Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Oct 1880, p. 2

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ATCII BS, CLOCKS Kent street, Lindsey, Ont. 9.3.x-.. c...n......ésWIss WATCHES P. D. “00er ‘ American “'atches of kc, but of useful and ornamental arti- a , cles of domestic manufacture, many of lwhich showed a marked improvement Miss Manning. Crochet work: lst, Mrs. J. Marauder; 2nd, Mrs. Palmer. Fancy Knitting: lst, Mrs. J. A. Ellis ; _ ' -> . . W AI ,THAM upon any we remember havinw seen ex- 2nd, Miss Ingram. Artificial flowers: I. ELGIN hibited at previous shows. 0A set of lst, Mrs. Palmer. Bead work, suppos- Unire, Kent street, Lindsay. ; , tacksmtths hammers and other small ed not to be home made, and prize not tools made by Mr. Burley, and some leather and mats tanned by Mr. Field- ing, attracted a good deal of attention, awarded. Motto: lst, Miss Fielding; 2nd, Mrs. Maunder. Discretionary Prizes. ffiiosrurii, l BARRON a .iACti-l mlnu sox, ‘ Coin Silver Cases from 2 to 8 ounces. facture. Wool Mat 2 0.. l ABRISTBFS. SOLICITORS, kc. , ; one calf skin in particular being pro- lst, Mrs. Heard. Point lace: lst, Mrs. L ,ggggfilllgl “cu”. uounced equal to the best “ French Ellis. Feather wreath: 2nd prize, Mrs. call " by competent judges. The follow- ing is the PRIZE LIST. Class Aâ€"Agricultnral Horses. Span Maunder. Zephyr wreath: 2nd prize, Mrs. Maunder. Class Q-Poultry. Spanish : lst, G. Manning. Cochins: lst, Rich Mark. Hamburgs: lst, G. Manning. Dork- in great variety of style and finish. ()‘LI'IARY ii: O'LEA RY, Paenisraus, ATTORSEYSâ€"AT-LAW, ) Soliciton in Chancery, kc. Doheiiy Block, Remain-ct, Lindsay. t t l . Ofiicc, 58‘ Repairing in all its Branches l done and guaranteed. Anus: o-Luar. Hum O’Lnnr. , y BRITTOX, of mares or geldiugs: Ist prize, W. H. iugs, Is" John Cums. Ducks: 15" J. ‘â€"~‘â€"-I “lgâ€"“PP I 1 Sign of the Big Clock, foot of Kent St. COPPI zudiJOh" leewn' Broad mare D. Naylor. Geese ' Ist John Cullis - - S ‘ A {Dr lLindsay. and foal: lst,John Cullis; 2nd, John President’s riz' ,- ’th be t h r I AP-msrm Arron-WIN conveyan-i Graham. Foal: lst n. c. Webster; P 9 °’ e 5 °’ ° oer, )chrtbur's Block, Colborne street, E ‘IIAS. BIIITTON, OI’TICIAN, 9nd Frauds Fake qiwo ca“ Old e]d_ call-lei ‘MIJ bleed: 1 male: 4 females: Penelou Pulls. Money to lend on 1&th 2" ’ fin . 13‘ h“ {rm} "'5, d JOlln ballis- estate. 1 ,.00“),- ‘“‘=' or 3" ‘l m ' l "3 l "'n ’ Rev. Father Fitzpatrick's prize for Daniel Perry. Yearling colt: lst, Arch. ibald Mitchell. Class Bâ€"Carriage Horses. Span of mares or geldiugs: lst, John Cooper; 2nd, Robert McKee. Brood mare and foul: lst, John Cullis; 2nd, Walter Stc‘ phcuson. Foal: lst, John Cullis; 2nd, Walter Stephenson. Two years old geldâ€" ing or filly: lst, John Cullis; 2nd, W. Hunter. Yearling Colt: lst, John Cul- the best 5 lbs. of butter, to become the property of the giver: Adam Ruther- ford. ’ D. J. .‘chN'I‘YR J, ARRISTER. ATTORNEYmuLAW, SO- licilor in Chancery, kc, Lindsav. Of- l . fice over Ontario Bank, Kent “wet-"Monw Sole agent for Johnson and Couraths 3 pa- toLoan ntB per cent. on real estate sc- lent curities. M KE'I‘CIIUM & McDONNEl.l., BARRHTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTAR- and nearly opposite to. John Chisholm's. lKent Street. Lindsay- t l l l l l l Dear Wheat. Sonic enterprising Verulam farmers who visited the Toronto Exhibition late- ly invested a trifle in wheat at the rate Easy Fitting Eye Glasses, Economical Spectacles, BI-FOCAL SPECTACLES, ics, Inc. Office. Kent street, south side, V ' . ' i n ‘ u ' Lindsay. ‘ ' (to see equally well at all distances, for llsi 20d: Thomas Si“?!- Single h‘prse 2:1ng 3”: Shrie Exagclgislll:ycarfiililii y“. Kmawx “3L McDosmc Jm l and n6,"de patent Eye Testers, Tet... _ in harness: 1st, Isaac G. Moyncs; -ud, - ' P . U» a --â€"~â€".~- â€"â€" ' scopes, Microscopes, Opera Glasses, &., &C., John Brandon. 93'» “F “imam “'3 Pred'ch than the 3|" .I. B. DICKSUN, B, A” kept constantly in stock. Also dealer in Class C__Durham Catfle; Bull; 15L ttcle ls worth. There have been not a ARRISTER, ATTOItNEY-AT-LAW Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyttnccr, .lrc. Office, Dolieny Block, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to lend at 8 per cent. few deceptions ofa similar kind of late years to setpeople on the watch. As a rule it is well to have the guarantee of some person on whom they can rely be- fore parting with good money for new seed. Those who bought Eldorado wheat three years ago at $6 a bushel, and had to turn in their cattle to eat the worthless stock, have not forgotten their experience. Not a few will laugh if