Fenelon Falls Gazette, 18 Sep 1880, p. 3

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New Advertisementg‘, I New Advertisements. ~â€"- Removal and Ehangelii Business. ' Mofiat rum... i Return their sincere tbuiihsjfor the liberal A. LALIBERTE apatrouagc bestowed on them since the] AMERICAN ll AT 0 ii i; S. i , ’ respectfully inform; fie gentlemen of Fcu-' commenccd business in and all kind: of gold and iilvcr ire! and ‘1')“ F3”! 3'1" 5‘5 "WWII." "in h? h“ com-I ’ Item winding witch". , m‘mccd the tailoring business - é . â€". ; e 1 11 Practical Watchmaker. ; On (,Olbornc Street; n8 0 Falls) Jeweller Sc Engraver. ,3 Olmmitl: the mum.- at Dr. Wilson. and i “’1 b“: w “Wm “"3 Pub'lc lb“ “’93 ’1‘“ _ . ~ ' ‘5 6 into the immise‘ latelv occu- ' SUI . c A shun: or public patronage. Clulh- : “7 “no” l ° - . iug will be mud»: in thc latest stvles and 7| pl“! by 3!" “minnrman‘ when? {he}. “I” ‘ - l be happy to receive a call from his custo- @ A Good F” GuarautemL 3 mm as wcll as their own. Having leased . the bakery and securrd the services of Mr. (innit-ants cut for per-tons who wish to ' David Barrett. they are prepared to furnish _,._.; I; 4. w. 31: ALL, driller in F Tizw TAILOK'S suor. A Watch repairing in each branch prompt- : ly uni! carefully rxeczited under my own * personal superintendcncc. l I W Satisfaction Guaranteed make them up at homo, and charge: reus- , ' I l l ' » l s ,.. ’ and prices low. “'ntirhes sent in by tmin I on;é;.i3ndpldii: 9;!“- 7xi, ism: l a: enrrfuily nttcnd'd to I!!! though left by _._§_-__, -x_-_'__f ___._._‘_-:-.A_.-E._.__ , °"""- . _ , , l Tl-IW FOODS. i Cakes, Bun“ he” &.,at reasonable rices. I, ‘ ‘ q (a. 3‘ . [LEA‘LL E J and no chm: will be spared to sustairii thc “atpfiiényl‘iupse l. oak, nut to Mun.“ k 5 hiin rcputation which the Fenclon Falls . o . ; biikerv hits lei-rvcdlv borne. Their stock of Lindlay, March 24th. 1511». Zzly g I MI‘S- i 1‘ ' ‘ L " , _,,,,_---._ .__.... -. . ._... .-. - __ L has just receivei :lll' opcne up a large , i . ' ‘ ‘ , v, p ‘ mm , -uiiLi GROCLRIES T . T v T 1 7- lwill be found, its usual, fresh, good and l \ E r1 0 X g ’ well assorted. Tiii' I J“ L 7 ‘ â€" râ€" i ‘ ’ V. . l . , , m , Hum Feed Eggs Butler in, SillleOLLS, VASES,, ’ ’ ’ ’ b l ( “I I Toilet Sets and a good assortment of I mu be kg): {m I'm‘l' and farm Produce , gcncru ly dealt in. A nice 1m of â€"â€".xrâ€" 1“ a n c 3' G 0 o d S, l ‘ I 77‘ w ‘ ‘ ' .v ‘ 7 (E'- ‘ 7 . - Millincry, .\luntlc:’. Fcntiu-rs, Fun,»ch “m1 C 1 a1 0. Ribbon-.4]. is on the shelves and will he sold as cheap l as any in town. A visit of inspection from “TDW J. A I) S i 93. all ncciling anything in their line of busi- nnd Motto Frnincs. l’lniii flllll l’vi'foratcd - "(SSE rcsl'CCl'mHF“melted- ‘VD SECURE Curilhourds, {nun-.5 tiid licrliii ll ools. MOFFAT & MCFARLAXD. Fenclon Falls, Mny 261b, 1880. B A R C. A I N S, An nothing also will do it. A nice lot of Wzill l’ipcr and Window ’Iinds jUrl l"{‘C(’lVLLI. Mus. Hill-ELK): ' "â€"8 ".2“?