York Herald, 17 Feb 1860, p. 3

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“as '- t 'which it emanated. nâ€" 'SI-NGULAR ACCIDENT. .youn reasons POISONED BY GAS! From the Leader. One of the most singular and dangerous accidents, that perhaps ever happened in this city, occurred on, Sunday night in Spadina Avenue. The sufferers by it are Tim gross revenue of the Post Office Department in the United States is £1,- 593,686, and the expenditure £3,150,818 The gross revenue of the Post Office Department in the United Kingdom is £33,100, 939, and the expenditure £1,- 170,554,. RoBsox, the notorious forger of the Mr. George Henderson, an old, and .Crystal Palace shares, has received a esteemed official in the Custom-house of this city; his niece, Miss Eligabaath Mo = Lean, Miss Mary Keer, and the female servant in the house, named Armstrong. On Sunday the family were much annoyed by the nauseous smell' of gas, and as it was not used in the house much surprise was manifested as‘ to the course from The air, however was not so largely impregnated with it as to cause any alarm, and‘ in1 the evening they retired to rest at the usual hour Miss Kerr remaining for the night with ' her friend Miss McLean, who for some time previously hadbeen in_ poor health. .In~ the morning, about half-“past eight o’clock a cabinet} named Haminell called at the house according to his usual prac- tice to convey Mr. Henderson to the =ticket-yof-leave. CRIME is spreading to an alarming ex- tent in, Calcutta. THE divers have left the wreck of the Royal Charter, and all operations are to be suspended for the next two months, the Coast Guard remaining in charge. The whole amount of specie recovered is sup- posed to be about ’QSQOQOQ. It seems doubtful what the amount undiscovered is. It is. said be from £40,000 to £70,000. IrviMEDurrnnv on Lord Clyde‘s return to England, he will claim one of the fairest daughters of an ancient but untitled Scottish house. ' Thomas Murphy, 3, labourer, residing in NacNab street, Hamilton, was choked to ' [Custom-house.' I He was not a little sur- death 0" sunday by, a Piece orbfefW1‘1C1‘ _ Arenue. . s . - v . Notwithstanding "prised to find the premises closed, and no one apparently within the house, as his re- , peated knooks at the door rei'nained un- ' answered. While in a state of uncertainty as to his course in the. matter, a lady friend of Miss McLean’s came up for the ‘purpose of ascertaining the condition of the invalid. The surprise of the cabman was shared in by her; and not deeming it .possible that the inmates had, left the house that early, alto, stensidorably alarmed _ proceeded, to the house of Captain Kerr, the father of Miss Kerr, on Denison To him she related the strange pc’currance and he immediately hastened to Mr. Henderson's to learn for himself the pause of it. Forcing an enterance by a door in the rear, he rushed into the build- ing to find the unfortunates lying appareiit- ‘ ly dead in their respective bedrooms. stuck in his windpipe‘. , The ' fire seen from 'I'orontoâ€"-as it was thought upon the Lake,_-â€",-wal the burning ofthe Cleveland Company’s grain elevator at Tonawanda, worth $40,000, Hotels and other buildings worth $10,000 were also consumed. The flames er‘e seen at Niagara, Tomato, Buffalo, and Whitby. R. Arnold was elepted as Councillor in room of D. Smellie, Esq., deceaSed, by a majority of 2 over Mr. Page. W,-W.____;::_*â€"â€"‘_-_;T___ V_._.-.._._.__.__.__..___.. B 1 R T H , At Richmond Hill, on Friday. the 10th inst.. A strong suflocating siriell of gas pervaded “1° “'1” 9f Ml". wmhm Tmnch' jun' °f ‘ all the appartments. This sufficiently explained the reasoiiiof the inserisibility of the inmates. It was found on examin- ption that fortunately in no case was life extinct. They were than removed as expeditiously as possible to the house of Iblr. Haliweil, on the opposite side of the street, andmedical assistance summoned. , This was about nine o'clock, and shortly i afterwards Drs. Rolph, Siriad, Agnew, \Vright, IIalowcll, and another appeared ' in obidencc to the startling summons they had received that a whole family had been porsoned. They found 'the patients in deep asphyxiated state, produced by breathing carbonic exyde. The case pz‘esrftilr'd all the symptoms of what is known as ~ coalggas poisoning.’ The im-drcal gentlemen immediately consulted as to the best moans to be adeptorl, and in their subsequent proceedings worked to- gather with an accord truly praisewortliy. 'The ordinary treatment was resorted to, that of stimulation, like, it was discover- ’ ed that Miss Kerr was the most danger- ‘fiusl-y affected, and to her consequently the most earnest efforts were directed. in the course of the afternoon the others revived; and at six o‘clock My Hender- son was sufficiently restored to render practicable his removal to the house. ofa friend. The medical gentlemen Were un- remitting in their attentions to other sul- ferers, and by their aid Miss McLean abd the servant gradually recovered from the stupor into which they had fallen. Not so, howeven was it with Miss Kerr. that every expedient palculated to preserve life was resorted to, the effect was not apparently beneficial; and at a late hour last night very serious apprehensions existed as. to her safety. The friends of the different parties, as may be supposed. were exceedingly alarm- ed. and the affair created a very painfui impression throughout the city yesterday. ' ,On inquiry it was discoyered that this ~ poisoning qualities. singular accident was attributable to the hiirsting ofa gaspipe ip the street, at a spot about thirty feet from the house, Thepoisonous matter found its way into the building by means of llie drains lead- ing from it into the main sewer, and Ind been esceping in this manner almost unâ€" noticed fora day ,or two previously. It gradually filled the house; and when on 'Sunday’ night the doors, windows and other passages for its cait were closrid, the inmates became the victims of its Had they inhaled the poxious and deadly vapor for an hour or _,two longer it is probable that none in the house would have survived. , Dnsrrnocrrvn Fran IN Wilmer.â€" .‘Wiii'rnv, Feb. 13.â€"’l‘he large woolen “,xi'nd'clotii factory near Brooklyii,owned by (Mathewson is. Ratclitfe, was totally destroyed by fire on Saturday morning. ’ r: ‘A. night watch was kept on the premises. The watch had just been changed about .33 o’clock anti. ;‘ and although the alarm ' of fire was given immediately by the new watch, all efforts to savethe building and centents were unarailing. Everything was burned to the ground in about two hours-e Fobrpary17, 1860. 1191111 1953 about $20,000; insurance on building and contents only $44,000. Messrs. Mathewson 8r. Ratclide shipped I $2,000 worth of goods only two days he- 'fore the tire. A few days ago, a youngladv was seen on the cars ofthe Eyie Railroad with a bundle,jvery“carefully tied up. Young lady very anxious for its safety. l’asseu- gers held consultation. Sent for con- ductor. Conductor wishes to see inside of "bundle. Breathless snsiiense. Bundle untied. VVa; doll for a charity fair '- brought, to light. Every body calls neyy and marine include, in addition, Jewelry. Watches and Clocks repaired and 299398;!!‘eh, or double-rule usual English cleaned on the shortest notipe and lowest terms .Conductor a fool for questioning the lady. THE army of France consists of 510,- 60‘ infantry; 100,221 ,ravlry; 68,544 artillery; 15,448, engineers 12,601 yqpiiiage train; military artisan-s 7400; 'aiidi’staff 6572. VThe total, including gendarme, amounts to 760,951, The annual average, . ‘- turn the some 1.9 the subscriber will be re- Richmond Hill, Fob. 17,1860. daughter. MARRIED. By the Rev. W. \Villoughby. February 14. at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. P. W. Dickhout, Mr. JOHN KHNIZE, to Miss Ecizanr'rii DICKHOUT, both of Vaughan, TORONTO MARK ETS. 'l‘Huasnav, Feb. 9. Fall Wheat. prime, por‘busli. . . . $1 15 a 1 27 Spring Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 98 a] 00 FamilyFlour............,,.,.. §503575 Superfine do . . . . . . . . . '... 4 10 a 20 Fancy do . , , ... , 4 20 a 4 25 Extra do . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 25 a 45 Bal‘le)‘.,.,.,.,...........,.... 