Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Sep 1880, p. 4

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-- . 1‘. A, In... ..« - ‘ .“I‘hxi'tkfrx’RF’ "">“r.-.3~s1 ' " feetly Yogi can't even thatdrendful bell a matter of sevm telegraphic wage as fares Memphis with- or eight minutes, our shutters were sudden- INFORMATION FOR VISITORS m TIIE railsâ€"jail The Fair Juliet. You Have no mouse. (We Is our story in the East, t rela ho ' littled otional Ii 1 'thon ’ um also Career. ~ r i case ' ‘ we“... N... w. 3...??? .'..':.;....."m Mu: :.r:,v°....i:°::;...:..sd.:.l:“‘st N 5;: firearm m Dilemma embarrass: .. We placed there humane we far eartbq e, because it was in the neighbour» dow followed by a hoarse inquiry :â€" y may” any reason why you should go on from day THE To bring Its parable too near, hood; but I'll be if I'm going to be “What in the nation is the matter here?” (3,. york '11”) to day complaining with Sour Stomach,Siek And touch with an unguarded hand responsible for every hiamcd "â€" 'l The window was full of men’s heads, and . . Headache Habitual Costivencss, palpitation ' Ourdear, ooufiding native land.) [fit I - noon Moos-boom l boom 1 â€" the heads were full of eyes that stared wild- The “mummily “tide” dam °f M”. of the Heart Heart burn \V'atc brash, BANG I] ly at my night-dress and my warlike aocou- New “‘1’ in mind My kc“ °f her per" Guawin and burnin ins it the f th or W Caliph, in the days "on, dar, dear, dear! I how it struck truncate. gufndmfig ,fgfifengfizhggfinggfl “31,3: Stomaclf, Yellow 3&3,“ Coated tongue: mi 4* ‘ y l g I C - . , O U WWW“... “mflmw‘ "’J; I... :3?ff,"fi?%.“..°mm.wi’a.,‘¥°..§°'§'£331'33 ammazmahmjm "°"‘ W graces .m which, .0. min. p... out? o, ,0“, b, 1° 22;: I‘mnéfitficgmsflg At the Victoria. Tea Warehouse, Toronto, ‘ In bound of Bagdad, you so good to remember, when we are “There is nothing the matter, friends, er W' "n." be .Pmpfl’o‘Y Swen to t 6 Itis positively your own fault if you do. Is Enormous com risin ovcr50 different 'rados, varieties and mixtnns. f lb. one. found, at goof the ban", gone your dreadful language â€"- Horti- â€"â€"only a little discomfort on account of the Pam”! “d "‘11 mt mo” m Whom the Go to your Druggistâ€"and get 1 butt]; u ’ p ' g ' ‘ ‘b ‘ ' mm ‘ p“ ‘ .n _ I . , put u in usntities to suit purchasers. Culdios of 20 lbs. anl Ben where the poorest workers are, aierl " thundmtorm’. I was trying to keep off fiiiggraififickfggaggmggfjfi: of Gum’s Acous‘r Fwwsn for 75 cents p F 0,2,. mm can ,0 my “may “‘5”, me” i A Carver. Wan! What now? the lightning. your core is wrtain, but if you doubt this, Fair his work and fine “ Your voice sounds as if -â€"Mortimer, are you actually standing in front of that open "Thunder-storm 2 Lightning! “Th , Mr. McWilliams, have you lost your min I iudgment of the actress and the woman. The dramatic lists and other authorities give her as 30, her birthplace asSaragossa, Spain. get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and try it. Two doses will relieve you. EDWA RD LAWS( )N, - 93 King som‘sm With in 'ea of inlaeed design, fire- hoe? Itis abeantiful starli ht nirht; there has 38" . . ' f t); as . And shapes of shut signifianco “limit i, um very crime 1 am 00mm“. beennoswmu g 5 and state that her father 11:18 .a Spanish “Tâ€"W " i I 518“ ° 9 Q 911: To snght butan anointed glance,- , ' " I looked out, and I was so astonished I al'tm- find her m0“)? “1 End's"! lady 0f teeth “maul 1’0 IT- ’4‘“ “Mufng the The dmmllnd V1550!" “I” W Pill“ “Getaway from it, this moment. lou could hardly speak for awhile, Then I gentle bmh' Allan.“ only 8mm] "‘3 3“ prescrvmgr f" Swmmlnfi “‘6 E X T E N S l V E A U C T I O N S A L E In darkened cbwben of the aim doscem determined to bring destruction on said,â€" Wale of current born-phr- Hcr em" WIDE,“ch to the 3mm “89 Tee age ls unknown, but it was probably between berry the new TorIet gem delightfully 0!" But all day busily he wrought Prom dawn to eve, and no one bought :â€" Save when some Jew with look ukaLt, 0r keenoeyed Greek from the Levant, Would pause awhile,â€"depreciate,â€"â€" Then buy a month's work by the Weight, Bearing it swiftly over seas To garnish rich men's treasnries. us alL Don't you Imam that there is no bet ter conductor for lightning than an open chimney 1' New wnerc have you got to! ' “ I'm here by the window.” “ Oh, for pity's sake, have you lost your mind? Clear out from there, this moment. The very children in arms know it is fatal to stand near a window in a thunderstorm. Dear, dear, I knowI shall never see tholight “ I do not understand this. We distinct- glow of the flashes through the ly saw the shutters, and heard thc thun- curtains an der." One after another those people lay down on the ground to laugh,â€"â€"and two of them died. One of the survivors remarks],â€" " Pity you didn’t think to open your blinds and look over to the top of the high 33 and 35, and her birthplace is equally un- certain. Her parentage was of very humble description; and her first appearance before the outside world was as a London bar- maid, serving her employer's customers with a grace that won her many admirers. Am- bitions and industrious, she sought the op- portunity to rise to a higher position. A gentleman of good family but of very mod- cooliug and refreshing. Ono box of “ Dobyns’Sure Cure " relieved Ifrauk Symons, Davenport, of Catarrh, en- tirely curing him when numbers of other patent medicines failed. TRY Burdock Blood Bitters, the system