“‘" "‘“‘*'“â€"â€" 5’43" .‘llIIIlllll'j' Strain: and Show Room, out: door north of II. I'. Ilcrzzing's hardware store. 7_ The cheapest and best Frnelon Falls, May 'lo‘il, 188». A LOT OF l l ' ' PINE IND CEUIII SHINGIES - P U M P8 .. ' A. 10 S A L T 9 in Lindsay, for solo at AT COST. The subscribt-r huge rspcctlully to in- r , form [his iiiliul‘iiaiits ol' , 7 ‘ ‘ ‘ I 163' My whole stock mus! ho sold off m [J l\_ L L S .â€" , - y y t y THIS MONTH, , D , . Rim AM) pLiiin thIBER ; and Slll‘l‘UlllllIlllg coniry that he still conâ€" I . tiniics to iiiitiiiil‘iu’turtiis Wooden null .ccl- all kinds. .5 chm-d To Delinquents in Accounts , I ; SASIâ€"I, BLINDS AN D DOORS long past due: ('inlt up and win: rmlx. ‘ I nlwnys in stock, and we are bound not to J. AUSTIN. for wells, Cturiis &c. i be undcrsold by iiny man in the business who piin 100 cents on the dollar. Feiicluii Flill‘i, Scptciiihcr Sili. 1880. “""“ " ‘ ‘ ‘ ""‘“‘ I Lindsay, May 14th, 1880, 11133311? NOTICE TO DRB'i‘Oiis. ~ ‘ v _ I , r _ v ‘ ,rjjllla v.\IG\V DRUG S'l‘Olll‘}. The uudersigncd would remind iill who, I\IJIJ FED. â€"â€"-â€"- :ii'o indi-btcd to hint that the film of your has come when he l‘xpt’ttla n setllcmcnt oi" S4 BIKENSIHREi I 1*” Ulll‘ll‘mdlnfl “‘lculml-‘li 5“ “ml- “” “"h“ . Font-Ion I-‘iills. Ullltos Victoria R. R. S- i I are inn-rusted iii the mutter will mlll nl April 3,1,. 135, 54‘, micc :ind uottlc. By so doing they will suvc trouble and expense, as moiicy is required} to curry on budiness. ’ . _i( l’ciiclon Pulls, S--ptcnih‘ii.:llil: Sills] , C.l81lil«‘l)lt OR.i.i.\'.w 7 , I v The nndenigncd Eon l‘JHHHlSSiolll‘ll ’ 11y .‘I'fSnri. W. I). Mutlhews .\'~ Co, of 'I'w' Ioiito, to pay the Iii/[lan mar/crown}?! for «My quantity of Barley, Wheat, Pause, Eye, the.” .igmcunufiii |MEMENT3 I Heller Issurlmenl lhan Ever. THOMAS Lm' Kll.\ll'l‘., Fi-nclou FlllIS,Scpl'l' l‘llll, his”, 4w. JOHN NUGâ€"EN’I‘ thanks his numerous customch in Fen @1011. Falls , uni] lllt‘ surrounding country for their very libi-rul patronage during the past 4 yours, and inkcs this Opportunitv of informing llolisou & lluson lluvc on liniid it Iurggtnck of them that he has now on hnnd dclivcrcil :it the Victoria lluilwny Station Fi-iii'loii hulls. : ol' tlicii' own iiiiiiiiifiictiirc, Illsin‘ting in Comprising Gitrdcn, Field and purl of Iron and “build-hum p L 0 S? , FLO ED I PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery, FANCY ARTICLES, Brushes, Combs, km, the. i880. ' iiiiilllins. ” i980. Jarvis 8c McDoug'all, FENELON FALLS. New FafTwezeclS, Just opened, Gang l’longhs, Wrought Ir Frame, LAND ROLLERS HORSE HOE, FANNING N_i_S, 7716 [965/ .l/zll'e‘ 1.)] Ma farle , . . ‘ NOTEâ€"l’hysmiuns’ prescriptions prcpnrcd Canadian. Eng-“Sh Scotch, having taken six first pi-izvs nnqipiomm with care and desputch. A full selection of :it the Provincial Exhibitions. :0 agent ilii- Lurm-st and llcat Assorted Stock in for thc .