York Herald, 17 Feb 1860, p. 4

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; ' gm“, ‘ inanimate mirctfbm, I T. J. WHEELER. ASONG FOR THE TIMES. WATCH 8; CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER. &c- .. RICHMOND HILL. ’ 5315' Let: hard‘itimea ail-ail us.. Let poverty nail ua Like myazical horee shoes to every old wall. Let deep tribulation 'And fierce desolation I Spread overall lands like a funeral pile ; Though empty our parcel Though creditors curse us. And quarters are squeezedtill the eagles all howl, Dec. 3, 1859. ,..â€"â€" a Dr. s. N. PECK, URGEON Dentist, will be at Hall’s Hotel. Markham Village, on the 24th. 25m and of each Month. 'l‘eetli extracted free. Filed. each Qicts. Dentistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in. the Pro- vaNJLLIV NI SAVMEV, _‘ I; sat .asouaisnudnv onion“ o‘uiiavis coo m 'ssiq 'l‘eeth ‘gaomriadoxafS’IKIKNI-IQL - 4.3.. n' r I , .. . , fiifl“‘:"’bfisi®§?h ‘~:~.re:~t=.~.va..meow.-. w: 7 y ., V . .. 'I]. I’ I.IINA£RA'I‘IIYESI OF. THE *‘JESIUIT FATHERS ! yeargthe Frenchreading part of the ,Caiiadiaii people were edified out: do- lighted-"by the publication of the original Nar- ratives of the Jesuit Fathers, who were the _. .‘ -.*.:’i s: We would inform the public that we are manufacturinga largeinumberof The) have been thoroughly tested, both in. heavy ahdilightsoils, and proved themselves capable of raising the largest QStu‘mps ‘aridf'can, be, successfully worked by three men' unaided by; horse"or'0tliei' team. . ‘I Price, completeav$68..,00. -:. \Ve alsohave ill-hands the. patterns ofa very‘ M r ' ‘ I ‘ ' II CU'ETE‘R tion"i’ii,(§aiii‘ida. This work, important as it is totlieaFrciicli Canadian, is not less so to the Eiiglislirspeaking part of the population ,of North America. All inhabitants of this great continent, especially all Canadians, will assign it anlionorcdplace on the shelves which bear the stirring narratives of the first English and Dutch adventurers. ‘ 4 I . , ltisfit. therefore, to make its reverend au- thors speak With an English tongue. A . z ’ IAI‘ (9 '. A, g z ,. , . . . v - _ A 1. d C l't 4-“ b - .3: . _ V N3 r) a _ ‘7 T 7 . ‘”“Tlie'early’liiStory of Canada is at this mo- ldel’s have 33°”? (30”!- $3.1, XiiIsvzepkgt/VIISi-bsgnigt, a gin“ I w ’T“ 5 U i S . » inent'tilt‘tracting much attention. The French Alld Emile! for all he“.- - i ~ , l . . Government has made large and preCious con- figmgmbgring ’[is better-1: grin than toga-owl. June 30’ 1859’ 314i il \Vllll feef-l gear SQCOHSU'UGlediaS in out different 161381115, from i to tributionsof historical matter to our" Provincial I ’ _ I . ,, m’ . ‘ I . . .r . . . , , - iIIIrmII’ ' ' I") ‘I "l‘" H II ih , 5:3" ’t ' id )l'll tod relr tin I Auction. Not1°e_ .nches. Fdl‘lllel‘s, and others aie requested. to, calland cyaniine 31i2819{gll8Â¥1n:;2:1Elf:Sgi‘l::ne’llt aind {vars mg What though banks are breaking,» .___, v y I MAC HiNEbbclorq purchasing elsewhere“ Price, from$10 00 to $3,- ,Gowynmnmf the Umwd Shims has been eve, du' , n 1“ . - V _V .. w.“ " ' ' . ,9 5,2! l r t‘ "lit‘ t l i... «.33.. 33.32311. 2:313. d... I , THO-Mfg 3“ If.“ m... = W ' Ens AND , MO“ W E Rfi »3 slurtrait;aruizr‘izsi.than: I . . ~ A CCIISQ,‘ “C [0116 Y i ' ‘ 'I' I I their seasoi ; AlSO ‘4 ' : turous founders; and tho encouragementwhich 0‘," Grossll‘” “mummy, it" I _ el ’ Drain Pipes, Eve Troughs , . I W -, : _ u n = Ir " ‘1 1" 2 ‘ ’I - “m, - , 7, our owinfioverniiicnt could all'ordin aid of en- Ol“ WWI“an won't end": GOUNIILS .82“ :[gRK & P E! AND . Vi-Oedfill, Cl‘OOliC‘l & ’l’lOYVS I tIerprizes of the some character, has always I‘Wh'y not take the bright side andcall‘it all fun I ' Will forfeitedipleaznrea Or imbecile measures Bring back our lost confidence. lift the dark cowl. ‘ “ ~ ater Sprouts, letteis 8.