York Herald, 30 Dec 1859, p. 3

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EXECUTION or SHIELDS, THE GREAT W- T- ATKINSON. & 00- T I i - r' . i -. , â€". .. V _ ' V ' GREEN AND COPELAND . ENGLISH REMEDIES .r ' o. 1“ E W S 1 ORE: 1N BU l '1 (WV HALL! . " ‘ , ll CHARLESTON, Va., Dec. 16. ‘ g‘pn DISEASES orV'rur: i Manufactuli ers 0f ChemVlcalS '. IMPORTER OF " i ‘- “ . siblelils’ green mid JOhn i'clllgland iii-ire EAR“ Patentmedicmes & Perfumery- ‘lHE Undersiuhed begs to call the attention of his Friends and the Public gen- _ , . . V VV 4"“ pTd' the forte.“ Of the" lves' 1e _ . “WHEAR‘Q‘” "‘14-: 099031“ "'HEC-THEDRAM orally to the fact that he [has opened a NE‘N STORE in the above place, i ' crOWd "1 me tow“ ‘5 Very great’ and the Gl‘ratdimvery i“ ‘ll‘? scam“ °f medi‘ ' i I' ' V ' v i- which will be found re lete with 'l Iaru‘e 'illil splendid 'tssnt‘fmf‘til’. of . ~- I ‘ execution was witnessed by 1,600 per- Cities. being a certain and speedv cure Klng St. Toronto. p ‘ D ' ‘ 'w' ‘ " ' ‘2‘ sons. At 9: o’clo'clr the field was occupied 1“ resmm‘g. m" S‘gll‘ dud, ,"9"‘.°V”'g.a” dl'i' r ’ 1 'v eases .peculiar the Eye, [his is universally : .v ‘ a w V . by the troops and '1 .nVinuVVtts to 11 0 clochVtV, acknowmdged me 0me. safe a, d sum remedy the proce.s'_ion made its appeayapce.,. 14.â€" now known, it has been used with great arrivedValVflgg Scafi‘old at 5 minutesrpgfiy success by the most skillful physicians in 11 o’clOClc'. 'The prisoners were accbm- Europe 3"“ Amman“ panied by [he Shmifl‘ and Jane“ . They Patients in any part of the country can treat themselves sucecsstully at a inooerate expense. moumed ll“? Scflllold WM] 8 firm step? fmll thereby avoiding the danger and expense of after the calls, llml bpe“ Pia-03d over me” falling into the hands of iuiskilll‘ul physicians. heads .by the Sheriff, and an appropriate This medicines [sediment to cVure]V will be sent pray“. was made by the Rev. Mr. North, by mailer express. With all directions, on the of the Presbyterian Church, they were “39°13‘- of 9’ small case $5‘ . launched into eternity. BBfOI‘e the Pope Tris EAVrtV.â€":-,Certatn and infallible cure for was cut,_ green was heard to offer a‘ Dedt'iicss and Singiug‘Nois‘es in che Ears, the fervent pray“, but Copeland wasV hm VNVervous [dead and Mind Complaints, affording C, , k w broken iVuVstantrthel to sufferers who have iron is heard ton’raY' . "cells nee as will deafness for many years. After usrn-g and he died Without a struggle. CQPE" this remedy a. few days the patient is suddenly ‘and writhed m violent convulsions {QstVVVéw and alniosVin ii’iaracplpusly VenaVbledV to heap orVdiâ€" ' r i ' ‘_ nary lone Conver a ion : in tie course 0 a ew era‘ mmilms' V “,Fy ie“ a; .11 inn-“tes- af weeks the m0st obstinate case “of deafness :s ter 11 o clock. hree ministers stood on effectually cured. . the scaffoldâ€":Messrs. W augh, North and Patients too numerous to mention have been Lash, to whom the prisoners bade fate- restored to perfect hearing and forever rescued well, and said they hoped to meet them in Heaven. The bodies will be, placedin OULD respectfully intimate to his Customers and the Public generally, that Proprietors of Atkinsdiif-s-Parisiau ToVthh Paste: V , V _ i lL?’ Every description of Horse and Cattle i . i Medicines prepared with the best English drugs" " V , ‘ ’ . ' IfIl’oronto, August 27. 1859,. i 4051'! ‘ PURE LIQUORS, WINES, BR'ANDI ES. ' Iâ€"IAanARE, XQVBOCEQEEY. wo- BUTTER lVButter! BUTTER! Which he is prepared to Sell on most reasonable terms. Parties, before. purchasing elsewhere, will find it an advantage to Call and compare Prices. -. . Clothing made to Order 9n the, shortest Notice. ' i’VriiVA-ouzisViV)LEn;sV55 ; ~ ' " â€"1in he has now receivedthe greater portic'm of his r ‘ ‘ "' ' r 1 “A D. per lb, will be given for any quantity of VGoodVV; 7 i ' ' ' FRESH ROLL BUTTER His STOCK will be foundwellassiorted and marked at prices that will compete with the best House in the trade. V 3.“ G} BARNARD'S Buttonville, December 23, 185.9. RichmondVHill, Nov. 18, 1859. 47-tf BICHMON D HILL 1R0N=F9_UNDRY.PAILS & SAP BUOKEE‘S. f ‘HE undersigned begs to inform the public J that belies opened a FOUNDRY for the V ‘ V' V V V v. VV . . manufacture of O, S. Richmond’s improved , GOOD PAIL is a domestic necessity and superior BUCK}. I‘S are much in IRON BEA LO H _ demand. The Subscriber begs toinform the public that he preparetho "‘ “ M P UG S’ manufacture any quantity of first class FAILS and SAP BUCKETSJavmg Wood Beam Gauge Piliughs’ Fanning recéntly'made several Additions and ‘ l . . â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€"4â€" -« An Inspection Vis Itie‘sriectfully Solicited. Price. ..._.._. ' WHQLESAVLE AN BETAIL w King Street, East of Yonge Street. ’ v ‘ v 9-1y. from the snares ot' the numerous dangerous and unqualified pretenders of the present day. Hospital and private testimonials and certifico' Toronto, October 21,“.1839‘. "i J.“ for interment toâ€"morrow. Ohreceipt ates from éhe mosteminentphysiciausamd sui'j M1118, Home H688, & Home Rakes - ' .hâ€"WFW w-T-MWwwm‘wwfi‘mm n w 0â€" h ‘m ' ’ t: m t 'eons in n land, in whose presence eat‘ per- . . r 2‘s: ’ ‘ V . V ,V V - . . A - A _ V , V V 9f the newsGOf 000k zyggsgiggersaahfd {£0 gone have begen cured. and many hundreds of done to. QRDER, V _ 11 I S N lo escap‘e’, overnor - g. -p private patients cured can be seen or referrte on moi-t notice,” " . ) V V 'V ..‘ . i, ., ,. --, -" ~' ' ‘ ' ' .. ‘ 1V ' V t «3 Gem .1 ahafero, to take possessian 9.}: {0, A. case of this medicine [enough to efi'ec't’ a? A“ W k f d . V 'By which Vhe is enabled to make better i AILS, oi etery size, and SAP BlJLKE Pb V , V V IMPORTER 0F Jail, which was accordingly done. acure] will be forwarded to and part of the "mde 0' my” “9“?” by “I? ‘3 W5" and sell them CHEAPER than any other House in Canada. He would especially ~ - . : ...- - ' 00untry for Fifteen Dollars. HVVW_ PECKV call the attentionof. Earthers and others to his I S P E A N D F A N Y VV BURGLARY Address a. G%€£Vl§erN,OV 3V Iiichmond Hill. Oct.26,1859. 48-3m, g EV: B U C K E T S. ,V D R . - q O O D r Y V â€"-+ V V Bufl'alo. As they are allowed to be the best. ever made, and, as he has a large stock on hand, , V , . H00] Danni}? WEE; 3‘13“??? OVEVVWLOIJE anlc‘Vl-gafidfowmg “3 only 886'“ f“ lhe but“ STE-H YE]! .' he will sell them at. unprecedented low Prices. All orders by letter, prepaid. sent to 'As ré'geiyiéd his FALL GOODSC'consisting in part of ‘ ' ' 0w 8'1 i‘ ‘Sq'i - -V n51 “3'9 VV 3 V V S'V _ AME on the Premises of lithe Subscribe, Buttonville, 8.0. will receive promptlattentiou. I H I I ' ' ‘ - - ‘ 4 .