York Herald, 8 Mar 1861, p. 4

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i ‘ .: _.._._s__._- 'l‘nt; GIRL WI l'H BY ROBERT JOSSELYN. , 1‘. fig for your upper-ten girls With their-velvetsand action and laces, Their diamonds and rubles and pearls, And their millinerlfignree and faces. They may shine at sporty or ball, Emblazoned with half they possess, 313Lng me in place of them all, My giil wiLb the called dress. I i§,tllutii'}) asra pai‘tridge,,aud fold . . i i n ng the rose in its earliest bloom ; Q Her teeth with ivory compare, a And her breath with the c‘over perfume. Heir step-ladders free andas lifght";-.r ’ " ‘u‘ “ ' i‘ .As “the fawii.’s whom the hunters hard press, a Arid'il'ler eye is as soft and as 'zblilgllf, r, l .‘ “3 . My girl with the calico‘dreos. ‘ Your dandics and fopli Igs may sneer Kt her simple arid modest attire, ' ‘ ' ‘- Bnt the charms she permits to appear ' ' «Would set the whole icebergs on fire. She can danceâ€"but she never allowe 'I‘he hugging. the squeeze and. caress, Silo ie‘sarin‘guhll these for her spouse, ) My girl with the caliéo dies-s. She is cheerful. warm-hearted" and true; ‘ ' i ‘ Andkind'tozfatbor and Iiibtlter; ‘: She studies how muchashe can do H ‘ For her sweet little sister and brother.“ If you want a companion for life H ._ To comfort, enliven and bless, . She is just the right sort for a wife‘. 3’ {My girl with a calico dress. ‘t S'lltiii‘illiiinnllfi. ,, “3 'I‘ni: CHAPS IN COLD VVEAfriinnae :Wliy do youngladics like cold weather? Because it brings the chaps totheir lips. 1:4 .A Mahometan proverb says: “ The ink "of the learned, like the blood of martyrs, is hatred in the eyes of heaven.” ‘v-v A' \t’estrrn editor, in speaking of a “dandy’s dickcy, says; “It was scented “goiter-n like a south wind after passing through a fence made of thorn bushes 'l” The events of to-day are more, inter.- ‘éEsting to'us than those of yesterday. So men are fast giving up books for news- papers. A Wire-TALâ€"In some official corres- epondencci respecting our colony at Natal, just published by the ColonialOtlice, a’tax of 7s. a wife is alluded to as'in operation" tinfthat colony, ‘so that a Caffrc having six wives has 425 per annum to pay. totto- vernmcnt.’ The tax. was originally iin. »_.pose,d.by order ,of LieutenantGovernor, ‘as paramount chief over the natives,’ or Jatlier of his country}, but was afterwards ’ fixed by law of the Legislature. ” One line summer day, some thirty years ago, the schoolmasterofa country parish meeting the Provost of Dunfcrmlinc about the hour of noon, remarked somewhat pe- dantical'y in passing, “A "delicious day. f‘l’rovnst, the sun is just now about incri- dian.” The l.’ro_vost assented. Meeting some friends that evening, the civic hailed themâ€"w Ufa have had a most malicious day, gentlemen; the sun is just now-“about the .‘Ilcditet'ra" nean.’ A physician calling one day on a gentleâ€" man. who had been sorely afflicted with the gout, found, to his surprise, the dcseasc gone, and the gentleman rejoicing in his "recovery over a bottle of wine. “Come tulong, doctor,’ exrlaiined the 'valetudin- arian, “you are just in time to taste this ,‘bottle of Madeira ; it is the first of a pipe that has just been broachcd.’ “Ahl’ re; plied the doctor, ‘~ those pipes ofMaderia v will never do; they are the cause of your sntfe.ings.’ “ Well, then,’ rejoined the ggay incurable, f.‘ till. your glassi‘fo'r"1nt>w have found out the canto; the scarier ‘wc‘g‘ct rid of it"thcbctter. ' A I'IUMAN Balmsâ€"Abailie of Caper Fife was possessed of considerably more shrewdness than those" we have enumerat- ed. Two boys were brought before him, charged with trespass'within the enclosure of Crnufurd Priory. The prosecutorsvas ' the factor of tlielate errentic'Lady Mary Lindsay Craufurd. 'I‘beibailie having as- certained that one of the youths was a hdruzniner from Edinburgh-Castle, and that the other belonged to a guard-ship at Leith, gave each a shilling, and told-them no go hoine-â€"one to his castle, and the other to his cabin. -“ And now,’ said the magistrate, addressing the factor, “you may tell Lady Mary that I have sent one of the delinquents aboard a man-o’war, and the other to be a sodger. “ ‘ You this A BRICKâ€"A certain college Professor had a~$cmblcd his class at the commencement of the term, and was read- ing orcr the list of names to see that-all were present. It chanced that one of the number was unknown to the Professor, ,1 having just entered his class. 