York Herald, 16 Mar 1860, p. 4

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(1’), l Easiness minder NVV'V‘fVV'\/\./VÂ¥ru'\4’xI V\., \.- ,_, . . t , WALTER B. GEIKIE, MI). I icenliato I'lftlll' illr;([icu,l Board of Upper (17mm- (111, and recently um: 13/" the Illttrlicril officers 0]“ the Toronto General Hospital, and Professor of" Anatomy 117111 Surgery in. Dr. Help/1’s Medical School, . . 1., AS returned to AURORA, and lye-taken q his former residence. on Yonge Street, where he may be consulted at all times, on the various branches of his profession. Aurora, Feb. 2-1, 1860. "new TAELOR $1101). 1’ 1111'} undersigned begs respectfully to inform | the inhabitants of Richmond. 111.11 a Vicinity T bat he has commenced business in the Tailor 1111111110 in the house adjoining MRS IVERS’ SHOE SHOP, 16111111}. WHAT SHALL MY SONG BE TO-NIGH'I‘ ? .._.1 What shall my song he tonight '1 Said a. youthful bard as the lute be swept ; Where shall my fancy take flight, To the field of death, or the maid that wept? The beauty and worth of my Fanny, too long Have been the one theme of my lute and my .. w. 7.. A.-._...__.__,’ song. To the past, shall my memory stray, The dead leaves cf hope from the cold earth rake ; To the future, my wings essay, From the depths of the spirit some moral awake ; For the beauty and worth of my Fanny, too 1 long “’here, by close application to business and " lease he hopes to merit a share 01' ’ f 1 ' to and m ' Sludlmg ‘0 1’ r , . __ . IIave beengtbe one theme o 11) In 3 Pubhc Patronage. song. ' union“) ALL ORDERS PUSCTUALLY 1'0. Better be joyous and glad, The sombre reflection can ever be found ; Each heart finds enough to be sad, As it. beats through the day in its lonely in any style. JAMES 15. B111 NES, Richmond Hill, Feb, 10, 1860. 63-1)" round. w ,. 7 Yet the beauty and worth of my Fanny, 100 T' J ' W H E E‘ L E R’ long , WA'I‘CI‘I 8e CLOCK MAKER, Have been the one theme of my luto and my JEWELLER, gm, RICHMOND HILL. 53~ly song. Dec. 3, 1859, The borne of my youth so dear ’1 Oh, no, it recalls the sweet blossoms slicd ; The forms 1 so much revere, Now mingled, alas I with the silent dead, The fancy to fetter must surely be wrong, For Fanny is still the dear theme of my song. Auctimn Notice. TI'IOMASâ€"EOWMAN, I11i'tccnsctl Auctioneer, FOR 'rmc COUN '11 OF YORK do PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira,” 1’.O. wil receive prompt attention. Ordorsrcceivcd a the “ York Ilerttld" ()tlico, Richmond Ililll Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornhill, ant. Mr, James Cavaunah, Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms, Soc. may be obtaiced. 31 l.‘ 1‘, 1.11., 1. When the wolf turns moralist always look to your lambs. Almira, Nov. 125, 1859. 62â€"11“. Politeness like runnin water smooths “WTâ€"Mimum :M‘Zmp ’ mm" . ’ g ’ (.0 to the rugged stone. 1 ‘ . . . j . . 113. BOWMAN’S MlLLSl An indiscrcct person is like an unsealed VVITH YOUR. letter which everybody can pcrusc. CARDING & GRISTING, tvhere parties from a distance can have it 110110 to take with them on their return home. Almira, May 13 W‘ .‘24-11‘. R 111-1141111111 11.1111111‘1011, . vcuddle an d 1511:3111cssl‘ilakci'g , RICHMOND 111111.5- Ricbmond Hill, Dec. 1858. ' It is not the quantity of the meat, but the cheerfuluess of the guests, which makes the feast. I 1‘. Live wrthm your means, whose stretches lximsdf beyond the shoot his feet go barc. Excess of ceremony shows want of breeding. The civility is best which eit- cludes all superfluous formality. 1 t, 11:11a1111.1111711111311attrition: 1 MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOI) Accommodations. 'Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MA RR, Proprietor. A Careless IIotisctiiaitl.~'I‘liat' girl would break the Bank of ling-land if she put her band upon it. Sonney, what is the meaning of Ency- clical '1’ ‘All round my hat si -' Good Boy, here’s a Yorker for you I’ n- ‘ 3 Markham, June1859. 2641 The current coin of life is plain sound . 1. .A . J . I j. 44 J- sense- \Ve drive a more substantial trade Wm, that than with aught else. STAGE ru.1s from the above Hotel to l 1 S ’l oronto, every morning, starting from the Light Mills at 7. 11.111, and returning at 7. p.111. Fare, 25. 6d each way. ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD N ICIIOLLS, Proprietor. 1-55 _~.. M...â€" The value of three things is justly ap- preciated by three classes of persons. The value ofyouth by the old, the value of health by the deseased, the value of wealthiby the needy. GOO!) (\F’N ‘00. to Richmond Hill, Dec.18,1 G. H. ‘ I find, Dick, that. you are in the habit; of taking my best jokes, and passing them 0-11 as your own. Do you call that gentleâ€" :nttnly conduct?’ ‘ To be sure .1 do, Tom. A true gentleman always takes a joke from .1 friend.’ URGEON Dentist, will be at Niclioll’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, the Fias‘r Mommy of every month, and, the remainder of the mouth at his residence 'I'hornbill. All “'oik \Varrantcd. July 8, 18.31). ‘I stand,’ said a Western stump orator, 1 ‘ on the broad platform of the principles of “ ’99, and palsicd be my arm if I desert 1 ’um.’ ‘YOU stand on nothing of the kindf said a little shoemaker in the crowd 5 ‘you stand in my boots that yeti never paid me for, and 1 want the money.’ HALF-WAY 11111135, 1111} Subscriber begs to inform his numer- r I E 0115‘ Patrons and the public, that he has Apt l’uptls,.-â€"â€"A chaplain was 011cc removed from the White Swan Hotel to the preaching to a class of collegians about "50"“ lil‘t‘misefi. where there Will'be found the formation of hqbits ___cG(,ntle1nnna excellent accommodation tor lravellers, and . ’ t 1 _ . t I. . . . Good Stabling. said be, ‘close your cat's against bad d1:- H d I) , f. n, 11 1 " - 1;”? o scs . - m :_' ~ _ ~ , cou1‘scs.’â€"â€"Ihc students immediately clap» ~ r m N551“ 0‘ “‘3 ped their hands to their ears. JOSE 1’11 GARY, , , . , v r r Pmprictm'. Klee1’ YO.“ “ “1’4 ‘1 0” 1.,10‘.‘ “‘10,o.:1.2‘2, 1838. 72â€"7 my word, so, when I. tell you Will call 1‘ - __c_ and liquidate your demand on Saturday I'IOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin morning next?’ said a delinquent debtor T unnin creditor wi‘li whom he had 1 , . , to a d g ’ t i ‘ and tron l’late \Votke/s, and 11 urmshmg Ironmongers, Parties giving this house a call sharp words.â€"-‘ “i will find their orders punctually attended to No, sir,’ replied the other, I had rather you would keep your word.” and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1558. J. VERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker, YONG]: S'I‘REE' ', H RICHMOND HILL. u”. 1111mm 8: Co. Pat’s Dilem1na.â€"â€""1‘her’s two ways 0! doing it, said Fat to himself, as 11c stood musing and waiting for a job. ‘11‘ 1 would save £101), 1 must lay up £20 a year for twenty yours, or .1 can put by £9. aoyear for two hundred years. Now, which way will I do it.’ A ‘ Till" in Married Life.â€"-‘.Ve wcnt iii- to the town and 50011 June spied a gown in a shop window which she liked so well she wanted me to give it her. We asked the price; it was so dear 1 could not afford it, we have spent so much. She coaxed me, and called me her dear old John; but I had made up my mind, and will“ not change, though it vexed me mightily to deny her anything; she grew angry, ‘and that vexed me more. She wondered 1. could deny he mything, and we went our way much disquictctl, and she would not hold my arm nor turn her face to me. I felt a clnnl not to give her this little thing when we had been so short a time’iv'cd. I would it I had the money. It was a vcry fair evening, and from the. Haigh top we saw the sun nearing~ its settâ€" ing crimson on the sea, and heard the larlts singing in the air, but we neither can;. nor talked, and i felt downcast in my heart, thinking I should never make her happy. “79 qgot‘home, and I put the horse up, Jane sitting'on a little chair by the door, but never speaking; so 1 steed apart, and 54-1 Ladies" and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after tholatost styles. December 1858. 1- m n. t r. .i'f LOYXEWBRME GE Loncn, no.eee, KEEPS at 117111. DcROSE’S HOTEL Victoria Square, the last Friday even- ing in each mouth. 1 l OFFICE-1'18 ELECT : THOMAS SNOVVDEN, Master. JAMES NEAL, Deputy. i TEETH EXTRACTfiDf ' 1 1 the use nfgéjiggrzgqy’ 'B y 1) r. E. o; 0211,, AURORA. ) ' ‘ Teeth inserted 011 Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. Allf'i‘Operations in his Profession, performed inf'thc most approved manner and “WVarranted' ‘ Aurora, March 9, 1860. SURGIZGN DEN'I'ISI‘, ’ taken at diggsoasot‘ With safety and. without. fear of taking cold by exposure, whichreudcrs them of great value and superior to~ any “other medicine ov-cr yet. offered to drape-bile, "l'he satisfacto 'y and 11:11,. 67-1-y YONGE STREET HOTEL, Minolta. kl ' .n.‘ a. r.._-â€".._(_ “A ‘1. ’l‘UlTIO 1111751113.,- R. client 1 VF,‘ .11 . of fvlnsic and _(irgauist, of every 'I‘ucsdny and 1‘":1turtl:1y. VCommunica- tions left :11 Mr. R. Nichnllh Richmond 11111 Hotel, uill rccieve prompt attention. 32 Trinity Square, Toronto, January 1860. {it-1f 1 .DR.L.LANG rt WW I...) .1; [Til-JP, SPRING HILL, near King Station. House. formerly occupied by Dr, Hillary. King, May 13. 15.39. 