York Herald, 10 Feb 1860, p. 3

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x ARRIVAL OF THE “CITY OF ‘ BALTIMORE.” .-â€"â€"-. ~new YORK, FEB. 6, 1860. SPAIN AND MOROCCO.“ A Madrid telegram of the 15tlians pounces that the Spaniards in Morocco were masters of all the positions of Cabo Segre. After having obtained a com~ plete victory, they were commanding all the heights of the valley of Tenuan, and would be before 'Tenuan as soon as the artillery was‘able to pass. The latest despatch from Rome is dated on the 144th of January, and says :â€" The note in Moniteur of the 10th inst, has produced a great sensation at the Roman Court- A meeting of Cardinals was held to-day at the Vatican. Fresh despatclies from France for the Pope arrived yesterday. His Holiness has re- ceived Count Buol in a private audience. Great agitation prevails in the Marcos. Bologna is to be fortified. The resignation oftlie Ratczzi Cabinet in Turin is said to have resulted from the retirement of Court Walewski. A Scheme for the defensive organization pf Central Italy is said to have been matured. Letters from Florence state that in consequence ofa conspiracy in favor oftlie Grand Duke having been discovered, several arrests had taken place. COMMERCIAL TREATY BEâ€" TWEEN FRANCE AND ENG- LAND. The .Morm'ng Chronicle gives the following as the chief heads of the com- mercial treaty between France and England:â€"â€"â€"On the side of France sup- pression of prohibitions and diminution of ilie duties on coal or iron. On thel England, reduction of 'I “ties on "1095; 5 1“ 'c es de Paris, and silks. ie Times Paris correspondent says ,the treaty will be signed befope the .week is out. Lord Cowley, he adds, his returned to Paris will full powers to do so. 'NEw TAILOR SHOP. LONDON» Jan- 2'10: 1860- THE undersigned begs respectfully to inform A Paris despatch in the Londdon Post the inhabitants of . says that in the political world people are Richmond Hill & Vicinity again begining to think seriously of a That helias commenc odbulincss in theTailor THE VERY LATEST. ' . 0111: Musical Friend. manure CITY Minstnwoiiiis 6.; “UR- MUSICAL remap,» a Rare - 185 YONGE STAL‘ET. Companion for the Winter Months. __ ’ MONUMENTS,"TOM>BTABLES Every Pianist, ' Should procure tlii Every Singer. weekly Publication 0 To “BSTONFS sic ‘ I ~ ‘ 9 .~ Every Teacher, Vocel and Piano Forte RICHMOND " HILL PllllllllllM niiisi intrusion! bywvvvvvwvwvv .. .4 v iv- .. . . . qu-rw'v‘vwvvvvvww Congress. The London Star thinks it not im- probable that the commercial treaty be- tween France and England may be signed before the delivery of the Queen’s speatcb on Tuesday. ' The London Herald go es so far as to say that there seems little dohbt that the treaty has been already signed, god that it will come into opperation in this country immediately. The London Herald says the Arch- bishop of Paris has resigned his seat in the Council of the Empire. This Council was created to guard the interests of the Napoleon dynasty, in cine of the Emperor’s death. The Archbishop’s withdrawal is expected to giveamore determined attitude to the clerical party in opposition to the Emperor’s anti-Papal pohcy. 1 Sir Etienne Tgclie been elected President of the Council of Public In- struction for Lower Canada. A man named \Villigin Perpival is under arrest in London, C. W., charged with stabbing his. sister- The wound in- fli cteil is a yery severe one, mid it is fear. ad will prove mortal; it has perforated one of the lungs, and little hepes are at present entertained of her recovery. MANUMigsion or: A Beagrirur. SLAVErâ€"A young female, of almost classic beauty, about 18 years old, so nearly white that the tinge of African blood in her veins was scarcely perceptible, perfept enough in forin and feature to have served as a model for a Pragiiilus or :1 Powers, was yesterday inanrlmitted in the Probate Court by a well lgnown New Orleans merchant, Her countenance wgs beaming. expressive, and intelligent, and her dark eyes brilliant, melting, and tender, and her general appearance quite A Paris letter in the ZVOr'd says the Wirimflfffi 0“ng Filmy, to “"3 "9"" or Emperor replied as follows to certain consumptiqptbatwns evulently feeding on ,observations which have been mailerâ€"- he" Cheek- She was elegantly attired, The manufacurers, n ho ,eirist solely be- and 11} PQllll 0r P'Tl‘soml appearance “0"” pause they are protected, hare been aware ,of ~my intentions for five years past, ,and they have had plenty oftlme to p... nati Enquirer, Jan. pare for the change. The system of prohibitions has had its day, and I have :not the power to raise the dead.’ The Debuts now praises in the most unqualified manner the proposed modifi- ,Bltliuns. The Imperial plan, it observes, have pnillested favourably with the most fashionable Fourth 5? root belle.â€"â€"-Cincm- oo ~~o Let no reproach make you lay aside holiness; the frowos of the world are nothing to the smiles of Heaven. If a young lady fell overboard into the Irish sea. what island would she naturally lids nothing in common thll those hasty "1' 1° ga'“ 1â€"“1 he I519 01 MM“ projects which are called into existence Slanders issuing from red beautiful lips , y political necessitiesh but is the fruit of are like {our spiders gmwling from the long and patient examination; and it re- blushing heart Ora row. . ,m'irks that although the importation of machines for agricultural purposes, and of \be is the Coyeut Gar dell pantominc ,tools. has always neon strongly favored less likely to prove successful than similar ,by the Emperor, the severity of the ens- productions at the other llOllsles’l-‘BP- toms regulations has completely neutraliz came the managers of the other houses :11 the boom. 1 , FRANCE. The correspondent ofthe Jllom'ngpost sends the following telegraphic despatch: strive to give the audiences pleasure, while Cori-qt Garden manager’s great effort is to give them pains gf’aynes). Three college students meeting an old Paris, Jan. 19.-â€"'l‘he rumor that the gentleman, and thinking to enjoy a yoke Pope has demanded the evacuation of athis espouse, accostedlllih severally with Home by the French troops is absolutely "Good morning. false. Mr. Cobden again dined with Prince proposed a toast in honor of free trade. ' ‘ AUSTRIA, , The Cost Dcutsche Post says the part which Austria has to play for a long time yet is resignationâ€"her part is to protes against the whole world, but to supper that protest with what material wower she still retains would be a fatal policy. The Sub“ Public of Lyons says a llne _of Frencn steamers on the Dallube is about to be established. The oflicial Gazette distinctly denies that Austria had expressed her unwilling- nessvand inability to run the risk of an- other war. DESEETJONS . FROM HUNGAE- IAN ltEGl-MENTS. Napoleon on the 18th, and the Prince KPntl¢luanrePlledi Father fGood morning, Father Isaac.’-â€"-‘Cood merging, Father Jacob.’ The reverend ‘ apt neither Abraham. Isaac, nor Jacob, :â€"but Saul the son of Kish, who went put to seek his father's pssrs, and lo! harp have found themf If the alphabet were alive, why would you find it (liiiictill to kill it inecaiise : you coqldcn’t put letter out of‘ Being.’ It’s very pleasant to ride in an ominbuv opposite a bully who is stilt-kip; sligar candy and playfully wipes his dear little hands on your best blapk ket'seylrleres. , .-_v._-__. ._. _._. Nae-A _- . r v ., A .. .. U.-- ~ .-.. . Dino. On Thursday the 2nd inst. the wife of Mr. James. Marsh . of King. MARRIED. At Richmond Hill. on the 9th, by the Rev. VIENNA, January QQ._'l‘lle_ {fillqwing is James Dick. Mr. Alfred Lawson 10 Miss Mar oflicml: ‘All the reports Pilbllslleil RY we tilda Proxton, both of \‘Vliitchuicli. Sardinian papors concerning the desortlorl of Hungarian soldiers from the garrison ill Venetia are unfounded. The regults of air inquiry, ordered by the Commander-in Chief of Verona, show that not one Hungarian soldier has deserted his polors since the conclusion of paupe at Villafranca, Several ~secret , agents, however, have been arrested for endeavoring to tamper Superfine do ....'.. with the Hungarian refimeuts. C.