5‘? V‘i'bat is your name, Sir, asked the Professor, looking through his spectacles. “You are a brick,” was the startling , reply. 1' 1‘ “Sir,” said the Professor, ' half starting out of his chair at the supposed importin- ‘ once, but not quite sure that lie-had un- ’ dcrstood him correctly. “ Sir, I did not exactly understand your answer.” , ‘~ Ypu are a brick,” was again the com- posed reply.” ..“ This is intolerable i” said the Prochs- or, his face reddening. “ Beware, young man,liaw you attempt to insultme.’ A “Insult you,” said the student, in turn astonished. " How have I done it 1’ ,f‘ Did you not say I was a brick ?’ re- ,‘ft‘nrned the ProfeSsor, with stifled indig- IIIIIIOII. “No, sir, you, asked my name, and T answered your question, U. R. A. Brick Urinliltcynolds AnderSon Brick.” ‘4 Ali, indeed,” murmured the Professoric sinking, back into his seat in "contusian i V f‘It was a misconception on my part. Will von commencethc lesson, Mrl-filwml , _,1\1r. Brick .7"? .THAE CAEICO DRESS- uqéjfiyyflxas q i . Licentiate oft/tr ModiculBo‘mvl of Upper tha- , , land Landing. S now‘ open to receive engagements on li‘_ ' beral terms, for any number, to suit tbb‘: «convenience of large or small parties. lApplicalions to Mr. WM. Ittl’LAND,. at, Aurora, or Mr. \V, WILLis, 3rd Con. \Vliite oiliurch. ' » . N.B. Also, a SAX-HORN lied on application. " Aurora, Nov. 2, 1860. J ennui v.w Conveyanc'r “and 1 Auctioneer. . LOT 31. 4?“: Con. AIRRKHAIIP; r ‘ September 18, 1860.7 BAND may be 3" - 7- too-3m upoa’i’snféR-z ‘~ WALTER , B. Gâ€"EIKI‘E,“ no.1). dd, ‘drillr'rc'c‘étttlyuv‘w oft/lo ‘Illodiicalqyfi‘cers l; t it , eds respectfullyFtbinl'orm '0 01' the Toronto General Hosptmt,uprt ' ' the iliia . v-o . » l’I‘q/‘cssor qf'A‘nutn'nty and Surge/‘3] 3. "‘ . y W : , y. .. . : in Dr. vap/i’s lift-(triad tile/toot,“ : .lz’lch “in: 5‘- V 141]“ 1‘3: ~ , , I an?! t‘fi‘e v.7. 'r . ' ' ,ASVreturn’ed to, AURORA, aifdcreéthken‘ That he 1”“ C ” « 'Jifitllfiff’; .. in; Line In t ioioit‘fie‘ndjm mg: ‘JldithllérERSi SHOE SHOP, Where. by close application to business and Studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of ’ public patronage. , , '.,liis former reSidence. on 'Yonge' Streak, where he may be consulted at all times,'enrtbe vdrious branches ofiliisprolession. ' ‘ ‘ " Aurora,iFeb.‘£’4, 1860. M : . . "t “l‘ ' ALL ORDERS PUSC'I‘UALLY A'I"1‘F.l\'ll}3D'I'0. ,Dr, 0.. Q. LLOYD,. SURGEON DENTIST? - Garments cut to order on the SllOl‘lCcI notice. in any style. ‘ . JAMES ll. BURNE , Richmond llill, Feb. 10, 1860. 1 63-1)‘ 11.1113 be at the:- following places for the Practice o‘fhis Profession‘w a . . . . . 7 . The lst Thursday of every Month at 1101- .AE. ,4. .__ The Qud 'l‘hursda); at. Kiiig.Stotio,n. ~_ 4 The 3rd 'Illiltn‘sdajfiat’itilclliffoll'a Ilill. The Astufllhursduyet Gormleyfs Cornet-En? At all other times the Ddctor (San bo'foii‘nd at his residence in Aurora. fiancee. 1960‘; ‘ 833417}: .TIIOMA’Sâ€"Eowngm,‘ ~ i , ‘C dice, rerqioved . EI' In; ‘Toronto, December 13, 1806. LiecnScc‘j ffigA'uctionccg, 33.: , FOR THE I _- I i i COUNTIES OF term on rum” All létters addressed to "‘ Alniira.” PIC. will receive prompt attention. ‘ Orders received at tlie “York Herald” Offi‘c», Richmond ‘Hfl‘l‘: Mr. lIé‘nl‘y'Lemon, Tbornhill. and 1141‘, James Cavat'mah,‘ Mansion “muse, Sharon, . where Terms, Soc. may be obtained. Almir-a, Nov. 25-1859: oiled masonic mono doctor,- ' RICHMOND HILL; ' ' 'I 1" GEORGE SIMSON, PBOPRIETOII. 5, By the use of Electricity, :‘ B y D r. E. O. E D M SURGEON DENTIST, .iuno'ni. NDS, OQD Accommodations and every attentiiin ISIIOWHL to Travellers. Good Yards for . . - .- _' ,t a’ . t _ - , , , , a. 'l'octb inserted on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Dim B‘Lame and Loose Boxes 10‘ Race “0.15.6” Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, tuds. . , 011.31,: Mon'flfly Fair hem Ohms premises. fir-.5, pqrformod in the most approved manner and Wednesday in'eacb month. i , V W arnluf‘edk, q 0 , - The Subscriber in calling the attentio'n‘of the Aulma’ l ‘a‘Ch ‘ ’ 1"6‘)‘ (public and his Old Friends (0 his" establishment, feelssatisfled be can administer comfortably 'to their wants and wilb mutual satisfaction. Richmond Ilill, April 520. 