~ r " A seven miles from the city on theVDuanas it? Oilice in Kreinlind Block. Lot NOV 22V 7m concession 6f Markham: ' '~ JOHN AMOSS FANCY DRESS GOODSV Vroad, was entered by burglars. The fact December '29, 59. 56V-ly A Rad and while spotted HEIV‘FEIL The V, ’ __ - r \ '~ T a... w, . ' _ y , - - s . . . , W a. ...Lw-c,--___._.- , :- Lot l\o. 11, 2nd concessron. COJOh D AhD BLACK COBOL RC 8. was not ascertained until five 0 clock yes- . owner can have the same by provrtig property V _ . , , V, .1 . » , V ,1 Vv V _ _V V V terday morning, when it was found that a Letters and Paying exilemies- ' H Markham’ December 23’ 1899' . 6-553") PLAIquAithF (“HEIEILELID VLINDDB‘X'S‘ V V V . , GV AACKEV V ‘ ’ i'S G' (“AllS DEL NW” pliant? of dry $0045 its? been remote: RegifignnwgVinbifiViCHM )NDHll.L PostOflice Mmkham, Nov, 13,1859. * ii 51.3 ‘.=.-.~.....__..~ A “ \ vSHF’FTINéS SHIhT‘INGéI‘tpfiabfiING romt e-store an carrie aanunoccuPte E 3‘ lot, 1559. V' r ‘ «‘ ~ _ ‘ Nb“ V‘__‘_ A V _ V‘ . ' ‘ VV _ JD‘FNVIV’L‘fi - : V3 a V V _ V ~ r - .. i L i i b DRILLS FLANNELS buildinu on the opposrte Side of the road. J A N R I D (j E _ V V V 1- ," fi . V V _ . it appgured also that the miscreants visited Arlress. Henry Law. Mills Harriet . f . i’ ‘ ' 5 1 . ‘ . . ’ , ' V V ‘ V BLANKh-Fba GLOV 138, HOSIERY, Basingtwait. W. Langstafi‘, John [4] Belt, Thomas Liiit‘oot, .lohn Badger, Thomas Lbckonod, Miss E. Bernard, Miss C. J. Laivrei'icb', James M. Burr. l. C. ' Lyons, Barney Copeland, Thos. Lawrence, James Churchill, Sarah Maddie, Alexander Charlton. Henry Mulholland. John Copeland. William Metcalf, Robert Colman, Roberst 1‘ Mcl’hillips. George Campbell, Miss B. O’Gra'dy.Miss Leonora the house of a tenant of Mr. Howlaod’s, Respectfully begs to announce that he has received his about half a mile distant, and took three horses from the stable, two of which they attached to a sleigh and saddled the other. I'l'his was done probably for the purpose oi conveying the goods they had taken from the stone. While they Were harnessing the animals, however, they were alarmed by some noise and decainped with ll}? sad-- Together with a general assortment of V LACES, RIBBONS and MUSLINS, ‘ T l. ' TF.‘ 1’ A ‘l v.....i. ' . ‘ y ' ' = U \l I W “Hall GOOD n w A ile in ii in _ I s . .. . “(V VV‘VVV‘ l V i ‘jV VVip- VV V . r . .» in. srocn a. by i..- the DRAPERY GOODS. LARGEST on RECHMOND 1733.13,an Doing business for Cash only do no Second Price. And equal ‘0 any NORTH 0f TORONTO- ' His Stock will be found as atti'acttve as any house in the trade. . . Ch b r . "'1 Pill ,B'th V . . V “94'0"”, which "39 vesicular l'twve’ed DuiiZLriiiiiuni‘difir l’liiliiisis, .c'soiii'a’ , a:- . . Buyers Will do W611i? (Pall and examme the Stock and Prices on the‘Westou plank road. The property Edmonds,V Joel Patterson, Bro V ~ .- 0r...