the parties referred to have bought a white elephant. % Fire in Penelon Falls. About 1 o'clock on the morning of Saturday last a fire broke out in the stable behind a frame house on Bond street owned by Mr. Noble Ingram and occupied by Mr. Robert Powies, and it and Mr. Jacquet’s adjoining premises were soon wrapped in flames. The fire was first seen by some persons who were sittiug’up at a house on Francis street, where there had been a death, and the alarm being promptly given, a number of villagers and th‘e engines were soon upon the spot. It Was too late, however, to save the buildings already burning but there fortunately 9 John Cullis. Yearling bull: lst, John Graham. Cow in call or milking: lst, W. Hunter; 2nd, John Cullis. Two years old heifer: 1st, John Cullis. Bull calf: lst, John Copp. Heifer calf: lst 8: 2nd, John Cullis. Class Dâ€"Dcvon Cattle. None. Class Eâ€"‘Grades or Natives. Cow in calf or milking: lst, W. Hunter; 2nd, Mrs. Nic. Two year old heifer: lst, John Cullis; 2nd, W. Hunter. Year- ling heifer: lst, Adam Carl; 2nd. John D. Nnylor. Heifer calf: lst, A. Carl. Yoke of oxen : lst, William Isaac. Class Fâ€"Lcicestcr Sheep. Yearling ram: lst, John Cullis. Ram lamb: lst, W. Hunter; 2nd, Isaac Walker. Two aged ewes; lst & 2nd, W. Hunter. Two shearling ewes; lst, John Cullis.; 2nd, Wm. Isaac. Two ewe lambs: 1st, Isaac Walker; 2nd, Win. Isaac. Class Gâ€"Cotswold Sheep. Aged ram, lst, Thomas Howie; 2nd, Wm. Routly. Ram lamb: lst, W. Isaac; 20d, Thos. Howie. Two aged ewes: lst and 2nd, Thomas Howie. Two slicnrliug ewes: lst, Wm. Isaac; 2nd, Thomas Howie. Class Hâ€"l’igs. Aged boar: lst, W. J. Suiitlicrnm. Boar, six months: lst and 2nd, W in. Routley. Aged sow: 1st, Wm. Routley; 20d, W. J. Sniithcmm. Sow, six months: lst, R. C. Webster; 2nd, Adam Carl. Class Iâ€"Graiu 8:. Seed. Fall wheat: llst, Thomas Graham; 20d, Wm. Isaac. Spring wheat: lst, John Littleton; 2nd, James Palmer. Pcaso, large: lst, Rich Mark, 2nd, John Cullis. Pcnse, small: lst, Matthew Ingram; 2nd, Adam Ruth- erford. Oats, white: lst, W. H. Copp ;' 2nd, W. J. Smitlieram. Grits, black: lst, Matthew Ingram ; 20d, Wm. Isaac. Barley: lst, J. D. Naylor; 2nd, lV. J. Smitlieram. Indian corn : lst, Adam Curl; 2nd, Rich Mark. White beans: lst, John Littlcton ; 2nd, ‘iVm. Isaac. Class Râ€"Roots ti: Vegetables. Early potatoes: lst, George Manning, 2nd, \V. J. Smitlierum. Late potatoes: 1st, George Manning; 2nd, John Littlcton. Variety of new potatoes: lst, James Bat? DRUGS AND MEDICINES, i Hardware, Groceries, (kc, kc. lO-ly i be friicluu falls QSngrttr A L EX. A. MCDONALD, TTOIINEYoAT-LAW, Solicitor in Chun- cery,.f‘.onve_yntiecr, kc..&:c. Strictat- teniion given to applications for Patents of Lands from Crown Land's Department. Money to Lean on Mortgage Security on terms to suit borrowers. (mice, Colborno street, Fcnelon Pulls. Saturday, October 2nd, 1880. An Agrarian Murder tn Ireland. Affairs in Ireland are in a terrible con dition, and it is feared that there will-I be some kind of an outbreak before long unless means can be found to alloy the popular ferment caused by hard times and the exciting utterances of Parnell and other agitators. On Saturday last Lord Mountmorris, who has a small estate in Galway, was murdered while returning home at night from a meet- ing of'Justiccs held at Rusher, in that county, and lie was found in less than an hour afterwards lying on the road in a pool of blood with a bullet in liisliead, three in his neck and two in his body. He had fifteen tenants, with whom he was upon very bad terms, and quite recently he had obtained an ejectment order against two of them, one of whom has been arrested on suspicion of having had something to do with the murder. The crime has caused a profound sen- sation, amounting almost to a panic, among the land holders, who are moving for repressive measures against the fanatics who go about the country, stir- ring up the worst passions of the people and almost urging them to deeds of vio- lcnce. l l . w. J. nwnassr, M. 1)., A ORONER, Physici Residence, Brick street, Lindsay. .N C Dn. A. WILSON, Pt II.UNIV:H.RSITY of Trinity College . M.B.bniversity of Toronto. Month. nu, Surgeon, the, Inc. Cottage, Wellington Col. Phys. and Surg., Uni. Pli'siciun, Surgeon nndAccouclier. 