18%. P 67-1y OTE L", Y qr: c. E or a s. ET iâ€"i ’LAUROR‘A. ,, . t M“... G600) supply of \Vinos and Liquors ' ’ r always on hand. Excellent Accommo- A I l Q I dation for 'l‘ravcllers, Farmers, and others. » r N 9 - ease . "“ ~ ' i, p, i D.hIcLEODgI’l‘Opl‘ietm'.7, p v.3}. r_ ‘7 c. . , .: -- I. ‘fll‘iora'mine 6; 1859.; v - . ' 7.3?” ' ., . .- R. VALLES. Painter. GRAHER, . Glazier; fainter, l’appr Ballger g Mentalist) Inn-LI“: “ ’I‘dlltlhl'l‘il tdl’l‘l’ ill illtlt‘ " ., .. sentences-racer- not: UMETJ r s,’ T o no TAB L E i ” 'rfo'nnsronns, 810. l'IlWenty ilPer i Cent Cheaper .2 to". » Z. OUSE. Sign and Ornamental Painting . done on._the shortest notice and, on the most. reasonable terms. ' - Richmond niii, April, 20‘, 1860. is-” THAN AI\Y OTHER I-ZS‘I‘ABLISIIMIINT. 1V r ‘ r V (w ‘ p )4'}. ‘ w_ 11A 1 L L 1 R, A . 11213 UNUERSlGN’I’SD Assignees of tho 1 AURORA, estate of I). C. Ch. 1‘]. YALE, will con tintie (be business under the supcriliteiidnnca of our duly onthorizcd agents, A‘Us’l‘lN Annuv and I), CAitLos VALE. whose receipt will be duly acgulivvlcilgcd. :. . , ‘ I} G O O D .. \-...94S‘+All notes andracCOuiits remaining lin- , , paid on the 1st day of June. 1858, will be put into Court for collection, AS just received 5). new and full assortment I of SpringandEunilncr ‘ . . o 1 H5 a . :L'Tfi lb" (y. YALE, The llblhncry Department ! :m o. CUMMILR. 48-tf. Toronto, April ‘39. 18.30. , laminar, . l”PHf§ltftll~lf$t3§lGEfilil a ASCQUCHEUB, AURORA, C.\V. “February 17, 1800. Will be found replete with the newest and most .kIfasliionadile Stylcsozf, Bonnets, Hats and Capes, All o‘iwhich will be Sold at tlielowest remuner ating prices. a _ y ._ Aurore..Apsil ‘37. 1-860. . I 74-tf 64 1y Holiness AllDSlltlE ELIACth‘G. V. SnporioerVatorproof Harness o and Shot» Blocking is warranted to soften 1681118)}!in rem or it inipcrinusto wet. Manu- factured athticlimond llili, and sold by Store- kecpcrs and Ilarness Makers throughout the Province; 1 ' ' , February 10,1860. ' ’ 63-tf ""‘""‘”’.’""““’" *“ DR. D. E. SEYMOUR, H 0M (EOPA'THIC PHYSICIAN, .JOHIKTfZZoI. REID; M.;_D. common or" YONGE Min CULBORN serum-21‘s, TII‘ORNHILII'.‘ 3 .- 113" ' “Prescriptions got at the Office Cultist ., be paid for on delivepy. ,. 31,:r1y GO TO ~ ' ‘ OWMAN’S MlLLg"! ‘” mm Wivo U It. w. » CARDING a: GRISTI-NG, 'tv'here parties from a, distance can have it t . 14.9 : . A? ‘ _ : Ilene to take With them on thelrreturnhome. : ‘. .. . r c) _ adill“‘?:d‘*Ԥl3':l§09:. . .74.}?- .U‘B : ~1\I_A1§I§ v. N W MAR Ii ET, U.~»C. 65 - 1 on, L, ,LANGSTAFF, Skit LN G u lifI. . ' ~Otlicc. Kliig..llla:»'13- 1859- "" Cheap .C‘Qlothiglg. , HE Subscriberbegs to inform the inhabij- ' tantsof‘ButtOnville and the surrounding country, tliatlie continues to make first-class 00.9 TS, AVESTS, PAINTS,- no. in the newest Stylesvand superior Vl’orkman- ‘ ship. All orders promptly attended to and " work warrantedg : JOHN HARDY, Tailor and Clothier. Buttonville, Dec. 23, 158339. 55-1)” 1‘; doors; west of King Post 24.1y ,‘I‘rud’n CAMPBELL, inwcmnt, so. u > u m4- 4 . Yonge Street, 01a- '...,‘..4_' ANGLOhMEnICAN. noose: V I MARKHAM VLLAGE._ , , OOD Adcomniodatious. “lilies, Liquors CFTM’eâ€"‘Tl’fl" M m "A _' "7 WWW and Cigars of thercboicest brands. ‘ f R. DIARR, Proprietor. r I ‘ AQEISgatWLaW l" 3 , Barristers, Astor?- .Mfirklm‘I‘r-lum1‘8095' 25'” SO‘LICI'I‘ORSJ‘N CllANClilt’tY, 6w. ‘ it ' ' orvi’cnzaâ€" ' RICHMOND IIILD IIOTELJ 3 ' * ‘ _. ‘ CORNER‘OF- KING AM) TORONTO STREETS ngAGP was from rule abotvot.H°lFl 10' I ‘Over 'VVbitin-ore,& Co’s. Bonkiug Ollico, oron.o, ovcrv mo lung, 5 ar mg rom » ,9 ' I i ‘ TORONTO- the Elgin 'Mills "at 7‘.-a.m,, and returning at 7, .m. Fare, 25. 6d. each ‘wa *. ' ' "â€" p i i 3 _ Agency Particularly attended to. cool) ACCOMMODATION FOR Tuivnimuns. RICHARD IV [CH OLLS, anufisfi ’MATHESON' Totonto,July 1, 1559, {owlngfitt'igtghes fandyCloeks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice. and lowesttcrlns oil-tr 'i‘Au'erra. '1“ebruary”l7, £560. 7 J AMES FI'I'ZGERA LD Proprietor. 