York Herald, 12 Sep 1862, p. 3

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BAZAAR AND TEA MEETING. UNlVERStTY OF N connection with the Paneevranuu Carmen THORNHILL. will be held in the BRICK BUILDING, south of Mr. McDougall’s store, Thomhill. on Tuesday, September 16, 1862, Tire Bazaar Boom will be open at 10 o’clock u.m.. for the sale of Useful and Fancy Articles- Admittance to Bazaar. 10 cents. Dinner from 12 a m. to 3 p.m , Price. 30 cents. Tea served at 6 p.m. Price. 25 cents. .The York Mills and Willowdale Brass Band will be in attendance during the afternoon. Thornhill, Sept, 11. ’62. 1 FINKLE & LYON SEWING MACHINE COMPANY. 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, unnuâ€" 0 parties little acquainted with the Finkle & Lyon Sewing Machines the careful per- usal of the Company’s Circular is specially I commended. This Circular can be had on ap- plication. It i very specific. and will be found highly instructive. having been prepared with much care. and we will abide by allstatements therein made. - The following brief quotation is characteris- tic of the entire Circular : “ This Machine is better adapted than any other Sewrng Machine in market to the freqn’t changes and almost envlless variety of sewing required in a family ; for it will sew from one. to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stop- ping, and making every stitch perfect Will sew from the fittest genes to the heaviest cloth, and oven to the stoutest harness leather. with- out changing the feed. needle. or tension, or making any adjustment of machine whatever.” Thus have we successfully overcome the most diflicult point in the Sewing Machine Art, It was no ordinary triumph. Defiantly can we say. “ No other Machine compares with it in this respect." Hence havotwo uniformly-Hal- most Without ltheptionâ€"taken the highest premium, when the Machine has been properly exhibited in competition with other first-class \; .3 1'4! Sewing Macl‘riue's“."‘thce is it"‘tha‘tbwe are ' able to offer the following guarantee. viz :â€" " We \Varrant every Machine we sell to give better satisfaction than any ~other Sewing Mar chine now in market. Or money refunded.”â€" We never sell a Machine on any other terms. The guarantee is as reliable as the note of any business man in the land. For more than five years have we relied upon such facts for the reputation ofour Machine ; and without a single travelling agent in the field, there is scarcely a neighborhood on the continent where the Ma- chine is not favorably known. “’13 prefer such a reputation to one based on more “ talking points,” as they are technically called in the trade. Hence we make but one kind of stitchs viz: the lock-stitch. alike on both sides. requir~ ing enly one-third the thread of other kindso stitches. N. B. Local agents wanted in every county throughout the West. oll'ered. Finkle & Lyon 3. M. Co, JOB-Gm Special iuduccments PUBLIC; TESTIMONIAL. TO MESSRS. TACKABURY BROTHERS, Map Publishers. London. C-W, EN'l‘l.E.\lEN,-â€"HAV1NG OBSERVED AN ADVERTISEMENT printed in the authentic source's. these stories yet partake ETOHIA COLLEGE. Medical Department, CONDUCTED AT TORONTO 1' RINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF ME- DICINE, Hon. John Roiph. M.D.. L. L.D., M,R.C.S., England. Midwifery and Diseases of Women and . Children. Walter-B. Geikie, M.D. Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Charles , V. Berryman. M.A., M.D. Physiology, John N. Reid, M.D. Principles, and Practices of Surgery, William Canifi', M. D., M.R.C.S., England. Medical Jurisprudence, Charles V, Berry- man, M.D., ALA. “General Pathology. William Canniff, M.D. M.R.C.S., England. THE ORIGINAL news SEWING MACHINES! ESTABLISHED in 1845â€"Paaritc'rnn m 1862. P ECENT and important improvements hhv? k ing been put to‘ this Machine, renders i new the most perfect b‘efore the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with a guarantee of its prompt and safe delivery,an‘d that they will be able to manage it to their en‘- tire satisfaction. No more breaking needles 1â€" No more missing stitchesl No trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy, on the same Machine, either in oambric, cloth or leather; and for dress makers. shirt makers, Chemistry 311d Bonny. JOIN Herbert Sang“ tailors, hat binders.