Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 Sep 1880, p. 3

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'l '1‘. c mg ---....»--1.-....-._. _ -5“ 7:?411Vertiaementa. l New Afiertinements. Iflemmal and changein Business. ‘ i oxnr, noxsr, mom}: Store in. Scully’s Block. ‘rICTSIRQIlfixOllRSQI‘chEIl‘E? m, _ '“" Iamnotvpreparedtonego- G‘. G. KEITH ' ~ e“ "i r ‘L & tiate straight loans on Th “5 l” 1" “7 AT C E q l A' Return their sincere thanlu'for the liberal 13"“ Proper” security for “‘5 ..........,.. P“W°..‘:;'.;:::3.22.33.?” "r “wormeiutrrm Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes mp“ “Minus, G. W, gnun, NEW TAILOR'S snor. gs to inform his custo- mers and the public genorallv that he has always on hand a complete stock of dealer in has just received a flesh lot of and all kinds of gold and silver {key and Item winding watcher. Practical Watc h m a. lie r. Jeweller d: Engraver. elon Falls and its vicinity that he has com- interest, with the privilege of mcnced the tailoring business F "paying "5 mm” or the from Montreal and Toronto. His stock of ‘ C d u is n - ' 1 n - . . . - urt- . ca , rmngs, On CO] borne Street, 6 O , principal at any time, the in ' terest ceasing on the sum so I I I COd FlSh l‘laCkel‘el. opposite Mr. Wm. Marshall's old stand, and I if: 35:: 'i‘;gThébgrfi'figfgblflgfifyggfi P‘id' & O solicits a share of public patronage. Cloth. pied by Mr_ Wm. Margin", when “my will A ehotce assortmentof â€"â€"_. Watch repairing in each branch prompt- in“ "m be made in me me“ “,1” “ad he happy to receive a call from his custo- This gives the borrower ev- ‘ ' f ' ' . r 15h. Examine stock before urchasxnw an an I! and carefully executed under my own @ A Good Fit Guaranteed. mers as well as their own. Having leased ery chance. He can pay on m“ be acid at less than usual pnceselfewcflere p " Pale d Br dY’ personal aupermtcodencc. IShe lackery and secured the services of Mr. his mong‘ae any sum he may ~ - Port and Sherry Wines, . . Garments cut for persons who wish to avi Barrett they are prepared to furnish -" . , ‘ , nav- Satmfactton Guaranteed m. u... up .. rum, and charges reas- ’ be able to spare at any tune w Farm Produce taken 1n Exchange. Holland and 01d Tom Guru, . . bit: in all easel. ' and prices low. “niches sent in by train on“ . C S “’6 Stop the WWW“ 0“ 5° 89"(‘I’Rl brands ofWhiskv Pottled Ale and on carefully attended to as though left by “new” Falls' “A! ‘th' 1880' S much, or he can release his Penelon Fans’ Jilly 24“” 1880' Porter. hr. The attentihh hf hotel keepers «owner. ' and othors is inritrd to this stock. 6. ll». BEALL, Benton House Block, next to Dundas k Flavolle Bros. Lindsay, March 24th, 1880. 3ly DON’T FORGE} 1 EW GOODS. Cakes, Buns, kc. k., at reasonable prices, farm at any time without be. and no efl'ort will be spared to sustain the ' - - ‘ hxzh repatation which the Fenclon Falls "’3 “hfâ€"fed “0 Pay the “"1" ] __ t 3 " Mrs. bakery has deservedly borne. Their stock or pany a heavy bonus for taking . S ’ , , 1 ‘ their mone . Ex enses ver . . . . 