31_tf 1-55 flAtFéWAY HOUSE, filCHh‘tOND;-.;Hll.b 1113 Subscriber begs to inform bis numer- ous Patrons and the public, that he has retrieved 11071131116 Wliit‘e‘SWan Hotel to the chem Promises, where there. willzbe found excellent accommodation for Travellers, and Good Stabling. , fififIfIOl‘SCS-.altd, Buggies forIIire. ' ‘~ JOSEPH ‘GABY', ' .. Proprietor. , ' 1858. Riehinond'Hlll, Doc. 18, 1858. 3. "DENTIS'I‘RY! o. ADAMS. o. o. s. C - Surgeon Dentist, ~ 4. ’ 99 KING ST. EAST. SOUTH SIDE. THIRD DOOR ' ~ wus‘ranom 'CHUHCH ST. TORONTO, ' : EARTI‘QULAR attention given to the regu- ,. , _:l€tllOll of Children’s 'l'ccth. Consultation freehand all work warranted. _ Dr, VAL has turned his attention to the im- 72-7 ,prpveinents of his profession in all its branches, ' and cziii'i’Snpply the profession with Teeth, Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber, and the best Bone. filling. Mineral Teetli’mountcd on Gold, Silver. or Vulcanizod’ Rubber, With Continuous Gum's, which are’wai‘f‘dnted to give entire satisfaction. s’Pore‘nt‘e‘,Octcbcr 1 1, 155(5le -l9-1y ‘Riclimond 1101, Oct. ‘29., , i I CALEB LUD‘FO’RI), I I SADDLE AND HARNESSIMAKER, "i" ' Opposite’Mr. gurkissf Store, 104- l y. .. ._'Tno'.anYiLLs TEETH "Emitterâ€"infusion PAlN l' 25 1y , Wat-ch and {Stock Maker, to Gas Company’s Buildings, Toronto Street. 10.,‘Janu‘a'ry- 9, 1361. ‘ A CARD- KEELE, Esq, of the City of Tor- of onto, has opened an oflice in the,ng- lage ofAtrrora for the transaction of Common Law and (Titanccry Business, also, Convey- ancing executed with correctness and deb-patch ,Divisio'ii Courts attended... t; ‘VVelliugton St. Aurora, 31. Queen St. 'l'orouto Nevembeitflt).0112163,...a= » 104â€"!y STOCK BROKER, Land to Municipal Agent, do. .No. 29.;Anno Street, or Box 54, I’.O, Quebec. ., REFERENCES: Sheriff Jarvis, Hon. George Sherwood, Hon. 1’. M, Vankouglinet. C, J. Campbell, Esq. '1'. V’Voodside, Esq. Messrs. Giliiiour, .Coulson 6.; Co, Angus Morrison, M.P,l’, Toronto; Messrs. Mills, Maltice dc 30, Montreal; lion. James Pat-ton, Barrie; hams" ‘t‘Vébstcr, Esq, Guelph. _ unlit/atliiikal'ivliiiihloT“ igARRISTER, Attorney-at-l.aw. Solicitor in Chancery},ConveyanCrr, doc. Money advances pi'ochred on Eortgages, No. 3, Jordan Street, Ill-Gm 108w Y'; Charles Durand, ]) A RRISTER, and ATTORNEY,~ Office, , comer of Adelaide and Yonge Streets, Toronto, will attend to Suits in all the Superior Courts ef-l..aw. Chancery ,anif County Court : also, on request. to Country Business in the Division Courls,. ’r i Deeds, Leases. Mortgages. and every de- SCi'ipthIi of Conveyancing. drawn up with care and at reasonable prices. ‘ ' Letters post paid attended to,, Toronto. November 20, 1860. i ‘ 104-6m * â€" ._.â€"..~ RICHMOND IIl‘LL IRON FOUNDRY. IEEGS to notify the Public that be has leased the Foundry, lately in the occupation of Ira B. Richmond, where he intends to keep ' constantly on hand, IRON BEAM FLOWS Of various descriptions, also, Sugar Kettles, ' Box Stoves, dun, die. All kinds of Plow points for sale, and all kinds of Job Work attended to. All work Warranted ticlunond 11111, Oct. 25th, 1860. . 95-3111. G. . H. Einsband, URGEON Dentist, will be at Niclioll’s IIotel. Richmond Hill, the Ii‘Ins'r and THIRD Moon.” of every month, and, the re- mainder the ,montli at his residence Thornbill.) All WcirkWarranted. Teeth filled witlFOsteoplarlic or Artificial ‘ Bor.e.--'I‘his fillingjs put into the Tooth while soft, causing no pain, as itrequires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt firmly adheres, rendering it almost impossible 1for the filling ever to come but. Dr. llusbnnd has made arrangements with Mr. G. L. Elliot, of'l‘oronto,‘ to manufacture his Altificial Teeth; those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sure of hav- ing it done in a superior manner, July 8, 1859. FAREILI’ LIQIJtlItS. “701.13. nlonnitmisus (30., Importers & Vi’holesalo Dealers in Brandies, Wines, Gino ‘& Segar's, EEG leave to call the attention of the citiâ€" zens of the United States to their Pure Wines and Liquors, put up under their own supervision. for Family and Medicinal use, in cases assorted to suit customers. Clubs, Military and other public bodiis, who require to purchase inlarge or small quantities, in casks or bottles, will be liberally dealt with.