York Herald, 10 Feb 1860, p. 4

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_ Business mtrcctom. T. d. WHEELER. WATCH 8; CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, &c- RICHMOND III LL. 53-Iy patio}, THE TINKER’S WEDDING. In June. when broom and bloom was soon, An’bi-ackons waved fu fresh an’ green, Dec. 3, 1859, An’ warm the sun, wi’ silver sheen, The hills an’ glans did gladden. 0. Ac day. upon the border bent, Dr. s. N. PECK, ERGEON Dentist, will be at Hall’s Hotel. Markham Village, on the 24th, 25th and 26m of each Month. Teeth extracted free. Teeth Flled, each 25cts. Dentistry done cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro- vince. Approved Credit will be given if re- quired. All work V’Varranted. The tinker’s pitcli’d their gipsy tent. An’ auld an’ young wi ae consent, Itesolv’d to hand a wedding, 0. Diring do a do a day, Diring do a daddin‘, O. Diring do a do a day, IIurra !' the tinker’s weddin". 0. June 30,1859. 31-ly The bridegroom was wild Norman Scott, Auction Notice- Wha thrice had broke the nuptial knot, __ An’ aince was sentenced to be shot THOI‘TIAS BOWAIAN, - I' or breach 0 martial orders, 0. IJiCEIlSefl AuctiOIIOGr’ His gleesome Joe was Madge M’Kell. FOR THE A spaewife, match for Nick himsel’. Wi’ glamour, cantrip, charm and spell, She frightit baith the borders, 0. COUNTIES OF YORK &. PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira.” P.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received a the “ York Herald.” Officii, Richmond Ililll Mr. Henry Lemon, 'I‘hornhitl, and. Mr. James Cavannah. Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms, &c. may be obtaieed. Almira, Nov. 25, 1859. TO Nae priest was there wi’ solemn face, Nae clerk to claim 0’ crowns a brace. The piper an’ fiddler play’d the grace To set their gabs asteerin’. O. ’Mang beef an’ mutton, pork an’ veal, ’Mang painches, plucks. and fresh cow-heel. Fat haggises and caller jeel, They clawt awa careerin. 0. GO B. “'ITH YOUR CARDING & GRISTIN G, where parties from a distance can have it done to take with them on their: return home. Almira, May 13, 1859. 24-tf. "'Wfiliiikivi Hanson,” Saddle an d Harness Maker, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. Fresh Saumon, newly ta’en in Tweed, Saut ling an’ cod 0’ Shetland breed, They worried till kytes were like to screed. ’Mang fiaggons and flasks o’ gravy, 0. They were raisin kail and sweet-milk aps, Au’ eWe-milk cheese in whang and flaps ; An’ thoy roopit. to gust their gab: an’ craps. Right mony a cadger’s cavie, O. The drink flew roun’ in wild galore, An’ soon upraised a hideous roar, 1'“ Blythe Comus ne’er a queerer core, Saw seated round his table, 0. They drank. they danced, they swore, they sang They quarreliod an’ ’grced the hale day lang, An ’ the wranglin’ that rang among the thrang \Vad match the tongues 0’ Babel. 0. JAMES JENKINS’, Grocery & Provision Store RICHMOND HILL exchange. The above is the oldest established Grocery and Provision Store on the Hill. Dec. 2. 1858. The drink gaed down before their drouth, That vex’d baith inony a man an’ mouth ; It damped the fire 0’ age and youth An’ every breast did sudden, O. 55-ly ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOD Accommodations. \Vines, Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARR, Proprietor. Markham, June 1859. 