1735 it“!2 "Mind “:1 Ofpened "P I large FAM I L Y (I R O C E R I E S . lime moreyth t: f Late of Toronto, has much pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of Penelon of an kinds firm“? on mud. The en}. stoc o a“ 038 o p" Falls and surrounding country that he has commenced business as a watcltmakcr system will be'strictly adhered to. will be found, as usual. fresh, good and Vale 10305: in Mr. llchrthur's building. N E “I T O Y S, ..u s, comm, Cash for Farm Produce. â€"TIlEâ€" Lindsay, Ma), 26th 1880. Joux culSttOLM‘ ’ in great variety. &Bll ’ and hopes to be favored with public patronage. He has a large and choice 115- Next to the Globe llotcl. Kent at, Lindsay Clearlllg 8 ale :3 o L L 8. VA 8 E 8. ,., b ’k ’ ’ ’ ‘2‘ . _ â€"A1"â€" Toilet Sets and a good assortment of m x geeneerlillylielhilinihfng ulllgoihl'duce , J. AUSTIN’S. BRING noun casts AND SECURE BARCAN$, As nothing else will do it. '1 , s ' I.“ a n c 5 G 0 O a 5’ Crockery- Gla’ss‘vare Brooches, Lockets and other kinds ofjewellery, all of which will be sold at rens- T Slnllincry, Binntles, Feathers, Flowers and unable prices. . mm“- W theshelvesnnduinbw‘du cheap Watches Clocks and Jeweller Cleaned and Re aired CHROMOS. MOTTOS “mm” “mm A LARGE STOCK 0F ’ ..u..u.oueuzuee. P m all needing anything in their line of busi- nml Motto Promos, Plnin nod Perforated Haggis resl'emuny soucner}. @ A IJIJ @II Cnrrlhourds, Canvas and Berlin Wools. )XOFFAT k MCFARLAND' Plensenom the address ! A nice lot of “'nll Paper and Window Fenelon Falls. May 26th, 1880. .WHITE 8!. GREY , JOHN SLATER, Dre S S GOOd S. Blinds just received. Opposite the post ofiicc. Mrs. KEELEY. Fenelon Falls, Jul lst, 1880 lT-3m* - - 563" .‘lillinory Store and Show Room, y ‘ 3E“ Sid-33;:‘ZZZ‘.:Ziigijii'i‘iif C 0 T T 0 NS SHIRTI N GS PINE AND uan - - 7 - ' PUMPS. Wilma“ At MoDougall (ll Brandmfs. The sizzling:-iififlfigficgmy 1., ,n_ FEE, S bought before the rise, selling 1) I}. I N T S. Al on PriCcS LARGE AND VARIED STOCK BBB ONS- tinues to manufacture his Wooden and uh . 8“ kindi . . . . . VEW unrated m the best markets, at the lowest prices for cash, feel themselves in o posmon A ’ SASH, BLINDS AND DOORS to offer such inducements to their numerous customers and the public generally Amencan Iron Cap Pumps, P ARA S 0 L S: . s ' - l re'oi e. W hve ulwo s i ' ‘ ‘. always m stock, and we are bound not to us Wlll make the heart of cool J c c l 't y n stock a chews: on . - , . sortmcnt of for wens, “stems kc. :31:uptigscilgob‘ycspsymtpme 3:31:35 hustness at 30 cents, nut] plenty of everything in Repairing 3’ SPCCia‘lty: Lindsay.unionism. Til-F1? ' hisn'm'm "Wr'fiTCAMPBELL's. “"6 ‘tun NEW DRUG s'ronn. & BRUSH Crockery and Glassware, ' FWD" “"3: "it" 33”" 193°- ALL WORK \VARRANTED. M m \. A LOT OF A... 1. chars“, AT COST. ‘8' My Wlldo stock must he sold off ‘8; 'I‘IIIS DIONTII. The undersigned having purchased :1 NE“. 'l‘o Delinquents in Accounts long post duo : f'rnh up unlf .mw cunts. .l. AUSTIN. Fcnclon Falls, September 8th, 1580. 