Fenelon Falls Gazette, 25 Sep 1880, p. 1

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f .gaj‘ra . PERSONAL l Tux Duchess of (brought rewind on! be: t‘autwlh birsbfisy the :riv'r of a superb ‘ brat-o‘et lug! fer hmblnds Ill: bug-.3. ; corp. ‘ ‘ r ‘ Till Rug 4 llcl) he: ellc e." the on: f the r .yal v: 11» of (hpu .ii Mama and Ham- cheltl In Mr. Gildstuur l! in ms. es to r:-' cup: rah: in ltsly. Tu! late Dowager Lady 04' r": father l was won bud-Lieutenant of rclznd, and E she lived long enough to we be: non occupyâ€" l ing the same vineâ€"regal throne. 5 Low Acumen has presented the city of l Dublin with spark, With avenuc', sylvanl barks, and lakes, on whicu be has spent 5 we than twenty thousand pounds. ' Tun English ladies in Portugal have adopted a turn tennis «mi-tame with wrnc Merritt. features, consisting of full tI’OUufl, 144ml at the nuklr, -. sleever. bright'culor- ed square lmuiw and a lime skirt to “10 knee. Cetus Burma. a young improvi'atrlcc who two years ago astonished the Roman world, is about to marry the Mingus (loll:- nlll, a handsome rich young Spannrvl. She is about lightest: yum old. m'newha: and- looking, tall and dvlica‘ux, With lair lwe and «er eyes and Ink. 'rrlz gun and liner I-la'e belonging to the an Duke of Wellington is worth a mil- -n And a half of dull-rs. T- r. of «gin rculollstratui with the Queen for al- ullllsg such wealthy and powerful subjects re. f Tm: Queen of Denmark recently sent her ‘hlulberlsin to «ffcr Miler Van Zundt, tll't gran-laughter of Signor Blaliz, an engage. . want in Copenhagen, and the singer opens Mignon, she singing French, and the rest of the company Danish. Mn. Msusnl'rn Esau, Mills in England recently, (lined chloraer at Osborne with the Queen, the Princess of “him, Princess Beatrice, and the Duke and Duchess of Com naught. He is the first American that has been thus kindly and familiarly entreated by British royaltv. I’amcs CHARle of Monaca has annulled the «Lil contract of marriage hetwrcn his soil, the llerlditavy Prince Albert, and the Princess Marie Victoria, daughter of the late Duke of Hamilton. The ecclesiastical marriage was dtclan-d void by the Pope several months ago. The lady has since married Count 'I'llassilo Festetics, a young Hungarian. 1 AT the recent French military ceremony at Longchamps, tho roleign ambassadors were notified that tllvy mu~t alight at the gate, and walk to tile pa\il‘..ol, only the Presidents of the Republic, of the Senate and the Chamber b.ing allowed to drive all tho'way ; and that furthermore they must take their placrs on the left instead of the rightof the I’rcsidenfs, the r.,;bt being m served for the French Ministers. Prise". ()r- loll mclkly obe} ed iu~tlucfiw s ; but Lord Lyons said, as the representative of his sovereign, be was entitled to drffcrent treat- nlullt, and he drove all the way to the pavil- llou, and took his place oil the right side of l’rtsilienl Grcvy, and not on the left. 11' has bacu thought north while to cable the dowription and cost of Sula Bcruhari t’s now droisl-s. Some of thlllfare quile-l‘lue, as notably that for Camilleâ€"a \vhitc ba'ill ball dress, with canlcllias embroidered 0.: a ground-work lntircly of pi-arls ; another dress is of nothing but Valuucicnlles lzlcc and pearls ; for Frau-Frau there is an ivory satin covers-l with embroidery of mother of- plarl ; for the Sphinx, a yellow satin skirt, with jet-covered minus, and two huge ra- vans upholding the skirt. It is no wonder that the madcmoisol'c declares herself in- capable of living on less than twenty thou- sand dollars a year, and the American public may as well understand what it is that is expected of them. ‘ JAY GOULD has no eyebrows, and ll cor- respondent of the St. Louis Republican pro- fesses to tell why. He had his all staked on the Union Pacific, and the stock has bum worked upfroul 9 to 66. T..c ion/er court had decided in his favour ill a vital lawsuit, and it was with feverish anxiety that the re- sult of the appeal was awaited. 'l‘Lc rumour got about in \Vall street that the decision of the court above would be adverse to Gould, alld, ill a )ito of tllc private assurances that it would u against t! 1: Government, the ad- vcrsc rumours so uostrung Gould that it was hard for him tr kcc on his fret. A private telegraph wire was iron, with one terminus in Mr. Gould’s (flier, and the other in the r(-om adjoining the Supreme Court chamber in \Vaslllugtun. The operators a. at all the decisions as thly were read. Great nervous- n‘fl'i was caused by the long. tedious opinions telegraphed in which Gould bad no interest. This was kept up for lion's. Gould was al most pr-istratcd. At length tllc operator announced that tho rcading of the opinion in the Union Pacific llailwiy case had been conlulcuccll. 'l‘lll. li-s. oi the opinion began tocolnc uvor the wire, and it was a more history of the cans. “ Ull, shut. him off," cncd Mr. Gould, “ and ask him whether the llC‘Clall‘ll of the low or court. is affirmed." 'l he aunwor wasaw::itcd with breathless anxiety. Gould sank in his chair, as pale as a dead man, 'u d those about him were much cun- cclncd for fear that if the decision was ad- vorro hc wuuld be killed by it. The opera- tor at ll ugtll gave the "'st that tho deci- sion of the lower court had lccu allirlllod. Mr. Gould was prostratull, though the duel- sion gave him millions. He Was carried to his home in Flftll avatar, and a long sick. m3“ {.dmwal. All his hair 6311.0 out, In- cluding his cy obi-ow s, and thou..- nature ucvcr natured. é»...â€" Not Regarded wrth Favour. TUE SEAV INTKHNATIUNAL l‘ullfi UP SIGNALS 70R I‘RIH‘RSTLVG (“14.151058 AT SEA. (From the Ncw York Sun.) The new international code for promoting collisions at sea went into use recentlv. 'l'ho remark that has been made rcganliu I the now rules by tho members of the Unlir in Council at the Isle l-f Wight, that they "contain no radical changes from the o'd rules," is appannt In cvory hue, and is c. u- sich a bad omen. Seaman and intelligent non: who am mcusfoulul to travel by water have generally acknowlmlgmi that the old code was efficient in char weather. It i. only in foggy or thick weather that it has been proved useless ; and there was a hope that In the new code provmou Would be male by which a maslor of a ship Would be .gblu to wcrtluu or advance, by a simple .Wm of signalling, the course that an ap~ [graphing ship was tanking. so, u to mull:- prcparc to avoid a meeting. Instead a such provision, article It) says, shin .m%.,. are about to tarot, "Ono short Macaw, ‘ I an: directing my course to Two short blasts mean, '1 :m Three short 7” .mml.’ \llINuD my course to port. Wu, ° am going full speed umu. seamen say that in thick scatter, uizcu, on”; to a quartz ring wind, it f: impossible w detect by muud whence a ship is ap- osching, if the llokuut heard the star Ln] course whistle bu Ind-l be unable to w 'hctbcr the tunnelling ship was eras-l. in big bow: or running clear. What is “and, they my, ll 3 system by which the m o: a haul my be made kmsn. if It be sailing ship, arrangements y be made not to crowd an ap- ams; "Selma clans tolbe wind. or, sum have the Iliad with her. to make her out“ the rule of the road at m and star. . rd but bola. . V ashtmiuwutuhkenmthomrpla copy It: to hem among the pilots , u“ «$05M a [loin d Slam super '5'“, 3 "pull to the Pool one. autumn "1 mthohdwcnpyoftbcculc. Mopâ€"fl mmopua bum Mmbgnu ' W «Inuktitut, Laden, is no: 3310th. Martha“!- _______._._..___._..â€"-â€"-â€"~â€"â€"â€"-_ VOL. VIII. . »\ a 7 _ ! blitz in the world, I f and still more diflica t to explain why ru~ A rlublics, once established gravitate, under the l influence of political agita'tibu am move- V V l m‘cr‘, towards monarchy. There is no deny- , ‘ l 6 lug n at, although it may be contended that FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, Objections to Republicanism. u is somewhatidifieblt to understand whyitshouldbcthnfacttbnttbmmm monarchica than n republicaulsm is the more nfiml, mouth eby is the more form of human Government. _ It is tho form sanctioned by Scrip-ans; it is the osnh-al idea in the old Thebes-still system of the Jews; and in all ancient historyuwltb the exception of certain periods in the history of Greenland Roma. itavu the normal method by which oonn~ me: were governed. . There is no question of the fact that the principle of havmg one SEPTEMBER 25, 1880. NO. 29. The Great Steamship, City of Rome. Seeing the Shah at Teheran. Madmephants At a recent meeting of the Institution or “E “v00 1,“ mm“, B CAUSE WE“ Mccmnical Engineers, Barrow-in Fumes», an mum; paper, {mm which we taps m: annals Annular IBKSOMB camvxrv. (From the W110" Dally Newr-l the following, was read by Mr. James Hum- lllsve had an opportunity of seeing his phreys, on the Iuman steamshi City of A wriwr in the Lgndon 15139741.]. who has )lajrsty proclolinz in state to visit his Rome, now in course of construe on by the spent a morning in tbeuzm." ln’ornlizegas First Mahler. ‘ Thou-lb duly. necessarily. Bafm‘t' Shll’lluildl'lg Cmupany- “79 ["099 follows on the character of the elephant: in contact with his Minister, the Shah an- in an early number wpnb-lsb Mr. Hum - "Nor, when we “ml; loftlly of the, ele. anally pays him thrce public visits to do rey’s paper in a complete form, with ‘ ~ plump; ‘docifity,’ghould we forget that the bim honour, the entire royal household as gr. ms, but in the meantime we may give measure 'of this virtue my be gauged bythc Well as the soverzign icing entertained at some of the leading particulars of the vessel indiwduaps capacities for the reverse_ A Illllncl'. to “hich it relates. Tuis splendid steamer whim mouse is the most docile of mammals, Fr: m the duo. of the hon-3e at Tcheran will, when completed, b: the largest vessel but what would it matter if it were not: when: the Shah was paying a visi‘, upto the afloat, with the exception of the Great A pinch (,f the tail would always sufiice lo Eutem- Her dimenfillmfifle: Lengl'h be‘ frighten it into abject submission. But 1'"! fiCATl'ZItISG UV YlD‘Vi‘JL‘l abuse “In PATHWAY BY TWO UGLY NEH. m .nsiou I l the Minister, a distance of overa A mile, the thoroughfare was lined with tween perpendiculsl‘s, 546 feet ; length ovor when the sagaciou elephant decides for its. Hoops. Thou ;h they had t..k.n up their all, 600 feet; extreme braadtb, 52 feet 3 self, as it often does, that duality is not pnslllun at six ill the morning, the Shall did inches; and depth of hold, 37 feet. She won}, the candle, that occasional lurbu. not appear till many tvc've o'clock. Some Will have staterooms for 271 passengers, and lame. good and-(,qu rebellion, is wholesome half hour previous to this sundry old-fasb- accommodation for 1,500 emigrants, provis- for its temper and contigufion, who is going ionel carriagas, drawn by a couple of horsel ion being made for carrying about 260 emi- to pinch its tail? \Vltb one swing of its each and driven by uondescrlpt-looking grants at the foreeud and 240 at the aft end trunk it lays all its attendants flat, bung its coaclnucn, who to all appearances might on the main deck, and for 1,000 more on the head through an mwnvenlenl; wall, and is have been royal scallions in undisguised pro- fox-.cr deck. The gigand dining saloon is 72 free 1 They are brave men who capture the fessioual costume, might be seen making feet long, 52 feet wide, and 9 feet high, or wild elephants, but no one, however brave their way, outside the ranks oftbe trOops. 17 feet in the way of the large opening tries to capture ta rogue] It has tobe she; in the dlrcczion of the Minister's residence. lblough the drawing room above; this saloon in its tracks dropped standng for it is then These carriages contained some of the prin- will afford accommodation for dining 24S something “lore than a mere'wild animal, cipal harem favourites, and Were preceded pencils at once. The estimated weivbt of It has developed mmncmmreof deliberate by a crowd of mcu in culinary Persian m- the City of Rome complete and ready forsea will, and having in its own mind weighed Viiiau costume, beating the an- and the in 8,000 tons, while her displacement on 28 the Pro, and com, has come to 9, fixed can. Irouud vutu long Lz.er ads, ..u.l l..ciicrat- fun mean draught is 13,500 tons, so that she 31,13,011 tlmt captiélty is a mislake and pm. mg to the bystanders to "be blind " and to will have a dead weight carrying-power of ceedfl therefore, on a definite p1,“; of inteul. turn their faces to the “ad, Just by u: y ill 5,500 loss: Her holds, however, have a gent find malignant action, Indeed, among lucl‘» they might cnmh Fight 0‘ “.ny 0‘ th" cum“! capacity 0‘ 381600 cubic feet: equivn' the episodes of Indian rural life there are “ lights of the harem” 1n the earn-glen. T3” Ten: to 7,720 tons measurement at 50 cubic few more appnning than web a one of the arrival of the Saab was heralded by the ad- per ton. I , Mad Elephant of Mundja, It has been for vent of a number of mounted .policemln Ill the constructive details of the City of many years a docile inmate of a government dashing along the ranks in an impetuous ltumc every endeavour has been made to in- stud but one day made up its mind to be manner. These police, organized by the sure strength combined with high-class nc- inméoum “rise men have before now told 0.0"” dc montefwt‘?’ ‘5“ Italian Oahu" a" commOdM‘on- The ml” is lei‘le‘l lnw the world that it is well to be drunk once a rived at Tchcran Within the last two years, water-ti ht compartments by a number of mouth and others that we should not al. “0 wry cred‘mmy g°t.up’.a.nd’ I 3'" “I‘d, bu'kllei‘ 3: the maimum "f 1‘1313’ one Of ways abstain from that which is hurtful; areycry llbclcut in maintaining prdcr in the these compartments bein : about 60 feet, All 3,, the elephant determined upon a bout of cnpltai. 'l‘hcy M"i:l'.1l)l.’:'.‘l: l: mu \v-‘.ll 3.10- no bulkheads are litte with water-tight wrongdoing Had some precedent to excuse let faclugs on collar and cuffs, and a stripe doors of the Admiralty pattern, worked him. The Elephmmine Proportious'of bi, of the same colour down the dark trousers. either flom above or below, and provided misdemeanors however made him lapse -\ small black cylindrical shake and king with tell-tales on deck. At the fore end a from docility’nppalllng’to mere men and boots culul‘lctu the costume. The foot polcc .Tonblu bottom is provided for a length of women whose indlvidual wicked acts are Carry short. ssbrcs of aEuropc ln nlrulmfihnt about 160 feet from the stern to give greater naturally on so diminutive scale - but com. of the mounted men being longer: After the safety m the event of stranding. The tram. putatively speakmg the gigantié ma’mmal police clone a crowd of some thirty horsc- iug is of the ordinary type. The vessel has was a simply on a 313,083 Nevertheless, in men benrmb' large “Ever mac“ ; “‘“d’ behlpd two complete iron duel“ 11130”: While the desolated villages with nearly every horrible these, about a hundred others armed with lower deck is complete for half its length, circumstance of cruelty lately practised by “bk” “"1 haViug d°“l’l°'l'”m1.!ed fowl“)? 3”" has Wide Bide Plating for the Tel'mlnder- the Christians of Bulgaria and laid its plans pieces and old-fishiuucd l‘crsmn muskctfi ’l‘hrrc ale nine tiers of keelsous mulling fore with such consummate waning that skxlled Sill”: M their b'lclis- All these l’CUl’ie w“? 311‘] a“: the five central on“ being 0f “ni' police, well mounted and patrolling the coun- Lll'.’8$.(l vlry plainly iu sombre coloured el- form might, and being carried unbroken my were baffled for many days in their put. viliau co .tulnls. To Lhc.c succcu duel some tluough engine and boiler rooms. The stem Bail; of the midnight termn It came and fifty mldly costulned’pcrsons, proceeding at frame, which is now being made at the Mer- went with extraordinary secrecv and speed 8. trot on either side of the way. They Wen: soy Ska] and Iron \Vurka, is Estimated to {rum Point, to point leaving nmm alone up. the King’s “"1 “"8 (OOt'u‘m' . weigh 33 to“ When llnlShe‘b and Wlu 1’5 “10 on the highroads town the pursuers which chh luau Wore a rather long-skirted :cd largest single forging of its kind ever made. way it had gone and only a smashed vil. “""ct “lumented w'th 9‘ few scraps 0‘ gold Th0 Clty Of Rome Will have 3 Single lane and trample’d corpses to show where it lace sewn horizontally on the breast ; 3 pair screw, 24 feet in diameter, driven by three hid last appeared_ It confused its own of dark kucc brooches, wlllte cotton stock- sets of compound engines of the inverted tracks by doubling upon its pursue”, and by “'8”: “ml Show With bucmes “‘1 msettes' tandem type» these engines “muting Cranks crossing the spoor of the other elephants The oddest part of the costume was the but. get; at 120 °, Each engine has a high pres- that accompamcd them, I: was not merely In “as of black glazed leather, and. was not, sure cylinder 43 inch“, and low-pressure wi1d_itwaa . mad,» and as cum,ng and as unlike a fircman‘s llclmut (lCVClOplllg into a cylinder 86 inches in diameter, the stroke cmel as a madman, But insanity itself is a, lancer‘s casquc, ol' the head-dress worn by being 6 feet. The high-pressure cylinder is tribute to the animal’s intelligence for sud. the cc-mlltllu pcscll lncrcllaut in Pans some .upported above the corresponding low- den downright madness presume; apron" years ago, when he used to drive about the pressure cylinder by three wrought iron brain power, Owls never go mud. The; strtets in a carriage Selling his Wfll'cs- F 1‘0"! columus,tbc arrangement giving ready access may go ‘ silly ’ or they may be born idiot-.3 ; the centre and forward and rear ends of the to the stuffing boxes, etc. The cylinder but as Oliver’wendell Holmes gayg, a, weak tall, straight clcs: rlse three bunches of red covers are made in halves for easy removal. mind does not accumuhte force enough to artificial llOWL 1‘8, made t0 TESCleO swcet- valve faces are on the fronts of the 0y. hurt itself.” william blossoms. These are fixed on long finders, the valves being driven by ween. Stems. tlmt in “10 cent“) being the “"9317, tries on an independent shaft coupled to the “11 three “0'1le “Olnlcalli’ With every main shaft at each end by apair of mortise movement of tho head of the wearer. 0n wheels, The crank-shaftisabuilt up shaft, all occasions when the Shah appears ill pub- and is being made by Sir Joseph \Vhltworth “6 ll” i3 invarinbly “ccmnpaulc‘i by the“ 8.100., of their compressed steel. It will comical-looking persons, who run ahead, on weigh complete 64 tons, and will have main each side of, and behind his horse or car- bearings 25inches in diameter by 33; inches tinge. In the midst 0f llll'SB l'Ode asrouo 0f long, and crank-pins 26 inches in diameter forty or fifty of the highest dignitaries of the by 28 inches long, The screw shafting is State, including the First Minister and the also inng made of the EVhinwm-tb compress. Collllllnllllcr-ln-Clllcl 0f the Anny, the Hes- ed steel, and be hulloyv. The inter. 