Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Sep 1880, p. 4

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i The Bedouln'l Rebuke- B)’ 1031. “EMS. i D A Bedouin of true honour, good Nth”, . Pmaiodiua bone Ibo-I: fame was spread, No other ruin. I'u half-o proud andstrong:§ flu feet were like the north wind swept, along, I. In an curved neck andin is. flashing eye 9 I You saw the harbinger- of victory. ; 50. many camewNebarda'hy day, I And longed to take his nob 0: horse away ; Lirge sums they offered, and with grace be i sought, l But all in vain, the horse could not be: bought. l “'ith these came Usher, of another trlbe‘, _ T'u see if he might not the owner bribe: ; l I et purpvrscleas; no money, lklll, nor breath, i death. Then Daher, who was subtle, mean and sly, Crucludsd, next, some stratagcm to try ; l S -. clothed in rags, and masked in form and 1 face, 116 as a beggar walked with limping pace, And, meeting Ncbar, with the bone one‘mirror that has once reflected it: she had.birds. dzy. He fell, and prostrate on the dtsert lay. The ruse succceded ; for, when Nebarfouud A helpless man in sorrow on the ground, flu took him u r, and on the noble steel Gave him a place ; but what u thankless deed 1 For Dahcr shouted, laughed, and giving rein, Said, "You will never see your horse again.” “'I‘akt: him," said Nebar, “ but, for Mcrcy's sake, Tell no man in what way you choosc to take, Lust otlnmx, chiug what has happened to me, Omit to do some needed charity.” l'lchcd by those words, the robbcr's kccn re- “IONIC Thwarted his plan, and be returned the horse, Shame-filch and sorrowful; tbcn llunkl away As if he fcarcd tlic vcry light of day 2 #I'rom Wide Awake. ow.--â€"_.. ‘LIANE HEARN’S TRIAL. A .s'l‘lHLY IN THREE CIIAI’I‘EIZH. CHAPTER I. “ Unc- rnay mistake a fancy for a passion ; but cover a passion far a fancy, whm oncc it comes." Thus an) a one of our boat and purest writers; and truly the story of many a woman’s lifc-â€"tlic tragic history of many a human luart, lics folded in the truth be tclls. It is the mistakes of life, more than its crimts, which have the most pitiful con- scr nonces. .lanc llcarn, when she was a girl of eigh- teen, made a mistake in lifc. She took a fancy for a passion, followed its leading, and found it but an I'gm's faluaa which lcd her into places where there was no solid ground beneath her feet, no rift in the clouds over- head by which some ray of light might shine to guide her on her way. She had dreamed dreams and seen visions of what her married life should his as the wife of Walter Disney lIearn. She had thought to herself: “ After my marriage- dny I shall never be aloneâ€"all the troubles of life will be easier to bear because my bus- band is by my sldc to bear them with me ; all the joys of life sweeter, because he is thorc to sham thorn.” This was the rosy light that fancy shod upon the future that was coming. How cold-bow barrenâ€"was tho reality that followed these passion-laden dreams ! A Woman may luvc a man through much wrong, through disgrace and shame, through poverty and suffering : but there is one thing: which slays love as surely as loss of air and sunlight kills a plant, and that isâ€" indifference. Jane found herself face to face with abso- lute and chilling indifl'rrcncc blfore she had been a wife a car. \anter llcarn was a man who cravm for the unattainable with ardent lon ving; his fancy dressed itself in tho rarb oil passion, and the couritcrfL-itwas cxce lentâ€"for a while. Ho was a man whose moods varicd like tho wind : kind, if the humour was on him and he had an end to gain ; crucl, if it planned him to rcvcngc a whim denied ; charming to those he cared to charm, and only showing his real selfish self to those of his own household. No one hudcvcr callcd Jam: his wife, beau- tiful; but she had a certain power of fasci- nation about her, and be had felt itâ€"for a while. That was onc reason why he mar- ried hor, forgetting that one can scarcely cs- pousc a womanâ€"only for a while. Jane was aslight slip of agirl, graceful in ovory movcmcnt ; she had soft, dark eyes, a width of dusky locks, and n high-ber look that prrmiscd well for her powers of endurance. She left no stone unturned to try and keep tho love she had once bclicv'cd licr own in very truth. But if n trcc docs not bear any fruit, you cannot gather what docs not .~xi:.t \vhcrnwith to slnkc your thirst. Walter flcarn could not comprehend the nature of low in its best and highest sense ; sympatbf.’ of thought and feeling, the Cllllll'.\ll.-)"~lllll of mind with mind, the fcalty of hour. :0 heart, were things he no murc understood than he did tho 'cological formation of the earth's crust. “hon Jane crowd for brcad, ho gave her a stone. \l'hvn sliu longed to be near him and with him in his amusements, when she tried to cultivate a fade for society naturally distasteful to her, he raid, “ Do as you pchc." He made her fuel that her presence was a thing indif- fcn-nt to him at all timesâ€"irkromc to him at many. Shc was of too noblu a nature to harbor jealousy, but it hurt the dignity of her womanhood to arc him courtous, admir- ing, full of uvcry charm and grace of manner toothvr “(numbâ€"“lion for hcr, his wife, he had no lming wurd, no tcndrr thf‘ll,'llt, all through the weary days. Jane was wull-d-iwcn‘d, and gloricd in the fact for the sake of the man she loved. She would not wrllingly luvo had any barrier set against his cntirc approbation of her for~ tune ; but her guardian, Colonel llaubrney, a man who had been her father's companion in arms, insisted, with a gentle pcrsis:cr.cc, on