York Herald, 14 Jun 1861, p. 1

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ittttti. till; 0N SEEING A ‘owits in~ CANADA. DY ALEX. M. M‘LACHLAN. My heart lOttpS up to welcome thee i b‘waet ilowor across the main. 0, little, hole aid .1 think. \Ve o’er would moot again ; I often thociitl nevm‘ tuait Would see your bonnie face, And little dreamt 0’ meeting thee in sic a weary plncc. Ye tell me many an’ niony a tale 0’ Scoha‘s bonnie brass, And o’ the heart tight and the love 0’ l:iitg>_\'no’s happy days ; For tiio‘ l’ni turning auld and grey. Yet thou art t'.iir t n'con. As when _\t- gindtlcticd my young heart, To meet Lin-e on the green. 0 when tliejoyotts Sprint; returned, \Vi’ skies o’ bonnie biue, ' Ye were the first i!) VL‘HLUIQ'! forth 'l'o welcomo tho cuckoo: \thnrc’cr _\'e situtt‘od your bonnie face The birds brgan to sing. And hill, and dale. and stream rejoiced, Wi’ every livtng thing. The inavis poured her hymn 0’ joy, l i lALEx. soarr, P ._.._.__~ -. .. ._ roprietor. Vol, III. No. '28. maiucd under the care Lf Mr. Gt‘ati'tct' who though he saw with . h ’ .’ . " . pain the growmg iricudslup botwccu AURORA AN D »\_, m/\r-\/\,r \zâ€"_/-\./\/v-\NWW*N\/ W WW/w/ x MAa' -\/\/\. , AD rv V‘v\.’ \1- VW\/‘ W\/’ x.’ V“. “ Let Sound Reason tttcig/z more with us than Popular Opinion.” .w-«câ€"m . . K H)“ [MUN “-mM ~-.. . lsnt under the oak-tron talking about leaving a place where cvcrythiog so pnmiuliy i'ciiiiiidod them of ilicir the t'thliflHd BMW“. and secretly lt‘Si. l‘loi'lic. and removing into Ci- loitgcd for their separation, Was yct main, too hospitable, and felt too keen a sense of the wrong he had inno- t-cntly inflicted upon the chief, to The thought. of lowing a ispot when: so many happy years had bcc‘il spent, ctic‘crod uy the pre- scuce other So recently lost, lillcd D ifliflJ tuttth, We” .__...~.. 7-.. _- z â€" m, 15361. . “no. M‘rfi-{m . A *V‘ .... “a.-. M-..» -- - 7,.-- ,, . . , l roach th._-ii' cat‘s , then, casting ill ,ranid glance ovcr tho ruins, w.tli l lt-hangod to momgc, he turned :i'rom the spot. and struck into the forcst upon tl]:: trail of thc focs', wliosn doom w.is .ilrcndy scaicd. ' Burning with i'chttgc, the math juicing. ‘-[Ic shall go frecl' loading him with t‘il‘USCillS, thy 'VQQATE AND “ ADVERTISER. \» w’m A ,A \,â€"-\/-v\,m_/va ‘(v \ ,V'\4‘\A/v\1‘\lâ€"“v * \/ 'VW’W\4"\/‘\/‘ ._/\ .x, ~\,,~\_ _ \ , .. â€".-aâ€"..o.-â€"._ ___._ itsâ€"r- ‘_. __._-.~.- ‘4 -§__~___.-..__._._.‘.v_ it was in answer to this appeal work to clip out the seams, for these â€"-whcn thev learned why it wasI last Will not work up again. ovcry sciitimcnt of gricf and loVo that 'l'islntMingo wislicd th: rapt they ate tossed into a tiiachinc cali- Iive set frcc~-that all i'Xclnitnt-di :d "diode-vii,‘ which rc-dclivcisthc l And, al'tci tthtblUll fibre in its original fuzzy state ;Scut the captive on his way rc- oustticss .is said to ‘i'ccd the devil.’ A correspcndmit of the Connecti‘ cut Homestead, in a recent number of that jouruai makes the following rcn'iarks in reference to his cxpcrio cdce in raisingr early calves: It is my practice to raise one or. more winter calves cvcrv your, and the advantages are many. » First, butter is always worth more in wine, tcr than in summer, so that new milch cows arc more prolitnblc at that time of your than in the warm season, and Wilii good care and food, they Will give as much milk in Win-t Icr as in summer. Second, if the farincr wisucs to buy calves, they icau he bought much lower in the fall and tvintcr than in the spring. Third, they are apt to rcccch more attention during waiter. because the inrmcr is about the burn more, and can providc for tlicir Wants butter titan in sommvr, when he is neces- sarily busy about the farm. Fourth, K, I‘v’\1\r\/\’\J"â€" "v TERMS: $1 5,0iIn Advance. | ‘._._..~._....~.. ' ‘~‘_s /-, --vt_..._..»m_-_ _ ~...--._._.._._. _ ’hioiie R0. 133. M Next, fitc operative who docs the tossing \‘Vcrc such at: one to wish to cliaiigc . ‘ ' a. , -- , . . . l'7t“:':t ' r ' in w’ iuttv Itc'tit to thee "HOW mm to dcim't "Md “'5 “uund “"5 “mm” “r Adolphe alltl his htlhttl dciicd cmol it)ilt)t\'t‘d on the trail (Concluded) his Particular emplowiicnt and on- m" d“ h id“- m .w u du ' S 590" l H" ' h- d cutirnlv hcaled " ‘ -- 1'... ’1‘ ». .. s; 1 ' ' " - - ‘ ‘v- . as the urnss wdl fire it void late And how me little lumbkins leapt, d v ' f' . r ‘ _ ' . . “lid Mt “Lbs- llb‘y' bill Sl-Ufll y. of his cticutics; am as; at dusk, _ __ "Wm -_-~M_-_,-_w_ gage in some otltcricnpauttv mth a i , ’” -l| l " N r ", I I, ‘ i ’ - .,. n ,, t . t. . .. _ _- -, ~ A i‘â€"â€"â€"~â€"~â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"\â€"â€"~â€"-â€"~ ; - "it :'t J“ t' : TIMI“ “"‘T‘W‘,’ I “ m“ if“? ‘ D‘”“‘”i'>i"n‘lmr§ will” “"m-I'l”! hUHU‘l 1“ lhe“ lhtmfathlb‘t lOt lit-H'U ovcrtook them as t- 3 Were prc-: RAUS scrious Southern ftidiilv, tth would d (1 lb“ ‘\ “l N blur!" ‘mi‘dlm ie averoct \vi tor miry trons , H . ' - . t '. . . t i ' . p ..i _ I -. .. 