2111- 1y ' New Elect. an (1 455.1109 ore 1N BU'I"1‘UN‘.'1LLE. 11E Subscriber returns his thanks to the. public for past support anti begs to state that .1115 has removed into the Village of llnttonville, when he hopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofore given him. All orders executed with despatch and work warranted. ‘ DAYlD GALLO‘A’AY, ‘ Buttonvillo, Nov. 11, 1&9. --f.thly Photographs ! Atnbrotypos 1 Mum NI:1()'1‘Y1’.‘£S ! LFT’t'ERGRAPHS, &C. All styles of Pictures taken at t' 0 Medical Ill-all, Markham, I On reasonable terms, and in all weathers. 1 Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. _ l. C. DUNUAM. Markham Village. Oct. 11, 18131). 85 DB 3' 5‘, .._ .f, W11 C. .Aufll’vt ‘31.. fl . , . r ' 1:911th011 Dentist, 99 1:11:11 -1‘. warn stnr. 'rninn noon Wilh’t‘ anon CHURCH ST. 'l‘OltUN'L'O I'll“; :lze l’1*1~~1"=«tt~1' of Oliver’s Pate‘ __ piymr 11y. ‘1" pmvcnt 1,1111 in 19-:- tt'actlng teeth; and 1111411111 1111 Apt» nuts for iiitttiti'dctnring \ul.’r.1111e Rubin-1' sets and l’nrtini 1+: 1 . ,. Iltllt‘b‘ 101 11.5.1 teeth. 'l'ct-th mounted the case. 0" 1’ ~1, 1 , Toronto, Angus 18. J u. MAYHESM tit.- Fl‘lZGE 1'11. Barristers, Attorneys at;â€" SOLIt‘l'l‘ORS in: (IMANCLJRY 01’1"! C1”. 91 Layv Le. . t ’ CORNER OF 1111th; A711) TORONTO S'l'ltIlE'I‘S Over \Vhi'tmorc .1; Co’s. 3.1 Us.» 1.1.:- T0 Agency Particular/y attended {0. THOMAS G. 11111111311111. Toronto, July 1, 1:359, 31011111111" ()11 17411977111 ice, 1 . i . .1. 11:5 11121111111111) 31-11” CORNER CI" YOAGE AND COLBULN ’l‘llORi‘tllILL. .1 ll l’t‘ct;1:‘.'iplioiis got at tho Otlico must be paid tor on delivery. ill-Iv s't'n.tct;'t‘s, Dr. EgUROLON 111111, ilztit'ltham Viticge. Juno .‘ltl. legit. fillâ€"13‘ ramps 1. BABEER,§. 1M 1’0 RTF. 11. and Dec ler in Dry Goods, Groceries. l’ttints, Oils, and Die Stuffs, Patent Medicines. Glass, l’utty. Nails â€"â€"Low 1 very low for Poshâ€"-Mzukhani Village. June 3:”, 1 1 Richmond Hill. June 1853. l 1.1:; U1. 31-6111 P. C R O S B Y, MI’ORTER of Dry Goods. Grocurics. ‘111’incs. Liquors, liardwaro, etc. 31-13111 y‘er‘)"~,rr‘r' TVE‘VV} 11.10111’x1111111 1101.11.11. l ‘lIIE Subscriber begs to infortn the I’ublic that he. has lean-.11 the above Premises, and tilted them up in a neat and comfortable style. loardcrs and transient visitors; will 11nd the. accommodations in every way agreeable. The best 01' Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. Good stahling and attentive hostlois. HENRY LEMON, Proprietor. Thornhill, Jan. 15.39. p- ) -I (n QWAN HOTEL, '1‘11()1ti\llll.i.. Good k Accommodation 1 r 'l‘ravcllers. (1' JOlll‘.r SillIJLfti, l’repi’ietor Thornhill, Dec. 1851). 1-11. To, the Sick. longing. w‘. QNIDICR, of the 7th concession 111 ‘A '11-». u Va‘irrb' 11 rear L331'1‘1111111'11l' P‘l"t1‘“"l"€0‘i 1butt , . t 4... 111a b 1, 0 11 A...“ -. to cure 711 I. . r 1. *.. ('1 . ' cit” git x. 111's. 1: _ , . 11 .71 7% 9, Centers, £1.11 .1111 c And many other Diseases. l’ol‘soliS {labouring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do well to call in time. All letters to, be paid, and addressed to PETER 1131” NO CURE KO 1’ August (5, 15.38 S3115 lDER, Kiln eburgh 1 ~:7 At. (El-1 ._c .4-..». a-.. A“ W... _ . s‘.__4,_-.-v.....,_..A~â€",â€"â€"â€"v JOHN GAULEY. Tl'reitsurcr. by and by she gets up and goes about the ‘ JOIIN BU’l‘TON, Secretory. tiowerbeds, gathering one bet 0 and there, and then comes nearer and nearer, and Vlcmrla Squaw, MW 71 1558' 1478'1' then I see a little hand putting flowers in W-“ -._ -.- - A, 1111’ coat, pull; ltlllEAgflzildeOllwa? is laid Rich 111110111111 Victoria, on my 5101) 91’. » ti ‘ 1, . am so _ ‘T , M .7 "Q snrry 5 so sorry-33 éhe Le“: ,ne that She ()lizlhn (1 1,1 KO. 7 v, meets at Brother Robert VViseinzuis, Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening after the Full Moon in each month. eOi‘i‘icnns ISLr:c1‘â€"-â€" Villiain Master; R. \Viseman, Deputy Master; John Munholland, Secretary ' \Hl’ogueffrcasurer‘ January 21, 1858_ 331 does not want the gown, only for me to love her and be happy. She is only a, baby, she sa '5, and I must treat her as t such, and scold her. And then we love one another mightily again, and lac-happy. )uncan,, 1 NV. '1’. 1.111;- .1, also N, a Go. hil’ORTl‘IRS CF ENGLISH DRUGS, .111 ' ~ h. 1 x .11! r‘, '1 Manufactu; c1 :1 c 1' tn: attests Patent Medicines do Perfumery. 551‘ 1 Aro'rii «stuns 11111.1, 0119051111: THE c_'rni:ni:f2 1:." “’11. Torci‘zto. “it. .- .. ;’1 L ub'lL‘. _ Fro; 11o. " Cattle dings 4 t .‘: :111 .1 With the bestflngh: 1859. . .‘v 01 v in u Medicines prepared Toronto, A ugut‘t 27, F. (iltAllAl’i-‘I, l’ro’osior" rlvlll'olliU, . . :passes throth Hit-11111111111 (till, ’1.