Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Apr 1881, p. 3

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.-,.. . .v - l8|_ n The "UnderSigned A .. <.. .â€"r Aâ€".~â€"-- A---- â€" v , .Iimpsfi’rig snow. GEORGE ' :Q‘U’IBALL, FENELON FALLS S P R I N G II .â€" .. Heavy autism mm. , .Iaei. WATCHES- FENELON FALLS: -:o= l anlti the attention of all visitors to N . ' "J , n _ I . ; _I I" I, ? t"'""-‘° “’ "“' "“ “““““°‘ W“ i A" "mung: 353:3 8" W ml 5 T 0 R E . BAWU " ' Q0 15.35.3353 flfiiiadfidiifiafi t SWITCHES, cums or BRAIDS, I __ __._o....__. t line of watches especially adapted foi’ are respectfully invited to give him a call, 'l‘he undersigned is now selling iâ€"chool teachen' on, selected from reliable I I at he will do the work in good style and as ‘ begs to inform hid customer's arid: the public generally that he HAS Now ON HAND“ a New Stock of mutational tastefully got up, at Very Reasonable [New Goods! .Nerw Goodslli Chi‘tgsoEOI-s‘laltiif-Feh'y mm, mm. 50-4 cross out Saws, Hanlan 8: Lance Tooth, Axes. Logging Chains Cow Ties. Cutlery. Skates, [ltd all kinds of Hardware, norm, “if, is the larger. and best ever ihovvn in Lindsay, and bu been purchased entirely for ea‘ah. l particularly iotieii an inspection of my itoek by intending pur- khan”, and i am confident that I can quote lov‘re} prices than they can be bought for elsewhere or from any expensive elty estab- Pom'uun GEHENT, DmSm,_ llahment, and instead of dealing with an I am i'nnch obliged to you for .. . . PLASTER PARIS, Intire stranger, one who never saw you be- payment in full of thqamount dne me by fore and who'd: you may never see again, ! â€"-â€"â€"O:O-â€"â€""â€" JARVIS & MCDOUGALL your Company for the destruction by fire of you will have the advantage of buying from NAVY OAKUI, have just opened a my property insured with you. ‘e'll’a v'rll'd live! in your own neighbourhood IRON AID GOAL. CARD OF :BHANKS. To John W. Kennedy, £19., Agent q (A: Slan- d"“ n" ’m’“"“ 0": 45mm”- I’ricu. A large and well unsorted stock 0 New Patterns! blew Styles! The Largest and Choicest Stock in Town. Large Stock of Spring TWeeds, MANTLBS, iours &c ‘10!“ sâ€" t0 V -y Ill’llger WOuld bIYeâ€"Iln gl’V-ll’lg you I 300d .....,....i22§.*:i.a°“;§: As low as Any Other House suck a, sauna) wonsrin surrmus, mm. mm mm, nrticle and seeing that it gives perfect sat- ONEY, MONEY, MONEY. Do not get your Spring Suit until you see our stock. Extra Value: given and a Good Fit in the County: guaranteed. A Call Solicited. Blankets. both white and coloured, and lafactlon - ‘ . . « ,. ,. I the Prices cannot be brat. a. w. BEALL ____. I am now prepared to nego. _ "I M S ac. umwc Hut. mtdoorto Dumas m - We “mg.” '°‘““. °“ g°°d Geo. H. Bertram. Ready. , ade _ _ g’ ’ .. p Wu. CAMPBELL. um Brodie". firm property seeding for any F 1 F u D be Dress Goods a full stock. Black and Colored Lustres, Black and Colored Cashmercs. I Lind-Ir Sept 30th 1380 Penn “37.95.” at e'ghl Per cent“ we on ' ‘ 8' “em I 8th’ 1880' Prints, 8 large 5W6“ in “W Pn“°'“5“‘° ’P’mm “"""”“"“ Fenclon Falls, Nov'r lfith, ISSO. ' I ' . interest mm the prlmege or Cotton Goods in Great Vr'arietv J ' Q o repaying any