York Herald, 14 Jun 1861, p. 4

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«vynwn so“ 1‘». ..... W ‘[ For the York Herold. I LINES BY J. F. LASII. .â€" The sun that o’ci- Columbia brightly rose, And patriot hearts, who Watched the gross ct 'I‘lrcir starry lurid; airs ! its shadow and their I)-.ls‘t rcunriits. Hill emblems ot’ their true and Noble cacre. Dark clouds of anarchy and floated strie: fermenting roll their surging l’ilotnctits of liquid scorcotrg ire: and limitless hands deep stained. and tliped utitilial fit their drooping country's blood, the storm fiend, Seated oti his cloud cnped throne. urgi Cold austere authority his wniie-ittg Igllglllltltl mandate with l'U.ll')|SHlL‘S~‘ power, Itiipiegnaling the lit-arts of those he sends Upon his mission. With his evil mind. The storm may hlaclteir, and the tide roll on, And loii-lcr s ill may how! the lent-(rat of Coirtltctin;r lllLUHS¢ lltc ll ig of trevdoin in Its languid l'iirl. night (hp reluctant In the angry {loud : the (:ittisc yo I’m-iota Claim is right; the harm utiiichud' that holds the dunner must retain its grasp. because it Bears the ‘tnottoot' your mother’s name. Stand frocrrtcrzl Stand 1. let Christ Emmanuel be P300 _ ng with your Sun and shield ;' Ile’ll load INS army through tlte i’dondt field : repel the man of sin who Thirsts with l)l(lttlt‘l;_r appedte to (limit his loople’s gore Aline. Lloltnnhia givrs the Call. stand by the got-ions ilulhlllllllfhl t (Mtg tit'llt‘ld b_\ trustrnl hearts arid those. who Ohmier a share, a lilo in tlit-tr own count y’s Golden nature. Stand, heroes, stand I the God of War presents you with his silver shield, to \‘v'urd away the now uplil'tr-d nitssih-s Deadly a'tn : to piwco and lay you bleeding 0n the H-otclritig plai't Stand i'ast.l any ,cuclr .Lloti lrcarttd son, and lot each bosom 'l'lvril’l with iit‘dert impulse. chi‘ true and Not) 6 in thy matron nation‘s music-iii cause. Hold fast the sword, and grasp the polished Steel, and lot titt- old traditions of your Fathers my run on, Itirt‘ yield the st-tttr'o 'I‘ttat tho l.o d your liod llulll :lVUII-â€"-ll 0! word. llis truth. llis' law that r-lll lllli‘l‘Oltcll stutllis. \lvttttcn by his own hand in liquid lire. He is the (Inn of Armies: llc whose power, Whose- name Omnipotent shall rrign. And httild Ili't kingdom, and 11.5 Utturch shall rise: And :rlriit'etriumphant. Midst the bl rckou storm He’d crude and shield his c‘iosen tin-k, ".l'hottuz. horrors deopco.mui tln-ir fears mortise. Sloan Bil-firm- :iy trt‘ntbc t-‘vuise' the shalt got-s lit, And night'evtrsy ti‘oricer g-otv. with ehon gloom. Ilo’il ht" tlétt port'on 'tl his people's joy, And lllli to twist-t: vault to tutor trusting soul. 'l‘i‘rt‘l'e is no lv"i"."!l?‘ Witt}?! this che‘plio tl‘s‘ near To watch and fed his rill-op by his" own (Il‘it’t‘ : 'I no earth might trcmb-u. and its pil ats snake, And quiver from the ccntt‘t- to its p dos, :Itl nature by one ‘seve rd lil\‘i’ lie littzlctl. lllllllt‘lllllllg yield to one convulswo tlttol) ()f mingled war: thc elements might molt “"i‘h fervent lrt'itt,riittl all lllt’ lie-wens he rolled Together in it scroll: ano titan in :y stand Aorist, with wondrous fright. culling Upon The rock< and hill: to full and It do him from Tue frown of Him who sits- up rn lll< throne. And from the l'n‘y of the Lamb! Ifut thclt Amid the din and crash ol‘ \Vnrlds, antl soul Apprilling het‘l'lfis that terrify and crush I'l’te heart oftnan ; oncsmilebne hri__ht benign And grouting smile of him who lltl"S upon ’l'ltc storm, and qtiells the-angry tempo t and The riiilrlr-ss‘blrist. sli'tll be the portion of The faithl'ul saint, the child of God redeemed. And Wasltud by . usus’ all atoningr L-lood. PET A mini winds up his clock to make it run, his business to unite it stop. l’recrpl and vxninplc, like the blurb-s ol :1 pair of scissors, arc. :ltllllll'nllly adapch to their r'ntl when t-Otrj lllll‘tl; separated they lose the greater portion of their utility. An Englislnnnn tolling an Irishman about the hour for dinner being; so ltttc itt this country. “l’nohl” said Pal, “wc hate that in Ireland, for we always wait till next morning.” A travvller callinl noon the General at Annapolis, arid arsltctl hint Wllt‘l‘t' he: could r - n ‘ ' N -. fi'll’t‘ll. " My dear slt‘. slid the (rt-item , *- do you consider me the chamber maid ol this post i” A gentleman inquired of a humble Hi bcriun lllt' rmuon why his countrymen “FF :0 apt to make hulls. “ I‘ll tell yr-r horror," replirul l’utldy. “ We never nttke bulls in Our own laugtta :c; it is “l‘.-Pit we spunk English llnit We do itâ€"-â€"~o, your honor. they are Eng/{sh brrl/s. not high.” Our gallant \"Jltlllll‘PIS art- like Stimson much of lllr'li' strength lies iii lllt‘lt‘ locks. They have locks from their >\VPt-‘Illt‘tll'lon lcavin; for the lit-bl; have lorks on llivir muskvts. and l'lttVt‘lOL‘liS on tlirir raps: and the): will bring thc winds to a druid lOck‘ as sour. avtltsy girl fiwtllllllltfl‘. «gr- ‘watsr. VlttGlSS.