‘harnhill; dire. Garments cut to order 011 the shortest notice, 1 ’ ' on Gold or otherwise to suit the necessitv of llll(l:liCCll1'llllL'Itl1)L‘Illibl,i\l€dlCill ‘ GOOD supply of “lines and Liquors aiwavs 011 hand. Excellent Accummg- dation for ~'I‘ravollers, Farmers, and others. Cigars 01' all brands. ' I). McLEOD, Proprietor. I Aurora. June 6, 1859. 2 ,fly 1 1 JAMES HALL, TAS always on hand 11. large t of _ l Hours and snous, which will be Fold at prices to meet the times ticiiinond ilill, Dec. .1858. 1 1â€"11 PATRECK LYNOTT, “181111) AUC'l‘Ile’liEll, 1L1 the Hth of Cattle, Stock, &c. is pre- 1 I l 1 1 1 l I ' 1.1131 1 l 71771011 " pared to atten per Belinda. ' 1111111110111 11111 May 5215, 1859. F033. sarcasm; 200,6th feet of Lunar leer ENCLUDING Flooring, Sidiiig,lnch Boards, and two-inch I’lank, Scantling, 1&1: ,d;c., at the subscriber’s Mill, near Stouil'villo, cheap for Cashor A pprovod Cicdit. . I JAMES BUOG. Storitl'v'ille,'1\jxi'il 12, 1559. 23-112 191-2. 1 ROBlCR'l‘ 811711313, Boot and Shoe Maker, , 1‘1. DJOlNlDtG the \‘Vcsloyan Methodist A Chapel, Yonge Street, Riclii‘n'ri'iid’grllill. A choice selection of (lentlcnions’, Ladies. and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand, atid made to order on the Shortest .No- tice. . 113’ All kinds of Shootnakers~ Findings for sale Richmond llill, Dec. 1558, 1-11. 1 'l‘tlltllk 'l‘tl €111 1115111111111) W 111111113? 185 it" 0211.211) S'l‘ALE'I‘. MONU 11311211913, TOMBTABLES ’.1‘(-).\‘1115'1‘ON,1§:§, &c. I Cheaper l JCS'I‘A BIJSHMXN 1‘. Cent 0'1 lllZR TW cztty Per 'I‘IIA N A5 ‘1' F‘?""" 17“”11’llfilthlill) Assignees of the i ' .1 12‘, 17.1%: \V. TALK, vxillcon business under the superintondence or our duly authorized agents, Ant/rm Anniv and l), Cannes mez. whose receipt will be: 1111')" 111511111.1vletlgotl. 1’.S.-â€"-â€"All notes and accaunts remaining un- 1 paid on the 1st day of June, 1855, will be, put into Court for collection, ( I. Y A 1,113, (SUMMER. Toronto, April ‘29, 18511. -18-tf. " A} 1: “1 '131 ‘1 t. To c: , '1 ’ Budd‘s 111.11%,1 it 1:111 111-1 “3.15111... (1n Easy Terms of Payment. esmfiocace Acres, iiilTllA'l'l‘illiu the counties of l..‘.'.\lPTt)b' iiiitl KENT. All necessary information will be given on application, post paid, to MILES LAN G STA FF, \TttliflCUDlll‘gll- Also, some improved FA RMS to RENT. Viallaccburgb, Nov. 911, 1859. 572-11 1 YORK lVllLLS HOTEL, YONGIC S'l‘llEE'I‘. GOOD supply of? 1111x115 and l_.iocous always on hand. Cigars of all brands." l‘jxcellcnt accommodation for 'l'ravcllers, Faiâ€" ‘ mers and others. A 1111 York Mills, Dec. 17, 1" t A .1 1 <3 4A3- 1111.11, Fl (ipi'ictcl’. 551). 55-0111 1\lA_"1"1‘HE\‘v’ LiarPEu, . .5 Has always on hand a good 2.115111111151111 efi' DRY Goons, enoonurns, 610. 15: (i. Tito lltlltlit’ufy lcpartnicnt “1111 be found replete with the Newest and Most P‘fltiiiflllfllllu Styles 01 ‘ Recruits, dwemt‘lcs 113' (hopes Aurora. February 17, 1860. tit-if éL'c. DR. R, W. titLLAItY, PHYSECAN, SURGEON & ACCUUCHEUR, AURORA, OW. February 17, 1560. [54 1y Aucticem N 013106. 'J‘HOMASTTVILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, FOR Tull COUNTIES 011' I V Y BK, PEEL 8t ON’l‘ARIO. All letters addrench, MARKHAM VILLAGH. wil receive prompt attention. , 113’ ‘ Orders re- ceived at the “ llL‘ttALi)“ Ollice. Richmond ill, whore terms, 5:13., may be ascertained. Markham Village, Nov. 18,1859. 51-11 .A... HARNESS Alli) SHOE BLABKlNG. 17”“ V. ELL’S Superior VVatorproof Harness i o and Shoo Blocking is warranted to soften leather, and rent or it llnpOTlfiUSlQ wet, Matin- factored at Richmond ilili, and sold by Store- keepers and Harness Makers throughout the Province. February 111, 1860. 6341' 11111111111511 1111.1. 1111111 FOUNDRY. that he has opened a FOUNDRY for the TWO/1‘3 1111:1111 PLOUGHS, 1.».11’. . t. (41.1.? tango 'Ploughs. Fanning ’ dorse Hoes, 851101392 Rakes- }; I, ranted. 111A B. RICHMOND. Richmond Hill, Jan.12,1859. not L 011%,, .L , has induce (1 Sales in on 1,9“? of UP- ’ 1 DR years been on . . . ., .. . 3. manufacture ot O, Richmond’s improved from whogn-gen ebtamcd. " and Health and Long Life. MATE-R’s PILL s .1 Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. 