501" (ll Seltmleh. “1‘ “SWOId 0‘ the Kiug- mediate shafting is 24 inches in diameter, doul.” All these functionarics Woredressed with a 14 inch hole running through it,wbile in NI excl‘cilin 'ly plain mflflller- All their the propeller shaft is 25 inches in diameter bead rlille§h0d§l18ll{lllrsell’lll possibly stilé by 30% feet, long, and will weigh 18 tons. morc p sin y rcsscl t mu t 10 group arouu The thrust shaft will wei h 17 tons and will , him. Were it not for tho crimson umbrella have 13 collars 39y incl“: in diameter, xiv. Pf‘dm Of St- lfyfierabyrg. and MOEWW. life which ls.- carried open above his head as an lug a surface of 6,000 square inches, The “‘lowed to P? ’ 1511 t 13", “9‘” “n “The es rmblclll of supreme authority, I should cer- engine bell plate will weigh 100 tons. The 8mm“ ngilvmglhsly subgllil'llfi t_v° til: tamly “W0 been “mm”, to milk“ 11"“ Ollt 1“ surface condensers contain nearly 17111in of qnsor’dw ‘tl’ ‘1 may??? 3 m” s “in? the crowd. As Isaw bun, he seemed to be tubing, exposing 17,000,5qunm feel; nf gut. PIC”: 5* Vet: 531.11”? ten)“ "1‘" gilmgrgl’ths. 1‘ "mull younger and hfindsomel‘ m3" than face, and the condensing water will be sup- w” out o mmmg m 0 an!“ [on 0 e his photographs would lead one to believe. lied b two doublmactln circulatiu 10°“ PH?“ autllm‘l‘lcs- B! 13W: the P7091- pup-Hap,s it was the glow cast by the red um. gumps, 2);; inches in (Inmates with 3 feet: of aleudlug article, after being corrected in brclla which made him seem younger, Be. red ink by the Censor, has to be submitted stroke worked b the forward and aft cn- . . . hind him “mm 1‘“ ‘mmeuw concourse 0‘ gines i‘cspectivelyJ: asare also the bilge and “3a”? to that functwu‘lry 126°” “5 ca“ be “meme”: Presullml’ly Ill-310‘)le“ to th“ fccd pumps, and the air pumps. the latter publmhed’ luld’ M “1153"” bangers are “w' royal household. Tucu followed a closed being 39 inches in diameter, with 3 feel; any,“ fll-‘hcwuc 0E energy “5 GUVP'Dm'fllt “fringe: “3391mm” With Plutc‘glus and stroke. There are also a large ceutrifu a] 9‘110'313 m 0mm” mummy! an artwle “out Ending, not unlike the Lord Mnymls state pumping engine (for pumping heavy lays, in on Monday and corrected on Vchnesday coach. cht come some led horses, splcn- and which can be arranged to discharge cf“! hm'dly be 138‘“?de 1'3 contains 011301?” (“my cnllarlsolle‘l 3 “ml 3 number 0‘ l”le through the conllensm‘s), and three auxiliary tum" before the fouowm.“ weak' If a town closed the procession. Perhaps the oddest pumping engines for boiler feeding, bilge has no Censor, the Ifollcclmaslcr, or some part of the procession consisted of the apes pumpingI etc. ' “he? Officmb lll‘PCX'Vl-Wll . 4‘0 10331 Press. and bubonic lcd along by their keepers, and The 1mm” are 8i h‘t in number "waned reading carefully everything, from the puff intended to amuse the ladies of the harem. in two bo'her mumng medemm 'siée w :3". of somebody s pills to the ofllcml announce- ’l‘b« re was a new feature introduch into “ted b , t. t-vht L lkh 3d Th [kip mcnts COPWd from file Government AMT-01103- tlu». sw,,,,_..,,,,w f0,- [an-sin, l b.,ll,,,,e_thc y J w“ “r‘ ‘5: u e ' ° 0‘ Nicoladze made it his practice to publishthc scattering of flowers along the way in front caskwmdllff" "i.thicyméddfialgogblfieud"shreds of the articles expurgatcd by the l f the Shah. 0 lo wou'l have ex ecled tl at c ype’ can m lame e-r y W ,oug' -Ccnsor. Within“ taking the "OH-Die to ll” "1 :himmn' or at! least 2mm toleg‘bly “03d. are arranged fore and aft in four blocks of the tuoca h the two central blovks being so gap With {High lax-181' “we” be bxuk‘u v )crsnn would have -rfo id ‘ ' c ' i ’ ' '. ' sufficientl stimu atcl pu ic opinion against gracf-fiililct. lslistcad, tllclc £1. arglliupklhsf parat-cd by tho "universe bulkhe‘l‘d Just the 063303;, by this Pm‘lfico he oPenly ‘1}5' ugly old men, whose ordinary avocatiou is mmmoued' The coal. bunkers 83.8 a 033 the “Edited him “3' huffing the “'t10103._“,'“h to throw water from leather bags they carry aides “f. t’lmflhlp “‘1 “‘rm 9'3“ 0‘ the “rm” the expurgations, which showed how ridicu- ull their backs, to alloy the dust when the mm; It Is intended F0 make the“. buqkem l0“ thu PmVl‘Wlnl 0911130“ “0‘ l,“ “Pam's; Shah passes, and who, having first pertain» and ‘kcclsons' water-tight so as to coustltuto words and sentences havm‘g “(Mung [110.631 ed the more useful part of their duties, were the "mi". 8km. “'5 the 1’9")“ Whole they 06' or obnoxious in them. This led rrpca‘zcd now to be seen hurrying about with articles in"? I'Z‘nch.b°ller has six furnaces“ 3 feet 9 BUPPI'USSiOUB. and “t in“ ‘0 .8 U131: ‘Vthh resembling Wooden coal rcuttlcs under their mom-33 m dlnmewr' and mm separate COT. [flied two Years: and resulted 19thc,S“P"3"l° amls,scatteriug what lu)kc.l like tbcswccp- bastion chmnben', The fir? 3mm are “x Court at Tlflis finding “ Verdlct "1 mml‘ lug of a nursery garden in a very business. realm”? the ‘9“ are“ bang 1,080. "1‘11"" adzu’s favour. Since then be has been elected like fashion. feet Inch boll" 1“.“ a “team ’ewwe” 13 a municipal Councillor, and was one of the At the moment Tobe-ran, with its tclc. feet long by {feet ‘l'axfwwr' “‘9 “Wm?” members who recently impeached the Gov- graphs and its police, of M. Schindler and 9nd combustion Chain-mm “0 :1 9’31"“; 01110? 0f Tlflls 0f NGIPNGllcc‘d- its Count dc )lontefortc, is no longer the ro- gm" an: th-‘e Shells or “on ms“? 3’03"} ohg lnotc'liasteru clpital such as Marco Polo . “M” Li)? use plates hemg.d' “(fill might have hinted at. There may be holes inch“ long 3 4 mt a me e? w' a an t tan foot 54 uarc in the thoroughfares that "Rhea thick' the welght being nearly 2% flank the ’illg‘s palace, and at the bottom tons each. The boilers are made for a of which. at uukuown depths, run hi-l-lcn workmg pwum of 90 pounds 9" “lure watercourses; and them may be rumours inch. afloat that the half down adventurous Th" “gm” m “landed to develop m thieves who stole the Shah's rcgalia from Legular work 8.000 indicated bursa: power, 3'”; 0" nobility, but fiultiizfied timid - . _ .