farm property security loruny tcrrn oi'yrars at eight per cent. interest. with the privilege of - repaying: any portion of the principal at any time, the in- TIIE STl‘lliiï¬lâ€" CllBllCllXK. lirst class condition, 11nd ' can have all the advantagvs ofa trip (with bctwccn lFENELON FALLS, lloscdnlc and COB(C)C(‘)NI{. 111-: plcusurc of which will wcll repay the small cost. Francis strcct, Fcncluu Falls, cvcry Tuesday, Thursd‘y & Saturday . at 11 o'clock a. 111., rIfII-r thc arrival of the l Victoria llziilwny train from the nor 11 111111 5 tlrc stage from llobcaygcun, arrivingat Gob- oconk at 1'..' o‘clock, out- lrour 111-1'111'0 1110 11c- rurturc 111' the Toronto .‘L' .\'ipis.~'ir11.1,r Railway i train for Toronto. lcturrling, will leave (.‘obocouk at 1 p. 1n,11rriviug at lr‘cnclon 1111115111 42211510 connect with the Victoria ; lluilwuy train gorng north and with the stage to Ilobcaygcon. Edi)“ Parlir-s inn-1111ianr to travel by this boat will plcusc be on board at 1111‘ hours r11cntior1cd,as shc will leave sharp on time. Fare bet .veen Fcnelon Falls & Cobcconk. 1 .71) cents ; berm-.011 either of those places and | Ilosrdalc. ".35 ccuts. Excursion or pic-1111: parties liberally dealt \\'llll, and 1111 i'rcight carricd with carc and dispatch at lowcst ratcs. JUIIN AI'S'I‘IN, .l/rlllrlycr. I’l-uclou Falls, May 211th, 1881. .1. McFADDl‘L', 0.11.1111â€. r ’, TI'IW TAILOIl'S SIIOI’. 4L __ A. LALIBERTE rospI-ctfully informs the gentlemen of Fun- clou Falls and its Vicinity that 111- has con]- mcnchl thc tailoring business ()11 Colbornc Street, 'oppmitc the residr-nco Of Dr. Wilson. and .5111icit< u sharc of public putronngc. 0111111- 1115; will bc1111111c111 llrc lillt'cl. stylcs and 156'? A Good Fit Guaranteed. (lnrmcnls cut for pcrsons wno wish to 111:1k1- 1111-111 11p at 1.11111c, and charges rcus- onablc in .111 cases. lv‘cuclon Falls, May 17111, 1880. ‘15 i) ‘V A R. I) s" OIID-I‘ISTABIJSIIED Livery Stable. T1111 snhscrihcr returns his sincere thanks fol-1111‘ liberal patronage bestowed on him during 1111- past r1inc years. and bugs to irr- form the public that thcy can obtain First Class Horses and Rigs. any hour of 1111.- day or night. at his stable On It‘s-uncis St l'l‘t,‘t I'lxtst. nt Vcry modcratc charges. 31%†(1111111111-rc'111 travellch and their lug- gagc couvryr-l sail-1y 111111 cxpcditimrsly to any drain-11 point. Tllt‘ s111m~rihr~r r1«.-vcr 111111 a stabh-ful of luvtrcr lzurscs than at presrnt. Conic 111111 , try 111cm. T. MATI‘III-ZTT. County Cicrk. l Corxrv CLsss's Orms, 1 , Lindssy, 31st May, 1881. ,’ 111-3. 