26-tf Till three stout loons flow owre the fell, At risk 0’ life, their drouth to quell, An’ robb’d a neighbourin’ smuggler’s Still, To carry on the weddin’, 0. \Vi’ thunderin’ shouts they hailed them back. Tozbroach the barrels they werena slack, While the fiddler's plane tree leg they brak, For plavingfarewell to whiskey. O. Delirium seized the uproarious thrang‘. RICHMOND 1~»IILIfi-TIO'I‘EL._‘ STAGE ru.is from the above Hotel to A Toronto, every morning, starting from the Elgin Mills at 7. a.m, and returning at 7 p. in. Pure, 2s. 6d each way. 6001) The bagpipes tn the fire they flang. i Ali’sowerin’ airns on the rigging rang. ' V , , _ ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERB. Ihe drink play’d siccan a pliskl, O. RICHARD NICHOLLS, The sun fell Iaigh owro Solway’s banks, . ’ ‘ I Proprietor- lVliile on they plied there roughsome pranks, le‘mm‘d Illllinec- 18: l858- 1-55 All, the stalwart shadows 0’ their shanks, . “"‘i'AM-’-'""_"‘“"“â€"‘ Wide owre the muir were spreading, O, G' H" Hugba’nd! Till. heads an thraws among; the whim, They fell wi’ broken bl‘OWS an’ shins. Ai’ ir-cra' t bai e.‘ fill d n ' k' ‘ 5a, 1‘5 1‘ ’T ,‘°“’ 8 {"8’ URGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s r0 0 05° “9 “1 er s wedd‘l‘Eo 0' Hotel. Richmond Hill, the Finsr MONDAY of every IDOIIII], and, the remainder of, 1116 «3‘ p Willi) atdhis residence Thornhill. All Work ’ ‘ arrante . . Mm illuullunimu, ,u, 8, .85., ~ 3..., W \Vhy is the world like a piano? Because it is full of sharps and flats. HALF-WAY ‘Housi‘, RICHMOND HILL. HE Subscriber begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises, where there will be found excellent accommodation for Travellers, and Good Stabling. (If? Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GABY, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. 22, 1858. 72-7 11'. I‘IODGE 8L C0. VXTHOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin Ironmongers, and iron Plate VVoikeIs. and Furnishing Parties givmg this house a call will find their orders punctually attended to and the lowest prices charged. A Frequenter ofpu‘olic dinner complains of the overwhelming quantity of toast. In these degenerate days character is ' .‘ r . . , 3 3* weighed with a cash balance. The grandeur of man is to prefer what he believes to the truth of himself. There is a man in town so witty, that his wife manufactures all the butter that the family uses from the cream ofhisjokes. ‘ I shall be indebted to you for life,’ as the man said to his creditors when he ran away to Australia. \Vliat the difference between a RiChmOHd “m‘Dee'lBss' crockery dealer and a cabinet maker".( One sells tea-sets and the other settees. EDD/[UND GBAINGER’ W’hy is it impassibl'c for a watch that U Tdfi ll IEdRM THORNHUEIT fresh ' ' t V - ‘ ' V ' an ’ick e eats. ’ou try, '0.. a ways fellil‘cateos itiirll’leL :5 1:31;: " on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. always be a second-hand one. Thornliill. Dec. 1858 An important reason for benevolence is, J VERNEY that though you may forgot your'own joy ' ’ from being accustomed to it, the joy of Igoot ana’Shog 31311013 others seems over something new. YONGE STREET, RICHMOND llILL. l l 54-1 is 41-ltf A man is the healthiest and the happiest when he thinks the least either of health or happiness. To forget an ill is half the battle; it leaves easy work for the doctor. Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after the latest styles. December 1858. ._..._V~â€" v..._._.~__ BRINGING 1.11M Down T0 PLAIN 1‘ m ENGLisn.-â€"â€"A poetical-looking young gentleman requested the druggist’s clerk to prepare him a scid‘itz powder.â€"Clcik; ‘ With syrup 2’ Customer (slowly and methodically): ‘ I require it not as a re- frcshnient. If the syrup vitiate not the effect of the compound, you may mingle with it such an amount of the substance as will render the potulion palatable. Or to be better u:ide:stoo ’â€"Clerk (interrupting) ‘I comprehend you perfectly. Permit me to assure you that the tendency of the syrup “ill be rather to enhance than ilimiinish llic pnrgntivc vcitucs 0f the drug.’ Customcr (indignant observing that his style is atfccted by the other): ‘Thcn procecd miracle of medical literature and wisdom l’ .‘lcrk: ‘ “’ith dcspatch, con- founder of fools.’ The clerk mixed the pou'tlci‘, which the stranger swallowed, paid for, and started to lcave, when Clci-k :-â€"‘ Should you find any uneasiness. in the region of the stomach, within the period'ofliitccn minutes, illustrious patron, ivo. e44, , EETS at WM. DuROSE’S HOTEL ' Victoria Square, the last Friday even- ing in each month. OFFICERS ELECT : THOMAS SNOVVDEN, Mower. JAMES NEAL, Deputy. JOHN GAULEY, Treasurer. JOHN BUTTON. Secretary. attribute the cause to the accidental intro- Vlcmna Squaw may 7' 1658' 48'] duction into the draught you have just; â€"~’â€"â€"â€" *v-mâ€" ’- tnkcn, of some drugs of various effect and Elicia 13101211 Victoria, painful conscqucncc.’ Customer (a trifle} LODGE No. 7.8. .. . . i OYAL ORANGE lililgl’m‘w‘l): ‘“ 1 do, Caulk)qu your lm' 11 meets at Brother Robert Wisemari s, BOWMAN’S MILLS I: o CREDIT GIVEN. Product: takenin Thernhill, Dec. 1859. And many other Diseases. under either of the above mentioned Diseases, August 6, 1858 W. T. ATK l i, .l' l ii i'l ll 1' ' I 3%.! ' “fulfil; . PATENT Drain Pipes; Eve Troughs AND ‘ Water gponats, IV‘Ianufactnrod and for solo by JOHN LANCES'FAFF, STEAM Micas', .'1‘rionsnii.i.. June 3, 1859. ‘27-tf DR. L. LANGSTAW’F‘, {zilllili‘iilHILL, near King Sl‘liii‘li, .Ilitllf'l‘ ivi'itmalj.‘ («inn 3‘1 ir,‘ liy’r. ilflin‘v King, filo)” 13, lost). fl“ Iy New Boot and Shoe Store IN BUT’I‘ONVILLE. - ' * HESUbscriher Mums his thanks ,0 the mend Ilill, &c., that he intends opening, on llie’Ibtli,inst.,witli a splendid assortment of public for past support and hogs tostate that he has removed into the Village of Butlonvillc, who 0 he hopes for a continuance of the pa- tronage heretofore givon him. All orders executed with despatch and work warranted. DAVID GALLOVVAY. 'Buttonville, Nov. ll. 1859. 5011)- Photographs ! Ambrotypes l MELANEOTYPES l LETTERGRAPHS, &C. All styles of Pictures taken at t 0 Medical Hall, Markham, On reasonable terms, and in all Weathers” Pictures taken from the smallest to life size. I. C. DUNIIAM. Markham Village, Oct. 141, 1859. 46.4 W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING s'r. EAS’K‘_ souru SIDE, THIRD noon wusr FROM cnuncn sr. TORONTO, S the Proprietor cf Oliver’s Patent for ap- plying Electricity, to prevent pain in ex- tracting tooth; and also of an Aparntus for manufacturing Vulcanite Rubber l’laics t'nr sets and Partial sets of teeth. Teeth mounted on Gold or otherwise to suit the necessitv of the case. ' .a Toronto, August 27, 185:). MATHESDN do FITZGERALD, Barristers, Attorneys-atâ€"Law, SOLICITORS IN CIIANCERY, &c. OFFICE :’- CORNER 01" KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Wliiimore £ Co’s. Bonkiug Office, TORONTO- Agency Particular/y attended to. ~..._ THOMAS G. MATHESON. JAMES FITZGERALD To'ont), July I, 1559, if 3I-tf JOHN N. REID, MD. CORNER or voxci.‘ AM) coriiolm si‘iuzm‘s, 'l'IIORNIIILL. [11? Ill Prescriptions got at the Oflice must be paid for on delivery. 3l-ly Dr. DUNHAB’I, SURGEON and Mechanical Dentist, Medical l llall, Markham Village. June 30, 1859. 31-13' JAMES I BARKER, IMPORTER and Dealer in Dry Goods. Groceries, Paints, Oils, and Die Stufl's, Patent Mcdicines, Glass, Putty. Nails -â€"Low 1 very low for Cashâ€"Markham Village. June 30, 1859, 31-6m P. C R O S B Y, ’ MPOPUI'ER of Dry Goods, Groceries, Wines, Liquors. Hardware, doc. Richmond Ilill. June 1859. 