3 ‘ , i . -. . ' * ~ Sllit Utltft' iii't) HH‘Ct It) Wit istanr Wwid L,le Um, “Hug me dew, lit-ha 0‘ “U will“, Lt“ hb idd h‘u‘d than an hum, whui the unusual - 1 And (litlna the true liiilio sit, And sing her Songs L0 you. And weal i liked mung dews 0’ main, Your honuic face to aceâ€"m But ony titth, or out. place, You were a Joy to ttit‘. I’ve met yo on the llitzul bank. mnny a secret iuicrvicw Will: 'i‘isli:i-,s.,m-Hi of an Indian wimop slut-[ted Mitigo, whose noble and geitcroustthcm, and caused them to look in , and whose had developed spcctcd and admired character, which many a iiiddcn beauty, and aim )Sliskin’ spirit the hiltl. “'0'” the WM, I‘U- tbc circctiou from whence it arose. Tho ticxt. moment a tall ligtti't) ap- ,pi'ont'iicd, and, dropping his bear- ! “ ‘ iish:tâ€".\liugo stood itcl'ttt'c ipnriug to tillCdth) for the tiigltt.â€"â€"i Uouccalcd in some thick bushes. he‘ waitcd iiiittl tlioir fires had gone out, and the warriors were stretch-t ctl Upon the ground in sleepâ€"â€" Then, as n tigci‘crccps Upon his prey, he came out from his hiding- wil . t- illl. \Vhat say you, oh gentle lady! to “tbs fact that that soil warm i-l'oakâ€" You may break, you may rulinthe Vase, ifyou 1““ mace any VHF}. csscuu d recon" Butthc scent of the roses will cling round it to in} (tone I liil'il 2‘“ ‘ t‘z""' - ' r ' ‘ " y “mun 3' mm mm! “0‘” h” the cold oi winter than the late ones. 'l‘licy should have now milk at least two weeks, and thou skim milk may be given oucc a day for another “look, when it can be substituted t-eutircly for new ittilk, but it should inundation. - All that now remains is to lcnvcu thc rag-wool with a Q't'cntct‘ or less proportion of thc from. and to submit the mixture to the score or so of processes in tltc , . .. I . - v w '- . " t . - V , V . _ . . wr'uw t' i't ; .-. AA)” 0” 1"“; h-W‘”) “Mfr, , , ““"hmlyiu‘ndu“u” um!“ h“ “‘i il-h‘v'H- “W “""m bhtmu l'Hglitlt place. and, \Villl stcaltliy stops, . so smooth and ttlossv. that it We“: machines which are i‘t‘qdii‘Uti to ‘ ii- :l-(pl be if L” 1),)” H, m m h TH”; no must-t o stâ€"e von min on. ' v . - s; ' x ,, v i ‘ ~. . .. , . ,, ';_ H. , .‘ ’ . . ‘ ' , ~, g . . I i ics 't5 .0 chusc tt'iii UStht l'. 2 L: Wt“: “w dusu “ZN-g ‘ t that, tho lad lbltubd 10 l W, D h'h down upon the INCL, “Xvi/dint”; it. 3 ,H-angitud tin; s'ccpct‘s, uncousm. iiatd to distinguish it. itUIiI the rcal l uish’ it tor the warehousc :ts ‘supcr- , . 1‘” 1., ll . {-111 . p - - dark skin bctfilitic tam hm' t"? htil' lisha~Mmgo the bowcd lorm and' seal skin, winch it imitatesâ€"45 ntttdo [WV “1“ “L “ " ‘5 “‘L’ d 1 L ”" \Vhaure’er a streak o’ sunshine fell, Up- ii a patch 0’ green, 0, there your wee nit modest face W'as aye sure to beset-n ! And how ya liked to hang aroun', Grief castle-5’ anctcnt n‘n', eyes, and his clotptcut tongoc spoke of a love such as llt.‘l‘ whole rouinus tic nature rcsliondcd to. 'l'isha-Miugo iltti passed several sm-rt'nvl'ul countenance of Mr. 1 doiplim Fcnri‘ui appt‘chcitsims filled the Granger, and the tearful face of pots of their littpcitding dzittgct'.-- 'r‘tlrcady ind cight felt his kccu knit}; piercing their hearts. and ex- pirud Without a groan. whcn thc t‘cictiticss‘ chief, turning to strike of rags, the sole relics of garments which have experienced nii the vicis- ,sitndcs to winch gamut-ms are iiahlc? chil, swcll's vtilci, old-clothos-man. l l iinc.’ or ‘ Wuitucy,’ or ‘scnl skitt,' or ‘ pilot,’ or whatever the name may on. with which the i'nattttl'ncturci‘ butts, and at which the public bitc. ~"-Londun Review. seed oiltncal may be put . into their tliiilt,l'ltti'diisillé the quantity from time to timc, and when they are eight wccks old. it miik is scarce, ,' . '.. t t t‘.. . . , - l I _ . . , t , , . . i 3' ':n ho iiit \“to‘l‘ ‘ it. T And UV“, 0,, “S ham“ “pud' ,‘6‘1'50‘ h'b in" Mimi/g “It: 1 “Anzh H‘ llitlld Ul lllb l-uilbl , "lid ltU (-OUltl i utilitiggt' Vltjliin. neidunvullv lt'()i igUlll, lliily CiXCii it] til :it' [(1111 htvc ~____~_N___._M_m.wt_* ’11“) ‘ rm” L l \i It} on -, , . ‘- -‘ .w 7- t w .. .. ...t . _ - i ' ' '- - - - i : : ,t'tz‘t 7: r“. . ’ t 1-15“ Whit-'55 W ‘VUu'd ‘“’- ("H.Mdd' wm’u’ In” “M ‘1“: “Rd tum-V ‘ldv'mm‘ 1” bh‘ll‘“ h‘““i° “ii” Upon the arm oi another. who immcmed ‘1 “I '15 previous state ol I)iti\‘Ki\'G AVD HF“) l’lto’l‘r‘t’"t'it)‘d’ i ii!” I H I "‘1 “il 1t“ if“ L *' d n . n n n ' r u n ‘ n I ' ‘ '1 | .' - ' -l - . ' i A ' J" ' 4" ‘ ) H / H .1 ‘I I ‘ ' s: _ ‘ . tht l-tlttlut'Jâ€"Ito d'td tLC-JVLd lhtht- 1 ins irtctnls. wuhout uticiioi; n splat)” to his toot \Villl a cry oi icxtstcncc; until perhaps at list it t W t n t . t n. 