1 These I’illsiare composed of the most select Drugs, anfi‘iboing p‘tfi‘ely vegetable, can be the vearif necessarv, teriug testifiouials’ received by the Proprietor, advertise these invaluable Fills that t wid‘fibay be convinced of a simple and vb éii‘b‘itomcdy, is alone sutiici- out to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness of this country, such as I’ains in the Head, Back and Lotus, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or indigestion, Sarcness of the Throat, Cramps, ‘ Colics, \‘Vorms in Children, and other disorâ€" ders, which will be found on the wrapper with instructions for taking then). Price, 25 Cents inch Box. Sold by Druggists and general Storekeepors, who are motioned not to purchase of traVclting Agents. ' i ' ' i-to THOMAS MAYOR. Ofliceâ€"Vietori'a Square. Manufactoryâ€"«lth Con. Markham. AFFpiCTED READ! EUROPEAN JUEDIC'AL. USE ‘ AND V- _, Botanic Bispcrwwr’y, No. 51, litsio..S'rui-:u'r 1V115'r, TortoNTo, C.VV. icsranusunn 1111 Dr. GOODING, (formerly of England. ,1 N11111:; SPEEDY, AND UC- _ CESSFUL mode of treating " " Lira Complaint,Dow/715m, Arc/tons Debi/1713!, Zlfamcm 115 or 1V 111111713 (7onâ€" smnption, Semi/m! lidea/rncss, Dis,- cascs the-Eliz'dm'ys and JE/mo’dcr R/LL’ltfi'tttZZ'SHL, SiEI'o/iz/ti, Ste/l, [Horn/11 11111151111211, C/zrom'c (lamp/11in»: ti-c ,1 U1 113’ No charge for Advice. h Du. Gooiiiuc is now engugediin treating this class of tnalntlics with the. most astotiib‘hiiig suc- ccss. The treatment adoptrd 11511111112111 new, ‘it is based upon scientific piinciples, wifli new (lit-‘(Etht‘lCtl 1 itiicdies, without itiiiueiels-‘fir poisâ€" 01191. ients can be curedat their own houseswyhhont expense, if‘ii}, '111’111‘111‘1'1‘01'11111 country, 1110111 1.111 accurate do, ription of their case. by’1lcttcr, and have :31}? iticdic-iito sent fexpress. NERVOUS DEb’lL‘IT Young men who are troubled with weakness geiicrallv caused bv a bad habit 111511 ottth, the . ' , . ‘ . . ‘ .71. etltcts of which are dizmness, pains, torgctful- ness, SUIIiOCllIlCH a ringing in weak eves, Weakness of the buck and loworlextremc- ties. confusion of ideas, loss of theaters, wi1h lllUlfll.CllUl-§L, may be cured by thent‘you’tlfiotaiiit: Rctnedies.‘.‘f;._.“g. . :7 ‘ COUNTRY I’J'l‘lEi‘v 3 Medicineswith full directions sent 10 11111-11111 1‘71, .fol' the United States or Candda, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter,â€" Busincss correspondence strictly confidential, Address, I _ ._ f on. GoonING,' ‘ N o. .51 King Street \‘Vcst, 'I‘o‘i‘bnfo, C, V1". Toronto, February 3, 18130. ()3 Wiirii‘fir 11;. 7 11111121111 Medical Bidiiéitthry. izs'1‘.1i:1.1s111:11 FOlt '1‘11'1: cuitn'ov‘ DYSI’l'It’SH (11511211111. DEBILIIY, FEVER .1511 .actiic, St'lttilv‘ULA, oLn r1.1;i:113, GREAT 111111111- 1111311 or THE 111.0111), sxtxr 1111111111, 1111111111111, F151 111.11, ,BILES, 'Kinxri's, DEBILI'I'Y, 1n- ' -'~Y1nnt‘r1‘1-;s or votier a.“ " ' AND 01.11 1.1.1112, $ch No bier c.1133” Used 1' “$0 AMOS $5 SON, Corner of M iii] and Quay Streets, 3111131111,, New York, are the only Physicians in the Stat-o who are incin- bars of the Royal College of Sin-genus, Lon- don May be consulted from S o’cl'gck in tho morning‘until 9 o’clock at night, on‘ every state and symptom of disease. The treatment they adopt is the result of upwards 151311 years’ extensive and successful piactice in London. The most inveterate sylilptOIHS‘Ol' Disease eradicated in eight or nine days", and cases of a slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense-â€" The cure cti‘ected without confinement or hin~ drancc from business. ,. ,1. UJ’ "j; Young filmâ€"4 Take Particular « ‘ Notice. There isan evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing'up with them to manhood. satiation-.11, ifiiot reform/1d by them in due time. not only begets serious obstacles to tnatriinonizil happiness, but gives rise to a series of protracmd. insidious;‘aud deâ€" vastating atl’cc‘tions. Few of those who give .1'ay to this pernicious practice are aware 01 the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered, feel strange and lt_11£1001111111 ble feelings. and vague fears in the 11111-111. A 17110.11 Seicnlgfic Inventionu An instrument for the cure of General Dc- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Ne’rVous Debility. ore” which are permanent-1y cured 111 from 15 to 20 days by the use oftbis instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. _ New Remakes and Quit/13 Cures, . Dr AMOS & SON take pleasure in announâ€" cing that they have invented a most important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent. physicians in Londou,1’aiis, Philadel- phia and New York. it has been declared the nly useful instrument over yet invented for he cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease ‘ the genital organs, caused by the secret taliits of youth. Dr. Amos & Son, in order to Satisfy tthe 110111 skeptical as to the merits of those instru- ments, pledge themselves. that in any instance where tliev may 111‘0Vts unsatisfactory 1‘ aafto tnir trial, the money will be refunded y ro- tarning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing tho aocve useful instrument will observe, that the price, with the accentâ€" panying :dn'ections, securely packed and 55m by mail ogyexpress, is ten dollars. Beware. 