renovator, blood and liver syrup, acts on the bowels, liver and kidneys, and great Exhibitinu), about Tm in: in pan of Open Piano and Coal Bax Buggies, “'ldo Slide liar thlic and Cannon] Springs, l'iauu Box. $I0,000 worm uififi-‘cuss GARBIAGESI WILLIAM DIXON \Vili sell by Public Auction, williqu “Servo, av. his factory. OB and "6 ADELAIDE STREh‘I‘ WEST, Wron- lo, on )lundav, Tuesd- ', and Wednesday. Scplciiibcr 13, H and lb. (scmnd “\(‘k of Toronto Industrial :ousaiid Dcllnrs‘u‘unh of Pine Carriages aim Buggies of various kinds, consist- of gnome, day. Mortimer 3" bin 0 der “vb t , h Md was cannon . is a superb tonic. wileop. Albert Top, and Family '1‘. p bunnies and Him ma. r‘llliu' S i ll 4 1)- r v And now for long none bought at all, “ Yes 2" what, 1:3,, 5:1,, “filleouflgh You .ee thé “fate. means! “‘3th by her mum" “‘1 HAVE , h “I ,- Lb d ,- 1 lhwluns, Albert I’htclous, “'nggulli‘llia. iiockaunyr. Coupes: and i‘cihin‘lasssd‘rkhimi . u , . . , Y ~ _ ' . vivacity, offered to educate her for the stage. 3°“ 33 ‘ ° ,0 W0“ 0" u cums able for town and couan use. All of the above modslo bcuflvnal are made of rho bi l male . So lay he sullen in his stall. W hat 1,; that rustling 2’ tel h b M . as, at and. . . , . a- t d d be d f . L a rial and flu Him thns' withdrawn the Caliph found, u 1". me n , is?” G Igugd, some 98221 1 d that's M158 N81180:, was under tnmmg f", seveml of gods an ‘1 ncfifs crived mm the use lshul in dull-class style ibmughuui, all new, and of iho latest and must approved styles; and And “now his lufl. upon the ground__ a What 8'” you doing," allay; fl 31' new “lunomma 1““ years. studying toward the end under the o'ou‘ (150“ 3. f‘fcctnc r. on]! f“ A WRITTEN GUARANTEE FOR ONE YEAR '9 m er direction of J. M. Bellew, probably the most 3 r ragga "r 93"“) et‘”t “mom” 5‘ from date of purchrsc will be. givxn with evrry carriage sold. 33‘ lulondlui: pun-has”: will do well to “ lio, there, within 1 Host wares to sell? Or slumber’st, having dined too well 3" “ ' Dincd,m quoth the man, with angry eyes, “ llow should I dine when no one buys l" “ Nay," said the other, answering low,â€" " Nay, I but jested. Is it so! Take, then, this coin, but take beside A counsel, friend. thou hast not tried. This craft of thine, the mart to suit, In too refined,â€"rcmote,-minutc ; T hese small conceptions can but fail ; 'I‘were beat to work on larger scale, And rather choose such themes as wear More of the earth and less of air. The fisherman that hauls his not,â€" The merchants in the market set, The couriers posting in the street, The gossips as they pass and greet,â€" Thcsc things are plain to all men's eyes, “ Goodness acious woman is there any the duties of the married state I” We hope V . . v other oils, and is entirely free from gum. , Therefore with these they sympathim- harm in that??? ' i the good wife felt flattered by this expres- é‘c‘ghnegf,’ $31,153,? THE base burner stove. the telephone and orSfilfllfilfll‘fliifis‘i“filfi'wx‘bfififm. Dominion Exhibition Montreal ’ There’s death in it. He was very 5 g y P other improvements of a like kind have wnmous E “IN WORKS 00" BRMTFORD' mum‘- ' . v.7 Further (neglect not this advice !) Be sure to ask three times the price." The Carver sadly shook his head; lle knew ’twas truth the Caliph said, From that day forth his work was lanned So that the world might understand. He curved it deeper and more plain ; llc carved it thrice as large again; lie sold it, too, for thrice the cost; â€"Ah, but the Artist that was lost ! AUSTIN Donsox. >009¢ McWilliams and the Lightning. Mrs. MARK TWAIN. Well, sir,â€"continucd Mr. McWilliams, for this was not the beginning of his talk,â€" tho fear of lightning is one of the most dis- tressing inlirmities a human being can he af- “Trying to find the upper end of my pau- taloons.” “ Quick ! throw those things away ! I do believe you would deliberately put on those clothes at such a time as this ; yet you know perfectly well that all authorities agree that woolen stuffs attract lightning. Oh, dear, dear, it isn't sufficient that one’s life must be in peril from natural causes, but you must do everything you can possibly think of to augment danger. Oh, don'tsing ! \Vhat can you be thinking of?" “ Now where’s the harm in it 1” “ Mortimer, if I have told you once, I have told you a hundred times, that singing causes vibrations in the atmosphere which interrupt the flow of the electric fluid, and â€"â€"what on earth are you opening that door for Z" “ Harm? Anybody that has given this subject any attention knows thatto createa draught is to invite the li 'htniug. You have n’t half shut it; shut t flyingâ€"and do hurry, or we are all destroyed. Oh, it is an awful thing to shut up with a lunatic at such a time as this. Mortimer, what are you doing 2" “Nothing. Just turning on the water. This room is smothering hot and close. I want to bathe my face and hands." “You have certainly parted with the rem- nant of your mind i \Vherc lightning strikes any other substance once, it strikes water fifty times. Do turn it 00'. Oh, dear, I am sure that nothing in this world can save us. It does seem to me that â€"-â€" Mortimer, what was that l" “ It was a daâ€"it was a picture. I knock- ed it down.” “ Then you are close to the wall! I never heard of such imprudence. Don't you know that there's no better conductor for light- niu than a wall? Come away from there l Au you came as near as anything to swear. Yes, Mr. Twain, as I was saying in the beginning (said Mr. M:.