part of it hing xultlul on hemlf and any children she might have. More he could not got her to do in the wa ' of self protec- tinnwcvcn this much .lanc wkrd upon an a hardsl-i ;a view of matters in which, in his (651T: heart, Walter Disney Ircarn must fully agrccd. In fact, speakingln confidrnccf toa friend, he called the Colonel a “ med- dling uld fool. " It was a good thing in tho long run for Juno that shc had had a “ fool " of any kind to look aftcr her intumt, at all events to Down exunt : for when, fivu your: after the! data of her marriage, Walter flown (in cuu- { salumcc of sum» club trait-ac ion that' would not exactly bear thc bmad li vht nfl dug.) wunt to Amuim with a frivud, andE tlat friend wrote to break the fact of his sudden death from sun-fever to thou- ho hailE vase upon your wrrfiigtable with the pretty i In Us early that morning. chn I shall go l t‘il’floslm‘rs : “ no micâ€"<nu one must tell 3 left at home, Jane, his widow, was found to have no ear-(hf “manna mmuuiu: to liurq save that nasal portion of but fortune that Colt nel Dautuno had filed an safely, to wru- , ly against hu vi I. i To my that she did not mourn for hrrl husband would not be true. Any good Ms W clover: here and there by the wngofa lark as he rate higher in the blue vault of heaven, uplifted heaven'aard by the triumphant melody of his own rang ; the tender golden- the the: in Spring ; the in Summer ; the wash of the sea rocky shoreâ€"all these beauties of sight and sound had for Jane: new significance. She did not know that it was the sensation oljthrushes were singing, daily effort, the relief from the strain of Ielf- 1 like a silver world over the sea ? watchfnluess that made her so open to every I thee to the death, and out beyond into the 3 world to come. happy impulse of appreciation; but the far- in e a that watched her read the truth fufl early, and thanked Heaven in that, af: ter long strife and struggle, the gentle heart was at rest. higher Midlin my nature, and this must b: it coming. l all as any need to kn-iwâ€"have they 3 Thatir l I think the sums. your heart and mice.-â€" 1 her life in the pus: so wretched must stand you that nightâ€"the ; betwecn her and me foreverâ€"n long night you asked me if I loved you ‘ enough' lives. My God 2' be bmke out wiluly, ios~ ; ’l'hc to be your wifeâ€"â€"the night when the r mg hi- caEmzrcss for ac mad moment; ud) gun and the moon rose l you not think I see and feel the horrar of it "‘ lug u; of n“. “.onde'ful cum am n , we r .3 I wil love ,; all! My darlingiâ€"ch, my darling ! which of , customers. If you “.551, w ‘n. n: ,u perfume of the rose! a thing against the 1 What was it I said to chance Guy Challoner was able to set of? (‘n , ‘: expected. I between in Bv what he thought in truth a happy his journey north 3 day earlier than he had f What a fond light of surprise! Colonel and Mrs. Daubeney were a child- l and joy would dawn in Jane’s dark eyes as 9 316-5 pair, and June filled the vacant cornerlhe stole upon her unaware: in some quietl in their hearts. NJ daughter could. have l spot such as she loved to hide in, alone with _been dearer. They vied with each other: Could part the owner from his horse till ;' who should show her the most thoughtful she would be under the old lilac tree? She care, the tenderest sympathy. That was a hap y homeâ€"the home where this trio lived beside the ever-changing sea. In time the widow's cap Jane's soft, rippling hair; the very mem- l her treasure of sweet thoughts! Perhaps loved that tree he knew, though now all its i blossoms had fallen. I It was a fair Summer's day, the day on rested no mire on - which Guy reached that fair home beside the sea where dwelt his love. Green below, cry of the bitter past seemed to have faded ; blue overhead, and between the wafting of from her mind as an image passes from the found peace, and having known the pain of its lack, treasured it as a jewel of great price. She grew tole so like the light-hearted girl of olden dtys that it was hard for those , who looked upon her to realize the fact of her six and-twenty years. ' Before another year was added to their sum, the peace, so lately found, so dearly prized, was troubled; but, like BEthin'l‘B of, troubled by an angelâ€"the angel of a ovc, full, complete, intense. lane had once “mistakena funcyfor 3 passion ;" no fear she should 110W ” mistake a passion for a fancy." In the unripeness and. inexperience of her youth she had suc- cumng to the charm of a man's voice and manncr; now in the full bloom of her wo- manhood, she yielded to the influence of a man’s heart an'l mind; she reveled in the sweet subjection claimed by one higher in thought, deeper in mind than herself. _ In past days she had found a pleasure in “'alter Hcarn’s adulation and fondncss; now she only sought how best she might show her devotion to one she knew to be worthy of all she could give. Jane's new love-story came about thus: A certain expedition was about to set forth on a quest of scientific inquiry ; there was some talk, even in that quiet corner of Scotland, beyond the Kyles of Hate, nf_a young naval officer whose tilents bid furr to make him a shining light in the annals of science. He was to go with the expedition, and his name was Guy Challoncr. Sonic delay occurrin; in the fitting up of the ship selected to sail to almost unknown seas, Guy Challoner came to spend a week or two with some old friends of his who lived near Captain Daubcnev. Guy came North in utter unconsciousness that at cachstcp of the journey he was near- ing his fate, and that that fate was to come in the form of