01301070 Rvo, nominal f“ . . .,. 0 70 a O 75 Oats, ‘t , , , , , . . . . 0 34 .1136 P(‘fl8.u.-o.o g n s - u a gun-.00...." I’ork.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650-700 Hay,pprton,..,.,,,. ,,,,.. 1400320 Straw, H ..... . 0900 Potatoes, “ ...,.. . . . . . 032 all 36 Apples, per barrel.,..'.;....,.,.. 0(101275 Boof, ' “ ..... 450.500 Sheep, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. . . 4 50 ll 00 Lambs . . . . . . . . . ....,.,.,......-.. .r 3 00 a 4 00 Calves,each...............--~- 400F508 Chickens . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . 020 00 30 Wool,porlb.................. 026:090 Sheep skins, each. _. . , . . . . . . . . . . 1 '10 a 1'2 Roof hides, per 1011 lbsii. . .. , . ., a 00 Calf skins, per lbs . . . . . . . . 0 l0 a 0 10 Butter, fresh, pr 113;, , 018 n 0 2” “field Ififib tittiettttftte: TEA MEETING 1 TO B): HNLD AT THIS Wesleyan Methodist Church, RICHMOND HILL. On Thursday, the 23rd instant. The following sponkere are ex cted to ad- dress the Meeting: Rev’ds. H. ilkiiison. .l. Borland. J. Spencer. [Editor of the Guardian] and Rev. James Dic , ' The audience will be entertained ,by lopvernl ANTHEMS AND PIECES as THE errors. Tea will be servedrzyhrtlflgiast 4«, pm. . Proceeds of the Meeting to aid the Church Committee in the liquidation of Debts incurred by recent improvements. Tickets will be sold at the Stores of P. Crosby, J. Harringyoi} R, llpwison, Mrs. Hall ; Thornliill; Tgrkiss’ Signs; Maple . J. 1’. Rupert’s Store ; Aurora ; Charles Dunn’s and W. Hughos’. ' Tickets, Thirtyscvcni Cts ll HEWISQN. Chairmen.- Riphniopd Hill, Feb. 15, ISfiQ' “ m" LOST. ON Wednesday, the 15th instant, between Christison’s Tavern, Oak Ridges, and the 3rd conceseion of King, A SHEEPSKIN ROBE. lined wrth carpet. Whoever .will re- Wm.dedl '- RDBERT HOPPER. Richmond Hill. Feb. 16. 1860. DR. a. w, HILLARY, PHYSICAN, SURGEONâ€"8r. ACCUUCHEUR, ' AURORA, CW. 64-] , 64 1y MATTHEW LEPER' Has always on hand a good assortment of pay goons, GRogERIEs, &c. _&c. V The Milltuery Department ! Will be found replete with the Newest and Most Fashionable Styles of Bonnets, JVIautlos J” Capes Auroral. February 1‘]. 18530. fi-l-tf .‘q l TO LEND, on good scantily. Aisp, an immense stock of t On hand and for Sale at 55?. Apply to GEORGE BONE. 64-6 HUGH CAMPBELL, \Vatch and Clock Maker, JEWELER, sic, Yonge Street, Aurora: Aurora, February 17,1350, 7 :50?“ Toronto. Febtllar)‘ 53. 185‘s.- NEW, TAILOR SHOE. HE undersigned begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill & Vicinity That he has commenced business intho Tailor ing Line in the house adjoining MR. SIVERS? SHOE SHOP, Where, by close applicatibn to business 3nd studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. ~ A‘LL caucus PUNC'lipALLY ATTENDED ro. Garments cut to grder on the shortest notice. in any style. ' JAMES B. BURNES. Richmond Hill. Feb. 10. 1860. 63-Iy 6310f WM. HARRISON. ‘CAN BE HAD :EIALItIVIEElSII ()t every variety, rn the shortest possible notice, and at the lowest remunerative prices. , 1860. AT HARRISON’S PF EMIUM HARNESS EMPORIUM‘ February 10 {1C7 Collars warranted to Wear Wrrfllyfit .We'll, and Look Well. ALL ORDERS PROMPTL‘Y ATT LNflDED 'ri‘o. Richmond iâ€"iiii, i l l l NOVELTY WORKS, M A ItKIIAM. EVERY DESchPTION OF LIGHT & HEAVY WAGGONS Manufactured by the Subscribers. Having an iiiimeiis stpck of Lumber, of the best quality and wel seasoned, and \v.th the great facilities which they have in Machinery, combined with first-class ivorkiiieii.-=-tliey can, and do make, lletter Finished, Moro Durable. and Cmurnn oncons than any other establishment in Canada. T. SI’EIGHT 6L SON. Markham Village, Feb. 6, 1860. ALSO, A, Splendid Property ' For Sale, in the VILLAGE OF SPARTA, Ninlli Conppssion of Markham, suitable for a ' aiirior or Brewer, consisting of .A. One Acre Lot, With Two Dwelling Houses and a large Tannery. Severity feet long by Thirty-six wide, with a Spring Creek running through the lot. Title indisputable, and a clear Deed for 3,500. For further particulars inquiro of routine SPEIGH'I‘. Myriam Village. Feb. 10, 1860. 