portion of the . BIRTHS' principal at any time, the in- . in the township of Verulam, on Tuesday, wrest ceasing on the sum 80 Hatch 22nd, the wife of Mr. Robert McFar- aid iiiiumummu .1. In Penelon Falls, on Monday, April 4th, . '3 elves t 8 (“Tower eV' the wire 0! Mr. D. G. Smith ofa daughter. ery chance. He can pay on E. B. HENDERSON (it 00'» his mortgage tiny sum he may -- be able to spare at any time llanmvanz Bluncuasrs, Kent Street, Lindsay: REMOVAL. JOSEPH NEVISON has removed his an Goons. Mrs. Hunnfiu‘ Hus just received and opened up a largd stock of Ask to see the Coati‘coak Cottons at 9, to and 11 cents per yard, the very best value in the trade. DUNDAS AND CORNWALL SHIRTING-S, from 12;} cents per yard up. Ducks and Cottonades, good value ; nlso,a full stock of Harness Silk Handkerchiefs, Gents’ Ties, Collars and Gulls. N E (FOX? S, 18' Do not fail to see our stock. “W REMEMEER, WE WILL NQT BE UNDERSOLD. Agent for Hanrrns’ BAZAAR Parrsnss. JARVIS & McDOUGALL, ,‘ fl. McArthur's Block. Fenelon F‘a'ls. 15 a n (1‘ y (5" 0 o d 99 â€" v . t '- i I . i s ‘ Milliiicr', llantlcs. Ft‘lllllt‘ 5, Flowers l\lltl MEDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, I ’ moon; - CHROMOS, MOTTOS CLEAN UNDEa 'r'o DI'IATI'IS. in the township of Verulam. on Sutur- day, April 2nd, Sarah, wife of Mr. Robert I I III I farm at any tinic without be- Ncl’arland, aged 38 years. , ‘ m ___ ing to pay 1110 cam. iortakino An cxchanuc prophecies that teach. panIy aheavy bapus n I in: every girl to thump a piano and A. the" "mm-W Ji‘xpenfies Very ' ' - ' ' ' f ri livery boy m be a bonkkf'eper w‘” make respectfully informs the gentlemen of Fen- “Telling: man those 0 p WNW” 85 Per hDShel 'u "me ye“"~“- elou Falls and its vicinity that he has com- v“ e o ' ORVFIL , The ice in Toronto bay is over two iueuced the tailoring business - C * 4 - Lindsay, May 26th, 1880. feet thick. mid is not apparently dis- I lurb'c'd by the recent. winds. Sailors 011 COIbOI'ne Street , I I n 'nm' expea their baa” to leave me ' ' '~ ’ AND and Motto Fromm, Plain and l’crforiitcd opposite the restdence of Dr. Wilson, and and an “times in his line of 1,,“an Utirtlbourds, Cttllvus and Berlin \\'ouls. "ll-3",“ ben’re the spcnnd or third wepk SOiCilelSmrco in lo ntronn c. ot - F ~- ' ' " i ' ‘ ” b' " g 0' " ,0,,,,0,.m_ m COLLARS WARRANTED. Drugs, Medlcmes, Chenncals, Sponges, Aim-m operand Window l" JAN”; "nit-’55 9- Wmd “3"” ml“ “"5 ing will be made in the latest styles and and the ice becomes honcvcomhvd. , I ‘ Blinds just received. A Toronto gun mnlmr is filling ii w A Good Flt Guaranteed. mcrs and the public generdll'v that he has Trusses and Shoulder Braces Mus. HEELFJ'. hm" "M" ("r “7- Bmlkmv 3" Ir'sh Garments cut for persons wno wish to “ways on hnnuncomplete smek 0f 5):??bg‘asrgf gzérggflglgsҤ;3fe;?lli:l:Innl:5 J3; ’ W )lillitirr)‘ Store and Show Room. InndInrdI at present in the cityI and make them IIII at home and chug“ re”- I I I ‘ " 3 - I. i (1 one door north of it. 1). llciuiiig‘s lutrdu‘uro \Hm is going west on n shorting tour. unable in all cases. ' P I. E E H n E I so fur been favorea' and lsbdetermmed to 87“ S “Clio. l I‘ ll \l ° l lam . . cue on ‘l\ s, . ny -Gt 1, . t. Mr. lindkiii is fl superb fri‘rimmi of Lu- Penelou Falls, May 17th, 1880. men continuance Of It ) turning on t I I I II PERF U MERY 860., 850-5 OTICE .. .. . .. . . 