‘ '” ROM E. A letter from Reine, of the lztth, lathe fags, says some detachments of Swiss soldiers have been attacked by the popu: lation oftlie Marches. At Macer'at‘ag Sharpe contest‘is spoken of‘as having taken Pb‘tutpes, place. Cardinal Antonelli’s budget ex: hibits a total deficit of 797,597 crowns CIâ€"IINA. The Northern Bee published a letter from a member of the Russian mission at Pekin. ' , The Chinese have received a large Quantity of silver from Russia, and are now ablelo give their soldiers one-thlptl of their pay in that metal, the paper. money hailing become greatly depreciated: THE BOMBAY MAILS. The Valett‘a, with the Bombay mails grr-ived at Marseillefi at eight o’clock yesterday morning. London at ten. The letters will be do: livered'ou Saturday. ‘ BRAZILS. The Post says, we have .authority to state that the briefof the Portuguese Government in the prevalence of yellow fever all the ports of Brazil is con- tradicted bv insurances which the The mails left for, W. TORONTO MARKETS. â€"._â€" THURSDAY, Feb. 9. Fall Wheat. prime, par bush. . . . $1 15 a 1 23 Spiing Wheat . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 0 95 a! 00 FamilyFlour.....,'.......,,... 5501575 ... 4958430 Fancy do ................. 475-485 ..Extra do .....i......'.‘.‘... 5251545 Barle)’.'..l......;;...O‘.‘.."I' R‘.’o,nofniiial “ '- ‘..'.‘.‘.i....‘. 0703075 Ohio, ' “ 0381036 Peas......,...........i..‘..... 0571060 Pork.."l..£................. 57 I675 Hny,perton...... .... . . . , _ . 1401 :20 Sth, “ .'.‘..‘.' . . . . . . . . . I”. ...... . . . . . “0352.03: A les ~erbarrpl......‘........ thaQ? Bligh”? ‘ ' 316.233 Sh’ee enc . . . . . . . . . . . . . ill... 4', a _ 30hp'400 swag,saeir;;....,...,.:...... 300,.508 ,hickens....'....'..'...‘ .i..... 20o030 Wool,perlb . . . . . . . . . ',‘........‘ 0 5-090 .Sheepskins,each..'.....‘...l.‘i. l 0111') Bécf hides, per 100 lbsii . . . . . . . . 75 a 6 00 Calfskrirsdierlbs . . . . . . ,....... 0 0:010 Butter,tresli,per lb.'.‘.": ll 81029 31mm annextismems. a, . A GRAND MISOELLANEOUS CllNCER’F ! ’ TARE PLACE IN THE scrioor, HOUSE, AT AU rtOEA, or was Imus or . Wednesday, February 15, 18.60. _.... The Aurora Glee Club. id the Toronto Qua- y ‘voluntecréd their rtcttc Club hiive kin services. Richmond Hill. Feb. 10. 1860. '0981 ‘01 Inn-Ian ‘iiiH PWWPM . w.)‘¢’.'__._‘- Abraham; 6 ing Line in the house adjoining MR. Snipes; soon SHOP, Where. by close application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. Au. onnens PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED ro. Garments cut to order on the shortestpiotico'. JAMES B. BURN ES, 63-1y in any style. CIVH 5.18 NVO lllIIlIHOthH SSHNHVH IllIflIlllftiI dd , ’OJ. (IECINEIJ..LV ATMWOHJ SHEICI‘JO 'I'I‘V 1pm 3100'] pm: ‘uaM in] ‘qu seam oi paiueaxeii SJ““03.¢D{} SEOSIHHVH ..LV .saorid aagcraunmai isomer an; in put: ‘aoriou alqrssod isauoqs all) u.) ‘Iiariea idioser iSSEINHVH 'NOSIII‘JVII 'WAA 31‘89 NOV ETTTY WORKS, MARKHAM. EVERY DRSCRIRTION OF LIGHT a, nuavv WAGGONS Manufactured by the Subscribers. Having an immense stock 03 Lumbar. of the best quality and well seasoiie , and w th the great facilities which they. have in Machinery, combined with first-class workmen.â€"tliey can, and do make, Better Finished. More Durable. and Cinner WAoooNI than any other establishment in Canada. T. SPEIGHT a SON. Markham Village, Feb. 6, 1860. 634i. ALSO. A Splendid Property For Sale. in the VILLAGE OE SPARTA, Ninth ConcessionI of Markham, suitable for Tanner or. Brewer, chilslsllqg ol’ A. One A,ng Ilqt, With Two Dwelling Houses and a largd Tannery. Seventy feel. long by Thirty-our wide. with Spring Crock :uniling through the lot. Tito indisputable. and a clear Deed for $500. For further particulars uirc of , THOMAS er‘ GH'I‘. Mai‘kllram Village. Feb. 10, 1860. 60 tf HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKlNG. V. ELL’S Superior “’atorproof Home” 0 r and Shoe Blanking is warranted to soften leather. and renter it imperious to wet. Manu- factured at Richmond Hili, and sold by Store- keepers and Harness Makers throughout the Province. Fobru ary 10, 1860. 63otl' .- NOTICE. Ll. l‘kersons indebted to the undersigned, either by Nola or Book Aeppunt. will please attend to the same by the lst of March. by coming forward and paying part slid making arrangements for the balance they will be liber- ally dealt with, 'I‘hosp negleciin to attend to this iioticb purely orpoct to be attended to. P. CROSBY. Richmond Hill. Feb. 10. 