(ldl‘6°$8(l to “ Almira.” blanufuctuyod and for sale I receivn prompt attention. ()iders received a I ' Itlie ‘° York Herald” ()flicu, Richmond Hilll Mr. Henry Lemon, 'l‘hoiaihill. optima. James 'I I ’ Ca‘vannav. Mansion 'l-louso, Sharon. where JOHN LANQSTA ,, ‘quau‘i‘MiLu, “rearward. I . .. “I ‘MPINo. no, today’s sorrow . Term“ &°' "my b0 0b1‘l50d- Juno 3’ 1859' 27‘“ M I Brings no brighter morrow. Album, Nov. 25. 1859 ‘ 6241‘. _..__..__ .... ._ ,..-._._.__L...._ , When. thin s-wili 0 bad. let us grin and not? r~â€"â€"â€"â€" « ~ ‘ » ' I ’ grow, 9 GO To . x DR. 1... LANGSTAFF, PRlDGHlLI .ncar Kin Station. House . 9. , 4v [I But. let/alts keep thinking: 8' w N S ,M l L L S i S formerly 0CCll,llOd by Dr. Hillary. That though we are sinking, ‘ “HT “ “0 U R King. May 13. 1859. 24.11; "‘We can’t go much further, because it won't Pay I The old‘saw not forgetting, That's cured lots of fretting. The hour is the darkest just before the day ; ......_.4,,..L__+ .._.__.__- knot and Shoe Store IN BUT'ro-NVLLLE. a CARDING & GRISTING-i, , where parties_from a distance can have it II done to take Will) them on theinreturnhomc. Almira, May 13. 1859.. 24?“. Though vacant our purses, ~‘~ â€"-. ‘ _ “William” HARRlISON, . ’l hougli creditors curse us. ' ,_ ' Though gum“, an, Squeezed m. u... Mp... .n Saddle and Harness Maker RICHMOND HiLL. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1.858. public for past support and begs to state that he has removed into the Village of Buttonvillc, whe e be nopes for a continuance. of the pa.- ) u-ouage heretofore given him. howl. Let’s us keep-merry faces. And‘smiles for all places, For'anre'ly ’tis betier to grin than to growl. . JAMES JENKINS’.‘ mgr:- . n“- Grocery & Pl,0vi..siol} Store I ' ,RICHMON i , filirrrllunrnur, No L . o no. CREDIT GivEN. ri-oauc. taken in The above is the oldest estsb exchange. and Provision Store on theflill. Dec. 2. 1858. All orders executed with dos patch and work l-tf warranted. ‘ __ DAVID GALLowAY. Buttonville, Nov. 11, 1859. 50;ly Photographs ' Ambrotypes ! MELA NEOTYPES l ,L’ETTERGRfAPHS, &c. lishedi Grocery 55-ly "So far, so good,’ as the boy said when he had finished the first pot of his mother’s jam. All styles of Pictures taken at ti 8 Medical Hall, Markham, 6n . reasonable terms, and in all‘ weathers. Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. I. C. DUNHAM. Markham Village, Oct. 14, 1859. ,t W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING. s'r. EAST, scum sum. THIRD noon ' ;, WEST raloiu CHURCH 3T. TortoaTo, ANGLO-AMERICANI HOUSEl MARKHAM VLLAGE. ' OOD Accommodations. Wines. Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. I (“That have you to remark, madam, R. MARK, proprietor. about my singing 27â€"4 Nothing, sir. it is Markham,.lui191859. 26-” . notr’emarkable.’ re. Ifyou would not have-affliction visit you twice, listen at 'once to what it teaches. RICHMOVfDâ€"‘IifiLâ€"f HOTEL- STAGE runs from the above Hotel to A Toronto. every morning. starting from the Elgin Mills at 7. a.m. and returning at 7, a p.m. Fare, 2s. 6d each way. 'i 000!) ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. . 1-55 I ‘-I MUST leave in dis-gust} as the , darkey said when be bid his friend ‘ good . nigm, during a thundepstorm. plying Electricity, to prevent pain in ex- tracting teeth; and also of an Aparatus for manufacturing.Vulcanite Rubber" Plates for sets and Partial sets of teeth. 'l‘eetli mounted on Gold or otherwise to suit' the necessity of the case. __ _ ‘ " i ' . ' 'rorqnthugust 27, 1859. f: .: . MATHESON a FITZGERALD, Barristers; ~AttoIrneys-at-Law, ISOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY. &c. . OFFICE :â€"â€"I , Ten poor men can sleep tranquilly on ‘ mat, but two kings are not able to live at "peace in a quarter of the world. A SLIGHT HINT A woman may laugh RMde Hill} 1360- 18,1858- 48-1! » too much. it’s a fact; for-only a cottib can always afford to show its teeth. , V A A sinuous QUESTion.