5 good Work at moderate prices. ‘manity‘, standing si-vr-n root In his stock- Cured MIIMIII HerrinéSI always on luind. A large and I ioss..IIIlIchIl:fr‘iI Il‘flzlztlel'):.cflu% licwas _ ' ' I, I ' I I I I _ _ . v y _ s . -. . . - .. ..« .. n ”# lemuvalandflltugem Busmess. Cod F1sh & Mackerel. {Hf COMPLETESTOCI, OF DYE STUFFSfl SI,.5:,IimIfI.:I,,;II,,:,III,m Mofiat & McFarland SIARKE'I‘ 121i3POIC'l‘S OlllrllCil‘ll in his nniuc, unless tlu- turlv . l . to the. west side of Colborne street, next door lo the Mechanics’ Institute, where he will keep on hand a. good stock of Single & Double Harness for farm or road work, Valises, SHAWL STRAPS, BASE BALLS, Whips, Halters,'Snaps, and stop the interest on so much, or he ,can release his in great variety. DOLLS, VASES,- Toilet Sets and a good assortment of Where can be found iln excellent assortment oi Repairs promptly and neatly executed. A choice assortment of I I I I of the best. quality and at low prices. Also, a or that of' Mr. J. D. Smith. ‘- II Te outructing tlwiu hits his written authority ‘ENELON FALLS MARK I Fem-loo Falls, Friday, April 81h, IBEI. “'heat, full. per bushel - -Sl 00 O 00 _\\'lirat,apring, ” - - 0 on 1 to Bailey, per bushel 73 80 Oats, -- u 00 :to H Pease, ” “ “yt‘ u U Potatoes, “ Butter. per lh., - - )8 '10 Iii. 25 30 . on 9'0 a. us Return their sincere thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them since they commenced business in Penelon Fall's, llllll beg to inform the public that they have just moved into the premises lately occu- pied by Mr. Wm. Marshall, where they will Pale and Dark Brandy. Port and Sherry Wines, I Holland and Old Tom Gina, several brands of Whisky, Bottled Ala and Porter, kc. The attention of hotel keeper: and othersvis invited to this stock. LINDSAY. - w. d. MARSHALL has just received some of the best brguns ever manufactured in Canada. The .- EXGELSIOB ORGAN . look the lead at the Toronto Industrial Fair in September, 1880, in competitionwii i the WELL SELECTED STOCK OF STATIONERY, c'o'th'pi'ising a. full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. NAOM Horse and Cattle Medicines, Pliysici‘ans' prescriptions and Domestic Recipes carefully compounded. I ll. 0. SMITH. l’cnalon Fitlls lluy 'inth,1880. H-tf. Voice?mam; ‘” :0: TIME TAU LE. â€"â€":o:â€" Summer Arrangements; '--5()i - . a. n q c ; . " r‘ it hit) ' 0 receive a cul ro i ii u o- I l t d i _ '. ' ' . - - ' nrcucd ling, p t‘ I03 lb_., I 7 8 ulcers Lillwzu “s “I‘III‘ OWLI ("IIIHIIlngS limited S culebmmd makers of Cam‘th nnd was a_ ‘ l n - - . . " i ‘ ' Egg" p" ' “1" ' worded a Diploma for spccml features not Tukmg ("eel to“ is filling up his shelves with new arrivals of, SlililNG GOODS, among which _ _ _ _ : v- r the bakery and secured the scrv'ccs of .\l . _ . , , , , . , I - ~ ""2" F" mn' h l I ‘1 to s: David Barrett they are preliarcdlto furnish °f “n kmds .