31-6111 THORNHILL HOTEL. ~ THE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that helias leased the abort: Promises and futml them up in a neat and com a PATTERsonsiMPLEMENTfiNORKs fortublc . v. ‘ NM ,. WWMWMW We would inform the public that we are manufacturing a/Iarge number of l The) have been thoroughly tested, both in heavy and light soils, and proved themselves capable of raising the largest. Stumps and can be successfully worked by three men unaided by horse or other team. Price, comvplctcw$68 00. \Ve also have in bands the patterns of a very ‘ S'U PEREOR S'I‘RAW CUTTER I With fcerl gear so constructed as to cut differciht lengths, from i to 13: inches. Farmers and others are requested, to call and examine their MACHINES before purchasing elsewhere. Price, from $10 00 to $20 00 REAPERS AND MOWER§ : , In their season, Also, , Wooden, Crooked. & Straight Beam Plows ! CIRCULAR WOOD saws, ROOT SLICEus, GANG PLows, HORSE HOES, SCUFFLERS, Constantly on band.‘ (5%: All IMPLEMENTS manufacturcd by us are Warranted. 2% PATTERSON & BROTHER. f - 41-1 &0. Richmond Hill, Sept. 97 1859. _i., -. a. I. “A. mmem'Tz’: E‘W STORE 1N~ MARKET. Jonas-gr BOND BIEGS to inform the inhabitants of Newmarkst, Holland Landing, Aurora, Rich- -... ‘. rt ounce, eaocsuiss, DRY GOODS, AND MIL-LINE RY. E'EAEQDW2hfidE, @EEQL‘EQEEQY, r5316. &0. And a great many Articles too numerous to ncntion. Particular attention devoted to the Millincry Department ~â€" 1' His SHOW? ROOM will be open shortly after Willi a great variety of ‘W 1-. \.‘ I E :4“; 4- ~17 CAPS, BUNNE IIIANTLES l OPERA menus, ac. ac. Ncwmnrkct, Septunber Q, 1859. lill-Gm 131W, C'llflililfl EN BEITTON V IL ~r\,». r. » _,,r>\,r~yl . v-x r\/.,w-_/\. ’x/\. "x ’v '- \IfillCtI begs to cull the attention of his Friends and the Public gen- rjoIC Unch orally to the fact that he has opened a N152 “7 STORE in the above place, which will he found rrplcte with a large and splendid assortment of my 1W LIQUORS, V’FNES, BRANDlliS, L ,Ll \l'hich he is'pri pared to Scll on most rcns'. ole tcrnis. Parties, before purchasing elsewhere, Will find it an advantage to Call a o con .16.. Iiices. Clothing made to Order on the shortest Notice. FRANCIS I’L‘lilis. - v F7 1.. Button-ville, December 23, 1899. .).)...i. ufWfiWfW GOOD PAIL is a domestic necessity and superior li-IICI‘ZIC'I‘IS are much in demand. The Subscriber begs to inlorin the punlzc that he is l’l‘t‘lli‘d'twl to manufacture any quantity of first class PAILS and SAP BUCKI‘J'I‘S, having ‘ recently made several Additions and IMPROVEMENTS TO HIS ESTABLISHMENT b 7 3y which he is enabled to make bctt'cr FAILS, of every size, and SAP BUCKE'I‘ f. and sell them CIII‘JAPl-ll’. than any other House in Canada. He would especially call the attention of Farmers and others to his @5th As they are allowed to be the lwst cvcr made, and, us be has a large stock on hum], he will still them at unprccudcntcd low Prices. All orders lcttci‘, prcpuid, sent to Buttonville, 13.0. will receive pmiiipt attention. JOHN AMOSS, Lot No. 11, 53nd couccssion, Markham, December 533, 18.39. tin-din on, I-‘V a. "a c n n lcspectfnliy begs to announce that be has reccivcd his _'l‘UMN AND IVIN'I‘ER GOODS. l His s'rocn is by far the, J Ftyic i I licordwmrnd i . ill on 4.2â€"... :E‘JARG'EST on RICHMOND HIL "it accomnn. run: it y .. ‘ agreeable. , r r w ' i ' The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully And equal to any NOR PH 0f FORON 10- selected. Good stabling and attentive hostlers. ____. HENRY LEMON, Proprietor. Thornhill, Jan. 1859. p.53 florist Personal fittention Vitill be paid to the business, and all GOODS sold at the lowest remunerating prices lump}, THORNH“ L (500‘, he therefore confidently solicits a continuance ofthe patronage he has so long received. A .1, 1 s ‘ Accommodation for 'I'ravellers. JOHN SHIELS, Proprietor ' I-tf. To the Sick and Dying. B/ R. SNIDER, of the 7th concession of to cure Cancers; Enlarged invoice Persons labouring will do well to call in time. All letters to be paid, and addresle to PETER SNIDEI’», Klin ebnrgh [143’ NO CURE NO PAY. .7- u m-.....