York Herald, 30 Dec 1859, p. 4

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. -v-m ‘ ' lament]. m..-”â€" A FREEMASON’S EPITAPH. Beneath a low mound near Bagdad is a nameless grave; above which rises a plain pillar marked with the significant emblems of Free- ‘ masonry. The natives say they hear mysteri- ous sounds from the spot. and they believe it shelters beings of another world . "l‘r‘ead softly here, or pause to breathe A‘prayer ier him who sleeps beneath, Though savage ltands in silence spread The nameless sand that hides the dead, Yet here as wandering Arabs tell. A guardian spirit loves to dwell : ’Tis said such guardian spirits seer: ‘The tears on mourning beauty’s cheek, And bring those precious drops to lave The sacred pilgrim’s secret grave. 'Tread softly-though the tempest blows Unheeded o’er his deep repose ; Though now the sun’s retttless ray Has parched to dust this helpless clay; The spirit in this city enshrined. Once mounted swifter titan the wind. "Once looked, on sun beyond the sphere. Then dread to measure thy career, And rose above the earth as far As comets pass the neat-e Sister. 'Tread softly-â€"’midst the barren sand, Lie relics of a bouuteous hand I 'That hand. if living would have pressed Thee, wander-ii g stranger, to his breast, And filled the cup of gladness here, Thy dark and dreary path to cheer. Oh. spare this dust for once ’twas part 'Of an all kind and beauteous heart ! If yet with vital warmth it glowed. On thee its bounty would have flowed. Tread softlyâ€"on this sacred mound The badge of Brotherhood is found ! mistriluuruur. W...) A Yankee in Iowa has just taught dueks to swim in hot water, and with such .success that. they lay boiled eggs. It is a legal maxim that t the law doc? not concern itself about small matters; but lawvers and lawmakers often do. To Adam and Eve Paradise was home; ' to the good among their decendants, home in Paradise. ’ ven ever renders her dows to the 153% but Earth seldom, or narcr, ren- ders her dues to Heaven. If 112 pounds make. one hundred-weight, how many will make your wife wait? What tree represents person who persists in incurring debts'lâ€"Willow ,, (will-ours). A Whose son are you my, little boy '1‘, ” .Igain‘t tiohody’s son; I’m Mr Thompson’s inephew, sir.’ ' ‘ Milen’t it; rather an old fact in natural i» history that the softest water is caught . when it rains hard? ‘ It is more respectable to black boots than to black characters-10 Sew shirts than to sow strifes. A Fret-ch traveller declared that at London there are eight months of winter and‘fOur'months of bad weather? A Man that hoards riches and enjoys them not, is no better off than the ass that carries gold and eats thistli's. Old Lady: Take care of that goose, Jacky, for your uncle tells the that he, hatched it himself expressly" for me. ' To spin and weave, to kint and sew, was our grandames’ employment, but now to dress and catch a beau, our girls they call enjoyment. ' DAILY BREADâ€"A lady asked a little twoâ€"year old, ‘ Who gives you your daily bread?’â€"â€"‘Dnd,’ replied the child, ‘but uncle l’eter puts sugar on. ' The man who got the last word in disputing with a woman, has advertised to whistle for a wager against a locomotive. ' Scandal is fed by many streams as the Nile, and there is often as much difficulty in teaching it to its source. Learn in childhood. if you can, that happiness is not outside but inside. :A good heart and a clear conscience brings happiness; no riches and no circumstances alone ever do. ' ' The haunts of happiness are varied and- rather unaccountable; but you will oftenerr see her among little children. home fire ' sides, and country houses than any where else. ' A sweet and tender young woman is loved by both Cbri‘tians and South Sea Islandersâ€"by the former as something to marry, and by the latter as something to eat. . . . , A beggar boy made application to a farmer’s wife in Scotland for relief, and was refused on the ground that she- ° had no copper ;’ to which the urchin very accom- -modatingly replied, ‘ I take siller, mem.’ A person threw the bead ofa goose on \the stage. An actor, advancing to the from, said: ‘Gentlemen. if any amongst :you have lost his head, do not be uneasy, ,for I will restore it at the end of the per-' formance.’ AniTHMETICAL Puzch.â€"-Iffour dogs, with sixteen legs, can catch twenty-nine rabbits, with eighty-seven legs, in fartyf fouréminutes. how many logs must the sains‘, ‘iraboi‘ts’have to get away from eight dogs with thirty-two legs, in seventeen minutes O H N L A C T A F F ,and a half? HUMILITY is the most excellent natural cure for anger in the world; for hetbat by} deity considering his own infirmities makes the error of his neighbour Io beltis own "case, and remembers that be daily needs Gods and his brotlwr’s charity, will not be apt. to rage at the faults of another greater than that which he feels that he is‘, per Canada. I fquucntl' and more inrxcueably guilty of. W Oct. it 1858. Terms. &c. may be obtained. Almira, Nov. 95, 1859 26th of each Month. Teeth Filled, cheaper than by any other Dentist in the Pro- vince. quit-ed. All Work Warranted. JOHN HARRINGTON, JR., Soc. 