Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Oct 1880, p. 3

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n» r . . ‘ rca ctfnll ' f th -‘ and all'kWp‘ gold slid silver 'key ;and l p, I m am, e gnaw," a! Fen ,gtua: winding watcheL; i Hilfing-‘imâ€"SHOP._ l "â€"____~.--â€"T_ 1'1""â€" iJOSEPH HEARD. y. ’â€" wu "‘â€" wflflvâ€"wâ€"‘vm A:SRY ‘ I, ,_ x â€" . 4 . , _ . . mam 3 THE WEE V V “BE! Sllltl, lllllllll lllll llllllSi llllllllSllIlSS. Full Am 8 "‘"‘ .â€"or- THE runs! a u EKLIES. clan. Falls and its Vicinity that b: has com- Just received, a nice assortmcnl 0f menccd the tailoring business Watchmak er. On Colborne Street, Jeweller Ac Engraver. LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, BURNERS,*, &c., 51c, which I will sell cheap. l Hot Air Drums a Specialty. 'ccs of Stores be- S t'.faction unranteed or no sale. Please call and compare pn ‘ I . ‘ ftl‘rdeuying Elsewhere, as I sell as cheap as or cheaper than shop: of lanrer pre 3 opposite the residence of Dr. Wilson. and i _ _ solicits a share of public patronage. Cloth- Watch "pairing in net; bnnch prompt- ing will be made in the latest styles and I] and carefully executed under my own w“ A Good Fit Guaranteed. penonal superintendent. Garments cut {or persons wno wish to :0- flntisfaction Guaranteed =9 â€": â€"â€" ="= = ==~ Ind prices low. Watches sent in by train fizkhie‘igflliidziom’ “d dung” mu- m I "W 001: Willlflm 1'“ tensions. and for all goods I continue to take in exchange 3051‘ RECEIVED, ANT). as can! ll d d . } llm'lII-m “ml mu, "final 5!}â€" ” mm “-’ “'°“ ' “m mm” M‘ b’ "M" m" M” m" 1880' 1 "Worth slat" tor “mam” tillMflllll‘gflll W BOUGHT AND CAST SCRAP IRON, BAGS, «3-0- G. W. BEALL, ‘ III ormdcl L3 IS. in Bouton'flonsc Block, next to Dondu &, NEW GOODS. lml'mmwn lnallegam mm a (usng Elm ltd 1881. I c gunman; “twigsgégififlfo’migw Hudson: Stud Bl- Hoitorouowr NEW 5333:5455! , m: mmrwmmtau : I W - m “mm mcmsqrero In Pool)" 1 HDN'GBO'BROWN wtlltttolttonlsm- ? _~. i in mm "menu" gamut 'c mucnpuoggbe' iiixnmumdls'mr ouyatueltwmceol thingy: “'3 ‘ “M”? 13% m style at mam her can DOLLAR. from data 9mm main, bet, at 1881. ,ON, {0 DOLLARS. __ , ' ~ Skins and Hides. NOTICE- C‘Sh Pmd fol JOSEPH HEARD. Plavellc Bros. Lindsay, March 24th, 1580. 3ly TO SPORTSMEN. .1 Fenelon Falls, September 23rd, 1880. New Store in Scully’s Block. G. G. Ii E I T II has just received a fresh lot of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes His stock of Mrs. KEELEY Has just received and opened up a. large stock of The undersigned beg to inform the sport- ‘ ‘ 7 f I l 7 lug community that they have for sale a O 1 S, large and varied assortment of GUNS AND RIFLES, to which they invite the attention of intend- ing purchuen, who will find more than no Breech and Muzzle Loaders F a I) c y G o o d s, to choose from, many of the best quality' Among their outfit of Moi: they have 0F LADIES’ MANTLESi AT in great variety. DOLLS, VASES, Toilet Sets and a good assortment of SINGLE SUBsd '- 5 \Vm. CA MPBELL’S. Fem-ion Falls, September 23rd, 1880. Ordersadamlt ‘ whens: THE GLOBE