1860. TAVERN FOR SALE. f ‘HE Agricultural and Commercial Hotel, ' Victoria Square. is for sale on Liberal Terms. For particulars apply to ' ii. 5b J. HARRISON. Richmond Hill.Feb 10,l860. can 634! AFFLICT__EQ READ; EUROPEAN MEDICAL HOUSE AND Botanic hispensary, No. 51, Kim: S'riticin‘ 1Y3". TouosTo, CJE. -â€"â€"â€"â€"~-â€"~â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€"--â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"-- l ADVERHI ,. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsio, Nervous AS Esranusnxo at Dr. GOODING. (fermerly of England-( NEW. SPEEDY, AND MOST SUC: CESSFUL mode of troqtirig Debility, Mandamus or W'astigrg Cort- mmption, Seminal Weakness, Lit;- Advertisi'ng medium ndrth of Tor'onto, and as we eases of the Kidntys and 'Bladdé}, Rheumatism, Scmfadue Salt- likening, Mergurial, Chronic Complaints, u Yang 11:1" No charge for Advice. Dy. Grinning is now engaged in treating this class of maladies with the mast astonishing one. case. The treatiqpilt alloptod by him is new, it is based upon scientifip principles. with new disgoyem‘d remedies, without minerals or pois- ons. The facilities of cqrc arc spch, that pati- ionts can be cured at their o'i'iii'i houses without expense. in any part of the country. from an accurate description of their pose by letter. and have 'thc medicine sent' tliém by mail or express. no; mos leBILITY. Young men who are trpubled with weakness! generally caused by 'a bad habit in youth. the effects of whigh are diggincss. pains, foigclfql- ncss. sometimes a ringing in the ears. weak eyes, weakrlpss pf lhc back and lower outrorqo- ties. confuuon of ideas. loss of memory, with melai._clioly, may b.i cured by the New Botanic Remedies. ' ' leJNTRY EATIENTS, Medicines with f ll diroctioiis sent to any part of the ‘United' Sta or; or Canada. by fi‘ationts communicating their symptoms by letter,â€" w. MYERS EGS to return his sincere thanks to his numerous Foleuds and; the Phillie B generally lorpast favors, and. would, most respectfully solicit a. continuance of tboPatronage he lips so, long received ; he has new on lian a large stack of: ‘ consisting in part of ” DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS of every description, Ladies‘ and Gentleman’s SADDLES, ” ‘ ‘ BRIDLES and SPURS, MANE and CURRY COMES, HORSE BRUSHES and CARDS, TRUNKS, VA‘LISES, “at Travelling BAGS With a gri'dl as variety of 'WI‘II PS, Write LASEES, ‘ ' All of which will be sold at _ prices that will defy Competition. The Goods Manu- factured at this Establishment have now been tried for the last five years, and, the best proof that they have given entire satisfaction is, that all who have onpe pqrphased at his place invariably come again. ' COLLARS WABRANTEQ SAFE! Every description of Horse Clotliibgi, Rollers and Brldles made to order. All Work, 'Warrantea. All orrlers will be thankfully repealed and promptly attended to.’ Cash will 6 given rot-"HIDES and SKINS. Richmond Hill, February‘s, 1860. - 62-1y .____... NOVELTY WAGGON WORKS l MARKHAM VILLAGE. L W M The Sucbscribers beg to call attention to the fact that they are making iWAG-GONSI And when the Quality is taken into account it will be found that they ‘are selling them at prices that w'lll defy competion. It is also a fact beyond dispute that our \VAGGONS stand better, and are oflighter draft, than any other, ii ' i The following are our list of Prices and Terms ;â€"-_ Two inch iron axle. with box . . . . . . . . . $100 00 Three and three quarter inph, dc , Two and a quarter inch axle, with box 105 00 with cap-nut do " 85 06 Three and three quarter inch tbimble Seat witfi stp'al sying‘s . . . . . . , , 10 00 chain, with box . . . . . . G . . . . . . . . . . 80 00 . Doubleâ€"trobe abd neck yokes. . . 7 00 Four inch do do do. . 