'U'm’ m‘i “ “ 1” 1°"! “W100” 6.” And how to it,ht.‘(.l to specl the heights, ,- , W, ; , ‘ -, , .t i , . ' I rs , t 7 ‘ ' I.\ ARM Vl/luA I‘HMLâ€"Uii pavc 025 iii . y -“ i it t. u j 1 lnv - [ad Whuur i.4.clte:i’s lttttiltt’ httrn 5mm}: ‘Z‘U'ly ‘mi’Hi‘S‘m‘s Vii“ ‘3 “‘3' Word. He invited li‘oni (Hit: to tool D i ‘ “‘5 W‘ L” 'U“ “0‘” ' ‘ L’ L Comes to“ iti’ tit-tau uniting toe rocks, \\ 1’ H10“) a monk and turn. And Wl-i-(‘s yo (:Lttl‘itl "with the grass, ' \Vtti.c.~t hits amnt a. static, \V-tizos laughed upon the ten, than or the red. He had sci-ti thc iconrtcsics of the Frcucb ttiiit'ClS to- -.-..u~_._s-__.____m_..______~_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"t influence the aunt lilc oi the tthilc Howl», m”; “H,” FOHHCU p, mu “1. t cant pincc twai‘tic tincm \viili trem- bling linger and a itcnving hrcast; al it'tit, rousing the three rcti'ititning; ‘ 6 ) i L . i . survivozs. tic who hnd sounded [Uh-'5?! U! itdhi!” (it'lppl‘s. Whom you .sl~.iiii clclt hv the uticrriug toma~ iormcd the tattered covering ol'sti.i:c‘ the alarm had alrcndy fallen, his ‘ wootd not no Very aiixmus to dcicct- hctwccn the wmd and your iiobility.i of our present Voiontc some Vciy tisclul advice was given to pi‘cvciit sunstroke, and avoid undue indulâ€" ti calf this winter on hoof scraps, a single handful, dissolved in warm water, night and morning, and he . l I'; i 1-. v. v. ~,,«. .' v , c - . . .. .. . .t.. .' . . r . . I . ~ - . .. o . . ~ ,. , , -- . gum" 1” diml‘mf' “'“u‘ “all”? lmh ' - ‘ w: ' ‘;“ h - t I t ' S't * Anfiluttallitlbdie 71:00:: lit”: tow“ bank. twiitio that! huh”, “‘lh’ufiitd 4%” mad, as the bcicavcd pititot potntou ilgnfijii oi (rt-huffing“, who titgu : Nor, my male lricud, arc you a bit wcnmpr 5 plan. 5,, us {mm .560, “Lil” db (ti .11 (m t, d). . if] m If] n "‘u unto. _. , . . .. . ,1 . - t - h v t -- v ; ' i.) i" ' ‘ ‘ “ 3 - (“amid”) ‘0 “‘9 “l- U M7" 4”“ “W” to tho mound near iiv, and to too rushed upon tin; or..ch Wm, up. t bullct‘ oli Willi i'cicrcncc to that “yuppie,” t (t THUS (mmb ml " .1“ L, b “m ' i ,m 5L’ 13],.“ . i'IIK-VltC u v. niv.-n t'. - ' 0 - ' ' . ‘ e’ ' ' ~ ' - bi . nâ€"“ . I" m: ()- "I I i l‘ i “i. A ‘ .. 1" And whites yo sported on tho kucwe, lumtn-t! \Hii! mu. ELLHL oi Hm” cross which. snrrmountcd it, H33 iti.cd rdic, tC-liiog the [tUtticSI crc ; tough coat. which-you arc prop "mg . ' “‘“m “'1’ i" "M ia‘c PM”) 0 ‘ Ur Ctiliiwil tin-Icrtioatn the root. U’ sumo gicoii spreading 1:00. And whites to hung,r around the spring, Ur taint-ti lit the glcu. And \vhiics )e wtinueiml fur uwa’, .ih'ac tho uoodcs 0’ men. Brit We will tend kindly here, and liali,’ for Which at lil"i czitit dav tiic French in Canada some“ hat untcd. it Was not strnztgt- i 1-,“,me j” thcn, tr. - . a moon;r L‘ touch people, and when his. heart itivoi‘cd, and in SINIIU tii.,-,;islirt: Worn l chicftatin's bond droopcd totVat'ds t nodbis amounting st hurt: him in liit.‘ gt‘ttvtf. ois bi'cnsi hum}! 1'1"”th t'lh'c “WW \vhci‘i ht.- lcll upon his face above it, and pour d out his grief in low moths; not' could he be induced to ,ac molt: amid tilt: hittw, thctt, hurl-'to mist astdc at the approach to ;t\‘V;t)' his {tilt}. [piling “p0” flu; Stil'itl”. IL is t1 CtHHik’ii‘ltl'Ulc tltitl, 3'0“ “Hm,- uw wuh‘ his (mite, bothilldilcl‘ytllll‘SUll,21l)C(2t)ti’ililg gnrmcnt. of whom, til-ltn' a severe struggle, it has that t:();ttl)littltit)it of coni'sctioss ' hci'oic his tcrrtblo fury by tho and licatncss so dad to the English- lcd might of his piiwci‘itil arm. intuit oi :he period. chcrthclcss 'ltiiz‘ i‘tcs the correctness of tha advice t , . . tci', and plenty of good line or after- ttcrctu givcit. i math lid) to cat, and occatioually a. siiovcli‘ul of dirt to ink. Calves raised in this \vny cannot fail to be good LilCS, especially il'n good breed. t He states that he has uscd grccii leaves in his lint during wm'miwcathcr tor several years. and has found the practice Voiy hcucliciai t‘o those who have a strong desire m”. .W... ..