- shoe binders. or goiter fit ster. M A. Anatomy. Descriptive and Physiological, Hon. John Rolph. M.D.. L,L.D., M.R.U.S.. England. Anatomy, Practical and Surgical. James Newcombe. M.D., M.R.S.C., England, and I..R.C.P. London. ting, as well as for every variety of . family sewing, they have no superior. and will be sold at a much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of Work. Send for Descriptive Catalogue of styles and Curator of the Museum. S. P. May. N atur~ prices. A few respectable Agents will be dealt alist. Hon. John Rolph. M.D., L.L.D., M,R.C.S. England, Dealt of the Faculty. The Lectures commence on the first day 0 October. and-continue six months. Any further information may be obtained by applying to the Dean. the Hon. Dr. Ralph, Gerard Street, Toronto. Toronto. Sept, 11, 1862' 198-4 GRAMMAR SCHOOL, RICHMOND HILL. AFTER this date. Pupils entering the .1. Senior Department during the Remainder of the Summer Term, Will be charged H A. I: F F E E 2 By Order of the Board of Trustees. M. TEEFY, Secretary. September 5. 1862. Letters Remainingin RICHMONDIIILL PostOfiice Rlcmn'lld Hm’ April 17,1862 SEPTEMBER 1, 1862. Arnold, William (2) Heslop. Gideon Adams. John" Hodson. William Brillinger, Mary R. ‘(2)Herbert, John Brillinger, Jonathan Ho'ughtby. George Blake, Joseph Klinck, J. A. Cobcr, Peter (2) Linfoot. John Curry. 1: K, Leaf, George Clifford. James Modelton. James Collie, Henry Murphy. John Coombs. George McMaster, Dr. Davis, Nathaniel McPherson. Mr. Dancy. Sarah Ostertag, Mr. Duncan, William Poole. Miss Anny Fu'ller.'M'rs. Emma Ratcliffe, Miss E. Grant, Geor “(2) Simpson. James &. W Gray. Robert Stephenson, James Goodwell. John Simpson, James Graham. A. Wiles. John Hotson. Edward' "“Wa‘shltlgtoh, John Humphrey, J. Yale. William M. TEEFY. P. M. .- Hoxio, Joseph (‘2) A Work of Absorbing Interest. 533 WWW”- NEW Y0“. Thrilling Xâ€"(lvcnturcs ! AMONG THE EARLY SETTLEHS, By WARREN WlLDWOOD, Esq. RAWN fromthe most cyentful period of American History. and from the most Globe. Signed -~‘10h“:F.fll‘[Ifi,.,W,3J'd./.,&gfllll *for‘ all the wild. weird, and fearful character of ro- Geo. C. 'l‘remain, which we consrder unjust, mance. The volume contains the following. and calculated not only to injure you in your among others, business, but to misleadthe public as well. we beg to present the following Testimonial. We. the undersigned, have carefully exa- mined the now Copper Plate Map of Canada West recently published by you. and find it to be very accurate and reliable. \Vo cannot speak too highly of the artistic skill displayed in the execution of the work. which needs but to be seen to be appreciated. As subscribers for the Map. we are well satisfied You have redeemed your pledges, and done even more than you promised. To all wishing a really good Map of Upper Canada. we can recommend this work. as be. ing all the publishers claim for it. August] 1862. Signed, Gilbt Griffin. 1’. O Inspector, London. L. Lawless, P. M.. ‘ do Samuel Peters. 1’. L. S.. &c.. do \Vm,R0hinson,P. L. S,,&City Engineer do Wm . McClary. P. L, S, W. C. L. Gill, Registrar. &c.. do C. H Fergesou. Deputy Registrar. Co. Middlesex. do Adam Murray, Treasurer Co. Middlesex, do James Keefer. Co. Clerk, do do John C. Meredith, Clerk No.1 Division, Court, do W. Horton, Recorder. do J, Shanley, Master in Chancery, do Henry C. R. Beecher, Q. 0.. do E. Jones Parke, Barrister. &c.. do John Carling, M.P.P.. do Kerr. McKenzie &. Co. wholesale mer- chants. do Adam Hope & Ce. wholesale merchants, do James Scott. G. Sec‘y B. A, O. of Good Templars, do McCullough‘s Fearful Leap, The Bloody Block House, l’oes’ Desperate Encountre with Big Foot. Adventures Of Daniel Boone. Perilous Adventures in a Canoe, The Mystery at Lancaster, Davv Crockett’s Adventures, The Desperadoes’ Mistake. The Old Trapper in a Tight Place, The Wonderful Mistake, The Desperado and the Regulators, The Ranger’s Thrilling