'l‘GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. ' Richmond Hill.Dec. 18,1858. business flirtation. T. J. WHEELERo ATCH & CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER, &c. RICHMOND H ILL. 69-ly W Auction Notice. Buttonville, Nov. 11, 1859. -â€"â€" I THOMAS BOWMAN, ‘Liccnsed Auctimteer, Iron THE COUNTIES 0F YORK dz. PEEL, All'lefters addressed to “ Almira.” l’.O. will focieve prompt attention. the “ York Herald ” Office, Mr. Henry Lemon. Thornhill. and Mr James Orders received at Richmond Hill ; 5‘2~tf Dr. s. N. PECK, URGE‘ON Dentist, will be at Hall’s Hotel. Markham Village. on the 24th, 95th and Teeth extracted free eac‘i 25cts. Dentistry done Approved Credit will be given if re- .lune 30,1859. 3tli'ly ' EALER in Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines, Liquors. Hardware,Glass, Earthenware. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. l-tf ' RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto every morning, starting from the Elgin Mills at. 7. a.m. and returning at 7. p.r’n. Fare ‘28. 6d. each war. RIC HARD N lCIIOLLS, Proprietor. 1-55 JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothicr, . Yonge St.. Richmond Hill, DeCemher. 1859. ‘ l ~ti _ 'J. VERNEY, Boot and. Shoe Maker, YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL. -â€".â€"!___ Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after the latest styles. December 1858. l- m YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. Good supply of Wine and Liquoas always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers. Farmers, and others Cigars of all brands. , . D. MCLEOD. Proprietor. Aurora, July 6. 1858. 57-6m z. ROBERT SIVEIl, , Boot. and Shoe Maker, DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. R choice selection of Gentlemens’, Ledies’ and’Childrens’ Boots and Shaes constantly on . hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- tice. 113’ All kinds Sltoemakers Findiugfer sale. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. 1-tf JAMES HALL, V BOOTS and SHOES. which will be sold at prices to meet the times. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. 54-1-1y Vl'. HODGE 8L Co. WHOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin and iron Plate Workers. and Furnishing Ironmongers. Parties giving this house a call will find their orders punctually attended to. and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. 54-1-1y EDMUND GRAINGER, U T C H E R. THORNHILL. Fresh and Pickled Meats. Poultry. &c.. always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. 'l'hornhill, Dec. 1858. 41-ltf ,WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, ’ RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. ‘ JAMES JENKINS’, ' Grocery & Provision Store ' RICHMOND HILL 0 CREDIT GIVEN. Produce taken in i exchange. The above is the oldest established Grocery and I’l‘onlen Store on the Hill. Dec. 2, 1858. I -tf 55â€"1y ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! MARKHAM VLLAGE. OOD Accommodations. Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. ' R. MARR, Proprietor. Markham. Dec. 1858. 57-1y _.__.- â€"_.. ._..._.___._.._.__.._..___._.___._4 -DR. L. LANGSTAFF, I I-‘iasr roon scum or 'I‘Hlt'. FRANKLIN HOUSE, “ , autumn! VILLAGE. Markham, May 13,1859. 24-Iy PATENT Drain Pipes, Eve Troughs AND 1' ".Water Spouts, I . nascracrunsn AND ron SALE BY STEAM MILLS,’1‘uoasniu.. Juno 3. 1859 27-tf -__._.____.._._-...-_ .__....~.._._____._ __. t A PATRICK LYNOTT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, OR the sale ofCattle, Stock. &c. is pre- pared to attend Sales iii all parts of Up- Richmond Hill my as; 1859. rave, New Boot and ShOC'StOl'e [Tn he has removed into the Vil'taige of" liuttoitville, where he hopes for a continuance of the pa- ronago heretofore given him. l Photographs 1 Medical Hall, Markham, Cavauuahl‘ManSiOH HUUSB. Shim“; Wile” On reasonable terms, and in all weathers, Pictures taken from the smallest to. life size. Markham Village. Oct, 14, 1853, 99 Elm: s'r, EAST, soon: SIDE, THIRD DOOR 18 trac. lg teeth; and also of an Aparatus for sets at.“ Partial set" ofteeth. Teeth mounted :AS always on hand a large assertment of j Toronto. April 29. 1559 .{.<-V.Av» AT BU'I‘TONVILI.E. E Subscriber returns his thanks to the public for past support, begs to state that All orders executed with despzitch iind work arranted. DAVID GALLOWAY, 50-1 y W Ambrotypes I MELANEo'rYrics ! LETTERGRAPHS. 8L0. Allstyles of Pictures takeout the .l, C. DUN 11AM. as.“ W. C. ADAMS. D.D.S. Surgeon Dentist, we" rams cnuncu s'r, rename, the Proprietor of O iver’s l’ateut for ap- "llylllg Electricity to prevent pain in ex- mani \cturing Vulcanite Rubber Hates for on Go)‘ 'ir otherwise, to suit the necessity" of the case. ' Toronto, August 27, 185’. 49-1y G. 1-3:. Husband, @ URGEON Dentist. dwill be at Nicholl’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, the Fiiis'r Moan” ofevery niotiih,and the remainder of the month at his residence Tltornhill. All Work War- ranted. Julv 8. 1859. 32-1. v ..._._._-_..-â€"â€".â€".