~..,‘,..., “ ’ ‘ ' iJ "' ' VI‘I' -- .Iixsl, . ..', Biglint-zkillfiiv‘u“tiiiifiiii.i WI“. mag/LL “H "mey‘ “mi mus” “MI-i “50 ; L‘Ul “WW. l” “19 “H’I'tlhtL’. An cxnltaat \‘cll rosc from tho it is nothing. or nearly nothing, but 51:33.21:- fjéb(::i‘\13:”:ih‘bl§ Vii “girl-iii} ‘0' xixâ€"COB M EAL FOR FEED- Bttt'W'L‘M ‘ “’7'” “'0 W". “minus .c'mw “Wk 1” h”"‘ “"‘l m." “"15 he 5”” Sil‘Ui‘il‘U‘i “1”” “W v lips oi lizt) victorious Warrior as ho old rajâ€"38, oi vcry morh the Stt'iiU'lttr-g'â€"'iii-1k: thic titk'i'ihiii'“'”id . ING' A‘lt‘i‘bii“: {:fn‘L‘l'Z“,3:21;" 'Cri-‘d “1‘” “is """.V "Min"; as l" ground. This ptll'tIX_\'lS'tt 0t. ilt‘iui:ig.tz:d upon his victituS, whose quality as the Suul~5ltin just tttCUllUtt- chit hr’othbr trco liavifitr 'i - ~~ ' TmrwmModsmwfi Were; so that. not only fill his at length subsided; and the tThIUl ighastlv icatuics the moon shouc cd. “Sm wd cm i,: ,, ,f’jfn’, ‘- A Connecticut larmer gives the For this nuifto land 0’ itt'ilits-J- hintdsmtw "mi ““hdY l’cu"“'.'~’s 3”“! arose as Mr. Granger caitud him by ,mimh' duwu “you; ,md‘ hastily About on“ “m, of 1he new 010,} (a; i ,iH- . - , ,mgt, Mm“ “’9'” . folio“ ing as his experience on feed- Tlto hand 0' love and sang, his in littit t-kiqtiuiltip' St) l'tthtJl, at) Inn“). 1 ,cmnvimr dim“ “MIPS. disdniuim' {U _ I ()W‘ "VI. I “1 B I. . .1 l i ii, Ht), lit Ltli‘ ltrtnt l-i. length Uitcli. mg: (_Ur“.'(_nb Inca] ‘0 (mule 2“ touching in its simple carurstuoss. Alas fur the m.,,g,,s “MSG fun, "‘ 5 1~ W “in In ten liidlti \H it, \t: p one oi these iii the mouto L Add tak’ _\'c to our ha'. ‘ And <ittciti )ott “.13.! the biting frost, \ {i_ .~-. I'VIr al ~ .- ‘ . . \. la, . {t}. . s v: .0. “Mi “WY-V ‘V“”"‘"’” “"‘W i'tciir-ar-v of address and action wk 1 Wm , J I “,0 , . “9" “9‘2,” "“ ’11,)“ ’ ‘m-‘v l’”m“'a'| “ Moses, it must be St). '1 hey may all and >nuplv its place With another, } bah,” "I‘L “Hi1 I ‘dl‘ddbd ddValntJClt‘, Au“: “u- “-H‘ key” the dh'xs U) "10'." t -- I a. . I ~ ‘ I ‘ ‘ \'\‘”_S I”; 9t \ (“U ( t‘U ) l l V‘- ‘ PICTC () luv“! ‘3“ \vunllIUU‘ ‘}c (.1” ~lri.ll o , . , l, i _! i - ‘ . V I _' __ > “S U.l( S .- . .,. , ' t _,4 mi. .- .. t .. . - ~ .t‘ , ‘ , , , . _ . H u t b - (18 it} ML. M diit tins toutiiim: doting: tlic warm-d . . E. . . that [u \gnnm'lnu tout“), ‘t\ ..ll.ll [Lilillltlbti .lILl “l lib! “3‘” m1, ('bLa “Cit: ginz ‘(i , (Hid “It: “Unpust H' \U “vnh [HS [Handy hulle' Sn“ ‘“.inud insidiuuslv in \Vnh “it v .x h , n 01- u B" ‘l, V}, L)” \Vlicll -’)l) iiilS UlUl, 1 infer that ' Ahtl it Will a” in: ior \‘t-ur ain. putiplc the \\'()()“|tl In “Ur Luv“ ,1 - ', .,_ I ,‘l ,1. I“, , ,. w n, i . . . » . L 1 “ ... _ i «3 'Ulb lv d) - I» Ur UtViiiq , i ‘ -' l- t , ‘ _ b, - .. . x“. . . . .., ‘ '~ 'WIUâ€" ht-t' 1â€" UL \ Mu U'UM 0‘“ - that their lUiit)W-'\\’:ilt‘lttl's tttht 1-H] y . . fl .t . . i a“ .- . t .' ' . 1W“) ‘5 hm NH” “Ht” hm“ d 0L“ 1" And sitar utiid upUtlu a who. ,Ommo “Id 1 in“ From,“ “.Hhmry I l ‘ “I H . c i teal “int,” chat, 0 Upllildli (ti l this ddt the, it pctsutt “41H inch“) more L,“ . i, D a H } cow 1 ~ “ ‘ ‘ ' ' P‘s“ ' l) 'H" U ’ I U- ' ' ' t - - u - r ; . ., . ' , , " , . , ,. H . ' _ - _ . ' " . s t “’0' 1.7 0X :1) t_ii' (1111c! Sr" “""**‘“‘ ' ‘ . v . - t' . i p. .1 . H I .H . f. 1 ‘ ‘ . . if'mw h." “h “L L “{‘i if“) h “1 Austivttlinu sump, thcit. \tdi smelt desire to drink in warm than cool n Hm?" ‘ , And alt no it line on bonnie flower . out icvotct tubs. Loot l-tlt \ -II M- L,“ , ., .r sh“ id [mpk W,” . t, _ __ . . H ,, H, . , ,, ,1 , i M... . ‘t 1 . s-tn .n .orn'u’ do 3...: - , r -‘ t ‘ '° "Mb" ‘ ' L ‘ . . I “NC”. ""‘l “l "W3" 0‘ ‘h‘h'l‘t‘lt-i “0 mm the thread oi what once Was waiter ’...,5c1cugi/[C flmcpgcilt. "“"" “L‘L' “ML” 9“ """ qua“ h p“ O’ktimii. “grim: in dimmer-re. "1 ‘Udd‘mg “Him.” “6.: mm’is‘flmi“! him“ “5 “U “"1"le “‘0 h-‘(T‘ll'Jl plan-god into the forest to rum”) to run The mu” who not hour Slt'u'c . ‘ t I L I" titty. and to ittiltflilllg annuals double 'x'ngl; “ox “9-5;. glgud “m; fluvne. ’ il‘tai‘l!" iiiiii is” \viig 1:323 iilfiitl" vhnugc (nu: had \quughl Ugh)” I his 0“ llwbu. idi3:"vc|.c_d “‘11 “j! [inflorgzis 1,4,0 t A (:lilCA'f.‘ Ia‘_":"IUS."l.S. :. Ill“: (Iliiiiliiifll. nifliiC-ie lilsi it And “an tum mom zot’ moth acrack tilu! and nccom dished join-t: hos i .. t . .. .9 ._.. . .,._t I a ‘ ‘ ' ' “ . " f“ ‘ r -,. or - . - , , .. , w t, t .r 7 ,‘ ., ’. . -. -:.. r .. , '..-. . w . U fuming Wqu mums. . s l I I! l . w hi I l "l. w lliis .ntitttd ittt...ii 9 «do , it: be c... I Eve“, mnmmn’ save “mi 0, Very gum! subsnluws ml. new, hum: hooters» bongtil Git‘sz‘:)\‘a , nit, not}. slittitd touts duh]. i pit lei d nth Am, 0, m” “Nwh‘lwx “I”, ma low. 25 ()\\ct t It. titit tiit t .ttit litt‘tlt t.” .i - icitdctl his hand to him, he r'tttttd “mama” I” , hm.” Gr“ (“Ml out U1. N “we iuww'lgu impure}; Tw” “mph”: mu smuuwp éwtm, wind, 1,”, In“. grinding Unis WI”, the com ' "' " i" ' i," .. ' t H . o . .. ., V . a , ‘\ . Ml; '. P ' at II to . I .i . l, , ‘ v y . x L . . 