- . -..... . -. on-..“ INSO N, 8: Co. IMPOR'I‘ERS OF ENGLISH DRUGS, ‘ Ilianuliictuicrs of Illiciii'icnls Patent Medicines é“; Perfumery. VI... APOTI‘IICCARIICS HALL, OPPOSITE 'I'HIC Cn'l'lil’illflAL, King St. Toronto. Vaughan, near Klincburgh, guarrantees I F P a... TWAGGONS, 11c takcs this opportunity of returning sincere thanks to his old Customers and Friends, for the vciy liberal support they have hitherto given him. October, 1859. 48-5 musics, Wino-0N8, 8.6. M AN UPAC'I‘U RED AT ’I‘IIORNIâ€"ILL. l' ‘IIIS Subscriber begs to call the attention oftbe Public to the fact that be is prepared to make fil‘st-clas . ‘ SLEIGES. BUGSâ€"HES, Also, a new and IMPROVED GLOD CREE-@HER. \Vhicli every Farmer ought to pesscss, and fl 9 III. llllllll l llilllllflilllll lllllllllll , THE NARRATIVES on _ V JESUIT FATHERS 1 ST year the French reading part of the A L Canadian pcop‘o wore edified ann de- lighted by the publication of the original Nar- ratives of tho Josuit Fathers, who were the, pioneers of religion and its attendant civiliza- tion in Canada. This work, important as it is to the French Canadian, is not less so to the English-speaking part of the population of North Airicrica. All Inhabitants of this great continent, especially all Canadians, will assign it an honored place on the shelves which bear the stirring narratives of the first English and Dutcliachnturcrs. It is fit, therefore, to make its reverend au- thors speak with an English tongue. The early history of- Canada is at this ino- mentattracting much attention. The French, Government has made large and precious con- tributions of historical matter to our Provincial Library, both iiiunusmipt and printed, relating chiefly to Cannon, its settlement and wars : the Government of the United Sta res has been ever zealous in VCollcCting documents relating to the acts and sullcrings of their hardy and adven- turous founders ; and tho encouragementwhich our own Government could allhrd in aid of en- torprizes of the same character, has always been promptly and effectually granted. The publication of authentic and interesting historical records has been favored and prompt- ed by all enlightened governments and literary bodies; because they supply the best evidence of the trntii of history, or the best materials for its composition. It has even been asserted, that the chronicles and private memoirs of coil tomporaries are of higher value than the po. lished periods of Hume and Mczeray, The Narratives now sought to be presented to the public are of great value to all classes. To the l‘t‘llglollle, vsbcther Protestant or Ro- man Catholic, they nli'ord precious evidence of tho Zuni of those servants of his Holy I’tcl gion who devoted themselves to its propagation amongthe heathen, and Word forward through many a fiery trial, to II!l(l too often at last the CI'OW-ll of iiinriydmii. The cthnologist will find in them faithful ilcscriptions of a race now much degenerated and rapidly approaching to extinction, \‘v’l'lllf‘ll amongst them as they lived died, received baptism or fci'ociously murdered the men v.'lio.sorig;lit to bastmvitlni them. Or- untanglit peasant. will peruse with interest an account of men who Il‘::II the soil on which thev now niove,~â€".vlio won the lords of the foresit and tho rivcr, now smiling with the rich harâ€" vest or glittering with the vvsscls ofcriinincrce, "and will lcarn with some emotion that they live and. sleep in security on tho self-same spot which has been often dwnclicil with the blood shed in warfare or massacre. The publication of so voluminous a work \vlll depend onlircly upon the supportrcccivcd- froui the public. The first volume has been translated by one of thc hcst translators in the Province ; nnd it will he put to press as soon as a snilicicnt number of .