â€"-â€" t txgins. the Carolirn-s. Georgia, Alice Bantu, Flora Day, LWI‘lu Anna. .\lrs Sippi. and Wt- don’t know how many othurs. Mrs. Sottri. and Mary Land appears to be getting. wiser. The lamp of tho unwise ones is sccrsszbn. and the ’ilc which they want . for it is Cuba. t wo At best life is not wry i0!!!- tnoto sniilt-s. “d lvw innrc l‘t‘nl‘s, SOIIIP plea-l.L sut'c. much pain, sunshine and song. cloud,” and darlzisr'ss, litistv greetings, n‘oz-iibt hire- Wells-«tutu; our ltlllc play will be closed,’ and lillllit'tl and iitjttt'cr will pass away. , .t is not worth while to hate: om: unotlicr. ' l I l’ A l’tosc‘rrv Soi'i‘ott.â€"--\\’lren; and honorable gettllctmu was propmod to represent; one of our Northern bllll't’S, he ‘ was. ob'cctcd to by an old slttrrtp of El SIM!!!“ Wis» lldtl dogged him through the dll‘crt-nl p-rllitt; districts, and annoyed by his sly hunt-tr the party who supported lln- gallant candidate. 'l'ltc ('lilllll'lfll for popular sup- !rnrt had invaded Illt: tl-‘lll’llt‘llll of a pool“- man in ti neighboring county, and abduct- r rd his, lady When the annminct'nwrtt' was math; from tho hustlith of his quziltl't- l cations for their vmcs, as being a fit and ‘ proper pctwoti to represent the shire. the i cobbler alum slillfit'vâ€"hilcltlllg like resin to , tltcv Ulljt‘cl of his tit.tz'.,rkâ€"â€"startctl up on it ladder. so as to brim; himself distinctly be- fore the clrctors. and. ohjcclcd. "l bcg‘ to oppose that nomination I say lltltLrllItzlt gcutlcnnn is not a lit and proprr person to represent this large respectable county for lit-5 a thief.” "Sir," said the leader on the busting, “ take care what you say, or you shall be looked alter].z “I‘ll mam.i tot-tin” said the man oft:an and awls; "â€"d ‘ :ht maul hurt on. iv" Buru.‘ l ~~., ‘ , . . ill 54 LhttlUll? "a! l .'«‘l ' I . | D l H l ..,....,'.,g. m- ._-- ._._.â€".._ .. as... -._........ I receive prompt attention. Watch : a. A few ‘ .IEETH EXIRACTED WITHUUT PAIN \‘h a --~,. .,.-,.-~.. -’-~ . .2 ,m... {Ms-tar)... v'~‘l‘ . W .l “'0’. 2mm. .ctv'u'w. A ‘vu .A: .1581 ‘9’ v" -' «Hirfiy'ml , .2 vi -h'. M. : . v . .. owivmu - u ‘2‘ ‘im » ’ 331m fiasco rvwv.’._l\.r -1-u~.J\/\..Wr\z\4 \.r\1-.1 \ 4 \f; \ rh- J. IIQSVI‘ET'ITEB, 31.0., ENGLARD. Opposite the Iilgin Mills, IllCIIDl-lND HILL- May 1, 1861. 12"-I_\p l. BOWMAN, M.D, Physician, Sutgcottt‘t :‘lcooucltcur Uue Door South of Liemou’s IIotol _ 'I‘IIURNI'IIIJ" M...- 1, 1861 . I‘l’l-ly J . G O R M L E Y .. cmmnsstoucit l.\' Qtrtztaws BENCH, Convayancrr and Auctioneer Lotr ill. 41'“ (lost. Minimum. S~ptomber to, 1860. 95-11" Aviation Notiga. [tom-ts BOWMAN, License!s Auctioneer, FUR 'rttt: COili‘i'llli“ OI“ YORK 3L I’E‘.L. .\l| hitters addresssd to " Alurira." I’.(). wil ()rdcrs l‘t ceivctl at the " York Herald” Dillon, Itii-ltinond ll‘ll: Mr. Henry Lemon. 'l‘liornhill. our] ill'. James '1‘ J (Iavttntia , Mansion House, Sharon, where 'l‘erins. «Kc. may he obtained. .Ilinirtt. Nov. 2:3. ll‘ihfl‘ 50.441 garment: tarmac; motel, ittcttitoxn HILL. {GE $318057, PHOPIHETOR. I I GEO (‘ ()0!) Ascone-trollttic':s and every attenti ti .7 shown to 'l‘t'otEiEU IIIKY'JII.YH.I(I.~ for Drove ('attlo etto L-oorse Boxes for lawn Horses and Studs - 6.. .‘3 . l'he \Iotithly Fair held on the Premises first ' Wednesday iti L‘PUSII iliotttii. 'l‘ite Sunscrihi-rilt colour; tho attention ol'tht- public and his ()ld Friends to iiis ostrilllisnntcnt, fuelssa'islit-tl in- cut. :tt’l-Inusmr cotizlortahly tn glgotr wunts and tvillt mutual sittisfaction. ' lttciitziocd llill. April 20. 1800. 721.. lllClIfllON‘D HILL HOTEL. :3 Toronto. ctn the I‘llggrii Mitts at p.11] S'l'i‘JllC ru 52‘; fttrm the shove Hotel '0 trio-snug, :i.l=!,_ Ifut'u. Zs‘. (id each way. Goon .tt‘tnmt \IUiJI‘I‘lUN FUR Tm ruminant Itll'llAli Ll NtCllUldm‘, l’r'upr‘tctrr ‘1". t lof‘fi ILAUU! ItltgtIMUAli III}.th 4...,“ Till“. Subscriber hugs to inform the l’tihlir: - tout lie his lets-d the above Itott-t. where he \villkcep constantly on ll nd a goon supp-v of iirst-ciuss tuififurs. #:c. house [)U~bt*>St*S every accommodation 'i‘ra-‘ vol c s can (ll-she. trio-to who wish to stay where t “It‘y can liml every ttoittl'urt are t'ospccttully in- l vttud to yivc hint at call. l CORNELIUS VAN NOSTII AND. l‘ucli (1 Hill. Doc. 23’. ldlill. YONGE STREET HOTEL, AUILURA. always on hand. Excellent Acne-timo- tldtlt)” I‘ruvcilors. Farmers, ' Cigars of all brands. t). McLIIOD. Proprietor. Aurora, June 6. i859. l'.it‘ CALIC l} LUDFORI), SADDLE It‘ll) lit-lItNESS MAKER. Opposite Mr. l'utkiSs’ Store. I04â€" 'l‘iioi‘niiim I. superior to titi. put up at 6 pr-l‘ foot ; also. Drain l’ipes. Seasoned Siding Ladders. .