60 if HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKING. V. ELL’S Superior Waterproof Harness o and Shoe Blocking is warranted to soften leather. and ren. or it imperious to wet. Manu- factured at Richmond Hill, and sold by Store- keepors and Harness Makers throughout the Province. February 10, 1860. 63-ir NOTICE. Persons indebted to the undersigned. 1" either by Note or Book Account. will please attend to the some by the Ist of March, by coming forward and paying part and making arrangements fnr tho balanco they will be liber- ally ooalt with. There neglecting ip attend to this notice may expect to be attended to. 1’. CROSBY. Richmond Hill. Feb. 10. 1860. ,Qfgotf ._ .m.__.-..__. . TAVERN you SALE. VI‘HE Agricultural and Commercial Hotel, Victoria Square, is for sale on Liberal Terms. For particulars apply to 11. do J. HARRISON. Richmond Hill. Fe}; 10, 1860, 63-tf AFFLICTED READ! EUROPEAN MEDICAL H0 US}; AND you,“ij Dispensary, No.51,1§iso Sraen Wzsr, 'I‘ononro, ,C,W. ESTABLISHED By Dr. GEODIN G, (formerly of England-( NEW. SPEEDY, AND MOST sue. CESSFUL mode of treating v Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, .Nervous chillty, llro; acorns or Wasting Con- sumption, Seminal Weakness, Drs- cases of the Kidneys and Bladder, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Zl’Iercw'ial, Chronic Complaints, d-e. 113’ No charge for Advice. DR. Gnoniuo is now engaged in treatingtliis class of maladies with i118 most astonishing suc- cess. The treatment adoptnd by him is new, it is based upon Scientific priiiciplep, with new dispoyorod remedies, without minerals or ppis- one. The facilities of cure are such, that poti- ionts can be cured at their 03in houses withoui. expense. in any part of the country, from an accurate description of their case by letter, ‘ and have the medicine sent them by mail or express. NERVOUS DEBILI'I‘Y. Young men who are troubled with weakness generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetful- ness, sometimes a ringing in the ears. weak eyes, weakness of the back and lower extreme- ties. ppiifusion of ideas. loss of memory, with melancholy, may be cured by the New Botanic Remedies. ‘ ‘ COUNTR TIENTS, Medicines with to” directions sent lo any part of the United States 9r Canada, by patients communicating their symptoms by hotter,â€" Busiuess correspondeneo strictly confidential, Address, DR. GOODING, King Street West, Toronto, (2,141]. No. 51 , 673 63rd ~ Langstafi'. John [3] 1 Agent. RICHMOND HILL, illlMllllll ruins ltllllrltlllllll! ,~wvwwwwvv»c.v~v- - -V - WW vwvvhvybvwwmvw iv:H,MYEhs .EGS to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Friends and. the Public B generally for past favors, and would most. respectfully solicit-a_ continuance of tho Patronage he has so long reeeived ; he has now on hand a large stock of GOODS ‘ ntmsrsting in part of _ DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS of every description, Ladies" and Gentlernen’s SADDLES, . ' , BRIDLES and SPURS, ._ and CURRY COMBS, HORSE BRUSHES and CARDS, TRUNKS, VALISES, 8:. Travelling BAGS With an endless variety of VVHIPS, . and WHIP‘LASHES, All of which will be sold at prices that will defy Competition. The Goods Manu- factured at this Establishment have now been tried for the last five years, and, the best proof that they have given entire satisfaction is, iliat all who have cape purpliased at his place invariably come again. COLLARS - WARRANTED. saris; Every description of Horse Clothing, Rollers and Bridles made to order. All ork. %arranted. All orders will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. ‘lCash will be given 1031110135 and SKINS. l Richmond Hill, February 3, 1860, . 62-1,- NOVELTYM Rgggggnwwoars 2. \~-. The Sucbscribers beg to call attention to the fact that they are making 51591331923 .WAGGâ€"ONS! And when the Quality is taken into account it will be found that they are selling them at prices that wlll defy com )etion. It is also a fact beyond dispute that our VVAG-GO‘NS stand better, and are of lighter draft, than any other. The following are our list of Prices and Terms :â€" Two inch iron aisle. with box. . .. ._ .3 . . $100 00 Three and ihree quarter inch do Two and I. quarter inch axle, with , or: 105 00 cap-nut do . . . . 