York Herald, 29 Jul 1859, p. 4

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' ~31 ,~; ~ lament}. u HAVE PATIENCE 1" ' _â€" A .youth and maid, one ‘winter night, Were sitting in the corner; _ Hisname, we’re told. was Joshua “’hite, And hers was Patience Warner. Not much the pretty maiden said, Busid’e‘the young man- sitting; v Her cheeks were flushed a rosy rcd, Her eyes bent on her knitting. Nor could he guess what thoughts of him -Wereto her bosom flocking. As her fair fingers, swift and slim, Flew round and round the stocking. While, as for Joshua, bashful youth, His words grew few and fewer ; Though all the time, to tell the truth, 'His chair edged nearer to her. Meantime her ball of yarn gave out, She knit so fast and steady ; And he must give his aid, no doubt, To get another ready. He held the skein ; of course the thread Got tangled, snarled. and twisted; “ Have patience I” cried the artless maid, To him who her assisted. Good chance was this for tongue-tied chur] To shorten all palaver; “ ave patience,” cried he, “ dearest girl! And may I really have her '1” . The deed was done ; no more, that night, Clicked needles in the corner; And she is Mrs. Joshua White That Once was Patience “Tamer. mirrrlluurnua. ‘I speak within bounds, as the prisoner said when addressing the jury from the deck. He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper; but happier he who can suit his temper to any circumstances. The following notice was posted on a blacksmith’s shop in Esra-ix ; ‘ No horses shod on Sundays except sickness or death \Vhen you are the anvil, be patient; when you are the hammer, strike fair and consider-ately. A. young physician asked permissiomof a lady to kiss her. She replied, ‘ No,, sir; I never like to have a doctor’s bill thrust in my face. A married lady being asked to waltz gave the following appropriate answer : ‘No thank you, sir, I have just as much hugging at home as I can attend to. Arithmetic at Three o’Clock in the Morning.â€"â€"-Gent (who is not one of the most upright pillows of sobriety)â€"Cabbie, whatch your? I’m resolved to punish yer. I say, whatchs your confounded number '1’ Cabmanâ€"-"I‘here it Is, Sir. You may see it for yourself, it’s plain enough, 888, three 8’s, Sir.’ Gent, "I‘hree eights, you say l All right, three times eight is twen- ty-four, all right.’ (Puts down 24 in his memorandum-book, and goes away mutter- Ing indistinct vows about ‘I‘llaltummon- you l’)-â€"Jln'd. AN ANTI-NEWSPAPER IVIANrâ€"‘The .man that didn’t. take the papers’ was in town yesterday. He still believes that General Taylor was President. and wanted to know if the ‘Kankatktau‘s had taken Cuba and if so where they had taken it. He had sold hisicorn for fifty cents, the ,price being eightyâ€"seven, but 'on going to deposit his money, they told him it was moatly counterfeit. The only hard money he had was one three-cent piece, and that. some sharper had ‘run him’ for a time. One of the boys Went to a blacksmith’s shop to be measured for a pair of shoes 5 and the other mistook the marth house for. a church. After hanging his hat on a meat-hook, he very piously took a seat on the"butcher’s stall and listened to the aucé tiotteIer' whom he took to be the preacher. He left before the ‘meetin’ was out and had be great opinion of the ‘varmint.’ One of the girl: took a lot of ‘seed onâ€" ions’ to the postâ€"flies to trade them for a letter. She had a baby which she carried imatitsugar' trough,’ stopping at times to. rock it on the sidewalk. When it cried she stuffed its mouth with an old stocking and sung about ‘ Barbara Allen.’ The oldest boy had sold two ‘coon skins’ andlwas on a ‘bust.’ When last seen be had called for a glass of ‘soda and water,’ and stood soaking his ginger-bread and making Wry faces. The shopkeeper, mis- taking lns meeting, had given him a mix- ture ‘ of sal sodas and water and'it ‘tasted strongly ofpoap.’ ' But ‘he'd hearn tell of soda and-he irresboundto ive it a fair trial.’ Some ‘town fellei".camé'én.and called for a ‘lemonade with a fly in it,’ whereupon our soaped friend turned his back and very quickly Wiped several flies into his drink. We approached the old gentleman and tried th ' get him to ‘subscribe.’ but he would not listen to it. He was opposed to ‘internal inprovcment,’ and he thought ‘larnin’ was a wicked inwintion and flex- ation.’ ‘ to- read, but one boy, and he “reached school awile and then went to stedying of diwinity l,’+Pittsburg Evening Chroni- cle.‘ Tm: IVAY .PAT SOLVED THE DIE- FICULTY.â€"-â€"~Denis O’Shaugnessy, six weeks in ‘Amerikv,’ thus writes to his sweetheart in Ireland :â€"-‘ Bridget. darling, come aero'ssfto me; its myself is doing a nate hisnes‘shere with a son of father Malone’s; sure its with his brother I mean. He keeps, a“, whiskey store, and I does the waiten. .I-Ie toldme the other morning that he had no money, and I told him that I’would take part of‘the s‘htOck every Saturday as wages. ‘But, says he, ‘sure Pat, ifI pay you that way, I will have no shtock at all left, and you will have it all. Says I tohu'n‘ says I, ‘Sure you can work for me then arouna,land earn It'back again, and so we can Keep it! up, and be masters month in and month out, and wages wdl come aisy to both of us.’ None of his family ever learngd A. ...,'.: .;. RV‘II“. ,. .~ . . 'yr‘..\\‘,. 1 «ur- WWWJVV MMW 1.1: THOMASSEDMAN. auteur-:3... 'FU-NER LmFU » CARRIAGE. Opposite the White Swan Inn, Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. T. J. WHEELER; WATCH 8: CLOCK "MAKER, J EWELLER, 6m. ' RICHMOND HILL, Oct. 1.1858. 69-1y JOHN HARRINGTON, Jn., EALER in Dry Goods. Groceries, \Vines, Liquors, Hardware,Glass, Earthenware, A'Ic. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. I-tf.’ 11 CH MONDII-IILL ’IIOT‘LSL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to. Toronto every morning, starting from. ' I l i " v. i7 it 7 ‘f’, I: “ l 5-; 63" PM, flufiu’tegg migratory, -fi~. IE1. Hufitbd Dentist: of every month,and the remainder oftbefmoruh aftliiis residence Thoruhillq“ All worijan- ranted. ’ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ Hf CORNER or KING ANn TORONTO STREETS, the Elgin Mills at 7. a.m. aitd‘returning at. 7;, p.m. Fare ‘28. (id. each way. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS-. RICHARD NICIIOLLS, Proprietor. 1-55 'I‘IIE P’LOUGIE INN, RICHMOND HILL. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. ROBERT RAYMOND, ‘ ’ X I Proprietor. 8-1 y Richmond Hill,Dec. 18, 1858. Richmond Hill, 'F‘bb. 1859, iI JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothiers ' Yonge St., Richmond Hill, December. 1858. l-it .LIVERNEY, Boot and Shoe Maker. OPPOSITE A. LAW’S, Yonge street, Rich- mend Ilill. Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes. made after the latest styles. December 1858. 1- In YONGESTREET HOTEL, AURORA. Good suppr of -WINF.s and LIQUORs always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers,. Farmers, and others Cigars of all brands. ' D. MCLEOD, Proprietor.‘ Aurora. July 6, 1858. 57-6m ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe Maker, DJOINING the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes constantly on tice. [ET All kinds Shoemakers Findingfor sale. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. Iatf JAMES HALL, AS always‘on hand a large assortment of _ BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold at prices to meet the times. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. Vi". HODGE 8; C0. W’HOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin and Iron Plate Workers, and Furnishing Ironmongers, Parties givmg this house a call will find their orders punctually attended to. and the lowest prices charged. ' Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. 54-1-ly. "EDMUND GRAINGER, ‘ U T C H E R, THORNHILL.- Fresh and Pickled Meats, Poultry, &c., always on hand. Families supplied on the shortest notice. 111011111111. Dec. 1858. 41-11r WILLIAM HARRISON, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. JAMES JENKINS’, Grocery 8; Provision Store ' RICHMOND HILL. 1 O CREDIT GIVEN. Product. taken 111 1 exchange. The above is the oldest established Grocery Dec. 2. 1858. 55-ly ' ANGLO-AMERICAN . HOUSRI MARKHAM VLLAGE. ‘~ OOD Accommddations. Wines, Liquors and Cigars of the choicest,brands. ' I ._ R.M\ARR,P1- >2... I Mari.h§‘m.,Dec. 1858’. " ' . DR. L. L,‘ GSTAEIF, L; ‘IIRST coda SOUTH OF THE - ‘AI ‘ }~ , T V .- F R AWNIth IN 11: O U s E, ; I MAIIIIHAM VILLAGE. i. Markham, May 13, 1859. 24-1y PATENT . Drain Pipes, Eve Troughs AND ‘ W ater 513011115,“ MANUFACTURED AND FOR. SALE BY JOHN LANOSTAFF STEAM MILLS, 'I'BORNHIDL. I 1 June 3. 1859. i 27itf PATRICK LYNOTT, ‘ LICENSED AUCTIONEER, OR the sale of Cattle, Stock, is pre- paredte attend Sales in; all parts of Up- pcr Canada. Richmond Hill May 26, 1859. 26-] e l-tf‘ and Provision Store on the Hill. 7 A choice selection 'of Gentlemens’, Ladies’ ' hand. and. made to order on the Shortest NOI- I5 54-1â€"15»: Saddle and Harness Maker). I '57-1y " l . Earfist ers i:& Waggon 8; SleiglrMaker, "SOLICITORS 1N“OIIBINSOERWere.- ‘- .iu-‘M d.‘ ' ’ ‘ are; will be at Nicholl’s Hotel, Richmond Hill, the FIRST MONDAY JulyI8, 1859, We», , .. .. MATHEISIIII i 32-1y. at urzarattn, ‘ ru- .pe, Iv.“ OFFICE :â€" Over WlIitemore-ds‘Co’s. Banking Office. TORONTO. Agency Pmticu/arly attended to.- THOMAS G. MATHESON. JAMES FITZGERALD Toronto, July 1,1859. 3I-tf To Good Templars and/Sons of Temperance. The Subscriber is prepared to furnish PICT'NIC PAfiTlES ANDZTEA MEETINGS, On’ the mosr reasonable terms-land shortes possible notice._ ,- 'CHARLES TOD, Baker. June, 1859. Markham Village. JOHN _N.3,REID; Mm, CORNER OF YO-NGE AND COLBOURN STS. THORNHII..L, cw”. 3l-ly Dr. DUNHAM, URGEON and Mechanical Dentist, Medical Hall, Markham Village. June 30, 1859’ 31 -1y JAMES I. BARKER, ' MPOR'I‘ER and Dealer in Dry- Goods, Groceries, I'aints. Oils, and Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Glass, ;l‘utty;, Nadaâ€"Low i very Low for CastI.â€"Markham Village. ’ 5 June 30, 1859. 31-6Im P.0aosev, MPORTER of Dry Goods.“ Groceries, Wines, Liquors, llardthzre. Richmond Hill. June, 1859. V BLACK IanuRI.HOTEL [FORMERLY KEPT BY, WM. ROLPII,] ORNER of Palace and George streets, east ,1 of the Market Square, Termite; Board :31 per day. Good Stabling and attentive Hostlers always in attendance. An omnibus to and from the Railroad Station. THOMAS PALMER. I Proprietor” _ 138-1y 31-tf Toronto. Feb 26. 1858. ‘ ‘THORNHnnI;HOTEL. THE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he basileascd the above premises, and fitted them up in a'noat and comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors will find the accomodations in every way agreeable. The 'best of Liquors and Cigars carofullv selected. Good stabling and attentive hostler's II HENRY Lamont... H }. BJ‘OpIiOtOhl 5" 'ThOrnhill, ' Jan 20, I858. HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMGND HILL..