‘liinult:s. l’tckt't Hart-s. Watrgou lt't-l- - , . ._ ‘ lnvvs and Hubs. llarrel Hcadttw. and lnrtiiu r . .- l» iii gurcral Manuractiti'eu :trrcH'or sale by JOHN LANGSTAFF, SIIlAM Mitts, '1'notttxntt.t.. June3,1859. 0 v __..___.._,_ ..._.._.._...._._.____.__._...._.. D. E. SE\’MOUR, H ()MtEiflfi‘sTH IC PHYSICIAN, MAIN S'l'.. NEW-MARKE'I‘, U.C. 65-l ' L. LANGSTAFF, 105-1. GOOD supply of Wines and Liquors ant. others. 25 Iy A'l‘lt'N'l' liavc l'ronglis and Water Spools Ct‘lllfi 7~tl l l ; I’i‘ul'cssid r. lint” , tn New York: he no“ rtcctyes dirt-ct II“‘Z'I , l i i l agrarian), l G E o. M c P it. I L L I? , W--- n Surgeon? Dentist; l his: pillllISdOIl. r Ac they. H fimdy :Ifill(‘l'l'3“. “t-nuvrlng it (tiniest ittipossiblo ifur the lillrt-g cv‘sr tnctrrtiH out. i l l l r l gl’l‘t'fi‘y “HILL. 3 doors west of King I’osl \. Uttico. 1 King. May {3. l859. 24* 1. ?' HUGH CAMPB ILL, FLY Anti/.,.....n, Yonge Street, Aurora.- .lewolrv. Watches and Clocks repaired and clcaiit-d on the shortest ttotiCo and lowosttcruts Aurora. lt‘ehrnarv l7. lr-lGU. 50.: l By the use of Electricity. By Dr. E. EJDIÂ¥TON.DS, SURGEON IJI‘ZIV'I'ISQ‘. AURORA. Tooth IIIS(‘I"(‘(I on Silver. Gold or Vulcanized Ilnbln-r. All Operations in his I'rofesstotr. performed in the moot approved “runner and Warranlr’ufi" Aurore, March 9, 19:61) U7-ly 'I Ill‘l AURORA ilIISlllilfl QUAIlIliLLE BAND! S now opt-tr to recoil/o ong'tg‘cniettts on li- beral terms. for any number, to suit the converril'tice of large or sun-II pltlllt'S. Applications to Mr. Witt. iRFLA‘ND. at Aurora. or Mr W. \Vtt.t.is. 3rd (Jon. \Vltit- church. . NJI. Alsri, a SAX-HORN BAND may be had on apnlit-ation. Aurora, Nov. 2, 1800. lllU-3m Charles Durand, p tntttsrtzn and A'l"l‘0l’tl‘.EY.â€"Ofiice, 1) corner of Adelaide and Yongo Streets, 'l‘o‘mnto, \‘llilfikllt'lttl to Suits itt all the Soto-tier Con. ts of Law. Chancery and County (Jourt; “‘50. on request. to Country Business in the Dwioion Courts. Deeds. Leases. Mortgages. and every de- scription ot'Couvevuncing drawn, up with care and at reasonable prices. Letters post paid attended to. Toronto. l‘l rami‘rt-r ‘7‘}, lc'C-T‘. ll‘ 15:}: -.._/\__. l li. ' l (lav _/'==--f=.:=. l and Beats. Hid GIOCIE l‘.!fllifll', :t'uavs on hand: SLAVERY ABOL ’ ANY who have be. u slaves to Rheumatic / . . Bi tyrau .y h :ve been entirely emancipated 5 by the use of 10".] v ' . . ~ ‘ l ’Ing 'attt’s Ittfttlttble Luttmcnt n‘ . 7 ‘ r f V.\ certain cuye for Itliemn' tlsnl, 'I'ic Dolereatix, .D it; ,' {f0 011, Sprouts. ll'tlISrs and chl‘iitga‘ I’reparod and sold by .lUSUt‘lI lug-“ant, Maple Village, llt~ ‘r;o‘t.ies at 25 and 5“c. cucll. Maple Village, Val) . P4564. 1.. .. M-__> ‘ .___ __.__- Charles 0. Keller, ATTOle EY-A'l‘ l L XW'. SOLIVITU“ in Chancery, Convoytttrcer. r\'ct Utiicc, in Victoria Buildings, over the Chronic-£1. olfice, Brock Street. Whitby. Also a Branch Ullica in the village of Ber.- .vettoti, Township of Thumb, and County or . Hem “mill-dd“) GM” lllmc'mnlj vulcan' UI’lllirltilillivirinn Courts in Ontario. Richmond 'Zl'd RHhHH’ cl- i‘fl'm mumwlml" 0“ l lmlmnm‘ 1Hill, and “Lilith-tun thl-‘tue rt unit:th ettentlt'tl. [he latter ll."ng ilto Ill‘l‘.’jl ho tillltléli lut‘ll! LUW . i n v in use. Dt‘. l'r'mt has illl ton : dvantatzr s ol the “’lllll’la N’s”- 22'! ll‘bll- 104‘“ in u. .I z . the urn TS ant. Lanirdas, having lllr-llt‘l'h lit-u.) contented tilli Ur‘nttsts Provincial Land Surveyor, IIICIHI’JND HILL, C.\\'. December l4. lSlit‘. Itespccttldly announccs that he \Hll he at. hiclnrl s ..otrl, Richmond Hi0. On the “.‘ird Monday ofeach mouth, at 1)! CIA” 39?), 37123.5);- c/Hupict ‘ Uri the 'l‘tiOsr try forlottin y gr Wflllilil'] he will be happy to wait on those " I‘Giéltlllltg; his service: in any [Lunch 01 B 0 U L TON, Ba rristcr, Low Officeâ€"Corner of (Ilturth and King Sts. 'l'oronto. March 8. £861. ll9-tf 1.4 135.7. the l’toie5s‘oz. tltont ev"l‘\ i.nj.rtovcmont of throughout the Unite l States. l’nt.|ci:lii :ttlulillt)‘l gIVL‘II to the ltcgulttiou of Ultiidtctt’s llL‘lll. Uoiisnd-ttion I‘dt’Up . All teller.» :lIlt.lI't‘S:U(l to hint at [Elnora prem- ptly attended tar. Aurora, l‘H-h. 80. ll‘Gl rc'iiiiiiiiiir. w. tttiitir, AIIIIIS'I'Iil’t, Attorney-ablmw. Solicitor in Chaitcitry,(louvetauc- haiku. Motto} advances procured on hortgagcs, No. 3, Jordan Street. 'Ierouto. Dccmnbei‘ 13. 1860. JV I; II lv CHEAPER THAN EVER! -’ VIII-,1 Suhsnrihvr lit-gs to inform his numerous ‘ patrons and the public titetnu is pix-pared to make l , 108-) 4"“ More and. $110633 ”“ ‘ I -*t f- "‘ : r. ()i'ever-v style and (lustttiplinll. attlte lotvcstl, £5 pom lc l'tflutltltdhlttigprices. ..ll- wot-tr. wan ,Barxisters, Attorrteys-at-Law, ' ‘t‘livtiz “3rt;5:tiiil. - vr-i‘u v - «r-~) - ""M N“ L “1‘” 1‘ f " ' soticttorts in cit.t:..t.ci.t',.vc. l‘x, ll. MARVIN. .. .. ottru. t.» l I“‘ Cilia-e removed H) has Loanpruty’s Buildings, 'I'orontn Stitch . l‘ot-tttito, Janina-y ll, lbfil. aiifi' Cook’shlill. V Dccctnboi 7. ICUU. i not), CORNER 0" KING AND TORONTO STREETS Ulnar \‘t'ltltmorc A" (705s. Bold-ting Ullico. TORONTO- .dgmry I’m’ézcu/ar/g/ (IIIC’NdWl 1,0. 