P’im .NG» TORONTO A all wanted in are ‘ t a. new". Splndll Induce-icons cloud to from Montreal and Toronto. Harvest Mitts &llloohine Oil Examine stock before purchasing urduat In. $1") l‘ )lillinery, Slantles, Feathers, Flowers and Ribbons. A. ISOIIING} )IIXC/‘IIINI‘J K ' l of the latest improved principle. and are propaer to‘hore guns from six feet down to short lengths and insure goml shooting. ‘7'ICTORIA GROCERY AND‘ LIQUOR STORE. oxnr, uoxar, Moat. iEoiEiH. BERTRAM beginform the inhabitants of ‘pialon Falls riding country that he has open- }lware Stock in the village, in ‘ilfi owned by Mr. George Cun- Thc subscriber begs to inform his custo- mers and the public generallt' that he has always on hand a complete stock of sum colorant, Cured Meats, llcrringi, Cod Fish & Mackerel. will be sold at less than usual prices for cash. elsewhere. m Farm Produce taken in Exchange. Fcnelon Falls, July 24th,'1880. JOHN SLATER, and Motto Frames, Plain and Perforated Cardhoards, Canvas and Berlin Wools. I am now prepared to neg- tiatc straight. loans on gotl farm property security for uri term ofyeurs at eight percent interest, with the privilege o' repaying any portion of tilt REPAIRS or ALL KINDS EXECUTED A nice lot of “'7!” Paper and Wind“ in a workmaulike mnnnrr and on reasona- Blmds ju“ received. blc terms. wilmmunition o! d'll'v-rcnt grades for aalc at. the lowest prim-8. LlTKEzltffltl Nsox l: 50x3, Mus. HEELEY. n? Slillincry Store and Show Room, one door north of H. P. lloming's hardware store. 7‘ ,1 OX]: 1' WASTEâ€"ll...- i _, .All persons indebted to the undersigned- 'CIIlll'r by not: or imuh’ account, for 1879 . ‘ ham -â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- .. . , , Fenclon Falls May 26th 1880 -‘ ‘ l . ' - » “mg ' \t . r - Incl m at no true th . ‘. 1.... .,-titlijihl‘335m. ’ 3’? ..' - ’ 1‘ ’ ° PRACTICAL WMHMAM‘R’ t~ of Linda" semembc’r Wm] 1‘53“ ' 3'"- Ufcl‘ ceasmg on he sum so U L'ttc of Toronto, has much pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of Fencll‘ou A (- 01°C “50“ . -~ . . - pm . ‘ '39" “SM” “ “‘“mm'” Pale and Dark BrandY°' PUMPS. The subscriber bags respectfully to in- form the inhabitants of Falls and surrounding country that. he has cotumcu I in Mr. McArthur's building, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, and hopes to be favored with public patronage. He has a large and chmce as- sortment of . . w - ' Tins gwefi the borrower e“ intcnds keeping constantly on t hand a full line of cry chance. He can pay on his mortgage any sum he may Port and Sherry Wines, Holland and Old Torn Gins,‘ Severn] brands of Whisky, Bottled Ala and 1 .T '1 . )t ‘, n;(‘0fUQIllt'RlCd to scttle tit-rune the Huh dny B IillJ N FIX L L S be able to spare at any tune S, P ‘ & Th uuemi m OHM“ kupe" % .o ctoicr,“ they will be put into Court. and ctnp the interest on so C)<_j;_lr{S;,s I I 0,. er: (C. .L. . . , . I r i I 8 1 others is mutt-d to this stock. w Jo. POWER. and surronn-Imn country that he t‘ll . .. . . Es k W t h B: Q S “"‘ t- , . pend“, F51“. SOPL 24",, “,8”. 294,. mu,” m munumcmre‘ms woodman!