1 u fuâ€""fllâ€"fl uuuus, SEEDS, IFLOUR, HAMS, BACONJ vmmm 13mm .rpilirirllri,nr§§lilg’ Opposite Vic-mm LINDSAY' Oat and Corn Menl, Potatoes, _&c., &c. TIBIZE TAIELIS. I â€"â€" â€"-:o:â€"â€" ' g ‘ ' ' “ * â€" â€" ~ - - ' f Fol-n1 r du 3,] it 7 Summer Arran ements. Cameron Lake JOHN NUGENT All Klnrclls p. 1 t i P od fcov In 3138 0:1l . hood]. T rmfig @, ' 1 ms 1‘ c at or ' 00 1e ‘ .. ‘r. “WK” "9 0" n - thanks his numerous customers in H. Skins, &c., if}. 1 g p I e P ’ 0p (lug, I I Blonduv, of June, â€"’â€"‘ begs ‘0 inform the inlmbimms 0" McDOUGAllL & BRANDON. ‘ LINDSAY TIME. B , t E h E F81] @1011 Fcnclou Falls, July 2nd, 1880. “,fiiaqgâ€"“W-(rmcm on argams 0 as uslnmeu. Fenelon Falls ‘ ' “' ' ' “ K E B l H G E n l G E tllu- sorroundiog countlry for their very . OSEPIâ€"I HEARD. -____.__.-..- -- ...._.-.._-m-_.-~..'- â€""â€"â€"" tern o ronngcturing ll ms ' n , (i . lg n . 0 on 0 vi: l. t. e v- . ' . . _ . Robson & Robson and tallies this opportunit;E lof inhrlrenirllg 231,;“g’fififigfif‘g‘lg‘gf‘y “will; evlifingg :1-..‘ ’ 1‘ 7 ll) PERSONS WHO WISH TO SECl'Rl-I them that he lms now on hand - - . \ t v - Lindsay; i'iull\'.l‘.l’. & 1:. Hum on hang} n large stock of the butldlng ou nzgngyné’lr. George (.un 'l'l H I Itnilwny un-iro 11.5!) o ’ _ I w--â€".â€".â€"_._~,_._.__.___._ â€"â€"~â€"..___. . for their Silllrl find duughltt-H u thorough e ‘1 R‘ I o ‘1 R H n u and practical odurntioo. um to young mun A H A l l E D N f P t ‘.l:‘..;-.:_n.:_~.._._h5 :llllm’l‘liirjrl:t“1:20{ii-limit::5nights: ’ 0 U I am making 3 SPeClflll-Y or Limlsny , . . . . , loiu'c . 3.00 p.m. ‘- ‘ r M , A h t. n 3..” “H. lvnimrh r H ,- , f ‘. _.: . . Comprising Garden, Field and r. ‘ I % ~ ‘ z . ‘ Mill. lt’y Junction “ 1H? “ .:;1.":..‘::..::'...: 12:11. " flour.3:223a:='.:.:...:°;;:;:.:"'g he mun on F F r l; “T 3 it? is] l l , . l (‘9 -------- '2 :: College- nl' l‘lIy-ziclllnri uml Surgconi, this F L 0 S E E D S hand a full line of a ' 5 J z \3 l _, : 1‘ 1.3mm... ‘” “ institution oll'L-rs pt'Cllllzlr udvuutugcs. Its ' , . . 1‘ to of. l '0' Those who have Eton f dnti _ . _ :‘ t: 3.. .. ‘ . .specinl {untuch n't- :- 1 V D“ stuffs tlllS fins n t to 3 or. e oun (ms 01 bncl. houses a. .......... ‘1 2: lat. Although uuduwrd nnd muinluinct " ‘ l l C t f T 1 1 y.- . i ‘ . ~by the Sarion of Friends. it is open to 7 e O S O 1 MINIMUM 5-73 ” , 3'0"“! Pool‘l“ "f l"'”' “‘"l‘ "f "I, 'l""""”'””' Gang l‘lollglls, “'rougllt Iron Frame, Mylcs‘ “flilwny Jlmc' 5.29 H ' . .. . . . . . . ,\' -.' ‘ lznH {.59“ mm. IAll Stildunsllmil‘ ‘i‘liml ml until“: I P [ HIN GES, in one rainy season besxdcs the accommodation of always lmvmg soft water at [L'gg'l‘JLQEWW (nu (31,3 ‘ some p thl‘ 0 won upV m | "my IL‘ ltl s or umorv ( 3. [I A ‘ . I . . which lhoyor their parents or guardians 8' " 7 “NHL hymn ” Gill “ ltuitus to givcnfirst-rutcudumtion 01L S' 4&0.) uni.“ l‘ .. .. .~ . v . . . ' and all kinds of Hardware required by . . --..._:... ..._:..;-...-,-__~:..____T.,7s_-_... 6:333:33;‘Ijsrl'fimg‘ (“fr-W“ firslm’;l“i:nf‘:; F ANN lNG MlLLS, Brushes, Combs, 550., &c. Farmers building. taken m exchange. armors. I (.0th souru. «mount for it shorter timo: nml they includr ' ‘ v ’u A] . ' r . , ..