Indian Adventure. The Fighting Parson, Horrors of a Bombardment-«Norfolk in ’76. Fearful Adventure among the Guerillas, The Gamblers’ Den at Natchez. Perilous Adventure of Captain Brady, Fearful Encounter with a Bear. General Putnam’s Daring Exploits. The Massacre at Fort Miinms, The White Horseman. Black Dick and the Lynchers. AdVentures of Simon Kenton, A She-Devil among the Tories. The Swamp Robbers of Louisanna. Thrilling Escape from a Prison Ship. The Rifleman of Chippewa, Surprised by Guerillas. The Canadian Rebellion and Gen. Scott. A Desperado’s Thrilling Adventures, How a Brave Man saved Detriot. A Desperado among the Mail Bags. The Indians and the Hollow Log. The Traveller and the Arkansas Bully. A Race for Life, Thrilling Adventures of Two Scouts. The Murderer’s Ordeal, The Wolves and the Darkey Fiddler. The Murderer’s Creek, &.c. &c. Everybody everywhere should get VVm.I-Iaskins.P,L.S.&CityEngin’r,Hamilton THRILLING ADVENTURES -’ Thos. A. Blythe. P.L.S.. 5L0. do Buchanan. Harris dz. Co., wholesale merchants. do D. McInis do Co., wholesale mer- chants. do Brown, Gillespie & Co. do. do. do T. B. Harris, Gd, Sec. A, F. & A. Masons, do John Hood Greer, Registrar Co. Wentworth. do John Dewe. P. O. Inspector, Toronto. Dennis & Gossage, P. L. S.. &.c, do Geo. Hodgins, Dept. Supt. Education for U. C.. one author of Lovell’s General Geofiraphy, do Unwin do Miles, P. L. Surveyore, 550., do F, F. Passmore. P. L. S., &c, do III? The Public are cautioned against a map which is now being copied from the Copper Plate map in lythograph and advertised as Tremain’s Map of Canada West. TACKABURY BROTHERS. London, Sept. 11, 1862, 198-4t. S. B. HENDERSON, M.D. Oculist and Aurist, (Late of No 658 Broadway. New York.) HAS just opened an Office at No. 174 King S-t., Toronto, where he intends remain- ing a few months, and will give his exclusive attention to the treatment of Diseases of the EYE, EAR and LUNGS. Dr. H. has prac- tised for upwards oflO years in NEW Yonxnvith unexampled success. Hundreds of testimonials. from persons who haVe‘ been cured by him,can be seen at his office. Cataracts and Amarosis treated with success . also. Bronchitis. Sore Throat. and all Diseases of the Lungs. Arti- ficial Eyes inserted without an operation. I‘oronto, Sept. 9.I’62. 198~3m A GOOD THING. DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment is well worth a trial, in any caste 01‘ Piles, Burns, .3 aids, Old Sores Inflemed or Sore Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and In. every case where an ointment is useful. commend itself, after one trial. 1t VIII" The Book contains 384 pages, Illustrated with Two Hundred new and original Engrav- ings, and will be sent to airy address, postage paid, on receipt ofprice. Extra cloth. $1.25. We are also Publishers of EVERYBODY'S LAWYER 8c COUNSELLOR IN BUSINESS, by Frank Crosby, 11‘ sq. Price. $1.25. THE HORSE AND HIS DIS~ EASES. by Dr. Robert Jennings, V.S. Price. 1.25 8 THE FAMILY DOCTOR, By Prof. H. S. Taylor, M.D. Price. $1.00, SUNLTGHT AND SHADOW, or '- The POETRY or Home,” by Harry Pencil- or, Price $1.00 ' LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF KIT CARSON, The‘Grout Western Hunter and Guide. Price $1.25. MODERN COOKERY, in all its branches, by Mrs. Hale. Price $1.00. Together with other valuable and useful works, a Catalogue of which will be sent free on application,â€" Books forwarked to any address. postage paid. on receipt of price. We also make PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS in every Varietr- Booksellers, News Agents. Book Agents. Canvassers, Peddlers, and others will do well to order a package of our books. They will find them exceedingly popular,and terms liberal 1000 Local & Travelling Agents Wanted everywhere for their sale- For single copies, or for terms in quantities. with other information apply to or address JOHN EDWIN POTTER, Publisher, 187 No. 617. Sansom St' Philadelphia. Pa. GARGLING OIL SUPERS EDED. . RIGGS’ BLACK OILts acknowledged by allw‘be ' have used it, to be superior to Gorgl Oil, or any other Medicine now before the the, for Spratns, Bruises, Cuts. Gulls, and, all upries to Borseflcah. Good for man and beast. _ Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by a! some n: Medicines with liberally. Address the HOWE Sewing Machine, 437 ,- Broadway, New York. New York. June 20, 1862. 