3 ’r l l 1 111111 leeily Agricultural Paper : PRINTED AND Pcnususn xx TEE DOMIXION.l Unparal/e/éd Succéss/ News“! Improved Fem. 16 Page: i only One Dollar Per Year: 332 Page: A Year; WMIonFua.b-m: : bMWWqu-am h “fl: bazaar wits ‘ Mn "mods arm; “.e Jun'riukdmthem o. , MamUmmmcs gamut-lashequ pascal that“ m m. “6,4 "a modem: ol s vdusbie mam-2 .mu'I- wath In nun whims-ca is .\I was thwwm‘ mtbc\hcs;. puss-1.8 00le FREE. 5. B- COLCOCK. Mm. my. use. new. ‘ see-a. CANADIAN 3.19.315; “(iiiâ€"‘4. ’33: I’uuclou I'11113,F1:-11'_\‘2-ltlr, 1-531. III-ll. rlluii Sir-211' mill“ STORE DIRUGS. SEEDS. JOHN NUG-EN'I‘ thanks his numcrorzs customers in Fen @1011 Falls ' and the surrounding country for 1111-1: \‘1-ry liberal leronagc during 1!;1' ps-l lyeari. and takes this opportunity of inh-rrulug‘ them that he has now on hand 11 Beller lssurlmenl lhan Ever, Comprising Garden. Field and FLOWER SEEDS, Ilyr 5111273, PATENT MEDICINES, Pcrzamcry, FA1\ )Y ARTICLES, Brushes. Combs. kc. kc. “OTBâ€"I‘bysxirms' prescriptions pregnrrd with can: and drapsich. A full sclrcIion of School Becks & Stationery slwsys ac bud. 11111. THE all run. 1881. having lu-cn thoroughly overhauled and re- puircd 111111 rcp .iutcd tlrrougvrut, is now in Tourists & Pleasure Seekers every comfort) th‘r thc \Vcll know waters Until furtlu'r notion, 111c_ Calm- Ito/1k will leave her wl'url at 111(- 111-1111 of E. ll. EI)\\'.\IlDS.‘ tucst ceasing on the sum so paid. This gives the borrower ev- ery chance. [10 can pay on his mortgage any sum he may be able to spare at any time and stop the interest 011 so much,'or he can release his farm at any time without be- ing; obliged to pay the corn- pany a heavy bonus for taking their money. Expenses very little more than those of pri vutc loans. S COIINICIL. Lindsay, May 26th, 1880. ifICTORIA (FFOCE‘RY 1x1) LIQUOR STORE. The subscriber begs to inform his custo- mers and the public gent-rally that he has always on hand a complete stock of Slil’li liHllEillllS, Cured Meats, Ilcrrings, Cod Fish & Mackerel. A choice assortment of Pale and Dark Brandy. Port and Sherry Wines, Holland and Old T0111 Gins, scvorul brands 0f\\'11i~‘ky, Bottled A10. 11an l 1’urtcr,&c. ’I‘lrc attcutiou of llOIt'I krepcrs and others is invited to this stock. Plasterrl‘Seuds of all kinds always on 11111111. The cash system will bc strictly adhered to. Cash for Farm Produce. JOHN CIIISIIULJ. Next to the Globe Ilutcl, Kcut st., Lindsay I) ISUMED BUSINESS. \, __ 1 Kennedy & Newman would inform the citizens of Fenclon Falls and vicinity that they have resumed busi- ness in Mr. Newman’s 0111 Stand. The stock consists of A F U L L ASSORTMENT oi DRY GOODS,,‘ CLOTHING, . ("PrR O C E I: 1138, Confectionery and Boots & Shoes. Having purchased tho stock Of A. W. Lash- . l cr, tlrcy will 51:11 thc same ibcgs to inform his customers