__ . . I ~ o . “ML milimhhom. Mm” ML “w my l/u IN), [ale w {/16 film 15/, NpTE_physicinns. prescriptions prepared Farmin Implements QC“? Cash paid for Skins, Wool and Hides. ‘ il,i‘i.,-.,t...-__.l .. ____._..7 “’7 .m.. every non-Mary expr-usc ext-opt text-hooks. having: taken six first prizes and diplomas WM] mm "‘"d despfl'mh' A fun “Iccm’n M g ’ JOSEPH HkAnD' (‘iiu‘llllg on. "it": 7'20 it ' 3"]. “,3 curriculum mu] guiding nnr We- at tho l’rovincinl Exhibitions. Also ngcnt SPADES, Fenclon Falls, June 9th, 1880. I r - Dyson “ 7.32 “ (1.“). "u. mu“. m. in m”- lwr mg]. sclumls for tho Illussc): Manufacturing 00., Toronto. ,. . ' SIâ€"IOVELS. I" 01.15}, v H '140 " and 'Collug'iu‘tc [tumult-s. llut students utâ€" l'm'mel's “'"l‘lml; & FORKS, 360. T Milldun étnllon ” 'l'.f:5 ” tending tins Collage .lmvc .mnuy odrnnl- PF" I,]3[,q always on hand. H _" I k hand we Yer best Myles: [1-3. June. u 83., :- Ages not to he ohtmnml lll mth lllgll ‘ h ‘ “ r 9‘“ “5°, eel’ 0“ . . y . , I ' Kinmmml u 3.4!) H - - h lo- .1 in tron.» huEldiuv. \ t' a u make of PLODGHS. Combmfllm" Md “"15 - . .. u behonh ' we M ’"M l- i F] l p F '10 ‘I‘IL’ or l‘\IOV \L Patent Pattern which will be sold m "" '1 9'10 r - - t- ~51 , ,, ,,_, a. ‘r . a. h ., ,, timim‘i"‘n‘55 R â€" A. THE BIG CROSS-CUT SAW .. =2 atudy rooms, pmlours. lrwlruums, etc. gym- I will find it to thogr ,utvflnmgp m m" nnd | 4 ‘ I ‘ 'l'lH‘ 0" 'H 5‘ hm," “hm u anIIIIIS. l'lflnll'mlllllv‘ “9- , inspt‘cl those illlplulnt‘nls and com nrc ric- , - - - . Hull's ‘- l0.20 " “h. n is “mm, m' may“, on. spiemmc (.5 botâ€"um lunch“:ng elsewhere. p p ms stock of Will he found full lines of llardvoare on cheap If not cheaper than at any other Cnnwm" ,_ :mm ,, Departmmt n5 thorough as posilllle. A "OBSON & “OBSON‘ has removed his MILL SUPPLIES housctn this FCCUOD of the country. “Wand “Wynn”. “Loo u to" complete chemical upparatm has been ll.’ ‘9 ' ".- noo H purchased in l'hilndell-lpo. suitohfic l«l£l~‘vc- including Belling, Lucr- IleatllleRSnprhRiv- I W; I," “ rm.“ l h F”... -..-___. .l N .s and lntcrnw into wor'. .vvry , H ‘ t ,B bb't M t l, Machine i 0pc J nin , ,im .-oy,. . l. nort r, 3.1.. p. m..... . 90 “so M l Harness Shop t. .. .. ..: ENGLISH LINSEED OIL. . 'V 1 l Font-loo Fulla. " south, l “0 “ to become a practical experimenter. quirememg on,” in new] of such goods, No. 1 5lh- A C""'""‘"‘l“l PM” i” "3"‘l’n‘l‘r‘l ‘ All lines of Hardwnre will he offered for Lindsuy. \‘ln W. l'. l'. k in whirl! Mmle Im‘ thoroughly "\l'lzlll l v, m ‘1'" “N “do Mr. CFMO',“ “refit "'3‘ sale at bottom prices, nnd runny oi the and n rnricty of Machine Oil of reliable quality. Building Materials and Tools l 1.. li‘)’ lt'nvt- 2.30 H .. commercial Arithmetic. (,‘otnposition nnd ‘ l do“ t? m," momma '"Emmc’ MW” be lmding 510005 as 10“" “5 “'hfll llfl‘i‘ 08" be of every kind to suit all. Cur-l1 customch umy depend on {letting l. r if rid ("m :12 1' r'r'"7377"'.1' m H ‘ ‘- mo‘<-km~ing- AH.