83 00 l Crib o‘i' i'a‘ilin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 OP Sideb‘ords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 Terms: Six Mouths, if longer, Interest from Date. Five per cent discount for Cash All orders attended to with prqmtijcude, and Work warranted, T. SPEIGHT 8: SON. Markham Village, June 30, 1859. Le tteits, Reuiainin iii RICHMIJN, 1.1,; .ostOfiicg FEBR ARY 8, .060, ‘ F *â€" Mllle; , James Mill sli'aiv, Humbert Mitcxholl, William Murdy, Joseph Brooks. John McCiirtii'ey. Robert Clarksoii. Margaret McLean. Robert Copland, William [2] Neill, James Clark. Thomas "‘ Prentiss, James Campbell. Peter Phillips. Henry Davidson, J. ‘ Rumble. William goodléllovt‘:'A. E. Rupert. E. S. ornrnii, Dayid Rutledgngamos lfiirsoil, Robert [2] Ross. Mark Koffer, Thomas Sims. John Langstafl'. John [3] Snyder, Jacob Loomis. A. Sheppard, Charles Langstafl’. Dr. James 2Washiiigton, John Mattliewson, Mrs. \Vhecler. T. J. [2] BUFFALO, ROBE. lined with green Base, Joseph Wilkinson. Rowliom’y and a HORSE BLANKET. thdovcr will Morison. 1113- Matthew . return the some to the Subscriber will be re- M. TEEFY. P. M. worded. - STRAYED. ROM Lot No.31}. 5ih concession Vaug- han, about the beginning of October last. A SMALL RED STEER, Rising 2 years old. Whoever will return the same to the subscriber will be rewarded. THOMAS CHAPMAN. Vaughan, January 6. 1860. 58-1 Atkinson. Edward Allan, Robert Bond, John Baker. Jacob DR. JAMES LANGS'I‘AFF. Richmond Hill. December. 1858. LOST. N or about the 151k December last. he. I~tf ' JOHN S'I‘FCKLY, .. MW...” THE, "MONTREAL WITNESS” IS PUBLISHED TWICE A WEEK AT Two Dollars Per Anum in Advance wEErgLv' EDITION. ‘2 dullurs per single copy per aunum,in advance 6 ". ' for clubs of 4, addressed separately. 12 i! u.” ' "io. " “ JOHN HARDY, 2Q for 2_0 copies to one address- Tailor and Clothier. ‘\Vheii a club has been formed. additions may Buttonville. Dec. 23, 1859. i ' ‘ 55-1y be made at the same rule. ' The terms for both editions are strictly cash in advanoe. and the paper invariably stops when the time subscribed for expires. l All letters. orders and remittances, to be ad- . A GOOD supply of Wu.“ and puma, always ou'haiid. Cigrifs of xall bi'iiuda. drags'od. post-paid, to JOHN DQUGALL, Excellent accomrno‘dz'i'tion for Travellers, Fai- ' rncrs and others. ' Proprietor "Mox'rruzu. “’irncss," Montreal. - . ALEX. HILL, Proprietor. Apynnrisiarg,â€"'l he " Montreal Witness ” York M1119, Dec. 17, 18.59. 5,5;0m January 6, 18530. tents of Buttonvillo and the surrounding country. that he continues to make first-class C 0.9 TS, VESTS, PflNTS', die. In the newest Styles and superior Workman. ship. work warrantpd. l YORK. MILLS HQTEi... 1:0de STREET. bpjng exterlsivoly patronized by town and coun- try ir‘ieiclia pig, presents an excellent medium for advertiseiiienis. The terms for advertising are. when over eight lines, 7 cents per line for first ipsortioji. and 3 c nts per line for each subsequent insertion. nder eight lines 50 and ‘25 cents. Arlcci‘llsrpiqtts not egcccaing three lures, twentyâ€"fire cents each insertion, in advance. No advertise merits can be inserted of a chat tnctor inconsistent with that of the paper. BIBLES TESTAMENTS EOE SALE, CHEAP. M. TEEFY, Agent. Richmond Hill, P.O. January 6. 1860 58-tf we have made arrangements which will REQUISITION materially incrs using our cirgplation. thus ' * . ‘ rendpplng the " Your; HERALD" the BEST TO TH}? have now: a circulation along Yongo Street and adjoining Townships larger than that of auv other Journal. Now then is the time, and the 31:3th ’1 is the Paper in which to Ad- Municiylglity of Vaughan, E. the undersigned Freeholder: of the / . . N ’1 owuship of Vaughan. respectfully re- quest }‘ou to call. at your earliest convenience. vortilo l a Public Meeting. at the Township Hall, to take into consideration the advisability of Establishlng the Side Roads through the t Township, on the original Survey as they are J OB W 0R “PM” ~_ , o (Signed) Jacob Buckliolder, William Line, â€"--er' Elisha Farr. Brigham Wlllil115911, ' yttrium Elliott, ’il ihfiii‘Fiifrr. Thoimzis Ellis, David McCutcheon. T. A. Agar,” ‘ Nathaniel Wallace, Henry Burkliolder. Nicholas Shaver, John Snider, Jii'c'ob'Smith, Jacob Snider. Sa’ni'uel' Line. Daniel Raciiiau, JOHOph Snider, would respectfully call the attention of. Merchants. Auctioneers. I “mongol! others. to “wag that we are prepared b o;- ecutc JOB ’ RK on the shortest possible notice, and on the most reasonable 16rMI-_- For Cash (Dually. E ona‘than'Elle'rby, ’Yaltor Fletcher, Joel Rncmaii,‘ John Jefl'roy, Francis J. Bunt. John La’urio. ‘ Robert Kingt Thomhé‘Sinitb, Richard Jeffrey, Andrew BTCCIUI'O, 'l‘lios. Richardson.s6n. OUR AGENTS, -â€" In accordance with the above Requisition, I lierccy call a Modeling of the‘ Electors of the Township of Vaughan, to be held at the Town . i i >|u i lit at 1: HE Inhabitants of Aurora aild Vicinity are * informed tha. Mr- Jugits llppnamy and Mr. JAMES Ton are authorized to receive Sub- =pletely up to the iiiark for his work, thereby tween Victoria Square ancl Mr. Abraham ‘ fHorner’s Lot '-'3. 4th concessmn Markhdm, a 3 forwarded to'tcsti'fy to the above if required. ‘ be promptly attended to. Lot 31, 4th Con. Markh‘aru, ' Cheap 021,01:ng . HE Subscriber begs to inform the inhabi- All orders promptly attended to and ; manufag't'uré of O, S. Ridhmdnd’S improvtéd ‘ rained. ‘ A Every Pupil," Music. costing but 10 Every Am‘ateur, cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire Press ofthe country, t - u to be- . v ‘STHE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK ' OF THE INTHE WORLD” Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte'Musie/for 10 Cents. Twenty Pen Cent 'Cheaper THAN AhY OTHER ESTABXJISHMENT. ‘0 .‘Il ,.g' 1 THE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. &. W. YALE. will con" tinue the business under the. su erintendenco of our duly ‘euthorized agents,“ norm Annsv and D, Cannes Vans. whose recbipt will bo‘; Yearly,$51; Half-:yearly.$‘2 50; Qtiartei‘ly'$l.2§ duly acknowledged. ., ‘ Subscriber to " Our Musical Friend,” or P,S.â€"â€"All notes and accaunts remaining uii- ordor it from the nearest Newsdealer. and you paid on the Isl day of June. 1858. will be put. will have Music for insignificant cast ; and if you want Music for the Elitte, Violin. Cornet, Clarionet.Accordion (to. don subscribe to the 5010 ' Melodist,_ Containing 12 pages, costing only 10 Cents a pumbe'r; Yearly. $2150 ; Halfâ€"yearly. $1 525. All.b.ack.uumbers at 10 cts.. and Bound Volumes. containing 17 numbers, at $2 50 each, constantly on hiuid. C. B. SEYMOUR 51. Co. 107 Nassau St.. New York Auction Naticer. THOMAS-“WILSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, l-‘OR ms eous'riirs or I A YORK", 'PEEL' & ONTARIO. All letters addressed, MAKER“; VILLAGE. wil receive prompt attention. I]? Orders ‘ re- ceived at the “ I1EnAflb” Ofiice. Richmond ill, where terms, See" may be ascertained. Markham Village, Nde 18, 1859. 51-11 a MAYOR'S CONDITION PHYSIO WORM DESTROY-ER. HIS Splendid Medicine can be given in one Ball at any time of the year, without injury» to the Horse, and has been used by the Farmers of Markham fer the last two years with a. success uiipi‘r cedeiited. By the us of this remedy it Will couvliicc‘lbeowriors eftiat noble animal'the inconsisteiicy 'of an‘uniiecss- sary outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders. which are too WOllpkllOW'Tl' to contain minerals highly injurious to the [membrane or‘coatiiig of the Stomach. The Ball is a compound of Pure vegetabe, and warranted not to contain either Megcury. Arsenic. Anti- mony or any Otlie‘r Mineral.‘ ‘Ils iii) nediato action is surprising and; the ultimate 0 out has asteriished thousands. if the Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is all right. 'Ono' dosé' at thé'cbst io‘f 25 cents is sufficient to cdre'Hide Bound, 'LOss of Appe- tite. Coughs. Colds and Fever, Distemper. Stoppage of Water", Swelled Legs. Grease.and is a complpte Destroyer of Worms, 3 great puri- fyer ofthe Blood. and a good Physic, always recoIfi'm‘eirde’di tb‘ be'givon in the Spring and Fall, which will act as a preventive undim- prove the general condition. blokes him com- giving every satisfaction the owner can require. ’I‘estii'nonials of "the highest character will be, Cash Tofhi'sfgfâ€"‘Onb four Balls. ' > Letters prepaid enclosing a remittance. will Dollar R01: pugkot containing .