0]" 11113103111012. Bo were of ompiries and itinerant self-ntyled professors, who ATTEMPT CURES, but never succeed, Dr Amos&. Sen have for a long series of gag’éd in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and r ‘IIE undersigned begs to inform the public are the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or ninelEurepean remedies can be 1 Puitnons IN ANY Paar on T111; \Votttn may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail . I ‘ 1‘1Iodiciiios,t\,c., which, will be returned with “01””“31 "1' 011191‘“"»“U U“ 16115011111110 1011113 in Work manufactured by me is W at“ the utmost dispatch and secure from obse,._ vauon. of their cases, with a remittance for t46-ly 'l'ho tacilitics of cure aresucli, that patiâ€" ‘1 13113121111111 or K 1. nadn, and from his lengthened experience he Address Dr. Amos 6'; son, come;- Main and hopes to give general satisfaction, 524, Quey streets, Buffalorl‘l, Y. .3 13.“ Z WIWIA »1 1 ‘1 H ' "~‘-‘.{fÂ¥n“5‘fvÂ¥.JWA‘J-‘fii 13"" '1» « 3' "' " " “ Dr. S. N. PECK, ERG-EON Dentist, will be at Ilall’s Hotel, .blarkbam Village, 011 the 211th, 25111 and- ‘26tb of each Month. Teeth extracted free. Teeth" Filed, each 25cts. Dentistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro- vince. Approved Credit will be given if re- quired. All well: \N’arraiitetl. $111118 30 . 1859. For Sale, in the VILLAGE OF. SPARTA, Ninth Concession of Markham, suitable for a. Tanner or Brewer, consisting of A One Acre Lot; With Two Dwelling Houses and a largex; Tannery. Seventy feet long by Thirty-six wide, with 9 Spring Creek running through. the lot. Til10 indisputable, and a clear Dead“ for $500.. :71‘ further particulars inquire of THOMAS SPEIGHT. Maikham Village, Feb. 10, 1860. 60- 1f 'l‘llE “ MONTREAL WITNESS” IS PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK A’l‘ Two. Dollars Per 1111111111 in Advance \VEEKLY EDITION. 31-ly -NOTICE.~ LXLL 71301501115 indebted to the undersigned L .‘eitb‘e‘r by Note or Book Account, will‘ pleasea‘tiend to thesamo by the 1st of March, by chiming forward 111111 paying part and making arrangements for the balance they will be liber- allv dealt with. 'lheSe neglecting to attend to this notice may expect to he attended to. 1’. CROSBY. Richmond 11111, Feb. 10, 1860. 63-tf 2 dollars per single copy pct' annum.in advance 1‘“ 13 " for clubs of 4, addressed separately. iii”. iim‘ lg) " “ u l‘ ' V, lit/.151! 5' lg, ‘ :4 I - . . 1:“ “(33‘ '3‘) " {01‘ 330 cepies to one address; “it i i . . When. a club has been formed, additions may hovmade at the same rate. The terms for both editions are strictly cash in advance, and tho paperinvariably stops when ‘ the time subscribed for expires. All letters, orders and remittances, to be adh dressed, postqmid, to. JOHN DOUGALL, Proprietor “Momma/1L firm-.55,” Mention-1L 11,,1 Anvr;u'1‘isti«G,â€"-â€"'l he “ Montreal \Vitness " being extt-nxively patronized by town and coun- , 11y immcliunts, presents an excellent medium 101' t:<l\'£‘l'li‘~t‘!llclltii. The terms for advertising am, when over eight lines, 7 cents per litie for first insertion. and 3 cents pcrl1ne t'oreuch subsequent insertion. Under eight lines 50 and '35 coutr. Arlvcrtisriiients not exceeding 1/1/1311 lures, twentyâ€"fire rants (ac/t insertion, in advance. 1 11 AND H .. injurv to the llorsc, and has-been used by the this remedy it Will Convince the owners of that _: . “a: ? . ‘ V MAYOu .5 . r - (he, ’ CONDlTlO N PH-YolC [f ,),. j "‘1 «"1 hr" 11 O R M .1111. S1110 111111. f 11135.11 Spit-111 1‘. filadicino can be given in one Br.” (it any time of the \‘ear, without 1011111101301311111111111“ for the last two years with a success unprrcedentetl. ly the use of 1 tiohio 11111111111 the lll(:u11\‘l:<lt‘llt:y of :1111111111‘t;c.\'-L sary outlay h}. 11111111; 'xititicial food or (:11111111111111 No advertisements can be inserted ofa cha- l‘ovutto1'~. \'1'11;l‘ll :1 1- mo woil known to 13011111111 1 “161011 11“”“51510‘” With that or m” impel-1 tiiitiornlx: highly 1.11:;111113 111 l.’t‘ 111111111111“th : ‘ " " ' " "‘ . M. . .H.‘ 11, -.. . -.° . 1 In ,- 111,0 it pf t '1...1. 1. the .mll is .1 . coiiipotantl 111' 11.111 \1-gotzibw, 1111-1 \xtti'rnntctl not [11111111111111eitiiwt'blercnry. Arsenic. J\llli". 13$,{Ty'f'lll MUSlCAL FRIEND,” a Rare . i. _ , , y ‘ - , . . . mony or- any (titer .111.1c1'111. its iiiiiiiotlittto ‘ Companion tor the Vther Months. ' '1-1’11 I.‘ fill} 1"?!11" t ‘ ::f;> ~‘l'1 - - t: . . .‘ . M" “ “ 1”“ 1‘ ' ‘ "1‘ H" "3 “ ““ "L 1"" livery 1 not at, Should procure» this astotii- lied Lllull if leu .