June Hearn. \Vhen he first saw her she stood beneath shadow of a lilac tree whose faint purple blossoms swayed to the wind. She wore a simple dress of pale gray, and at her throat was a crimson knot. From that moment life was a new thing to Guy Clialloner. If be had been ainbitiousbeforc, he was doubly so now, for, day by day,hc grew to read better and more clearly the noble nature of this woman who might inspire a man to strive for a greater name, but would never hold him back from fame because she cared to grasp as much of his life as she could. Her cultured mind, chastcncd by past sorrows, appreciative of all that was grand in science and Lcautiful in nature, eagerly followed the load of his. The man lived a charmed lifc, feeling himself beloved even before he put his own love into words; and, when he did speak, when one evening as the thrusth sang good-bye to the day that was dying, as the shadows lay sleeping on the sea, Guy Challoncr told Juno how she had crept into his heart and nestled there. “ Do you love me enough '2" he. said, looking into her eyes, at once so dark and bright. " Don’t you know '2” shc answered, hiding their happy light upon his brcast. The tliruslics were silent, the shadows on the water flud at the soft touch of the moon- riscâ€"and still those two lingcrcd in the gloaming, hand in hand, like two happy children. And for all answer slic laid her arms about his neck, and said in the words of our sweet- est singer: “ [will love thee to the death, And out beyond, into tho world to come." It seemed to June after that night (-f be- trotlial, as if for her a new heaven and a new earth were creatcd. Not only was she loved with a passion and tenderness such as she had never realized in the past, but she was led on from day to day to some new kuowlcdgc, some more perfect undtrstand- ing of the beauties of nature. She was al- lowed to feel hcrsclf not only loved us a woman, but prized ass or mpnnion ; she was unspeakably, intensely happy, for once in her life. S.) the golden days passed on, and at last it was settled that Jane’s wcdding-dny should be before that expedition sailed to unknown sons, and Guy should leave her not his promist bride, but his wife. “Then I can conic after you," she said, with her cycs suspicicuily bright and a quiver about her lips. “ You can write for me from any port where you arc likely to slay any time." “ (fan I?" he said, lilélrlflg the trcmblc from her mouth. Before the weddingdlay came round Guy find to go down south to pay a Visit to thc Admiralty, and make certain arrange- ments about that intended voyage of which we Wot. \Vc will pcc) our his sliouldcr, if you please, and run the fa. lish letter that Jane sent him on the second day of that short sej‘nrafionwn letter than which, in Guy's cycs, earth could not hold a dcnrcr thing, save and except the littlc hand that wrote it: “I am not Lcing idlc because I inns you so much. I lovu reading tlic books that you have read before me, and where, on the margins, you have left pencillc'l Ill)th It is like following in footsteps tlnt you have troddui in~â€"it is as if you had passcl that way before inc, and ilrnppcda lluWrr lure and thin: for me to pick up. I have [con so ha ipy, Gu ', these last few works! I have bccu so .ippy that my happiness has frightened mo sometimesâ€"it is only a short time, and yet it stems more than all the years of my life b.forc. it is foolish, I suppcsc, to writc you such long letters, and mu away for so shorts time, and coming left so soan 2 It is unworthy of the wis- dom that should have gathered round my command-twenty yearsâ€"is it not! Wlnn you get this than: Will only be two days more bcforc you act out north again, IO that very scan l shall be beginning the day that has only to wear to seven o‘clock before it brin '3 you to me. The lilies of the \‘s lley are a loot in the garden, and I shall fill the for a long walk along the shore. You will think mo 1 fairy for writing like this. Do you know I really thought I was ' owing quite a n-naiblo, almost strong-mind‘s! w.» manâ€"4 niatur-cf-fact, commtu-uuec sort of muslinâ€"once. Beforvl met you, I man man Illl‘ mourn a man who has stood , â€"~bifurc this day whcn under the Ha: I Mt to her In. this close“ and most or i with tho leal‘ahadmu flickrrini; 0“ my dad rulatruu in blue, no matter hon: ; hook. and Mrs. Bayard touched me on the that hfu may haw bunnddcucdand blight- I shoulder to make me look up. You know ad by iii-influence. Indoid, vhmnhs mutl that I saw when I did look up, Guy? Uh lo bro with (.‘oiouel Dacbcncy and his gen- mydarliug. but fair fhe World has acorn: u. wife in Wu borne on the reason: Scots j to incâ€"bow bcautiful : thing his has grown Wham Jan would ind-rd hardly ham-mucus the moment whml mtt your dear almltudtohmf thong! am mule olfeyul lacking info mine with a atrango, not and price security that stole over 3 calm. Apia-honing. as though they bad but life like nus-shins cucpiug must a land- ; found something they fad been I chin and making aver) thing fair. ‘ for are: no long! You to: they had four: f or now-Luna content rather fork thorns-4nd they I'm: very glad. No; y-ul fi rm of autumn delight in the bcautiful an not groi-iookirg. Guy; no one could nafutc by which aha found bend! amund- _ cad you ti at, Sir! Y‘ n are a plain man, «I than in any more dcdutc nay. The. clncr, u the can see at a g'ancc. uniâ€"yes us malt: thin vs bLtk'ktl' than what they arc. f and ycl innumerable wings, the song of a thousand That was what the world loide like to Guy’s happy eyes as he nearid the haven of his desires. How quiet