- Strict Attezntion -' Befam buying elsewherfi ‘ lake“ from. the l‘remlses of M1“ HQWlaan assume-2!. g‘t’gmdt’l‘ LOYAL ORANGE Will be paid to the business, and all GOODS sold at the lowest remunerating prices. Remember the well known naiuc ‘ i ' i I ' "3"- found Where the burglar-5. had (16905" Fogg-m: Miss Jam 51,69,2de Aaron - I i = ' x ' ’ he therefore confidently solicits a ceptiuuance ofthepatronage he has so longreceived. , ' M, LEISH MAN, No. Md, _ . EE'iV‘s at wit/L DUROSEng Ho TEL V V V He takes this opportunity of returning sincere thanks to his old Customers and : Tommoi OClObEV 21, 1859- ‘ V ‘ Victoria Square, the last Friday even- Friends, for the veiy liberal support [my have hitherto given “1an V V VV __ _ V ing in each month. 0 t b _ a. . V - ‘. .- .. .. c 0 er, 1839. PATTERSON S’ IMPLEMENT WORKS JAMES NEAL. Deputy. Fraser. George Shepherd. Charles Freak, James" Scarlett. Miss German, John Smith. John ' German. Dav't'd Sid'er, Robert Granger. Alfred Steel, R. T. ' Hughsou mini.“ Sanderson, Miss A. Hart, John Seager, William Jenkins, Milne HannahTrench, William ted it. I It is not it it whether any otb- . ,,, V V V Ver goods Were stdlfi Thy: sVVcthans have V NO' 8,1 I‘ma Stu“ E353 VVnotVyet been arreste .‘ .â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€" Mn MARRIED. At Stoufl'ville, on Thursday the ‘2an inst.‘ by the Rev. -â€" Taggart, Miss SARAH BUTTON, [2] velie, John ‘ JOHN GAULEYV “gamut , - I r!‘ V ..V V AV V V . daughter of Francis Button. Esq. 9i liuttons gzllll;r’[3i;:?§: $153,233.35; JOHN BUTTON. Secv'cifli'y- L E) ‘t i I ‘ .Vlll‘b ‘0 MB BLISS, 0‘ Markh‘llll'. Kevitbr. 'l‘h9mas Wright, :lohn ’I I Vigloria Square. Mar 7. 1858. 48-1 'i' ‘ i 9 i "i ' L‘ i V v ‘ ’ 9 “re wmlld inform lb? Pablic that We are manUfaCturing a large number or DEATH. On Saturdar, the 24th inst . Mrs. W. SIZle “NVVVof Unionville, youngest daughter of Francis Button, Esq., of Buttonville, the 20th year Vof hér age. ' Langctafi'. Dpctor Wallas, Mrs. care of R ' \ Vanderbu h. M. TEE "Whitâ€"\ioriCE.’ PPLICAEVTION will be made to the Muni- ‘ j ’ cipal (,pnncil of Vaughan at their first meeting in .laiiuary next. to enact a ByLLaw to establish a flood along the south side of Lot Number 43. in the First Concession, from the 2nd Corleossion line eastwards to meet a Road leading from Yonge Street" westwards; the land constituting the Road sought to be esta- blished heng the propei‘ty Mr. George O O G R A P , Algif’iiiirties ohjectingto the proposed By-l..aw OR' 1:9“ngme 8:) as to V fromV & IQ am wquefitm, w angndV ‘ V ‘ VVV VVVVV V V, int, es. armer. an O are are reques b( ,0. Cd an exanune the” MANUFACTURED AT THORNHLL. HE Subscriber begs call the attention of the Public to the fact thatwhe is ' 2 prepared to make fii‘st-clas i h 4‘ it! " ii ‘ The; , P. M, Richmond Victoria, . . f ‘ OYAL 'ORANGE LODGE No. 778. [ meets at Brother Robert‘ ' VViseman’s. ' .,.,EXTRAGTORS l, “have been'thorwghly tested, both in heavy and light soils, and J . mzslgtlililp I‘llâ€"{)2}: thizagmtmggitdhay evening after V themselVes capable ‘of‘raislng tile largest Stumps and‘can be _OFFlCl-ZRS ELEerâ€"-COIOIiel 'Bridgford, " Master , R. Wiseman, Deputy Master; John Also, a new and Munhollartd, secretary; W. l’ogue, 'l‘reasurer Januaiiy21.1858. .33 IMPROVEJQ OLOD 031411153333, ‘ We also have in. hands‘lhé Patterns of a VET)? Which every Farmer ought to possesx, and V A R 'i-V-fi‘oitoNTO MARKETS. V _â€" Worked ,be ithree men unaided by horse or other team. ‘ 7 . , Price, complete~$68 (l0. ’ . . 'l‘iiuasniiv,‘Dec 29. .Vli‘all Wheat, prime, per bush. . . .i $1 13 a l 18 Spring Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 95 a] lit) Family Flour. .