“Iwn-ls .0" mnd‘ TM “5" contained in any others, while embodying A full assortment of Patent and Proprietary Medicmes always on llund- A. hIondtty 213i Oi. Jillie 1880' gmoIerz. lacrIIngIgleIIeIrI more, - 2 00 2 60 i ‘ system Will be strictly adhered to. M “,0 same time, a” me “on”; on which’ "duh for HI‘RI Stevens. Purer Vegetable VEGETINEI a 9 - - Ciilihag‘ef pi-r dnzr'n - - - 4;") to 50 C h f F P 1 d other exhibitors received an award. He is n . v ‘ 1 r ' LINDSAY TIME. éarrots ‘fw bu-thol ' - - - '20 '25 ‘ ‘ l 0 selling the best Organs that. have ever been > E. w I I I I -â€"-»:â€"Iâ€"â€"-Iâ€"~~â€"Iâ€"Iâ€"â€"- nee” ' t. I- ' - . - 9,5 30 Cakes, Buns, kc. k., at reasonable prices JOHV CHISHOLM introduced into Lindsay at the ' ' " ~ ‘I 97 h 1890 “gunner b'l‘A'llObb. (,Ulhh hultl ll. ’ and no effort will be spared to sustain the .‘ ‘ , ' Fe'ldo" Fans' " “y " t '_ ' ‘ L" Mull. â€"» - '* I ’ " " high reputation which the Fenclun Falls N?“ to the GIObC HOW]: KN“ St‘l Illndsa." , '. mâ€"7__" V - "â€"wim in 7“ New Advertls'lm’tn‘s. hitkery has deservedly borne. Their stock of ffâ€"”“:”‘”" "â€""â€"“ I l s - Store {in )8 10mm I v", GI '1 RI mu.“ II” ,,I,,,I H»..â€"â€"â€" m â€"â€" , RLaUMnD BUSIMass. He has also i... to... 6w , I J I - f-iIIâ€"Ilr-‘II -IzIâ€"fi;fi;hmwâ€"w >VIâ€"‘â€"fih WI“? r-â€"â€"-”â€"_">_Iâ€"â€"-“- hâ€"‘u‘. ‘ ' - . l 5 | Y ' . . . I. u N S A i ' ' V . 1 o ~~ - ltnilivnv nrritc “.50 “ A c 0 ~ -- l a ‘ ' r. . ER PIAN G; G. K E I T 1-1: “Tm «-.â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€" v- 0" VAl-l‘Am-t: mI-Ifllmm I will tin found, Iris usual. fresh, good and 7 M. It \ ll.IltI.IIInr I l_'.5|i “ ) ) l‘ {I r 3.? we” “sorted. ' . . - “mob is me be“ i" the World VIOLle . . Liudsuv . . . . . . . lcuvd wilful phi 1 l 4 I‘ II I 9 . I ~ wouldqn-form the citizens of from $1 m SIM, man and n gouty hsgowncm I m” be found IIIIIII RBI JIIIICIIUII II I“: II situate in the TownsIlIiip cf \ferulnm in the _ > : , . I I “the smaller Musical Insuumenw . . . .. . (IIIIIICIIIIII I I I I I I I I II SIIIII I County o 'icloriii; ll ,l'il ' . Hull's . . . . . . . . . . . “ 3 45 ,‘ [T d l l ‘ ll f A power if sale ‘lll ,li ' "A’l d ’ d f ’ d ‘ ' ‘ a S I 5 li‘t-ncliin li'iills.... “ 4.0.": '-' " " ‘1'" ’y "r ‘9 ° ' ‘ " ’° 5”” ° “*3 ‘m “m Pr0 “Ce ‘ ‘ ' 7 ‘ ' -~ ‘ ~ ' . __ '- ' ,i » - i = . . . I-‘ Ill's ............ n 4.2:. u contained in a certain mortgage, which will generally dealt iii. A nice lotot’ and vicinity. that they‘li‘at'c resumed busi- confistfizt:g‘:cr;g"tg.qé. willelrcr-lw‘l'lwlgt .lkucces of the Latest Patterns and the Very Best Quality, I I {cums .III ,, “I.” ,, N P'Mum‘l “'- u'e lime 0'. 5"”! "W" “"lIlI ' ' v A ness in Mr. Newman's old-stand. The stock l l e" e “' “- 5° cell : -â€" '- - - i ’ I- - Kinmdmu II II 52;, .i be altered for Isalchat it“; u lla'tision lluust‘, Crockery Glass“7are , .c‘onsisis of c H O I c E s T A T I O N E R Y L A E S D R E G 0 0 DS’ Myles! Runway June. (.331, u m t e " age 0 r ' ‘ I; " ' ‘ ‘ a ' i‘ Mitidi‘n Slutiuu li-uvo 5 .619 “ . . l l . _» . F E N E L o N F: A L L S is in. the shelves {mu IwItu be sold llIs clicup A. L L L1.€,§f§.,32’;§,{;,f‘"d 5e" 3‘ “Is “he” “5 the Crctons, Prints, Cottons &c.; kc. lugohlshy :fI I«I .. . ~ as My "3 mwnfi ".3" "f.‘"5."