â€"\Vhat is it ‘éfvlpos‘sible that sausages are made of, when. r ' I a cat, at the smell oftiiem, spits and gets ‘ her back up? , Do all the goOd you can in the world, and make as little noise about it as possible. URGEON Dentist.‘ will be at Nicholl‘s . , . . Hotel..Richmond Hill. the FmsT MONDAY CORNER OF KING AND-TORONTO STREETS of every month. and, the remainder of the month at his residence Thornhill. All Welli- Warraiited. at,“ July 8. 1859. Over VVlii‘imore £ Co’s. Banking Office. TORONTO- Agericy Particularly attended to. ~ THOMAS o. MATHESON. Toionto, July 1, 1559, ' . . . 32-ly. SUSAN Jim's JOHNSON. is under arest in "Detroit for stealing five dollars from one lover to pay the minister’s charge for marrying her to anotben. HALF-WAVTiiiiififiiiCHMOND HITL. E Subscriber begs to inform his numer-. H T ous Patrons and the public. that he has .. , . removed from the White Swan Hotel to the i ,A LAWYER: 0‘" h“ “55“?! from above Premises, where there will be found Europe, observed a. shark, and aSked a excellent accommodation for Travellers, and sailo:, what it was, who replied, ‘Here (300d Slabling- we call ’em sea lawyers.’ (33* Horses and Buggies for Hire, JOSEPH GABY. Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. 72-7 Vl'. HODGE 8L C0. - “T'BIOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin ‘ and iron Plate “forks”. and Furnishing Ironmongers, will find their 'niders puiictuall Parties gii'iiig this house a call y attended to and the lowest prices charged. * .lticlignwnd Hill. Dec. l858. J A MES FITZGERALD 31.th .. .[IJOHN’ N. REID, M.D. THORNHILL. U3“ ’ll Prescriptions got at the Ofiice must ‘A, SCOTCH lass thus. describes her Jel’a'ld form‘db‘wm) Imi‘stress’s ways and domestic habits with her household, ‘Slie’s vicious upo’ the work; but e-h,slie’s very mysterious o’ the victnalling.’ , I Dr. DUNHAM, URG-IEON and Mechanical Dentist, Medical llali, Markham Village. June, 30, 1859. ', R ETORT.-â€"A miner having threatened to '31-13‘ ‘7 give a poor man some blows with a stick, I I, *1 don‘t. believe you,’ said the latter. »-' far you have not a heart to give anything. JAMES 1., BARKER. IMPORTER and Dealer in‘ Dry Goods. _ .Groceries. Paints. Oils. and Dre 'Stnil's. Patent ll‘lt'dlclllers, Glass, Putty, Nails -Low 1 very low for Ca shâ€"MaikliouiVillage. JuneI30. 1859, . . _ , 54-1 It is doing some service to humility to 1: untrue innocently; and they know very little of society who think we can bear to “be always employed either in duties or meditations without any relaxation. EDMUND GRAINGER, U T 0 iii: R. THORNHILL. FI'resli and Pickled Meats. Poultry, &c.. always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. , . 'l’liornliill. Dec. l858 " 4l-ltf J. VERNEY, Shoe Maker, YONGE STREET, U RICHMOND BILL.” m Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Slices. made after thelatest styles. December 1858. 31-6m ._.._.. -m-fi” . .3 ., P. § A.sz D‘EsrniT.â€"â€"A foreigner,,in the I‘_,I.:_zcounting»|iousv of Rothschild wishing to guess some straw paper, was facetiously sliowi a bundle of Austrian bank notes. . a A SENSmLE writer advises- tliose who Boot ‘and ' would like good eating to keep good-natur- ed; ‘ for.’ says he, ‘ an angry man can’t tell , whether he is eating boiled- cabbage or stewed uinbcrellu’s. I Wines, Liquors. Hardware. &c.. Richmond llill. June 1859:. ' “m. m..â€"...._.___ i. T) ORNHILL HOTEL. HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public _! 1_t_irttgt he'has leased the above Premises. and fitted tliem up in a neat and comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors will find the accommodations in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. Good stablingand attentive hostlei's. HENRY LEMON, Proprietor. 