‘llilSCl‘IbOl'b‘ is obtain- ed to defray tliccost oftranslation and publisli~ ing, The work will make 3 Volumes. Royal 8vo., of about 750 pages each, in Long I‘i'imei‘ type. Subscription li::ts will be found at the Book- stores in Montreal. 'I'oronio, Quebec King- ston, ()itonurn. IIniuiltcn. London, 6.13., and at tho (llilccs of the Publisher, in St. Nicholas Street, i‘vlontrcnl ; also at Ste., Anne Street Quebec. Price in pripcr covers per Volume, I for the set 5-25. 25. Price in hull'caif per volume. $33.50 or for the set $310.51). 74, or JOHN LOVICLL. , Canada Di::3clmy Oftll-e, Publisher. Montreal, Sept. 18.35). r n o N on it our: 05. - iéiilfliéfi SOUND. 1)IION ‘7 PI'I‘MAN. of Both, l'lnglniid, in the your 1837 It is the 111051 simple, most natural inost rnpid, and most Lansilylcai'iied systolil of l'Vl'lt- in; which has cvor been, or over can be inâ€" Veiilcd During the past fif'tcen yours, hundreds of thousands of persons, in England and Anio- rica, in both public and private life. have learned to write I’lionoginphy. and thousands of social and business the post cfiico Nor is Its great populoriiy to ho wondered lot. The present firblt‘dll of writing" is exceed- ingly cumbersome, and tolnlly unworthy those days of progress and invention. l’honography is equally as lcgiblc, on” he learned in one- twcntictii the time, and can ln: written sir; times (:sjirsl! In otlicr words. the labor of six days can be performed in onc~~one man can do the work of six! So simple is the system. too, that a. person may learn to write it slowly, in n coupie of hours. An hour’s duily p notice for a tow \vccks will cnablo‘ (my person to wri:o I'honogrnphy wi’h certainty. and with some degree of t'rce-zl::~in. The same amount of practice continued for six months will ec- ohlc ii pcrson to take reports of spccches, lcn- nros, sermons, or conversation, and t) read liciii uizh accuracy Dr. .1. W. Hour, of Boston, says : ‘I deem Plicucgrapliy till invaluable adjunct to educa- lion, and. one which. who” acquired in youth Would not be parted with in manhood for thou- sands of dollars ” ’l‘lio loto lion. 'l‘iios. II. Iliznrox. upon bo- ng prcscntco with a verbalinircport ofone- of his liiarrlCll'V tâ€"pf‘t‘ullef'l. taken by a little boy only twr-lvo years of ago. said : “ Had this art ,I/ccn, launch, (10 yours ago it would liltL'GSIll‘L’ll mi} :30 years: [and tailor.” The learned sonutor spoke but a portion of the truth. “flint long- lizind rcquires six years to occmnplish, Phono- grnphy will perform in one. To Clergyiiicn. Ildi'ors, ’liysicians, Law- yers, Secretaries, Convovaiiccru. Law and Mc- dical Students, Lecturers, Printers, School 'I‘cnclicrs, Iilcrchunts. School Jloys and Girls, a knowledge of Phonogrnpliy is of vast utility.- In fact there Is no prot'cssion or'calling in which it is not useful, and no young man’s education can be considered complete without it. , loin-rs annually pass through During the past nine months hundreds of persons in Canada, of cvery‘pursuit in life, have acquired the Art, from many of 'whom‘ the :subscribcr has received neatly-written plionogi'apliic letters, expressive oftlieir de- light with the attainment, and the oxtraordinary ease with which they have acquired it. _ Fortlie purpose of aiding in the dissemination of so important a reform in his own country,. the subscriber is now prepared to supply all who apply, with the khan“. or Pnoaoouan I’HY. and the I’HONOGRAPHIC Corr Boon, sent by mail to