“ ecos- much, or he can tclcuse his HIZN'GC_}LAéS S, at C S, 7 farm at any time without be- ing obliged to pay the com- pany a heavy bonus for taking their money. Expenses very little more than those of pri rate loans. cbratcd American Iron Cap Pumps, for wells, cisterns kc. ’tcpairing a. Specialty, â€" CHAS ‘ “q C L u 1 In): l’u'd Spiral ‘ - L 'r R u s s . ‘ Reputation a" "e C I _ calublishcd {H r anon... {5 year! material experience. .wrvman‘rupturcd tho-ah: read my pamphlnt on Rapturrâ€"l‘rcc on application. People on yer." nld Plastorttsegd‘sz l of all kinds always on hand. The cash system will bu strictly adhered to. Cash for Farm Produce: Brooches, Lookcts and other kinds of jewellery, together with a good stock of FANCY GOODS, TOYS, PIPES, &c., all of which will be sold at reasonable prices. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Cleaned and Repaired P 0 I L S. \‘ARNISHES 8n d5 of Hardware required by 3 Farmers building. Bing Implements, . ticc. tum! by m IL‘=r' .A new Ap’aruus for cu” ,( C] h S ‘S on the Shortcs‘ no J()Il\' CHISHOLM 5’"!an cutt'vmvâ€" win‘ . ’57-; |_- -. l , r 4 ' ‘ ' -' r NHLUJJLT Eml‘é'mh 334‘ $§idf‘°il‘.‘n‘li, ""d i ‘ , IOVELS. fie?- .,A_ CAIJIJ SOLICI ['13,] ). @fl mm“) the 6,0,”, HUM] KMHL'Lmd”, Lindsay, May 26th, 1880. 9"‘i5ilinn \NC in Sl‘llul. 'lRlvgq, mu or address. CHAS. CLUTHE. (late of Hamilton) '38 Adelaide-st, wcst, ucnr (Brand ()pura, Toronto. FORIKS, &c. lso keep on hand the very best ma‘OUGHS, Combination nnd Hill’s ,Pnttcrn, which will he sold AT‘NUMOTURERS’ PRICES. A LARGE STOCK 0F 3 Please note the address, ALL WORK W'ARRANTED. S. BROKENSIIIRE, Fenclou Falls op ositc Victor't it R S April Bih,taso.’ p H ‘ 188 . “Timid-1833:“ 1888. Good Bargains to Cash Customers. JOHN SLATER. Opposite the post oflice. 17-3m* ViC’l‘UltlA RAILWAY. \ :02 TIME TABLE.’ Fcnelon Falls, Oct. Ist, 1880. THINGS ARE BOOMING At MoDougall 8t Brandon’s. " 3888. 'illl £1888. 1888. Jarvis 8: llIcDoug‘all, FENELON FALLS._ New Fallâ€"Tweeds, â€"-:u:-â€"â€" Summer Arrangements.“ 'â€"â€"Zl)i'â€"‘ Taking effect on Monday, Qist of Juno, " LINDSAY TIME. GOING‘I‘lunt‘n. Ilis stock of 1181.: SUPPLIES inchlting, anc Leather, Saws, Riv- ets,l.\lctnl, Machine Oil, Rope, Chain, Fil 'ill be such as to mch the re- quin ofnll in need of such goods. WHITE 8).. GREY STATIONS; Annmrdm‘” “'i“ be (“ruled for The undersigned having purchased a Mn“. N snléttom prices, and many of tlfic { _ fl ,- Juat o \encl ) i. lcn ids as low as what they can (3 E D O c K râ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"--â€"â€". ‘ Tâ€"-â€"-R. ] .. 7.” I‘m. . canadi'u‘ I‘nuln 1"! Q g t I liObSOll 60 0 L b 7 pur ‘Or in lllonlrcnl or Toronto. A A m Toronto, Vinâ€"(1,â€" H1“__cn:â€"_' t a ‘1 S t' i 90 Cl ll ~ _ , call d. . - Lindâ€"5n; ‘ti'g‘vllpp. k'lh ' " "' ' n”, hm.“ m, ,0“ A g , l g, ,3. me on hand a huge 310d: 0f “85””! 030-” B“"‘“" in the bear markets at the lowest prices for cash, l‘ccl themselves mi a position Railway m‘rnc 11.50 H ‘ ' - star m t n-- , _ ‘ _’ . . n ' A- I *“mwwfinmflm “ML Dow” m, N we “ms” £0035 i manage“ to offer such inducements to their lltllnel‘o‘t‘lys customprs and. thcmp‘pblnlc M- Ryy June. vi“ M. R. M 12.50 I, ' 5"“ l"”°"““"flo bouu'llt before the ' ' as will make the heart of each rejoice. c 1:th u ways in s c ' ‘ .