°°““" rm?" " ' of v W Don’t forget to give him a call, iii ' .1 5"”. l.‘ u ‘ in the County of\ lClOl’lll', all needing any thing in their line of bust-4 Reekie's old stand. ;;();l:1l3l I I:. I: I ll lllll" Oll flrerO I.‘ .l _ . 'W. J. MARSHALL. LindSny, March 17th, 1880. STATIONS. (HUNG soiz'i‘ii. In BOOTS & SHOES he is offering a splendid nssmi'tmcnt of Wright’s Muir will be found fresh and at bottom prices. Special inducements in sugars. 0n DRY Goons. It. I o'clock p. m., by J. J'. Power, auctioneer, finch" Fans fifly ml.“ [880 - i ' . . All and singular that certain pnrccl or CLOTHING, AUTION | _ , , H V ,I ‘ H , ,I \ . iem’irs situate in thc ' make, and is sole agent for Fogurty s celebrtltcd Gordian boom, Iwhich is ~-»â€"â€"â€"‘ r- -. "7...- _ gzz‘niliil’lntl'xuilrinrln ll” (-‘D‘lmlt' 0" “0’ E D ‘V ix R D S, 00E RIES, 0. . . _ . . warranted not to rip. Any pair in which this scam fails to outweiir the boots llulihiirlon. ...li:iti'o 7.Ilo ii. in. “my being composed of the Eu“ "an of DEDIBSTABMSHEb I Thiins to caution all persons against pur- “.m be replaced_ I I I I I I _ Gould s Lo" 25 in we 2"" concesmn or "m “id confewoncry and :11“ng oraclhermse “ego-Emu” “ now-or- W“ All the above 'do (is will be sold at the very lowest. living prices for cash "39"” ' 3"“ Township of Verulam, containing“ acres ' . " “id for $-2 made by me in favour of John ' d A I solicited lnIgoldth u do u more or less. % Ingram, and due over a hart as I have or farm pro uce. , on I . M,,,d,.I,, puma" . “,5 it There it situate on the property a cedar L ‘ . paid said note and cannot get it returned. pouch" Falls, March 4th, 1881. Alylcg ny June, it Hm, u Log House 26 1 t8 feet, a cedar Log llnrn ‘ , .103ng [roams~ ' hiumount H 8.40 “ 52 x 38 feet, and a Stable and Shed. The subscrihcf returns his Sincere thanks Having purchased the stock of A. W. Lash- Verulam, March 8th, 1881. l-3w. lf‘mfc 9 ” 9:10 “ Tea per cent. of the purchase money at for the liberal patronage bestowed on him or, they will sell the game l'cll a “I our, II the time of sale, the remaidcr as may be during the past nine yea s, and begs to in- TI WI READEI BI AI, MI DII “new” Fun“ IacrIpvt-Lc :I AT AND BELOW COST. New goods at a small advance on cost. Boots and Shoes 9. specialty. Farm pro- ducc taken in exchange. form the public that t ey can obtain First Class Horses aiid Rigs. any hour of the day or night, at his Stable agreed upon. For further particulars apply to McMURRlCll, HOWARD k DRAYTON, Venilore' Solicitors. . . ' l RIIIINSITBcopigmnmosnourout.our. CC , y 1 g , , 77 Hull's .. iozr. .. . nt. ysician, urgeon and Ac- O Cameron " 10,112 “ coucheu’r, formerly Physician at the Insane i i ‘ Midland lt'yJuuc” 10.50 H Asylum, London, Ont. N. B. Special at- I I Lindsay arrive “.00 “ leniion paid to diseases of Women and “ Dominion Bank Buildings, Toronto. 011 Francis Street East. TERMS STRICTLY CASHI Childmm I In 'ordcr to reach the climax of illâ€"inilsny,‘lliltdiiiirtliillists p. Ill . . . . . . . . . Hui-13:3. C!