Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Sep 1880, p. 3

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elon Falls and its Vicinity that he has com~‘ commenced busmess “1 . interest, with the privilege of menCed the tailoring business repaying any portion of the principal at any time, the in- Prac‘tical Watchmak’er. On Colborn‘e Street, Fellelon Fa’uS’ ,,,,,,,,,s,,,,, ,1“, sum ,0 ‘ opposite the residence of Dr. Wilson. and 9nd be“ m inmm “'9 While m“ me! 1”" paid. solicits a share of public patronage. Cloth- Jll“ mm“ m,” “‘9 News“ may 0°C.!“ . . . ing will be made in the latest styles and plea by M" “ m' minim“! When may "'u Watch npltl’lng In each branch prompl- . be happy to receive a call from his custo- ‘I “Dd Min"! new?“ "0'3" m)’ 0V“! ‘Q A. Flt Guaranteed. triers as well as their own. Having leased penoual superintendenee. I c t l f . i I the bakery and secured the services of Mr. . . lumen 5 CU 0" WHOM “'00 W15 1 10 David Barrett the are e ared to furn’sh 18‘ Satisfaction Guaranteed make them up at home, and charges reas~ ’ y pr P ‘ unable in all cases. and all kinds of gold and silver key and stem winding watches. l . . . LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, BURNERS, d:c., &c., which I will sell cheap. . <16 1:" Jyflxisgfgf illlemual and hangs Ill BUSIHB88.li\/[°"LY’ “WY, "mi- J OSEPH HEARD _. . “m - . . A , l i __ - -_ I m, _ . . . _ , A LALIBERTE newsroom J; Stills, llltltl in Hunt HJHHISHINES. Full “Sm-9“ ~ AMERréAN X‘rATCHES.‘ re‘pec,ru,,y,nmm the “New” 0,. “ml gifofiéi‘ie‘s‘iifiiii‘ifiig iidcdlbdht; t3: fgzgyafigigetzzzz Just received,aniee assortment of “'0?” l l l Jeweller 8.: Enr'raver. o , o . ' a Hot A1r Drums 3. Spemalty. Satisfaction guaranteed or no sale. Please call and compare prices of Stoves‘be- fore buying elsewhere, as I sell as cheap as or cheaper than shops of larger pre~ tensions, and for all goods I continue to take in exchange WROUGHT AND CAST SCRAP IRON, RAGS, &c. This gives the borrower ev-' ery chance. He can pay on his mortgage any sum he may be able to spare at any time all [ill Jcsr RECEIVED, no l‘enelon Foils, May 'ZGth, 1880. JOHN SLATER, P U M Late of' Toronto, has lunch pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of Fcnelon _ I Falls and surrounding country that he has commenced business as a. watchuiaker in Lindsay, for sale nt in Mr. McArthur’s building, ' ’l‘hc snbscribcrhngs respectfully to in- bOught before the rise, selling ‘ M ' ' ‘ ' ’ ‘ for... m. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or E7 S M I L L. . DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, - ' dloestob f-vordwitl bl'c t a. II 1‘ n - ' â€" . My Whale “Mk mus! bu so” on. O N L L S an i p c .i c i pu 15011113332? (3 me n llll‘bc and choice as TIIIS )ION'I‘II. and Surrounding country that he still con- A LOT OF AuLsALT, AT (JUST. and price: low. Watches sent in by train “new” “1,3,3,” “b.1880. and stop the interest on so . _ , ” "mm" mended '° 3’ "mush I?