-“'illiams,) the rules for preserving people against lightning are so excellent and so innumerable that the most inacmprehensiblo thing in the world to me is how anybody ever manages to get struck. So saying, he gathered up his satchel and umbrella, and departed; for the train had reached his town. ~0-oâ€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- Love-Letters. A glance at the love-letters of some men eminent in the professions. And first of all, divines. Chalmers says, in his diary, just before he was married: “Dismissiug all suticipations of heaven upon earth, may I betake myself soberly and determinedly to sion of Christian resignation. different from another Scotch divine of al- most equal eminence. who,dnring his honey- moon, so far anticipated events as to date his letters from “heaven.” The love-letters of Whitfield are curious. He said in them that, if he knew himself, he was quite free from the giddy passion which the world calls love. These eminent theologians were not at all unlike Racine. He married because his confessor recommended him to marry and thought that in this way he would best overcome his unfortunate proclivity for making verses. " When he was resolved to marry,” says his son, “ neither love nor in- terest had anything to do with his choice ; and in so serious an affair be consulted ren- sou only." His wife did not know the difference between poetry and prose, and never read a line of her husband’s tragedies, except, perhaps, the titles. One of the briefest of theological love stories relates to the marriage of Robert Hall. He made up his mind that he would marry his servant. So he went into the kitchen and said, accomplished elocutiouist of the last fifty years in England, whose readings in this country will be remembered. Bellow has left it on the record that Miss Neil-on was by no means an apt scholar. Ilcr memory was neither quick nor retentive, and her powers of apprehension were sluggish. lie spent nearly a year in teaching her to speak the lines of Juliet. He had to tell her when to raise her hand, when to drop it ; she was like clock-work, and had to be adjusted to certain gestures before she could accomplish them. It is said of Rachel that everything about her and her wonderful art were simply learned by rote, as a parrot cried “Pretty Poll 1” But the young girl was possessed of extraordinary ambition, great industry, and indomitable preseverance. Slight as her physique was, she toiled on tirelessly, never artistic method. Gossip has spoken of her as given to vanities, brilliant, but reckless. Her whole method was a contradiction of this. She wasastudent, devoted to her success and her ambition, painstaking and plodding. She Would travel any distance and take any trouble to obtain a valuable hint in the in- terpretation of a passage. She had accumul- ated a very large Shakspeirean and stage library. She Was not egotistic or conceited ; she studied practical stage business as inde- fatigably as a stage manager. Last; winter, speakin of these qualities, 0. near friend of hers said : “ This woman is not a genius by any means. But she is the most painstak- ing, careful, thorough, and industrious actress that ever gave the impression of being spontaneous in all her stage move- ments.” And unless one studied her closely she did give the impression of being charged with emotion and impulse, passion and impetuosity. But her subtle inter. pretations were often measured and carefully elaborated rather than spontaneous. So this Navy. " They. are as food to the hungry, as water to growxng plants, and as sunlight to nature. FOR reapcrs, mowers and threshing mac chines use Castonnc machine oil. I'r 'NEVER FAILS.â€"Dl'. Fowler‘s Extract of “HM Strawberry is an unfailing remedy for all kinds of bowel complaint. ASK for Castorinc machine oil, for sale by dealers generally. DR. Fowmzu's Exiract of Wild Strawber- ry cures canker of the stomach and bowels, dysentery, cholera morhus and all summer complaints. Cssrourxs machine oil is not affected by the boat, thus making it a very economical Oil to use on farm implements. ‘ Cssromxs machine oil wears longer than worked. a domestic and social revolution within the last few years. provements it is not unfair to include the “ Myrtle Navy " tobacco. ity of men smoke tobacco ; have done so for centuries past and will continue to do so. is important, therefore, that they should smoke the best qualitv of the article. is what they are supplied with the “ Myrtle All smokers who have used it know that its flavor cannot. be surpassed, that its quality is always uniform and that the only care they have to exercise in its purchase is to see that the trade mark T. d: B. is stamped on the plug. THE Great Triumph of the 19th century is the great medical climax Burdock Blood Bitters, cures all diseases of the blood, liver, and kidneys, nervous and general debility, and is the purest and best tonic in the world. Commas and Cuffs, Gloves, new shades, one and twu-bnttoncd, Silk Handkerchiefs, new patterns, STONES. Among the im- The great major- It That STANDARD CHOPPING MILLS, . USIND “(51' VNENCN “URN MILL. CAL. can or. mm uv ANY "(VII-LIO- [NT MAN. N0 RINIWINO PLAYIS IS IN IRON I2 INCH CAPACITY I ma crful slimulafivc Emullicnl. , in Canada on receipt of the price, ‘35 Chi. EARNES’i‘ DERRINGER, Chemist, 300 King elrccl, Toronto. SIMPLK. EFFICIENY. PRAGU- ss lM'l CAME". mus. unmo- “.u‘Ml-S “MW” res wiLL LASY A Ll'l YIN!