‘lIHSSfLV Mlllllllllcwring CC‘oronto. - tnwn. Bo not mil to sue thcso goods lJc- l-‘nriiicrs wanting & {we purc'msmg. llI‘lAI’I‘illg. always on hand. MOlVl‘lllS, 0r '_"‘â€"â€"“_’_”‘â€" SIIIIS MIDI Ill lIIIIIIIl I 8”“ m R"""”‘""“ _ , will lillll it to thcir ailvunlnizc to i and I , iiispvct tlicsv iiiiplciizi‘iits and comp Pr,“ cs lu-forc purchasing i-Iecnhcrc. mmsox k ROBE“ has r anVLtl l is .‘ i l K‘ ‘ l I cnelo an, in tho lli_'\\'t"'l ‘lyll'fi‘ :Ill'l AT BOTTOM PRICES. l \Voollcii Shii‘tiiiirs, . 00 CASES 01" Filliiii Shirtiiigs, ..__. I Q Harness Shop ' l to thc west side of (‘olbornc strcct. "(‘Xl , ' door to the Alcclmnics’ lnstiiiitc, where he i will keep on hand it good stock of l I Factory Fluiiiicls. "n cudlcu‘s Huck. \" lll(‘i(‘!~i. tho Inn;- .1 variclt and M llll‘ lU‘Yl'V'l irii'i-s. :14, u ‘ V ‘ . .. , _ , - v , , r iwin. ll ~.in'iivil ‘24 Nut \\ :llt‘u': inr ,3. ,I L 51 A I‘LI\ 13.1). rent“. l'lniu ‘:I’\'.\' l"ii\llilt'll :ilm. _\ .ip'mng ~' ".'.‘k;‘. .. '. llld'filutk .llll'llnt‘ 'l l an ill t‘nd’ll‘ugdukl“ .{i ., “.vl,’ WM,‘ won-I d” dept”? , “, , which Wm 0" l"’~-!1-'"“-"- l” “W” I" “ml” hnvc you 1111‘“ 1’ “'IL". * Single Double Harness for Karin or road work, Vuliscs. SHIWI STRIPS, BASE BILLS, Whips, Halters. Snaps. rnoin f-r our Full futuli. ‘ Give us a. Call. and Call Early, AX'F mid St‘i‘lll‘t‘ Ihrgiinfi in [Ilt'\‘(' 300.54, “3 up.“ _ ‘ v l ' B 1 "371“ l-"‘ ‘UI‘I ' l‘lii-apcst Mid first llunt and Mme stare )5. fir I'cll lhu in Cll'llrfia rum." Gent": lllt‘ county. for sum-- Ill i'llllh' the“. boo , V ‘ " ‘; .;.i'.‘,.‘v- [irru .‘Tliiru. white uzi-l CHI“: 5, T3,“, (yo-h. “Ina m l: >t-llllx ut 'fl::;:tl.~:t:f::i‘fllif* wEll rial the heat min» I Lilli t‘\lrL indncv-mciih in Imv by milling on napalm pminptlv nnd ni‘ntl)‘ oxccuted. ‘h h “r A” ” h‘mwl " '1 m “In-Hmm' â€" 0 him: to rr-t-zrn lii't sincvrv thanks for ‘ . -- , v , ‘ ,_., I _ ‘ “J3 l x "K" m Pth l ) l N I ‘IIJI-Jzih, c liIn-rzil patronage Will! “Inch he llfln JARVIS 3‘ “"l“”‘(:"l‘l"“‘v i‘.ir Ilt‘t'l) favored. and isl determined in . - . . - . ' . . . ‘ ‘ - l iiziiiii'1'1liar: o lllm-k. rii a ioniiiiu.ui‘u, or ll. i_\ timing out . pd Work at moderutc l|l’l(‘\'..‘. ‘ izqit-‘n Wm. 23‘ ~. r mi” ran. . ,7 - -‘ , mrâ€"wa-“mâ€" “mmâ€"“~â€" ‘I' 1,3;I1iwing’mwém; I“ I b) I c " l-‘cnclon Falls Gazette “ ’i and all articles in his linc of business. All styles unrl print-s. lirintcd every Saturday at the office, ‘ 'l‘ r.‘ rim-s. ‘1‘“? d n “ p (Inlhorne street west, I 3., _\n_\' {to-nun fill) takes a paper rrg- _ ‘ . “Luz, from the post-(vflci‘, «hcibrr .Iirci-i- l‘adivs‘ ,4 g . :~_.