â€" I’rice list sent on application. ' " OLD MOREHOUâ€"sE BITTERS, Rccommeneed by the first Physicians as the best remedy known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Debility, and all Nervous Diseases. As a beverage. it is pure, wholesome, and delicious to the taste. Sold by rill Druggists. - \Vhl. I3. MOREIIOUSE 8L CO, I’rop’rs. I 3 t3; 5 Exchange Place... , ‘ Jersey City, N. J. P.S.â€"-â€".TllP subscriber-swish to engage a few active men, as Local and 'I’ravelling, Agents for their house, to whom liberal inducements will be ofl'crctl. 342-132 General. ficore, AT AURORA. ._..__.. , HE Subscriber has constantly on hand a - General Assortment of" r I . as c.“ on s GROCEREESr . . . HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, &c. &c. &c. PLASTER AND SALT, Alwavs on hand, and for sale on the most favorable terms. WM. SMITH. ‘ Aurora, June 1-1, 1860. ' AN EXCELLENT FAlef FOR SALE. ‘ ACRES, 80 Cleared. .‘20 miles from Toronto,aiid three-quarters of a mile from the Kingston Road. \Vell watered, Good Buildings and in a a good state of cultivation. For further particulars apply to DR. VVINS'I‘ANLEY, :Eglington, Yonge Street. 0 October 4, 1860. 07-3111 RICHMOND HILL. , THE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that be has leased the above Hotel. For particulars, address as above. Bl-tf ‘ 2....WJbL Ivonne ,. : '..,ii‘%. . y EXJS'P 13‘, W ILL " \vOnMS - EXIST! ' "WII‘JI‘WORMS WILL won-Ms f uxrsrri Winnwonns - ‘ ' "EXlsTi' WILL wouMs WIIJL‘ nouns ‘ .. . I ;i EXISTi I ,"WILL..,tvoliits;,f‘ 3 ‘ ' ' 'EXlSTl” VVlLbWORMS j . I ' ' EXIST! , ~ *‘ wth-tvonns; ’ , V r . sexism WILL ,VVOltltl'S _ , ' . 'wiLL wouns " ' ' ' tXisy‘r . .. . AFTER 11,8th ., DR. 1dclIEKZIE§Sg DEM} SIIGT ‘CANDY; s’OLD for 15 cents. 4t Packages us.- 50 ocn'ts.‘ -"15'y“':tll respectable Dealersin Medicine, \Vb‘olesale‘by _ t l LYMAN, ELLIOT'1 31. C0,”, ' ‘ ""hi '1" , ~ Toronto. NORTHROP &‘L1flJ.\il£LXN, ' I . V, ' - Newcastle. LY MAN, CLA RE & Co. . ‘1 ' IVIontrcal. , , a i N " NEW‘ARD IMPROVED MAP OF OUR COUNTRY! TUE undersigned, l'rojector and Publisher of Descriptive Maps of the I’opulous and VVealtlly Counties of Norfolk. Oxford, Brant, Dalton, York, and Ontario, (all of which have been , Favorably Noticed by the City and ,Country l’resegl’roposes to Publish, Drawn 'to a Large Scaleyieither 520 miles to 3 inches, or 6 miles to one inch,â€" ‘A Topographical. Statistical,& illustrated MAP 0F UPPER CANADA ! ‘Exliibiting the. Great Lakes, Harbors and Ports; Canals, Rivers. and Principal Mill Streams; the Railways, Railway Stations, and .Stage Routes in connection therewith; the Post Offices, Money Order Offices, and Tele- graph Stations, as shown on the Map prepared by order of the Post Master General, by John Down . Post Office Insrector; the one- 7 C1 : O ‘ _ ‘ ' ‘g ral Boundaries, Counties, County towns, ,Citics,"l‘owns, and “Villages, with the p incipal or most direct Roads connecting them , the and Incorporated Village in the Province ; and other Important and appropriate Informa- lion, compiled from the Census and Statistical Returns of the present year. ILLUSTRATED ‘Bv well executed Views of the Cities of Clâ€" ta'wa, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, and Lori- don ; a View of the Falls of Niagara ; With a View of the Niagara Suspension Bridge, ac- companied by a Description of it. Also Views of Provincial Buildingsâ€"the New [lenses of Parliament, the Normal School, .ronto University. the last, sold by competent ‘Judges to be the Finest Bulldlng‘ ofits Class in Amerca. lfvENCOURAGED ,To acconipliSli this Important Work, tbelMap (Size, including a Border formed by a tasteful arrangemcnt'of‘the. Emblems of Canada. at least 6 feet from East tolAVesL'x 4‘te 4.} feet from North to Soutb,‘) will be completed, hero, in from three to five years. ; IN an'rrorra‘rron Of a General Patronage, the Price has been permanently fixed at FIVE AND A-HAI.F Dot.- LABS, payable (only) on delivery of the Map in Good Order and Condition, handsomely Colored, Varnisbcd and ,Mountcd. 11:19PM up for the Pocket at $6 00. GEORGE C. T tEMAINE. Toronto, January. 