-.V'. .V , . . ,. . . .. , 6 ill] a 5 50 Snperfinedo ..... ........... 455:1555 *Vancy Ali’do Acne-c ' ‘ ‘ 0 ' I cano- “0 “ V _ i, . mm, do _ V V. ,,,,,, 5 5.; a 5 (so GEORGE i. it. runner). - MACHINES betore purchasrng elsewhere. lV’rice, from $10 00 to $20 00 Bum" ""'°'°' °'-"' ' ' ' ' ' U 6“ u 0 65 "1'0‘ “Ship Clerk ' HUNOGRAPIIY 's in if. d b - lSAAC At the she t ‘t otice and t the l w t -- -' V " ' ' i . ..... . V V RI)?! “‘ulpiual ‘ 5‘ c a g (a. o 0- I' O a Decombet‘ P ‘ il’lyl‘Mz‘N. of Batjld‘klnveéna '3. the Year V V _ ' I: P‘ VVn 'V, a (i "'88 [Tl-uneVI Pl ices. l i 3 on”, u - - 0 '33 a ti 3;) uâ€" -me ' V837 1V VVV. the VVVOVVsVVVVVVVVV gnosVV.VV:VuVaV mom substantial and good \Vaggons, Buggies, Sleighs, Agricultural Implements, &.c. will In th .1. H Al . .. . . . ..... -rV V »~-~~~«â€" ~â€". .---~~â€"â€"-~_--â€"â€"7â€" V i V s i , .i . . . H V, , 1 - . 5 . . V or scaso so gflgi.im,d..,....... . . . . . . . . . . . . page g Fl‘Oiiil 1000 to [1011313 rapid, and inosteasilylearned systetn‘of Writ- mid It to the" ad‘dutaibe to can‘ , . ; 5V . .. V , , Bodhiher tdhi‘ i i .17.”. 00: 24‘ {1‘0 be ndvmme‘d by Mortgage. 01" FreehOld thingy?“ has we" been, or ever can be "ii 'l‘liornhill October 21 1859 i i i J. HOLMED. {i7 WOQ‘TEEH, €1.00ked & Beam PIOWS ! filli‘i‘p‘é’, ‘:‘ .n-V - o - o - . . . . lVlV 0 36 um Land in the neighborhood of fiichmVoViVid During. the past fifteen yearsV hundred. of : x? ’ ' ' H , V' , i F m ClRCULAR SAWS, I ‘ 9"“ ‘b's’ ‘ ' "°"‘ ‘ ‘ ' ’ i a . - ' . thousands of persons, in England and A-me- _ ’ . ‘ » _ a fill ’l E: 9.9.! harml- - - o . -- o -' . -V c, - g “g a 6‘5) Appl-V‘ by letter pm‘pa‘d' Hang?“ g'ffiee rica, in both public and priydtb life. have learned miw"'ww~"’uâ€"â€"flâ€" “.TA"‘ w h “‘”'â€"“â€"”“ “"‘”*-"“‘ G A N G l- O w s! v HC'IVORSE 1 HOES: d S C U F F L E RS, &C . °° ’ - - - - - v ' - 5 3 " . . - .2 . u .. ' to write'l’honographv. and thousands offsocial, _ ' V - l « s‘ v . , onstant y on an V ,V Shoe each . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 a 5 00 Richmond Hill, Dec. 7. 1809. 54-tl' d b ., ,,l t“ - i . .in V i. : tun } -. V V V V V ‘l..nm%.r,$i ........... . 2 00 a 2 50 UL; "'{;LO.‘,:',:,S"“ FI"A§’Nâ€"E7j‘“s '65. 3', WEE: Mari Emilia 5 iii” you“ P9 86;;- All IMPLEMEN TS manufactured by us are Warranted. ego .Calve',‘c'hbh. . - . - - 4 00 “'5 0" BOUEGS l)ELAlDlES i ' dI’GaLA 'Nor Lis its great Poptlaritv to be won cred I , ,, ,i, , fl ' ’, ’ ‘I i" v ' ’ "1'" Wm” ' ‘ v ‘ 'i ' - ' ” " i r . Chickens ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘° ' ' ' ' "f 0 20 ‘ 0 30 PLAlDS the CHEAPEST in theiw’illa {é " ' at. The presentisysterh"‘bi’-writiii is exideed- HAN Lt thCl‘dVibD HID V- V . V V V V V V V V PATIERSON 8L BROTHER. V w i i A g ~ ~ Richmond Hill Se t 9 1859 I Shzg, prVi. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . - off (I) i‘ 0 at G A BARNARD,S ineg cfumbersome,'dand totally uanVprthy Lhasa F LL V V V v . P - i . V VV, 41_ttV ' .9”? Fully“: ' ° '1'“ ' ' -.°1- ' ~ 9, . - ' , .i .. ’~'. days 0 progress an invention. ‘ onogr‘ap y a ‘ a ,‘ E ‘ l A V rm: ,, V. .V V V V - l . - V Beef hldes’ per [0” lbs" ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' 5 75 a" 00 Ewhmond Hill' 00" 7' 1859' 4%”- is equally as legible. cau'be. learned in” one- V -'v " . ‘. R - ~-_ Lanna-3%-. 