< name or nn-tlhrr :l. or whether be h“ , 7.3.”:th or nut, in Nsponsihlc im' tho: nu “vie, “a, pfiijfg Siogn. Kip .lll‘I i‘dlf lm-“mmL . ll-Iotnfnmi Show and ilrn:.in~r if the lit-1! gnd_â€"â€"lf I permit or'lrn ms :uper to he nuiiuil'actuha at was”. in 5‘1}: ill“, hf?“ iliucunlinunl. he must [my all tum-rages. timn. ‘l'nmc alum. INN," 3“" Fcrllmjg'vrlt or the Pulilirht.’ may Continue to Had it on - and I Will convzm‘v‘ you Lid-l m.‘ 5“"â€"" ‘3 (ii payim-nt is made. and lLtnrnIlC-‘lilhl : fur wlmle amount «hcthtr the patwr is in cr.‘ ' V ‘ v - ‘ v ' Siphiiinit l.\ QLALI'H, i in (mtn the attic» u! not, 3n! â€"-lf subicrlhcn neglrct ni- "(me to v . , “he the periodical; or newspnpcm In r: we and lower in prim-5 than can ..c flu.» 0,»...- m which ihry are dirt-uni. It“, .1", groan-H n: drlv goods storms. (‘lelum lawman-1n, M, mt “an m” FM: or, Mp! responsible not it they inn-c srttlctl ziiri: “ark under my own Slip-:riwzuna spumalty. (gm f” n comma or ,Esi' upon "new, it”, sanding nut than Lack or luring I use the "av but brands o: l‘f-aiwr and I g ab,” terms. H ' - ' ' «ape-tam workmen. on may rv-- .. , , in the Ofifi.‘ iuaoi inch notice as me rmplny to. . I V A _ ‘.1’qu¢quinl. ly or. getting a on: class boo. or “hoe. an} OB I" " ' ' “t W! trim is ‘i‘nxl tit lit-ii . Th! (- IL,” h‘". Anni“; "u. {h ;.\.r 3L” “4.: . ~\ . 3.," ‘ , I H‘â€" A . I.' . ‘ i'. â€", it. n 4 . ~, :‘L {_:m: w “k, “amply”, M. “filming, 54:13:15 do..c ‘.l.. «Anus. 3!: .r.\ cr P15, me pusl-afmc. u: rvmm‘éug ml turn“: {‘9’ N ‘» (1,3, 1ucallcd for Li ,rvuv'aru (ruin-.m- of :i wul (gm-.5 lscrlplinn$l ayeaiinadiance: 01h one mm: per week additional I! long as it remains unpaid. NERTiSiNG RATES. ‘ per linc for the first insertion and 2 “‘a'fir line for evcrv subst-qucnt inscr- ~ v linsry kinds cucutcd neatly. cor-‘ zl at moderate prices. t H. D. “AND. 'ruprictor. JAHES .\I"..\’i;\\‘. harlot. Falls, MI}- :Mh. Essa, v. (Alt I ‘the building U\\'n('d by Mr. George (.‘un- l oxm‘, MONEY, MONEY. ,3 a i I . i I so: now prepared to nego- I f tiate straight loans on good i farm property security tor any term ofyears at eight percaut. I ' interest, with the privilege of I i repaying any portion of the ,I I principal at any time, the in- l , terest ceasing on the sum 50 i I paid. This gives the borrower ev- , ery chance. He can pay on his mortgage any sum he may I I be able to spare at any time and stop the interest on so much, or he can release his I farm at any time without be- ing obliged to pay the com- pany a heavy bonus for taking their money. Expenses very I little more than these Of pri rate loans. S. CORNEIL. Lindsay, May 26th, 1880. ‘ LARGE STOCK OF WHITE 8L. GREY COTTONS 7 , bourrht before the rise, selling FEE’S NIILL. a At 01d Prices AT