and the I l S HAS NOW ON HAND; l‘VllLLlhlER‘Y WEDâ€"llfld‘dS 111', Flavélle Bros. 10: WE BELIEVE fullest mug? of TWEHDS and CLUTIIS to be. “FENELON FALLS l “‘1; are showing the largest and found auywherc in this locahty. ' T 0 R. E. , i wE BELIEVE The undeï¬igned is now selling I“: are not excellcd by snyonc for FIT. STYLE 0: FINISH. lCross Cut Saws, . , we BELIEVE We cannot be Iindcï¬old. as runny of our goods :Irc bought from ï¬rst hands in Hanlan 85 Lance Tooth, the old country. Axes, Logging Chains , IVE BELIEVE Cow Ties. In giving a goodriirlléle. making it “'t‘ll. trimming it \voll.:1n11 thcu smmpiLg it Cutlery, Skates, with our ncommeudntiou. and all kinds of Hardware, ,WE BELIEVE As low as in Ulher House That this policy will always ingred. and our increased, and we on? glad to say in the County. increasing, trade in thiglrmhnch is the strongest evidence of 11. :3. ( Jall Solicited. DUNDAS 81 PLAVELLB BROS. . Geo. H. Bertram. Kent Street, Lindsay, May 12111, lss‘l. 881. SPRING. 1831. r) rr) rp i (13 Fcnelou Frills, December 3111,1880. ‘ -‘ U 0 P EMOVAL. 0â€"â€" I, ____ . _o.‘ JOSEPH NEVISON New GOOdS 3 ! l ""'â€"‘02 has removed his 010 New Goods! Harness Shop JARVIS & MODOUGALL have just opened a door to thc Mcchanics’ Institutc, where he will keep on hand a good stock of Single & Double Harness for farm or road work, Valises, e‘ New Patterns! New Styles! The Largest and Choiccst Stock in Town. SHAWL STRAPS. BASE 81118. BLAGK 81. sutures wunsrsu surmus. Do not get your Spring Suit until you see our stock. Extra Values yit'en 11111111 (.‘qu 1-‘1'1 grraruntrrzl. i Currycombs, Brushes, Ready_made Claiming, Hats, Caps 8:0. and all articles in his line of business. COLLARS WARRANTED. Repairs promptly and neatly executed. 11c 11ch to rcturn his sinccrc thanks for the liberal patronage with which lie has so far been favored, and is Ilc'cruriucd to Whips, Halters, Snaps, Drcss Goods a full stock. Black and Colored Luslrcs, Black and Colored Ciishmercs, Prints, 11 large stock in new patternsâ€"u splendid uswrtnirnt. Cotton Goods in Great V’nriety. Ask to sec the Conticoak Cottous at 11,10 111111 11 cents per yard, the very hcst 1111111- 111 1110 trade. LIT .Ixr) BELOW Coma? New good“ :11 a small advance on cost. ' Boots and Shoes 11 specialty. Farm pro-g ducc taken in exchange. 1 TERMS Srarcrm' C.\srr.l PUMPS. 1 The subscrin but; resprctlully to in- fur’rn 1111: inhabitants of O rlr‘EXEL 0 N FA LL S and surrounding cuuntrv that 110 still run. tinncs to Iuanufncturt- his Wooden and Ct'l- } cbrulcd ’ American Iron Cap Pumps, 'T for wells. cisterns to. lRepairIng a Specralty, ‘ and ALL WORK WARRANTED. , . 8. BROKENSHIIIE. Penelon Fells, opposite Yieloris It R. 3. April 9111. 