'l‘lioriihill, Jaii.I]859. ".I DIDN‘T say, your honor, that the defendant was intoxrcated. no, not by any means! .But tbisI wiil say, when last 1 saw him he- was washing his face ina .- mud-puddle and drying it on the door mat. , 'l- m pâ€"53 WAN HOTEL. THORNtHlL.‘ Accommodation for 'l‘ravollers. I I I II JOllN SHIELS. Proprietor Thornliill, Dec. 1859. l-tf. A LADY was passing along astreet, when she was met by a'young man,T leifo in staggering past. stepped on her dress. Turning to the lady, he remarked, Hoops take up too much room,’ to which . the lady quietly replied, ‘ Not so much as - whiskey, sir, and passed on. ' Good To the Sick and Dying. R. ‘SNIDER. of the 7th concession of to cure Cancers, Enlarged .N‘ocks And many other Diseases. Persons labouring under either of the above mentioned Diseases, will do well to call in time. All letters to be paid,'aud addressed to ' . ‘ PETER SNIDER, Klin eburgli [1? NO CURE NO PAY. I August 6’. 1858. ‘ Tunas AND BACK AGAIN.’â€"A client 4 came to a lawyer and said :â€"â€"‘ \V ,, gy'tlie stable-r, shared the dreadfully yesterâ€" iftlay, and. I want to come up with liim.’ Statenyour casc,’ says D ‘ Iasked him how much he‘d charge me for a horse to c ‘go to Dedliain. He said one doilar and a half. 1 teak the them, and when I came back he said he wanted another dollar ~'at’itlI“zi‘-lialf‘for coming back, and made ine pay ’it.’--D ' gave him some leagcl *ndvice, which the client immediately acted "upon as follows :--I-Ie went to the stabler and said, ‘ How much will you. charge for a horse and waggon, to go to Salem ?’ Stablcr replied, ‘ Five dollars.’ ‘ Harness him up.’ Client went to Salmen, came back by rallrfmd, “em to the Mam?“ J meets at Brother Robert VVisemn'n‘s, saying, ‘- [lore is your money,’ paying bun Masonic Hall, the first Fridav evening aper- five dollars. ‘ Whore is my horse anditl‘e FWD/10°“ it] 0&0“ month. i I L > . , ,-.- “f‘ T “A Hm“? says “V. . He is at Salem: onmms Luz“. ~_ wmmm Duncan,y lioprieois of At (111501] sParisiau ooth Paste. . . '5’ .~ . . blaster; R. .Wisenmn. Deputy Master; John [13‘ Every ddscription of Horn and Cattle my! the chem! ‘ I or”! “red mm to 5° to MunliOlland. Secretary; Vv’; Yogurt. Treasurer Medicines prepared with the bee“. English drugs JR ’ Plikm' Jinn“! 21' 39-58- 3t Toronto, A ugurt 9T. “59. d Li: ANGE LODGE, No. 644, LOY B, EETS at WM. DuROSE’S HOTEL Victoria Square. the last Friday even- ing in each month. ' OFFICERS ELECT : THOMAS SNOWDEN. Master. JAMES NEAL, Deputy. JOHN GAULEY. Treasurer. JOHN BUTTON. Secretary. I Victoria Square. May 7. 1858. ,_.__â€".. W. T. ATKINSON, & Co. iiu'i’ori’runs OF ENGLISH Drives, lllauufactui ers - of Chemicals Patent Medicines .& Perfumery. APOTHECARIES HALL, OPPOSITE THE CnTHEDRAL. King St. Toronto. 48-1 Richmond Victoria, OYAL ORANGE LODGE, No. 7".8. l l - GANG ELQJ‘W'S, HE Subscribe, mums his thanks“ the mend Hill, &C., that he intends opening, outlic 1§th inst S thegl’ropri‘ctor of Oliver’s Patent for ap- - CORNER or YONGE AND commas summit, I 31-ly » MPOit'i‘En I or 1);. Goods, Groceries; lid-Gm ' Vaughan, near Klinoburgli.iguarrantees I . I I .L I T ‘HE Subscriber begs to call the attention ofthe Public to the fact that be is 6... .WAGGONS. iii. an irrational PlEllilll‘i'S, At the shortest notice, and at the lowest remunerating prices. ‘ Those requiring real B substantial and goOdWVaggoos, Buggies, Sleiglis, Agricultural; implements, (Soc. will contract 0“ otherwwex 0" reasonable 16m“ find it to their advantage to call. Tliornhill,‘ October 21, 1859. - i» been promptly and ctl'cct'ually granted. " The publication of authciitio and interesting historical records has been favored aiidprompt- ed, by all enlightened governments and literary I‘boIdie's; because they supply the best evidence of the truth of liistory.’0’r the best materials for its coiiipoi-ition. it has even been asserted, I‘I that the cliroiilclesand private memoirs of co- rtemporaries-Yam of higher value than the po~ "crucumh'woou SAWS.T-Roo:r~.SLICons.l . HORSE}. HOE'S. SOUFFL-Easgjjacu _, __ I V , Constantly on hand. 3 a ' 4- {l’@= IIAll IMPLEMENT S manufa ctured, usvare Warfamecléfi BATTERSON gs: BROTHER. tâ€" . 