‘ ".11 1 Printed Directions wrapped round cur-h Bull with my. signature in full. without which nonq otherare-genuiiia- . * Officeâ€"Victoria Square,- , .. . Mniiufaetory¢4ih concession Markham,” ~ The only. maker of the original Yorkshire Drlffield Oils iii-America. ' ' ‘60 EIOHMOND HILL IRON FOUNDRY. HE undersignedbegs ‘to inform the public that he has opened a FOUNDRY for the IRON BEAM PLOUGIIS. Wood Beam Gauge Ploughs. Fanning Mills, Horse Hoes, & Horse Brakes [13’ All Work manufactured by me is War- ' IRA n. RICHMOND. Richmond Hill. Jan. 12, 1859,. 59 Good Health and Long Life . MAYâ€"oats Lorre? 'LIEE PILLS .r ' Are warranled not to contain any Mercury. These Pills are composed of the most select Drugs. and ib'eihg purely vogotahle, can be taken at any season 'of “the year if necessary, with safety niid‘With‘out four of taking cold sby exposure. which renders ’thcm of“great value and superior to any other medicine e‘vcr vet offered to the public. The satisfactory and flirt- tering testimonials received by the Proprietor, has induced him to advertise these invaluable Pills that the public may :be cOiiVinced of a simple and radio ~cious remedy, is alone stiflici- ant to subdue and cure the Ordinary sickness of this country, cps Pbiiis'in' the Head. Back and Loiiis, all Nervous Disorders-Dyspepsia‘or indigestion, SorcnoSS of the Throat, Cramps, Colics. Worms in Children, and other disor- ders, which will be found on tic wrapper with ,. instructibns for taking then] .i Price, 25 Cam‘s each B022. Sold by Druggists and general Storekeepcrs. who are requested not to purchase of travelling Agents. ; THOMAS MAYOR. Officeâ€"Victoria Square. Manufac‘toryâ€"4th Con. Markham, MUSICAL TUITION. R. GEORGE F. GRAHAM, Professor of‘Music and Organisi, of Toronto, passes through Richmond Hill. Thernhlll, doc. every Tuesday and Saturday. Communica- tions left at Mr. RI‘ Nicliol'l'ls Richmond Hill Hotel; wlll racievo prompt attentién‘. " ’ 39 Trinity Square, Toronto, January ISSO. 61-tf To make Chopping Easy ! ~-~~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ .for Cash‘or Approvell Credit. ' ' ‘ ,phia aild‘Nc-w H _ only useful i'nslr‘un‘ient‘ over yet invented for our ' entire family at an into Court fOr collection. ' C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29. 1859. 48-tf.. PATRICK LYNOTT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER,‘. OR the sale of Cattle. Stuck, &c. is pre- - ’ pared to attend. Stiles in“ all parts of .Up.’ pcr Canada. I = " ' Richmond Hill May 25, 1859. 19-2. FOR. SALE; somber) feet of Linn oer; ~jINCLUIthNGr Flooring. Siding. liich Boards. » and, tivo-incliPlank. Scautlin . dzc ,&c‘.,, at the' shbsci’ib'el-‘s‘ Mill. near Stou ville. cheap . _ JAMESBUGG. Stouffville. April 12. 1859. 93-tf. ROBERT SIVE'R, Boota‘nd Shoe Maker, DJOINING the \Vesleyan Methodist ' Cli‘apel, Yonge Street. Richmond Hill, A choice selection of Gentlemeus’, Ladies, and Childrens’ Beots' and Shoes constantly oii hand. an‘d‘made to order on'tbo Shortest No- tice. ‘ ” ll? All kinds of Shoemaker: Findings for sale. Richmond, Hill, qec. 1858. 1-rr‘ ,NEW TREA TMENT. ‘ Buffalo Medical Dispensary. ~ ,irsra‘nmst‘r‘so r'on'rnn coin: or nvsrersrir ‘osniui. _ DEB’lhl'l‘Y‘. i-jirvsn Aim Adux,‘ 'scnornm, on) occurs, anxn iuro- ‘ I run or 'nu: moon. SALT unicorn, PIMPLES, rrsrou, sinus, 1 KIDNLYS, DEBILITY. in- ‘ ' ' TlnutTlEs or room Aim ow ms, 610. > 01'? I‘lo Mercury Used 4;) R AMO‘S &. SON.Corner of Main and Quay Streets. Buffalo, New York, am' the only Physicians in the State who are main: bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon- don. ‘May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 o’clock at night, on every state and symptom of disease. The treatment they adopt is the result. of. upWards 6f 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in ‘rLondon. ‘ The“m"ost inveterate symptoms‘of ,iscnse eradicated in eight or. nine days, and cusos ‘of a’ Sh [ht nature in two or three days" at a. very mo crate expeiise.--â€" The curo‘ofi'octetl without confinementor bin! drance from business; " " Young Monâ€"e Tar/re Particular. ‘ “Notice: ' There is nii‘evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys. in solitude. often growing up with them to muiihood. and which. if not reformed by th’cm "in'due ‘tinie.' not: only begets serious obstacles tormatrimonial liappijnessybut git/es» rise to a sorié's bf'p‘ro'tr'a'cte'd'. iiisidious.