1-3311. 5-13; - â€"â€" CHAS C L n r us's . Psr'd Spinl ' T R u s 5. Reputation . nudisth s11 mr Cannon. :5 yurs mantis) C.I;‘rltn«¢. ' Every ms: named should rud m pumpkin on r Ruptureâ€"Fm as appliance. Peace on you: old cum: ‘1:- us use. A mAppuntus he:an Club F¢e1~no “Hingâ€"Ina pun. 5‘12!“ human-u. 1:. ' NEDALLIST Centnms‘ and Fans. Erma. Exhibition 3:. he SPIRAL T3USS. Csli or sd‘lrvrss. CHAS. CLCTHE, (late of Ilsalitos; is sulï¬de-11:. “'52.. sesr~ Grsrzd Orr-rs, Toronto. 'HIS MEN PERISHED ‘ JAMES THE LARGEST .ISSllIlI'IIIi'NTi ‘ble of running all owr 11m villas» for the 2353‘33551353133133:52133;. “"'â€â€œâ€˜"' °‘†DUN DAS AND CORNWALL SHIRTINGS, from 125 cents per yard 11p. Ducks and Cottoundos, good value ; ulso,a full stock of llllllllllill 31111 Changflln 3118111533. Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents’ Ties, Collars and Cuffs. "“ 11%" Do not fail to see our stock. "5311 Moï¬at & McFarland REMEMBER, WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Return their sincere thanks for the liberal Agent for IIAIu-Izrrs’ BAZAAR Parrcuxs. patronage III-stowed on them since thcy ,, JARVIS McDOUGALL, McArthur’s Block. Fenelon Falls. FEDBIOD Falls 9 B EDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, and beg: to inform the public that thcylmvc just ruovcd into the pr1-nriscs lult‘ly occu- pied by Mr. Wm. Marshall, whcrc thcy will be happy to rcccivc a call from his Cristo- Iucrs as well as their own. Iluving lcasctl thc bakcry and sccurcd llrc s1-rviccs of Mr. David Burrctt, t11cy arc prcpnrcd to furnish FIRST CLASS BREAD, Cakes, Buns, Sic. 1%., at reasonable priccs and no effort will be spurt-11 to sustain the 1111111 reputation which tlIc Fonclon Falls bakery has dcscrvcdly burue. 'l'lrcrr stock of FAMILY GROCERIES will be found, as usual. fresh, good and well assorted. lluur, Feud, Eggs, Butler, 811:. «ill be kept on 1111111, and farm produce generally 11c1111 in. A 111cc lot of Crockery & Glassware is on the shelves and will 111: sold :15 c111-ap as any in town. A visit of insprction from all nccding anything in tlrcir line of busi- ness is rcspcctfully 51111011011. , MOI’FAT 1S; McFAllLAND. Fcnclon Falls, May ‘llltlr, 18811. thrc can be found an excellent assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, Trusses and Shoulder Braces, Toilet, Fancy (9 Rubber Goods PERFUMERY 850-, 850., always on 11111111. A large and 1318? COMPLETE STOCK OF DYE STUFFS 4.3117 ol'thc best. quality and at low prices. Also, :1 WELL SELECTED STUCK 011‘ STATIONERY , comprising a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. AIAOAJA Horse and Cattle Medicines, Physiciaus' prescriptions and Domestic 11ccipcs carefully corupoundml. 193? Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. h A full assortment 01' Patent and Proprietary Mcdicincs always on 11111111. A- gent for 11. ll. Stcvcus' I’urcly chctuhlc V14111:'1‘1.\'1;. n. rmzonnnnn, M arranger 1111 1110 $1111 SHIP. â€" ' I ‘ 7 ) ' " ' 6.21 5 11011;. JUST A REMINDER My; 615016 In Scull/ ) o that I am still taking BAGS, SGRAP IRON, Bones kc. in tr11111-, and paying CASII Flill WOOL All) SKINS. JOSEPH 111M111). FcnelonF1111s,Apri128111, 1881. 8-5m. Fruclon Falls= May 27th, 1880. G. C}. Ii 13 I '1‘ II will 11c found ' A. 'SPLENDID LOT OF TWEEDS, ol' the Latest l’attcrns and the Very lcst Quality, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, 'rctours, Prints, Cottons kc, the. His STOCK of FAMILY GROCERIES will 1111 111111111 frcsh and at bottom prices. Special inducements in sugar“. 1†BOOTS 8, SHOES 111*, is 1111crin: a splcndid flFi‘UI‘IIIrUIII. oi' Wright’s OLD BONY CIIUSSEI) ’ T l i ll imake. 111111 is rsolc ugcul i'ol' I-‘ugarty'a‘ CIJIITIJTIIIL'II " (iorrliriu Scum,†which is l (j I l . l warranted not to rip. Any pair in which this scam Iislln to outwcar ll1cbnot.-: / 1 will 111: rupluccd. n Surprising Feat! but most of .Or farm produce. A Call rolrcrtcd. Four-ion Falls, March 4th, 1831. VI‘IIERE’S on their rcturn by not bring propcrly shod. Are you afraid of 1111- «111114 51111 fair? If you arr, you had IM'IIlff r.111 nt .1GAWW'S. U‘ 0116 M010 , l whch you will get 1 BOOTS 8c SHOESl 31101 to Cross.†In order to reach the clirnnx 111' surprisingly Cheap for Cn:b, as he is purchasers will ï¬nd it to their advantage to Call nme (25' his stock in orrlt-r to make room {111' his Spring goods. which 110 rxpccts In a abort tiuir. Having whorl: stock of ing those I‘lm may pnlrrmép- rim IiH' trou- , in thr- rillng», 11" is able to supply cvcryl ‘ customer 'lill what 1w may «1111.11.11; sar- C E S A D P . L Crockery and Glassware, necded article. 11-: I.» now oily-ring Women's Split Boots for ‘JO c’ts . . ' ‘ , , ' is now full in our; drprrrtmcnt. Give them :1 mar and Judge Iur your-1:1“;3, per pair. 8" Don‘t {.111 to rail 11:11 “sam- I _ . ‘ ’ ‘ ine 1.1.- Stock beam: porch-Hing elsewhere. The IIIL'IIL'SI. Price paid for Farm Produce, Pork, Butter, Eggs, Ordered Hort a Speclalty. Repliriug done unlb neatnrss sod Ilrspuich. ‘ Shot-patios and 111111». Hi)“ Just rs-cr_~ivcd. 111:1ch Crsn~ij_'nrm:nt 1.1 Salt and Coal 011. , class's-ligkgnen fmpiuyr-d sad It mild-ll Remember me Standâ€"um: door norm be- xugtmx’ I“ u: suite. ‘ ‘ “" ‘ ' Jug, ((‘Hvzp; : .‘dclJOUGALL a BRANDON. Fer-23¢: FA!!!» Februry 2512:. 