“ “ml”! l" “1“ “"1" ' m” he”) 0" “Md ’1 30"“ “OCR of urchascd for in Montreal or Toronto. I or H I - up if»! . .«A- . . . . . . .. mew rum in 2..u..u....u. A mg? (3.001) VALUE FOR THEIR MONEY, fl,‘ M .«.¢___.___v w: and lion. ; Single &Double Harness Rum“ Sm", Gm 11. 3mm”. as goods Wm be sold at bottom prim. (I()NN 1.: 3"]‘I()Nt-3. for form or road work, \‘nliscs. “"1133”. .1 [ST ARRIVED. filth. Students who do not nidh to prepare l . . l l-‘cnczlon Pulls. withstngc for llohruygson for any examination mzu' take no optmunl ‘ l lilnmouul. with slugc for .‘lindcn. .lA MICK ROSS, .l. \l'. LEUNAllll. Manager. tit-zu-ml 'l'rulllt: Agt'nl. Liudzny. May {1rd, MW. 1’. S. ROSS 8t BROS. ' N. ll.â€"A New Bug ' for sale at a bar nin. SHAWl STRAPS, BASE BALLS, g) _ 7 g mm "mm, SM]... ESUMED BUSINESS. MEDICAL HALL, FENELON FALLS, ‘ . urrvcomh: Brurh .. . . . (J v 5’ 5 03' Kennedy & New mall Where can be found an excellent assortment of and All articles in his line of business. ‘ COLLARS WARRANTED-l “" Dru s Medicines Chemicals S on es I Rrpnirs promptly nnd neatly “routedi g , , ’ P g 5 lie begs to return his sincere thanks for thelihcml patronage with which he has; morn, and dr\‘olr their time to special subjects. 7th. The means nflonlml for ntcntnl rc- crottlon are ample. lrsides the reading room, there is a Literary Society which meets once a week. mm! a course of lectures ’ try leading mlucatiouists and others will he delivered during the winter. 8th. The Colic-:0 lruilnling is so arranged that tho sexes uro scpamlc except during: recitation: and in the dining-room. toys and young turn are under the charge of tho Noun-muster. Young ladies are under the “women. 9th. The Committee and Mirror hope to maintain a good moral tone in the. school. so far been favored. and is determined to l and vicinity that they have resumed hnsi- i “My” yum.” “A”! Law. mud. *l'iblc classes are held every Sunday aftrr- M A r I - - . f ' l r v ‘ 31 . Newman's old stand. The stock ' F I - R a ‘ i . N . .-.._.....-....--. noon. On Sunday Ste-aisles, lt'fllaffld on i Edd: stocdlrnltitni‘n‘lldiintie u"an om { no“ m r consists of N u Tor/nun, lll'llilfl. 7 4% Inn, 4.00 run. morgheharoclcr an con net are r trer- r 5 , I v l'xmirlgo -- 10,311 H (7,40 « "no “to! m. Pnunpal. i I D , l H ” A, ate” 850-, (fanmngton " H.227 “ 7.7.7 “ l,(5 p 5 Midland .lrt ar. ll 41- H not, H 125 l \\‘c1l,wcll, troll,l do «lcclnre ! Where have you ht‘cn ? Why, ' T AGVEVV’ S A l Clionpcst and ill-st lluot and Shoo store in the county, for sum» of those chcnp lroots which he is selling at lbuutflne Half His Usual Prices. our aunrugiaini TIME EBLE. â€"._..__ I’RUN EIJTJALS, é'r" kill M 1,1: M l, Inna. Trusses and Shoulder Braces, 9 “W” M 0" ("My ’ "c' all styles and prices. Tm munflmem hm... by defling hirly I ‘ h d l ; \l'omlvillc " H.419 “ 7.50 “ Lib . is printed every Saturday at. the office a W855 on an . A arne and all styles and prices. ’ b = Lindsay Mir) it. Hit p. m. 12.43 and carrying out faithfully all that is un- 01 n d k r l Colhorne street welt, T ’ ‘ J so Ir‘ ‘n o I'OI‘ or its . R TE . r . . d ,l Exzegfi I}: innit-(ll fowattcnd. The idle lllld l D 1 G , . w €924, “hum l l and ricious, anrra {Air trial. will he got : rid of. There are no pr'll‘s. scholarships, or "worth; no marking system or compet- tive examinations. The management can confidently refer to the work do" inlthr Collegedaria; the last teat, Classes have been specially fumed deflakea, to secure a good class oftludents. .