'I‘I‘IUMIS G. MATH NIKON. '3 a Illll-ly a" Q X59: Eu“ 3. 5, 12111.03. V ' Vittoria .‘tqtmrc, It‘i twinning l is slllt‘t’l't- thanks to l i: unmar- 1 l' r ctrds for the lihvl'tll support he ll'lN rt-ci ivr-d rincr he trotnrnwitrt'd business it. Vii-t'rria Sipini‘c. he s to assure tilt-til that no r-ti'ott on r is part will be wanting to gun it :i routiuta 'tlll‘l.‘ ot their farms JAMES FI'I‘ZGEIIAI l) Ill-ti it . -" nits (.tisto..,t-rs an “"‘ml'r‘lull l: l‘w'l' .v'bi’r. St. .7747. tic/31:3 V’ES Butternutth r-t-tn setictttiit - IN CHlNCEnY, I Hi. All molt I'l-l run d to it» i‘lti't' wtl he made up in a l (‘ill and :Ill).<l:tllli: l manner. Victoria So, taro, April 5, l‘Ul, 1524 3“. Exit-:1“. 4r... ll I-lint . W." .. . ~ v ‘ . ' e 7 , ___.__________,_._......Jc.-__. , A QAfiQe r'l {-v ‘u 1 -‘ . AIM” v “if!” Â¥ . d H l b 1’: ELLE. 935'!” :!i tlz‘t‘ of Tot- c‘ht' in)». l)t'ntt I. tt-dl he at .chhuli's' 0 out... lure internal or: rattler.- ‘9.- the hi 5‘ lltrlfl‘l. ilrtnrnmitd llrll. lll(‘ I'lltz'l and lagu ol'Auio'l‘tr forth transaction of {Kiln'zwn lltittu MWHA‘! t-l two-y month, :‘Jlll. the rc- Law and I lt:it.ccry llusilte~s, tilsor Foulin- .“uindwt- ot tléh minute at it's residence anoint; “P'SIJE-Jii whiz t':rr3~ti-ltt935érliti tiesrttwh I‘lIOl'lIltlll. All “‘0' k \‘frtr't'nnt- 'l. ' , . . I u ' ‘ "lll‘ts‘ lIiil‘IHtf-tl, ,. . Lil’lctun t... "qui ‘lrlbtl I cl. - u - ‘ (yr-J: ‘ l“ "',..7‘__ 5h“. “howl iillll [NHL I,“ 13‘” \Vt-llington St. Aurora, A". Queen St. 'l'ot'oiito ‘30! if.” t i‘ibuiitlhl} l-' l‘:,l .-’ I“ I v'_* I 51"“? ‘rllli’ll' Nubct‘tll‘d‘ ‘2” :DHU Ill-i l-QV I V .«vs L v o - solt. (thllrdllg no pain, as it rt-qnnes no pressure. it stir-u llt‘('4lll‘.U.‘~ its litirtl as tho illt‘lll to which taunt Hr. ._....:o arrangviltcitls \‘i‘itii Mr G. L. lulirot. of 'i‘nmntn. to manufacture hrs Artificial ’l-t'f'llll those who (intram- Doctor nth-hand in do their work Wlll he sure of hav- ing it done in a stipctioz‘ manner, .liilv P‘. ISLE). l l l 51. ll15llitlltl ‘ as 185 remit S'I'Al'.}"3'l‘. MONUMENTS, TOMB'I‘ABLES 'l‘t).\;lB.5"l‘ONl£:%, &C. Cheaper I'LS'I'A IlLISIIMI'ZN I‘. 32.1 '. l Twenty Per Cent THAN A “ Y OTIII‘ZR W Albion. EEO'E: e 1, LA MA ltKl‘l'I‘ SQUARE, _ ..___..__..... ._._._ ~III§ UNDERSIGNH) Assignees of the 't‘()t{(),\:'t‘(_). (33w, , astute of l). t. . A“ W. YALE. willt'on T. Y “I ‘P .. \ ltntttc tttc llllfilllt‘fls .ltlltlt‘l‘ the sttpcrlt‘lci‘rtlr~ltt't' H A ‘ ‘( " 3‘fl "4“! Plr’pulfitor' lor' our duly Utttll‘ll'llud agents, Ans'rm Anirrtv It‘t‘t‘mlo, April 13- ll‘iil. 112ml" iron! I), UAIHJ'S \',ti.i:. whose receipt will he i duly acltn \v‘lcdgcd. 'l'ltl‘i l‘.’ t~.l.r.-I{.\t)t‘t V BLACK HORSE HOTEL l'lormt’ l_\ l; 'pt by ‘.‘.’illitt:rt llolplr, C r. of ’ztltattc 8.; George it: ts‘i' or 'i tip: in Juli/l‘.] ‘i'ottosto. I’.S.--â€"â€"All llt'll‘s Hlld accounts l‘OmnilllllL’ titt- rpaiil on the [st day ot June. 1658. will he pui '5 into Court lor collccttott, I (7. YALE. G. CUM .VI ICR. 'l‘oronto, April ‘29. L95. . it’llliltll ‘iifi', ili'oprictor, ._-â€"â€"~--_â€"~.- «w--- "mmâ€"~- DEN'I‘ISTRY! .w. G. Ara/Tins. D. o. s. Surgeon Dentist, SOUI‘II $IDF. 'I'HIRI) DOOR CIIUIILH 5T. 'I'OIIUS'I'O. a! 09 cum s'r. luAS'I‘ wrzs'r ritmt PAII'I'ICUI. \ ll attention rvit'mi to tile vagu- lation of (‘lrilr/rrrr’s '1 cut/t. Cont-ll] tatlon lime. and all tvorlt \var'rn‘rlc‘d. l Dr. A. hasntrnr-d his attention to the int- l urovritzcnts of his profession in all its branches. land can supply the profession with 'l'ceth. ’Urdrl. Volcanizi-tl Apparatus and Vulcullite : ltnhhcr. and the best Brow filling. [t-‘tiu css'nr lu 'l‘lrornus i’ttlmt-t']. Gjtfll Stolvingr nlticlied. :tl .vnys in all: who (5P. 'l‘otoisto. A.‘i‘tllll,186l. 'l'rttsty llostlers lifioly JO. ll. St‘ill I‘ll. St. 5.35. WV R52 ENL- Ef} INN, I 4 2 K ’ NC S'l'ltltllil'l‘. orposrrt. 'tnt: r..twr. sot. MAinnrr, (lillltUN'l'I). Clioi‘ic Honors and (loud Accommodation at reasonable charges. (Cood Stubling and a- "it did llnstler to tutor tl.tlit;0. *t l 81'. 3 Mineral "l'.-wilt mounted on He'd, Silver. or l“3'l~‘ Vtilcanizrd Itnltlwt‘. Willi Continuous Hunts. which arc warraI-tt d to give entire satisfaction i‘utotro'“, April to, lctil. mm“ .1 "t - - M" oil‘s”? c or ' , t t‘ '..l' Jun. (ntlitgttlttS ':"_v_w’_)_:_m_“ lav _ ‘ 4?" gtttltttttitt Restrict-ant I w_ U_' $15; 373 N E, (5.) Kim; S'rttmz'r. ILts't', Tottoxi'o , I‘EIL1:L4\VV‘RJ(J\!;']" ' " ' Lunch every day from 11 till Ll of I. T Q 97:37. at}? 