“ I” l . T much! °r be c“ release his Norton â€"â€"Cush aid for Skins and Hides t ‘ .'n"' G w PS“, I , THW GUUDS. Cakes, Buns, kc, &., at reasonable prices, farm at any time without be- ' p ' ' 8 Be u m ,k ,' l ’ fiu'dl:k ‘ _ and no effort will be spared to sustain the z . , , JOSEPH HEARD. l b “Henl’lzngrgg’e 0‘ ’r‘” o " high reputation which the Fenclon Falls "1.: Oblxged '0 Pay the cm“‘ Fettelon Falls, September 23rd, 1880. Lind“, “grch “m ‘8“, 3“ Mrs_ bakery has deservedly borne. Their stock of pany a heavy bonus for taking l W . ‘ ‘ Y ~â€"vâ€"»-’â€"-oâ€"~ »â€" â€"â€"â€"« â€"â€"-~â€"'«-â€"~'â€" Hus just received. nip] orpened up a large FAAI I L Y G. R O C E R I E S li'helh' money. Expenses Very 6w bf02‘6 '1” SCZCZZ‘I/ls 810C113. 0F LADIES . T, 1 ‘ .r stoc o ‘ itte more than those of pri _ . , . . . . T 1‘ P E VT Y will be found, as usual, trash, good and rate loam. G- Go h E I T H M S . I L ‘ V T O I S) x we“ “gonad. . 3' CORNEIL‘ has just received a fresh lot of H \ ’ irus- ‘ ‘ in gm“ “may. ‘ 8w” Lindsay, May 26th, 1880. . _ V M {j k ’ jl Toilet Sets and a good assortment of will be kept on hand! “nd farm Produce V. 111_ I , g - generally dealt in. .1. nice lot of from Montreal and Toronto. 1115 stock of Fem,” Fang September 23",, 188,, â€"â€".\'l‘â€" 1*‘ancy Goods, Câ€"â€"1â€"{-~' & G'l ' I . ' i ' I J A U S rfiw E NiS _ Miriam, 31...]... tom... now... ... 1°C 91)’ " 333“ 319 H ICTORIA GROCERY am) . i . Ribbous' is on the shelves and will be sold as cheap iffnntifingzgmi‘tg'ifit,::i':lf£,°efl:’fn A LARGE STOCK OF will be sold at less than usual prices for cash. Examine stock before purchasing The subscriber bags ,0 inform ms cum, I (lug Mililtto simples, Plait:l End] Ilepforpted "055 i5 respectfully SOIiCiled- “ISEWhere- merit and the public geuemll)’ that. he has . . . . . . ‘nrt war 5, ‘tinmsnu er in '00 s. ‘ ‘ I , . always on hand it complete stock or AND SELLRI'. I ' MUFFAT 5: MCFARLAND. I r 4 ‘ ) . . v ‘ ’ ‘ > B A R G A a N g A iillceJot‘ oft ll it“. it’s‘tlpet‘ and “'lndow Fenelon Falls, May 26th, 1880. 81, fiw Pal I11 I l taken" 111 ELChangc' i “1 5)“; “39‘5"”: - . . ‘cnelon Falls, July 24th, 1880. - P l E G H 0 E E I E - . 5 Mus. HEEL-HY. OTICE- . . .. -. . g . . . )l'll' St w d Si R ' . - -v w l ‘ ‘ . As now: we m" do n- .2.l'l‘.".fr “.15?thinngvflhmtil‘; N . N THE ONLY WATCHMAKER IN ' OWN. 9”“ We "WW: G 0 TT 0 N b â€" - 00.1 Fish .t Mackerel. . 7 A choice tissortmcnt ol' Pale and Dark Brandy.) Port and Sherry Win38, . . . . -. Ilollond and Old TOnl Gills, several brands of Whisky, Bottled Ale and Porter, Sic. The attention of hotel keeper's and others is invited to this stock. PlElSlOl'dlSGOdS of all kinds always on hand. The call! system will be strictly adhered to. tinnes to Innnufncture his Wooden und cel- rill kinds. chratcd SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS . . Brooches, Lockets and other kinds of jewellery, all of which will be sold at was; onublc prices. 'l'o Delinquents in Accdunis long past. due : Carl: up and «we coals. J. A US'l‘lN. American Iron Cap Pumps, nlwnys in stock and we are bound not to ' ' for Wells, cisterns he. ’ be undersold by nny man in the business who pitys 100 cents on the dollan WatChes, Clocks and Jewellery Cleaned ltnd Repaired on the shortest notice. ' The undersigned would remind nll who are indebted to hitn that the time of your . . ., ’ ‘ ' V has come when he expects it settlement of 3- UllOblaNSlllRla, all outstanding iiriuiunts; so thut all who punch,“ puns opposite Vicmria R. [L S. are interested in the matter will cull itt Aprnmh'188”.’ My once und settle. lly so doing they will tnv'c trouble and cxpcnse,ns money is l'Oqllll't'll '“"‘â€"“â€" to arry on business. . c JAMES .\t:.\'i:w. Cameron Lake JOHN NUGENT Fenelon Falls, Sl'plt'llllll'r 'Jth, H80. 3. I I . _ V , Opposite the post oflicc. Feuelon Falls, July list, 1880 17~3m=t= THINGS ARE BOOMING At MCDCUgall (it Brandon’s. m Fenclon l-‘nlls, September 8th, 1880. V . ‘9 ; V .. ' ~ ‘ _- ~ _ MBEEFQ- .Difiigm Repan 111g it Sp ccinlty, mum, ,,,, M, “,3, “3E? , m A CALL SOLICITED. 4,937 Cash for Farm Produce. ' j i, ‘ .1 ' ‘( ,,‘_ Id ‘ 1 ‘ I ‘ ' \ Please note the address, _ , JOIN Clllstloldl, ' N m “1‘1 blulv DRUG SFORI‘J- & ' JOHN SLATERi Next to the Globe llolol, Kent 3L, liintlihy DRUGS. SEEDS, DYE STUFFS. LINDSAY . VICTORIA RAILWAY. ' ’ :oi " ‘ TIME TABLE; â€":o:â€" I . Summer Arrangements.- / --:02â€" Taking effect on Monday, 21st of June, 1880: LINDSAY TIME. GTEORGE H. BERTRAlVI begs to inform the inhabitants of thanks his numerous customers in Fenelou Falls ....--“ .-. m-‘ -..- "-7. - ...â€".....' CASH FOR" (WAIST. The undersigned having purchased a The undersigned hits hut-n commissioned , ' ' I S'l'A'l‘lONS. GOING NOIl'l‘ll. by Messrs. W. l). Matthews k l.‘o., of ’l'o- and the surrounding country for their very E ' “All: .ronto to pity the lily/wt nun-Irrtpricc for any , V ’ liberal pittronnge during' the past It ‘enrs, - .. . “’..-";',"'â€"“ , ".1 ’ . quantity of “Obson 6;: “01’8"” and takes this opportunity of inl‘oiimiug 23d"filtrfizrflxfiecgligégi,thtiullcvlifiiggeg, . ' ]_ l I . i f. f 1 l R '- ; . W“ G' l R_'._le_n_.ve__._....___.._7'” r . I “‘0'” "ml “9 ""5 "0W 0“ “and it c buildinn' owned bv \lr Gcor e U’,,,,_ In the best tour .cts, at he nwcst pl‘lt‘LS or cos 1, cc tieuiselves in n. posttion “"di H“ w I, I, & n. Barley, Wheat, Ponce, ye, GEO.) “"9 “" """d ‘1 “"30 “Wk 0f ' ° mung“; ' g to ollcr such inducements to their numerous customers and the public generally Milwfly ' ' ,“fiw- “.50 .. delivered nt the Victorin thilu'ltt' Sitttion' â€" ° ’ ‘ as will make the heart of each rejoice. We have always in stock a choice 113- F-..“ , ,. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" l-‘enclon Falls. ' ll sortment of 1~ “‘3' June. m M- R- 1" I‘M" “ t """"'~‘“ ""“"”~"""" ' W0 W3 [ll 0 “3 133i - - « â€" - 'r'*â€"‘â€"““â€"“........ ...... ...... can; r pomp," Fullg,Sept'r llllll, lflrlo. .tw. of their own iiuuiul‘itcluro. consisting in Comprising Garden, Field and >5 : R I I i : 3 Mid. w‘y Junction n V 3.” ii ‘ ~ ‘ - W” M “'0” and Wooden ltciim where he intends keeping constantly on J Citnicron . . . . . . . . “ 3.37 " ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 hand a full line of lliill’s...... H 3.45 a t t 4 l . . . P L 0 S I L 0 S E E D S, Crockery and Glassware, ' I‘llcplclon Falls” .l a“ . 'c '3............ .'o , __ Dye Stptl‘s _ _. ’ â€""'"‘ -"â€"~""â€"â€"_'â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"_- Reuicvfl ’ _ ; . u 4.42 ll - L 7 ' NAILS, FLOUR. HAMS BACON ‘- & (tang l’longlis, Wrought Iron Frame, LOCKS, ’ ’ I ’ Mylcsi “gum”. gum. . ‘ HIN GES ‘ _ ' Mindon . Intion cure I. t E‘ENELON FALLS. l’crt'uiriery7 . Out. and Corn Meal, Potatoes, 610., &c. ingoldsby :. â€"â€" . ’ - ., . )vsnrt .' ' ‘ ’~ " " 7' . . . ' n' ' u 0.35 n "'1 T d HORSE HOES, FANCY ARTICLESs PAINTS, 0 I L 59 “331511195 All .[xmds of Fm 111 P1 Oduce always 011 hand. ,,,‘:;‘,{;{,:,0, mm, 8,, . 9 b a S, ~ and all kinds of Hardware required by , , , ‘ _ , . .._.-__-.___....___._._-.._...___._.-..-r_ , , , 7 finishes, Combs M, kc: Farmers building. 3:3?» The highest price paid for W001, Sheep Skins, Cult STATIONS. oomo SOUTH. Just opened, [/18 1))6‘51 .1101? I7! [/16 illlll‘li’é’fy NOTE Pl ' h " Skins, &C , &C ‘ . . “all: . . , , â€"- xysmmns’ prescriptions re fl.de , t . " - 7 ' ' n H ‘_ 7 _h________________________; Cflnadnul. Enghsh scotch. lmvinfz Iatlten six first prizes and diplomas with cure rind desputch. A full selrdctihn of I MCDOUUALL & BRANDON. Ilnlihurton....lenvo 7.“) a. m: .it the l'rot'inciitl Exhibitions. Also agent ' SPADES, Fenclou Falls Julv 2nd, 1880. iuuld's “ 7.20 “ the Lurth mid [ti-st Assorted Slnok in for the Massey Manufacturing Co.,Torunto_ School k & It: SPIOVELS : . V hymn ,, 1,3,, ., town. llo not full to see these goods le- Farmers wnnling S ' ’ ‘ lngoldshy “ 7.40 ” t'orc puichiising. ‘ V ‘fi , a' FORICS, Soc. [J] p Minden Sumo” u 1.55 u â€"â€" lumuqulm' Mimi's on hand. He will also keep on hand the very best ll'yk‘s' 1"! Juuci ”, “~30 " MOWI‘lllS. or , mnke ofPLOUGilS, Combination and Hill’s ' , l\|"l{lQ'"|lv "-40 SVLKY “ARES, REMOVAL. Patent Pattern, which will be. sold »- - ‘ ~ 5 - u u . ii will find it to their nilvnntngzc to cull tin-l ' , AT BIANUFACTUREHS’ PRICES. ) - l Fenmon PM” p317: - , , ,N , ,h ‘ ' inspect these implements unil i-ompiirc pric~ . . I ‘ v, m u“ mm" ml“ ml cs tit-fore purchasing elsewhere. o His stock of will he found full lines of Hardware as clicnp if not cheaper than at any other {Ptlllln’lmn ' ‘ " ‘ r - - - .I 2 ' I .. AT nousox .tf‘itgglltspfim ,ms removed his MILL STIPPLIES . house in this section of the country. Midland n.).J,,,,c.i xmoo ‘ ' . ' , Lon including Belting, anc Leather, Saws, lliv- I‘mdmy Inn" Lindsay, M. It. north, 1 12.45 p. m:::;. . ... u “ south,l -l.l(l “ ..' . . . . . . ENGLISH L-INSEED OIL, CASES OF . ... No. 1 VARNISHES W'txdlen Shirtings, Union Sliirtings, v. i ‘ ' w I i ‘ . J ~ . ' . y B M tmd 1“ lulllld": & SI I door‘:ti)llllliitc(:\l)c§l:itlii:c:1 [urinate-,1 “gimp be leading Hoods its low its what the)“ can 139 I l‘ n "' Dom 5 0° 0 purchased for in Montreal or Toronto. A 1 ‘ ets llnbbit Metal Muchino Oil Rope Chain Fil’es the, will hdsuelt us to inect ,tlic re1 qniremeuts ofnll in need of such goods. Lindsuy, viii \V'. l’. l'. k _ , ~. - Allline‘ of‘llnrdwnre will be otl'crcd for . . . . - .' . . . I" '1‘" we": “me Of Cnn’om" “""t ""3" sale at 5bottom prices, and mun of the and a variety of Machine Oil of reluiblc quality. Building Materials and Tools l.. ll‘y tum: 3,30 “ ..." ' .' ~ . ‘ . i. I r )‘g n [y D [p ‘ “â€"‘ ‘â€""“ "" _'"’" " "“"" """"~'”_~.