~ ,, at to be capable of dcvulopiug 10,000 horse 110 - ey “’8 a scemy p _n0 0 e sl‘SSj‘lrlE: g'fl1?;;f,“{,§fi“5,;“§§um power. The speed expected is 18 knots per encrgy and of the power to rise ll] our race. it“, ,u‘, ‘i .h, u in u m e (for WM h c‘ivi. hour. The vessel will have four masts, and Withouh "1 _ 01187”. Tank! find Splendour rm ;R,“h;u;'u,‘,h .. ' ". ht :him A will b. lull shipcriggcd, with the addition and walth In, luxurywpqlwhthum. they ‘; u £11m; eel“) gngbuns n an“. of the {am am an “380.1 jigs“- mug; “be have made their own tbclhlgh standard of align“: Tcgmu win; “a {ll pp“ ewlic'? is expectul to be. ready for service next life and manners of anarlstocratlc and re- its Amati-inn sollli'cry, (and Russian Coc- Press Censorship in Russia. (From the London Examiner.) Again the Tlflis journal, Obzor, has “come to grief.” For five years the editor, Mr. Nicoladzc, has waged warfare with the cell- sor, and three parts of that time his journal has been in a suppressed condition. In 1875 Nicoladzo, who ad made a mark as con- tributor to the Galas, went to Tiflis with the express purpose of fighting there the battle of the Russian provincial press. Between the latter and the newspapers of the two capitals a marked difi'erence exists. The Galas, Moscow Gazette, and other large news- Pâ€"_._â€"â€" The English Gentleman. Heaven forbid that I should speak in dis. praise of that unique and most English class which Mr. Charles Sumner uxtolsâ€"fhe large class of gentlemen, not of the landed summer and will ply between New York fined_class. Not having all the dissipati us and Liverpool. of this claw, they are ‘much more seriously sacks), its macadamist thoroughfares, its 1- :0 me e of mulled md know, electric light, and its two clfes, has ceased â€"""‘«’â€"â€"-"â€" flag; to ghepgrwzr of] beam» The Ben" A B'mmuu' ERRNPN-“Cl'zm'mw- of conduct, too, meets with fewer trials in m“ “h” mom“, mom“? .t'nd ‘1‘“ this class. To some extent, however, their they have chosen unaccommodatlng help- oon - mung“ to um “image elm h” m‘m' 0”.“ we” “‘1’” we ‘ "a?" now the effect of materializin" them, as it awkward mistake. Her husband having'doa me oh“ of new‘y_cnrfched people. b'PughF ‘ bmmc,‘ Clufgl'lum 1’9"“ ‘0 am" The most palpable action is on the young with him. yenhnto "10‘5" 'P-"tm'm‘ ‘0 among them, and- ou their standard of life 1?“ w h" ' , “w “M” we PW'v “the” and enjoyment. But in general, for this . ° “Wired him-m“le hm f0? hnns- whole class, momma ma, the mural. lug a parcel of idle follows to at up their hm, which may we mat, m mnch “mop‘ n°.huwv Pm'°,‘°d “ if? block their mental horizon and limit the humour, and la a pretty loud tone : _ If It Wham“ of WW .0 mam. They m Inns not for the s' I”. ‘ '1 FM“ 8W9)“ deficient in opennes- sad llexihllity of mind, I dual-Inns. "0h. eyed m miter. in iron lay of ideas, in out. and ardor. Oman! the muff. 1 be: you Will coir they-re, but they are not much of ml" W “was” 0' me 9 cinlixirlg lame ;' a. are somehow bound- lie (learn agnnontbc bomb and submit to Tu; W pm,p,.gbyu_.im cmmdl 3p. ed and inefl'ectol.-â€" and Essays, llama-Iv h‘u wanna ' menu In mu, the pointrd Dr. Beadle Confirm-n of the Com- Amid crutch t protested; “lN‘. 05' awningcoua- cam-d his oaosr, "ulcde r-f our on. cal. Dr, “and Tail {final} R a u. m1. lo ed ‘ . on . : Alexa a an an a potion Inwbcfulfillsd.“ ‘ w '7 Y P M Tamas Yooso of Perkimvillc, Ind, causal Dr Wm: todinhisplsce. Be- thebuildlngcfthoaewflonuof arliuncut . Bungalows!” died,’ and new Dr. was one of a uharl' y thoughtful turn of orked intetbonroutbof nuance to one if \V. . Breed into it was loaded, while mebody touched it position. Dr. W‘ ' to have claims upon romance. .9.. A flcxoaslss pram: mum-d Jaime, be- ing :05ka of slcalmg, an sentenced to receive fifty blows. The Jud e weirdly explained tn Janos: that he mfg t appeal to the Ohm- Tribunal. should the sentence strike him utoo severe. Janene took advantap: of this right. Meanwhile, however, his Halon: caused the prisoner to be strapped dorm to a bench in the court, and personally supervised the full execution of the sentence. A low mks later the Cher-Tribunal rnduov ed the uisbmcut from fifty to firewall- tweet blots. l-‘orthwith the Judge sunl- lno Jamtocoart. and ordered bin; to rfunutboduticloftbe mind,amano specchmdambitiou above Adams, {bomb blah-ads. Thatmxnnowsitaintbeflauu of. H‘hcadrublovnaau's. Mmeopmng' sci-numb: pausdhahel tobufliandheisflr.firmd u y any,tbescrviccvillbo ' by Dr. hamptbfmbufmsmwhmspeach Summhshpouulthmmd w . , . '- Mkmmwdthshatmtheflmplom temwmrh'l‘mysnn, Huge. Whither. G I! H," I. max? |. my Germany’s Chronic Pears. T113 ALARSHNG PLOW WHICH NR\\'8PAPRRS ARE ALVNAYS DISCOVKRING. heady) look up to as superior to all its fol- lows la innate in man's breast, and, uncrdlug' to the degree of barbanun’ or civilization in which the nation is, null be the nature of the qualities it will sock for in its K’ . Over a race either semi-civilized or ex from circumstances to constant wars and broils, either foreign or intestine, a kl must rule who is either, like Saul, hand an shoulders above his fellows in physique, or like David a man of wonderful llulitary ta- lent and prowess. while, by a more civilized and settled people whose attention is turned to statesmanshxp and diplomacy, the Kons‘g or “ knowing man" will be crowned. Un- der both circumstances the principle of the survival or rather uprising of the fittest oper- ates and it is useless to oppole its working, for it exerts a force that almost ranks it among the laws of Nature. Of course, in inverse proportion to thciu~ The Warning of Kandahar. The recent Afghan campai has ‘von fresh significance to Marshal gSaxc‘s gitby dehnition of the British Army as “lions commanded by asses;" and England has triumphed, not through her officers, but in spite of them. To blunder by rule and pro- ccdeut, to apply the maxim; of the parade ground to the jun 1c, the desert. or the mountain ; to treat loodthirsty and treach- erous savages as civilized troopsâ€"such is the system which, pursued in defiance of tho gravest warnings, has stained the flag of one of the bravest nations in existence with such blots as Kurd-Kabul, Isandula, and Kbushk- i~Nakud. At times, indeed, the rules of sound common sense and clear judgment, followed out by such captains as Clive, Coote, Lake, \Vcllesley, Napier, and Have- lock, have formed a brilliant, though mo- (Bcrlln Dcspatcb to the loudon 'l‘inlrs.) The Emperor has returned from lscbl. Prince Bismarck has hitherto given no sign at Kissingen, but now that the two Em- perors have withdrawn from the stage it is reasonable to hope that the Chancellor, in accordance with his invariable practice, will soon proceed to entertain the European public with some diverting enfr'acls, in which surprise, not uumiugled, perhaps, with mystery. is likely to be the prevailing element. The journals here would be hearti. lp grateful to his Highness for the creation of some incident calculated to engross their attention and employ their pens. For it. . . . . must be obvious to the most (ursory observer - , , - - $313333;Vex‘iggtwartgheth“ gumr?"