the place secured ! No one was asfir. He looked in vain for the substantial forms of the Colonel and hi. wife, usually to be seen wandering in the garden at that hour on a fine evening, or for a slight figurE, book in handâ€"a worria X With entrust quiet eyes and a. crown of dusky hair. He quickly passed through the hall-door, which in Summer stood wide open from early morn, opened the door of the room on the leftâ€" the favourite indoor haunt of Mrs. Daubcney and Jane, and then he stood quitc stillâ€"«truck dumb as it were by what he saw within. By the mantel-shelf stood the old C ulouel, a letter in his hand, a look of pain and terror on his faceâ€"the face that was drawa and white, like that of one who has just under- gone a painful ordi-al and is slill dazud by the shock. Near him was his wife Susan, looking as helpless as women of her loving nature and sin ill endurance always do when things are going very badly indeed. Her eyes were streaming with tears as she mi: in a limp heap in one corner of the sofa, nnd,ns she saw Guy, she gave a little pitcous cry. As for the Colonel, he threw out his hands toward the figure at the open door as though he would fain have kept off any unarcr ap- proach. “ Great Heaven 1" he said, hoarscly, lct~ ting the letter in his hand flutter to the ground; “is that you, Guy? Has any one told you ?" “ Told me what 2" said Guy. white to the lips, but master of himself as usual. “ \Vlrere is June 7” “She is gone up tho sliorcâ€"~slic knous nothingâ€"come in, shut the door. You are a brave man, Guy. Call your courage to your aid. You will need it all. Road this.” Guy drew a deep breath as he took the closely-written shoot of foreign paper from the Colonel’s hand and carried it over to the window. And as hedid so)lrs.l)anbcney covered her face with her hands, and began rocking her- self to and fro in a perfect frenzy of grief. Guy had been full of a terrible fcar lost some harm had conic to June, but, thank God for that, his dear love was sa’c and well! Any calamity, he thought, that did not touch the dcar head so soon to bcpillow- ud on his breast could be mot and borne. And with such thoughts beating right hotly in his heart, Guy began to read the lctttr on the foreign paper. CHAPTER II. When Guy Callontr had finished reading through the letter in it sflcnce broken only by Mrs. Daubeny's stifled sobs, be laid it down upon the table, and, turning to the window, stood there silent and motionless. He was in truth, as the Colonel had said but a fcw moments back, it brave man. He had anountercd storms, in which, each mo- ment, death seemed to stare himself and his companions in the face, without for one mo. ment losing that calm, repressed manner that was his most marked characteristic, but the mental storm of feeling that now shook him was harder to face than those perils upon the great waters. The poor old Colonelâ€"who stood holding to the edge of the mantel-shelf with one hand, as if glad of the support of something solid amid the bewildering and uncertain state of things in gciieralâ€"licnrtl the sound of one deep-drawn breath after anotherâ€" thc Sound as of a swimmer, sorcly pressed, battling against a mighty current. “God bless my soul l" he cried at last, appalled at Guy's ll ng silence. “ June will be here before we know where we are if we don’t look out. Guy, my dear follow, my dear boy, what the devil are we to do ‘2" What were they to do? This man-«lane's husbandâ€"had C0110le- cd the happy idea of leading every one b»:- longing to him to suppose he was dcad,whilc he was in fact living under a false name in various cities in America; and than, after long years, writing to announce the fact of his existence, and of his intended return to England. He was good enough to be jocular over the whole affair; liopul “ little Jamy" hnvl “ not got married again ;" said he could not help laughing when he thought of what an “ asionislier” his letter would be to them all; and that he would like to see Jane's facc \vhcn Col. Daubcncy “broke the news to her." “ It's likely enough I shall break some- thing morn than the news in telling Janey this, ' groaned the Colonel; “what about the p.~or child's heart?" Guy had still kept silenceâ€"«till kept his face turned away from the two who watched him an intently, but now he crossed the room 0 the Colonel's sidc. Mrs. Daubcncy uticrczl a low Cry at the sight of the change that a struggle, short and sharp, hall wrought in (iuy Challi-ncr. The man who had come into that pr'tty, cbccry room less than half an hour ago with :juyous gladncss in his voice and li 0k same“. to have grown old all at once. llis check was pale ; his moufli, set in a resolute line of pain and endurance, looked as if ntver again cl uld it snffcn with n smilo; his (3st â€"\vull, after incutirg them for one moment, I Mrs. Daubcnr-y covircd lirr own. “ You are right," said Guy, speaking al- most ctr-Inly in his (letcru-inuziun not. to yield an inch to the agony of heart that llt: knew, if once given way to, evtn for a mo- m- nt, would swGC all before it like 3‘! ir- resistible torrent. “ You are right, Cirlonell Daubcucy; wc must think of Janc, (-f lur' on'y, an of nothing else as yet. Sin: is somewhere up the shore, yin s N, I think '3? l will go and meet her." In a moment Mrs. Diubcncy was clinging 5 to his arm, sobbing, trying to spuk, ap- ptzaling to hvr bud-and, 53yng rho: kmzv not, what. l l us can comfort ya! 3" Listening to his bunt of anguish, tbelhrge sue bmje’ 75 ccnt,_ advised) y the gray-green amid of sky and water, lYou am not very young either. you knowâ€"lto suppose