- - WMMEMM _ V l r ' D rlse, selhng MED BUSINESS sortmcut of Lindsay . . . . . . ‘ lcxtve 3:00. p‘pgy 7;; . of their own mnnuf‘ucture. consisting in NHL my Juncuon .. inn“ , l l w t 3 32 " Ru I . 1m” "r “0" "M “ ooden Beam ; E R I E S lCintlnfron . - - - . - - . :, 3hr .. ° ' I n 's . . . . . . . . . . . .- a a. l I Kttedy <85 Newman g MSW ,. 1,2,5 1: i - I Fcll's............ " .~ . m we now”! my,” "ml ‘ J ? inld inform the citizens of Crockery and Glassware, Rum,“ _ . _ ' I _ . . _ u f ' K nmount o. . AT Gang Plou 119 “'ro It] F d y Myles. Runway June. 539 u g ’ ug] m" mme’ : e a) S l l I : , I I A ’ , Mindcn Station lcnvc ‘l‘ I ' . . I l lngoldshy ” 6. . \V()‘)llen . _â€"’/ DySlH'l- ‘1 U, a , and m“ "‘3’ have resumed will; Ont. and Corn Meal, Potatoes, &c., &c. Gou,d,s ,, 035 ,, Union Sllll'tlllgS, ES, . nesst. Newrzxgpgrisspaltitstand. The stot. . d 1 Y hruld unhburmn “rim 6‘“ ‘ Fflt‘lol‘l' Fl'umels Q A L Kinds P10 1108 a: W a (- A “m ' r ' 00st SQUTH' ‘ ' “ >.. i . - .. . - - * ' ‘ unl.’ .n enill'easstoc‘k. \It'il,...i.._..,.n.cl,,,g_ 77’" 1)“! JIM" 1” [/16 Jl/tti‘l’e't, k BRUSH 0, W The highest price pald for W001, Sheep Skms, Cult ____”__‘_l_fn_ W w w an vancty ant Kl t "- uwcst lvriccs. FH- baring taken six first. rlzcg and d- g & & "auburmnnu mm 7*, m-r-rm “ " ' " ‘ - l » » ms c. c. ‘ V _ 322i"; {33221111 £31335.“ iW‘K “"1 "' ‘” "“‘ "'°""‘°"“ Emifiimns- clasp“??? ‘ ’ ’ McDOUGALL .5; BRANDON. gong-{trig y, 47 133 ‘l‘, . ' ' ' ' " ‘ " ;“°‘ -‘ 5P on- for the Musscv .‘lrtnufucturin C T .5 y“ " did stock of lint-st Cotton Shirtlngs.kc. kc , " - g 0" omnm' l , F n lon Falls Julv 20d 1880. lngoldshy “ 740 " which will A: ml! at nut. in order to make humus mmung . e e ’ ' ’ “mam, Smuon u 7.55 in I mm“ for our “I! g"""" RE'U’ERS 2'. CLOTH” G: T 01p Myles“ lt'y June. " 8.30 " O . l L, ‘ ' Kinumuut “ 8.40 “ GIYO us a Call. and Call Eva-1y, MOWERS, or QOCElilES, gun,“ ,, z . I ‘ - > c u . .. , Lniit'iiuiiiii'gmm ”‘ "We goods, as they SULKY RAKES, Emma-uh i C°“‘“°“°“°" “"6 c 7 Venue" m. The iii: 1'. - . "ll find it to their mlrnntn t n R __ . '~ -“ “We ” P9“ 81‘“ "1 "Milo." rarxvlr (lcnta‘l i“ - Re 0 0“ mm - '- llull's n ltL'ztt it ~ - . ~ ,_ , ' Inspect those implements and corn are ‘ . 0 . . H limit? “d es P P“ JOSEPH NFVIS'ON - S ‘ 1098' . t t h . .., f. 41:42:. :2 i . . , , ROBSOY & porsov - l v. ‘ will be found full lines of Hardware as cheap if not cheaper tum a any n icr Midland It 3 . not a “ cub mummm m” mm m" M“ “‘1‘” ‘ ‘ " ‘ ' llorin‘lrchnsed the stock of A. \l . Lnsh- house in this section of the country. Lindsay arm-n 11,00 Fcnclon Pulls. and extra. imlucruu-nts to buy by calling on has removed his us, as we are “ bound not to un-lr-rsuld." Don't forget. llll‘ Illat‘t‘. JARVIS & .\lclHll'G.\l.l.'S, Cunningham's lllm-k. August l9th, last). Font-inn l-‘nlls. tr, they will sell the same A'LlND BELOW COST. Harness Shop . xqoods ntosmnll advance on cost. Farm pro- . 