85 00 Three and three quarter inch thim 16 Seat with steal sylngs .... . . .. 10 09 skoin, with box . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . 80 00 Double-trees and Mel: ypkos. . . 7 00 Four inch do (1,9 'ddf, 83 00 Crib or railing . . . . . . . , . ,.. , , . . '1 Ot‘ sidebar-d...,,.....1;:; ....... 400 Terms: Six Months, if longer, Interest from Date. Five per cent discount for Cash All orders attended to with promtitude, and Work warranted; T. SPEIGHT 8% SON. Markham Village, June 30, 1859. Letters Remainln in RICHMOND HILL Post Office FEBR ARY 8, i860. STRAYED, FROM Lot No. 39. 5th concession Vaug- han, about the beginning of October last, A SMALL RED STEER, Rising 2 years old. Whoever will return the same to the subscriber will be rgwarded. THOMAS cHApMAN. Vaughan, January 6. 1860. ‘ 58-1 Millo': , James Munslisw, Lambert Mitchell, William Murdy, Joseph ' Brooks. John McCartney. Robert Clarksoii. Margaret McLean. Robert Copland, William [2] Neill, Jamel Clark, Thomas Prentiss, James Campbell. Peter Phillips. Henry Davidson, J. . , Rumble, William Good tellew. A. E. ,Rnpert. E. S. Gorinan, David Rutledge, James [9] Hisson. Robert [2] Ross, Mark Kofl'er, Thomas Sims, John Snyder, Jacob Loomis. A. Sheppard, Charles Langstafl'. Dr. James 2Washiiigton, John Matthewsori, Mrs. Wheeler, '1‘. J. [9] Arlrinson. Edward A tip, Rphcrt Bond, ngin Baker, Jacob DR. JAMES LANGS’I‘AFF. Itichmorgrl Hill. December. 1858. LOST. N or about the 15th Docemberlast. be- tween Victoria Square and Mr. Abraham iHorrier’s Lot “.3. 4th concession Markham, a BUFFALO ROBE. lined with green Bozo. Joseph Wilkinson. Rev.Heiiry land a HORSE BLANKET. Whp’da’ver will Mortson, Mrs. Matthew i return the same to the Subscriber will be re- “. TEEFY. P. M. warded. ‘ It“ JOHN sri‘CKLy, Lot 31. 4111 Con. Markham. January 6, 1860. ' TIIE “MONTREAL WITNESS” ls I’UBLISIIED'TWICE A WEEK AT Two Dollars Per 111mm in Advance WEEKLY EDITION. 2 dollars per single copy peraunumdn advance Cheai) glothigfi; 11KB Subscriber begs to_ inform. the inhabi- tants of Buttonville and the 'surrounding country. {homicicontinuos to make firstgclass COfi TS, VESTS, PflJV‘TS, die. In the newest Styles and superior Workman- ship. All Orders promptly attended to. pnd 6 " for clubs of 4, addressed separately. work warranted. 12 " “ 10. " ' “ JOHN RDY 20 “ for :20 copies to one address. 133:}. End élothim. Buttonville. Dec. 93. 1859. YORK MILLS HQTEL. YONGE srann'r, GOOD supply of Wmns and Liquor“ When a club has been formed, additions may be madp'ot the same rate. I ' The terms for both editions are strictly cash in adyarxgp. niid the paperinvariably stops when I the time subscribed for o;pires. All lollers. orders and remittances, to be ad- I R’P’ls’d! 1’91“?de 1° always on hand. Cigars of 511 brands. JOHN DOUGALL, Excellent accommodation for Travellers, Fai- Broprietor 'ngsraman Wrrnsss," Montreal. ' "101‘s and 0111913- ALEX. HILL, Proprietor. York Mills, Doc. 17, 1859. 55-01,, ’ES-lr Anvnnrisruo,â€"'l he " Montreal Witness“ being extensively patroiiiped by town and coun- try merchants, presents an exoollonl medi m for advertisements. The terms for advertising lore, when over eight lines, 7 cent: per line for BIBLES TESTAMENTS FOR SALE- CHEAP- M- TEEFY. Agent. first insertion, and 3 cents per line for coph subsequent insertion. Under eight lines 50 and '25 cents. Advertisements not exceeding thrco (mu, twenty-jive on“: such insertion, iii advance. No ndvertinomoiits can be inserted ofa clin- ia_c;er inconsistent with that of the paper. . ADVERTISE. Richmond Hill. 8.0. January 6, 1860. 