‘â€"- of ct cry kind to suit 1” Cl‘l) (,llhtOllltl may depend on ,cttlna Toronto vi“ G. T. ,L M. 7-“ u use GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY, fiat! as goods will he sold at bottom prices. , P. 8. R088 & BROS. N. B.â€"â€"A New Bugg ' for sale at it bargain. 1‘ EDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, C()l\' N I": .J'JTI()NS. i‘enclon Fulls, with slag» for liohcuygeofl Kininount, with stage for Minded. JAMES 8088. J. w. LEONARD , an“... Generhl Triillit: A ' ' Lindsay, Mny 3rd, 1850. Mi endless stock. \Vlnt-los. the liirg- m” 501mm, JUS' ‘ A Geo. ll. Bani-tun. cu variety and at the it)\\‘l‘il prim-s. sec RICHARD Sum" \\'ell,wcll. “‘l‘ll.l do doclnre ! Where them. Beautiful ‘30 cent Winnie: for l.'i cents. l’lnin Grey l-‘lnnnelq also. .\ spli‘n- for farm or road work, Vulises, Mlmnger- did stock of finest t'otton Sliirtiugs. Sc. kc. “Md! m” be in” I” flu” m “a” to make have you been? Why, room for our Full goods. 5 7 Give us a. Call, and Call Early, S and secure Bargains in these goods, M9 they must he sold. Cheapest nod llcst Boot and Shoo store in ~ pp" "u, in “up.” writ,“ Gm”- tho county. for some or those cheap boots ' which he is selling at SHAWL STRAPS. BASEBALLS, "T ' Whips, llnlters, Snaps, ESUMED BUSINESS hmfidhmfimd TIME TABLE. Taking effect on Monday, is March, 1880. _ lit Currycombs, Brushes, ' and till articles in his line of business. Where can be found an excellent assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, Trusses and Shoulder Braces, r ' '- t T - - hennedy & J.\ OWInEtII Dru: Shirts, white and colored, Tics. Col- would inform the citizens of tan, tc. kc. ow» w Ahoulflne Hall His Usual Prices. in“. we! cur: inducements to buy by calling on u, as we are " hound nut to nntlcrsol-l." Don't forget the plow. . JARVIS .k Mthll'ti.\l.l.'S, Cunningham‘s Block. COLLARS WARRANTED. ltepnirs prmnptl.“ and ucntly executed. llchcgs to return his sincere thanks furl the liberal patronage with which he hos “DING NORTH. Mail. Local. lined; I’IK [7N EIJTos-xS, all styles and prices. so litrbccn favored and is determined to and riciniw that they have resumed busi- , ' _ a .n inn .3 ~ - - '.\t.'.\' :a m d.'I" k ' 1 .was“;:.:::.:..2:;:.:::. '" ' "some" “° Tozlet, F’ancychubber Goods The “ Fenclonâ€"Falls Suzette? A FULL ASSORTMENT PERFUMERY $50., 550,, 0 Toronto. depart, 7 4.1 an. um pm. lthridgn “ 10.30 “ 6.40 H 12.00 Cannington J “.27 “ 7.37 “ 1.45 p‘ “'oodville ” llntt'l ‘- 7..’ili " [.15 August lath, 1880. “www-mfiii‘ff‘“é K1 1) GOODS, . R I 1"" was mm m sum “I! "it" is printed Saturday at the mace, i always on hand. A large and Midland th nr. 11.43. u 8.00 ~‘ 2.25 . 1" â€"-.