â€"- MATHESUN 86 FITZGERALD, Barristers & Attornies-atâ€"Law, SOLICITORS IN Clâ€"IANCERY, &c., OFFICE 2-â€" CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS, Over Whitemore & Co’s. Banking Ofllce. TORONTO. Agency Particularly attended to. THOMAS a. marncsov. 'l‘oronio, July 1, 1859. JAMES FITZGERALD 3l-tf JOHN N. REID, M.D., CORNER or roses AND commons sTs. THORNHILL. C.W. Dr. DUNHAM, URGEON and Mechanical Dentist, Medical Hall, Markham Village. June 30. 1859’ JAMES I. BARKER, 4 MPORTER and Dealer iii Dry Goods, (groceries. l‘aints, Oils, and Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Glass, I‘utty. Nails.-â€"~Low '! very Low for Cash.â€"-â€"Markham Village. 3l~6m Juno 3'). 1859. P. CROSBY, MI’OR'I‘ER of Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Hardware. &c. Richmond Hill. June, 1859. THORNHILL HOTEL. Vl‘HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above premises, and fitted them up in aneat and comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors will find the accomodations in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. Good stabling and attentive hostlers HENRY LEMON, 2 Proprietor. 138 HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. VII-IE Subscriber begs to' inform his numerous Patrons and the public, that 'he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above Premises, where there will be foound excellent ac- commodation for Travellers, and good Stabling. w’ Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GARY, ' ‘ Proprietor. Richmond Hill,'Oct. 22, 1858. 7957311 Thomhill, Jan 20. 1858. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, Richmond Hill. December. 1858. l'-tl' GO TO - BOWMAN’S MILLS! WITH YOUR CARDING & GRISTING, where parties from a distance can have it done to take with them on their returnhonie. Almira. May 13. 1859. 24-tf. FOR. SALE, 200,000 feet. of Lumber, NC LUDING Flooring. Siding. Inch Boards, and‘t'woiiiich Plank, Scantling, &-c_, &c., at the subscrioer’s Mill. near Stoufi'ville, cheap for Cash or‘Approved Credil. JAMESBUGG. 859. 23-tf. B. 1 ‘ Stoufllville, April 12. 1 TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONU'MENTSfTOMB-T BLES I TO'M_B.STONES .ccj Twenty ‘ Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMET. _â€" HE UndchIgned Assignees of the estate ofD. C. St W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendence ofour duly authorized agents, AUSTIN Ann” and D. CARLOS YaLE, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P.S All notes and accounts remaining un-i paidon the let day of June, 1858. will be put in ‘. 0 Court for collection. C. YALE. G. (SUMMER. Tltortthill Jan. 10. 1859 N , to cure And many other Diseases. llll. 31-tf 487!“ El M “IWAN HOTEL, THORNHILL. Accommodation for Travellers. JOIIN SIIIELS. , Proprietor~ 7.1y To the Sick and Dying Cancers. Enlarged JVeclrs, Dersotts laboran under either ofthe above mentioned Dis-eases. will do wellto call in time, All- letters to be paid, and addressed to PE'I‘ 1‘; R S N .l I) E R, Kli neburgh. N. .13. NO CURE NO PAY. August 6. 1858 61-tt . It'll. 1.\ soliciting t-e lIICl‘t'st‘S'f-tl support of that Canadian public for the seventeenth Vo- lurne of T-kir; Gnome, the publisher has to state bat nothing shall be let: undone to render the journal trot-thy ol the h:in reputation it has] earned in past years. A new and beautiful font. of copperâ€"faced type, cast spccmll) for the GLOBE, at the celitbsatcd, foundry of Messrs. James Connor: and Sunni, New link, \vill sits- tain the typOgraphical credit of the establish momâ€"and the aid of an enlarged corps of .____~__..__._.â€"â€"â€"-.__... "i! ‘Editors, Reporters, and Correspondents will assure to the readers of 'iiir. GLOBE all that is interesting in boots, Politics, Literature, and Commerce, During the coming your, the Globe will continue to pay all 1ll1llflll.t'llll()11 to the public affairs of the t’icvince which has scoured for it its present condition. I he l’roviuce is ac- knowledged by all parties to be on the eve of great changes; and these the (dbl/bowl Leech, toinfluenee for the bent-fit ot the people at large. It will advocaie such a change 111 the Cl "Sill-1111011 as Vt'Ill give to Upper and Lower Canada the control oi their own local atl’:urs,pnd 3.1.1}. will give general matters to a joint authority of simple and inexpensive form The neccs. sity of imposing sucbchecks upon Parliament ma. all diseases arise from IMPURITY OI“ and the Exractittvo as wtll prevent the burrow- ing of money Without the consent of the peo- ple, Will be earnestly insisted upon, The Globe will also advocate the VowsTAiiY PRIN- 31'13' chI.1~‘.â€"-â€"-EDUCATIuN, elementary iitid collegi- ate. ER”) rqu snowmanismâ€"lticorpmation of the Hudson’s Bay 'l'orritory with Cau- adaâ€"a llnnxitur'rcv Law for the reliel of the honest debtorâ€"IMPROVED MANAGILMENT ol the PUBLIC i.A,snsâ€"-Rt;ciritocni. l'nm; 'l‘uani; with the United Statesâ€"the improvement of Canadian agricnIturcâ€"ccouomy in every ‘branch of the public expenditure. and gene- rally every measure which tends to. the lIIl‘ proveinent of humanity in religion, morals, and material prosperity During the next six months, iii the constitu- encies and iticctings OI lllt‘ people, as uell a in Parliament at Quebec. many of thesesubs jects Will be discussed, the more vital and im portattt of them with an GZII‘IICSlJlecs and vigour rarer before \vi'i.o.