7* . ; r414"; ». ‘r. lished periods of Hume and Mummy, - a ; ,r__ "f '. The Narratives not-w- sougiit to_.b,e presented * If Wâ€"I-d "if it.» to the public are.of grout; ,valog to all classes. . r . ‘ , ' I To the .rchgio’ti’ist. , whether Protestant 61' R0- E manICatliolic,’ theya‘fi’ordiprecious evidence of - r I' A . .v . v “1’ i '. tho Zeal 01 those servrurtsof his Hon 'Rel gion .. V ‘ ‘ - h _ . I ‘ who devoted themselves to its propagalitm ’3 J’:; I _ I y I. D V... has, ' ,1. o '. ‘. , T‘. ,1 , I ,T 1‘0- I .“iii. ,. Bnk’b to mrorm the "‘hab'mm” 0f bellmanwt’ Honanil “am mg: .Alirom’ U Cf in them faithful descriptions of a race now wwnhva Sl’lendldi‘llsortment 0" much degenerated and rapidly approaclmig to "extinction, written amongst them as they lived inniiya fiei‘ytrial, ..to.tind .too often at last the crown of iiiartydoni. ' ‘he cthnologist will find tori" y DRUGS. GRQ.C.ER‘IES:I,III DRY GOODS, AN D MiLLiNERY HARDWARE, CROCKER’Y, daze. c310. And a great many Articles too numerous to mention. " iandI mov‘cd. hunted and fought, married and died, received baptism or ferociously murdered the nicnulio sought to bostoiviton thorn. Orv diiiary readers, from the intelligent scholar to the uiitaught peasant, will peruse with interest an account of £1101] who trod the soil on which they now llo.V(:,-â€"‘.Vl)0 were the lords-"of the forest and tliiiIIi'i\’c1‘, now smiling with the rich liar- 'vest or glittering with the Vessels ofcon'imcrce, -â€"aiid .vill lt’itl‘ll with some emotion that they Particular attention; devoted. tothe Millinery Depart-merit -â€"-,v,-~â€"â€" 5; _ shed in warfareor‘ massacre. His SHOW ROOM will be open shortly after with a great variety of CAPS, {BO-NNETS, ' MANTLES l ' OPERA ‘ CLO-Ans; one. &C. a. ‘ Newm‘arket, September ‘2», 1.859., ' will depend entirely upon the supportrcccived from the public. I 'lIllC‘ first volume has been translated by one of the best translators in tho Prov-lace ; and it will be put toprcse as soon as a suf’ticiont l.llllll)61‘ of rubscribcrs is obtain- cd (0 defray ’tlic7cost Oftranslation and publish- ing. The work will make :5 Volumes. Royal 8vo., I *GrGIN, “"mw”'*‘ ’ i ' - "I Subscription lists will‘bo found 'at‘ the Hook- . . - . v __ r i ' \\ _ r‘ ' . -_ . y I »‘ w, v , , y -‘ states iii-Blioiitwnl.. loroiiio, Quebec hing- I Ed“ [vi 0 IV 4 If, stun, Ottawa, l'lttllllllon, London, &c., and at i‘ 1 " i" V " " ' “i . I I, ' I I - ‘ I I I'tlie Olilces of the Publisher, in St. Nicholas » . i - Street, Montreal ; also at Ste” Anne Street Quebec).' ' {- Pride in, paper-covers for the set 158. ‘25. A ' Price in half-calf per volume. $ fleE Undersiglicd begs to call the attention of his Friends and the Public IgeIn-I the set $10.50: *- crally to the fact that he has applied a STORE lllllle above; place; whicih'WUl be found replete witlia large and splendid assortment of lllllll-‘llllllll Chillâ€"ilk lllllllllllli lifillll , PURE LIQUORS, VVINLES, BRAND-USS. ‘QRQQKERY, doc- Wliicli he is prepared to Sell on most- roast ile terms. Parties,before pin‘cbasmg . elsewhere, will find-it an advantage to Call a .1 con. are Prices. ‘ Clothing made to Order On rho shortest Noticco: 'I ‘ FRANCIS PLEBS. 55-1in . _ . . . . JOHN LOVELL Canada Directory Ofiice,- Publisher. - Montreal, Sept. 1559.