- null/[h fl DRIVEN u _ sis ll. “.3 IVLIl wnurm‘v fr- 1 - . . , ....--\.‘..-... COME AND INVESTIGATE. grist niili every week. Plenty of references. wall for this rule. as In in the well-known rupuialiuiiof William Dixuri‘su'ork they will have an oppurlunlty to get a firslâ€"ciass carnage at a mmlunlu price. ilcnuuilxr that a written Euthaullm for one voar Mil be gimu lo cscbpnrcbascr. Sale to columon at 11 o'clock, on ibc promises, 63 and 65 Adelaide SuthYat. PORTABLE SAW MILLS GRIST MILLS, and ....FARM ENGINES OUR SPECIALTIES. See our exhibit of above Machinery in operation at Toronto Exhibition \ Provincial Ehibitiou, Hamilton, and “’0 test a farm engine every day and a portable Satisfaction guarantocd. WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS 00.. UXURIANT \VIIISKI‘IRS and Moustache lufnliibly produced by the well-known and ccicbmlcd rnuusuicbo pro- ducer, Arkri's Formosa, In six weeks. All agrvuablu and pow- Sciit to iinv addrcrs new styles, Kid Silk 'r HURRAH FOR MANITOBA! The 12th Excursion Train for Manitoba. \VILL START 0N Wednesday, 15th Sept, 1880. 11):: 12th FAST FREIGHT, 11th SEPT. Brantf‘ord, Ontario, Can. 'l‘lio untold miseries which insult from lndlsrrruon in early lilo run' he llovinlcd and cum]. iixbuustov vi- nlll ', Ncrvmm and Physical Dubilily will ccomc u dream of tho pus and vigorouil manhood may be mutant and regained. lulubllablo ovldouco In If- furdcd of the truth of [lives suilomoula. l'I'Inpn-u: Ill smiled wrappers post free. Addrucs N. l). lnslilnm, Kings!" Toronto. flictcd with. It is mostly confined to wo- iug too. Oh how can you be so desperately " Betty do you love the Lord!" “ Yes, , , , , , , Umbr “as no d 1 . A t i , , . men ; but now and then you find it in a Iit~ Wic’ked, and your family in such peril ? Mor- sir,” sai'd Betty. “ Betty, do you love me?” SUI: Wlth a FePUta-tlon for “ti”! brilllnncy, 109 angc’st,e\:t’ariioro:;$1)’ 1 cool)” 8’ 0mg; 33:22:33?Walgfl’foetl'g‘ufi:‘j‘gdccmth‘m “‘1', tie dog, and sometimes in a man. It is a timer, did you order afcatlier bed, as I ask- be next asked. “ I hope so, master," she "Italic tiff-$103: Epontlguefiusthpathggr W35 HAVE COURAGE _You um sun-0,. from ' '. a ' DIARRHG fig‘f‘s‘fi’fiTBRY particularly distressmg infirmity, for the cd you to do ?" answered, and they were happily married. exile Y L a“ 113° 05 0 n 030 mg“â€" scrofula or some 'foul humoux,’ your liver R. P R I T I E, SUMfiR .COMPLAINTglld all reason that it takes the send out of a person to an extent which no other four can, and it can’t be reaioned with, and neither can it be shamed out of a rson. A woman who could face the very evil himselfâ€"or a mouse -â€"ioscs her grip and goes all to pieces in front of a flash of lightning. Her fright is some- thin ' pitiful to see. V\ oil, as I was telling you, I woke up, with that smothered and unlocatable cry of “ Mortimer l Mortimer l" wailing in my ears ; and as soon as I could scrape my fa- culties together I reached over in the dark and then said,â€" “ Evangeline, is that you calling? What is the matter? Vthre are you '1” “ Shut up in the boot-closet. You ought to be ashamed to lie there and sleep so, and such an awful storm going on." " Why how can one be ashamed when he is asleep? It is unreasonable; a man can’t be ashamed when he is asleep, Evangeline.” “ You never try. Mortimer,â€"â€"you know very well you never try." I caught the sound of muflicd sobs. That sound smote dead the sharp speech that was on my lips, and I changed lttoâ€"- " I'm sorry doar,â€"I'm truly sorry. I never meant to act 30. Come back and "â€"- " Mourinsu l" “ Heavens [what is the matter, my love?" “ Do you mean to say that you are in that bed yet? ' “ Why, of course." “ Come out of it instantly. I should think on would take some little care of your life, or my sake and tho children's if you will not for your own." “ But my lovu "â€" “ Don‘t talk to mo Mortimer. You know there is no place so dangerous as a bed, in such a thunder-storm as this,â€"aIl the books say that ; yet there you would lie, and dc- liberatcly throw away your Iifo,â€"for good- ness knows what, unless for the sake of ur- guinfi and ar uiug, and "â€" " of, con ound it, Evangeline, I‘m not in tho bed now. I'm "-â€" [Senteuco interru ted by a sudden glare of “No. Forgot it." “ Forgot it i It may) cost you your life. If you had a feather ed, now and could spread it in the middle of the room and lie on it, you would be perfectly safe. Come in here,â€"â€"como quick, before you have a. chance to commit an more frantic indiscretions.” ” I tried, but the little closet would not hold us both with the door shut, unless we could be content to smother. I gas ed for a while, then forced my way out. b y wife called out,â€" “Mortimer, something must be done for your preservation. Give me that German book that is on the mantle-piece, and a candle ;but don't light it; give me a match ; I will light it in here. That book has some directions in it.” I got the book,â€"â€"at cost of a vase and some other brittle things ; and tho madame shut herself up with her candle, I had a moment’s pcaco; then she called out,â€" “ Mortimer, what was that I" “ Nothing but the cat." ” The cat l Oh, destruction 1 Catch her, and shut her up in the wash-stand. Do be quick, love; cats are full of electricity. I just know my hair will turn white with this night’s awful perils." i heard the mufli'cd sobbings again. But for that, I should not have moved hand or foot in such a wild enterprise in the dark. However, 1 went at my