he's been '(a‘in: fhc 15f: of al, V _ the gleam of ajwbat is it? Tumy-Lhrec and a bit. Now 1 saint. in mos-3 , land’s-ting or the glint of a redvbruwn lad ; 3 you I'll] say there is a spice of impertineuee g get rid of him ;eh 2 don‘t you see? f Are you sufi'eiin: with Consumption parts ; 11).: u‘t Janet be able to o _ A Fact Worm Knowing. A . “ Y“: 1 59¢," “5“ Guy “any : “ bl“ j Coughs. Sthl’e Cole settled on the Brunt, out. But, Guy, no one knows but Jane how i that would be no good. In Jane's ey es no- rntle and tend-3r yau can bcâ€"ao one else i thing but death an disolve marri Ass. Ind This man who has maJe ashe ; Pneumonia: or my disuse of the Tbrmt aLd ; Lungs 3 If so, go to your Dru 'grst 81d get ,a bottle of Baccnu's Gunnsx Svnt‘r. Till‘in j nirdicinc has iate‘y b.en intrmiutci fn-m chrmxny. and is selling on its mvn merits. iplc are going wild ovcr its 5mm, rug-3st: all over lht- country are writ- , ‘ _ perior 'ertnes,_get a Sample bottle for 10 cents. 'l‘hrue dons Colonel fclt sadiv that he had spoken nn- i will relieve anvcasc. Try ll. “ If I find it necessaryâ€"I may do soâ€"nof that 5: had far bum hive leftl well alone. i , Miss .\l.u'.\'sru), the young l.8lll::8 whcse ~â€"n.~â€"o.â€"__.__ toreturn here," sail Guy. recovering himself, name “it: on“: 510k“ (if in connection with “will you send in} traps down to the star that of Prince L-opold, and who is to be on (ion, and tel] y,“ mm to give the", in {some day the Counting of \Varivick, will not charge to the statan master 1'" I The Colonel uolded. He dared not give 1 that tongue of hi a chance of doing more mischief. Another momen, an-l Guy was out in the calm, bcautifulevutide. The uloaming was , gently stealing ox-r the world like sleepi over a tired child. The shadows were purple on the sea; hen and there a star shone faintly ovcrhcad ;the brown dead bmcktn, drooping against he rocks along the shore, was mirrond in he quiet water that wash- l ed their feet. lirds sang, but softly, asl though the hushof the coming night was over them, and be lazy waft ng of a sea- gull‘s wings um and again stone wb;tc bitwecn sea and fry. A peaceful hroding spirit accrued abonl. The Summer \vzupast, but a harvest of con- tent had been ganertd in, and Autuu n was fair with a calm nd mature beauty all its own. Bat of its sweet ripeness of perfection the man hurrying unwith eager, strained eyes and pale set 1- la votted nothing. The mcks dapplcd all gold ad ruddy-brown will] the dying ferns; the lovely purple shadows sleeping on the SN; the waft of white wings ; the faint star-sine above, the gentlc-sob- bmg water llt'lov; what Wcrc they all to him? Eager, mui craving for the sight- of a woman’s face, (3', though it might in the lost time he s‘ioul ever gaze upon it, he still lingcd for tln srgbt of it;) agoniz'ng, quick»coming quetions as to how best he might- spare his foe all possible pain in tell- ing of the terrilc story, such were the thoughfs that suged like the waves of a troubled sea in G'y Cnalloucr's mind. For him all tho beautyof earth and sea and sky around him migh as well have been but des la'ion, storm,iu(1tcmpest. June did not cxyct himâ€"he had thought to cnme upon liens aswcct surprise. All the way on his jurney down from London his mind had bcu full of anticipations of what hcr joy woul be in his un-looked for coming. That las letter of hers, so full of all womanly tendrness, of passionate dc- votion, of psrfcct cmprchcnsi-rn of his aims and ends in life, hi love and his ambitions, was still in the brest~pockct of his coat. It seemed like carryig some murdered thing about with him. What would Jan say when she saw him? How should he mat her; how should be green herâ€"his losflovcâ€"liis darlingâ€"torn from his side by acrucl fate? In time to come, no doubt nt indignation against Walter Hear-n wouldx-kc possession of Guy’s soul. At present tbrc scenicd no room in his heart save for louglils of Janeâ€"room for nothing beyondunutterablc pity and tenderntss toward Jric. At last, just at zturn of the shore, be came in sight of her. She was coming slowly liomtward, a few yL‘ow fern fronds and a scarlet bunch of orchl-fiuit in her hands. Catching sigh: of Gu, June let ferns and berries {all to the grand as she ran to meet her lover. How oftn, how often in the weary days to come diGuy Challoncr think of his lost love as b saw her tlienlâ€"hcr dust-coloured dress bun back ; the slight, graceful form runningon to meet him ; the ou'strctchcd hands ;'.hc eyes at once soft and Lager; tlic rcdiips parted, and the gentle breast pantinja little, for she had run quickly along flisnnds, wondering, as she ran, at Guy lizing come before his time. ‘ The share was a qict, lonely place; i:- docd, there was absutcly no one to see what wcnt on exec; the lazy scavgulls fl ating in the offing and n robin singing sadly, as it is his wonto do at eventide, in a bush hard by. So Guy caught his lvc in his arms, and their lips met in 0. Ion, long kiss. But Jane felt a strago thrill of fear oven in that happy momcnbf greeting. The lips that prcssc hers so madly wurc cild and trembling; (1y was deadly palc, too, and his eyes had :look in them that she had never seen there lfore. “ \Vimt is it '3" all. said, flic soft rosy colour dying from herheck as she clung to his arm ; and she looke up into his face wnb (ayes full of fear. _ Then, as he did not peak, only catching her hand in Ins and lmling it tight against his breast, slie added : “ Have they ordcrcdyou away at once '2 Oh, Guy, blll me, are ye going to leave me before we are married? :9 you going at once â€"to-mnrrcw, perhaps