~ ‘ 53a o o G it AIPIIII-II r; wairmc .ev scone. I llONOG-RAPl'l Y was invented by lS‘AAC I Pl'l‘MAN. of Bath, England, in the year 1837 1 it is the most simple, moshiatu‘ral most rapid. and most easily-learned system of Writ- ing Which has ever been, or over can be inn vented- , ._ . . . .. . Dii‘iiing the past fifteen, years, hundreds o ' tlionsnitdsof persons; in England and Arne- \ ,3.‘ Battenville, December 23, 1859. “ffI- *‘I~ T'M’” fly “‘"WW W II I rice, in both public and private life. have learned V ,I , .,. _ T. - , to‘write Plioitography. and ti‘i‘oiisaiids‘IIof sbcial, . S . i g , P and business letters annually pass, through 1 & b' 1L . - - ° tire rest office. i Nor is its great popularity to be wondered at. The present system ' of writing is evened- ingly cumbersome, and totally unworthy these day}; of pregress'aud Iiii'von‘tioii.' Phonograpliy is equally as legible. can he learned in one- twejigticyirtlic time. and can be written six times ds_/'(tsf 51h other words, the labor of six days can be performed in oneâ€"one man can do the work of-gix ! So simple is the system. tee, that a. :pérson may learn to write it slowly..iii a coopie. of hours. An hour’s daily practice for a few weeks will enable (my person to «up. GOOD PAIL is a domestic necessity and superior BUCKETS are much in demand. The Subscriber begs toinform the puâ€"l‘lllqllltthâ€"lle pr‘eparcddq, manufacture any quantity of first class PAILS and SAP BLiClxlalb,liav1ng {recently made. several Additions and“ _ I ' I ' . IIMPROVEMENT$_ Hi3 ESTABLISHMENT, . . _ I, . .- v~ . firm“ By which. lie is enabled to make better PAlLS, of every size, and SAP BLCIXL l who phonownphy Wm, “Want,” and Wm, and sell them CHEAPER. than any other House in cauada. . liewould especially some degree of freedom. The same. amount . can the attention (if Farmers and others to his ' of, practice continued for six months will oc- able 3. person to take reportsof speeches, lon- lites, sermons, or conversation, and ti read I _ r hem» with accuracy, ‘ . As they are allowed to. be the best ever made, and, as. he has a large “stock on hand, 1)... y w. 5mm, of Boston, says: ,, deem he will sell them at unpreiicdented low Prices. All orders “by letter; piyeiuiitl, sent to Plionography an invaluable atlJutht to educa- Buttoaville, P.O. will receive prompt attention. , I a i y ‘ JOHN AMOSS, Lot No. 11, 2nd concession, lion. and one which, when acquired in youth 55-3ni would not be piirted with in manhood for thou- sands of dollars ” I ‘r'l‘lie late Hon. Tires. [-1. BENTON, I'upoiibo- iig presented with a verbatim report of one of his tiias’teily 'speeclics.’tak'eii by a little boy» - only twelve years of ago. said : “ Had this mil been known 40 yam-s ago it would have sore/1 mo 20;ye(1._77$ fuu'd. lu‘or.” ' ‘lie learned senator spoke but a portion of the truth. What longâ€" haiid requires six yearsto accomplish. Phono- graphy‘ will perform in one. To Clergyn’ieii. Editors, Physicians. Law- yers, Secretaries. Conveyniicers, Law and file- dical Students, Lecturers, Printers. School - Teachers, Merchants. School lloys and CNS. a knowledge ol'Phouography is ofvast utility.â€" In fact there is no profession or callingin which it is not useful. and no young man’s education can be considered complete without it. ' During the past nine months hundreds of persons in Canada, of every pursuit in life. have acquired the Art, from many of whom Markham, December 23, 1859. K. Dirge on. uni D O E; lespectfully‘ begs to announce that be liasvreceived his , .i . AU'I‘UIMN ' AN D WINTER D8. His STOCK is by far tliea And equai is any NORTH of TORONTO. I the subscriber has received iieatlvaritten . plionograpliic letters, expressive of their de- .. . . . ' - ~ ~. , - i . “(fill with the attainment aiidslie extraordinary . . R - ~ - ~ In .. ‘ . r . I , . ' Vi ill be paid to the ousmess. and all GOODS sold at the lowost remunerattng prices 6,159 mm “1,,Qh,heypl,ave lacquwd ,l. he there-fore confidently solicits a continuance ofthe patronage be has so long received, 1,Fair},qupunmsaog-aidmgin {hedjssenfinatiou ' ' of so iiiiporta‘iit a reform in his own country, the, subscriber is now prepared to supply all who apply, with the MANUAL DEPT-1050mm- PHY. eiidtlie BHQNOGRAPHIC Corr, BOOK, sent by mailto’ any part of the Province, postage pie-paid. for the small sum of tiff-ONE DOLLAR, . . , ’ Anybody an Tev‘crybod‘y. who can learn any- thing, can learn PHONOGRAPHY from the MA- aunt... without other assistance. . .Those \vlioélzwish to be able to' put “their thoughts to paper at the rate of from 100 ‘to 250 words“ per iziiniitefi’ should send for the aboveâ€"mentioned works at once. ‘ , 2A “The instruction given“l._v the Manual is as plain as A. 13. C., and ten times aseasv to understand. ' The "CANADIAN PHONE/PIC PION- EER ” is a Monthly Journal, devoted to the S, advocacy of the’Rcform. Price 25'ceiits per ‘ alumni; ‘ ’ ~ : IV Address: (' He takes this opportunity of returning sincere thanks to his. old Customers and Friends, for the very liberal Support; they have hitherto given him. October, 1859. 48-5 MANUFACTURED AT THORNHLL. prepared to make first-class ' sLEIGHS. . BUGGIE IMPROVED 01.013.» CRUSHER. {Vliicli every Farmer ought to possess, and poIsthpaid) O WlLLlAM 11. ORR. Oshawa. C. W. ‘ ' ‘i-MiLLwni’cuT, "MM If? 0 AME , GS to intimate that he is now prepared to erectiiiIM’lLLS: of everyrt‘leIScriptiOii, by idols also agent for the. best Foundries in Ca-' nada, and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec. 23, 153.39 J. HOLMES. , 47-6m pioneersof religion and its attendant civilizaâ€" K I aniongtlie heathen. and went forward through", live and sleep in security on tho solfâ€"samcspot which has been often drenched with the blood Tliopublication of so voluminous a work of about 75(leages each, in Long Primer type. per volume, $2174, of 3._5ID‘I0r for o 55.1.. Circulars. due. kept always on hand. . 4,". KW,“ . V - ,Yfr‘,‘.. mans ~1.3561: SALE. can”: Hint: On Easy Termscf Payment, 80,0061LQI'1‘6. its. ITUA'I‘ED iii the counties of and: ‘ ‘ ‘KENT.I All necessaryiiiform‘atiot‘t’vvill be 1 given on application. post'pa‘nl,-m . ' « MILES LANGSTAFF;-~ r... ' ‘ i . I Wallaceburgh. _-‘ Also, some improved I ARMS _to.:iREN.T. VVallaceburgh, Nov. 243:3.859c. ' 1.2-1. l 524? Fiil‘lIinIgI'II'Sc'"Glotlwacssing; a'r LMVRENCE‘S undersigned 'liaving leaseld that Ex- tensive Esiublisli‘meiit‘ of: Mr. '0'. It}.~ Lawrence. feels COllfidetltth saying that he. is prepared to givegeiieral satistacti0i1,5to all‘ Who may favorhim with, their ordersh aving‘ had long experienc‘e‘ih tire btiéltiéés of yeing and Dressing Clbth. " 51“ ' I Blankets *Fu’fl’d’“ L and ‘ Napfp’d, On the shortest notice.~ ‘ “ ~ » " w. L. KING. Richmond Hill, Nov, 18, 1859. ' ’51-tf BEAVER Fire Insurance Association or TORONTO, c,*W. OFFICE, [removedfroiii 54 King Sires TORONTO STREET next building ,M‘asonic Hall. Half the Profits to be returned tothelp‘s‘nred. the balance invested to form a Res‘erve‘Filnd. Baum or Dmscrons; Ll TnusTnEs;Heni'yi Rowse‘l,“ W. C. Cb’dwett. Joseplik‘Jackes. ~ ’ ' l: f5 ' v s DIRECTORSâ€"4 H on i‘va Rowsell. Toronto. '(i/iair- 1mm .- J. W. Brent. Deputy/A @haivman;rVY. C. Cliewett. 