186-137 CHEAP FOR CASH z HE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his numerous customers who have so liber- ally supported him for upwards of five years. would state that he continues to manufacture, u A'l‘ 111s OLD STAND,” BOOTS AND SHOES! of every description, and of the best materials, and after the Latest Style. and hopes by close attention to business, combined with moderate charges, to ensure a continuance of their favor. He would also beg to intimate to- the inha- bitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity. that he has on hand quite an assortment of res-if LADIES’ 86 CHILDREN’S BOOTS 86 SHOES which he offers LOW for Cash 2 JAMES VERNEY. 177-6m lllllllflllll 11111111118. 1 HE Subscriber begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that he has fitted up his Grist and Flour Mill In a superior manner, and is now prepared 10 do GBISTING! On the shortest possible notice. He also takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the liberal patronage he has received during the past six years. and hopes to merit a continuance of the same. NE. A choice lot of Hams. Bacon, and 'Barrel Pork. for sale. GEO. ARKSEY. Richmond Hill. AugusfS, 1862. 103-2111 HORSE STOLEN ROM Lot No. 49, on the let concession of Vaughan. (Richmond Hill.) on the night of Wednesday. the 30th, or morning of 'I‘hurs- day, the 3lst July. last DESCRIPTION :â€"- 7 years old; Color. dark Orders received for, and great attention paid to brown; black mane and tail; about 16 hands high ,_wh'en' travelling shows a dimple on one hind quarter; when saddled. will kick if touch- ' .ed behind the saddle. Thesubscriber will give a or REWARD of FIFTY DOLLARS For the recovery of the Horse and such infor- mation as will secure the conviction of the thief. Any person who can giro such information as to lead to the recovery of the horse without the thief, will be handsomely rewarded. EDWARD SHEPPARD, Richmond Hill. P.O., C.W August 1. 1862.' 192-tf ONE HONORED FAT nous t “ EIGHING from 90 to 140 lbs. each are wanted by the Subscriber, during the next month. H. WM. CUFF. Toronto. August 25, 1862. 196-4 J. B. liceGicr, OUN‘I‘Y Constable,~â€"~Landlord’s Warrants executed. Rents and Debts collected on the shortest possible notice. Addressâ€"Richmond Hill P.O. l-y BOOTH & SONS, BEG T0 INFORM THE PUBLIC, That they have taken the Store, Nil. 204 Ylllllill STREET, AMERON’S Block, opposited H. WILLIAMS, until the premises lately occupied by them, corner of Tonga ‘9' Queen Streets, ARE REpUIL'r. OUR MANUFACTUING DEPARTMENT, 1s continued as usual, and we are prepared to attend promptly to all orders, with which we may be entrusted. BOOTH 8t. SONS. Toronto, May 11, 1862. 159-1y MME. DEMOREST’S Quarterly Mirror of Fashions, WITH GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AND ADDITIONS, THE SUMMER NUMBER. CONTAINS Four Large & Splendid Fashionâ€"Plates 3 FULL-SIZED PATTERNS OF DRESSES COMPRISING THE New French Waist, an Elegant SLEEVE, AND A MISSES SACK, AND A SHEET or new AND BEAUTIFUL Braid and Embroidering Patterns 0 T all the novelties for Summer Bonnets. Cloaks, Trimmings. Children’s Dresses. &c.. and valuable information to Milliners, Dress Makers. Mothers, and Ladies generally. pre- senting the largest and best Fashion Magazine in the World, publishep 473 Broadway, and sold everywhere at 25 cents. or sent by mail post free. on receipt of the amount, in stamps or silver, Yearly $1, with the following valu- able premium : Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to a 250 Bundles 0f Shinghsa receipt for the selection of 50cts. worth of plain patterns, from the designs in the book,-or from the show room, or they may be ordered and sent by mail any time during the year, by pay- ing the postage. Canvas-sets. [13" Summer number now ready. GETHER with nearly 100 Engravings of Richmond Hill Splendid