9 I ,. l 1 gas to intimate that heis now prepared to J erect MILLS of every description, It? - s . contract or otherwise. on reasonable terms” Ulllllt‘ts‘ and Suppers for Private Parties got . “e L. “is” agent for the. host Fortitlrlcs‘ in Ca- np in the best style. * 03’ Soups, Games, Oysters, Lobsfei‘s, 31c nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Alma-2. Dec “53 Toronto, April lg: 1861. 1-25.],- . 4’ “A- .. . .. . UNl'l' Al l‘.(.trt;orr.on lloZt-l. N0. 98. 3" and 3'! l'i'tont Street. 'l'orotrto. loard $1, per, l‘ot'tcis alw’»)s in attendance (.t the Cars OF LONDON, W. NI‘LWUIGGING, With which is Airi‘algztrit‘ated tho I I'roprtctor. ‘ . . . "rm-onto. AprilB. 18in. l'J-l-ly {aquatablc Fire Office. I l 1‘ -_..»_._..._ .M. _ .- {‘0 fit N~Jl' l CAPITA L, 10.0“), STERLING. Eaetern 2653:0136}... “\()tt;\l",|t “1' King: and (:nnrgs Sinners, Available Assets Fire Detection! fill.e'i»l7.l 30 J 'l'orontc. (}.\V. Win. Mokat-trsg, I’m. l Lift- Department. . . . . . . . . . . r a 3,: .5395 46 prielO‘. Good accom‘rnod uiuti for 'l ratiullcrg I)cp£3>ii. Fund in (latitude. . . .. . . {Illdlhll I.“ l.‘tt‘gt.\ Stunting. and .i Good llostler always Ill “fit-Will Fund l“ 30" YUI‘l‘*"-' 150250” W attendance l 'l‘ortmto. April lll. IRFI. CHIEF OFFICE EN CANADA : HANTS' t)‘.3il.5tllGlE, Mllltlllilillt. llllfclol'm, l’ire Dt-partmrut . W. Luun, list}. .I. (I. Mackenzie, Esq, l J. 'I'oi'rartc'o, but. 12:: ly ' instill) ‘It. gt-Lu. r‘ ’r .l. Frotltinglium, l:l.~q. II. IIUIIIH‘S. I'bq. A. Larocqtte, qu. Trustees irr London Sir W. C. Dulycll, | 1‘. i“. Bazin, Esq. Trustees irt New York : .; n S. ..iviugston. firntofllarcluyk Ltvingst ti. \Vm. ll. Macy. I’rcs’t Leather Mu. ulnct Bank W. Sherman, firm of tntucan, Sueri’nan & Co Every description of Fire an (1 Life In suran cc Business transacted at the meat moderate rates oi l’i'ctniuiu. \V. l’. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N. A. 'TorotttowARTliUlt M. JARVIS. Toronto St. 193.1;- Agent‘for . . Ufiice~~Whittinroro’ Buildings, Toronto, April 1‘2, Idol 48% Fire & Llftl Insurance Association. . -flAm”. Hm SHED, Provincial Insurance Company, OI“ CANADA. run fire (nth marine Bttz'umnre, ES'I ABIJSHLD 1849, lxnonromrco or ACT or I’Anuamesrl Subscribed Capital, $1,743,520. H 13.4 D opticâ€"15 -â€"'l'().'.‘ ONTO. Piticstt,rt3.\1‘:-â€"llon. John Hilliard Cameron. Vth-l‘ncstnm'r :-â€".l. S. Ilowatd. Esq. Dtiirzcrons : George Dnggan, th Iloll. Geo. Crawford. .l S. Howard. Esq. . ilou M.Cnnteton.i\l l'. Irldtv. (I. Jone..,- Esq. ' .I.Cauieron .Esq..\l.l’.l’ ' ' . Morrison.lisq. M l’I’ A. M. Smith l'..~q Lewis Mot'l'ttt, Esq. \V. L. l'eitin, Esq ; llott. l. ll. Primer-on, Murmgcr- and hauntinglyâ€"James Sydgtoy Cracker. l'lsq. ASs-ist. Sd'C‘IllI-Tz/ : .l. W . \V oodttouse, I-...~q. Manager of Agit'rimcs .' W unlilight, Esq. Said-mitermVerisrs. Maggots .3; Burns. Basin: is :â€"-~'I‘ite lhntlt of Toronto. 'IRI“. and MARINE INSURKNCE lmsi" tress transacted by this Company at its Vu- l'lOlIS Agencies. as Well the ltoad Ufiice. To. 'ronto, at lair and avrrage rah-E The numerous and responsible Stockholders of this Company and the large amount of c' - piit‘rl sub-cr'il‘rcd, afford an amount of security to ,. he ass-urn d, equal tit twist, to [but of any other Cottiput y transacting linshtces in the Province A. LA "V. Agent at Richmond Hill. Toronto, April 38, i561. IL5'1Y' FRESH ARRIVAst FRUth,°sUGARS. NEW TEAS, COFFEFS, &c. &c , at the VIC TORIA 'IEA WAREHOUSE, SIGN UI" 'l'lllil QULEN. IsllwARl) LAWSON, iti returning thanks J to his nutm-rnus customers for their hoc- rnl patronage. sitth opening his New Store, tron-d le~llt‘cl.il‘.ll_\' inform them and the public Ln-neralit, that he has just tourived an 8M0!" mew httrt k t-t' I’rn'tts, Sugars. pure 'Illack mitt \h‘cen lens (20]) Ihlir), Hollow. &.c., 64;, l l I l l ultrcli lime lit-ctr pt. crust-d n'. to cram "MEC- ‘ tion in price. owrng to the r-fl ~cl of the ttt’iiilEB-tuu n menu III on the Amorinat't until-13in. odd which are now selling in i’ticm ul'hobtpvrnllel, as a glam-n at the annexed List til-tn c. trial of lll“ goodh will. tirovt- lift“ m , FR U I '1‘- 8. Fine Binnie (:lll2‘51lll>,1‘.(l. p lh.,u!‘ Eli llis..t . ..l I'Jxltt'til ’Jhrlll "’ lifii '9 ,l l‘ H... I lint- t’alrasr‘. " dd. l“ l6 “ . . . - l I'ircs‘d Vrtreutit litiisinsé “ It! “ .. .. . I thrzt New " ' 'lfid “ Ill “ .u l in': Pit-W ‘Mf‘tit‘ “ hti. “ I22 7b. box. .l.§ -‘ " Set (1 ms“ Sl'l. " 7 lbs . . . . . I lit-st quality DIII 't‘ll) A l’l'l.liZS. .35] .5 per l).~:lll lIlse, Paper and Sufi Shell ALMUN US. l‘ ILIsEil'l'S. rind lllt \ZIL hU'l'S. MIXED SI'IUI'L. (3.>\-.\l)lr.l,) l.l'..\lt.).\‘. CI"'IIOL\,ai:é ORANGE. I’lrtltil“ Mu S U Gr A R S . . Good MUscuvadoos, .4 lbs. for. . . .. . .. . . 