1861. shamans, ENTEREST. f HIE Subscriber bch to intimate to the Farmers oftbe County of York, that. be is prepared to Manufacture and Sell lllll‘llll Illlllll \Vitli the improved Draft and Coupling Irons, The above Harrows are far-superior to any new 'in use, being ‘made on an entire new principle. Tbey‘will he found to do the work rnucb quicker and better than any other Har- rows. Specimens of the above may be seen and particulars as to price ascertained, by ap- plying to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Hill, Who will punctualiy'attend to all orders. SAMUEL SANDEItSON, Richmond Hill, Feb. 24, 1860. 5-tf ' Advertisement. - 3 hereby bear testimonv that I have tried SANDERSON’S ROTATING HAR- ROWS, on mysurnmor fallow, last Saturday. and Monday. and have found them up to all that Mr. Sanderson represents them to be. They are NOT of any heavier draft than the common barrow, and do the work to my utmost satisfaction. I confidently recommend them to all who require implements oftbe kind. RICHARD VANDERBURGH Richmond Hill. June 20, 1860. ,White fiarfi, Valuablc’E’I-operty forSalc IZ: 63 A.cres,,23 of which is timbered, 40 Acres under'Cul‘tivation. Several PARK LOTS with timber thereon. Also. VILLAGE PROPERTY with or i where he will keep constantly oni‘,hand a good without Buildings. supply of first-class Liquors, «Sac. As this house possesses every accon'imodation ‘ Tra- \ vellers can desire. those who wish to ystay where { they can find every comfort are respectfully in- Vited to give him a call. V ' . CORNELIUS VAN NOSTRAND. ‘ Richmond Hill. Dec. 538. .1860. _- 108-1; The above property is situated at, and ad- joining to, the Village of Population of each City, Town, 'I‘ownsliip,. Osgoode llall, Trinity College,»and the 'l'o- : . .3, 'Establisliedforfibp 'c'ui-e'csrgf'ftj “ ‘ DYSI’EPSIA, o. E N E R A l. nu‘nILiT-Y, ruvna AND noun, ASTHMAJ .srnx'crrinN-r CONSUMPTION, construction or vourn AND OLD'AGE, ETC. , lNo Ricrctn'y Used. Dr. Amos con‘NEn OF MAIN at QUAY S'I‘S., . Buffalo, New York, RE the onlv Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of'vdisease. I . The treatmentthey-adopt is the result of up: wards of thirty years’ extensive and successful practice in Europe andAinei-ica. 1. MOST SCIEVTIFIC‘INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lity, of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal V'VeakneSs, Che.~ Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 520 days, by ' the use ol‘ this lustrulliellt, when used con- jointly with medicines. rouse MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NUTICE. Dr. Amos Sc Son take pleasure, 111‘ authentic- ing that they have invented 'a most important 8* :TM“'w'ma’mwz‘rfii‘smwwwmm ‘ . . . . . ., -. . . . ,. . . ,. , Maw, H, , MM .1, an“. .. . . .. i ' «sand. saw-v. - ..." _ v.17- ..'..t.“-'~‘. . . -.. r... st- -- e t we. -.: e - . .rx:.-i~'-».r.i~:n~;iv...1...t..,'p-et.«.~ .~ ~ ~. 3 " “ " ‘ L E We r . r Tina mom 1 scar. arr. Jam-1s, . NE IV TREA TMEN T. LAND snort-@Mzfl? , season. a at. abides. . . r .» r , - . ~ r " title-‘3 3 ‘ ‘ m cumcmv, i Buffalo Medical Dispensary.“ . < ; ;-. . , .. .. v” . . yd: ' ~_ .tgt'rmi ' {30,000 ‘Aoreagtuzmvisg TUATE'D‘iI‘I thelcouinties of LAMP’r'on-htllu‘i Climax: Alkmeoessnrydnformationwillgbpm given on application, postpaid, to ,Mans Langsm for. Also,is_ome iihprove‘d ifo'ItEN‘T." " Wallaccburgh, Nov. 94,: 1850." t q. Good Health and long MA vou’s‘ LONG , 'LZFE' Are warranted not1 to contain any Mercury- These Pills are composed of thermost select 7 Drugs, and being purely vegetable,’ can :50 taken at ally season of the year if Iiecessnn'5“? with safety and without. fear of taking cold by», exposure, which renders them of great value and superior to any other medicinefleveryet, offered to the public. The satisfactory iind‘flutf tci‘ing tostinoniuls" received by tl’i'e‘I’l'opriotvfi‘” has induced him to advertise these involutith Pills that the public may be convinced of a. simple and cflic=cious remedy, is alone suflici-a out to :subdue and cure the ordinary sickness I? this country, such as Pains in [bell-cad,- Bitch and Loiiis, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsjpa);2 instrumcntfor the. cure of the above diseases. tllldlgestion, Sorcness ot' the Throat. Cramps. It has been subjected to {Host of-lho I‘nost em- inent physicians in London. Paris. Philadelphia and New York r it has been declared the onlv usot'rl instrument over yet invented" for this cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. ‘ i ’ Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the mast skeptical as IE the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any ins‘tance where it may prove‘unsatisfactory, after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning ' the instrument in food order. s Persons wishing the above useful instrument, will observe that the price, with the accent- paiiying directions; securely packed, and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. ‘ KEV-V RICMENIICS AND QUICK CERES -â€"A 'CURE IVARRAbTED. Dr, Amos Sr. Son‘bavc, for a longv’scries of :. years, been engaged in an extensive pmctico in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, ' or from whom genuine European remedcs can be obtained. Persons in any part of tho wmld may be suc- cessfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of‘tlielr cascs,'with-a remittance for medicines, &c.,*wbich will be returned with the utmost dispatch and secure from observation. Address Dr. Amos Soy, corner Main and Quay streets, Buffalo, N, Y . 88-ly . r 3 >‘ - W . for". @343. E E, A, MILLWRIGIIT, egerOo”dQ, lBEGS to intimate that ho is now prepared to l erect MlLLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms' He is also agent for the. best Foundries in Caâ€" nada.and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec 23, 1859 4 Quebec Government Agency. ,BUSINESS connected with the CROWN r LAND and other Public Departments attended to ; also, Patients for Inventions, Secured by the Subscriber. Address, prepaid, E. J. CHESLEY, No, :29 Anne Street, Quebec. Quebec, March 6, 1650. 67-tf Afimfifiim A. 2 , on the I'NS'I‘AN'L‘ RELIEF and PER- MANEN’I‘ CURE of this distressing [complaint use FER/7%”E) T’S BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES 1 Made by C. It. SEYMOUR & Co., 107 Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. ’ )ATEITT Eave'Trougbs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put up at 6 cents per foot ; A also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picket Gales, \Vaggon Fel- lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning in general Manufactured and for sale by JOHN LANCSTAFF, STEAM- MII.L5, 'I'uonNIIiLL. June3,1859. 97--tf ‘3 i, MA routs CONDlTlON PHYSIC WORM DESTROYER. VITIIIS Splendid Medicine can be given in one Ball at any time of the year, without injury to the Horse, and has been used by the Farmers of Markham for the last two years with a success unprrcodeiited. By the use of this remedy it Will convince the owners oftliat noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- sary outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders, which are too well_known to contain. minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of the Stomach. The Ball is a compound of Pure Vegetabe, and warranted not to contain either Mercury, Arsenic, Anti- mony or any other Mineral. Its immediate action is surprising and the ultimate effect has astonished thousands. If the Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and lie is all right. One dose at the cost of 25 cents is sufficient to cure Hide Bound, Loss of Appe- . tite, Coughs, Colds and Fever, Distemper, Stoppage of Vv’ater, Swolled Legs, Greasemnd’ is a complete Destroyer of Worms, a greatpuri- fve‘r of the Blood, and 8. good: Physic, always rocornmended to be givonin the Spring and Fall, which will act as a preventive and Sin- prove the general condition. Makes him com- pletelyupto the mark for his work, thereeby giving every satisfaction the owner can require. Testimonials oftbe highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if required. Cash Termsâ€"One Dollar per packet containing . four Balls. . Letters prepaid enclosing a remittence. Will' be promptly attended to. . Printed Directions wrapped round each Ball with my signature in full, without which none other are genuine. 05?