0ilice,Colbornc Du. W. G. BRYSON, C. 3]., RADUA'I‘E of the College of Physicians 5 street,-l~‘cnelon Polls. and Surgeons, iron], and Provincial Licentiate, Physi- ‘W Oflicc and res Fenclon Frills. houses were prevented from taking fire. good deal, as his house, stable, shed G ’ McGill University, and of the Netvjork Eye and Ear Infirmnrv, Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Cor- oncr for the County of Victoria. Diseases 'of the Eye and Ear specially treated. idencc West May street, um lVM. aniipr, M. 1)., c. M., (lRADUATE of McGill University, Mon '1 and some of his effects were burned and man, Surgeon and Obstetrician. Medical ‘ Referee to the Standnrd, I’limnix, Connecti- cut Mutual. and Equitable Insurance Com- panies. Office and residence, in the house lately occupied by Rev. Father Stafford, at the corner of Lindsay and Iius Lindsay. m The Pacific Railway. The handing over of the Pacific Rail- way by the Dominion Government to a syndicate to construct and work, marks an important epoch in the history of that vast. undertaking. Well nigh twen- ty million dollars will have been spent updn it iii one form or another before the transfer is completed, and but a lit- ~uninsured, but managed to save nearly streets, everything. No one can form an idea THE GLOBE HOTEL, I EN'I‘ street, Lindsay, II. O'I.cnr_v, I‘m- . prictor. This well known hotel (lately in ebnrge of Mr. John Young) has been remodelled and newly furnishcd,nnd guests can depend upon getting excellent accom- modation and first class bonrd. itiwns the work of an incendiary. Somerville Council Proceedings. Rettie’s Station, Sept'r 17th, 1880. r,. The sheds ment. iind stnblingitrc 11“ that can be desired. llc 0f the loud Work Of blinding the “'10 Pillmcr- TumlI’S: 13b J01)“ 00m); lors Eade and Romney ' absent Coun- lmbltam‘s 0f the river Side need be m" excmimcq' aft” human: him’ h What IX IIOIEING EIACII‘ ~-â€"-â€"~â€"~â€" â€"â€" has been douo- The l13350115 for this 2nd, John Graham. Carrots, white: cmors Howie and Grahu’m ou'mofion dcr no apprehension of any inundationr an Vndniira'ble sermon. " Sir Thomas of ll"! lfllesl improved principle. MCARTIIUR HOUSE. translcllmfirrcnr to be than the cost lst, James Palmer; 2nd. J. D- Naylor- of the Reeve, seconded by Mr. Eadc cummnrhc- The dam will be attended MW“ Sa'di.“°'." 5"“ “‘3‘”. ‘0 “cc licallf‘oiiditlf iiiicalli"?nii.°"' will ,ENELON FALLS. Robert Rutherford, “"8 becommg “ Source 0" embflrfaSS- CurrOtsl red: 15% George Mi‘lmll’gi Mr. Henry Doughty was appointed clerk, to Without delay! and measure-f “l” be mm on the P'ilskm' my lord‘ Lust . , g , . m 800‘ :1 p,,,,,,,,_.,,,,_ This firs, ems, hum ,5 ment to the Dominion finances and 2nd, J. D. Naylor. Onions from seed: pm 36m Mr. Dawson beg,” unable ,0 taken, we understand. to entirely rc- 5011‘.“ Sal'di'lngl'U'll- he ,dllulif’d “"3 “MAIRS 01' ALL l‘mns Exw largely patronized by the travelling pub- would ineviia'bly become more so, lst, John Copp; 20d, Rev, \V. Logan. attend among}, sickness_ X communi_ place some of the more decayed portions Old )‘Cill' out and the 110W 1“, Wllll 1110 in n workmunlikc manner and on no lie. The accommodations nrc in every row l There spcct oil that Can be desired, the table is l luxurinntly provided and the hm- supplied, with the best of wines and, liquors, Then. are sample rooms for commercial gentle- men on the first floor, and the conimodious stiiblc and driving sheds are in care of an experienced hustler. Charges moderate. _â€"â€"_â€". tvas also the difficult task of ur- auging all the details of contracts and inspection, and the blunders of subordi- nates, which are sure to attach odiuni to the Cabinet. It'wos perhaps better therefore to be rid of such a sure source of czivil ; but it remains to be se‘en Onions from tops: lst, W. J. Smithcr- am; 2nd, Arch. Sinclair. Cabbage; lst, Adam Carl ; 20d, John Copp. Caul- iflower: lst,Ad:im Carl. Beets: lst, Adam Curl; 2nd,. W. J. Smitlicram. Mangolds: 1st, Rich Mark; 2nd, Geo. Manning. Squash: lst, George Man- ? proper care and loss of freight sent to Rettie‘s station of the Victoria Railway was‘rcad. The following pathmastcrs were examined and passed: Nos. 1, 6 & 13, 8, 9, 10, 14, 16, 17, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 46, 48, 49, 51 and " " ' ’ " ‘ "“ ‘ whetlierthey have made such a bnruain uiunr ‘ 2nd Wm. Isaac. Pumpkin : 53' Mr. Home entered and wok 1- ”” MISCELLANFBâ€"ES- as will be more advantageous loathe lstfl’iich Mark. Celery ; lst, Mrs. H. sent at the council board. “8 m... â€"._._.._..._. country. No doubt the whole affair will meet with the sharpest criticism of the opposition, so that any errors will be pointed out and the country, which has to foot the bill, will be able to judge as to whether it has paid too dear for its whistle. It will be so far satisfactory if the exact sum the country has to pay is certainly fixed, so that no more need be granted. A screw loose on that point may cost an indefinite amount of money to set it right. Parliament, it is