«tsed in this Province As a promoter as well as recorder of the “love- ments of the day, the (ibnbtl will possess extra» ordinary llllbl'€>l for all classes of readers, and the friends of progress are requested to aid in extending its circulation among the masses of the people. The editorial conduct of Tm; GLOBE can be best estimated by the unintoriupted success that has attendcd its tittblicudou. Iiuta constitu- tional crisis demands further exertion in that direction, and it will be supplied. In regard to news, fresh efforts will be used to supply to the readers of the Globe the earliest and most copious intelligence from all parts of the world. Correspondence is ieCeived from Great Britain, liritlsh Columbia, the North West 'l‘erritory, and all that transpires at borne and in the United States is diligently recorded -â€" Special attention is dcrotcd to commercial in- telligence: the markets are reported more full) than in any othcrjournal. A limited space is t'evoied to agriculturall subjects, and everything whic‘. tends to the development ol the most important branch 01 Canadian industry receives special attention. THE DAILY GLOBE is $6 per annum. pa) able strictly In advance. It is published at four o’clock, every morning but Sunday, and is ilcspatclied by the early trains to all parts of the country. It is a very large sheet. containing a'vast amount’of newa. i‘iiercaiitile intelligence, and general informa- tion, of the latest and most interesting chaâ€" racier. Any person sending the Cris/i for FIVE DAILY Subscribers, will be entitled to an ad- ditional copy Fltl'iil. THE 'I‘RI-WEEKLY GLOBE. is isaucd every MOMMY, Wamnsuav. and Fru- Dav, at $4 per annutn. in advance. It Is printed on a large sheet, and in its column-Sis givoii all that appears III the Daily lLflIllUll. with .the. Telegraphic and other news to the I test lIlO-l ment. . a Any person sending the Cash for It'ivr: Tui- WnnKLv Subscribers, will be entitledto atrium copy. THE WEEKLY GLOBE is issued every Friday morning, at $2 per att- uuiii, payable strictly in advance. It is printed on an immense tlouliie short of paper, of first- iatc quality ; it is made up 11) a llalldMllllB quarto form, comprising eight page~ of seven Columns each; and contains more reading mat ter than any other political thW>[)illlel'- oti the continent. Great care is taken in the cuiiipila- non of the paper: the news is Acaicl'ully ceili- lected Irom the Daily iidition. and articles spe- cially prepared for its columns The Market Reports, at home and abroad, receive constant attention . _ To induce exertion on the part of the friends of the Globe throughout the country. it has been resolved, that any person making up a club may have-â€" 'l'+:'n Copies fin . . . . . . . . Fiftccn Dollar's! Twenty - five Coyiutsfm'. . 'I'lti‘v ty-firc Dollars Ir Eighty Copiésfur. . . . Ulic Halidi'ecl‘Diiltm's I Atty person sending $10 for Five Wichita Subwrihers, will be entitled to a Free copy The ll’cckly Globe will be sent to allClergy- men for One Dollar 3 your. Money Letters addressed. “ THE PUBLISHER or THE GLan, 'l‘oaos'ro,” can be Registered by payment of one penny. and their sale arâ€" rival will then be at the risk 01 the Publisher. [Liâ€"= Subscriptions may commence at any period of the year, and he made for any term; and persons desirous of receiving the Paper need not “gait for an Agent to call on them, but have only to enclose their money, with their name «and Post Office, tot GEO. BROWN; .- ‘ Globe Ofiice, Toronto. Toronto, Nov,‘15,1859. Hisro Tu spectlullyinformed th Iish, AltA, tfounded on that of Mr. F. X. GARNEAU), as soon as an encouraging numberof Subscri- bers can be obtained. improvedediiiontol L’Hts'rouv no CAsAnA. Mr‘GARunAU, has givenrise to awish,ex- pressed to,Mr. Lev-ELL by several of his friends, and commercial connoctio‘hs. that he would 'of the above workâ€"the best Canadian History extattt-f-w' it .accepta i whetl'terof-British or Frenchorigin. 'ittgly. responding to the desire thtts expressed. Mr. Lovell has engaged the services or" Mr. Andrew Bolt. Member ofthe-GIusgowArclHe‘; ological Society. also of the Canadian Institute. Mentreal: author of “ Men and Things in An)- erica" : llilistorical Sketches of Vandalism, British and Continental” : “ Lives of the Ila GOOd liistrlous ” ; “ New‘Annals of Old Scotland,” and other worksâ€"a gentleman ef greatliterary experienceâ€"as translator, compiler, and editor of what he purposes to entitle “ 'l'ur: Nuw AND CoernnxsstNiz His’ronr “or CANADA.” from the foundation of the Comiiy till the year 1840, â€"to be based on the third and ‘latestedrtimr of r.’llis'rot'Ric R' SNlDER’ Of llle 7‘“ C0“°“*Sl°‘? or ti nto the latterifor his sanction to the pro- Vaughan, near Khneburgh, guurrantecs Posed work. ,S-hflppyw my probation has been obtained ; so that, the titans- . pages. I I . IA. B. Moore. A. J. Warn:- & Co.,. on each box. V ' signutweof 111...]