DUNDIS & llllilli ins, LIN IDSAY- (TEâ€"Och .H. BERTRAM begs to infori n the inhabitants of Penelon Falls and surrounding c onntry that he hits open- ed up 2!. Hardware Stock in the village, ii. i iiughnni, lwn IlUfllS II'ilIIl if Posl Gillie, where he intends keeping constantly on hand a. full line of GENERAL, HARDWARE. NAILS, LOCKS, ‘ ZEâ€"IIIN GES, GLASS, PAINTS, 0 ll L S. VARNISIIES and all kinds Hf llnrdwnrc required by For :ncrs building. Farming Implements, S1’;&l)E§S, SII OVE‘LS, F‘Olil’is, 8:0. He will also keep on hitnd the very best make of'l’LOl’ GUS, Combinntion rind llill’s Patent Pu ttern, which will be sold AT BIANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Ilis stock of MILI: SUPPLIES including llcltlng, Lace Lcntlicr. Saws, ltiv- cts. lhihbit Meial, .‘lachinc Oil, Rope, Chain, Filo; kc, will be such as to meet the re- quircinciits of [ill in need of such goods. All IillL‘S of lli‘irdn'nrc will be oll‘uri‘d for snlc iii. bottom pricvs, iind mnin of the lending goods :13 low as what they can be plll'cllfl-lt'll for in Montreal or Toronto. A cull solicited. RICHARD Sui'rii, Manager. G30. 11. Bitiiriiiu. I{ESU.\I ED BUSINESS. Kennedy & Newman would inform thi- citizen:- of Feiielon Falls and vicinity that they IIIU'I‘. rt‘rliml‘d husi-i ness in Mr. Newman) old stand. The SlOL‘b‘ Cflllilil! of A F U L L ASSORTMENT ' ca? GOOD VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY, 642w :::.~.~.-.*::-*-~ ~---â€""â€"'~ as goods will be sold at bottom prices. Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Sponges, iVICTORIA GROCERY .th LIQUOR STORE. The subscriber begs to inform his custo- mer‘s and the public genenllv that he bu always on hind n completc stock of G. G'. Ii 1C. I '1‘ II has just rcccchd a fresh lot of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes my” signaling, from Montreal and Tomato. llis stock of Cami gum Herring’s, Harvest Mitts&Machine0fl fit}; will be sold at less than usual prices for cisli. Examine stock before purchasing Pale and elsewhere. w Farm Produce taken in Exchange. Fenclon Falls, July 24th, 1880. Port and Sherry Winn, Holland and Old Tom Girls,- several brands of Whisky, Bottled Ale und‘ Porter, he. The attcntiou of hotel keeper: and others is invited to this stock. THE ONLY WATCHMAKER IN TOWN. Joann-m, Plastei‘lliSeedS hate of Toronto, has much pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of Fcnelou or a“ kind, “hm.” m, hand. 71,.- my, balls and surrounding country that he has commenced busiuers as a watchmukcr system win in. aria], adhered w, in )lr..