3,, ud Shoes a specially. to the west Side of Colhornc street, next u .' duce taken in exchange. door to the Mechanics’ institute, where he 5 Jl will keep on hand it good stock of TERMS STRICTLY Casn. TS'I‘ ARRIVED. Single & Double Harness ' “'cll,woll. well,l do declare ! Where for fnrm or road work, Vulisrs, have you been? Why, AT AGNEW’S SHAWL STRAPS. BASEBALLS, has. eases. ,5 DYE STUFF-3. Cl at d llt‘s B d Sl ‘ ' . . . ' .x,l'§.§’u"m;.".-.r...£..‘L'}‘dl.. Li...2.'°{,f,,i§, Clllry combs, Brushes, which he is selling at GENUINE WHITE LEAD, who; .1. n. 5,133,: .313 ,Z‘mt.‘ :1 2 :21, ENGLISH LlNSEED OIL, magma.“ P Mi .7 .. _ .._.. ' NO. 1 L" l..‘lyt'y ' ll-uvc ELIE” “ and a variety of Machine Oil of reliable quality. Building: Matcrinls_:rnd ltlulr Tnmuw Y,“ (L T. "t M. 7.5, u of every kind to suit. all. Cosh customers may «ll-pond on getting , “W > H “mm , “MM”. ll® GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY, 6.881 ‘ u d. 'H be it] at bottom riccs. as ‘00 8 m 50 p P. 5. Ross & BROS N. B.-â€"A New Buggy for sale at a bargain. ____________________â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" NIEDICAL HALL, FENELO‘N FALLS, {)0 CASES OF . . . . . . u t Removal and Change in Business. I _ Kimnonul. with rugz- CO:- ,“llltll‘ll. 1 JAMES R035, ,_ Manager. a NEW DRUG STORE. Mofi‘at a iEcFarland Return their siurrrv thanks‘t‘ur the liberal pgtronagc bestowed on thcm since thcr cummcnccd business in J. \V. LEONARD, ticurrnl Trollic Agrnt. ! Lindmy. .‘bluy 15rd, limo. ‘lomnto and Nipissing Railway. ', TIME TABLE. Taking ctl‘cct on Hominy, l.'i llarch, 1850.“ Whips, Halters, Snaps. Fenclcn' Falls, and be: to inform thc public that they have i ". 13:! mbpvct: in}; thirptmisrhclritzlyvccrvu- . u 'l _ ' " . . 3,; g,,-,.;‘;.‘.‘...-.i: . Eh AW One Half "'8 Usual Pl "183' g Fen @1011 Falls met! as well :1 their Own. flaring leased $1er a lllc begs to return his sincere thanks for' . t - L A»- 9 Where can be found an excellent assortment of ‘Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, i Ila-d. ' Trusses and Shoulder Braces, T0ilet,Fancy& Rubber Goods Eggpgaehggigth‘.“mom ‘OHN NUGâ€"EN‘I‘ and all articles in his line of bnai a - ' "o5" ghanks his numerous customers in titIlNG Nllll'l'll. llnil. Local. . w. .a c v and it cu t s ' i . . . LhevsikrEN" mir pr: 5:32: Fr u" lawn" W‘lrllnagc With which he hade the surrounding country for their wry ‘ ' - l‘ “mu so far been luvllrcrl, and is deter-tuned q lihcrnl pttronngc during the past -I years, all styles and prices. merit a continuance of it by turning or“ and takes this opportunity of informing F ' IT I D good work at modcrato prices. them that he has now on hand Counington "' ll.‘.‘.7 “ 7.37 “ 1.45 p ' .. Cake: nuns. kn. 3-.“ mum-bit prices, 8‘ D87 fl Law: Regardin IQâ€"stpav P 880" 880" il'hdxlllniru” iii“ :- 8'33 n . _ _ . u a . r, .'. , , V ‘ .ndhno efiailhzillsiccgpagf rasplstainr tlhlc ‘u "flu ‘nd p . g e Peri. A always on hand. A large and Lind”,â€" md R, 4 u, p, m' “"2; ‘ :1 In: "P" ‘ “a ‘ ‘ - "a" l latâ€"\nr person who takes a ’ 0'8"“. H I 4" . .m", budescrredly borne. Their stock of. , l ululv from the ’ mp".