. White ARI/‘0. All others are . .MAiumhaiâ€"imnmmrfiz'.r. I r V . R~Y s02Fu:CANADIeE' me'nfbbh‘s'dfdliâ€"d-Ilomrselling‘ trade, and toe Publicpra’, darn general. are re- ' ill it is inteiided'to pith- by.Su‘bscriptiont'auN 12w Hieronv or: CA The recent-appearance of a third and '.much iidertake to publish a counterpart, in English, Each modifications as-Wouhlmake; . e to the'ei'itiret'i' of our'po‘o'pie, Accoi'd-‘ nu Casxnaiof Mr; Germaine-w li‘urtlieritiore, Mr. LoVelIIiaving-inade applica- tliat his special; ap- .- Iation of his labors ttow proposed (with moth..." the only authorised reproduction of tlte French version ofthe work. ' ‘ It is propoeed that the “Conrhnnndétvn llis'roav or CANADA ” shall form three hat-id.- some V0ll'lllt’3.‘lll dern} octnvo, and be printed in a superior style, on paper'of thetbest quality. Each. volume will comprise from 400 to 5150 Price $1.50, or $4.50 for the whole Parties taking an interes' in the early historr of the Colony, are now respectfully called on to furnish, for the Editor's use, any unpublished or little-known historical, antiquarian, or other raw materials as they may have. lying by them. l'he donors of all such may be assured that special ticki-iowleilgciiient will he tirade in the Work of every favor thus obtained. It is hot ed: that the Publisher may be enabled to bring out the work, complete, early in the Fall of l860. Sitincription Lists will be found at the book- stores III Montreal, Toronto, Quebec. Kingston, Ottawa. ’llitllllllOll. London; ($30. and at the Offices of the t’ublisher. iu'St. Nicholas Street. Montreal ; also at Ste. Anne Street, Quebec. .101le LOVELL. anada Directory Office, Montreal, September l859. DR. \IQRSE’S Indian Root Pills. LR. MORSE,tlte inventor of Morse’s Indian .Root Pills, has spent the greater portion of his life in traveliing, having visited Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as North Americaâ€"- has spent three years among the Indians of our Western countryâ€"itwas in this way that the Indian. Root Pills .were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the tit-st man to establiin the fact 'l'IdE BLUt ll)â€"-â€"that our strength, health and life depended upon tltisvitnl fluid. When the various passages become clogged, and do not act iii perfect harmony with the dif- ferent functions of, the body, the blood, loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and diseased : thus causing all painsi sickness and distress of every name; our strength is exhausted. our health we! are deprived of. and if ttature is not assisted in tot-owing off the stagnant humors, the blood will become choked and cease to act. and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How iiiiportatit:tliett that we should keep the various passages of the body free and open. Attd how pleasant tone that we have it in our power to put a medicine in your reach, namely, Morse’s Indian Root Pills. manufactured from plants and roots which grow around the moun- atnious cliffs in Nature’s Garden. for the health , andrccovery of diseased man One of the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudorific. which opens the pores of the skirt, and assrsts Nature in throwing outthe fitter parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant. that opens and tinclngs the passage to. the lungs by capious spitting. The third is a Diuretic, which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged, they draw large amounts of im- purity froin the blood, which 1:: then thrown out bountifully by the urinary or water passage, and which could not have been discharged in any. other way. The fourth is a Cathartic. and accompanies the other properties of the Pills while engaged in purifying the blood; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets. are thus taken up and From the 'above, it is shown that Dr. M‘oise’s Indian Root Pills not only enter. the stomachpbut become united with the blood, for they find their way to every part, and complete- lV r-but and release the system from all impuiftv. and the life of the body, which is the blooo, ‘iocontos perfectly healthy ; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from the system. for they cannot remain when the body becomes so, pure and clear. The reason why peeple are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will. pass to the afflicted parts. and which will open the natural paSsage for the disease to be cast out : hence. a large quantity of food and other matter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass; undergoing disagreeable fertiientation, ,‘ thus constantly mixing with the blood, which throws artery, until life is taken “trout the body ,blt‘ disease. Dr. Morse’sPILLS have added ti) themselves victory upon victory. by restoring millions ot‘tlie sick to blooming health and hop. piness. Yes. thousands who have been racked or tormented with sickmess, paina'id anguish, and whosefeeble frames have been lecorched by the burning elements of fever. and who nave-been brought, as it were.