1‘22: icalfisknis, per lbs. ...... ...... . . 0108 3,12 , twentieth the time, and can be written slat; times Biitéerylresh, per lb. . . . .. .....V 0 1§ a usfa’sit! In other words.’ the labor of six days ' ~ ~ : r V NEW “(STORE IN ,NEWMARKET. “DRY }OODSl~- â€" yon-"K MILLS HOTElg. YONGE STREET. H GOOD supply of Winn: and [neurons always on hand. Cigars of alli'brands‘i. Excellent accommodation for Travellers, Far-j iners and others. ' ' " ALEX. H1LL,VVProprietor. York Mills, Dec. 17, 1859. ' ' ‘ 55-Om STRAYED *néef‘esi‘oiun‘om Musical Friend. ‘ MUSICAL‘ FRIEND,” a Rare WV, f Companion fol: the Winter Months. Should procure this woekly Publication of Vocel‘and VI’iaVno Forte work of six I So simple is the system“; top. that a 4 person may learn tb Write it slowly". in , V V . a coupie of hours. An hour’s daily'praqticc ‘w J O H BO N D» fer a"'t'ewweeks will enable (my per-soil "to AND ALMOST EVERY ‘ write phomgmphy with certainty and with BEG-S to inform the inhabitants of Newmarket, Holland T.anding, Aurora, Rich- Som'e degree of ‘freedom. The same amount V . V ' mond'Hill,"&i:., thatilie intendslopening, on the 15th inst.,with a splendid assortment of 'of' practice continued for six'piontns will ec- ' a V ' ' ‘ ‘ . abld a person to take reportso speeches, len- \ v " " ' ‘- " ‘ ‘ ~ “ i ' n mes; sermons. or conversation. and ti read _ . V. . , n V ,,V . VV , V, ’ G R O C R l E S 1 ’ Every Pianist, Every Singer, Every Teacher, he'm‘wi'th accuracy -MW V V 7 _ V 1 V V . ' V, V T ». - our coups AFD“ MiLLiERY Plioflnoéi'aphi’ 8‘“ invaluable adjmict'to educa- Those favoring him With a call will find VliiVsV,VG()VVOD;VSV to _V V, " . , ' v i i . Evie“, Pup“. Music ' cost-mg [hm-'10 F ROM the Premises of the subscriber. Lot V Every Amaze“, cents 'a “uthV' and ' No; 13', 3rd coni Whimhurh, on or about iion."a_tid one which, when acquired in youth ' ' 'V . VV x , ‘jV VVV . V _ fighouhced by the entire pmss onhe country, the l‘Zth instant, wonjhl nVVthVbfi pained wrth in manhood for thou- E .513 E, &C. &c. .V. ~ san so 0 ans '~ '3 ‘ .- ‘ ‘ * lobe AdarkBaerar-e .. _, V _. V VV V V ' ' Th” late Hm“ T305" H‘ BMW’" up” be“ Having reducd the prices of his whole Stock considerably. and , at the. same time, . And a great “in” Arlltle? mo hummus to menllon' uVZ‘HE BEST AND CHEAPES'l WORK 16 hands high. aged, one white hind foot, and ‘bF THE KIND IN THE WURLD'" some white on her shoulders wtlh the colltVn‘. {33 2,2133%] giggly $31,??? {223132; baring reduced the long credit system shortcroâ€"lippmg it will heauadvantage both . . V . . V V. ~ V ll‘v’v‘dlv'e' full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano “94. a '9’39 “‘3’. °“- "°’f°"°h°'d- Any Person onlv twelve years bfage. said: z‘Hdd this art for the buyer and seller. * i ‘ ‘ ‘ ' " ~ ' 7 Particular attentionVVV devoted to the .Vllaillinery “Department ‘ {in} FOi‘tO Mus-IP- for 10 CGMS- gwmg .mformal 0 -- as to her whermlfllpmsl? “1° bash known 40 years mm 1'! would have saved me ' 3 ‘ i ii- ' , t -.r l - ' 'i '1 ' ' " "" "i 'r' " ‘ ' ’ " undersrgned wrl e rewarded. ,. . ,1 y-"ui’i ' ,r , Riellmond Hillv chObe' 13: . . 46-tf . ' Yoarly’gm Haipwgriy$gsmQuarterly$hg5 . . ~. . . . . . 