§me that their columns now am painfully ccn~ 31:13:33:ng LgiizilZDTrsrfegngnghyig: b. ’ was in, ' m:- tmcmd' dull and bare" They have, a" mign'sbhaud 6pc until the limit of wllatwo ' r - w land’s Eastern wars present the smcntablc spectacle of a gallant army perpetually thrust into difficulty and danger by the incapacity squeele and strained the very last drop out o, the Eastem question, nous more “yum are worn to call constitutional monarchy is reached. With the development of the power . _. . _ . mediate prospect of grass for the poor dc- - . , , . gi‘ntschlmkgfis‘tfld :iPi't‘mtfd 301°] binm’ pleuishcd beast. A blade of sustaining $1,331)inf-Eula:L353gesc2mgfsamglrflj: “I; (l l y 0 never 0“"‘8 vegetatlon in the shape of an atrocity tclc- “morywy becomes more and more imly i_ when it is beaten. _ The recent operations around Kandahar may be briefly summarized as follows: In the beginning of July a brigade was detached from the garrison to aid a loyal native chief known as the Willi, who was then threat- ened by the forces of Ayoob Khan. ch. Burrows, who led the detachment, reached the town of Girishk, on the Helmuud, (100 miles from Kandahar.) upon the llth, and at once established himself opposite that place, on the left bank of the river. It then became evident that the \Vali’s owu troops Were ready to mutiny, which they did on the 14th. marching off in a body to join Ayoob Khan, who was then barely one “ march ” distant. In drawing off, the inu- tineers lost 50 men and several guns by a brilliant charge of the English cavalry ; but, despite this success, Gen. Burrows thought it advisable, weakened as he was by this wholesale dcsortiou, to fall back upon the town of Khushk-i-Nakud, 31 miles nearer Kandahar. This moment was completed, without molestation, on the 17th, although Ayoob Khan was reported to be at hand with over 4,000 men. So far, no fault could be found with the English leader’s dispositions. He was now occupying a strong position, with his stores, sick, and beasts of burden in the centre. He commanded the junction of several roads, and possessed an abundant supply of every necessary but wood. Several Afghau chiefs of note, capable of being used as hostages in case of need, were in his camp. Could be but have been content to hold his ground, he might have defied the superior numbers of he enemy. Unhappily for himself, he did he very reverse. Wishing, no doubt, to re- deem by some brilliant exploit an expedition which had certainly been anything but glori- ous, he allowed himself to be misled into the belief that the force in his front was merely a detachment, instead of the whole Afghan Army. 0n the morning of the 27th he attacked the Afghan cavalry that hovered around him. The latter. feigning a panicâ€" a device so llackucyed that no.0xperienced officer should have been deceived by itâ€" drew the pursuing British into a well-plan- ned ambuscadc. Their cavalry and artillery, decimated by a crushing fire, melted away at once ; but the honour of the day was sav- ed by the English infantry, whose resolute stand, with the heavy losses sustained by it, did much to check a pursuit which might otherwise have annihilated the whole brig- ade. As it was, the rout of the British force was complete, and had the victor pressed forward at. once, he \vuuld probably have entered Caudahar at the heels of the fugitives. His delay, from whatever cause it may have proceeded, saved the city. When he at length appeared before it, his lepented assaults were repelled as vigorously as they were made. Meanwhile General Roberts and Gen. Pllayrc, converging upon the place from opposite sides, triumphanth asserted the superiority of discipline ovcr fanaticism; and the latest dispatches an- nounce the relief of the besieged city and the defat of its late assailant. Such a story points its own moral. Few errors are more common or more fatal than the ,belicf that to overrun a country is to conquer it. Napoleon himself fell into it in 1808, and the result of that blunder was the Peninsular war and his own filial overthrow. Afghanistan is an Oriental Spain, and the position of the British Colnmauder-iquhicf at Candahar is precisely that of Joseph Bonaparte at Ma rid. The English grena- dier is, indeed, more than a match, ill a pitched field, for the undisciplined Afghan, just as the French grenadier was for the undisciplined Spaniard. But all this does not brlug the invaders one step nearer to their object. Twenty defeats, each more crushing than any which they have yet sus- tained, would never quell the resistance of the Afghans, nor prevent their rallying again whenever they please. It is this im- palpability, this .want of any vital and vul- nerable point, which distinguishes the barbaric warfare of the East from the civil- ized warfare of the West. The organized States of Europe resemble a single and pal- pable adversary, purvious by shot or steel. The fierce mountain clans of the Hindu- Kusb are like a swarm of llomets, every- where and yet nowhere, always assailiug, never assailab'o. Moreover, were every foot of Afghanistan conquered to-luorrow, its occupation would only cost for more than it is worth, without any coulltcrbalaucin r ad- vantage whatever. It is full time for [ling- land to recognize the uselessness as Well as costliness of her self-imposed task, and to refrain froln adding more valuable lives to the thousands already sacrificed in vain. ow-o o.._..