inducements to 3A WAREHOUSE a is No. 93 King Street, SIGN OF THE QUEEN, 0 V $3 I 0 S5 Is the place in Toronto. to" buy pure 1‘1 ll.lll.'K It 'lillllll TEAS, COOKING, PARL 0 U1} AND BOX 6' T0 VES- O’T only because the proprietor,EDWARD' , ., 1 Henry, Meta" ‘Vflrmnted by , LAWSON,is one of the oldest and most WILLIAM HOD Sén’r. experienced Tea-buyers in the trade. but from - ' v - - - the fact that he purchases his Teas in such cop p81 ’ Tin ‘13}; gusliilate WOI kel ’ large quantities at the Car 0 Sales. thereby eu- ' I c o abling him‘ to 86 I at a very CHEAP FOR CASH, OR APPROVED JOINT NOTES, SMALL AD VANCE ‘ON COST, As cheap as any House in Toronto or anywhere else. Fulfilling the old adage " Large Sales. Small Richmond Hill, August 29, 1862. T ’ 3 ' L .1)” l . . Profits and Quick Returns "’ a'so in 196- 6111 i , carpets, grants CHEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE. St M AND cg THE Subscriber begs to return his thanks to his numerdds Friends and the Public, He cannot be undersold. and would irtfwmfthern that he has greatly increased his STOCK, and has now on HI _ BI . " hand a very large assortment of ' Fill. lllll WINTER BililTS All tillllll ll - @ONEEOTEONERW Of every description and style, such as: Men’s Coarse, Kip, and Calf Boots, Boy’s Are unsurpassed for quality and price. all being manufactured on the premises, from the best 'and Youths’ Kip and Calf Boots, Women and Chrldren’s Boots and Shoes of every variety of style; also, a large quantity of material by firstgiqumzvxptrgtdmen. Iced and MOCCASINS 8: OVER SHOES, W‘edding and other“ Cakes Always on hand or made to order in any style In fact, be has on hand all that is wanted to protect the feetâ€"for any weather or any season. which he is prepared to Sell at the a» on the shortest notice. V Orders by mail and otherwise, attended to with dispatch. All Goods warranted as repre- sented. and delivered free of charge to the cars or' in the city limits, mg» N0 SECOND PRICE. Remember the Placeâ€"’t- ‘ No. 93 KING STREET, Start or 'rmr Queen. LOWEST REMUNERA‘TIVE PRICES FOR CASH ! EDWARD LAWSON, ' - P ' t . Those requiring a really good Article, at a Cheap Price, are respectfully requested to Toronto. Fens. 1862’ mafia) CALL AT THE CHEAP BOOT do SHOE STORE, OPPOSITE THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. ' J AMES. HALL, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Aug. 28, 1862. l96-3m. W FRESH ARRIVALS 0F WM SCHOOL BOOKS! AN STAT I O N E RY , Dr. Buchan’s Sugaiy-filoated Sarsapartlla . l S. ' i It is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SAR- SAPARILLA is the greatest purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURElâ€"The Bowels regularllwAnd DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike attire root. of each disease, and are for the cure of every ailment incidental to Man Woman and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion. Bilious, Liver, and Stomach Com- plaints. General Weakness, Gout, Rhuema- tism. Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Threats, and every Complaint caused by irregularities of the bowels, ob- structed perspiration, and deteriorated and unâ€" healthy blood. These Pills leO‘rk their Way to the very roots .of each disease, Cleansing in their passage. especially where mercury has been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac- cumulation, till the blood is purified, the whole HealthJIappiness,&Lonngi‘e RE Within the reach of all, by the use of DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE DO- MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the Prescriptions of the late Dr. Buclran, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, &c,. &c.â€"â€" Cures are daily made. and their efficacy proved in thousand of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON, and sitting Magistrates of Marlborough Street, Westminster, Worship Street, Bow Street. doc. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men, Clergymen. and others. GENERAL - s ‘ AT THE ' _- ._ YORK HERALD” BOOK STORE, , , RICHMOND .11an, At Lower Prices than is charged in Toronto. BOOKBINDING ! Which will be done in Plain or the Best Style of the Art, at moderate charges. Richmond Hill, Atlgtlst 29, 1862. 