\lc:\rtliur's building, . ‘ ‘ . DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, caSh 10’ Ffiggfiggglgée' He has a large and choice as- Xut to the Globe llotcl, Kent 8L, Liudny has; and hopes to be favored with public patronage. sortiucut of Clocks, Watches, Chains, Rings, Studs , Breeches, Lockets and other kiudizfglgcriiiceg, all or which will be sold at i‘cus- I N E RY" Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Cleaned and Repaired on the shOrtcst notice. \‘EW can? A CALL SOLICITEI). @iy Please note the address, Dress Goods. . , , SHIRTINGS. Al MODougall Brandon’s. ]?I{IN’FS. JOHN SLATER, Opposite the post office. Fcuclou Falls, July let, 1880 17-3m’l‘ THINGS ARE BOOMING The undersigned having purchased 0. LARGE AND VARIED STOCK RIBBONS. in the best markets, at the lowest. prices for cash, feel themselves in it position _ _ , SEW ,. ,_ , to offer such inducements to their numerous customers and the public generally I) A 0 L as will make the heart: of each rejoice. We have ulways in stock tl. choice as- sortmcnt of . at30 cents, and plenty of everything in S, his m M Wm. CAMPBELUS. Crockery and Glassware, F‘cnelon Fulls, May 28th, 1880. IFLOUR, HAMS, BACON ,| Oat and Corn Maul Potatoes (kc. Sic. ’ l ’ All Kinds Of Farm Produce always on hand. The highest price paid for \Vool, Sheep Skins, CtlII Skins, &c., &c. VICTORIA RAILWAY. ' " ioé " TIME TAIiLIu: â€"-:o:â€"â€" Summer Arrangém’eiits'i , _ "ZOIâ€" Taking effect on _, V 7 Mo'iidiiy, 21st; of June‘; 1880: MOIIOUGALL & BRANDON. LINDSAY TIME; Fcnelou Eitlls, July 2nd, 1880. S'l‘A'l‘llTNS. GOING NUlt'l‘ll. JOSEPH HEARD. ,.__ __,_, .31‘1‘7. Toronto, viii G. '1‘. ll. leave 7.l'.l u in; SillIlS, illlllllll lilIlâ€"ililllli FURNISHINGS. ’IL‘llliil;““"i‘f§:“:5LE11-50;; M. lt‘y Ju’nc. Fifth. ii. nr 12.50 M ~ Liudsny . . . . . . leave I . . ' .. . . . , s. ' ~ H ,) H this season of the year. Those who have stone Ionndations or brick houses “"0 0" mun" “ 4 l 5 am making a specialty of I“cll's............ “ 4.25 “ . 1 - llcttic'u .. H . 4.42 d , 1 ,3 n Saw the C O S l3 1‘ '1 01 ~ 6 O 1 I Mylcs' lluilwny Juno. 5.29 “ in one rainy season besides the aceonnnmlntion of always having salt water at. fi;;g,‘i,';,:f"mm “2'0 I. T huml' , Dymtrt . " 0.21 “ m .. v . ,7 i r, s. , T . Gould's u 6.3.5 0 R‘XGD7 (S’C', llulihurtoii arrivo' 6.45 ‘ , taken in exchange. “"hifii~‘i6§.si“"’ dbfightoufii'.‘ W Cash paid for Skins, Wool and Hides. __ _ __ _7___mm_*__‘_“~__’_‘lf‘j’j JOSEPH HEARD. llulihurton. ... lcavc 7.10 n. in. Fcnelon Falls. June 9th, 1880. Gould's “ 7.2ii_ H " Dysurt “ 7.32 N 1 _ 1 lugoldnby ” 7,40 H I]; Illindcii Stntion " 1.5!- “ Z ' .‘Iylcs' lt'y Juuc. " 8.30 ‘4 Kiiiinonnt “ “.40 “ i , . . . Ilcttic's H 9.10 “ THE BIG CROSS CUT SAW " . arr‘n 9.5! “ l. Fciiclon Pulls has; “Lu; ,, will he found full lines of Hardware as clicap if' not cheaper than at. any other “"1” ,m‘z‘f ” house in this section of the country. C“’”””" ‘ .IO'“ “ Midland R'yJiiiic‘ 141.50 “ Lindsay iirrivc H.110 “ GENUINE WHITE LEAD, , ENGLISH LINSEED OIL, _ > No- 1 VARN'SHES ii...i..