any part of the Province. postago‘ pie-paid, for the small sum of [1? ONE DOLLAR. Lg] Anybody and everybody, who can learn any.» thing, can learn I’iiosoomriiv from the MA. NUAL, without other assistance. Those who wish to be able to put their thoughts to paper at the rate of from 100 to 250 words l- per minute,” should send for the-l above-mentioned works at once. The instruction given by the Manual is as plain. as A. B. C,, and ten times as easy to, understand. The “CANADIAN PIIONETIC PION- EER, ” is u hIoiiilily .iouinal, devoted to the! advocacy of the Itcform. Price 25 cents pet'l annnm, Address, (posh-paid) WILLIAM II. ORR. UslluWfl. C. Vi’. W. U. $42KENE. MinnwniGi-i'r, mg 123 T0.Waéi , GS to intimate that he is now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by LANDS FOR SAL and ii’im'cd. hunted and fought, married and‘ (linary readers, from the intelligent scholar to the. ,g,“ OGilAl’ll‘i' was invented by iSAAc' w... E. On Easy Terms of Payment. 80,006jAcres, ITUA'I‘ED in the counties of LAMPTON andl KENT. All necessaryinformation will ho t given on application, post paid, to ‘ MILES LANGSTAFF, Wallaceburglb- _ Also,‘ some improved FARMS to RENT. Wallaceburgh, Nov. ?4, 1859. 52-W I‘lllliiig .8; Cloth Dressing E undersigned having leased that Ex. : AT annnucc’s FACTORY. T” A tensive Esiablishinont of Mr. C. E. Lawrence. feels confident in saying that he is prepared to give general satisfaction to all Kwho may favor him with their orders. having 1 had long experience in the business of Dyeing v and Dressing Cloth. Blankets Full’d and Napp’d,- On the shortest notice. W. L. KING. Richmond Hill, Nov, 18, 1859. 51-6: BEAVER Fire insurance Association OF TORONTO, c, w. K)FF1CF., Eiemoved from 54 King StreetEast‘. 'I‘ononro STREET noxt building north of the Masonic Isl all. 11an the Profits to be returned tothe Insured, the balance invested to form a Reserve Fund. BOARD or Dinacrous ; TRUSTEES”â€"-I’10111‘)’ Ilowsel, W. C. Chewett. Joseph .Iackes. D1REC’I'ORSâ€"-â€"I’10nl'yROWSBII, Toronto. Chair. mini .' J, W. Brent, Deputy Chairman; W. (3., Cliewett. Toronto; Joseph Jackes, Toronto . W. H. Smith. Toronto, Min/agar; Wm. Helliwoll. Highland Creek; John Mowat, Kingston; Win. Aglin. Kingston; Asa A. llurnhnni. Cobourg; ‘va. Green, Hamilton ; RobertSmith, Chinguacousy; George Blain, '1‘ Township. sum-3m.- ,,"hn Ilalliwell. Band of Toronto. The Provident Life Assurance pany is removed to the same office. Having guarded against loss from fire bvlm suring your property, consider if it would not be as well to make a little additional provision. for your family in case ofyour own premature death tee-Wllelllm‘ it would not be as wellI through the assistance of a Life Assurance. Companv, to provide a legacy t‘oryour wife or daughter, or. ifyon have not the happiness to. be blessed with them, think if the possession of‘ " a fcw hundrei‘l'pouiids additional might not be. of advantage to youi'sclfa few years hence. If,‘ you decide that it would. write to the Mann in Director ofthe PROVIUENT LIFE ASS Ru. ANCIC AND INVI'.‘S'I'MEN'I‘ COMPANY 20 Toronto Street, Toronto. for a ” Proposal ” form, and acopy of the Rates. Or, possibly. the Agent of the “ Beavar” may possess a copy of both documents. which he can ncciiiiniodatc you with, and give you a. little information on the subject bcridcs. Agent at Ilicliiiioiid iIillâ€"d. Ii. ARNOLD. m l Bankers-"Tho March 213. 1359. l7otf' Fire! Fire! 1 Fire! I .' IV E .‘ ’I‘ E R N Fire Erwin-once Coriipany of Toronto. ACT OF PA RIJAMKN’I’. (HPI'IHL STOCK, £100,000. l. C. (licmon, Pres. thONPORA’l 1-21) BY | UJCO.III1CHIK,VICG Pros. iiiniccrons : Rico chvis List , . . .,_. . 1. James lie-City, I'I‘sq. T, P. IiOlHll‘lS, I‘lsq. i‘vI. Itossin, l‘lsq. 