195 system renovated. and all the functions acting according to nature, the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- ' lay ! a ci'eau StOmach must make acledn body. I A cloan bhdy ’will contain pure blood, when thestomnch, body, and blood are pure, from regulating and cleansing the bowels, health is certain, Begin at the beginning, waste no time : strike attire root or" your ailment. Again, I say. look to your stomach. One trial ofthese Pills will force conviction, Sold in bottles. at ls. 1gd., 2s. 9a., 45. 6d., and 11s. Dr. Buchan’s Invigorating Essence.- For NERVOUS RELAXATION and GE- NERAL WEAKNESS. at once restore and invigorate with magical rapidity the most De- bilitated Constitution, tliére'by ouSuring perma- nent health, increased strength, energy, and a redoubled development of the muscularsysierh. Failure is impossible, for success is as certain as that daylight follows darkness. The only infallible remedy for acquired local and general dobility, nervous prostration, depression of spi- rits, diminution of vital energy, emaciation, and for all female complaints. This medicine not only restores health and strength at once,- but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, maturity. and old age. The properties of this invaluable re-invigorating Essence act directly on the nervous and muscular [system, enriching, increasing. and purifying each par- ticular vital fluid; its action is never-failing, and in perfect accordance with the laws of naâ€" ture. As the falling rnin vivifies the parched vegetation, so will the power of this all-pot’o'nt agent restore the lost strength and energy of all who suffer from exhaustive derangement, which so few of the medical profeSsion attempt to treat. 45. 6d., 11s., or four quantities in One. 333. DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE SKIN ()INTMEN'I‘, Is the only one yet discOVered that Cures the mostir'i'Vetera'to so‘res, Its effects are wonder- ful, giving instant relief to the stifl'erer.. Many thousands have used it. and declare it to he "the best in the world.” It is the only NATURAL REMEDY fo‘r'all kinds of sorss and skin eruptions. It never closes up the surface of a wound whilst full of matter',.but will first bring all to the surface. and finally lieal without breaking out again. The Pills aid the Ointment in the followingâ€"Piles, Boiles, Bruses, Exceriations, Blotches on the Face, Ulcers, Ring-worms. Sore Heads. Eyes, and Lips,- Baldness, Chap; ped Hands, Chade and Blistcred Feet, Corns. Bunions, Chilblains, Frost Bites, Scalds. Cuts, Bites, Freckles. Stings, Scrofula, King’s Evil, Bad Logs, Bad Breasts, Contracted and Stiff .loints, Fistulas, Gout, Swelled Glands, Lum- bago, Rheumatism, Whitlow, Sore Nipples, Sore Threats. Scurvy, Sore Heads. Rash. Tu; mours. Old and deep-seated Ulcers, Wounds, Worms. Itch, doc. 1s. 15d. and 2s. 9d. per pot. Parent Medicine Warehouse, 19, Berners street, Oxford street, London. Wholesale Agents :-â€"â€"Barc‘lay &. Co., 75, Farriugdon street ; may be had at the office of this paper, one from all Chemists throughout the world. May 23. 1862. 182. l l R. H. HALL EGS leave to intimate that he has REMOVED the Stock of the RICHMOND HILL DRUG STORE, to the New Store one door south of Van Nostrand’s Hotel, and has received ‘ LARGE ADDITIONS TO HIS STOCK, Which will be lound complete, comprising DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFF-S, PAINTS, OILS, VARN ISHES, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, SEEDS, DRUGGISTS FANCY GOODS, 8m. 8L0. Soc. Also, a complete - STOCK OF GROCERIES! CONSISTING OF TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SPICES, FR UITS, TOBACCOS, Which hare been carefully selected, bought for Cash, and will be sold for the same at the very lowest prices. Just received BENZINE SPIRITS, the best substitute for Spirits of Turpentine in points.- Also, Furniture and Coach VARNISHES, House Painter’s JAPAN, Soc. Richmond Hill, April 2-5, 1862. 