-â€"â€"â€" gram from Prisrend, acanard from Athens, or a damn“ from Staulboul is regarded hero as a. perfect godsend in the way of verdant proveudcr, and the life of the animal does thereby not altogether evaporate, but its productive powl-r has for the time being sadly dwindled, and there is no saying what the graziors may have to do if prospects of pastures new are not 3 edin unfolded to them. Meanwhile, for ack of matter more attr cfive, the newspapers hero have eagerly caught at M. Galubetta‘s Cherbourg speech, and are cudgclling their brains to make out exactly what the cx-Dictator meant. That his words are capable of two, and even three, interpretations, all seem to be agreed, but as to which is the right one there is little consensus of opinion. Suspicion, how- ever, plainly appears to lurk at the bottom of all their comments, and some of the Liberal journals even write as if they were clearly convinced that France is'paticutly hiding her time and slowly but surely ma- turing bcr imputed policy of revenge. Two Liberal papers, in fact, reason as if M. Gam- betta bad the other day boldly.declared as much, one openly asserting its conviction that the President’s speech is an “uncou- ccaled defence of the revenge idea which is becoming popular among the French people in proportion to the increasing power they feel of being able to realize it.” The semi- oflicial and conservative press, it is true, has not yet indulged in much criticism on the subject, though its silence is no less omi- nous than tho remarks of the Liberal organs are outspoken, but it is very evident to all that the festivities and speecllifyiug which cheered the simple inhabitants of Cm rbourg have had a somewhat op )osito effect on the susceptible politicians of Berlin. At the same time, it must be said that on the sub- ject of their international relations with the rest of Europe the Germans have lately bu- guu to show a tetclliucss and sensitivcness quite unworthy of the race of calm ahd pene- trating thinkerswllicil they boast themselves to be. They scam to be incessantly haunt- ed by the suspicion of some bancful design against their new and innocent Empire by one or more of their envious and handed neighbors, and the press is hardly ever done denouncing the anti-German aims of some of the powers. Austria, it is true, since last Autumn has enjoyed a chartered immunity from those roproaches, but the other States have bad tosuffsr severely for it. Now it is France, with a well-delivered sido thrust at poor, unofl'ending Italy ; a rain, the terrors of patriotic wrath are let oosc on Russia, and the other day the journalists cvcn defi- antly shook their indignant lists at the honest and. dumbfounded John Bull for having darkly conspired with the ambitious Muscovite to thwart and destroy the Austro-Gcrman influence on the banks of the Danube, When Germans, therefore, forget themselves so far as, on evidence of the very flinlsiost and second- hand uaturo to imputc treachery to a well- wishing and well tried friend, it can source- ly excite sur rim that they should continue to be infected with an unhappy suspicion of a nation which they hold to be their hero- ditary foe, that they should examine all its ordinary actions with the painful miuutcllcss of a microscopist, uud pervert the words and meaning of its rulcrs with all the purblilld obstiuacy of a scholastic dogmatist. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"> .0. o -------- A Chinese Theatre. ble, and to this fact is traceable by far the greater part of the discontent and tmublo ~that are making themselves so a iparent in the internal politics of Russia in t in present day. But ropublicanism is the more rational form of govornmcut. Our reason commends its principle as in every respect the boat as a theory. There is no don 'iug this. There is no form of government 1; lat looks so well on paper or in the rhetorical rlla sodics of a nmagoguc, but there, as we thin , our praise of it ends. Sir Thomas More long ago painted a Utopiaâ€"a model and perfect ro- public,â€"and every one straightway fell in love with it. But they soon found they were admiring merely an idea, a phantom that wuuld never in this world, short of tho millennium, be found embodied in practical shape. Indeed this is the grant and fatal objection to republics as against constitu- tional monarcbicsâ€"thcy are impracticable. Thcy prouliso much and )crlorm little. There is a grand display of lossom, much firing of cannon, rejoicing of mobs. clicoriu of speeches, and celebrating of Fourths 0 July, but little fruit, little political profit, ‘of the kind that was anticipated. Yet, to be candid, the defect is not in the principle of rcpublicanism but in themes who carry it out. If we had perfect man to administer it and to be ruled by illâ€"especially tho formerâ€"it would altogctllcr be a most satis- factory motbod of overnmcnt, but until that condition is fulli led the co: populi will ‘7 be as often the col diaball' as tho so: Del. \Vitnoss the terrible effects of ropublicanilm lot looso‘in the times of the French Revolu- tion and the later Frcucll commune, and tho glaring corruption and "ml-administration that are only too evident in the internal administration of our neighbours in the United States. \Vbcroforc we say that mankind is not yet, nor, we fear, is it likely to be for many centuries to come, fitted for a republican form of government, because there is no certainty, nor any security, that the best representative men shall be chosen or even that the majority of the electors will b0 the own best qualified to exorcise the right of choice. This is why republics, un- less illdcod we except those which, like Switzerland, live a semi-comatose political existence, always tend to ultimately bocomo monurcbics, and, though it may seem a daring prophecy, yet we are not surely un- warranted by historical precedent in saying that our two greatest republics will, by and by, follow the oxamplc of their predecessors and choose for themselves a kill r. France will be the first from the nature of'its people and the influence of the example of its former history, and the United States will follow so soon as a mall arises who, like Washington, can secure to himself the ad- miratlon and love of his countrymen, and who, unlike hiln, Will not sample to seize the supreme power thus placed in his hands. _...4-.Qr-co.-. ALL SOB/1‘8. Trams have greatly changed. In early days it was the Christians who bore many stripes, but now it is the penitentiary birds. “Wilma: will you put me when I come to see you at your castle in the air?" nskod a gentleman of a witty girl. “ In a brown study," she replied. “ Hr. seems to have been shot in the dia- phragm," said the doctor. “Oh, no I" ox- claimed his weeping listener, “ be was shot in the lower end of the saloon." 'l‘llv. llridgtown (1811:.) News calmly says : “ Tile types last week made us say that ‘ the showers were not sufficient to meet the wants of milkmcn,’ Alta, instead of ‘mill- men.’ " A uslsolous tract callcd ” l’ut Not Your Trust in l’rincus" was tllrownillw the saloon of a simple old (lerlllnu. He read the title and soliloquizcd I “ Vell, l don'd put some drust ill princes. Dcy must pay dcr cash in dis sbop cllust (for same as a Vite mans.