\ay person who take! a paper reg. ' ' ° 0"" 5"": “‘5'. K 1 t “ “WHO! Mid ll. 4 to p. in. [1.45 . ...... ...... ... some». mm- muics' and Gem, suppers . . . DRY GOODS t®~ COMPLETE STOCK 0F DYE STUFFS @o A ted to his nurse or another 5, or whether he a 7 , _ )lullrtml Jc. dp. two a. m. 2,454 mu anhacribod or not, is responsible for the m "I," and Price, 5,03,, Rip “4 C,” p y l chum“? ol‘ the best quality and at low prices. Also, a Cutmconk, or. ms [1. iii. 5.0m ' . r, ‘ . . ... ...... “a...” -.....v L I ll l) . . . v ‘ ‘ P3212." a person orient on paper to be; finit;:fuigim:t ‘32:;of;n:ul: thee midi 0' "m 0"“ "'1‘ P" '“k “d‘lm‘m’l ” ES, ST ’lCK 0F , “continued. its tuth pay all "rear-g", times. Come along. ladies and gentlemen, “mg ‘5 n "3min! ""p‘id' ' q, hiirher may continue to Had it an and l will convince you that in stock is ,7 333m ,5 m,“ ,n, mm,“ m ,,, I ADVERTISING RATES. , ‘ ‘ , Professional or business cards. so cents ' S , pertine perariz‘inm. Casual advertisements, l T 6 whole amount, whether the PM!" is taken ' mud“, MM u n 9'3“ u ""544 3d,..." subscriber: neglect or "(use to l 3 8 cents per line for the first insertion and L' H w I . (lrillia “ dim-1n. 1.00 “ H ' - ‘ {1 C ttl M (1‘ ° "0 . ‘0 I “h an periodicals or newspaperitmrn Ito and lower in prices than can be found in cents per line (or every subsequent inser- “fling pmchucd me smck or 1L“: Luh‘ ‘ S e an‘v 3' e e Mid. Junction dp. 1.45 h 7.30 ‘0 24!. '1 “'oodville depart 3.05 h 7.41! 4 2.5:. 'l be if ed h ' ‘ d i C ‘ t, b y, 1 5 t'nnuington arriveflJO " 7.53 " 3.0!! fl “ wwhich t y are irecl . t cy atcf gnu-cries ul’ ry goon 5 stores. ultom; 2...". Cunuflu y‘ t It". ‘ ‘- It," u“ _ 2:514 "spoutihlc until they have settled their; work undrr my own supernslona specialty. mun", (u,- . comma 0, 1"" UFO" “no,” - “i W" “l” R“ “"3 “we 1 km; Sending numbers back. or luring; lose- the very best brand! of leather and} able terms. l GOING SOFT". Mixe l. lmul. Moll. (intuiconk, dl'pI'Jl'Ii’Wâ€"LII'I. ' l 20 p In Confectionery and comprising a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. )lid. Jiinrtivm or. 1.25 -' 2.3.5 it tlixbridgc IOSO “ 3.35 " 4.10 U ‘ l’hysicians' prescriptions and Domestic Recipes esrcl'uliy mmpnunded. Toronto uni": tl.l.'i -‘ 6.30 I . . | .. w - __ - - â€" - , ,.._.,--.-.._.-...-_._._._...._..__..._.. , ,w,,,,,.m.,.,...,..t...u.. .. ...; ......,..._....t......tm.. t~.-...._...., JOB PRINTING IA’I‘ AM) BELou COsT. IE Pure Wines and Liquors for Medlcpal Purposes; ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, P, m law MN“ 5 1-" m‘ "w" " ‘5'" Ch“ MM °' 5M" "y i l , .1 full assortment of Patent and Proprietary Medicines always an hand. A. It"! "I"! TOWN" “ '53” P- "1- 1M" T0 m .m can,“ M", (“cin "u, "‘2 style you want, and also a good fit. Re- _ of.“ main“). kind, "(mud “51;” cup .\ew goods at a small VI'dV‘RCf' on cost. ‘ I ’Boou and Shout a specialty. l-‘arin pro- . . . » . s ' nt To H. K. ‘ v ' l’ .l V l “ ' mum“ 7'” 3"”- "‘a m“! Mud“ “' {taint In ukr newspapers or periodicals: Wm“! ‘99" "m "tau" 5"“ “ubfll rcctly and at moderate prices. Be r bun“, u” y cgeub o vm‘cnszi 4.10 p. m. ’ ‘ ~ ‘ for we. done taken in exchange. ' w n ma an post-05w, or maturing and tearing buns AGXBW' n D_ “Ago? l > B. . GOODBRIIA , 1n, mw.£mlgfip ta murmur evidence of Pencion Falls, to; 26th, 1330. Proprietor. i Q TERMS STRICTLY CASH. , Emelon 13.35. 51;, 27:1,, 1530, . Mung“ Tammo, huh mm gagging Directoll

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