bright 2" “ Are you going to fear me 2'" His he.rt echoed the pitiful questn; a question to which he might wall havlnnswcrcd : “ Ay, my love, for over and foryc.” That is what he thougt. “'hat ho said was this : “ There are no new or-ls, dear. I found I could get off a day soon‘ than I expected and so I came; that is of" “ All '3" she said wistfuy. (TO BE coxrwizn.) “doâ€"«Obs- Gen. Melikofl' and he Nihilists (London ’l‘clcpph) Accordin; to a Vicaa coutcmp rnry, usually well informed wl. res not to Rus- sian homo affairs, Count/iris l: likoff hm succeeded in siluc'cliingviliilrsni, if n it in killing it, by n processvliicli docs (qunl are lit to his ingenuity of his lrclrpii'm'lfy. Discarding llic infirun'aui lflf‘tirmf in dis- astrously ll‘flCtltL‘ll by l) prcdccuss rs inj irri-sponsiblc poucr, lrc fd:cs t-l llllf‘rflislf, shortly aftir zcccpting (Erato the delicate-f enterprise of mak’ng fcin \vifli some‘of_tl.c leading members of thurcmt assoc ation,l tbcn :n custody and uniting lllf'il‘ trial Toward those persons licmploygd such con~ vincing arguments tliafthcy imparted to, him the names of their pncifal rcompliws, , upon the coulition tiiaclcy should not be l molcstcl by flu- autriuticsaa condition which Count )fclikcfl' hamnorably fulfilled , to the lLttcr. The rulafions, however, thus madu‘. to tli»: dict." enabled him ti approach thc persons in nesiim with such directness that. they cou not but 'pcrccrv.» flilmszcs to be ulsnluly at his mercy: and fuel that it would b to their int-reds , rather to come to sv-rncadvautaguqm mu; rangimenf. with him till (0 persev'rc inl rnachinatum which he is obviously in a] p 1-sition to f. usfratc at at moment. \Vilh ‘ [marry Lord Brooke till aftcr her majority, in order that she may then settle her fortune on her younger sister. “ THEY ALL no lT"-â€"-Fol buaufifying the tccfli and prestrving, for su'i’cfcrii‘g and giving fragrance to the Breath nae “Tua- berry ” tho. uuv Toilet gem delightfully cooling and refreshing. HAVE you heard of the wonderful cur-cs e67 Ctid and benefits derived from the me of Edison’s Electric Bclts. If not call on your druggist for pamphlet with testimonials. 'l‘Ley are as food to the hungry, as water to thc growing plant, and as sunlight to nature. No truth is clearer than that Scriptural declaration :â€"“ Tho Lloul is the life. ' ' ' and the leave-r shall be for the healing of the Notice." Burdwk Blood Putters ls pllrcly vegetable, and makes pler blood, renovatcs, invigorahs, and natures the system uhcn impoverhhul )U- disease. OLc bottle, at the nominal mist o fons dillar, will convince thp frost socptical of the truth of these as- - sertions. NATURE’S Own Remedy, for the prompt, perfect, and speedy cure of cholera rum-bus, colic, cramps, disrrluca, dysinferv, and all bowel complaints in adults, and tint ten-i. blc scourge, cholera infrintum in children, which annually destroys so many pots of the household. Naturc’s cure for the c devastating mulauiics is that over pup- ulnr mcdicinc, Dr. Foulu’s Extract of \Vild Szrawbcriy, pleasant to administer, tale to fake, and our reliable. Sold by all drug- giffs and dealt-r5 at 371} ccnts pct bottle. REV. H. HARRIS, Unionvillc, buys, “ Dubyns' Sure Curc " is a splendid renudy for Cafavrh. I dtn't think the worst cases would rcqnire morc than three boxes. Now that the travelling season is at band, no traveller is safe without a bottle of Dr. Fowlcr’s Extract of \Vild Strnwlcriy, 113 countcracf. the bad cfl'ccts of change of cli inntc, wan-rand dict; fruitful sourcm of bowel coxnplainfs. Wild Strawberry is :f specific for tea. sickness, vomiting, colic, cholera morbus, dlllfrlltDl, and dysentery. Contains no opiates, is pleasant to thc tusfc, and certain in its edicts. 37-5 cents per bot. tic. Ask yonrdrugpist for if. Lawns, would you be beautiful, have a clear complexion, free from blolcbcs, pim- ples, and otbrr skin diseases arising from impure blood ; would you restore the bloom of health to the pallid cliu k, the brillinul spark‘c to the eye, and elasticity fo the sup take Burdock Blood Bitters, flic grunt l-I. od purificfi'vitali'ch‘ and tonic. A sum cm- or all forms of funalc coniplainfs, wcnkncsx and irregularities. One dollar pcr bottle. Sold by all (lrliggisls. T. Milburn 8.: Co., Toronto. S'rvmsu Scams for 1830. The “Pro- micr,” “Twin,” “Ruland,” “Parole,” “ Pasha,” “ “'indsor," “ llcnrt," “ Orion- tul," in the newest and bust silks, at Gunp- cr’s, 109 Yongc strcct, Toronto. Tim public arcoften vu‘y unjust but fl‘cvuf' consciously s D. What they Ste clearly to bc justice they nlwaysapprovc. It often fakes u. long time to bring thorn to rate things as they rczdiy are, but in the end their ver- dict is always right. It was faith in ibis idea. which induced the nmiiufncfuz'frs of the “ Myrtle Navy ” tobacco to stand lly t' cir superior brand under way discouragement ‘ ' ‘ atlillc outset. The public verdict has been rcndcndnt lust, and it is unphatically in their favor. , Tin-1 worst General in the battle field of life is general dcbilify, which the vital forces often fail to conquer. Burdock Blood Bitters are ever victorious against all attacks of chronic diseasc, they regulate the llOWl-IS, act upon tho kidneys, liver, and all the sccrcfions, tone up the debilitated system, strongtlicn the nerves, purify the blood and restore lost vitality. One dollar per bottle. All dealers in medicine can suppr you.â€" ’l‘. ‘.