'I‘hos_ llaworth. Esq. W. Henderson. Esq. I W. Macfarlune. Esq. Bernard Ilaldnn, Esq. Secretary (S’ Treasurr. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. llaiik of Upper Canada. Bun/refs. .Btlljilllllll b‘wiizci, Itsq. Inspector. ill? Ilcad (Mica, C/iurc/i b'lrcct, Toronto. a 'I‘iiis (Tornme .lnsnies all descriptions of Buildings,Manufactorics, Mills. &c.. and Goods and Furniture. in ihesame, againstloss or damn ago by fire, on liberal terms. Losses promptlyl settled. A. LA “I, General ..gent. 1857: [110-1 Residence. lticliirond ,llill August 13. is PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, i1nd dcspatcbcd to Subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyance. when so desired. The YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latestand most impor. tani 1"oreigii and Provincial News and Mar. kcts. and the greatest care will betakeu to render it acceptable tothe man of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. l 'I,‘ICRMS.-Sevon and Sixpence per Annum. "I ADVANCE ; and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING : ‘ Six lines and under, first insertion.. . . .$00 50 Each subsequent insertion. . . . . , ., . . . . 00 12* Ten lines and under,first insertion. , . . . 00 75 ' Above tan lines, first in.. per line.... 00 07 Each subsequentinsertion, per line, ._ , . 00 02 If? Advertisements without written direc. tions inserted till forbid, and charged accords iiigly. All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made tapaigties ads vertising by the yeas, All advertisements published for class pe- riod than one month, must be paid for in. ad. Vance. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid : and parties refusing papers without pa iiig up. will be held accountable for the an scription. WWW m II; THE YORK HERALD Rock and Job Printing ESTABLISMENT. RDERS for any of the undermentloned ( description 01' PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :9â€" BOOKS, 12;.ch BILLS, BUSINESS canps. Lana: AND SMALL POSTERS, Ciucumns, LAW roams. mm. HEADSJIANK CI!ECI§S,DR.-u-‘TS, AM) PAMP ans. 7 5. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRES S PRINTING done in the best style, at moderate rates. , E lll'mlencei 1'“ PUEICII your bead.’ Clerk: Masonic Hall, the first Friday evening aflar At tne shortest notice, and at the lowest rcmnneratmg prices. Ihose requiring ieal ‘-I thought I‘d bring you down to plain l the Fun MOO“ i" 91ml] “1mm” “7‘, . I: . .7 ,' { OFFICERS Enncr -â€"â€" William Duncan, 'Lnl‘iTh’ . bud 1 link”. Iou “I”: find {he Master; R. “’iseinan, Deputy Master; John ‘wuucr all light. Lxu customer, With - - n ‘ V - ' I: ' 3 " V‘ '0' . or: ‘ l imil nent 8:. . will Proprietors of Atkinson’s Parisian looth Paste. Sulvs‘fmlldl add 600d \VagQOUS, buggies: blelahsi A: ‘Cultula 1 l 9' 5, c find it to their advantage to call. contract or otherwise. on reasonable terms. He is also agent for the best l'onndries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he I ‘ ‘ w , hOpes to give general re.'itl.<factluii, gof new I“ ancy 'Iype and Borders, for Lords, Our assortment of .1013 TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety [13” livery description of 11015.“. and Cattle ‘ . . ,, . ' ‘ , r . ‘ .' . inn. ) ~'i ip ' no :p “3116:.” o J. l’ Mnnhollond, booietnix , W.Poguo, Ireasumr MOdlUMSPHwâ€"dd “'il’ ’i‘ “W -l ‘3 go I V n '_ n. . l ” . .. , H . r V . , - - - ~ ~ - " ,.. , . . . - ~.~ -- â€" ,.-; l Atlodalums on hallo. In: wotâ€"hill standing straight out... I ,,,,,,,_,,,, 2,, 13,35, 33., T0,0,,.,’,~,,,;.,.1g”15,3. 4 1. ho..m.ll, ()ttobcr “l, 1839. 41 0m _ Altona, Dec .3, no .5.» i, (n cm a. x i .

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