“1111111111 1-. outofl sorts.thor1- 141': l't‘lllUYn' 111.11 111111 be all right. (1111‘ (low 111 the cod of 5371 Cents is sttti‘t-itui to run.‘ 11.1111 Bound. 1.4155 of l. l . weekly Publication of \"och and Piano Forte livery Pupil, Music, costing but 10 livery Amateur, cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire Press oftbe country, ' to ho “ '1'111‘1 lll'IS'l‘ AND CHEAPEST \VORK OF '1'111‘) KIND IN THE WORLD'” "I‘Wolvo full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano livery Singer, (5'1 50 . 1 . H ' 1:..vt-1'v teacher, is Appo- 1 ‘1 vcr, :111‘1‘, l'i‘tvt‘llttl 1.13;»; ,‘x’ifit‘lllju‘l', (.iit'asemnd ‘1 ~111‘11yer of ‘-1\ 11m»: :1 1110;111:1121‘1- l 1 a tile, thumb-a holds 1111' Stoppugw Al \-. 1 1-\ (‘1' ()1. ill!) liitlwt l’t‘CUlllltlL' 1111.1 illitll, 111.11111 ‘ is 11 1:11.111 ’1111~ ..,. and :1 good i’iivsic.al\v:1ys 111 be given 111 1111.1 1411.111}; and 1111 act :1 int-1'1 111.1.1t- 11:111‘ 111â€" (1:1 31111115": 1:111 1ft 111-," .1 condition. .llzikcs 111111 (tomâ€"1 l-‘111'1111\lu:’1.-11.1110 CUHIS- ;- :.1,.- . .-1. .1'., .. i. 1 .. . ., . I)“ (ll “1”” ‘llw “1“” ("l 1‘“ “‘ *1 ll“ ""1 l‘.‘ Yearlyfipo; 11:11:-:.c11r1_\'.7;tl50 ; Quarterly$lfla ;flxl!‘;_:1.‘\1't'l"\‘ s:«..i.~:":11;~:ieii tlu‘ (mitt-r 12.111 require. lo~ttziioiiials 0 We ltiglied clixiructor \vtil bat tin-(raided to 11111111 to the above if requirt d. t‘:.:.li'l‘e1'tii.~; 1 1"11111 “HHS. ~. Subscriber to Our Musical Friend," or order it from the. nearest Neu'sdealcr, and..y1u 11111 Dollar our tincltt-t contaiiiint" l Fill mike music {or 1'91” entire family .8“ m" ‘ " ‘“ ‘ insignihcant 1:021 ; anti 11 you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Comet, Clarionct, Acooidion. 1 l 1 1.511(‘1‘1: prepaid enclosingr :1. I'Vt‘lilillflllt‘t‘, \i'lll 1m Pmmplly mu “41.6,, m. cK‘c. 811' 1; suhmrihe to tho l’rintcti 11111111111115 wrapped round 1:11'l1 Bull“ {with my sig 1;.11111- in full, without 1'1111'11 none! UUHmHHhH 1;; page,” (“Ming “,1, 1“. {Pm-b} A 1011‘” “"0 li"””““" lltllllllt‘l‘; \(‘Lfitl 1y. 511‘ 11111., i 95. l(lllico~â€"Vitttoritt Square, Man it l'zit‘toty-wl-tli concession blarkliaiu, and Bound :11 5,22 501 .i l ll'.‘.11|i‘t‘l:-/ All lrtck numbeis ht Volumes, containing :7 each, constantlv on 11:11.11. . (21.x. V THOMAS MAYOR The only maker of the original Yorkshire Drillicld (lils iii Aitierica. till 6' TEA MQUIKJL (10’ I 11.“ ,_ 511.15.81.11 .51.. A: w lorlt; ' - . , o' 1 1: - 11 ‘ .." - .1 1 ~P‘1‘10N011RA 111111 , 1‘” r 1” 1* 1”" - -' f V ‘ TTTOT" ‘ ,‘F M v E “"1 m P 1‘1 1:. 1“) 1‘ 1‘. R N 1 IB‘I-d «Ape . » ‘1 .17 . k . ‘ 1&5 ‘ 5 . _ filial 1 list; U 11 Eiwlélvfi- 11‘11'0 insurance Company .' r I . V)IIONOG1AI’11‘1' Wan inventodhy15.3.de “i E ()1 (in 10' l’l'l'MAtV. of 11.1111, linglantl, in tho 1 cm 1 1837. It is the most simple, most, natural mos: rapid, and most easily-learned system of ‘erit-y ing which has ever bta‘.1.,or ever can be in» vented , During the past 11"ttcti years, hundreds 1ft thousands of persons, in l‘liiglanti and ANN-i rice, in both public and private life. have learned. to write I’honogrnphy. 11nd llitlllf-‘Illltlsof8001111, and business letters annually pass through the post ollice Nor is its greatpopularity to he wondered at. The present system of \viiting is Oxrt‘t‘tl- ingly cumbersome, and totally unwo: :l‘y days of progress and invent on. l‘iiencgrnplly V is equally as legible. can he learned in one- twelllit‘llltlltitililt',t1tt(i(t:tlil)11\‘.’l111t:ilStilill/Irtls .1151}sz 111 other wortlx, the labor of six days can be pcrfornwd in oneâ€"~~ono 1111111 can do the work of six! So :si.:1plo is the system, too, that a person may learn to unite it .--l'iv1‘l_\', in a coupio of hours. An hour‘s driily p action for a few weeks will enable 1.1/11/ person ‘11. write l’lionogrupliy with certainty. and with some. degree. of lint-(loin. 'i‘lu. same amount of practice continued for six months will oc~ able :1 person to take reports of speeches, lctir tires, sermons, or couvcisation, and t1 read hem with accuracy ’ Dr. J. 11". Stone, of Boston, says: ‘1 dccni Kilhonography aix invaluable adjunct to educa- iioii, and one which, when acquired in youth would not be parted with in manhood for thouâ€" sands of dollars ” The late Hon. 'l‘uos. 11. lltxxron, upon bc- ng prescntoti- with a verbatim report of one of, his masterly speeches, taken by a little hm 1 only twelve years of ago. said : " Mail this .1171 been. knot/:11. 1-11) puns 11:11) it (cont/l Arnie scroll inc 531) years hard tutor.” The lctiitietl senator spoke but a portion of the truth. “but long- haud requires six years to accomplish, l’honoâ€" grnpliy will perform in one. To Clergyiiien, Editors, l’liysicizins, Lawâ€"1 yers, Secretaries, (.