‘,witbin it etc. 01 lievsileut gravo,.ii0\v stand ready to testify tiat they. would have been numbered, with the dead, had it not been for this medicine. Morse’slndiaii Root Pills. Afterone or two doses had been taken. they were ‘ as tonislied, and absolutely- surprised, iii witnessing their-charming effects. Not only do they give Illillltfdlawtfiuse and strength. and takeaway all sickness, pain undhllgiiish. but theth once 0 to work 'at the foundation of the. disease, which is the blood. fracture... it will be shown, especially by those who use there Pills, that they will so cleiiso and purify, that diseaseâ€" that deadly enemyâ€"Will take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty Will agaitti‘eturn, and the prospect of a Iongvand happy life willclierish and brighten your days. CAoTiou.alieware o Allgenuine have the name of Also the spurious. . v _ , , A 5J. WHITE & CO, Sole Proprietors, . ' i, l' 50 Leoniii'd Street. New York. Dr. Morse‘s liidian ro'ot'l’ills are soldlby all dealershin Medicines. ‘ _ ' ' Agents wanted iit every town, village and hamlet in the land. Parties desiringtho agency and..addres,s as tabove for terms. ' ‘ ' ‘ ' Prici- 25 cents per boxs. five sent on receiptof $1. postage paid. boxes will: be 33 M Steam Engine for Sallie l (1‘0 be sold by Private Contract. a good Steam “‘Englne and boiler of aboutFiVe Horse Power“. for! the’ small sum oil-$220.; Terms i0f payment to be agreed upon latfthe Itime of put chase. For particulars apply to. :.:- ; 'JOHN'GRIST.. Sept. 9, 4m . 'thiiili lighted by‘ N- natives o pioneers of religion and its. attendant civiliza- tior. in Canada to the E North America, f AI continent, esppcia‘lly all Cauadiuiis‘, ~will assign 'it an liotlot‘etldplpCb on the shelves‘which ‘ bear theistirring narratives of the firstjEn‘glisb and“ Dutch adVenturei-s. " titers. speak with an English tongue. ' meut atlraciiug inur- " Goivornny tribi-itions Library, both man chiefly. to (Ian-aw, i I p . Goveitiinielnt (if the United States'has been ever 'iiceilous in collecting docu‘mbhts'relating to‘ the: acts aiidsuf’t‘crings of their hardy turous§tioupders '; and the encouragembitt which our 0W1),«GOVei‘11melll could afford in terprizes, of the same character, been prwnptly and effectually‘gran’te'd'.‘, ‘ ' _ The publication, of authentic- and interesting .‘ ‘ historical. records has been favored andprompk, ed by all,.e.iiliglrteu.etl governinlents and litcl'a'izy 'bodies: because they supply the best. evidence" or the truth of history, or, theibest‘ materihlsfiir its composition. It has ,e ven ,bee‘ti-‘asserited, that. the chroniclesaud private memoirs do: ' tcinporaries one of higher" value than“ "them-y ficatio'tis'aud additions, as atoms-aim). beconiesf ".hbhed “timid? 0“ Hume will mtzeml' to the public are of great. vol 0 to all classes, r'l o the religionist. whether Protestant or Ro- I «mutt Catholic, they afford precious; evidencp of. . Bonn-mom. Dturgc'roas :, p H f'l'lfi l‘lflll’vl'kelgll’". Tavernsâ€"Julean Row'sel, W. who devoted themselves to its propagation Ju‘sem, yank”. ‘ lainong the heathen; the zeal of those servants o ,untaught [leaSaIIlLWIll the corrupted matter through every vein and. greatrind wonderful. f a counterfeit signed DoeefihrflWb- 4 . .. [Vamm-I.‘ . NARRATIVES OF . 'v»*.-." v TIE -rr F TfiERsr. ., ; T . A i -. :On'i Easy Terms of Paymdntr.” ST year the French reading part of the l Canadian people were edified'aip de- f the Josuit Ifalliot'shyvllo were the I This work, itilp‘oitaiitas it is reticlt,‘ Canadian, is “{t‘btfless‘so “10""the part of tltdtliyiotiiildtioti“ of l Inhabitants of this"gl‘ieat ugl ish ~speakittg this fit; therefore, to make its ireverend an.- of Canada is ‘atwtlfis mow b attention. The French. out has made large and pier-muons: ol"h.ls.torical matter to our ‘l’rovincial‘ UFCl‘lpb‘hlld printed, Tolutibg ‘ts settlemiébit'aiid. wars : the The early history 1 and“ alive its aid 'OIf‘eIr-‘v has Ialwars? 5 «mil. The Narratives new sought to belpreseuted: and went forward .t-lirouglt many: a fiery trial, to‘liud too often at last the crowd of titartyilo’m. The etlinologist Will find in them faithful descriptions ofn race now W. H, Smith. .rmomo' much degenerated and rapidly approachmg to ' ' -' ' .~ them-astbevlived . . . “mlcmn‘ wntw" among” ‘ Q'Klllgslfllll Wm. Alibi); Kingston: and moved. hunted and fought, married and died, received baptlfitil or I'erocioudv murdered the men who sought to l)l‘-.~lll\V iton them Or- (linnry readers, from the intelligent scholar to the peruse with interest, an account of iueu who tro and the river, now smiling with the rich har- vest or glitteringwith the Vessels of commerce, shed in warfare or massacre. The publication of so v will depend entirely upon i from the public. The first volume has been translated by one of the best translators iii tb l’roviuce ; and‘it w ll be put. to press soon as, a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained to defray the cost of translation and publishing. The workwill mnke'ii Volumes, Roval8v0., ofabotit 751" pages each. in Long l‘iii‘ner type. Sttb;~'criptionlists will be found at the Book‘- stores in Mentreal. Toronto, Quebec, King- st‘ou. Ottawa, Hamilton, London, (<20. and at the Offices of the Publisher. in St. Nicholas