0’ lvllsréw’? hUt’i')‘ (“ISS- i‘,“"'f,‘." he! “'“m “PU” "1" mm“ "HIV 3‘1)“ “5 “‘5 l’”“””” l” “W 1m“: m. in... ,H ,.3‘ 'l‘jsh ,-|\jm..0 - .m,‘ mm“ “Hug” i” the “705, “Edi”, “f ' is iutcndcd to ho a consort for thc ioroxcu, and rye ior inilcli cows. it --w it“ 2” "*“hu‘h - )t l '1 il in ' :' liUW'tt’l: ‘ Q/lci ~ i, ii "I i h ’ ‘ ~r . ’ ‘H ’4 ‘2" ' r’ v ‘. ' Ni, . .- who -n ‘ t : " ‘ t M I hm m “w I. ' 11.1%“! who” mot it; . t i t al thtu , t t is “.0,” “H, “,nc [HS mum, oceanic a lorksutrc, Dc\vsbcrry “"1 “may, tit/Lia, and “ill, win it littlbddti, bt. .s n.3- nt ll known til it com me it ‘ L' '5 ’ "l" i i " t ' ’3 1” ""“fi'wm i-rrox' p, m- it.“ t'i‘ 1,.” our s tu-ttct 'tl out a mi . p . ., . 1.. 1‘ ., i c iargvst merchant steamship, ticxt nlo it: is vcrv hcnvy loud, and unless I‘" 1 their imitnu uucst was to return to '1' t f t . .- . q t " ' b "’3 ‘ ° " "*3 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ ‘ b 'i"“ ' “ ' “5‘ v. i. . .. t - '- ., l - .pb . il l t " *t 8i kind ' I "U i“ uh" “ “b ( “Ll “m‘” but“ | t-vL-t‘ littiur \Vith res-kin" seq“),- ' Qier‘a(jililr nut MW 11-,“ LPN.“ Him”. ill) illtf (I! cut [fulélfll IL, lit lliC \t'til'iti 'gi'cnt tftlUiltJii is Ubdh. illllttld b 'CCUlnC ' ‘ “'5 “We, m“ ~v "- ""“f-ic'V W‘“ i'cll \Vit‘u soiled CD'ltHltfit ' and thc ' ‘n ' ‘ - a i - , ~ - - n ' - t I a but addctl to lucStt. tllo gram: and Adolphe and Eiiitlic. stood with him combine to win the licart nl Etitilau ' short hours of {Irici' ha i made upon the brave warrior! llts iorciicai ’ findings of his big heart butst iluodcr them of llluii‘ weapons and pmnposud of oldcloth. 1 (t _ No matter “U”? “mites who your tailor may be, Poole or I ornaments. ho pile Inud his aim was iichr raised but to and would doubtless c'vch by this l have l'cd corn-cob meal for I my while it'tinJlitit' or worki'trr iii th‘: o * a ‘ .yc in, both to (:nltlc and horses, as sun for about an hour, throw it awav llcr length is 396 feet; hrcadth oi' sicltcticd. Now the cohs ground up w --__-M_ -_, .â€" l {{{{{{ , _ I I ‘ I W1”. - i,;,n,. Mm {OWN mm 8,,“ MW“ imun,47t tact; depth, 33:}. foot; tuns Hit“ the corn, even if they contain “'"““‘“‘""“~"’”“" ‘ on tnc iivcr s {taint w icrc av ttc [HI-it. p, wmds . . THU \Vmiu ‘ ‘- ' ” " ' f ' - t. (.7‘ 't‘ ‘ “I . . .' .- '- ’-{‘ - ' - l t' l ' ~ I t ~ , - -- ~ ~ - - . . . . . i . .~ . v tot. t ti. 4 int). in: engine wnl be nouutiimcut. thiitdt is M liom ictn ka Birth gag AN 1 Aglgj‘. mum, WNW“ was m mm. mm aw“,- F M ' T. ‘3' M _r ,_ ‘ . At an, “me when “"3 Sm”. “hit, thetc not some histlltdltldll )l) . “:1 i t _M a ' i ‘ H I i. g , - MH- “03 WM 4 "1,." 5 Mt“ ~ , O ., v 0,, mo v.1” Gt “,0 Own“. “f m“ i“ nomium t 88.3 lioiscpowci, but acitt- ptotcd, ltom an UML‘I cut t iHaUt‘ to ._........ . ‘.. ,. , ..., . ... , . _ ‘ 0 ';". _- ;;S J- ‘ft is '1‘. 4v~ ‘ ~ - . r ‘ ' 1‘“. (Ildligbl titti'tdLLd liilH ddct Dilb- n‘ls gunc It) slut"), '1 iSlth- ‘0‘ H“ “(( 1 l“ ‘H ‘ s “be I” “Hy :f great deal ln‘)rc_ 1101- hulls FCUNDED UN FACT. 13v " stun." CHAPTER II. tiouatcly, and baudcd him a cos'ly this as a souvenir of his visit there, and Adolphe stock in his belt a Jack plumc \titich had once graced lMingo \thl scc nothing beautiful Inuyhnot‘c. Tito \Vhitc Fawn has it-arricd away his thoughts. The [White Fawu's spirit has gone to drum, “in, me A”), rims m he tcrvciiiug ground; and all Hits by I {Wulminmlrv Snug; e; and Hm grinding tip rags. [u the littic (lis- tcnpnvc “4",”, rpm,” m use h ,d tin-t, a tow tttilus square, which sur- ' . . I t . . , . . .. ... . . rcscucd from the death that awaits,”uuus “'th lush“: “"J‘P "it" “i” l t scpaiatc the meal and create the sti. titular; of distention in the stomach, an essential to, the ncrl'twt digestion of its contents. For this purpose we give cut straw w'i:l't meal, not: is of iron littc tlic Persia, which vcs- sci slit: n'ill cxcccd in :apacity bv FUO itit‘is.-â€"â€"Scicnt]ic flmcrt'can. -) his father’s cat/pean, wiiilc Emilio 1m: Wm, u“, 8””, 'plsl,,,,l\li,w, cd him, had bccii takct by a war WM.“ “i “V? “uu‘lm‘l “mum’s “If Pilll‘osounY 01" RAW-f3“) Uh' SL,,)!)‘,§,,,,,,.‘,I,U,,i,iat-L,1h,.;,,eitllas V A V. f . ‘ Plum“! m his “and: a Mmk Um MI W”! wail hurt: “m” mu m m” sun-11M“), m ,i Skuwmh mm a dumch- most all Cit-glugcd' iii thc same host. tidrsttldul the piiyiosopliy oi thisbcuu- ("Him-h m5}. ‘ nmrimcm H it than mud (CORN/tum! ho”: Gm lush) winch shc had many titties road to'hrmns ,, mpk 10...,” . rm. .1,” Con”, intent of English troops, to Which he "935‘ m” i" [he [’9§1 WUUHQ“ “lUi_““d "no" “Ubl‘me i’“‘*“.’