58-tf AS we liayemiydo arrangements which wil REQUISITION materially increasing our circulation. thus ~ ' ' rendering the “ Yoax HERALD” the BEST 7° T193 Advertising medium north of- Toronto, and as we have now a, circulation along Yongc Street and :idjoining Townships larger than that of any other Journal. New thou is the time, and the " Yonit Hxaetp ” is the Paper iii which to Ad- vertise Municipality of Vaughan. the pndersigned Freeholder: of the I ’ Towuship of Vaughan. respectfully re- quest )‘0u to call, at your earliest convenience, a Public Meotin . at the Township Hall, to take into consigeratiou the advisability of Establishing the Side Roads through the Township. on the Original Survey as they are at present. -â€"-â€"â€"â€"o J OB WORK. would respectfully call the attention of ‘ ‘ 7 E Morchants, Auctioneers, Farmers, and others, to the fact that we are prepared to ex- ecute .1011 WORK on the shortest possible notice, and on the moat reasonable termsâ€" For cash (Signed) Jacob Burkholder. Brigham Wilkinson, William Farr. Thomas Ellis, David McCutcheoii, T. A. Agar, f ‘ Nathaniel 1V allure. Henry Burkholder, Nigliolas Shaver,‘ John Snider, Jacob Smith, Jacob Snider, Samuel Lino. Daniel Raemnu, Joseph Snider, ' William Line, Elisha Fan.’ William Elliott, Joria’thiinifillorbv, Walter Fletcher? Joel'Rabmaii, ' John J effroy. Erapcis J. Bunt. John Laurie. Robert Kingt Thomas Smith. Richard Jeffrey, , Andrew McClure, ’l‘hos. Ricliardsoii.soii. OUR AGENTS n inhabitants ofAurqra apd Vicinity are informed 0313. Mr. Jaime input)“; ap‘d Mr. Janus Tor) are authorizedâ€"to receive Sub- scription and orders for Advertising and Job Work. AT .Oax Broomâ€"Mr. Christison is our' Where » our, Subscribers in that part ~y’vill in future get their papers ‘Mr.._C. will also grant receptor for Subscrifi'ons. herecy (call a Meoeting of the Electors of the Township of Vaughan, to be held at the Town HALL. " 0;} wedgesday, Feb. 22, 1860, At TENo’cluck, in tho forenoon. ' ll- ll-QWLANlh one. .January 21, 1860 61 l forwarded to testify to the abov'e i . pilipr are gianuine. concession Markham. Our .Musical Friend. 6‘ UR MUSICAL FRIEND,” a. Rare Companion for the Winter Months. Eveny Pianist, ' Should procure this Every Singer; weekly Publication of Every Teacher, Vo’cel and Piano Forte EveryPupil,‘ ‘ Music, costing but 10 Every Amateur, cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire Press of'tlie country, to be ‘- TH EBES’I‘ AND CHEAPES r WORK OF THE KIND 1N THE WURLD’” Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music. for 10 Cents. Yearly,$5; Half-yearly,$‘2 ; Quarterly$1.‘25 Subscriber to 3‘ Our Musical Friend,” or order it from the nearest Newsdeuler, and you will have Music for your entire family at an insignificant cost; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clariouet. Accordion 63o subscribe t9 the $010 Melodisgs, Containing 12 pages, costing only 10 Cents a number; Yearly, $2 5.0 ;' "Half-yearly. $1 25,. All back numbers at 10 cts.. and- Bound Volumes. containing 17 numbers, at $52 50 each, constantly on band. C. B. SEYMOUR 81. Co. 107 Nassau St.. New York .....__..._â€"â€"â€"..._._ Auction Notice; THOMASâ€"WILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, YORK, PEEL, a ONTARIO. All letters addressed, MARKHAM VILLAGE. wil . ~ . s ->- A a receive prompt attention. [13’ Orders re‘ ceived at the “HERALD” Office, Richmond ill, where terms, 610., may be' ascertained. Markham Village, Nov. 18, 1859. 5I-tf int 111 " ruins. MAYOR’S CONDlTION PHYSICS AND WORM DESTROYER. THIS Splendid Medicino can be given in ' one Ball at any time of the year, without injury to the Horse, and has been used by the Farmers of Markham fer the last two years ' By the use of . with a success unprecedented. this remedy it Will convince the owners of that noble animal the inconsistency of an unnecesâ€" sary outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders. which are too welllkuown ’to coiitaln minerals highly injurious to ‘ the inerribrane or coating of the Stomach. The *Ball' is a compound of Pure Vegetabe, and warranted not to contain either Mercury, Arspiiio, Auti- iiiopy or any other Mineral. Its immediate action is surprising andllié ultimate effect has astonished thousand-55 fthe Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is all right. One dose at the cost of 25 cents is sufficient to cure Hide Bound, Loss of Appe- tite. Coughs. Colds and Fever, Distemper, Stoppage of Water, Swelled Legs, Greasemnd is a complete Destroyer of Worms, 9. great puri- fyer of the