20 cars fund lan._- I‘he learned senator . . . . l i , V .2, . , . . . ~ . .. ~ l .. . JOHN RICHARDSON. spohe but a portiori‘of the truth. What long. ~ ' -- i ‘ 4 . His blIOW'ROOXi will be open shortly after With a great variety of "V ViiVbscriber to “ 0dr L'Musical. Friend,” or iii er'it from the nearest Newsdoaler, and you will have Music for your entire family at an .inslghlficant cost; and if you want Music for i he Flute. Violin, Cornet, Clarionet. Accordion ,.,..V. &c. &.o- subscribe to the r'Solo Melodist, fioiitaiiiing 12 pages, costing only 10 Cents a gpimbor; Yearly,"‘$2 50 ;' Half-yearly. $1 95. All back numbers at 10 cts.. and Bound *V’dlmos. containing 17 :"anmbers, at $2 50 pull. constantly on hand. V ‘ M C. B. SEYMOUR &,Co. 10? Nassau St., New York. . Aurora, P.O. Whilchurch. 1390.23, 1859. t . 55-4 THE Subscriber beg: to inform the inhabi- taptsol' Buttonvilleand the surrounding country. that its continues to make first«class courts, were, PJLN‘TS, or, In the newest Styles and superior, Workman: ship. All orders promptly attended to. and work warranted. hand requires six years to accomplish. Phono- graphy will perform in one. > ' 'ro- Clergymen. Editoi'S, Physicians,.i.aw- I ' .V ....â€".~.â€"-.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€".â€"_ vars, Secretaries. CoiiVevancers, Law and Me- _ OPERA CLQAKS, sic. arc. ' dical Students, Lecturers, Printers, "School , N'ewmarkel, Septeuiliei'i‘g,’ 18‘59. ' 40-6.! Teachers, Merchants. School Boys and Girls, a knowledge of Phouography is bf. vast utility.â€" In fact there is no professiontir calling in which , it is not useful. and no young man’s education can be considered complete wi'thVVoVut'it. The Sucbscribers beg to call attention to the lac! that they are making A "During the past. innc months hundreds of ...,. i. V persons in Canada, of every pursuit in life, s P R I R A o N g 2 have acquired the Art. from triany'ot' whom . -V .V V . . the subscriber has received neatly-written And when the Quality is tuKen Into account it will he found that they are selling Phonogrfil’l‘lc letters. OXPTOSSiYé Oilheir d0- them at prices that will defy cornuetion. It is‘ also a fact beyond dispute that our i... r_w..~_ .. _.M.mm~_fi~_.mm~_~wfiw onions," .CHAIRSV CHAIRS. JOHN HARDY. ' ' 'Tailor‘and Clothier- ' W_._~__.___ . V - . - - I I - . . . i , BEDSTEA BS B i‘DST EADS {960. . . Buttonflllfl. Dec. 23, 1859. , . 53-1y light With the attainment, and the extraordinary WAGGONQ Stand better a d 1. fro“ d f h ‘ , " 3 A. 01:19:51 No'tice- .__.__._.._' .4 . _ with which therhfm. acquire . - ~ ' .,*~* - . - ' ’ ° f". “‘3 W a“! “56“ Wâ€"eâ€"«fl ‘ a" - m ‘ ~ -â€"~ v ‘ » v v w. v. s K E N m, freezer?surest:aurora ~ l” ‘°l‘°r'"g l“ 9‘ W4 We =1” RICHMOND H11 I . . s i , . . .. . - MILLWRIGHTV ' fl“, s'u‘bSCfiber is now prepared 19"" éqbpiyi 3"“ $w¢ inc: iron epic, bon...: Three and threa- auarter inch do ~ ,V 4 J J u - - I, -,h th M p _ wo an aquarerinc axe Wit '_ ox ' with ca ~nn‘ d 5 t) » ~ " ‘ - - ~â€" - ; V LICENSED AUCTIONEER’ ‘a T d ’ Eli); :iiil ihdvi’nosog’narhiggog 3:32:05?“ Tm” 39d thf” gnarl” inef‘ thimb‘“ l ‘ SB“ ailhilleil “'i"l"g'o”'“i~--Ui :0 39 :9” i’i'lli‘ii.‘ 111°“ '3” com?!