\lilbnrn & 00., Toronto, General-Agents. Tlll'. principal points of advantage in the Wnnzcr Machines are as follows :â€"Largc arm, loo-1c balance u'th‘, open shut-:lc, tur- sion regulated without removing it fruii race or breaking a thread, triangular neev‘lc bar, all wearing pnrfs hardened stool throughout, no noise to speak of, exfrcrncly light running, double sfccl-fncvd, lilckrl- plated balance wheel and parts. Each mn- Clllllc furnished with full set of lltla'll‘ merits, and prices very moderate, TllH Fountain of Life is tho blood. Keep fln- founta'n pm: and all the trbutnrifs of health arc in good condition. Burdock Blood Bitters will cleanse the blood fr. in all impurities, i-xpolling Scrofula and all liumors, tones up the debilitated hyatt‘lll, rcgulatinu tliclivcr, bowels, and kidneys, and bring: health to the afllictcd. ’ swam . wows! . Brush Manufacturer. ilrfrchirw‘li‘ruihu {an ll’ilsnn, :76.‘lhrrlrournc Sf. Barnster & Attorney, iffy-J, 1!. Watson, 30 {Ifff‘fflljlft Sf. final. Rossm House. Palace [[0th a! Canada. Marla/I. Iffa'fl. I‘rnp l'lCl‘Ulllâ€"J bio-4.01565, MUT- TUES, mirrors, c‘c. [lulch mm] for wr.o‘c.~alc l sf. H. J. Mn. rimws .l' Ilkf}8..Tnl’ollfn, Farm Full. SALEâ€"'15 ()IL 2'.) ACBES~IZ .\llf,ll.~ from [.1 ndun, roarllclnwarc ullngc ; gm :l frau l' house; :(rml orclard; all norms“) our!m‘.':fix,;~. Apply lvr “ 3f. HALLS. DLl'lelfc UM. I HJUD mun son same [xiii cliulr‘c lrcabfy: l0? rich-p. ; guml bulldlllxil. inf rich cl“) loam 25 mich frrrri'l':rnnf~:. Ann, in WM. )loFAlll.A.\'B, Nor.» l'. 0. GOLD CURE for Drunkenness. IN: Linus l2. Kmuv. linglu, H, the r m- m rm, -m (In li's new lrunk FREE on applicnfiun, (mil/WM f: illfhbll l", 'JT Yuno: n‘fru-I, 'l v r . Imfariu. (ERNIEâ€"MAKE HONEY BY :Hld. v; lflll bud. Pictorial l-‘nmil‘.’ llilrlc; woufaiixs w r i- . “Oi-ms, or full page, 40 stool, and ‘L’l lmn. l' mrnh atldrrss Ulll-JltllfilJZHlK f. (.‘U . lit-run ‘ l I V'S‘iipiilio-lr f9. .\l ll 3 Y‘Jurlll -‘~’ l‘r) _ y" r K'nzSt l2,.’l r -!~ ; INVESTORS DliSlllOUS Hf“ UH» taln in: patent: nrmn'd uric b» lleSltY f.r'...wl I'a'ent .‘ollcilor, Irf aua, 'r.ada‘, fruity )L'Irn‘ pracflw; purulent. no [my H”___ (l .. l‘S WANTED FUR ’l'fil'lllldfill‘s “ [I‘m-nos of l.‘.\c Srv‘rk‘K-llu- but faner tiny. put his arm firmly about her shoul- ; admirable sagacity and‘liscretif-n, Count , mil: |illlrllnhfd§ accnrc ll'rliu‘l'} ai utvl't- ""51? dch. "Try and trust me," In said with quiet; Jane of this but me." "1: will kill her :" cried up. Daubetey. l wringing her hands. ample, rallied his f-rces and came to thoj mcue. , " .\Iv dear." he said. “Guy kLuV-s best. taric." until an op,ort.:ty' f: r mip‘n;;ing l u. ,. .,¢om.m,_ Casual. gin nu- , them activtly shr-u'd am By such astu'c : the Principal, Prof. sinful. Ellen, dear wife, lth him go." Mn. Daub ncy'a arms drcpped to her; sidc‘, and her husbmd ltd her to the wfa. f" ra lifetime rhc lal been guided by his; Tile and loving c unscl ; she could not c; n- i tend against his uill now. ‘1 Guy fal reached the door, when, fold: n~ . iv, and as if struck with a new idca, fnc Colour-J called him back. The delay fried him almost leyoztd (ndu-f lance, yet he stopp'd. " What is it 3" he said, panting a little, in ; spite of all his [outs of stlf-iomrc-l. “I say. luck here, you know; d- n‘t lcfi ' said Job Sauttle. Melikoff kept rach arnub‘u conspirator'si stcrct to himself, and coluctell all his con- , ciliafnry negotiations in :rsov, truuing f0 rcvoluticnary organizatu. llr: privin scnt ‘ is large unmlxr of his'convcrta" fut (IllTIflrrhl-r. ” “NV ll“: “JEN/l. r-crvel by 6113‘: ex filruuia in lha‘ charactcnf secret pdifdcil; Tanfii \‘iz‘rf'l'. NAKY agents lo ltoumcl'a, Burris, and so forth, l keeping other.» at bomcn " r. mining 331- l proceedings as thine he lacut the vcry tap-l rods of nihi ium from Will] once formida- . hlc phenomenon no furtir danger to the} Human state ncevl at prey g be appn-hcnl- , ed. 1 -_.-â€"-..â€"â€"~.-o-i _ .-._. “Tnxs making a vaca‘un rim: by , of a team isn't what i! ilid out t‘; be, i “ I‘m 3 four dog biian.’ on my right (If, bit-n tabbed over the. hi ad by a bin-d man lwit€,3nd ovary timc ' [attempted to flirt with n pl she‘d rcr am . f. r the men folks, ['11 go by the , y _ ,, , . _. .â€"â€"r l Pier. flange. l ‘ - W A R D : i I’m-.- Tilulnl’ High lamb. Hanan- F1. us, a 1 o o n . _...s .â€"â€"-â€" I p. H "n :Cnuu; Matti... Mp"! Y-rflcr. "calihy Lung”). V . , I _ ~. 3. L, c yuan] tut .‘ '~ "i l" ‘ .‘u'o J'Mlny' um. i ‘ walkinw about the cunt! in the diLuue - “2",” x '9 “ alumina "time b an (1 incl H 5 funl is til min I " i I; f “fling “y of! “.n' m3, 1 thrl’f 1".me run Mfr-MI: w. the nmc ‘,'I~ ml lr. p [MLII I N In ' .. .. t.‘ We “t ~ nfii. jcu t\ but, turn, a: :l (Ll‘l m an. (kill l . n..- I . . I i i lowly shadow- of tho clouds upon my milâ€"a litdhjut a littleâ€"hard and okra. This fellow wuâ€"hoâ€"fhetu’a no beacon; an out yw, like acivilikl heathen." ml .. , N L W, ‘ g ‘7. l. i l l l l “('L lelt 619).;Ilcrifli. : PATENTS -° ‘ ‘ ‘ u '.. , f on: tumu- i no r flicial and l'ctmyingi senior from the ; t , L m" “m” l"',;,,,¢..urp, gr. rics. llllmL‘T, Mill) J: C-.. chmla' lnalilute, miner Lliurt'b ml NT‘“ m" l "(TGIfiizfiR {'f‘fil‘ifmii flesh in 1550-6- . ln connection M”! "iii, “5", ‘ um Arts Association. Plll'vflsâ€"ll'l ",3, I}, “L, n...- comm of Canada; “H “"3311,” AM, Ml . w CRADer 7mm; sinus,Corvumufs {afiflnlflehll it. Price. wiihi . the u»... , 1.1 All. SLIM] 'GREAT‘ EAL .______ If“, . w On Monday morning, Si-pfcmbcr 61h, we show flw mnu-nfs of over Two IIundu-d (‘ascs uni Rules of New Full find \Vinfcr Dry Goodg,” Millincry, Manflcs, Cloths, 'l‘wcods, M, making in all the finest exhibition of now goods ever held on this Ginnian Being largo imporfcis and cash buyers, “‘0 am unublcd w v. supply our customvis at prim-s far below any house in tlm ti:qu. All our goods being purchased and shipped direct to us from the ununifactumm, our patrons :lh.