Street. Montreal; also at Ste, Anne Street Quebec ‘ Price in paper covers per volume. $2.74, or for the set $8.25. ‘ Price iiiltalfcalf per Volume, 53.50 or" for the set $10.50. JOHN 'LOVELL. Canada Directory 01137106, . Publisher. Montreal, Sept. 1859. ' , p N E E .9 TJIIEJV‘T. Buffalo Medical Dispciisnr', nsnamsnmn rou THE .cuav. or iivsriarsu, GENERAL omnurv, ~l-‘EV1-1R AVD AGIFE, scaoro'i.a, 0L1) uncnns, can.” IMPU' “I‘IY OF THE BLOOD, SALT RHNUM, rimri.i;s, martin, PILLS, aiiisrzvs. IJI-ZBIIJ'I‘Y, is- "r‘ith'riizs or YOUTH AM) um) arm, the. ‘ (13' No Mercury Used. Ago a. AMOS .c SON, Corner of Main and ) Quay Streets. Buffalo, New York,‘ are the only Physicians in the State who are ment- May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morn- ing until o‘clock at night, 011 every state and sympzoin. of disease. The treatment they adopt is the result of up- wards of 30 years’ extensive and successful practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in night or nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two or three days at a very moderate expense.â€" ’l‘l.e cut-o effected without confinement or' bin- drance from business. YOung Men-â€"â€" Take Particular . Notice, There is an evil habit sometimes indulged in by boys. iii solitude, often growing tip with them to titanhood. and which. if not reformed by them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happiness, but gives rise toa series of protracted. insidious. and devastating afi'ectieus. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, \lllllll they find the nervous system shattered. feel strange and ituaccpuutm ble feelings. and vague fears in the mind. A, Most Sc'icntilic Invention Ati instrument for the cure of Genital Ile- bility, or more properly known as Seminar ‘ Weakness, Nervous Dchility, &c.. which are permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days by the use ofthis instrument. when used conyointlv with medicines. . A (1 Quick New . . Remedies, an , Cores. ‘ Drt AMOS &S()N‘tnkepleasureiulannouiv cing that, they have invented, a most important instrument for the cure of the about; diseases It has been subjected to aV'tfest byl‘ the most phia and New York. It has been declared the only useful instrument evér‘yet’ invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease of the habits olgvouth. Dr. Amos ctr Son, in. order to satisfy the most skeptical as to themerits of these instru- ments, pledge themselves, that in any instance whee they may. prove uiisatisl‘actoi-y._ after. a fair trial. the money will be refunded by ‘ tu rtiiiig-the instrument. iu'goo’d order. v J Perseus‘wishin‘g the above useful instrument will observe, that the price, with the: accome partying directions, securely packed and sent by mail or;express,is ten dollars. Beware of Imposatwu. v I Beware of empiries and itinerantself-styled professors, who A'rrniiir'r. cures. but tic-m succeed . , Dr Amos &Son have for a long series of years been engaged In an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate coniplaintspand are the only. legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, ‘or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained, - I V . ‘ Passes 'INHANj PART 01-? THE Wotan may be successfully treated by iforyirardin'g‘ a correct detail of their cases, with"a remitta'n'ce'fm Medicines. &c,, which will he returned with the unborn dispatch. andsecure from observation. Address l)r.. Autos 61. Sun, corner Main and Quav streets.'Bufl‘alo. N. Y. ‘1' t46-lv room-iisauna,' - Court. Office. Richmond ' therublication of thexoriginal Nat-l " - .Ft 1111;33:31ch Dressing TH Layvrbiice, is .prep'rired ’ to give general satisfaction '40 all; ‘. 'wlto‘mayefavonrhlmwhh ,tllt‘ll’ orders..having : ..had Ibugpexpd ience in the business o'fWDyeing. soil-:D'Psririi. 19'?- ' " ‘ ' 'manketsglilvll’a Y lanai steroid flotilla; 1’8. use ~ . ’t’oc'olwb» d the soil cittvltieht‘hey ' now move.-â€"vao were the lords of the forest . qfltld learn $01116 OIIIUIIOII' illtll. they 1.1”ng your Property. (junsidup live and sleep iii security on the St*ll'<S&IIIO-5P0l be as well to which has been often drenched with the tripod for \Olll‘ family in case ofyour own prematu'r’onf :1; idcath. :L-u-wlietber it would 'not be as well.;; , ' oluminous a work through theiassistaitce of be support. received Coltlzlmlll'. pile - you do at bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. eminent physicians in Loiidiiill-l’aris. Pbiladel- " eitital organs, paused by. the secret. -': "1% V -’ A dual. ’2». 1.1? 1 Alli 1-“ cruciate:.l‘rt’tr‘trt: °“ vince.. n .. .--:« am; I. L“... ("l-"v: sn‘i'sgmywmymww s. For; sane}, , r 1, ."Ut‘ .l...;.t I'ITUATED inithe couhties of ‘Lamrrosandizf" Kah'r. , All’necessary information willibe , mm; {given ou‘applicailon.’ post'paid,to . »: ;.; ; , ' MILES LANGSTAEF,-, , ~ ‘1,” .. , . » . Wallacebungh s.- “1,”, _ Also, some im‘ptovedEARMS to RENT._ ,, m: .Wallaceburgh, Nov. 94.1859. .52-tf ;, .l1 ‘3 AT ILAWRENCE’SIACTORY. W E undersigned having leased thatlEx- ll tensive ,Esiublishment of Mr C. E. bridle confident in saying" that he' 1%»,er , g 2’ ,9n thmshortestnotice. wrap. K1N?ill 'f : BEAVER”“”“WO i ' ,. . lâ€"lf‘ .JirJ ‘i..