11361, ,, Fcueion Pilir, October 2511., 1990 - 1 , E\\‘ 13011115. , IQ â€"â€" - i . Mrs. KEELEY “as just received and opuch up It 1:113: SIUCII' “f V TOYS; NE in gnu: \ :Ir‘iI‘l} . 'ZDOILLS, “VASES; 1 111311115 just n-ccin SIUI‘I‘. â€"-:n S'l‘A'l‘IONS. VTIC'I‘U 111A R :U. , TIM 1c TABLE. Toilct Sets and .1 41-1111 assortment of l“ a n c y '_ ( 1‘1 0 o (1 ï¬.‘ 111. I‘enclou 1‘11115. May “311111, 1.~.~‘u. .1 1 LW .1 Summer Arrangements: ‘1“:â€" Takiug effect on. Monday, 2151, 111' June, 1881 ‘ LINDSAY "TIME. (I01th NUll'l‘l Mai Mus. 111‘: 1-11.13 1 Milliuvry, Mantlcs. r‘vnllrcrs, Fluucrs 3:16. Ribbons. CHï¬oMos, MOTTOS‘ _ _ I 31111510110 Framrs. Plant and I‘crloraicd Cliftlltonhlé, 011111115 111111 licrlin \Yuuls. A nice lot of Wall I'apcr 111111 “'iudow .\'. £21)“ Milliucry Starr and Show “1111111,: our door north of 11. 1‘. llcniiug's hardwarr I l. 1. Large Stock of Spring Tweeds, l (illlNli Sill'l‘ll. .\li.\‘1-1. is ï¬lling up his shclvcs with new arrivals of SPRING (100118, among which . l “"4 rtf-Ir‘lr Toronto 111 11,3:‘1 I: 111. 125“ All 1111: above «3.0115 will be sold at the very lowest. living prices for cash 3 Z Good Value at Low Figures; ZDETERMINED to SELL: MODOUGALL BRANDON, ib‘IJOUII .ALNI) 13‘1‘3131), 15cc“? 1 Toronto. via G. '1‘ ll. have 7.12 11.111.' 1;.‘;.11.i..,3_ Ivia \v.r?.'1f.tâ€1.'.. Railway :11‘ri\c 11.511 " M. ll'v June. via .\1. 11.11r 13.5111 ' Lindsay . . . . . . 11-:1v1- 3.1m p.111 Mid. ll'y Junction " 11.13 “ (lamcron . . . . . . . . “ 3.11: - llall's . . . . . . . . “ 3 >15 ‘ 1’1'111-11111 1911113.. .. “ I“? †1’1-11‘5. 't 41.211 â€. Ilcttic’s . .. “ 4.1.! " 1\'iumouul . {1.231 N 5.21. “ Mylcs' Railway .luuc. Miudcu Slation lcavc 5.51:1 *‘ lugoldsby “ 11.13 ~ 1115.111. 1- 11.21 “ 1111111112: -'-' 113w. , Ilnliburton arrivo t‘».11.'1 r STATIONS. 1:111Nusor"rrr., Mail ' Ilaliburlou. ...1c11vc 221011.11}. Gould's " 7.211 ‘- llysnrt “ 7.11": ‘1 luguldsby “ 7.111 “. Minch Station '1 7.1.5» “ Mylcs' ‘t‘y Junc. “ £1.50 “ 1(1111111111111 “ 8.40 “ - IiL'lliu's‘ H 11.111 “ 131'11'5 ‘l 19.3.3 â€, 3 I y , nr'rrvc 11.3.“. “ lcuclou 1.111: 10"“: “H†_, 11:111‘5 . ‘- 111.2“ N Carin-r1111 ‘- 10.32 ‘1 Midland Il'yJuub“ 111.51) “ Lindsay arrive 11.1111 H Lindsay, M. ll. 11or111,| 12.15 p. 111 . . . . . . . . . It 11 .511'111111,1 1.111 ~‘ Lindsay, via W. 1'. 1’. k 1.. ll’y lcuvc 3.110 " Toronto via (1. '1‘. 11. 111'. 7.513 -‘ (JONNIC(7'I‘I()NH. ‘ u n - l I'cnclon 1‘11113,w1111stagc ior'llobmygcon Kiuruounl, with stage for.\11ndcu. . JAMES RUSS, , Muungcrf J. \\'.I.Ii(1.\'.»\lll), (11-11c1'111 'l‘rallit: A gcnl. Li1111s11y,.\1uy11r11,1mm. irrurnnr ‘rrprurg‘r‘r‘rru TIME EELS- 'I‘akiu;: (-ll'cct on Monday, 15 March, 11-1311}. (i()1.\'G Nllll'l‘ll. Mail. 1.111-111. Mist-11f ’I‘ornnlo. dcpart, 7 «13 11.111. 