said, is to be called together to sanction W. Green; 2nd, Mrs. Nye. pcrs: lst, W. J. Smithcram; 2nd, Thos. Graham. Variety of vegetables: lst, W. J. Smithcrum. Class Lâ€"Fruit. Table apples; 1st, Alex. Ellis; 2nd, J. D. Naylor. Cook- iug apples: lst, Daniel Perry; 2nd, Jan. Palmer. Variety of apples: lst, John Cullis; 2nd, Alex. Ellis. Grapes: lst, Mrs. Green; 2nd, Rev. W. Logan. Crab apples: lst, Mrs. Green; 2nd, Daniel l’crry. Tomatoes: lst, Adam Carl; 2nd, Daniel Perry. Citrons: lst, Red Pcp- Moved by Mr. Howie, seconded by Mr. Eadc, That the clerk be instructed not to charge lot 23 in the let conces~ sion, nor the south half of lot 18 in the 5th concession, with the statute labour for the year 1880, as the same has been accounted for to the municipality.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Romney, seconded by Mr. Bade, That By-Law No.â€"â€", a by- law to appoint a collector cf rates in the municipality for the year 1880, be now read and finally passedâ€"Carried. ECOND DIVISION COURT is: THE COUNTY OF VICTORIA. The next sittings of this Court will be held on Monday, Sept‘r 27th, lSSo. GEO. CUNNINGHAM. Clerk. J.\ MES J. POWER, ' lCl-INSED Auctioneer, Accountant and I General Commission Agent. Collect- ing accounts is specialty. Oflicc, Fonclon Falls. Ont. g Jonxsox the agreement, and as a large majority Adam Carl. Watcrmelons:1st, Adam Moved by ME Howie. seconded by UCTmNEmL “nan Prom"), am, , ofits members are out and out support- Carl. Mr. [Rotting-y. That gym“, No‘___’ a j par,“ 5M0, ,, spocinnv. Nam, _\,._ l crs of the Government they are sure to calm”, Rem, gt collected. lime» and i endorse-it, unless there is something so- rvaidt-ncc on [loud alft‘t‘l. Fem-ion Falls. l rinusly amiss in the terms, The con“. Class illâ€"Agricultural Manufactures. Plow: lst, Robson d: Robson. Ilar- rows: lst, Robson & Robson. Straw by-law to authorize the levying of the municipal and school section rates for the year 1880, he now read and finally ""“‘:fi'3’l‘ic‘s'fim'{sox ' try. will doubtless watch the discussion Cutter: lst, Robson Sr. Robson. Scuf- p,,sscd__ca,.,.,-cd. , Q ._ C . ,. .‘ , w n l oftts merits or demerits, and ultimate- fler: lst, Robson ti: Robson. Set of Mr. Rummy brought in his report of l) Chill-£23122?r‘uSI‘msfffsriSZdZC‘honilud': ll' Prouwnc‘l “ Verdi“ based 0" the ll°r5°5ll°05i 19" J‘ Ma‘mde'i 2nd! w' moneys expended on roads as commis- dniu'pweinn pnils. ’ ' facts. The Pacific scheme was rcck- Burlcy. Other specimens of black- ’ - sioned.,, Moved by Mr. Rumney, seconded by Mr. Ends, That the following accounts he paid; Wm. Perkins, plank and work on Monck Road, 84 10 ; Geo. Gale, re- pairing Mitchell's bridge, $1.-â€"-Uarrt'cd. Moved by Mr. Howie, seconded by Mr. Ruiuuey, That the clerk instruct Mr. J. D. McIntyre, of Lindsay, to write to the Victoria Railway Co., urging them to at. once erect a suitable station house at Rettie's, on the side lin'c be- tween lots 12 and 13, in compliance with the Company's bond to the munici- pclity.-â€"-Carrird. Moved by Mr. Howie, seconded by Mr. Eade, That the council do now ad- journ, subject to the call of the Reeve; next meeting to be held at Kinmount. â€"-Carrt°ed. W. __- 1---... DiViSiox Countâ€"The 2nd Division Court for the County of Victoria was held in Scully's hall, in this village on Tuesday last, Judge Dean presiding. There were about twenty cases on the docket, and all were disposed of except two or three, which were adjourned un- til next court in consoquence of some of the witnesses not being present. â€"~ oucdn brilliant idea; of course it is NEELANDS 5' l‘nllloxsi ‘ yet; but it is nevertheless b:comiuga both exponent-ed Dentists. real incubus to the energies of the coun- omce Established in Lindsay 14 Ym I try. It seems too bad to enter upon lsuch agigantic, costly and really burâ€" lst, S. Brokcnshirc. dcusome undertaking chiefly on behalf Class Nâ€"Domcstic , of so thinly settled a province as British Patchwork Quilt: lst, l Columbia. 20d. Mrs. Nye. Miss Ingram. Log Cabin Quilt: lst, Mrs. Heard. Home made blankets: lst, Miss Ingram. Coverlid: lat, Wm. Isaac. Full cloth: lst, Miss Ingram; 2nd, W. H. Welsh. Flannel: lst, smith's work: lst, W. Burley. Single Harness: lst, J. W. Kennedy. Calf Boots: lst, John Finn. Side of leath- er: lst and 2nd, W. Fielding. Pump: Manufactures. Miss Ingram; Woollen Quilt: lst, fine of the above Dentists will be at the Ellen-X11131! 1"}? II 0 L’ S It]. Fem-Ion Falls, on the third Monday ol'racli month. (mice in Lindsay, next door to Bowes’ store. reuéiEi‘AgiiEfiitEaTShow. Apparently, the Fcnelon Agricultural a," l “ Y baolooo D Snelety has in some way offended the AT 5 mm C8312. Clerk Dime weather, as he did his Mratthew Ingram; 2nd, Miss Palmer. with the privilege or paying air in full or. best to spoil their show in this village ll 00”“! 