‘litllrtnd Jr, 4].), “fill a, m_ [‘54 CLOTmXG’ ofthc best quality and at low prices. Also, a ‘ lfobtmunk, a1.” “1 .‘orrp. m. “mu ‘mumsm'ru.11ml. annt. inn. all styles and prices. Stoga, Rip and Cale E floats and Shoes and Urogani of the host manufacture, a prices to suit the herd l or “‘5 01:2;3‘"§;n;°::n:$fl°ml “3 r l times. Come along. ladies and gentlemen. and I will conrioce ya): that my stock is; i SUPERIOR I.\' QUALITY,553:33:11..Sininri'ffri:5.351131%:aniBOOtS & Shoes. l'nhoronk. depart 5.00 rum. l.'10 p!!! Mid, .lunrtion in. 7.2"- “ 2.35 “ NA.O~~’\ Liudmy “ill n.“ 9.3’) “ ‘ 12.454" Confectionery and comprising a full assortment of BLANK BOOKS and general Stationery. : l‘or all the Protruional and l'nirenity 81‘ “mm u 45-3" "m- 1-0" " ‘miutlom. The result: of the year's Mid. Junction rip. 7.45 ‘- 1.30 “ 2.45 " "‘chia‘ i. "R. dun, rm be donned 5 cents per line for the first insertion and 2 a . "I. M‘. ._ ‘Inounflmm .. “yd! 'm ‘1 and lowerin prices than can be found in 3 cents oer line for every subsequent inner-3f an”: Witch‘s“! me "atom-A “- bub l’anningtunarrircijo H 7'53 ., 3m, .5 “I . . . _ . . . Horse and Cattle Medicines, “ “ " l l l l l . r . - l - r, u ,- :31”le or dry goods Blank (0H0!!! tron. Contracts by the year, half year or; ~ ‘ , _ ' _ l‘rhridge 10.30 " 8.55 a 4.": " l‘rlgjynfiz“:$:af:- Initials-urn i rat 1:!" “Iainaup'gui‘fmp‘ Sitttllllrd l, quarter. for a colunlxn or less, upon reason- H’ u)" m” "u me “me l Physlcunn' prescriptmns and Domestic Recipc- carefully compounded, . Toronto arrive “.15 “ 6.30 " I1 . . . i use! vary 3 ran‘ 0 eat. er an “he gems, ; , . - o . . . .- . . -- _....-_.__.__..._._..._._.. mirror $333313“? "PW"; employ mupelcnl working; Youhmr u.‘ JOB PRINTING lAT AhD BELOW COST. 3 on? Pure Wmes and quIIOI‘S for Medtcmal Purpcszs. ; rm”... mun, .. 12.45 p. . "F" “u human". “a hub... (:01ka if": says: I‘ 5:; so: ? a! w (mum Ends "can": nu“ cor we. good, “ ‘ m” “an” 0° 0°" i A full assortment of Patent and Proprietary Medicines always on hand. A- “may”??? 19mm" " 2'30 “$11.17,”. 1" ,. r. . v . z . - - ‘ ' ',,, V. il,.:. . Announcements. apply to _ g “or” a”, .m, cam.“ 50,, mm,“ mm and ‘fmodeme Mm. !- 5 Mn “(1 Shoe, . {WC-uh, hm pm, ‘ gent for H. R. Stereos lurely loadable l mzrmz. r. m. “ m '" ""3 “t “I ‘3 J. 8. ill“ A.\T. ll. .\.. ; for sale. ' ‘ doc: taken in exchange. l Wimp,“ “an.” “I; muss .mxsw. E. o. nun. a: FITZGERALD, “3 “WWW”, "a . "mo". gnu. July, i559. 35.5.. i Feneloa mu, May 2611., lean. , pmwmon . @ T5315 Snug-n," CASH, ‘ Feudal, Fang: 3h, 27m 13;”, “was” I “mum ""61 mm. fag-sung Direct”.

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