'l‘oronto ; Joseph Jockey. Toggnto , W. H. Smith, Toronto. Manager; . Wm‘, Helliwell, ’ Highland Creek; J'o'li'n Meivat. Kingston ; “’m. Agliii. ‘ Kingston j,“ ‘A’sa A. lluriiliam. Cobourg ; ‘va. Green, llariiilton; lobertSniith. Cliinguaconsy; George ,Blain, Toronto Township. ‘ _ ‘ Solicitorâ€"«John Ilelliwell. I' Bankers-The Band of Toronto. r ‘1 ‘ - I (I? The Provident'lihife Assurance ’Com- pany is retrieved to theknmdofiice. " , Having guarded ugainstdqssfrom firebyln- suriiig your propsrtykcoinsieleai if, it ,Wgoflkl not be as well to -iiiako a dude additional provision for your family 'in "Case ofybur own 'Ipreiiiatuie death :-â€"wlietlier iii Would not be as‘f'mn. through .tho assistance of: a Life Assurance Company. to provide a legacy for your wife or daughter. pr. ifyou have not the happiness to be hlo‘ssod‘withthem. think if tlro‘po~s’cssion of a few hundred pounds additional might not be of advantage to yourselfa‘ few years hence. if you decide that it would, write to IlieManagin Director of the PROVlDEN’l‘ LIFE ASSUR- ANCE AND lNVlJSTMENT COMPANY 20 Toronto Street, 'l‘oronto. for a 0 Proposal " form. and ucopy of the Rates. . Or, possibly. the Agent: of the “Beaver” may possess a copy of both documents. which he can fitCHill’DOdfllO \‘Ol'lIIVllll. and give you a little information on the subject besides. Agent at Richmond llillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. March 2‘2. 1859. ' (East. north cf the Firei air-e: : I W E C‘ T E R. N Fire his“ notice. -Company of ’R‘Oi‘oiimp [NCORI'OHA'H‘LD BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT- .1./ZP1T.&’L STOCK, £100,000. I. C. GILMOR, Pres. 1 (Jim Micriir..\'ice Pren.’ numerous : Rico Lewis. Esq. 'l'lios, llaworth, Esq. ,l‘uiues Meaty, Esq. W. lie-iidei-smi, Esq. 1. l‘. llobai'ts, Esq. W. Mocl'arlane, Esq. 1V1. Russia, Esq. l Bernard Haitian, Esq. Secretary & Trauicren Angus Nl'orrisoii. Esq. Solicitor. Bank of Uppei'Canoda. Bankers. , Bl iiJaniin-Switzcr, Esq. Inspector. " 3:," [fwd (Mica, Church Strut. Tonmm' a 'l‘i-iis COMPANY lnsiii‘es all descriptions of Buildings,Matinfactori Mills, «Vac; and (Iieoda and Furniture, 1 in theisanie. against loss dl’dam- age by tire. on liberal teriiis.. Losses promptly settled. l ‘ 'A. LXW, , ‘I Geiierrlii out. 1857; ' {g ~04- , . £94, Residence. 1 Ricliivond l‘lill August-‘13. 18 PUBLISHED ‘ g I‘ EVERY FRIDAY. MORNING. And dcspatclied to Subscribers by'thei’el’flint mulls. or other conveyance. when he desired. The roux- HERALD- ' will no... it» be found to contain-tholatestand mdst‘irnpor- tant Foreign and Provincial News nnfixM’ar. kcts. and the greatest care will battalion to render it acce _ ptable to theman of businou. and avalua V I ' bleIFninily_Neu’5paper._” '1‘ERMS.-â€"Sevon_and Sixpence per Aiiiiiiin. Ill ADVANCE; and if not, paid within Th”. Mouths two dollars will be charged. '1 ' RATES OF ADVE RTISING ' . I r Six lines and under, first insertion. . . . .500 50 Each subsequent insertion” . . . . . . . . 06:12. ' .. 0075 Ten lines and under, first insertion. . . l Above ton lines, first in., per line.... '00 Q7 Each subsequentinsertion, per line. . . . 0" 02 i 113" Advertisements without writteanirIdc: tloltls inserted lill forbid, and chargedwlcctirdo mg y. , .« I All transitory advertisements, fyom, changers or irregular customers. must be paid for. when handed in for insertion. ‘ I A liberal discount will be made a; Parties ed. V0159:ng by the year, ‘ _- - . . All advertisements pnblishedil'o’r'idglesdpp. riod than one month. must be paid {or iii), dd: Vance- All letters addressed to the Editor must he postvpaid. paid : and parties refusing. papers without pay. mg up, will be held accountable for the sub. scription. No paper discontinued until all arggumg" ' I THE your; HERALD , Book and J ob Printing ‘ ESTABLISMENT. I m I RDEltS for any of the undoriiientioned, ( description 01’ PLAlN, and FANCY J01! WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS, rancv Bll.§.s, nosmuss maps. Luring, AND SMALL rosTnRs, cracumns, Law reigns, 3.11.1. HEADS,BANK caucusmnarfl. “(it II unruw‘rsy " And every other kind of’ LETTERâ€"PRESS .PRLNfriFNG it domain the best style. at moderateratgp. Our assortment: of JOB _ TYPE is entirely new and of the laieSt paltbrns. A largéI Vii-lit} f new Fancy Type and Borders. for Curls.

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