‘ ':i.”- be. m ' Fireintent-anewAssociation. ~it; .;..,.-,vt.-i‘;,z.- i 1.? i i, 7-, 5 rearward. .0. W». ’ .orrros;gs...v.a..Â¥;§ 54» knigsmetam. -? 2 Smash uext.'.buildlitg.iiorth of- tlieu‘g,‘ t, . z ,3? fiMasanchHaIl. .-. ,_ -, ' Halt‘itlie, Profits to.be,returned totbehisured; , _ l the balance invested to form a Reserve Fund. ‘ c. blaming" Dinnc'ronsâ€"Hrnry Rowsell. '1“oron;to. Chain. 1mm :_ J... W. Brent, Deputy Chairman : W. C.~ Chéwett. Toronto ; Joseph ,Jai'kes, Toronto .L Il’ltm'ugcr; W'in._‘ Helliweil, Highland Creek: John -Mowat. . Asa A”, lluitilmm. Cohourg: Win. Green, Hamilton ;- 1 Robert Smith. Chingu‘acousy; (.i‘eoige Blaiili,‘ ' Toronto. 'l'oivnship. ' 5 Solicitorâ€"John l-lel'ltiwell. 'Ba-nkersâ€"t'l'lie. Rand of 'I'oronto. - ' .glf It]? The Providclfll Life -Ar‘5urunce Coim- panv is removed to the same office. , in fire, by Ina ,, it would link , make a little additional proVIsibn” " ‘l . lilaviug guardcd against loss fro a Life Assurance.” . to provide a legacy for your wife or ’ daughter, or. if you have‘fnot the happiness to".- blessed with them, think if the po-scssionot‘p ' a: I'cwibundred pounds additional might not ,be, .. ufjaldvmttage topyourselfn few,ycars hence. It“ l dc, that it would.' write to the Mana‘glh'ilw, Direct]? ‘ol‘the' PR‘OVI'I.)EIN'I' LIFEASSUl‘l”-..t ‘i .AN§()I§‘~"WND lNVliSrl‘lVlEN'l‘. COMBANNMT‘U 2i) 'l‘bmnto. Street, 'l'otonto, for a fit Proppsglg’f-H fbtni,..atid a'rzopy of the Rates. _ ‘ h 3 , 3 Or, possibly. the Agent ‘of' the “‘I}ctVe‘,l‘“l“ thief.“ pessess a "copy of” b'oih‘ di'ictimentsi’JWllichlr“ " he can accminiodate yo '1“, arid-give you; 1va little information on the g. besides. Agent at Richmond 110 a; . it. AitNOLu. ‘1'. March 22. 185,5). , “17,-th Fire! Fire! 1 Fire! 1 .' .. . 4W1“. '1‘ ER N Fire «In entrance (10in pan y - ' of 'liili'olntt). . . . INCDRI‘OH ATPle NY ' VAC'I'. 01“ :PA R’IIAM‘KT' (IJIPI m 1. .3’1'0 CK. £190,000,”; tea. I G150 h‘licnfflhc‘lce l’ree. iiiutc‘rotisc t, . ‘I‘hos, IIawottli, Esq, \V. 'llendcrson. Esq. W. Mncfarlane, lieu. 11. C. GILMUR, 1’ Rice Lewis. Esq. James Monty. ILH]. T, l’. Roberts, i‘irq. M. Rossin, Esq. I Bernard l‘lnldan. Esq. Secretary 4- 'l'rcusilror._ '1 Angus Morrison. Eng. Solicitor. ' flank of Upper.C.'1iiaifa. Erin/icer Bi njuliiil'i .b‘witzci. Leg. Inspector. l lb? Henri (wise; Church Stored, Toronto. in, Trim ZCOMI’ANY Insures - all-demeriptions of" B.tiildi.i.i.g$,,l\’lunufaotories, Mills. &c.. and Good! ‘ and Furniture. in the some, against loss or dank ' age by fire. on liberal terms. Losses promptly ‘ settled. - ~ - - v ‘ ~ A. LA w, ' Until" 1 “goal; gin-t, Residence, Hiltliii ond "ill August 13. 1857 ._.__.___~....___. .A A_..___‘,â€"..... ._._-‘..;_'_':..’__,_....- -___..._... on irrrtr‘gjria,ti}f IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING And despatcbed to. Subscribers by the arising“ mulls, or other “conveyance. when so debit“:i The YORK HERALD will always j... be f on till to,co;ii'taiit;tho-latest and most taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mus hots. and the greatest care will betakenfte' render it acceptable torthemau of families... and evaluable‘lfaniilg Newspaper. 'I‘ERM.S.¢~SeVeii and Sixpence per Ailnumpi‘l ‘ “Wanner; ; aiid'if ‘ not paid wllHih Thret M’outli~ two dollars will be charged. i“ - ‘ ~ , I ,, , : RATES, OF ADVERTISING ;. Six linesand under, first insertion.. . . .$00 .50 Each subsequent insertion. . . . . {.0012}? Ten lines and under, first insertion . . . . . 00 75 Above ten lines, first ll|.. per linen”, 00 0.7.. ‘l'lacli subsequent insertion, per line .: Of! 0’ II? Advertisements Without written duet-q. Iioii inserted till forbid. and charged accord; iiigly. , _, - . I, , 4 ’Allitijattsitory advertise plants... 11min strait! lard uI irregular customers, 'must bb-paidtfoifw pn' linudet in, for insertion. ’ _' ' "ll ' - A, liberal discount-will; be made, to.}pflfiifl.fio. noticing by the year..- .- .. - ., ' .‘ i All. advertiisefllents "publislied a,leaa per i riwx than.biievmpntIurnubile, Mitts Spitfires“- vanes. v ; ‘ l ' I An letters saddressed. tozthe Bait... 3......“ pontiisidu .- . -. . . , , .y. 'Nopaper discontinued until all aerating..." paid :- and parties refusing. papers without ‘1‘”... ing up. will ,be, held accountable for the subs. scription. V t MAW .7 I" ~ v, .» 17-9930”. WRAP-Di. . - Book and J ob Printing . tasrrarnsitm‘a‘rfi % t r .41" t ..x ; .. x t.‘ ’.* r N; '2’". .L. " RDERS for- any of the :undermentipledt - description of PLAIN andlt‘ANCX JOB. ORR-{will *be‘ promptly‘at-tended delta-t ‘ .I' nooks. t-‘Ascy .aicLs,‘ s,usrsass,;,oaaps...an”; : 'AND SMALL POSTERS;QlRCUIIJIRSHLAW, [Gill‘s v l mu. antigeniccnacagpna‘rasg'hiiv,::"" V Fastball/dosh. ' " " Andevery dther ‘kitidlof i" LETTERâ€":PRES‘S‘ aRRINTING i . retaliate the‘be'ét strident madam". armors. «~0ur. assortment 9-”. IQIMWROM who}! .now and of tlie' latestfpatternsu uA-ilsrge serial: or 1.2..» “flimsy-Type; spa ‘jiBoiggrilg‘for is’i‘i'd'; "’ ' .ilfl. .l t I ' i‘i . .-. {i ,.t.‘- .... ‘.ri

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