5°C“: 15‘. M'ss Infrfimi 20d. by instalments at any time. A Mortgages ,5 on Tuesday last; but was only partially Mrs. Adam Rutherford. Iatr woollen “"3”: J B D g N } sueccislul. for in spite ofmud, wind and "um; 15‘29175- T- Graham; 30d. “'53 ‘ ' ’ r k a rain the exhibition was a very fair one; gnimm;ndl“{ff 1i}. Mrs-SA- Rushes” rri. c . t c. _; ' ' ‘ 5.5 err . mm in : a. . . - , . though of course the entries were far 01’ l - “1 -.| 5’ . Lin-harem“ DOM“! Rock MM small less numerous than they would have 15‘. A- SlgClllf- COloured Sheep skln " W_ 5 hm. under more propitious circuutstan- mat: 15%: h- 'Maumog- Rag door mat: MONEY TO LOAN cm. The out-door department suffered ; lSIé’A- Sandy”; P 0d T b b ‘ »...« '.. a -â€" ir uce. u uâ€" m, Ru] 3",“. a. 1.3;,“ N, “M pan“, llu. norst, there being but few cattle, “3 a I l’ V v . Funds. interest payable at Lindsay. Sol horses. sheep or pigs Upon lhcfimundi “"3 50 "’5'; 15'? Mrs“ T' (’"Moducs ’ Commission charged nor Deposit required. bug in the I”; no clayey, quality made 2nd, John Graham. gotten} lbs: lst, 5’3"“ V"! ’3‘". AN”! ‘0 ‘ up for acacia,” in‘nnmbcrs, the sheep, Adam Rutherford; -ud, VA. Sinclair. 3' 0‘ ORDE' and swine that look the prizes bcinn rt»; Cheese: 15!. Fred LSPP; 206. JOhn stirrup“. McDonnell‘s Block. Kent m",th Lmi :‘t "m usual spot5 on l Gf‘him- "Gm" made BIC“): “bl um" m a" the south Side of the field Mixers Rob g Matthew Ingram; 3nd. J. Dubaslor. sock Robson, of the Cameron Iiakelllaplé 5021": 15‘. 'Thos- (fulfill!- Fouudrmed about halfadoxen agricul-l Maple _S)"’"Pi 19L ll; J- S'md‘enm- l , . _ I rural impltvme‘itta, which [ere much ad- 3 Honey in comb: lst, I‘hos. Lockhart; : considerable magnitude in one of the “ad, I. G. Moi-nus. Strained Honey; , rooms of Ingram: hotel on Monday mired. es iailv an im roved fanniuvl - . _ , , mill. whieliccall itlm exaliniiicd it rgé lat. W. H. COPP; 30“. «lth COPP- l "WW? b“qu “ “"31" “ill 3 59'“ “mum much superior to me 0],; kind, T Pickles in jar: lst. W. J. Smithcram. 2 moustache. and a young man from the Re gym-n i though it is very little dearer. Uponl Preserves in jar: lst, Mrs. Fielding; 3 country with.a disposition to provoke a” 35",, 3m. “4y 9 the ~- ind”; department," which mist 2nd, W. H. Copp. l hostilities. As we were not present we i , ' twua‘tafi" to . , â€"__._.... w» * .\ Norton. ’1‘ Keller: is hereby given that the under» signed will not be responsible for any debt: , Enameled in his name. unless the party - contracting them has his written authority 2 or that ct Mr. J. D. Smith. ' Enrico M" __ t I l s l l a v happened to be several barrtfls of water handy, by means of which the adjacent Though the premises destroyed were of no great value, Mr. Jacquct will losea he only had 8400 insurance on the whole. Mr. Ingram had but $150 on his house, and the tenant, Mr. Powles, was totally how the fire orginnted, and there is no- thing nt all to warrant a suspicion that The council met pursuant to adjourn- l’resent, the Reeve and Council- cutiou from Mr. Scully about the im- ber and Winch the other day shipped to Montreal two car loads of cattle avera- ; ging about eleven hundred poundveaeh. .A Frontâ€"There was a fight of They also sent at the same time 40 fine ,l hon-i. ungthcr lot of cattlu. and if they once great difliculty in procuring cattle ' pangs of hunger. LEGAL, &c. i __ T , J EWEL-l year was in Ingram‘s hail, the weather Class Pâ€"Paucy Work. Embroidery-'- trelunable to give either the 'eausb or European market. This same firm also 'Watdfirod several shots from a revolver? 3151111335; HOPK133_ LERY. - a had a less injurious efl’ect, and there in muslin: lst, Miss Naylor. . Braid the particulars of the affair, and the bus also purchased from Messrs. Elm- Aastsrzns, soLlcrrutu, 4“, 319. , was a capital display. not only of grain, work : lst, Miss Ingram. Berlin wool difl'ereut versions afloat are so numerous, hurt mdFifo two car loadf of fipe lambs ney on Loan at 8 per cent. Onto-Q Eagthh and mils, fruit, vegetables, dairy produce, work, raised; lst, Mrs. Heard; 2nd, and are so evidently based upon friend- which they will ship to New lurk per ship to one or the other of the fighters, the Norma at the beginning of next there yet that it is im as to which is correct. know, therefore, is that there was a (the mores the pity,) and that the evi~ deuce of those who witnessed it is to the effect that the young man from the coun- try got the worst of it. possible to form an