‘otivcyaneers, Law and file- dical Students, Lecturers, l‘itiitors, School Teachers, Merchants, School Boys and Girls, 8. knowledge of I’honography is of vast titility,â€"â€"- In fact there is no pi'ofcs.»ieti or calling in which it is not useful, and no young man’s education can he considered complete without it. Duringtbo past nine months bundrednof persons in Canada, of every pursuit in life, have acquired the Art, from many of “hero the subscriber has received neatly-written phonographic letters, expressive ot'tltcir do-‘ light with the attainment, and the extraordinary ease with which they have acquired it. For the purpose. of aiding in the dissmnination , mph; of so important a icfortti in his own country," i i the subscriber is 110w prepared to, supply all who apply,witb the Mason. 01' l’iionocnx- ri-iY, and the l’tioixtxtitnriiit: Col’Y Boon, soul by mail to any part of the Province, postage pie-paid, for the small sum of 11.5” (#1111 DOLLAR. L521: _ - Z Anybody and everybody, who can learn any thing, can learn l’iioxocnxrtiv from the M11â€" NUAL, without other assistance. 1 .Thoso who wish to be able to put their thoughts to paper at the H.113 of from 1th to 5150111111115“ per minute,“'slionld send for the above-mentioned worksat once. The instruction given by the Manualis as plain as 13.13. C., and ten times as easy to understand. '. ‘ho “CANADIAN I‘llO‘NI‘ITIC 12105;» 131111 ” is 11 Monthly Journal, devoted to the advocacy of the Reform. ' l’rico £35 cents per 1 11111111111. _ Address, (post-p , li‘1COIil‘UllA'I'I‘J) BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. (L'fll’l'l'dlL STU CK, £100,000,, “i. (11.0 Mtt‘i1ii‘.,VicaL’nes. l)llil.(,"l'()ltS ; l . . l. (.1. (111,11011, l’l'o\. Rice Lewis, l‘isq. James Booty, lisq. ‘ '1‘. 1’. Roberts, liisq. M. llossiii, lisq. 1.1108. llaworth, lisq, W. Henderson, Iisq. ' \V. Macl'nrlaiac, Esq. Bernard lialdaii, I‘lsq. Sacral/[7'1] 1§~ Treatment Angus Morrison, l‘i>(1.5bltcilur. 13111111 of Uppor Canada. Ban/term, Br njainin Switzci, l'Inq. limped/or. lilt'bt‘ 115’ Hand (Mice, Claire/1 Street, Toronto. a 1 U“...â€" Tizts (‘oitti'Axv insures all descriptions oi Buildings,Manufactories, Mills, &c.. and Geode. and 15111111111111, in llleHIlltc,21111111151105}! or dam- ageI by tire, oti liberal torins. ’iLossos promptly- hclt A. LA. w, Residence, Opener“ agent, tichivond Lill August'lil, 1857- 210-11 mr..:". t';¢:..:w:.=:::zmfi.m.4mMmJ*â€"q 111111 “1311111” 15111111? EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, \ 1| . . ' ' ' 11.1111 dospntched to Subscribers by the earliest: mails, or other conveyance, when so denim-(1., The YORK HERALD will alwavx be be found to contain the latest and most imporâ€" tant Foreign and Provincial News and Mar: bets, and the greatest core will be taken to render it acctqitable tothe man of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. I 1 l l 'l‘l‘illhlS.~-Sevvn and SixpenceperAnnum, Hi ADVANCE ; and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING 2 Six lincsnnd under, first insertion... . .2301) 56 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . , . _ . . . (10 Ten lines and under, tirst insertion. . . 01) '15 1 Above ten lines,1i.rst in., per line.. .. 01) 07 Each subscquontinsertion, per line. . . . (1" 02, 11:15" Advertisements wtthont written three-- tion.~ inserted till forbid, and charged accord-t All transitory advertiser“eats, from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for when I handed 111 for insertion. A liberal d';scount will be made to parties adv. veitising by the your. ,\1 -11 advertisements published for aless pe- riod than one month, must be paid for in ad-1 vance. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. No paper discontinued until all urrearages urs paid : and parties refusing papers without pay .mp up,» will be held accountable fox-the sub- scriptiou. " ’l‘llld YORK HERA LI) flock and .11 oh Printing ESTABLISMENT. ' aid) - woman 11. onn, Oshawa. C. \V. W .' "U E .N M131“ 1.111.).v1'uit111'r, 11/1 E. d} 1.711” .E 3 E3EGSto intimate that be is now prepared to erect “.IILLS of every daft-12111111011, by l “ RDERS for any of the underinentioned ( description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS, 131ch 1111.;5, nustsms man’s. LAKE); AND SMALL FOSTEKS, CIRCULA I15, LAW FORMS. 111m. 111-;;.1is,1;.tr:1; cxtucusmnxy'rs, xxx; 11.11111) itLE '1' 3. And every other kind of L I'I‘TERâ€"PRESS 1117111161 done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Card! Circulars, &c. kept always on hand. '11‘ 1' 1“ (“it 1. .1.1. He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- l 55-h 1 d Altona, Dec. 23. 185’

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