lask,-â€"â€"ovcr chairs and against all sorts of obstructions, all of them hard ones, too, and most of them with sharp cdgcs,â€"nnd at last I got kitty coopcd up in the commode, at an expense of over four hundred dollars in broken furniture and shins. Then these mufllcd words come from the closet :â€" “It says the safest thing is to stand on a chair in the middle of the room, Mortimer; and the legs of the chair must be insulated, with non-conductors. That is, you must set the legs of the chair in glass tumblers. [th l â€"â€"boomâ€"-bang Iâ€"smaah I] Oh, hour than! 1‘0 hurry, Mortimer, before you are struck." I managed to find and secure the tumblers. Igot the last four,â€"-broke all the rest. I The men of science do not appear, on the whole, to have been equally happy. As a rule, it is ill for a man of science to fall in love with a woman of science. Sir Humph- rey Davy tells his mother : “ I am the hap- piest of men in the hope of a union with a woman equally distinguished for virtues, talents, and accomplishments." Ho joyous- lv tells his brother: “Mrs. Apprcece has consented to marry me, and when the event takes place, I shall not envy kings, princes, or potentates.” Sir Henry Holland de- scribes the sensation which Mrs. Appreece made in Edinburgh societies, when even a regius professor went down on his knees in the street to fasten her shoe. Nevertheless, the marriage turned out to be altogether un- suitable and unfortunate. Count Rumford, a philosopher, if over there was one, married Mme. Lavoisier, a philosopher herself, and the widow of a philosopher. Almost the first passage in a youthful notebook was :â€" “ Love is a noble passion of the mini .” He was four years in courting the clever French- womau. We do not know what he wrote to her before marriage, but this is the way in which he wrote about her afterward : “ I have the misfortune to be married to one of the most imperious, tyrannical, unfceling women that ever existed, and whose perse- verencc in pursuing an object is equal to her profound cunning and wickedness in framing it." He explains one of his troubles :â€" “ She goes and pours boiling water on some of my beautiful flowers," which we admit, was at least eccentric conduct on the part of the lady. Yet two very eminent living men, M. Guizot and Sir Henry Holland, knew her, and. indeed speak very kindly of her memory M. Guizot’s own marriage was under sufficiently remarkable circumstances. He gained his wife’s heart by writing anony- mous articles in a periodical for her when she was laid up, and these papers might be regarded as a novel species of love-letters. ~‘â€"â€"â€"â€" A Negro’s Suicide. (From the London Telegraph.) plodding, patient, perservering, a. little (lull, utcarried forward to success by an unfalter- ing ambition and a. steadfast determination to win name and fortune. Her early successes were not remarkable, for she had no flashes, such as take houses by storm, until after she learned to create them by skillful manipulation of means; but she had a low, soft, melodious voice and a beauty of person that went far to redeem a little awkwardness. Her career in London was fairly successful. Her great source of income and her principal artistic triumphs were American. She visited this country six times, appearing here for the first time in the fall of 1872, and although it is not positively known what amounts she carried away each time, it is known that $37,000 was the smallest sum she ever netted iii a single season, while one of her series of per- formances gave her a net result of nearly $50,000. Miss Neilson must have cleared in this country, during her six trips, about $250,000. She did not take all this amount out of the country, however. In 1871 and 1873, when real estate speculation was ram- pant, shc was persuaded to invest about $40,000 in uptown property. This was inst before the panic. The collapse came, real estate went down, and in the depression that. followed Miss Neilsou became alarmed, and closed out in the summer of 1877 at a. 1035, it is understood. including Iawycrs’ fees, of about $50,000. Even with this loss her for- tnnc must still be reckoned at about $200,~ 000, irrespective of jewellery and “ardrobe ; and it will be an interesting question to whom it will pass. She had no blood re- latives as far as known in this country, and there are, consequently, no known heirs of consanguinity. Qâ€"«O- m4-.. A Peruvian Infernal Machine. The Chilian transport steamer Loa was destroyed in Callao Bay by an ingenious and effective torpedo boat recently. A Peruvian officer took an ordinary fruit boat, tnrcrs of Castorine. prosecuted. Bursa and mower manufacturers say Custorinc is the best all in the market. THE Greatest Popularity of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry is where it has Time cannot detract It if the old reliable reme- dy for all bowel complaints incident to the summer season. been longest known. from its merits. Brush Manufacturer. Jar. Wilson, 5/) Slicrbourne 3L; Barrister do Attorney, Goo. ll. ll’aismi, 30 Adelaide East. Rossiu House. Palace Hotel of Canada. .lfachinc Brushes, Wilbur FARM FOR SALEâ€"100 ACRESâ€"- melon gramme.