“ "r! :‘rdemltlfihfil'l‘v‘s- a E 3%” Office for the present on Francis 0 ” “ ““"”'~ I ‘l'l" ” u -4 P t'ds ‘ l a. ommerca trav‘e era and theirlugc . \ street west Fenelun Falls. G. d l t I I w P "1 " . . " ', ‘ ' ' u u I edging: gage conveyed safely and expeditiously to ___...,â€"__________ a a 0 l 1"”"R’U‘ "" “' I" I - k Reputation ' » . _ , ll. ll'y have 2 1m ” . . . . . . . . established "3' “sired Win" . ' urchascrs will find it. to their advatitnrvc to call upon 7 - - ~ » â€" - - ~v ill over Canada. is-mre material experience. The subscriber never had a atahleful of o L D B o N Y p ‘ "' . tun-hut.) H“ "I TI “I “I WI: H Rm inn Inward Wold fled I"! MIN" "I better horses than at present. Come and are-Pm no tattoo. P year- old feisty!" ova. flnAppni-am brace! Club "'3' “Wm- - It no a. loatrunenhekc. 'iiinifiiiig‘rcdifu W WHITE 8t. GREY CRUSSED am M hm. PmmI E. R. EDWARDS. 13MB“ kc. lac SPIRAL 111038. Calloraddreu, cnas. cwrus, (lute £3331”?me O O T T O N SiD 4! Hamilton) 33 Adelaide-It, west. near DRUG STORE. Grand Opera, Tomato. DRUGS. DYE STUFF 8. JOHN NUG-ENT thanks his numerous customers in *Fenelon Falls . aunts & FLAVEUE Bus. and the surrounding country for their very & “W (5(i.\"."\-']«}(yrrl()NHI I. ‘L i .) l‘It‘llf‘lllll l’ulli,wiih mum. {,prhmjgmm Kininounl, with sing!) for IllIiiiileu. JAMES RUSS, J. W. LEUNARI), llanugi‘a (ivncrnl Trnllit: Agent. Lindsay, May 11rd, tPHo, whose stoci; cl” a Surprising reiitEimIt most of C E I S N S, At Prices F i1 6 U R A “y' D '1'“ 5‘9 E D9 «*6 Toronto and Nipissing Railway. ' is now full in every department. Give them a trial and judge for yourselves. MMI TIME TABLE. Teliiug effect on Monday. in March, HEM). ...-_....,.â€" SEEDSI bought before the rise, selling Are you afraid of the same and fate? if you are, you had better call at JAMES A GNEW'S, trim you will get 30073 a. SHOES The Highest Price paid for Farm Produce, Pork, Butter, Eggs, Sheepskins and Hides. 28' Just. received, a large consignment of Salt and Coal Oil. W" , _ Remember the Stand-Lone door north ofll. Nur'cnt’s Drug.- Store. I “My; NWT”- Mani]. A Midi-ii. Sinai. Only lastly lgrinultii'ral Piper PRINT” AND runLisiian 18 T33 DOMINION. honorimm. c BRANDON. Toronto. ilk-putt. 7 4.7 n in; If“! ‘ - i - i mm! Pawn-st during the put 4 you. ‘ N. F'cnel'on m. October 25th, 1880. lixhridge W... W .. m," U” “d “it” 3;: a‘ion‘mh-r Mb ingurmm8 LI _ surprisingly CheaP for Cash, as he is 7 ' l‘ " I E {gilll‘ll’l‘lt‘i‘lrn I" ' 7.5:? “ 114;» in J, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m w '" "°' °" ‘" ERm” ‘ “ Fciiclon Fail 9 Gazette " Law Regarding mp3,”... e " " ' " ‘-' “ 7-5" “ L 5 ' A 3 N - ;.\lll J-. v. i -» ‘6 P‘s“ M Ps' D l inle‘ ted every q«itnrdav at the oF‘re â€" A l l-iil'lii"; “(iii "ll p m “In” t l: ~ , u . n .,. _ i. . . _ - I I , I ~ . . . a» Dollar to: roar. A Better Agggmngnl than Em __ "m m, m on," ,0 mm mm ,0, his , u P“ Comm W, m, m i... M. . m... ...,. 0...... A. w. l t I ll) 1 r y m .1 y , '0'- s- m , 1‘3. “burn,” 15.x, ngpecunu’ to in- Spring goods, which he experts in a short ‘ I . I _ | I fII'dfiIrrfIIIzoI'In “lIg'(rt'I%l-nII a .ciIl-IiIr uin-rl- .I Etyillund .lt‘, ll]: ii (.4; n m. 2.41.4 flasher! a “oath: 5 7’“?! aYar‘. 3 (.‘oaapriaing Gardea, Field and form the inhabitants of l “me- "0""! i J ' ' “ ' ’ ' f ’r “"3 '5‘ or _" ““h” h" 3 """"'-‘""’-- fl" “'5 l'« “i- 5 0"“ ‘I 3,333an {aggluhr 3 f U l n y e 1”" WhW-llw'l '2? 