1 00 Bright “ l3 “ .......... I “0 l‘.}xtrt-r Bright“. l2 “ I 0‘.) Yellow Refined ll “ .... ....., Illll Extra Ittifitttd. lll “ , . . , _ , . , _ . l 00 Exrra C'llsllt‘d " 9 “ 1 Hi Ground " 8 “ ......u-- 1”“ Broken Loaf t5 “ .... . ..... l 00 BLACK. AND GREEN 'l'ILAS! Fine Congou. good tit-d strong, '21:. 3d, per IL: l‘line and l‘jxtrn. Fine ISrnaklast Suttcliong. 2s. (5d,, 3s, and 2‘s, (id tor ‘b ; Fine and Extra l’iue Holoug. 3s.. 3s. 6d., and 3s. 9d. littr lb. Also, l‘t koo l’lou ct's and Orange l'ektrc. . . . . . .. . . . . Muted black and Gwen ’l‘i‘a, 72s bu. as” Its. lid.. and 3s. 0d per lb. ; Fine and ham: Fine Young llysnn. 32s. ‘Jd . Il-s. le. 3d . l 3s. lid . tat-d 3s. Sld per lh.: Fine and Extra Flue Uld lLsun. 3s. 3d. and 3s. (iii. per In. ; Fine and l' xtia l“me ltiipt‘l’lal l'lyson, 3s. 3d. nlltl 3s. (id. per th. : Fine and Extra Fine Unnpmvtlcr. 3s. 3d.. 3s. titl.. and as Ild. N.ll.-â€"’t deduction 0? 3d. per lb. will be tug livo pounds and upwards. Also, on hand a splendid lot of Teas caddy IIUXC'S front It) lbs. to It} lbs , and circsts at the following l’ticcs :* ‘ to Extra Fina Gunpowder, 23 3d. 25 Mid 3s 25d. 3s. lid. pm' l u. Fine in Extra Fine Young Ilyeon, 35. 0d, 3s 3d.. 3‘ 6d. per lb in half t‘ “'0 fits. till ,3». Mi. tit-r ll! It'iucst ()otoogâ€"iis. ird . 3s. till 3s. 33}. Fresh Ground Collin-,Is Finest Jamaica, ls 3d (,tlrout-tl Chicory, Iltl per ll). Together with tr, complete nssot'ttnent of o I n: . Staple and It ancy Groceries ! ALs'n. BISCUITS AN!) tJQt-YFEC'I‘IONERY Ut'i-vvry description ina-riil'aizturcd on the pre- mises b' first-class workout-pt \Vedding and other (lakes :dvrajs on hand. (or made to order at the sl'oztest notice.) lCt‘ll and ornamented III the best styleâ€"alt at ’the Lowest Prices. (ioods dclrvciod on the cats, and within the City limits. tree of charge. All ordernby snail, , and Ulllul‘."'l!‘t’t, tttii‘llilzjfl to with desputch. ‘ I‘lvcry article warranted as represented. ll? N0 sizcosn PRICE, no curtoir ‘51] l l i l l t l if; Remember the place. Victoria Tea Warehouse sign of the Queen No. 93. King,r St. Etta-st. I’i?" door: west of Church Street. EDWARD LAWSON. l'oronto. March, 18lil.__ I‘M-Iv. l O BEAVER MU'rUItâ€"i. Fire Insurance Associtttitm,‘ t ’l‘OitUNe‘O, c. w. . OFFICE. ‘20, :I‘orroivz'o 8 T1. 2' INCORPORATED Utmost ACT or I’Aituntrztfl, 2.’ \'tc., CAP. 52. _ N... lliiticoronsâ€"ll Itowsvll, Toronto: B. IV. Smith, ltciric: Dr. Uttitcntnh, Richmond llrtl ; H. ll. Szriitlt,'l‘oron.ot Donald Suther- land, 'I'otoitto : Wm. llnlllwoll, Efital‘llmollgll: Cdtvio (.howii, Kingston; S. 'iltoihpson. 'I'orouto. I AVING guarded against lczr: From Flre by lsisnsir-g your property, t'tiltoitfel‘ if it We t! d not he as Well to make a litfil‘o additional prmtston -lot your tututlt in Cost? of your owl! , pit-mature tiEa it i‘M‘ttll’dIillj!‘ it Would not he as l ttrzll,tlirt.iigh the assistance of a lrl-IB Assurance l t ompany, to provnie a legacy for your wife or “laughter. or, it you have not the happiness to, ihe bless. d with them, think II the pos ession at l g a few hundred pound»; additional might not be i l l i ol‘ advantage to \uurseifa few years hence. It you dr c‘de that it would. wt'tl'e ." the Managing Director of the l‘tltl‘t’lllltLN'l Llr‘lf‘. ASSUM- .\.\'(.‘I-l AND I.\ V155 {MEN'I‘ (,‘U\ll’.-'\t“l‘{. :30 'l'orunto St cot. " orouto. tor a “ I’i'oposal ” lol‘lll, and a copy of the Itatcs. Or. posstlny. the Agent of the " Beaver” lliay ptssoss a copy of both documents, which he can accommodate you with. and give you a little information on the subject besides. {I} Insurances may be etl'r-ctcd for one. ‘wo, or three years, at moderate rates. Agent at Richmond Ilillm}. It. ARNOLD. 'Iloronto, A pri '9. l’Sa‘il-t ritudn item the ahoVi- I'riccs to parties purclius- l ittl English lirc‘rtli‘ttsl hoitcliongmsgc. 6d, 533. 9d.. 86’1"”100 Flnorin! and Siding hop! on I'!’0I'OI'IL0,AIHI1., l2, 1861. l l loco. L GRAHAM. Pmmnm’t‘oitrg lilo-1;, November ,__ . -. p ,3... . V.- Valuable Property for Sale IZ: 03 Acres. ‘23 of which is tinibered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. -. Several l'AItK LU'l‘S with timber thereon. Also. VILLAGE I’RUI‘ISR'I‘Y with 0' Without Buildings. " 'I‘lte abovo property is situated at. and ado joining to, the Vil age of Richlnono'l _ Hijl. For further pnrticttliirs apply at the [Office of 513190? '30 Q râ€"_ this: paper. V . , Richmond Hill. Sept 26. 186“. I i ‘ “96-: x _ ‘ Â¥ 5 fut] IVE lV TREAT!" s. ' ». v «n t. Buffalo Medical Dispensary}. Established for the cure of I i DYSI‘EP:~TIA. GENERAL n.t:,'t‘itt._t"rY. i‘tgvtnt ANn AGUE, AS't'HMA. Intill’lltlx r CtjthtVll'd‘tht ‘r CONSUMPTION oF voo'tn' no OLD namln‘rfl. I 8.31th f 'k pom pee 1333.?an M956 .Cq lining in ptog l3! ltL’S‘fitlldVO NEOAA tbOI-iS {IVE} No Mercury Used. “m..