opinion week. A" “e We“! A Dmauntx Arminâ€"Mr. James kl“- Irwin, a bucket-market, who resides in in the Township of North Monaghau, about two miles from Pcterborough, while on his way home from Port Hope, where he had been to purchase withee to use in his business, was struck on the head by a stone just as he was iug through the village of Baillieborm He was knocked to the ground senseless and badly cut on the forehead. As soon as he recovered from the shock, he went back to see if he could find out whoit was that injured him, and was set on by a gang of roughs and badly beaten and kicked. His wife, who was with him, and who was not injured at all by his assailants, managed to get him home and immediately summoned Dr. Kin- caid, who is now in attendance. The injured man has not the least idea as to who the perpetrators of the outrage were, or as to the reason of it. Sunnr AND Docsâ€"The vicinity of Fenelon Falls appears to be tolerany free from sheep-killing dogs, but com- plaints of their depredations in other localities are very numerous. Ifa law were passed compelling owners of dogs to keep them chained or shut up at night, and giving all persons the right to kill any found at large after dark, sheep raising would be a much more profitable occupation than it is at. present, and travellers would be pro- tected from the annoyance of being barked at, and the danger of themselves or their horses being bitten by tho evilly disposed mongrels that fancy the chief duty of their existence is to insult or assault every person who passes their owners‘ premises. m DISTRICT NEWS. in all probability they will escape soot themselves and bring them to justice. Onaenace. NEARLY FINisnEn.â€"Mrs. Brndburn's new hotel is rapidly nearing completion, the painters being now at work on the inside. When finished is will be one of the best hotels to be found in the Province. Mrs. Bradburn expects to take possession early next week. Hour. AGAIN.â€"Dr. Higinbotham ar- rived home on Tuesday evening. Dur- ing his absence of four months he visâ€" ited Holland, England, Scotland and he could easily have stopped itby stand Ireland, and has been much benefited in health by his trip. On the evening tie, which was fastened just under th of his arrival lie was serenaded by the chin by it slip knot; An inquest wa Baudâ€"Herald. A ‘ duly held. and the coroncrs’jury, after lived in North Monaghau, about five iii his own house. deliberate the act was, it may stated that the toes touched the stairs -¢ I‘lidland. GONE on A 'l‘nanmo Tumâ€"Several of our villagers have gone to the North Shore for the purpose of trading with the Indians for cranberries and fish. FALL WORK on THE Faunaâ€"The fumers of Toy and Tiny are now busy putting in fall wheat, of which a much larger acreage than usual will be sown. In addition to this they are doing much more full ploughing than usual, and otherwise are making very notable im- provements cti their forms, which in- dustry will, if presevcred in, in it few years place these townships equal to the best in the county, and instead of a few small half tilled farms and poorly filled horns, large farms and prosperity will be found on every liziud.â€"--Argos_i/. the year of our Lord one thousnu eight hundred and eighty, by haiigin at his own residence, in the Townshi Mr. White was about 70 years of ag evidence to prove it, that his min separated for several yoursâ€"Review. ' A Sporting I arson. the Re A very remarkable man, Bobcayg‘eon. gytnan," has been transferred now, his 86th year, to the valuable plcuézuit bun-slice of Black Torrin;t< BAND CONCERTâ€"The Bobcnygcon Cornet Band, under the excellent tuition of Mr. Smith, the bond-muster, has made such good progress that it is ena- bled to announce 3 Concert, to be given on Friday evening, Oct. 6th, in the town hall. The programme will contain many. novelties. The whole village will attend the concert, to attest the interest taken in the success of " the boys." Tim Damâ€"We understand that 'I‘. Belchcr. Esq, the Superintendent of the Trent Works, has inspected the dam. to the state of which we recently called at- tention, and has reported that. the iii- of Wales, Earls Fortesctirc and hero aiitl-n‘iiumhci' of nobles and gontlcmn £650,“ a token of tilfectiou. llo one of the best riders to hounds in En most attentive to llll his tltttlca, le't'il- of the structure.â€"-Imlepmidcnt. Princess of Wales. -oâ€"v-â€"ur~â€"â€"- Port Pen?