178-6m HARNESS ! HARNESS ! ! SINGLE OR DOUBLE! HEAVY ORILIGI-I'I WELL-MADE AND DURABLE! A MAY BE HAD or l,._ l. . r 11‘. ll. Tl‘t: it t, 1.2." “it, i I ll % “"1111. " .m “lit huh unit ‘1‘ I" I’ll ‘hlu ‘ ‘ . ".11 “mm Kl1...“ “All ll Hi IIE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. An assortment of VVHIPS, LASHES, 8m". constantly on hand. Collars warranted to Fit, Look A; Wear _Wcll. Also, kept for Sale Patterson. & Bro’s. Flows, Points, Landsides, 8/0. (if? Call and Examine, at WM. HARRISON’S , October 1'7, 1861. l51-3m . I" o r S a. 1 e , CULTIVATOR, new, from the manufac- tory of Mr. JAMES onann'r, Unionville ; may be had cheap. Enquire at, this Office. Richmond Hill, June 6. 1862. 183. RICHMOND no.1. County Grammar School. SUMME-‘RYTERM. BUILDING MATERIAL. For Sale. 20,000 Feet. of Seasoned 11 and 1} inch 10,000 Feet of Seasoned Siding. Advertising Essential to Business THIS INSTITUTION WI" R°°Pen 0“ A WEBBER. Europeon and Colonial Ad- e vertising. and General Mercantile, Y, the 11511;. August, Shipping and Railway Agent, WELLINGTON Under the Headmastership of L. 11. EVANS. STEM", TORONTO- C-Wv receives A‘lver‘ire' Esq” EVA” 'I‘,C,T, ments for all Newspapers and Periodicals pub- Drossed Flooring. The above is all of the best quality. Will be sold cheap. on reasonable terms. Apply to H. 85 J. HARRISON, M. TEEFY, lished either in the Canads. British Columbia, Near Richmond Hill. Secretary B.G.S.T. {EUTOPW 0" ,‘ha Slamfl‘ It? ACkOOWledé’ed I August 13,1862, 194-4 Richmond Hill. July 31. 1862. 132â€"2 Agent for this P3P”: 389' NOW OBSERVE, ' r .q, , W A .r ‘â€" pnre 25- :51.”; per Lil-11:16,, RICHMOND HILL - LIBRARY ASSOCIATION l II‘HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘ Human ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may procurO' BOOKS every Friday afternoon. from 4 to 9 o’clock. P.M'. ‘ A. SCOTT,_LiI/raritm. Richmond Hill, Feb. 27. 1861. ,, A- _, _..- ,-....__..__L.AL._ M.-. _.,____â€"-â€"-. Clieiip Boots antlShoes HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the ins habitants of Richmond Hill and vicinity, that Ire has leased the Shop of Mr. Ruben Lee; Where he intends to on my on the BOOT and SHOE business in all its branches, ' Mr. Lee’s customers will have the same at- tention given to their Work as formerlv, All work done at the lowest remuneratiug.’ prices. _ RICHA RD DURHAM. Richmond Hill, April 10, ’63. 176 . FOI‘PSâ€"OIB or to Rent, .. COMMODIOUS self-contained HOUSE situated in. the vicinity of chmresrv HILL. containing 4 Bed-rooms, Parlor and Kitchen, with other Outbuildings, There is also an Acre of Land, and another Acre can be leased adjoining. For further particulars apply attire ‘ HERALD" Office. Richmond Hill, March 6. 1862. 17I-lf.» , JUST RECEIVED, a fresh supply of a new ' edition of SANGSTER’S ELEMENT- ARY ARITHMETIC, at the “ HERALD ’I’. Book Store. Richmond Hill. ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX.- HAUSTION. New editions enlarged to 190 pages, illustrated. by 100 Anatomical Colored Engravings on Steel, just published, price ls. HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatest Medi- on] Work ofthe Age, on YOuthful Indiso Cretions and consequent Impediments to Mars riege, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restora-‘ tion to manhood: with an Essay om Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion, precluding the pos- sibility of contamination. ' Also to he had from all Agents in all parts of the world. EXTRACTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price 6d., which contains directim s' for the guidance of patients. ‘ Messrs, R, &. L. PERRY 6; Co. are only to be consulted at their residence, No. 19, Berners Street. Oxford Street, London, as they never, under any circumstances, travel either at home or abroad. and they hereby Caution the Public‘ against any person using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud. the Public‘ is notified that none of their medicines are geo' nuine. unless the subjoined erc-similic of their' signature is attached to their different wrape pers. GEN’aA‘rrvn &. MUSCULAR Power: Raoarsnn BY THE usr. or" Perry’s Cordial Balm of Syriacu-m.