- .. Dr. Amos; d9 son, «L‘s L‘AS'I‘ GENESEB srittztz'r,'turttstz Debits WEST OF L-‘LLICUT'I‘ STREET, Butt-fate- Ncw Yorln RE the only Physicians in the Stale-who are nicrrtbers of the Royal (.‘ollczze of Surgeons. London. May be tzotrsultcd from 8 .i’gh ch in the morning: on il 1) at night, in every suite and syutptotzr oft sense. A The li'callttcnt they adopt is the result of up- wards ot’thuty ytsnrs' extensive and sit’ié'cgssful prncttCe in l'luropu and America. ' l l 5-11.13. Oil-I‘EQLEI 10M 0(1'. I. MOST bCII‘IVI‘IFIC [\VI'IN'I‘ION. , An instrument for the cure of (Ionittil Debi- lity. ol' Nocnrrraal Emissions more properly known as Seminal Weakness. (Vac. Can be permanently cured in trom 1.3 to 20 days. by the use oi‘ this itrs'rumeut. when couc- ‘jointly with titet'icines. Qua-o ‘ml'woJ. “03 253 .meIt ‘NVNA'I YOUNG Mle ’IAKI“. PARTICULAR~NOTICE. Dr. Anos & Sun take pleasure ln annpunc- int; that tlicy have invented a most itnpdrtau; itisttiiitieiitfoi‘ the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test ol'ihe most ent- irn-nt physicians in London. I’m-is. l’lnladclphiu and New Yerk r it has been dt-t-hii‘t-d the only itsol't-l instinnmm over yet invented for th'o ("ll‘t' ot‘ Seminal weakness. or any disease of {no genital organs, caustd by the secret habits ol youth. tic, Ericssoqu "Swan 09 .IOJ soficqatzd of 'siuao 91 JO) .tapzaq au ‘11”me 'OO 18 HHV’IC) ‘NVWIH 59 3.; P K. or «’7 ‘JllsvmaN ‘NVNA'I q‘8 JOHHJJIOSE o .1 1H '3 31 l «.4».._~.m,....m_,..m.tu 1.4%, --, l *i in; Lirfirptml and London Fire «It Lift: insurance Cottipttny. Head Ulfice, rIanada Branch. Corner of Place [Pitt-rues and St Jams Street, Montreal. .__.vu. InVoq’noci Funds. «£1,213,317 Stg. llr. Aunts t’i: Son. itt Order to satisâ€"l’v the mom skeptical its to the motits of their him“:- “’0'”. 'gltulgq- [litunsciyt‘fi Ill“! i“ any IllSiaIICO when; it lItIIV prove iirrsaiislntdt‘rjs‘. alter a fair trial. the mom-y will be refunded by returning the ll‘sttumczit in good order. . l’ersous Wlsllll‘g the above useful instrument. will observe that ter price. With the accom- panying directions, st-cnrely pin hedgund sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. NIHV [ILM'I'INII'IS ANII QUH'K CEIII‘IS â€"‘A 333‘ \V»\Itlt.\.\l'!1) . E l l {Humorousâ€"T. II. Anderson. Esq. Chair- man, A. Simpson. Iqu. liepuly Chairman, llvnry (Iltaonmtr. list}. In. .l. S. Mankind, :lsq. .larncs Mitt-hell. I‘lsq. llenry Starncs. list} i i l Dr, Autos 8:. Son lHIVt‘, for a long series of years. lit-en cup-aged in all t-xtt-trstvc llJat'IIC. .\I.I’.l’. .l. H. utait (ll-ll. If} q. PKL‘SIllelil-Sel'ru- iii the treatment ot' loose tlL‘lli'h-lt’ cturrpluintso l’”."- G. I“. C. Smith. Iiori lent Assistant- ""‘l “m Hi" “my “EU”! lll‘i'l'lmd l’l'l-‘lCiml' Srcretarv [Who "at? it‘li'citlre to cure Ut‘l‘lhlll complaints, ' or from whom genuine l‘.tll'upcull rctned escan ‘zllt‘. Directors would call the attention ofl he. (Illll.illt'(l. the l’ubln; to the following features in tho l'etrsttns in any poll 0f the wo-ld Ina" be we. umutrgeuicut of ill 5 1:0ll'l)15!"\ ltâ€""'- cesstnil} trctrtt-d ht lbttvard‘ng it correct detail ' of their cast-s. with a crrrittance for medicines. t\';r:.. Which Will be returned with the: utmost dispatch and secure front ohscivazion, Address llr. AMUS A“ box. .tr- 1'1:.§tGen¢SGQ 'l‘l‘? Ill’elltlnnis received in Canada are retained and itiVestml in Govcrnitient or other I’m- vincral Bonds. All Losses when satisfactorily established are sum... um... dumb. west of Epic“, Sweet. paid in t anuda wrthout relerence to the “Hiram. ,yy. 88.1, Home Board. ._ -... _ . .._,~.-..c..*.-_--_~___ ”_ 'I'hat their: is not, at the present time. one 13511: I Fire I I 131113! I o' claim in dispute. There is Canada itt Available Funds ‘20 2,000 Dollars. and this is being t-on- tantlv addvd to. ' 'l'iiat tlwlt‘ is IIIVC‘II‘II in New York $800,000. -â€"-aud 't is the llllPlllltHl of the Directors to increase. this stint to $l.l‘tlll.tlr 0. The accumulated Funds ofth ('mnpnnt’ [No- Vuittlrct‘ I‘d-Dill 'IIIHIIIIIL In “Vt-l 5 9574.72“! (l-tl-t. 'l‘lie p-csont nit-unto of tho Company is over 7,500 dolv. per day. Insurances ctl'cctcd :tt thp Lowest Remuner- ative I'ricos. J. ll llIAI'l'liAhD. Resident Sacra-tary. Montreal. Toronto Agent-y : 8:": King St'ecl l'lnsl, South sine. [over the store of .l. (I. Jowplt &. Co] .l '\ \I l‘ZS I"I’t.\ i, A gent. 'l‘orouto. April It). 1801. l2.) Ir invested in \V It) S T'It‘. R N Fire Insurance footpath! l of Toronto. ll Y Idl’l'ltfl. smut: £100,060. INCOIII‘OIIA'I'I'ZD A (II 01“ I’.\ "LIAMI'ZN'IK .C. Gluten. Pics. | Unto IVIIChIrL,"ICé‘-PI‘O.. niiticorotts : ltico Lewis. Esq. James Monty. I‘nq. l'. l’. llolrrirls, tusq. M. Ilosstn. l'.