- "3‘ I - U, c I . i _ pmbomm. 'gwu," d R ,_ , . . . ‘E M P 'I'E', . Midland .lc. rip. 1! J t a. m. 2442! and i Cd in his name or another’s. or wheth'rrche Lompnsmg Gfldcn’ Flew “d C“bownk- “r- “L5 l" mv 5'00" of the best quality and at low prices. Alon, a ___, s has aubscrihcd or not, is responsible lor the ., "'é- ‘- ~ GOlNG . ()lTTl . Mlle-l. 2 a arcsao rice o in: 2' ingoti'lndsstiss an?! [3:33:31ng lb: aiilp‘m’m' ‘ Local. Mall. - ' ‘ i v .‘7 r __4___W_m r W * u m w m i m mm m be ’ WELL SELECTED smcx 0F STATIOE ERL W5. .. . . . .t . r ‘ lilacs. Come along. ladirs and gentlemen, ; d‘“°“"“'dv l": “"1" [My all "natal:ch DSc Stufl‘i. ' v. . mid. jugrhm-IPWI 7.15 'h - 2"” 1“ comprising a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. Lind“, “M n a 9 3,, ,, “A”, ‘ '0‘ ' Orillia “ $1301.13). 1.00 “ " o o ' SlidJonction dp. 7.45 “1,30 “ 145 ". Wootlville depart 3.05 ‘1' 7.40 x 2.55 FANCY ARTMES. QHorse and Cattle Medlclncs, m,,g....m.,m “m , 1,3“ hour, Feed, . ‘ m 5. kept on Hand. and Run product :1? “nun, dun in. A nico lot or “d l ‘m mafia“ yon um a: flock is 1 or thc publiahcr‘may continue to send it no l Eggs, 888185816"; gShit’miutfil.t.:2§.Ԥi‘;fif‘l't£i‘: PATENT MEDICINES ‘SUPERIOR IN QUAI.ITY,; from the once or not, Perfumery. , and lower in prices than can he found in “h 9‘" “fidiml’ 0' M""""‘ “'0'” “‘4 3rd.-â€"ll' subscribers neglect or refine to . , groceries or dry nods “0115. C not: 5 “5" ‘° 'bld’l “if! I": dinctcd, the a . - . - - . . ' ' r . ' c ".15 “ 6.30 “ crockery & Glass‘vare g ‘0"; and" my °.,§,,,,,,,,i,,o,,,,,,,c“,,,,,_ , held naonsiblc until they have settled’m‘; Snub" Com,” kc. in ,- Phyuciana prctcrlpuona oral Domcmc Rn;va circa-Elly commanded, Tmflffâ€"Iiâ€"‘m lost the rcn' but brands of leather arid " hm“ r Mm“ “"350” “Ch 0? luring I ‘ I an or e v ' - . v . , I [u p o Pumngen leave Linduy at 12 {5 p. to a “I, “elm and will ho told as cheap ,9 employ coupe-tout workmen. You my re. “mm m ‘h’ “5°”- l‘ “'3‘ “ch “u” u u" mâ€"Physicilnl' prescription: prepared l E Pure " ‘ and reach Toronto at can p. u. Loan To, “y lo 19"0- Vi!“ “flirtation from 5 I: on scum: a first class boot or shoe. aav ’ ll" mlmffl- N, , - ~ A full agmrtmcnt of Pat.an and l’rowtflary .‘lcdlcmca alwayl on hand. AA mtg“ “Idling in that lxac of haul i ttylc you rant. and also a good fit. Re: {tnâ€"The Courts have decided that neme I“ “swam A “u “lemon or) I . . . . _ l eat for ll. R. Stct'ens' l’urcl ' "Wet-15h vszl-‘z- :lly collated. pairing done with outcast. Solo leather (using to take newspapers or periodicals ‘ g ’ a Man. E. FITZGERALD, room at 7 45 mm. and ranch Lindsay at 4.!0 p. m. . W. GOODZBHAX. Jr.,'( ,- l . _ ' from the post-05cc. or rcmorin audlu ‘ ' n B ks & l I pm“ $95.3?“ * l‘c’AKMI‘D runs mm. on call a r ' rm‘ new: ' mg S‘hOOI 00 y l . ‘m i a nu" Â¥g nut m.” Fag!” mm, x” "a. w". . “‘35:.1“ Fnutzt. t5 and-nu o! ‘1'.” an “at l Penelon Falls, May 27th, 1880. Manager reroute. find: is“), 1880.

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