“ TOR 09mg. GOLD CURE for Drunkenness. Du LBSth E. Kirmn'. Dwight, “L, the di-covcrcr, Bl ride his new book FEE I»: on application. _ osumvh‘éaiim I'll-J iii, 97 Yoiige Strcc1,'l‘uroniu, . Ontario. may be congested, your lungs diseased, your kidneys deranged, your joints distorted with rheumatism, you may be almost a walking skeleton, yet despair not, Burdock Blood Bitters has cured othersâ€"it may cure you. THE Toronto Oil. Co. are solo manufac- Infringements will be D " ‘ * Twill), proved “St Mark. 11. hash, l’ron. dock Counly of Welland; [- lllilltfl from Niagara Falls and 15 from Thorold ,- fruit'; soil clay loam. Iood buildings ; \ ’lll. NlCilOL, 'l‘liorold. GENTS WANTED rofi'TosLLi-m's "bis- splendid BASES of Live Siouk"â€"tlic best fannur's book published; sccnrc territory in. once. Mill. 6:. (10., Berlin. SHEEP MARKS N VENTORS DESIROUS Oi“ OB- taining patents should write to "BMW Ullls'l‘, l’nwnt Solicitor, Ollizwu, Canada; twenty years' practice; no IIXIIUIIILEO‘EQ):. Star Augcr'for‘woll boringâ€"(u:sz in OBEIIIII)L'I'- Supplied by il. .\l. Yousu s (10., ()4 King St. Exist. Toronto. ONE i “ MANITOBA LAND OFFICE, 64 KING ST- EAST, TORONTO. IAMUNDS WILL OUT. AND Tm; ImprovedDiamond andthe Haulan Crossâ€"Cut Saws will out faster and stay in order long- cr than any other saw In tho world. They are umuu- factured only by R. E. and sold by the Hardware Trude every- Where. SMITH 86 00., St. Catharmes, . 'l'nko no other. We also make the Lance Liulilning, Improved Chum iion, Eclipse, in short, all kinds and patterns. inclu illL,’ the New im- Champion. . Ballerinas Saw Works.” B unlock B LOOD' Bitters '3‘?“ if AALL DPillgCIJTSE‘Il‘EALEIiS Burdock nonllm: Oliilmoril. carbo- lafcrl. should be usad in connection with Bur- Blood ilitlors for curing ulcers. abccsscs. fever. sores. oto. ' STUCK, ! II. soothes limIs'm-l ‘Ill‘l'lIWIill'llI and : " ‘ ' . ‘ . ' - an on for a specific. A trial \nlf‘cnnviiico. b. nu“ 35th Provincial Exhibition 01' THE AgrinulturaltArtslssnoiat’n OF ONTARIO, TUBE HELD AT HAMILTON ON THIS 20th September to October 2nd, 1880. Entries must be iniqu with the Secretary at Toron- to on or halo c the umloruiontloncil (Infomvlz. : I'nrsus, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, l‘unllry, Agricultural Implements, up or below Saturday, August 22nd. (:mln, Field limits. and “(her Form l’roducls, Machinery and .\lui.illnu:lurcs guurrallv, on or before Saturday. Ailgllelolh. llnrliculliinil l’rmlucls, ludics' Work, Finn Ari)! utc., on or before Saturday. September 0th. Prize Lists and “brain for makln - tho cnlrlurl upon can he obtained of the Scorelar us of all A - cultural and llorliuiitlunil Societies and lilucliniiila‘ lllBllllllcfl lhruuzhuul iilU l'rmlucc. JU‘IN .lt CRAIG, Secretary, 'I‘urunto. J. C. ill’lfh'll’l‘, ill. I'.. I'rusldv-nf. St. Cltlilirlin'll. The most. useful and cheapest article of the kind over intro- duccd. Simple in con- struction and can- notgotoutol'ordor 'l‘Iiroo utlxwhincuw mtoinpany each pump, Isl. Straight m:qu which will throw water no fool. 2m]. Crook-d ironic, lightning, followc b - a terrified "We insulated the chair legs and called for fur- St . nt in toriedo in the bottom and over this " ' . . ‘ ranger a<l\ cntnrcs have seldom been re- P i‘ '. . - .. . scrcum roni \Irs. \l I Y I s ( u tr - ' ' ' ~ , to the world for quicksand, bard pan principally uml lnr A f c Ii ram anl c thcr instructions. corded than those of a drowned negro fished he Placed 1 “158 but 1": milling 0" Blmlfiz I day. we. New, mu, 1,03,}; m. ,L This year.“ “mm” design, 1,,” ,mhiwcwilw. washing lmrsim' lugs, mendous blast of thunder.] " There I you ace the result. Oh, Morti- mer, how can you be so profligato as to swear at such a time as this 2' “ I didn't swear. And that won't a result “of it, any way. It would have come just the “Mortimer, it says, ‘ thrcnd eines Go- wiffers entfornc man Metallc, wic z. 13., llinge, Uhrcn, Sclilnsscl, etc., vou sich und hallo sich ouch niclit an solchcn Stellcn auf, wo viclc Mctalie bei einander iicgen, odor mil. andcru Korg‘pru vurbuudcn siud, wie an up from the Seine, at (Irenellc, the other day. The unfortunate man, driven to sui- cide by sheer want, had written down his story, scaled it up in a tin box, and secured the box to his person, upon which it was found by the authorities at the Morgue. It kept down by the weight of the cargo. then loaded it with a very choice assortment of camotcs, yucas, chirimoyos, graiidiilas, fowls, turkeys, green vegetables, etc., and, towing it toward the blockuding squadron before daylight, set it adrift Semi for Circular to manf., 63 Mary st., ii. 1 VJ]. dill. lcrms address Oi PATENTS Trilliiiz'iiXliKSEoi‘i’iiifii‘l's and Dwigns secured in Canada, GENTSâ€"MAKE MONEY BY SELLING ’l‘llE """l‘l 3‘“ WESL'IV-runlu. best Pictorial Family Bible; contains 2,500 lllns trillions, 03 full page, 40 steel, and 23 Dore. For EI‘ZItIIUerZi-ZR $5130., llurlln. Factory and show rooms-Nu. 110 & ll‘l limb- I‘ZI)\\‘IN WIIIIlY. Lyon &'"Aleie.hdier, bug ice cw, _ V, 3r . (winch in repro- =_ smiled In U. w cut . Milli.) throws a lvrnlul am copious npmy shower. and is Invaluable fur spi’llllf' hm; frurl lrcus, bushes. &c.. with insucwlrulmylng mlulions, llio work b. imr dour: thoroughly nml with- out lujurv I. D tho from. Nuw that a new post has same: it I. hlmln t ‘sfud l. word; and you Harden! Oefen' iqeng'ittcrn u. dgLv. “V'th appears from his statement that his father After floating about for some hours the Uniwd Sung” and puck“ uniUuTEKS AND MANUFACTURERS up ultackui lilof nil. lrorm In Canada, I social attention know wry well. hiangcline,â€"at least you does um, mew, Mom",ch Does 11; mean “as m, Amen, chief’ tributary to the Ne_ torpedo boat was seized by the (.hiiians and ,,,,,,,mm “mu”... AlllD a (10., Engineers, lulu-1pm milpnlmiumuliho Exool-nr Purim pump. ' r cc, wrii sltsclnncnts coin flow. on vht to know,â€"-tliat when the atmosphere is c arged with electricity "â€" " Oh, yrs, now argue it, and argue it, and argue it lâ€"l don't see how you can act so, when you km there is not a lightnin -rod on the place, and your poor wife and chililrcn are absolutely at tho nwrcy of Providence. “1‘” a'.’ you doing ,fiughfing a mulch.“ th“ ’0“ “"1" kc”? 50"” met-“’3 “50‘” I'M-n brother climbed a tree in order to survey . . . .i such}; timoas this ! Arc yrpn starkhmal?! H \ .33, that, must, [,0 it, It stands to rea- the mumunding country, and looking about the shore, was awful in the extreme. Every Fur Sale, the famous, thoroughbrmi stallioh. TORONTO '1 r a 11;.» “ ang 'it, woman, w uro‘s t 0 arm? son that, it is. They are in the measure of hi", suddenly perceived a huge 1m,con_ house in Caliao was shaken to its founda- u WAR CRY " 1.; 4 ‘ . 3‘ .‘r " The place Is as dark as the inside of an xufi- “Sumngm‘s' you know. put on yourfire, swig“), crushing his brothel. to death in it, tions, and every ship in the bay shivercd as Wm M mm a, a Lanai". AW” M u. GRACE‘.‘ THE BEST / , a\‘$7_ 1101, and "â€" . “ Put it out! put it out instantly l on determined to sacrifice us all? Arc You that you must keep metals about you, or keep them from you 2" ” “'0”, I liari ly know. It appears to be alittlo mixed. However, I think that that sentence is niostl ' inth dativo case. with a little genitive ant accusativc sifted in, here and there, for luck; so i reckon it means man's helmet, Mortimer; that is mostly metal." 1 got it and put it on,â€"a very heavy and clumsy and uncomfortable thing on a hot gns of Abyssinia, who, having risen in revolt against his snzcrain, was killed in fi ht. Two of the chief’s sons, the elder of w _iom was the suicide in question, ware cap- tured by the Ncgus, but contrived to effect their escape. \Vhilc wandering about in the marshes of Bar-elulzrak the elder coils. Having lost his fellow-fugitive in this terriblcmanner, ho struggled on through tho great swamp for seven weeks, at length reaching the lagyptian outposts, where he brought alongside the Lou. As the weight on the false bottom was diminished by the transference of the cargo, the machinery in connection with the to do was set free,and in a moment 300 peas :5 of dynamite were exploded and the Lou was almost lifted out of the water. The effect, as desmibcd by those who were watching the operation from thou h a fearful earthquake had spent its fury cricath them. The fated ship appear- ed as enveloped in one mass of flame, which resolved itsqu into dense clouds of black Cheap. don. mnlccd. chrwiiLOâ€"nt SEED WHEAT! Mocliunics' liisliuilc, Toronto. ARTI'FWLML‘I'M BE“ Address, J. DOAN ol‘ i'ltl'jl'AliHU LI'LA’l‘liI'lll Durable, Light, Elastic, and First Prize m. Provincial Exhibition, Lon- Tcsliuionials on application. Satisfaction gun- &.SON. Drarloin. 0m. LEATHER iii. serous â€" Photographic Goods. Mouldings, Frames, Chromos, Mottoes, Picture Mutts, &c. THOROUGHBRED STALLION 128 Bay Street, BELTING l SEND YUI‘ nul 34- Addrosa KXUEI lOlt i'LMil (20,, will: reward for lufunrmtion of any lllfl'ill',.'(.'lllulll. Age-mu warned. Turnuuy, (mt. ‘ 5th1 ,. ‘ _ ViiLD-‘SIRAWBERRY '"o‘t con 3,,- r, _. .. 4., , theroigiotbing‘sttiacta “gist-ring like I . “Shh i _"â€""“ I _°°"", °°""b°°"‘ night In I! 01058 1'00m- Even my night-dress was kind] ' received, and after a few (la '9' “mOke- ‘thn this Clear“. “way 3 “3 “ec'n' v ., ' 1 a .1‘ u- ~l -~..r s... in. l i.l V DIABRIKBA. DYSENTBRY and W” 9*» 1"" 33°“ "1 MW W“ W seemed tobomore clowns than I strictly repose, tori-mica m Cairb by a... militiiry ed not-w he“ angered. but Esddgnly she mill-"iii: m3?llxt§.$223"éa..uf.;“ “’ “ m . UAIALOCUE summer. oomumirs. “1 what you ve done l neoded_ intend-“cm The thdivc not onxy mleivcd was seen to sink at the stern, while ..er bows Address W - BEN ’ ST E R A” Julpagmz‘wl‘bp’dfilgglrm. and no lac rolled “ No, I don‘t see what i've done. A match “ Mortimer, i think your middle ought to his wants, but paid his passage from Alix- we'nt high in the air, and the Les disappear- ed forever. my “unfl- liflnllfingr (0’ “n l knowv b“ it be P'Uleclui won" 3’0“ bucmc 0“ your andria to Paris,‘ where, as his note-book . W M”““‘""‘ T’m’W" 0n haul fr v -is ' ’ ""â€" don't calm lightningâ€"I’ll go odds on that. militia sabre, please 2" patheticallv observes, he thought he could B33“ from “cut?” "was l’lcked “P wflâ€" U | L (m. PRICE “3T. E H And I‘ dun" “Incl 1' W0?“ 4‘ C01“ this I complied. find a living. " lint,” ho conclude , "here, “boat 40 0f “'9 L0“ Crew i the "3”, W the ' W. MILLICEAMP & 00., u "u" time; for if that shot was levelled at my match, it was blessed poor workmanship,â€" aboutan average of none out of a possible million, I should say. Why, at Dolly-mount, such markmanship as that "â€" “For shame, Mortimer! Here we are standing in the very presence of death, and yet in so solemn a moment you are :3 bio of using such language as that. If you are no desire tilâ€"Mortimer i" "Well I" " Did you say your yen to-night 2" " I-lâ€"moant to, at I got to in; to cipharignt how much twelve times 'rteon an n. ._ [NIâ€"Mm been! More“: ‘ “ Now, Mortimer, you on vhf. to have some way to protect your feet. 0 please put on your spurs." I did it,â€"â€"in silcuco,â€"and kept my tem- per as well as I could. ” Mortimer, it says, ‘ Das Gcwittor lau. ten in schr gcfahrlich, weil die Glocke sell)- at, aowie der dureh das Lsuteu vcrsnlsasefe Luftsug and die Ilohc (lea Thurmes den Blitz anslehen konnten.’ Mortimer, does that mean that it is dangerous not to ring the church bells during a thunder storm 2" " Yes, it seems to mean ringâ€"if that is the past 'cle of the nominative care sin- gular, I reckon it is. Yes, I think it means that on account of the height of the as elsewhere, one must be of some use in order to liveâ€"and I, alas! have foamed nothing. I prefer, therefore, a vioi- at death to pcriahinlz slowly by hunger. w»..._._. An Intrusion on Her Majesty. On Wednesday evening, ,at Windsor, the Qdecn retired at 11 o'clock; we staid be- hind, talking for half an hour. .\t mid- night, I sct out to find my own apartment, and I lost myself in the galleries, saloons, and corridors. At last I slowly open a door, taking it for mine, and I scealarly beginnipfi to undress, attended by her maid. I at e door as fast as i can, and begin number of 150 or more, perished. The Les was an English built iron steam- cr. She was armed with one long range seventy-pounder and four smaller pieces, and at the time of foundering had on board two long range seventies, which Were to have been mounted on the iron clad Blanca Encalavla, [40 fans of shot and shell, and a miscellaneous cargo for the fleet. o..-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" A LITrLz fable, two feet by a foot and a half in size, inherited by the Duke of Port- land, has been inventoried as worth ten thousand guinea. At another invantory, some time since. of the valuables of the Show Base Manufacturers. GOLD. SILVER AND EICXLE PLATELS. 29 to 35 Adelaide Street East TORONTO, ONT. OWNERS on 'ST EA M ' sarong. Boilers inspected and insured, and rcpairu, if any awry, aupcnmemled by The Canadian Steam Users' In- surance Association. Slit A. CAMPBELL ..... .......:...l’surour Huh”, .1. ICMURKICII....... ....\Icu.-l'auinur. F. ' 81 COLBORNE srnnnr, rosonro. ' B A . THEflARKET. E. DIXON & (30., MANUFACTURERS, ASKETS WOODEN WARE, â€"â€"I.‘s‘-â€"â€" Snutheuthissnmi Arkansas niefit. I/rull iron Nmmlaiu and Northern Rall- aav company have a Land Grant of burly 1 M 000 acres m llio two above mined Miles, shlc’h rain- msc [he folinwin ail-subarea. Those isnda are be- m; sold ai low p or: and no long times. (la-d Climate. (Mini Profile. Vernal llol I’m: “sore. Many Prmlueta lilo" Hrntdf Flue Tnulper. Iligh Linda Glmi I: Pruitt. (Rimes Haskell. Water I' met. Ifcalllry Country. Nu (Irâ€"04min"!!! Tm: cram may be grin“ on the nuns round In one you. Wheat, Cam, and Collins flotur‘iah in "10 earns field. six usrlzah‘o rivers emu the land Grant. l’rims lam. lieu-u Ymu' aulll. ll ddnd. For mlvmuaucm sp Ay to Time. MEX, [and Com- .] I“ M d l" chum}, gum “,1 a" “mm. of m, i, :snkrupt Dufke as Norman‘s); a trifling! lit- uud 0m,9vlctlsm Street,1'uroui... “ “a “h ' 0b “is! I" t. on help! How would be \- - am mu. up If“,er ' g0 hf - I 3; 1 can was con to ave on valuu by g p_ 10312;, 02.0. C. noun, “11“” - ‘ 0 P3. Jule in;ch u: neglect sucha thing a such atime not to ring signal. if: time(of aim ; mi 33%...an WIT; Rizawlioffiny.‘ 1:0 Mr- ope. the Duke'- f-ther-in-l-w. It ten fiat-312* 0‘“ Wm"- .. BRUSHES» PAPER. JOHN (L LAVEI. Hamilton. Out, as this!" "But it wasn't 'sneh s time as this.‘ rug Mm‘tsdoudinthaaky. llow monsover, don't you see, the very word- “Never mind that, Mortimer; don‘t lo bed. The next day, at dinner, the Queen said to me, laughiugiy : “ Do you know that '01: entered my room at mnlni 'ht?” " How, thousand pounds. 11' is now believed that Col. Gordon did not throw u the post of secretary to tho K Twines, Cordage, Mid I know them was going to be all this waste the precious time inx talk. Get the ls‘am; was it ‘our Majeat 's door that I Viceroy of India to act u pacemaker be- AdIU-Btablo Hand-15 Broom! rumpusnd mm abouts. little slipth large diuth : it is right there, in the half opened!" “)Certainl '." J’Aud she tween Pekinand St. Petersb , but tofaks ‘ I that! And don't think its. lust (airfor hall. Quick, Mortimer dearzwe arealmost laughing again, and aodid . I told her of chief command of the Chinese oreea. The 5,1,4,“ mph M o, m L ".3. you top“. I0 Dub 0'“ of It. In "9!. sale. Oh, dear, I do believe we are goinglo in - laxity, which she had already as- story goes that the Chinese Ambassador at ‘ . “ “dml I “"3 m be “1'91. “hit 9" . 3:12?! asked Whether if, like :52. Silurian London, by order of his imperial master, f ed on new} brought comma“; Our little anmmorestabliahment stands on or Sully, I should ever write my memoirs, applied to the British Government for the M w b 100? ‘5‘ my a high range of hills. overlooking a she would allow me to mention that I had services of one of its most ca e Generals, . y or “ WI 30' M'Ukl 11870300 . ‘. Sara's! farm-houses are in our 0 ed the Queen of England‘s door, in and the Government, w 'e declining to'". 2mm! fl lbcbmofitnd‘.‘ Tahoth ’ they-flow fever? . wghbourhood,â€"the nearest some three or \ “indoor Castle, at midnight, while she was sanction such an arrangement. had a hint mmmé;:m thnm ,3uufbm“ «mu-«M 1...... ..._ _ .,.-, ...Ww__.. . u dust in ‘1‘ ‘1“ ' up four hundred away. 'n to bed. She ve me permission, and conveyed to Col. Gordon, which caused him mm. a... radiant, ny. Send in! price u», or HAMILTON, our, fir“? PHI. turn-an0 all on.» pumâ€" tb Mutton-sand Min-w Whulmoumdon the chair. had been assumeâ€"f: rum. 'tostartforPekin. macaw. n "- ant-nah um: mm. in «my and

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