‘ then-{um saved the profit of tho wholcsulc jobber, and have tho. advuufngc of buying llomil M as close prices as flu-y could purchase by the piece from any wliulesnlo housc in Canada. “'0 will nlso show this season if stock of over Sixty Thousand Dollum' worth of Brussels, \Vilton and Tnjmstry C-“"l’“‘~9i Ellgli’ll‘ Floor Oil Cloths, Linolcuins, lluttings, &c., all of which will b0 sold rctnil ut \vlrolcsnlc prices. GOLDEN GRIFFIN (ESTABLISH ED 1350.) Pulp __l_l{.mflplf1pany, 120 to 132 King SlJI'BBlJ East Toronto. MACHm‘ng OILS : 'l‘o l)ealers and Consumers of 8' 3 W z :5 m 4 ;.g0 3,,0 ‘6 mac 0 E0 Illa") (aux .438 85; gigs :sé’o 0'5 0 grog: Tug firm 05m °§< o E 0‘”- P- as C a co g 3 l" It will give flu! inscribcr nun-b plcnsnrc to forward, post free. to my :i'dnss. on application, a pamphlet, c infniuing trucfiuns and i nuruufiuu tlinf. Imvu In-cn founduf _fh-- git-strut p ucllual Il'ftdlu dcn'crs and c msnrncml mavbi my oil in Canada If. c-nfiuns tho fullcsf. infurmdlon m In tho ..iffor~ cut kinds i f ui's, fli quali'u-s and ul-s, fluis unablng the cunsumur tn runk~ cliolcc of if»: viry all best adaplul In his ms, and ulso cumulus fh: mcrvlnnf fu sclch fliu kinds most Idoly fr he in demand in his urigl Illnml. 'l‘liis p.unp'dut SlllflV-l conclusivcly ihuf. oils ll”:-|h'l'l_\' mnnufnctirrul from n-trolinm, nrc \"nsflyupcrior to any uninml ur r'rgr-fulrlc v il. I am now making too saun- qualdlm'uf “Extra” unvl “XX'lda' l manufactured from 1570 to 1873. ’I'licy nru pimruufrrd nof_fn (hiclrm mfh (xfrsnrccnlrl, and u. Ifulti 3.. -:itisfziciiuu i I cvcry pirficulu'. llnwarc of Agents sullclfln: your or- lll'lS‘VlullM“. my frail nukod i-r’dcrvbook. Address GEO. B. STOCK, P. 0. Box 1146, Toronto. .. -........-_._,-_....,f . STANDARICEQPF" usma ucbr rnriwu 3-H: imi- ( STONES. swarms, illicit". Ill/.011- CAL. can us nun w .w micurc- :ur mm, no urngwfu mum AS in IHON I2 INCH CAN:ny MlLLS. memo. e 'ni’. BUSIu‘LS v. .14! ["5 mu, “9, PORTABLE .ng MILLS RIST MILLS. and FARM ENGINES ,. "i If OUR: SPECIALTIES. ‘ See our exhibit of above Machinery ' in operat'on at Toronto Exhibition, Provincial Exhibition. Hamilton, and Dominic; Exhibition, Montreal. We fest a fart} engine owry day in d a porfnblc S.|l.lsfildl0fl guaranteed. ' Z MILL' l’lCl .‘r IVLN Vr‘lllf U. -â€" \ . , .......- .. Guaranrmlru grind any kind of {formalin or tonne, cvuulf a-. wr-ll, as :1 four not null sinus. WAILHOUS LNUIN l'r'OllKS 00.. BRAlllFORD. CANADA COME AND INVESTIGATE. grist nrill every Week. Plenty of rcfcronccl. WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS 00., Brnntford Ontario, Cnnudn. , :‘DR'UTG‘IST 58¢ DEAL.ERS:,. “rm Fru-mnlr'u Warm Fourth-r l‘.| i do. Mir" .iul cfl'ccfunl diwfrmi-y if m. u in l‘hihlru: ,'-'lillf. Prim. ,. .. I“, r} 11],. I} - "m ’ I.“ "nu" N “ “"“W‘li'l '5 "- ., “in .-:ln ever)" color. l-‘rf‘ I ll' l: f. rid ‘l'3""1‘lll-"~‘.lll'-'-' li'iH' no (-Iln -l. 1': im- I m ,1. ,,, I”, Adm ‘ ' illl \N'l' \l'lllhlfl'dli' . , ' hilxll‘l win Indus inf-Infin fil‘uffqllqu 20 “- Per lwur. W- an. or. ' V. . . _ . v - N . "Inc or powf'r' m I .u :. pr: dd- (fl l,» llu. \«H ll l fin“ l k ,4 | "m finer“, v MCI. maxilla," ‘ “l Ill‘jlirl' um) c. fol ' '1 (I mu: urn: ll" pro. '5'“ I ,l , I dmur,Avm.‘s FUlflll'LA, |ll mg A "h‘ ‘."-‘»‘r‘_l Mk") 5L.l_lain|lfon. wudm. An 'Iziirlc an i pou- crflil slimu'ali‘w f‘2lll‘llililll. ‘ ' n any a‘durw'g in (.‘anml'i nu ru'lil.t(rft‘1:|I i , ILHI. If..4\l..\l‘.sl llfilllflh’fllilf, Cl omisl, in»; Km: )4 r- l'l, lori info. THE TORONTO Carriage-Body Works, W. MILLIOHAMP c of), Show Case Manufacturers, GOLD. SILVER AND NIOKld.’ PLATBRS. ‘29 to 35 Adelaide Street East. TORONTO. ONT "macaw-M w. |llllIU urc a suprriur quabty of (.‘arri‘ L" I‘de [If WILLOW WARE. .5ch for mu livi, ii .wl .‘1.\l>l vlfcdlw r and lwlu r “J”. van pus-if." f .. W OGDEN WARE i ' ’ ." I. ll In lbc ord'imry way. BRUSHES. PAPER, . .1: plv : rdcr. 1 . .. .c _ ; THE MASSASOIT 1 . '1 Wines, Cordage, E Adjustable Hand's Brooms. 72', 7'.’ and bl Richmond Inn-4f wd'u', ’irrnmfn. Wright [mm 7 (i I; puzlmla. CA‘QRIAGE, l l o and for umva ray; of lIrr: - ll. ll. WalteTWOOds, l 1‘. .4 ;‘ _. ,a Comfortst and Convcnlcm ‘ Fur I'VE lilillilf-‘ll it 1: Hi. ~"l~ rlr. Fit: In 1 I'll.” l . h,- n-ulir Jun! putrnrtcl B. Nlutl‘t. manufacturer. I‘vron‘u CHEAP HOMES l Suulhsaal Shawl 8: Mia! us. CAUTION] sacs use or Tag L my? . ', -., l'rl’lvllr . \V a, L“ ‘_ ‘ ’ r“, g: 1‘.” . ]r r. H -uz.la.' and Snuff-Inf India.) MYRTlE NAVY is MitKBD .. . . . v A " ' , "’L - 1 LL: ~ ‘ ' ' 'â€" i . or “$3,! Mil-ll , I ‘ Lona-any line A fun-Hun”. .4 mu), 3.0!).ng 3,» .I r' Durable. U l 3:" in lbc [In slant-isnml st in. um. i. um”. r. 'l c Chm ., Pin“ Irixu It Print!!! "1"“: v ' follvmlng calm men. They Land. are but ; sold dun, l fawn“, u," “quantum -‘ - " ‘~' bw' at luv pqu Mil on long tlrm i. M m , I . m Ami]. JUAN & 305. lira”h i. 0:.1. Varied if» n. Harv humans. Blch )lm ~. - Gov-l L'lnnale. Good f'mplc. Oils undrr our Tlhk Mall. nil Xmufwfurcrs ml Iripn [urine " lachmc It‘ll'. “'1 “"‘ -, y ; . . , . , _ .I . _ , , “nun for l. I «trauma amdy Li inns, fault)" Lu d 1.91.2. “m’mm‘. ‘3 l'r 3‘!” “ 'ulluw-mt, uni: fix-l , «.r in Toronto Oil Company, :5 smbuumc Strut, Tor-ma I 15, ..(';.. any; field 5r: f.-I\f.’-Illn'f “no: «rim the land I”?! ( :u'ti 1;:3; dn} 5 flrani. that [I 1-. filmy”: Yisru'f (on u .;.. 'ul IN BRUNZ LETTERS. ' NONE 0THR GEN UlNE. JOHN G. LAVEN. lI-mllioa.0ui. vpr” :. . ,ynzgsatv

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