‘ Established nearly a century, 'and known throughout the world as the GREATEST RE- GENERATOR; a. never-failing: remed for“ Spormatorrhoe, loss of manly power, pro need by early indiscretions. or any other cause,â€" It enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have rdoemed themselves incurable at once to fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. Price lls. per bottle, or four quantities in one, 33s,, which saves lls. ; and in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 125. -, PERRY’S CONCENTRA'I‘ED DETER-' SIVE ESSENCE, a remedy for Syphilis in all its stages, also for purifying the system from contamination. recommended for secondary symptoms, blotclios on the.head and face. on.- largo’ment of the throat, tensile. and uvula: its beneficial influence on the system is undenio' able. Price 11s. and 33s. per bottle, also a saving of 11s. I PERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED" ESSENCE OI“ COI’AIBA AND CUBEB‘ SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most-- speedy Remedy known. The Globules, con- taining the Quintessence bf Copaiba, Cubebs,- Buchu, 610., at once cure. withouttho possibi-‘ lily of failure,- Gonorrhoea. obstinate Gleet, Stricture, etc, immediately subduing all in- flammatory action ; Encasod in sugar. freh' from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and 11s. per box. HEALTH Dari;an UPON PURE FLOOD.â€" PERRY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. an infallible cure for all diseatSes of the skin, such as Scurvy, Scrofula, Ulcers, Neils.- Blotches, Pimples on the face and body. &c.- Pride IIS. and 33s. per bolt. . Sold at Messrs. R. 6a L. PERRY &. Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Berners Street, Ox-‘ ford Street. London. I, _ , . A'gentsi BARCLAY 65 Co‘.. 75_ Farringdon‘ Street, London. May 23. 1862; 182. THAT all portions owing Dr. James Ls.ng-‘ staff. will find it to their advantage to call and pay as soon as possible; SURE EYESIT Relief to the Afflicted ! HE following Certificates are sufficient" guaranty to the public that ILVV.1’GCI§_’S Eye Water” Is an infallible remedy for ‘ . . ' 'i‘ , . V w . . Inflamcd Eyes and Cliilhlarns We, the undersigned. do certify that we have used 11. W. PECK’S EYE WATER. and find" it to be a certain cure for lnflarned Eyes and‘ Chilblains. and therefore would recommend it to the public. Robert Raymond Robert Hopper James Bailey G. L. Boynton Mrs. M. J. Raymond W. S. Pollock Miss J, Hinnce W. H. Myers A. L. Skeele L. Richardsorv Robert Hewisch Martin Nealion" John Coitltor V Timothy Fogartv D. Bridgford. J.P. w. r. Richmond Miller Anderson P t Richmond um, July 14, 1862. My son suffered for nearly four months from’ Inflammation in one of his eyes; during which" time I procured the best, medical aid within my roach, to no purpose. ’l‘ne inflammation Conv tinned ; the boy sutl‘ered, and I began to enter; tain serious apprehension that he would lose his sight. I accidentally heard of effectual cures having been made by Mr. H. W. P’eck’s Eve Water, and procured two viols of it from himâ€"the application of which has qfl‘cctcd CURE. My son’s eyes are now well. I have" much pleasure in certifying to the above facts, and recommend the use of Mr. Peck’s Eye‘ \Vater to all persons alllictedwwith Inflamed Eyes. JOHN HISLOP. Richmond Hill, July 15, 1862. In the month of February last, I had a severe attack oflliflammation in my right eye, and suffered very much. I tried several i'e- medics, and obtained medical advice. but my eye continued to get worse. I was recom-s mended to call on Mr 11, W. Peck, who gave me a vial of his Eye Water; in three days I felt relief, and in about five days was able to use my eye. It is now well, and 1 have much please re in stating that I believe it is Mr Peck’s remedy that cured my eye. I have also re- ' commended the use ofit 10 others, and know that the result has been attended with Corri- plete success, J. M. DAVIS. For Sale at the Poo-t Office. Ricl'rmond Hill, :13]

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