001,13 responsible for the , ' - n -. w - ~,... . V .. . . , 1 v A t _ iiuymrnt ' Hum soi'rii. Mm, l. an. int. Nam,” 5mm“? 0 E b E E D S, O N F48. L L S . , , .‘ [or *m, cm, cent per week mdmmul .‘gl 2nd.-â€"-lf a person oricrs ms paper to he 2 I » ~ ) -- 7- r~- ~v M “1‘ M1,. lb! t in the Villflgf, be I! Ible to ’up"" C'E'F ions u i‘ "mains nnpfiid_ discontinued, he must [13" All arrearagca ‘ Chth-nnk dryinfL '2 "(I I m 1 5r) ,1" W W “ ‘ In N i Die 51”“ 18d "Mandi!!! 0000:! It"; COBI' tunic?" nigh what he may viii". 3w, .u- . . i or the publisher may continue tomnl it on, i Mid .lum-iiml at, i.”- -' ' 5:15.?"- o-toloousa-diadoun. i flamtomalufactnre is anan cc ., ing t use I 0 may patronize in to trou- itil merit i d , d it 'u t . ' g I u . .1 N h, M, M Kw.) .4 ram 1.; ebrated ‘ hle of running allover the village for the tuho'izyammmfi Kuhn“, Bettie: “if u l y 1" may," m 1,1}; hut-able. M mm II a it ’ . . l needed article. Be is now offering Professional or business cardi. 50 cents l froth the mace or not, , “MI yumqm “I, 7 u, .. 7 gm ,, ' 2'45 ,_ gammy“. d in“ mm“ :5. 3 NIHBQU‘ Ammcan Iron i xv , S B f , perline per annum. Casual advertisements, 3rd â€"-lt’ subscriber; next.“ 0, mm" to: wthmr den“ ,4 WI H ,I, m u z I’II'I II " -Wu the“ o: W t for wells. cisterns he. i omen 8 p It t8 or c t3 8 “3°” m“ (0} we 6'“ '“”"'°" 9'“ 2115‘“ "‘5 l’frlmllc'”! 0” 9""lPfllfl‘fl'from the (,‘anniogion arrinâ€"k M I: 73.3 -'I 31.5 H i: C a” mantel“ m‘ i s ' t . . . cents peeline for every tabl'fluem "In", office to which thry are dinetetl, they are l.'x‘nri:tgi- in ",5: I- i, 55 ~ ‘ m u AWE... m d a TM % t , a S v g per pair. a“ Don I fail to call and “mo, tion. Contracts by the year, half year or; held responsible until they haveaettled their Toronto "on n H .. “I,” ,_ W" ant-2%“ Wkfl‘ggmh i Brut-rs, Combs, he, he. i p a ' p 3 3 , "N h“ 5‘0d “(0" Purmms elu'hen- { quarter, fora column or legs. upon rtawn- - him. I Sending Mm...” meg. m yum,“ I n, _ t _ Mm . I_IIII_~II__-III_I. 5"“ m w m a“ l and i MM 'ork a Mlgfl,_ : ' “"9 "m" athem in the ctfiee, is not such notice In the , l‘fl'k'fl‘lg’fi lmre liindny at l’.’ 45 p. m. “‘Pm COPIES in“ 1 PM . .IIr NKfiPXiMl MMG 5 law require”, “mg “a”, Trrwfl,’ M ‘34-“, I m. Lt v. 1- ' JOB PR1 G i tiltâ€"The Couru bare decided that rr- ’ p ‘ 0' PnldflWuth“M5lfl-hwf .m. M "a do: ten. A tall uleetioaofi ' \ ARRAN i Repairing done with neatneu and deepatcn. 2 , > I i 7 4’ . meiwxh in ALL WORRSZROKB‘QHIEE i Pint clan workmen employed and a relic-l of all ordinary kinda executed neatly. core; faring to lake metro-port or periodical! :‘ln’lu'p-m. ‘ ‘ m . um "um mud“, n l .. p.uaa.w."”°"°°°""m‘58chool Books a Stationeryi Autism-M imam-modva luau-i. Rm ' ' ' A ' l . ~ ii 4 r z - 7 v, - . v I‘, " g I I u v "on. R RSI: June AG..VEW.! z, D_ H53”). I ,tl.rni coca e fo., .a prim, an. end. rite of CA. AD“ ‘ “39,3415. “"3" M hud- “331,333.? Opw‘ I 5.), Procter: Falls, February 16th. um. I Proprutor. lintentzenal (rand: W. GOODERHAI. 11., Managing Dinner: Toronto. Much 15th, 1880.

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