“ September Moon. Scuuoo Bunionâ€"To the enquiries which we often moct,â€"-â€"” How is the bridge getting along?” we tnny ‘rcply that the work continues to progress very favorably. The bottom timber is all laid, and the superstructure and the filling in are on the way with all p’ssible haste. That the wOrk is being well and satisfactorily done we have no doubt. The Islanders are satisfied ofthis, and that is saying a good deal. A PAINFUL Accrnuxr.â€"â€"Last Tues- day morning Mr. John Tnnstrtll, who is a steady and industrious workman, had occasion to adjust some part of the machinery connected with the double edger in Bigelow ti: 'l'rounce's shingle factory, in Port Perry, when he acci- dentally allowed his hand to come into too close proximity to the sows and Inst all the fingers of his left huud.-â€"Staudartl quarter, is the Harvth Moon of ol country farmers. At the end several nights in succession very tictirl at the time of sunset. appeared to lengthen out. the day, an fields. (ember. the plane of the moon's orbit makes is that her daily advance eastward in he so there are every year two full moon that for Several nights together rise a nearly the some time. The second 0 Belleville. Bm \VORK.â€"A correspondent writes that Mr. C. W. Young and W. R. Sinclair, of the 2nd con. of Sidney. dug 400 bushels of potatoes in fifteen hours. Who can beat this? A Qu’nnu Carranzaâ€"Mr. Temple. ton, druggist, discovered a copper snake 57,, about twelve inches long coiled up in the corner of his back shop on Monday. How his snakesbipcime there remains you” any The “mowing ;,, I,“ m", I Ulj‘fitefi- story : W l:5le playing on the sidewalk I Tim DEAF AND Dunnâ€"There are was seized and carried off by a woman now about two hundred pupils in the named Sarah Ward. then visiting in the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Itl vicinity, and soon after was taken by is expected that the attendance will reah l her to the Island of Cuba, where I have two hundred and forty within the next ’ until a month ago been in slavery. I as- fcw weeks. ocrtained by the incrcst accident when ARRIVAL or CurLDngx,_Two I grew up that my relatives were living parties oflittlc boys and girls just. suit. in Hamilton, and tn'tdcfrcqucot nt- ablc for adoption have arrived from' wmpuwmnl’f from ‘l'v' “lamb. M”: London and Glasgow per SS. " Moravi- Wflf‘l had, “We” ""3 ‘ Pa'l'wl‘m, an n and u guano, Ayrcmj' ranges severe Infilan about a month ago. and desiring such should apply with refer. ldctermtncd either to put an coil to my cues to Miss Bilbrouglit, Marclimont lire 0" be rm" “’0'? We llnfrll’le “031 Home, Belleville, Ont.â€"Inlrlli'qencer. W" "-"""l"3ll"“l '0 lmb so I 1"de “I” ._ the water and swam towards a vessel Pctcrborough. bound outwards. I caught a rope __ thrown me by the fireman (one James Johnson) and was by him dragged I‘IIH the coal hole. To this man I one my life. He bid me from the rest of the crew. who had no knowledge that l was on board, but at times I was on the verge of starvation. Frequently during the three week“ Voyage tn lizalw'itu'i, Tom“. I med to chew the «nod he was putting in the furnace in order to allay the While I was in the hat are fat and heavy enough for the thief riymminz :0 the “gel, Mr!- € Harvest f‘u Moon. -â€"~-â€"â€"â€"- 0 .v 0â€"- n-.â€" Scarching for Her Mother; ung colored girl arrived in this city from Cuba, who had been kidnapped Suirnss‘r or Cantuâ€"Messrs. ch- l They are now no the lookout for l can 3 irocure them they will make a load and hip direct to Europe. They cxperid He is unable to identify any of them, so that free, unless the village authorities bestir Dnmunnarn Somme-On the evening of the 23rd inst. Mr. Wm. White. Sr., better known as “ Butcher White," who miles from .Pcterborough, committed suicide by hanging himself with a black silk handkerchief from the edge of the upper floor where it crossed the stairs As an evidence how be although both knees were bout, showing that after commencing the rash deed log on the steps and untyiug the neck- shortdclibcratiou, returned the following verdict: “ That the deceased, William White, came to his death on Thursday, the twenty-third day of September, in himself by the neck until he was dead, of Monughan, County of l’cterborough. and it is believed, though there was no was unsettled by financial troubles and by his inability to live in harmony with his second wife, from whom he had been John Russell, nearly fifty years Vicar of Swymbridge. iii Noili Devon, and known as the “ brave old hunting cler- Hill] by Lord l’olsiuiore, and has bet-u pr settled, at the residence of the Duk- t Bedford. near 'l'uvistock, by the Prince with a' silver turoen, and n purse of land, and rarely misses a meet, but wns respected and loved by his flock, and an admirable preacher. “is bishop. the late Dr. l’liilpots, of EXCLHI', unci- The September inoou, now in its third of last week it was nearly full, and rose for Thus its light so it favoured the late laborers in the As the harvests in this country fall in July and August, the full moon in those months is sometimes erroneous- ly called the Harvest Monti, but the on- ly truc Harvest Moon is that of Sup Near the Autumnal equinox slight an angle with the eastern horizon path Causes comparatively little differ- ence in the time of her rising. This ocv ours on both sides of the equinox, and these, that comes a month later than the con, is called the Hunter's HAMILTON, St-p. 24.