“ As old farmer's wife who had a servant that was notorious for breaking dishes, on one occasion fell asleep in church. During her slumbcrs her elbow unluckin overturn- ed a bible, when, to thc amusement of her follow-worshippers, she was heard to utter in a very audible voicc, “ anitllcr bowl, yo hissic.” Nor long ago a new railwa was opened in the Highlands. A High ndcr named Donald heard of it, and bought a ticket for the first exclusion. The train was about half the distance to the next station when a collision took place, and poor Donald was thrown unceremoniously illto spark. After recovering his sense he made the but of his way home, when the neighbours asked him how he liked his drive. "Oh," replied Donald, “ she liked it fine, but they had an awfu'quick Way in puttin mo mt.’ ’l‘lll'l AUSI'ICIOUS OPENING OF A CHLKKTIAI. HOME 01" Tle DRAMA IN PORTLAND. (From the Portland Oregunlan.) Couug Yo Lull & Co.'s new theatre was opened the other l ay. The performance he- gan at 4 [mm and lasted till past midnight. At 7 p.lu. the theatre Was crowded, live- sixths of the audience bciug Cclestials and onclsixth Caucasians. About thirty Chincsc women occupied seats in the gallery, sot apan for the gentler sex. The playpre- scnted is entitled “The Treaty Between the Six Asiatic Nations," and is embellished with the incidents connected with that treaty. The day embraces evcry shade of acting, from light cornuly to heavy tra- gedy. The actors knew their lines and their cues, and they also know how to act; there were no quarrels between the leading lady and the scubrette, and the star and the leading man ; there were not half a hundred dcadhcads ; there were no bouquets bought by members of the company and sent to themselves by the us'her ; there were no to- dious waits bctwacn the sets, but there were some tedious acts bets cos the waits ; the orchestra consisted of a fiddle, two banjos, a machine that made a noise like two boys with sticks striking a paling fence going at full speed, and three pairs of c mbols-«mo pair as large as washtubs. '1 ecosernblc playing was a happy medium between the sounds of two plgs under a gate and the melody of a boiler factory, with a slight pre- ponderation of the latter. The most thrill- ing scene was when ten sewn, dressed kind of likeufai and kind of like an Indian. and kind offliko a turkey gobbicr, came out and threatened to wipe the ground with tbelr opponents' army. They tackled an old woman, threw her across a block, and sawed away for a minute with wooden swords, after which the woman turned a sumrncmult, and walked off the stage, dead. The heroine of the play had her face painted like the sunrise of a sixsbit chroma, and four oun llomcos. after: uantlcrin a , ’ ‘ week's salary8 on picnic tickzta anrl biiat Y9“ ""5 °V¢W,m°mm ’ ‘ 160-" “AMI ridel for the idol of their hearts, without mm." .Y°'" m“ “’0’” "'9'." " W,°”v gaining her affections, threatened u, but, dun I It look to you sometlrpcsllko you is a o... life‘s wing of u... otwbm. To.“ imp 0‘ “will” ‘0 WWW“ l all in I”. the 1'“ China? , “WNW” "Fifi Uncleâ€"Thersiucancl so such this be Mord“! " ‘ Sand "m Md mm” as beauty without order; 0: if 31cm be, it 2% success. away-sully impaired bydisordcr. And order w now, ' the v t f . Gut. PLZAHO‘ my claim-to have haul the when, :an “Lil. momma; it?“ till: best hone m'tho army during the wpr. “l l and do t butter, and with list fatigue, than . bopgbt bun. he pays. ‘ff'om me,dfilono whois disorderly. nodoanol noodle Jolanlle. The Prince paid $3,000 for hm. llperld any time in looking forwolsormaterial and I at him when the Prince was alas {who knows just when to find than ; an: away «8600. Hemagentlcus l l _ ' nib. doubemfl'crthcaunoyanesolhavia fade will the wane: of the dad Ind the speed without things that am lost or Monitor he of the Wind. He could go wrtbaut eating or rarely loses or breaks ; and the orderly wo- drmkm was asprctty u _a wamlmauaaflndher things“. the first trial, H_° . d jump anything before him. llaft evcnwith her rs shut. Goodorduisoflt- bun la charg- of a bugle: one day, sadtlut ulfono kinda beauty :mdithuuululu 'uthc last leverawofeitbcrtbc bugle! itis beautifuL And all another kindsof orthc bane. They went over totboeao- bxy mintbunulvaa'dfllymndm my." a ‘ . .. A Young Girl Sleeps for Many Months (From the Dally Telegraph.) Scarcclyless astonishing that Dr. Tanner's recent feat of fasting is the condition of a young lady, the daughter of the Mayor of Glambke, a village near Bremen, who is said to have been fast asleep BVCI' since the second week in January, with the exception of a few hours of semi-wakefulness at inter- vals of from six to eight weeks. An inter- eating account of her extraordinary state is published 1.. the Hanover Cumin. It ap- pears that she has, plunged in a ll’Olflnlld slumber and entirely unconscious 0 all that goes on around her, night and day, reclining on her left side, warmly covcrod,up and with a light gauze spread over her head. Near. isbmcuz, chiefly in a li uid form, is daily administered to her, w 'ch she swallows without awakening for a second. She is a pretty, slender girl, of a pallid complexion, but she dou not lose in weight during her trance: of from forty to sixty days, and when awake, exhibits a cheerful disposition and an er desire to perform such small household tasks as her strength enaqu her to fulfil. Her father is a well. to-do man, who has consulted several emi- nent medical men, in the of discoverin me mad for his daughter's abno condition, it ich entails anions inconclu- cues and constant anxiety upon the other members of the family ; but all adorns hith- erto undo tokeep the unlucky girl units have resulted in total failure. Sines the use of the sleeping, Villas: at Potsdam, no such inmtingsn joct for study and ob. «rational tbcpartofthnhcultyhuarim as that of the sustng aonnolsat Bargains- ter's daughter of rambkn. A vol-null Macon minister recently spent. the night tulrty miles below American, with a backwoodsman, whose house comisted of only two rooms. in the morning a young member of the family. in res use to an ap- plicatiun fora wash bowl, nought him an old tin pan. and after the face toilet was com llltcd, hauled up about seven math of an a ll. tucking comb for him to arrange his hair with. During the rogressof tlmim- lortaot ceremony, the fol wmg conversation tween tho two wok plscc : " Mister, do

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