~q. ‘l‘lres, Ilawortlnfisq. \‘l'. Henderson. I‘qu: W. Maclarlano. Esq. l liortitu'tl lltildnn. Esq. Secretary} d} 'l‘rcusurcl’. Angus Morrison. Esq. Elihuiéur'. liauk oi Uttpt‘l‘ Canada. Bunkers. 15. trjittiiiti Swim-r. qu; Inspector. “1‘! Cuba H. 3.. J. HARRISON t Flour IISH‘H'I El. wading, Shiv: and Shingle lllztattliretitrrrs, turd 33“ Heart (flit-c. Clown/r Street, 'l'oruulo. a .. . . . lnrs (,onmw lnsliros all descrrptronsol Buildings. Mantilltctories. Mills, t\' (3.. andGoodl and Furniture. in the same. against loss or dam. l laure by tire on lilmtaltor ‘ Lo " / l t. . . ,- ins. sses not!) )1 Lulllbcr Planters. lsettled. l l 2’ â€"â€"- i t A. LAW, I'm‘dv linsident‘o. Gonerr.l..goflh ~.. I lard l’luncd to order itt quantities to suit bill'- Icllasers. 03° Factoryâ€" on Mmlshattt and filgin Mills Plank Road. I’.U. address, litchrtsond Hill. Rich l' rim} % ill August l3. 1857 i gIll-I . w __ ._u n. . _._._‘__g_. itilt intuit liillt June 7. ltb‘l. 232.6... ‘95 4-" N F“ I lit PUHLISHED YORK MILLS Hfij’fEL, ‘ EVE t"; Finn A Y MOl‘tNiNrb, YQXGE STREET, And despntclrod to Subscribers by the ourliel in arts. or other conveyance. when so desire. The YOI’tK HERALD will ule's be be t'ontn. to contain the latestattd :uostimpon taut Foreign and I‘rovincial News anti Mun ltcts. arid Lllt‘ greatest i-itre wille taken“) render it accoptunlt totlre man of bufilhtn, and a valuable l"ttmil\ Newspaper. ‘ IIE Subscribe-r hugs to intimate that he has least-d the above hotel, and having fill'd it upiu the latest style t-mwllers may rely upon having every comfort and attention at this first class house. l Good Swirling and an attentive Hostler al- Ways in attendance. \VI LLI A \I LENNOX, Proprie‘or, York Mills, June 7. 186l. '13‘2-ly v. 'l'kitlh‘lSrâ€"Sot'cnand SixpenceperAiinnm,” Ally’A‘SCla; and it' not paid within TIN". Month~ two dollars it ill be charged. A. BIA CNARB; ARRIS'I'I‘IR. Attorney. Solicitor, the. King Street, East, [over Leader Ulfice,] 'I'O'onto, (LW. tA'I‘ES or ADVERTISING: Six littos and under. tit-st insertion.. . . .9500 50 Each subsequent insertion .. . . a . . . . . . 0012* You lines and ti rider. lirst insertion. t . t . 00 ’96. Above ten lines, first in., per line.... 00 07 193'1)‘ [inch snheequeut insertion, porline. . . . U“ 02 IWNiam Grant, .\ TTOithY -\'I‘-l.AW. SolicitnrinChnn- ‘ 1* crry. (Ionveynncer. the. Toronto. ()Ifice in the “ Louder” Buildings, King Qti‘eetr Toronto, April 1‘2, lEGI. 1234?; _.__,.~.._._.___- .__.__. _,____._-_.,.c-~ ( UR advice has often been asked. With regard vanities -. . -' at, ' ‘ g F“ _ . l“ Hm‘h'””'.“r..m)0 l “ tin.“ "HULD' All letters addressed to the Editor must In where the bust plate is. In our opinion Dolor:ch “W, Wm, se.l~l better Hoots ulltl Shot-t: for less money {ban 9. ' “.n. , _‘ i ‘ _ ‘ anv other house. in the town. l 1““ l’lil'g“(“hull'im‘le‘l “"lll “llfll‘l'f'fll'hgbfl 8ft " " : :nd parties refusingr papers without him. rim or» N r. « tr II -t. W“ ‘ . . .-« “lede LA" ‘hmh )1 ' 186 my up. Will be held accountable fortlie attllf sct'iution. [13" Atlvul'tlb'ellmllls without written direct titrltr inserted till forbid. and charged aotvftl‘ iuqu. All tr‘ntrfiltory atlvcrlisoinents. front stranger or irregular tilts'tdllWW' must be p‘t’tid for minor “no. huntth in for insertion. A liberal tliscoui'i‘ will be made to parties Id. '."-\t‘!l€|!!g by tilt: \‘é‘i‘lt. Ali ., .m- A. _ [Am “fl‘f‘l'mml ] {tor than one month, Hi In it‘ortisomcnls published for alces [10° must be paid for in 80‘ 1‘2] ~tl‘. Wellington hotel, Aurore; Oi‘i’osI'l‘IG 'iIIr 'toléotvro llet’sm : .rwnNkA- A - _,.,--,,4-._._, .«~ THE YORK HERALD i l o '7‘ .. . . “molt. and .5 ob E’riniinf nouns for rtr tli'l rtttrlennentlott ES'I‘ABLISMEN'J‘: (l descripth of t‘idxlifé star 1« AtyCY J01!E LA RUE arr-1 (‘h'nrnodious lliilltind other . \VUl‘tli will he protrlptly attended to :â€" A. iinftt‘ovonrt-hts have. at grflist expens‘f; hem: made so ::s to iztalia this House the. largest tutti besr it'dtlh of Toronto. 'I‘th-ilers at this House find th-ry cotiVenicnce both for them- se res and horses NJLâ€"A careful ostler a nooks. mscv nuts. inrstnrtss CARDS, tutti AM) stun, ros'rtarts.cti:t:iri.Aiis.i.Aw Pom". BILL itcAnsuntMt t'ntct'its.1r1t.u-"rs.AND lwiaryr.r in attendance V PA M r n LE '1‘ s. a. . - o 2 .1 ‘ Aurora station. April IbGI l G ) Andovew "me, kind of . ..,-_.._«â€"â€"~---~---~-~â€"~â€"â€"â€" LETTERâ€"PRESS PLUNTJNG A' I Rst done in the best style. at moderate rates. 'I‘OIBNEYo A'I'-LAW. SOLICITOR Our ussot‘lment of JOB 'I'Y I’E l8 “Hillel? '1‘ 13. in Chancery. Conveyancer, (Sac. Main Street. Markham Village, 0‘) a.“ new and of the lattsst patterns. A large variety of new Fancy 'I‘ype and Borders, tor Cam 10"“? Circular: .&.'t. i’tt‘Dl. tzl‘wayst’m hand. i

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