â€"Lant evening it about fourteen years ago when two at me. Two took cfcot in my leg, two bullets glanced of my head, and one struck me e breast. It reunion on fithombt she had killed ' inc, d '5‘“ but I hope to see her pubis yet. I remained in Galveston just one week, and was frowardcd'bcrc by the ladies of the coloured churches,. who hoped that I would be successful: in finding my mother. Wind lifted all the tents ofBarnnm'sr », show at St. Louis, and tom them into E " shreds too small for patching. “ A Boston girl declined an odor of marriage because she would have to go I on a wedding tour, and she would not leave her five cats. An elephant, travelling in a car next the locomotive on an Indiana railroad, ~‘ opened the tank, drank all the water-,9, and so compelled the train to stop. . ’ Henr Herbert Crane lived child less at rafton, Ohio, until he was 65 Then his young wife gave birth to twins 9‘ The joyful father hired a band of local and marched through the village, bear» inga banner on which was inacribc¢fl the word “ Victory. " The recent public execution at Dallas Tex., was followed by a general lill‘l ing of dogs by small boys from the w lows used the day before. The core- mOuy ofadjusting the rope, prayer, aing- ing and farewell parting was gone through with. ' “w, A slight idea of the extent of Aus- tralian sheep farms may be gathered from the fact that Sir S. Wilson has p recently sold one of his pastoral estate: for ten yearly payments of £40,000. The “ run " comprises about 3,000,000 acres oflttnd, carrying about crib}. ' of a million of sheep and several hundy, redhead of cattle and horses. Th5? station was brought five years ago f1?“ less than £100,000, but since then l‘ 300 miles of wire fencing have been e ected. and, as the lease is direct fro . the Crown, the value of the propc will steadily increase, especially if ti efforts to export fresh moat iii cores are successful. A 0 8 ll d N L'.‘ RIAIEKET IIEI’ORTS. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. â€"â€" Wheat, full, per bushel - P 0‘ none offering. \l‘lient, spring, " - - - l 00 to l o: d Barley, per bushel y - - 56 “ 6: Outs, 1- u - - - - 25 u 2' Pciise, “ “ - - - - 60 “ (6 Rye, H U - . . . . ll 5 I’otntnca, “ - - - - 25 Butter, pct- 1b., - - - - - 17 to l Dressed Hogs, per 100 lbs., none on‘erin, Eggs, per dozen, - - - - 10 Hay, per ton, - - - - - 6 50 to 7! Onions, largo, per bushel, - 80 Apples, per bushel, ~~ - - 40 to l V- Cnbbagcs, per dozen, - - - 40 to i Carrots, per bushel, - - - 3° to Boots, N u - - - 30 to New Advertise 11181108. :1: . 6*‘s'iasrgnww ll The undersigned beg to inform the apt ing community that they have for talc large nud vuricd assortment of GUNS AND RIFLE: to which they invite the attention ol'intr iug purchasers, who will find more than Breech llllll Muzzle Load: Qt n. n, Is 1'. r‘ l to choose front, ninuy ol‘ the be Among their outfit of tools l. blc terms. 36“ Ammunition of different grub sale at the lowest prices. LUKE ROBINSON A: SONG - William St, Llndi Late Q/Birmt'nghnm, [In Lindsay, September 23rd, 1880. 1 Extensive 83 .._..OFâ€"__ HARDWAH IN LINDSAY. d 5. d We are now offering our large at assorted stock of Shelf db Hea; Hardware of all kinds It s GREATLY REDUCED Pll’ t f 0 l' with I]. view to closing builuu 1N LIN BSA as We hive decided upon removing No-tli-Wcst. Our stock, amounting! $8,000, is nearly all .New and Well Selec Such an opportunity to PURCHASE HARDWARE! will not be offered again in “I Now 13 YOUR "1*: E. E. HENDERSON t 04 Hardware Km ‘6' Sign cftho “Horse 811060” Lindsay, Sept. 29th, 1880. Mossy w d ANTED. . All persons indebted to the d cllllff by note or book accents? are requested to settle before ofchber, or they will be pa” 1.}. Penelon Pails, Sept. 24th, 1!“: Bit . fluff Envy an n tinctureâ€"Fro. on a w on. A Poetâ€"no conic m Amn‘“ «Bosnia '8'...” “m” We... as aw a‘iiia'Tz. Call or address, CHAS. 0L0“ of Hamilton) 38 Adelnldo-ll. fl Grand Opera, Toronto. . ,. .. mummf’Jl-H; l l

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