“”“““’“t , '1’,‘ b i u 5 Mr. Gratigcr had watched ten- him during his sitrki‘icss. FMS“ SW; {Nani} 1],”.ipruld vi; Lwnmgcdr ‘ ragsâ€"tor there are (llittitittf‘s'tn'cii in so oltcu witnessed siucc the creation imwfl “'1' dcrly his patient, holding.r him when Brushing own): a tear from his 5,, pm, “'1‘,” Great Fun”. tuck hm. ‘ At Sight of the captive your“, l‘tlgsTâ€"ts worth Sonic lo.'tv tour so- and cssciitiai to the vct‘ycmtcitco ‘ f*-“ â€" - ~-~* ' he strugglud, that he might not in- check. 'l‘tsha-Mingo “avcd tlircc i “Was, my 3,053.: ’ "i'ishzoh’iingo immediately rccog- YU‘U’S'” i mu” "“v’hcy .mluc “‘{li‘éi I “i “""it’tls- ‘1 h-"V “Wis ticll'f’c‘l {"01" Mimic“?(QUERIW'mU‘m 01“ :‘f‘t 5}“ jurc himself, occasionally moistcning tiittcz'. an adieu. and, stopping lightly i ___,_, {suited the boy Adolphc, the hiothcr “mmi‘sc‘i ,“Vc“l.‘"l“id i“, ‘ihu “1"{"hsffivm‘c“ “"‘i a {mag “5'!” 0’ LX‘ ‘i‘?‘ii‘")ifj”.“",” l'e‘v'llf m“ “m “3” "'p‘Pficaum; the banditch upon ins wound; atiJiilllt’t his iittlc btiik. paddled! CHAPTER m’ ,oi' the ' \Vnitc Fawn ‘ whom he ‘lumwr ,0! “ “mum-i" 1ch PM”: dimmmms mum be “cuicmhcmd : (liflllilm,0m'_i." WONG": coiriiiiriii'igh;“flit; paying little hood to what he inntaiswsftly nWay, iit’vcr once ttitningi I ‘ f _ 'hud iovcd and lost. The memory 2‘1"?“ ‘5 Wilmauy Amif”“““'lu'ic‘i 1' WW"? ill”“"“f’SlH'v'ZW every" “O,'L.:_‘:}):'::-n: 1:2? tcrcd iii his doiiz’ium; but at ticsc his ltcud, but, as he pas-sod out of! MoNTi-ts had passed; and Air. oi hit: more poic'dttl d.i_\s, when “0‘” “M”! m“ 1’” l“hll 1"" U." 5"”"5 “hb'i‘bfi {ii-"i5 ‘h’ti‘v‘m‘iu Ull'h’l'm ‘0'”- . L ' 3‘" ‘U ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' ° last \tords of the unconscious than he stnrtcd with surprise, The kucct Granger and his son had gout»: to sight. sending back a \Viid whoop. to pass the summer and All feit the abs‘cncc of limit it:- Gallium ho icnrucd his first lesson of love at the fcct of Emilio, and listened million and a half oi moucv. Now is there good in rags, think you 1-» pcraturc. We should iicvcr have rain, had or Silt)\\'. The water absorr ed not doctors, gcucraily speaking biccd their patients too l'i-ccly. ' mg mulu‘p, up me “than M he pm 135:,“ mend. rm. he had mm, Hm I 31,”; but mu “,umv,,{ul “Hum”. 5,,” I m hm. gmmc vuiw’ was raviocd m‘Uld Cloth hccomcs new somewhat by its evaporation from the son and i A cooper. tinting considerable difficulty , . . ' . .. |. . . ‘ t. . , _. -, , ,. .“ ' . - _ . - , I ' '.‘ ' 'v n “ _ u :--|.“ vi-‘u ,v ,‘OI‘ I . -""' I) i. i" ' . '(C’ ‘ V caught sight ol him was explained. lrtctitisntg) at all 5 but bimbo \cht Waited L“.th Ulb Uhl “oh-UM; in! his huiit ; and he i'csthcd that the '” ‘h‘v “’1'0‘VH’5-f "'d) - W h~” 5"“! “lb L-lt '-3 b SWIM-d “"Uhi debt Lhd 1” “1 l“ ‘ t’m4 0”" 0 “'9 “Nd” 0‘ we ‘ “k h” and the truth lidSltUti upon his mind; nor could he retrain lrou’t tears as in secret. and contintzal'v recalled the coming,r of the Whitc Fawu’s e I _ , it” mind [he mum limit: (9:315 (it Spit‘tl. Ht: lttltl t‘itttti'tticti llit.‘ iiillt) captive saould go frcc. But it was no casv task to bring; the minds sidsrably the worse for “car. it is shipped off tor the continents 'L‘hcrc nu uupcrccptiblc vapor, or (:ca‘Sc to hcahso-btad by the air when once was finishing in its pinch, put his son in- side to hold the head up. Aftcr (:Oittttleltlig . . . . t - - . . .3- t '. ' . .. ' . . .. .. ‘ . . . i , we ' ' t .~ i.‘i'acti0i t' has his manly hcat't received tins assur- kindness and attention that he ind I itnicud With it high osicr l')tit2t:, and ; oi his tiroiitcr warriors to consent itti "J it‘s 3 "mt? "3 "mm “- 30‘“ db” iuu.‘ *mumte'i' H: ~ {Linimi‘i ii-imtf,” sihgd thiemsk . a 4 . . , ~ . ’ . ~ - - .. . : ‘ . . . . r r t , , , -, , , a onisict ) int. t‘\' t ' i.‘ e t aucc ol iot‘Ltit-‘cuoss lor the rash act t‘tcrioi'mcd. She Wandcrcd ninth; in i until two scat: oi stone and HMS-5‘ this, lor manv oi tbcir iiun'ibet' had "mi" wom‘ um" it “‘53 ‘0 “um”! i” 2' “’0 “hwibme‘l Pm“?l "r “m ‘ i i i ’ of his hand, from theiips ti. the the vvuuds, "ml visncd cvcrv Sp.” li llCZH' ii, iii OHU (Iii V\"lli(?ll lit: Sill 'dliti tit-cu but i‘ctuiiti_\‘ stain, and their tiic coiiiinoit dcsiiirv of coats that attitosphcrc. and Coiiscquoutly its and without it possibility of getting out, cact‘pt through the bung-bole. - v . ‘ ' ' r - ‘ I- “ n' b n' “ u... .'. I . .r ' . '. . sufferer. Emotions oi gettcrous' when: ‘dtt-y had sat and talked to- mild ilhmd hi" llt’Ut'S GVUU’ day th hotlics brutally dtsitgurcd 0y the "‘m n'_’ “m8” [WM i(’g‘-il“’" _h ‘° 9“?”th m “it‘ll” I‘Ullildlll') '5 i’m‘ l . ) “Rudd”, hnvmds the sick m,” Heme]. . hem pm, . had Wamhcd H“, m' the “up, bufik Sim [mu give” Emma.