‘.~“‘;..;;‘iviii:t " andavuricty of )liicliinc Oil ofrcliablc quality; inililing Materials and Tools I l...l,l'y I leave 1",3-0' “ of every kind to suit all. Cash customers may depend on getting ' ” ' W" Toronto viu (i. T. It. or. 7.52 " Liiiilsuy, .‘l. R. north, I III.“- p. in.. . ..'.' “ " south, I 4.“) “ .... .'.'. .-...._ ._., ..,-_.._- .. ...- (JONNEQH I()NH. l’cnclon Fulhi, withstnéc {or liohcnygeon‘ Kininount, with stage for Minden. JAMES ROSS, Hunger. . P. 3. Ross & BRO§. N. B.-â€"â€"A New Buggy for sale at it bargain. J. W.i.T£0NAllD,, DIMHCAL HALL, IthMSLUN FALLS, ,,,,.,,,,.,;§;;';:7,jgg§fAWL inmnlo and Nlpissing Railway. . TiiviE :FABEE. Trusses and Shoulder Braces, I Tf“°‘r°’.’°_.c_‘..‘ir3':’fi’ff;” mm" "m" ,1, .Z t F , ‘. R _ Y ‘ mum xoiirii. Mail; noun. ‘. / ' ‘1 ' Q P... ...~ â€"._â€"â€"-~ u... A... ._ ._”_._,‘ 02 8 J G Toronto. depart, 7.46 “n. 4.00 p.121. , ,7 ['xhridge “ I031). " 5.10 “ IIOO PERFUMERY 850., 8am, . canniuzwn urn “ 7.37 u m p' Woodville “ IL“! “ 7.50 ” 2.15 I Midland Jcl or. ll.4-'- " 8.017 ” 2.25 Where can be found an excellent nasortmcut 0i Mind: nliiays on hand. A large and Mlillnnd Jc. dp. mm a’. m. 2.454 DRY GOODS, f K“?- COMPLETE STOCK OF DYE STUFFS mllfi‘rl'lli’”i3 "' 1‘13"“ ’m FLOTlllXi‘v. GR ()(Jlglil 1.35:5, ‘ “TEIJIJ ST'ICK 0F (Innfertiouery and luv; .1 U 'i i. .5 - 1.. 5' L ‘ . ' . , ii82ftlllnllgdf u!“:;ialcn1di':rti;:matrix: f & . v Haring purchased lbt stock of A. W Lash- cr. thgy will scll ilic some ,AT AND BELOW COST. 33" Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. New: goods-.3: I wull minute on war. Boots and Show n aim-chill). Farm pm- duec taken in cxchuugc. fi’ Trims STRUITLT CASH, of the best quality and at lav! prices. Also, a Cuboconk, If. Mr. p. :11. 5,00“ _. ... ......_...-.-â€"..7 p..- GOINGSOCTH. Mind. hood. Hui". ’ ..,.....‘_~_.-.._.._ “ME..- Coh'oéonk, deport SJWLm. HQ plril’ Mid. Junction u, 7.25 " 2:35 " Lindsay Mid RR 9.30 “ 1245'!" Oriilin “ $.30 mm. 1.00 “ Mid. Junction dp. 7.15 '- 7,30 “ 1.45 " “'oodrille depm 9.0.5 “ no" u‘ 1.55 U Cnnnlngtou urinflAO 'f’ 7.53 “ 3;“ H L'xbridge 10.311 “ 8.55 “ (l0 “ Toronto arrive ll.” " 6.10 “ M» comprising a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general stationery. ~’NU~“’ se‘ and Cattle Medicines, Pliy~icians' prescriptions and D-inicsiic Iocipnfi carefully compounded. ‘ _ Pnuengcn [the Linduy u l?. 15 . m‘ A full asmrtuicnt of Patent and Proprietary .‘li-dicinea always on hand. A- :- lnd "Nb TOWN" I“ 5-3” P- In. It“; To' gent for H. ll. Stcreun' Purely Vegetable Vzoz'rixz. 'a ""m’ “ 7'“ ‘L m- "d "'“I' “"4”, “l 14.10 p. m. W. OUODBRIIA H. FITZGERALD, mm, “Huge? Toronto, filial. tsi'b, mo,- 1 i i Penelon l'alls, May 27th, 1580. ‘r‘ . sow-«- -., Emma.

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