4.011 p.111. l l'xbridgc ‘-’ 111,311 H 1;.»111 “ li'JrH ' (‘urrniugtou 11.27 ‘t 7.317 N, 1.13 '- ‘Vrmrivlllt‘ “ 11.1†7.511 " 2.131 311.11.11.11 .rm nr. 11,15 u 5.1"! u 2.2:: Lindsay Mid II. 4.111 [1.111. 1!. L Ul‘illirt “ 1.45 1 Midland .112. dp, 115011.111. 'J in! Cobor'orrk, 111'. 1.115. p. 111. moo“ 1.111‘111. Mail. ‘lUIIIH'UIIlI. 111-1111117er 11.111. Mid. .lurrr'lion 111'. 7.2.3 1.?†p.111 ., 4,, I, .. 1 Lindsay Mill 11.1'. £1.11†“ l'..' 1:3 I‘l (11'111111 " rl'.,':lr;i,m, 1,1111 u .\lid..111uctinu11p. 7.17 ’1' 521‘: h L! if. “ \\'u1111\'1111.- depart HMS " '1' 1'1 ‘ .’..'.f. A 1i'urirrillglollMilton-iii “ 7.3". turd loin-111;“: 111.111) N Mfr.) 1 lo M '1'oruulonrr'ivr: 11.1 '1 l I: :11 1 l’:1.-,~1-ug.{crs 11'.1vl- Lind-11y at 194': p. 111' 1.1-.13‘11 'l'o- ' mum :11. 7.113 n. 111.,111111 11:111‘11 Lind-.ny at. 41.10 p. 111. W. (11111111'21111.‘\.\1..1r, Managing l)rr1~ctor.' Toronto. Max:211 1.3111, lnï¬'r. T1113 "Font-11111 Falls 1111111111" 115 ptinII-rl 1~vvry Saturday :11 1 121111111111“ Fllr'r'l Furl, 1 Subscription $1 a year in alliance ? or with orm writ pvr wit-1. luldilrurral at. long in 11 1141111111; 1111114111. ‘» ADVERTISING RATES. I r i l‘lhf‘ , pr-r 121.1‘ 1.1.:' -lllIH.11|, 47.11131 .I'iI’l'II'." Ilii'liln, , r 1'. 11h [WI 11114- {or I’m: 121â€"1 rim-1111.11 and Z , 1-1-1115 lwr 111114 lor ri‘r'r,‘ Milnr'rr-lrrtl ill-wr- lmrr. 1,-11111111111113' limp-.11, 11.111 _'--'.Ir or 141.111:L-r,l'o: il 12111111111 or inn, upon 1' .1 111,1IJ 11-1112 .. JOB PRINTIITG- 1,1’1111orrlirrury'lgiml- "1"0111'11 “rally, 1:1â€. {1:"'.l_\’:1.'1412111519413111“ prd'm. 11. 1111111511 I'roprEr-tor, John! 111' 1:11 i111~< r iI'l", ’1’! l"lII~‘. 4.1:.'i' Laws Regarding Newspapers. 111‘. â€"Any prvrmn who taku n pnpr'r tr;- ulsriy from 1111.- Illl‘l'llfl.lil’. v.‘.r:‘.lwr Ilirr'r't- 1.11 to irks norm: or :Iuotbrr’u, or Min-11m hr. f has ‘rrllï¬stff'llfl‘ll or11~.1,is ruspullcllnlv 1w 11.1. I pnymI-nt. _ I 1, End â€"-11 a person 11rlrn 111s pupa to in. ditcnnxinuwl. br- n.rrst pay 1111 srrvrxragt-r ' or 11,» publisher may corrrrrmr: toil-1111111111. 111 Irnymnnt HI marl». aol lLfIll.1;Ul'r,". 1111. \I'ldrl': amount, what‘ncr 11.1: [mptl 1.1 tu’m-n from the NEW or not. I (miâ€"1! substrrrbvr‘ 111~g1cct ht lt‘lrnt' to Mitt: the peril/4.12171“ orrrrzasimprnlrurn11's . uflrrsc to which thry are durum-1, tin-y are M111r-upummirunri: tilt-yin“: stun-11 rlmr bills Funding numbers Luck, or inning, ' 12.211111. 1hr ulllc’: is not :ut-‘u Lorin.- .1; the 5 law rrqmres. _ «hrâ€"Ti» Court. lml'e‘. decided 11.211 112- ' (using to tnlco Ixtr‘n‘ipilplrfh or pefi'uizl'lslb: {mm the pontooffxtc. or "muting 51.111 luring mm, “Minn (or, .. [Mirna/nth! cvldence ’2'.’ intentional frsud.‘ as M..-