“ . and mm, had SW0“, u, bu‘dt this point that things begin to portiotittilv greater in cold that: in , ABSENCE or” [IAT AND litiCSENCEIOF I ’ (9 5 y a $ . and of gratitude to him for having rcscuud his daughter irom a water} grave, alicrtiatcd With feelings of nridewfcar concerning tvhat might be the coiiscqucnc: ot' the events him; and, in the long evenings. in: setting sun as he ncnt dint/u to the 2 Uri-rt; {hay Silt. \lelitig iUI' ilUt' Stilt“ it) until: ritual of the Great i‘dpiri‘. , . had gazed upon the moon and sint's ; here had hc given to her thc wani- into the Woods to kill some gatiic. and take too other scat beside lziiiit' At length, one day. he \vcnt' i't:\'citgtfti. i Finding that his words wen.- i with grcstt iisi'avour (as we havt: sdcri.) it was then that the li‘titiit’tfiu i! It. acnd with tint iiiticcd bci'oi‘c: it Vci‘y nincli wants mending. Uncc dot. the coat gct to the rat; stage, and 'a new pt‘ospcct opcus out bciore it. Utter diinpalntion is the first step? warm air. , 3 The air near the surface of the cnrth is warmer than it is in the re- gion ol the clouds, 'iitc higher we asct-nd from the earth the cotdcr do , Minx-MA gentleman trawl-ling on a rail* road lost his hat; \v‘hcn. Without {1 mos .tuciit’s hesitation. ltc pitched Dill. his hatbox. on which was his name and address, wisely judging that the iattor would lead to the " pom stringr which should biti‘iiiidil‘ lurnvc 'i‘isha-Mmqo had i'ulatcd to . ‘ , renew critic former, which it did. which had alrcady traudtiirsd. and hearts together. and. in pursuit of a deer. \t'ttitdct‘cdiios itrmhor \V'arrittrs the start; 0: “Wards I‘U“'-UlJ’-3‘t'»‘”~ oi hint: as” “0 bad the stratosphere», Hence W . r ‘tcudcr soitciih'e to!. his daughter’s Months tvorc awflf; Sinai winter so lar away that he could not gut‘ms love. lie had told them oi the “"0 (“’5‘de “him “0‘13 “ohm” ‘lh’ imi’blmd 353W" “5‘- ‘”‘W mill] “MO "1 btai'mcs at we Cllmea and happiness, while he deplored cvcry had boutftj the river in icy funk-rs, hick utitii tin: hillowiu; titd‘tiingi-m i - I . §> . stii‘itttttttltig beauty oi the ‘Vvhitt ,thc various parts, and givcs it stilt at monotniustu the hottest climates. iothci p'aces, of the amount of metal etu- . , , v t- . . .. »,, a , .- . . t . .. . ‘iw 't :. ite- ‘i‘ccilled 'Id occurrence oi that ttuiortunul‘.’ day. and cchrcd up the lorcsl-haths.â€" Wheel ht‘ I'Ututhc'l. ht: loom! “It: htwu,A who had nursed him in hisl‘d‘m” 1” b“ “"“Ld ‘1 g~“"-"*”h “ “513"”! “hm; {mm “mm”! “mlmu' P mui limit(tile‘tiilllitl-it’ll it: tioi' lit-"1d writ . - ., ~ _ , . , t . . . t, . .. ' , r, . . .,, _, , z, , '. - ,, _ - wotinnct st w in ~ . . Bul he ceased “(3" “I “Is, ngg‘lli::)5[ [XS V01" “nullug had been “curd hnUsu “I 1‘1" ;.il(’g61 “u! “CL! [U Sluknussi and U: “8" thcr, “,ho LUtHl-diulliVLIy \‘vUi llilbbb . tori, lifli- litii‘a iii? 1UP lb highly bdilil-ib‘tl H it) ‘h0t l‘ l’ ‘U (V‘ r y nqu an} “Jars kukld.‘ - - 7‘.- ' ‘ . t ' " - Iu'zw - - tun . ‘ l ’. 'IwI'v \ I , 'II 1"” ’ ’3 i t. 1. I H. to whom the sick man’s pttiu ; andlli‘ozn iislia-Mnigo ; and the heart thc ttI'ttU'hh “10 him“: M will tooth. ‘hnd drcsscd his wound (With lit-iian “‘9‘” ill-ll sow W)» dlltl 1M idiots. ‘Vdpttt, thouin it tic invisioic . .id ih. i i- . morning dawned as he sat atone by :his ('ttucltt Try-3 lever had passed. and the chief, though lunch citizens“ ni‘otit’td tltt: mound toi‘tt away. and tin: mound Ltsvll. tit]: up, the (:tOss tart-hot}, ittid titt: rrraue empty! w. L.‘ Ioi' Emilie Was drooping within lics‘. 'Suddcuiy she was taken iii of fever,» andi chpitc every attcniion and all? lsngacilv, nihiccniing from thmn lwi‘n) had itiiilt‘db‘ki “2- “mi W‘lwhedi illiliil liii‘ottglt lit.’ !"l"'i”.‘-iS 6‘. “laid”. |ni.iiutai.ts tits vain l)l'tilCUUG‘H‘mgii‘UEltl,i inc distitcittbct‘cd rcmuniits acipurc‘ iitottcv _, value, purse-strings arct sky cloudlcss, ifits tctnpcraturc is I tStltlthlllfy' rcdttcml hv cold currents ol'nii' rushing from n ILghct‘ to n I Prrvrtttion against discns’é was, thetcfor'e, \t‘iljd the soldicr chicily needed. Printing ink will probably be made Cd and "Uri" “'Wks ShUW‘M syntit- the skill of her faiths-t",- {the glow rat-t, At this EiWViWhS “'0 ‘Ciiiiii‘iriumg then he told then! of he: il‘mw‘m‘ii ‘1‘“! no”) my Gimm’ I'm”? lum‘ue' “5 (“mun-V '0 'icmi” iiimma‘imfd vim-l" The-re is im-itatrimtii'li‘ toms“,- wmvcry, ' who}, ,,.,,,.SC~ and 3, 3mm“, suuk hU_ Wm, at first avawthR-d Wm, Hump. drawing my “My “pmgmbtimarkets the acctztoi the I'd: grinder,moisture is diminished, clouds ar: “HWY Olvlltcltit‘tlcle south alibi-ii, " 5mm: days elapsed itcftii‘c the ncatii the discch and died. ifiiic Eti‘ii'ififit 'htil'l frantic at'iuf t‘tUltii'rom tilt: [H'tjxififii objnst of thcii“ t‘c-, lmmpmils, “‘9‘” “Wk m “"3” 0“"'lf”"”‘e‘1' “"‘i ‘l13 “350i” is l"“”- Air Lind iii-9' “xiii: Sift-e. ‘chict's rcturuiiig sir-cog!!! ctiablco l was burtci! under tho old (Ezlitatrux, pusscssioit of him a: he itiarktjd titclvcngc, until he turncd it open the} W35} "with"? 