Blood, .and, a. good. Physic, always recommended to be'giveu in the Spring and Fall, which will act as a preventive and im- prove the general condition. Makes him corn- pletolyupto the mark for his work, thereby ‘ giving every satisfaction the owner can req iire. Testimonials of‘the highest char o'toi‘, will be ' ' required. Cash 'I‘erriierne Dollar. per packet containing four Balls; "‘ ' "‘ M ' ' Letters prepaid enclosing a remittance, will be promptly attended to. ' i ” I grilling: Directions wrapped round each Bull will} my signature in full, without which none Officeâ€"Victoria Square, Mnnufactory-y-Ilth THOMAS MAYOR The only maker of the original Yorkshire Driffield Oils in America. 60 -_______..._~_...~__-..,_....___.._.-â€"..-.â€"â€" moi-moaio HILL IRON FOUNDRY. HE undersigned begs to inform the public that he has opened a FOUNDRY for the manufacture of O, S. Richmond's improved IRON BEAM. PLOUGHS. Wood Beam Gauge Pyloughs. Eanning Mills, Horse Hbes, d: Hdrse Rakes; 'V 113' All Work manufactured by mp, is War- ranted. IRA B. RICH MOND. Richmond Hill. Jan. 12,1859. ' 0 Good Health and Long Life > MAYOR'S LONG LIFE PILLS .’ Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. These Pillaaro composed of the most select Drugs, and being purely vegetable, cau be succeed. TORON 0, CIT V MARBLE W0 R118, 185 YONGE, STALET. MONUMENTSZâ€"TOMBTABLES; TOMBSTONES, Sic. Twenty Per, Cent Cheaper. THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. & W. YALE. will con-1 tinuc the business under the superinteii‘dence of our 'duly' outliorized agents, A‘Us'riiv ADBIY and D. Caucus VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. ' ' ' 1",S.'â€"-All notes and accounts remaining un- paid (in the Isl day of Juno,’1858, will be put: iii'toYCourt [or collection,- ' I C. YALE. G. CUIVlIVhER. Toronto, April 29, 1859. 48-tf. resales LICENSED. AUCTIONEER, the sale of Cattle, Stock, 5w, is pre- pared to attend Sales in all ports ol‘I Up: 19-9. per Capadn. Richmond Hill May 25. 18.59. FOR. SALE; 2002900, feet of Lumber NCLU ,Flopriiig. Siding, lpch Bonnie. and iivo-iucli PlankLSc‘autlin . &c ,&c.. at the subscriber’s Mill; iieai'Stou ville. cheap for Cash or Approved Credit. JAMES BUGG. Stonfl‘ville. April 12, 1.859. 93;tf,. ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe, Makcm DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill.‘ A choice selection of Gentleinons’, Ladies. and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- tice. ' ' 1 113’ All kinds of Shoemakers Findings for sale,» Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858, ,. 1:1? . 7E W TRIEZf/TMENT.‘ Bull‘an Medical. Dispensary. usranrisnno FOR THE com: or Dvsrxnng _GEKERAL DnBrLirv‘, ruvim AND sour, scnoruca, ow uncnas. one” turn- RIVTY or run moon, SALT atrium. ' “an”; visions, BIL‘ES, ' xu‘asnvs, DEBILITY, 'riv- ‘ rurmrrns or rooms ‘ AND 0L1) .1015, &c. (i1? No Mercury Used ‘ R AMOS do SON, Corner of Main and 'Qua‘y 'Stroots, Buffalo, New York, are theonly l’hysiCiaus'in the State iirlioare meme. bers of the Royal College, of Surgeons, Lon- don. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the n’iornjiig; until a‘o’elook' at niglit,'on every and symptom of disease, ' stu e ' The treatment they adopt is the result of up wards' of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in eight or_ nine days, and cases ofa slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expeii‘so.-' The cure effected without confinement or hin- drance from business. ' ' ‘ " ii Young 11137.3“ Particulqr. Notice, '1‘1191‘01‘5 an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with them to manhood. and which. ifiiot reformed by them in due time. not' only. begets serious obstacles to llltttl‘llllolllul happiness, but given rise to a series of protracted. iiisidious, and do- vastatiug affections. Few‘of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattered. feel strange and unacountui ble feelings. and'vagu'o fears in the niiud.‘ A ZlIost Scientific Invention, An instrument for the cure of General Do- bility, or more properly known as Seniual Weakness, Nervous 01301111.)". 