“ 0;” H i . BEGS to intimate that he is now prepared to bI/ mall to any Part Of the Fronncen pdstage F skull]; mth; box' ’ ' ’ ‘ ‘aa ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ 8.0 00 liquble'tr??§ a.nd~l“~’ck li°k°5‘ ‘ ' 7 00 ,. , . ‘ “ " ‘ I ‘ - ' i hériéct MILLS ‘ane‘iwrl' description, b1 Pm'f’a'd‘ f‘” “1° "ma" sum of. F ONE our")? r o 0 on .83 00 (SJ-rabbor.mhug ' ' ' ’ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 7 0“ ’ " 'I'heiSubscriber has now on hand a most A ’ H A I’ -' ‘v ' ‘ ’ ‘ ' " contract or 'othei'iivise, on” reasonable terms. DOLLAR V.‘ e Oldii~.i~,.- -,- .Vuau “V, . .V V,V4V00 - - " ' '- ‘ a He is also agent ror’ihe best Foundries in Ca- Anybofly fl everYbOdy! M“ can ham "‘3" V3 , .V. I . VV . r r .. 1- e - V . . i , minim $113.53.”, M‘gmw VILLAGE. w“ nada. and fromVVVVS VengVVVVVVVed expemnce he mingV can learn PHONOGBRHYVfron, Vtho Mb lerms . Six Mouths, if longer, lnterest from Date. .Five per cent discount for Cash receivetp‘romptiutention.“. .lE? "Orders re- llll’ll-Tl t litiiiiii sin ti iiniiir ’- . ' a A , “'h“t th ' . , at; .il‘AlJl’.’ fillies, latchindoud “03$” 3‘1")" g°ggrzlss£l$Â¥39b°ny 55 1_ “"figglsfip 2,153; rfjlsgagmgbl, to put weir All-orders attended to With promtitude, and Work warranted. ’ ‘ i't..°.'t.‘?l'§l' °“°°”"‘° ' “‘3’ °° ' . ‘ v ' “ thou hts one. at'thei'ate of‘i’iomiou to " " ‘3 H " ~ ' ~ , * ~.,"VV ' l- g “ ' * ' - » « w ‘ - . -- Markham YVmanVmV.185VgV 51-“ _ V V V V V _V_ V250 aords “ling mifiuVVeV” would 8°an M we VV V T. SPEIGH L 8; ,SQN,_ V .VVh.Lli he is determined to Sell at Prices that Will defy competition. Temperance ‘ leCtorS above-mentioned works at once. Mr V l" Elfin!“ “lager June 30: 1859' '1 w ’ -. e l “ . . iv,» é... . , V V,, V V - t v . a , .. The,,ipstruction given’Vb'th‘e VVVaVnua isas ' ' ‘ ’ - r i': , ~ V , ' ganziwis AND'Boyis “ ' ' l - OF . . "i plain’ as“A1'B.'C:. ahd lien)" timesl‘as easy tol , . ‘ ’ - ~ ‘ - -' ~ ~ -. 3.9: I ' ' l" I N i i V. ’ . . tittderstamdv . . » ' . - ‘ .i ,if ‘ ' ‘ . -' .. . . n .‘ . “ XSIfi'Iiette. 'li‘ull’ld'Cloth‘, and Doesklnl‘nhw- rifactaiéifiiiiié " PHquTlfifimg' ‘To [flake Chopplng Easy l l Bublic Notice. V .rpannfa clnrpdV at this Establishment have now been tried for the last fourteen year t' '“Olt‘Stylei-aud best Material-i 't‘Ndllnmade, him who i. in favor‘of ‘Rgi‘sflfik th‘o 10w,“ 3%:569‘2:lhglfiegrfiumfifcee’g gem: pg: Uy DI MoTT’S warmmed Gas, 5,06. ALL pmons‘ indebted to me win p19“, can and, the best‘prOof that he has given entire satisfaction is, that all who have once pur AWN)“ “‘d-‘Vf‘lm f” W‘D‘Q'v'r'." LHEA? it" ’Lihucr'flicefiileto Forty VDot‘larsg‘and’iiot lowor- “mum ' " V " f ' AXES. for Sale at the Stave Factoryby and settle their acor’miits'ou or before the chased at lti5._p.lace invariably come again. ‘ ““W'W'MW’ ‘3‘“ b" “‘41? T°t°“‘9' . . inst!" Hit: sit: ‘ ' ‘~- Addressitposi-paid) ' . H .& J. HARRISON. ' ‘5‘°fJa““P*F“9*bandtl‘errbi’save expenses It a -‘ x . . ‘ i . .- ‘ ” GEORGE BONE. atG-A’.'BARNARD’S. < : Sou orthurmrcnw 1: WILLIAM H. one. , _ - - - " ‘ ' JOHN N. BEID,M.D, , . . ~,.. . - - . 56 Richmond Hill.Nov.l7. 1859. _ 514, Richmoudfliil, 0013.93. 1859, " 0-bcws.C-.W- Rmhmwd Hill-00‘ 26.1859- * 48-if Thornhill,Nev.18,l&9.' ~ ‘- 'x 51:4 Richmond miJWi-'19?" . , , V V g 3 ' 1*

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