‘and do- vasta'ling dhoctidils. raw ofth'dlie" who give ‘-way to thls“ pernicious practice are aware of .the consequences, until they find the nervous summed. .t'oel strange and unacounta ‘. ble feelings. and vague fears in the mind. A 1140.3! ’-.=S€ie't¢2fi€ Invention». THOMAS MAYOR. ; ‘ ’ An instrument for the cure of. General De- bility, ‘ hr inoro properly "known is Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debilittl.'&c., which'are‘ permanently cured in {rpm 15_ to 20 days by the uso‘oftbis instrument; when used'conjointly with medicines. ' ‘ " “ ‘ ‘- Neuz‘ Remedies and Quick Cures. Dr AMOS do SON. take pleasure in announ- ciug that, they have hi vented a'most important, instrument for the cure of the above diseases. i'It'ihas ibe‘é‘ti'sub'jb’c'feduto a test by the most" eminent physicians in‘ London. Paris, Philadel- ork. It has been declared the the cure of Seminal Weakness. or any disease: of the onin organs, caused by the score! libbib'o youth. ' " i ' ' ' Dr. ‘Amos & Son, in order to satisfy ttho most skeptical a‘s to the merits of- these instruJ inents, pled e themselves. mat in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a, fair trial. the money ‘will be refunded by re; turning the instrument in good raider. Persons wishing the above useful instrument will observe. that the price. with the accom- pa'iiyin 'diractions. securely packed and son by met or express. is ten dollars. . Beware of Imposztwn. Beware of empirics and itinerant self-styled professorr‘r, wh‘o Argi‘izili'li'r CtJRSS, but nevor succeed. ' ' Dr. _Arnus“r$c Son have for a long series of years been pn'gag‘od in an extensive practice in” the treatment .of flicse delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who iiow‘advci‘tise to cure certain complaints. or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. ’ , ‘ , Pensions [N as! PART or “in WORID may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, With a roii‘iittance for ‘ Nledrcinds, &c.. which. Will be returned with tlt‘oi‘utmost dispatch aiid‘sec‘ure from obser- vation. " ' ' ' ' ‘ Address Dr. Amos & Son, corner Main and, Quay streets, Bufi'ti‘lo,‘W; Y. t46-ly 'DR. s. N. PECK, URGEON Dentist. will be at Hall's II 0:01.. Markham Village, on the 94th, 25th and 26th of each month. Teeth extracted free. Tooth Filled, cacli 25cts. Dentistry done cheapertlian by any other Dentist in the Pro-i vinces. Approved credit will be given if re- quired. All Work Warrantod " June 30, 1859‘. I ‘ “i 31-1y YONOE STREET HOTEL, " ' GOOD supply of “fines and Liquors always on hand. Excellent Accummo-' dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others.‘ Cigars of all brands. ‘ McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora. June 8, 185,9. " h ' ‘ 25â€"1): Tickets 50 cents each. may be had at 1 the scription grid prflgrs for Advprtlsiug and Job JAMES HALL, 1' AS alivays on hand a lar c assortment of ‘ BOOTS and SHOE ,wlzicli “will be , sold at prices to meet the times " ' l ltirbrnond inn. Dec. 1855. Boeing” correspondence strictly godlldeutial. Address; ' DR. GOODING, No. 51 King Street West, Toronto, C. W. l Toronto. February 3. 1860. S?) l On Wednesday, Feb. 22, 18530, At TEN o’clock, in the foronopu. ii. 8. HOWLANo. ’ heaps. " principal Stores in Aurora, prmai'kcti lull St. Albans. Doors open in rgvon. Concert to commsncs at halite“: some For particulars coo programmes. Aurora. Feb. 10, taco. UY DE MOTTls warranted Cast Stool ARES, for Sale at the Stave Factory by H . 62. J. HARRISON. l , Richmond Hill. Oct 36. 1859. 48-tf W ork. A1: OAK Broomsâ€"Mr. Clirlstison is our Agent. Where our Subscribers in that pin will in future get their papers. Mr. C. will also grant receipts for subscriptiolrs. Eragilian Minister has received from the imperial Governmept by the last steamer, that the health of those ports was, at the time of her departiire‘, geod. January 21..18§0 6 l-tf

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