} (soâ€"Victoria~ “Square, Manufactoryâ€"étth , Eâ€"Iill. concession Markham, For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond Hill, Sept 26, 1660., QG-tf ts. . THOMAS MAYOR The onlv maker ofltho original Yorkshire Dfltfic‘ld on. in America. on Officeâ€"Victoria Square. ' ‘ ManufaCtoryâ€"édi‘ Con. Markham. . . _ . r till tutti. Mouths two dollars will be charged. Colics, Worms in Children; and other-{disfi- ders, which will betoundon tirewrappervvitlu instructions for taking them. ‘ s2 1. ,lfz'icg,,2,5 Cents each: Box. 1 p. Sold by Druggists and general Storekeeper... who are requested not to purchase oftravellin‘ Agents. "‘ "l" “' ‘ "’r THOMAS MAYOR. ~ Our Musical Friendw dour. MUSICAL FRIEND,” altar-3f Companioiffo'r tl:e='~\’Vinte‘r Montl’t‘slm‘ ’ Should " procure this 'woekly Publicationt 01‘ Every Teacher, Vocal and..l’iano Fort; Every Pupil, , Music, costing but), Every Amateur, ’ cents a number, hit'd Pronounced by the entire Press orientation-y", Every I’iaufs‘t, Every Singer; p . to be 2 - “ BEST AND CHEAPEST “’03,; A OF THE KIND IN THE \VURLD'” 1, Twelve fullâ€"sized Pages of Vocal and Piano , ' Forte Music for 10 Cents. ' " ' Yearly,$5 ; Half-yearly,$‘2 50; Quarterly$lfl5 . l V Subscriber to “ Our Musical Friende dr order it from the nearest Newsdcnler‘, and yet! will have Music for your entire family at an insignificant cost; and if you want Music or the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet. Accordion &c. Ate subscribe to the $010 Melodietgjj; Containing 12 pages, costing only 10 curtain number; Yearly, $2 50 ; Half-yearly. t8} All back numbers at 10 cts.. and Bound Volumes, Containing 17_ numbers, at $9 50 each, constantly on’band. ‘1 "I C. B. SEYMOUR & CO."- 107 Nansen 81,. New York Fire! 1 .' W. E i“ '1‘ E R N Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. . Fire 1 Fire ! ! INCORPORATED FY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. C'JIPI'I'JlL STU CK, £100,000. " .. l. C. GILMOR,I>1'OS. { GEO. bIICIIIi;,Vice.I’ru. nutrzcrous : Rice Lewis, Esq. James Meaty. Esq. T, P. Roberts, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. | Bernard IIaldan, Esq. Secretory &- Treasurir. Angus Morrison. Esq. Solicitor. t Bank ofUppcr Canada. Bankers. Btnjanlln Switzcr, Esq. Inspector. 'I‘llOS. I-Iawortb, Esq.” W. Henderson, Esq. W. Macfarlane, Esq. [13’ Head Ofiicc, Church Street, "Toronto. .19 "ft THIS COMPANY lnstires all descriptionslof Buildings,Manufactories, Mills, 610.. and Goods and Furniture, in the some, against loss or dam- age by fire, on liberalterms. Losees promptly settled. , A. LAW, , , Residence. General.) out. ‘Richir‘ond IlillAugust 13. 1857. 1150-1 7 L' ; Lil "‘ it torrid “diliâ€" n: Is PUIfLISI-IED EVERY FRIDAY h/IORN'ING, And d’espatcbed to Subscribers by the earliest mails, or other conveyance. when so desifid The YORK HERALD will always “1.. be found to contain the latestand moot imper- taiil Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it ttCCt‘pttiblr to the man of busingso. , it and a valuable Ifai’iiili Newspaper. '1‘EltMS.-â€"â€"Sovcii and SixpenceperAnnurn, IN ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three RATES OF ADVERTISING} Six lines and under, first insertion.. . . {$00 58 Each subsequent innertion. . . . . . . . . . . 00119 I‘en lines and under, first insertion. ,. , . 00 3'5} Above ten lines, first in., per 11116.... 00 07 Each subsequcntinsertion, pel‘line . . . . 00,02 ‘3' Advertisements without written, diréc- tion's inserted till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. ‘ All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to . , portieii‘ad- vertising by the year. ' ‘,,,All advertisements published for aal’esepe- riod than one month, .must be paid for in‘ ad- vance. , . All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. No paperdiscontinued until allarrearages are- paid : and parties refusing papers without‘p'ay ing up, will be held accountable for thegsub- scription. 3 . -hhA»»A.._-A,...~_,.,._-A--. TIIE' YORK HERA LD vfiook arid Job: Emitting ESTABLISMENT. RDERS for any of the undormentionefi description of 1’ JAIN and FANCY 30,3 WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" Booxs, FANCY BILI.S, nosxunss CARDS, LA’RGE AND SMALL Pos'rnns,cmcm.ans, LAW roams, BILL HEADSJZANK cnucnsmnnr'rsmnn: PAMP HLE 'r 5. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING!“ ‘ done in the beststyle, at moderate rated. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large’v'afiety ofiiew Fancy Type and Borders,, or=CIrdl, Circulars, &C. kept always on hand. My _ .' ' " “inllaceburfilf‘:M t: ‘ ’1 ' czar,“ Mir: PILL “1'12 \/

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