'i‘l'UWWS' “V‘hhvlhhlgiU‘NHIUHStlf HS it. CUUlS, dud him 11 ,n:1:)ui:.u;{;p .(‘;OV;\::|;1::;‘ citiiwggiaigs in; him to risc i'ro n his couch; tiuringiwhcrc sift? had retpicstt-d iitfl' hotly empty {Hits/ct with “filth-g 10 lhclirioc trims-o warriors had doseâ€"i l’i‘idiim“. '” ‘l‘eii' rummmg [U lhc'risl’ml‘l" mic“ With “mu” ""d ‘3”,““ ittildinn toistop tic siimiivi of‘the “magic which time ig‘tiiilie; Adolphus :iiiditttiglt’i“'be laid. and the giicilkiiicd ' soothing i'uhmv, he lid“! 21! 1hch azuttcd the ' Whit-t,- it‘awii's' grave, ‘ “‘“WC l’lucc '” "me" i" “the 3 WW i’t'USSUtl- P “"5 (“It the water Whl'h " i their father had taken Euros m ad~ "ministering to his 'vantsi nithouuh the lattcr found it‘ctptmit cz‘tct'5cs loi‘ heart of it 2r follici" was hormd \‘vita . voids! a hluvktrncd lifit‘i) “i. “"105 her. He rcluscd to be comiortcd,‘Withtn t9. baht-burned box; then :ili and from morn till night, and iiigliti tlic i'cvcngciul spirit oi his tailicrs and tvhom he had slain~ with his own Strongr arm. With Indian c’o- qttciicc; lie but giitktut'cd the titany, lease oi'life. Like Madeira, to bc Worth much, they must cross and rccross the son. \"hy the principall its diminished capacity contiot hold. Life: is a beautiful night, iii which, as Compound” of pr titers in n". a » '. is. SUNDAY DittNiitsoâ€"Jl‘taere exists m some parts of Gt‘l'tttfit’iy s iaw to prct‘ént - -, , - o- v . . . _, . . . . . -. . I. , .- . . drinkinu' titl“ili‘" divine service. it runs kcebiut: his dathrhtm‘ away than the till morn. t’noni ncd licr lusts \\'itli : rcturucd and biirucd within his touching: SUCH"; “l his V15” “’4” Mgtm‘m‘mb “ing b; abund’ “‘3 some stars go d-ovn, others rite. mun ‘7 \nv‘ptison driul’ino‘ in an alcltousé " -1; ’7' ‘ Vl" - .~ . ‘4 . l 1 ' > I ' ' V. - . _ t . l. .r ," H ‘ “ J“ ‘ L §. ; I .' L r L “h '1'“ 1d“: ‘l‘Wh‘w'uU‘l “mm” 0"" hassioitate tfi'tcf; cursiut: the .l.)l't)\‘i-‘ bicasi. bcizihg his idle, he ht-UI- thc ‘ White Warrior.’ who had do" 1 “""“- l‘h‘bmi: 'i '5 UU'JUM " Served this and discerned the cansc, but he made no hctrayd of l is knowledge, only keeping the cross which Emilie had give-u him, Cott- ccaled under his dress, it Was many weeks befOrc Tisha- dcncc that had tnki-n lici‘ away, in thShUtl ll "UUVU'hlS hUiHl, "N1 gave the bittcrucss of his soul. Adolphct th: terrible \V:ti'~Whtit)p, for his ex- sharcd his iather's Sorrow, but hisipcricuccd eye had dcicsttcd the young heart rebounded front lhcit‘uttctil l‘ootpiints of some lndians shock, as spring with its varicd'who were the deadly cucmics oi charms came on; his own tribe; and, in the first. given {ii-in his own rifle, and tiit-‘ tct‘cd thctr pride by tcllit‘g them; ,tiint-the ‘\Vliite Fawu’ had com" jscntcd to become the red man's squaw; thcn. droppinu his Voice, 1 . - h _ ‘ , V illU asked them if they would kill i t l t l t l l l i l l l l l l foreigners will make shift to Wear the parent garment, when it is too far gone to suit the more dccoi'ous Englishman. Vthn tiic rags reach the iactory, they are sorted and clas- sed into the ‘ mango ’ or rag of fine “’Pitizlhdnrktwss” has been improved in latter times as to *- bituminous obscurity. Successful love takes a load oif our 1 hearts and puts it upon our allOl‘lC‘t'S. “ William, if you go out in the Sli't‘el daringr d Vi-m reivicc on Sunday or Other halidays m I)" legally depart without pnyi'i'i (V~ a. The habit of smoking entails in Great Bt‘itian an expenditure oi no lcss than eight millions sterling smoke! .lt is painful to consider how many , all dissipated iit' i l’ll whip you.” 4‘ But, mother, if 1_ hill nscfui weiks, now lcit undone on the plea lyou whip me now, may 1ng out idle!“ of want ol'fumds, might be: accotitpli‘hcd i‘val’d” ' , with that. amount $1901.10)” Mingo monitored the use of his arm, - - " . a, ' ‘ -' ' l . r .’- , . ' i r ' x , I u - ' . One evening, towards the last ofitransport oi passwn, he ‘V' dtthe ‘ White .Warrtor’s’ son, thetdmi'a 4”“ the ‘blmddy 0‘ N3 0' and during that time he had rc- isiu- i - n t u - - . ~ ‘ . t. ,‘v. ‘- . ' "a - ‘ _ ' spring, Mr. Granger and. Adolpr i that his yell of defiance might ‘ White i“nwn’s' brother. 'mf‘vlwi dom'_ 1”” “0mm “1“ ‘0 .v o

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