52c”. w-h‘i'c artf permanently cured in from 15 to 20 day‘s by the use ofthis ingirungent, when used conjointly with medicines. ’ JVe'w Remedies and Quick Cures, Qr AMOS &. SON take pleasure irinnnonng cing that they have invented a [11081, iiiiportiint instrument for the cure of the above disemsi It has been subjected to a test by the most orniiiout physicians in London, Paris, liliilndol-i phja and New York. ‘ it has been declared tliq iily u’seful iiistruii'20iit"ever yet invented for tip cure or Seminal Weakness. or any dined-o, f the genital organs, caused by the secret abits of youth“ ' " ‘ Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfyttho nost skeptical as to the merits of t‘ioseiustru- nents, pledge theriisolves. that in ; i_v insane. where they may prove usatisfactorl‘. after a. talr trial, the money wil "be refunded brim-1 tarniug the instrument in good order. ' Persons wishing the above useful instrument wrll observe. that the price. With the accom- panying directions, securer packed and lent by mail or express, is ten dollars. . Beware of Iiizposi'ti'on. Beware of empirics and itinerant self-otylod professors, who A'r'rrzmrr clinics,“ but never Dr Amos 6L Son have for a, long series of. . this country, such as Pains in the Head. Back Off â€" ' ~i . . . .1; . . . Cofomgfigis SSW” vrnces. Approved credit willbe. given if reg 1. passes through Richmond‘tlill. Thornhill, dice. every Tuesday and Saturday. Communica- tions left at R. Nichollls Richmond Hill Hotel, will r'ecievo prompt attention. In accordance with the above Requisition, 1 T015100. January 1860- To make Chopping Easy ! Richmond Hill. Oct. 96. 18513,. 111.1(0)] at any season of the year if necessary, With safety dud without fear of taking cold by exposure. which renders them of L years been engaged in an extensive prii‘ctie'e iii the treatment of these delicate complaints, and great v'aiue are the only legally qualified Pliy‘Sicians yrhb' “Id auperior to any 0mm. m'ed,ci,,-e 6%,. Yet now advertise to card c'e’r‘tain‘ coni'plh‘ints,‘ or offered to the public. The satisfactory and flat- from whom gellullla Elll'ol’élill 1'0019'01931‘33“ 1" tering testimonials received by the Proprietor, le‘llued- ‘ h if H has induced him to advertise these invaluable Picasons in ANY PART 0 Pills ihat the public may be convinced of a be successntl\"'ti'éatod bv forwarding acorroct simple and efiicvzcrous remedy, is alone suffioiâ€" detail of their cases, with a remittance for out to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness of Mcdicinés, &c., which. will be returned with. p . the utmost dispatch and secure from obser‘ and Louis, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or vatio‘ri'. " ‘ ‘ indigestion, 'Sorcness of the ' 'Add‘ress Dr. Amos & Sou, corner Main and I I ' I, Throat, Ctamps, Colics, Worms in Children, and other disor: Quay streets, Buffalo, N, Y. t46-ly ders, which will be found on ft'o'ivrappor with instructions for taking them. " lfi'lcg, 25 Corey‘s one]; 130;. Sold by Druggists and general St ‘rokeopors. who are requestedth to purchase 0, travelling Agents. ' ‘ ‘ i ’ rue WORLD may DR. s. N. PECK, URGEON Dentist, will be at. Hallie Hotel. Markham Village, on the thh, 26th and 26m of each month. 'I‘eeih extracted freo.‘ Teeth Filled, each 250m. "Dentistrv done a “OMAS MAYOR" cheaper: than by any other“ Dentist iii the Pill. Manufactoryâ€"Ath quired. All Work VVai‘raiitpd. June 30, 1859. 3111} MUSICAL TUITION. it. GEORGE F. onAHAM, Professor YONGE STREET HOTEL. of Music and Organist, of Toronto, 'AURORR.‘ . ' GOOD supply of VVine‘and Liquors A always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers, Farmers, and otherd. Cigars orall brands. ’ ' ‘ ' ' D. McLEOD, Proprietor. .____-_____..Â¥ _ _ _ M g Aurora, June 6, 18_5_9{ 25-1y 32 Trinity Square, JAMES HALL, AS always on hand a large assortment of 'BOO'I‘S and SHOES, which "will be sold 9t prices to meet the times ‘ ‘ Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. UY Du MOTT’S warranted Cast Stool AXES. for Sale at the Stave Factory by. ii . a. J. HARRISON. tE-tt‘ 1‘”

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