- I ‘HE SubscrIber begs to inform his numerous Patrons and the public, thatth has removed from the VVhit‘e Swan Hotel I02 the laboréij Premises,‘ ,where there will be found excellent ac- commodation for Travellers, and good Stabling. ’ ' i V 0:? Horses and forIilerc. JOSEPH GAIiv,‘ . . , , _I “Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Och-32251858. ream GREEN Boson-Lime; 10 MILES NoR'rIt~ or} 1thme glint-1E; Tosca STREET ROAD. ,7. . THE Proprietor begs to inform the public that he has purchased the above Hotel, and has recently refitted and; furnished it throughout in a comfortable style. The Bar will becontinu-ally supplied with gbod Liquors and Cigars. G001) STABLES attached to the premises, with careful Hostlers to at- tend to travellers wants. ’ THOMAS STEELE, Proprietor. (firmerly of the Bond Lake Hotel.) Sept. 29. 1858. ‘ - 69-1y; A WAN HOTEL, TIIORNHILL. Geo Accommodation for Travellers. . I' 5 JOHN SHIELS. - Proprietor ‘ . Thoruhill Jan. 10, .1859. ' 7â€"13' ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL I42 KING STREET, TORONTO. IHE Subscriber begs 'to' inform his friends and the public generally that he has opened the above Hotel, oppOsite ‘theySt: .awrence Ilall,; Toronto. His bar will}_ ads heiéfound replete with all kinds of Lit'ptors of firstâ€"rate quality. His Table will talso‘be found recherche. ’ . ; , I ' I Good Stables are attached to the premises. , ,I‘JV. SHORT. Yp'rINARv SURGEON, \I . v .- ,. 1‘ Proprietor. Torbnto Sept. 17, 1858., I, 67-h; Dill..«iiJA1VIES iLANGhlll.‘AFF,j ‘Richmmzd December, 1858. ’ I' II I-IthI JOSEPH KELLER, IAIIIIFF “Second. 'andfiTliirdeIVISION Cburt. Office, Rictiihfi'ond run. December, 1858. V GLOUCESTER ,uomEL, 1am. 1-tf THREE MILES NORTH or TORONTO, 0N VONGMZST. DHE above Hotelfiis fitted“ upmjnpeat and ‘ comfortable Sty'lb:""é‘~'1‘1'dtthiehtsbifitors and Others will find the Iacconunodations to be that ol the" first class. while th‘e charges will be ex- tremely low. ' i 11‘. ’ Blow/MAN’S, 'y Toronto, 529, April 1858 I i ll _ . MILLS! WI '1' a is". It GARDING & GRISTINQ, where parties from a distance can have it done to take with them on their return home. 'Almira,May‘I-13,1859.} ' ‘ 2471a 1‘" L “El-'5'; a. I 200.com, foetal-0f manner. "NC'I; DING Flooring. Siding. Inch Boards, at the subscriber’s Mill, near Stoufi'ville, cheap for Cash or Approved Credil. ' JAMES BUGG. Stoufl'ville,'April 12, 1859. 23-tf. TORON’I‘OCI’IY ARMED nouns I85 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS. TOMB-T ans .5 T O M B-SIITI‘OINIE S -&c. I ijenty, Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY. OTHER ESTABLISH MET. 11E UnderSIgned Assignees of the estate of D. C. 8; W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the su’nerintendence 1 SAMUEL YoUNo, and tWo-ihch Plank, Standing, 81c... "dim-3.; DFAN' SMIT'ERI ot'our duly authorizad agents, AUSTIN A'nnr‘v and I). CARIOSI You), whose receipt will be duly acknOWIedged.'= I \I RSI All notes and accounts remaining un- paid‘on'the 1st day'of Juné, 1858, will be put in to Court for collection. _C. YALE. G,’ CUMMER. 48-tf To the Sick and Dying. AN It. ‘SNIDER. ;of the 7th concession of Vaughan, IieartKlitIebui‘gb, guarrantees to cure ' ‘ ‘ Cancers, Enlarger? «Weeks, And manv other Diseases. Persons IabOring under either Of the above mentioned Diseases, will do well to call in time, All letters to be paid, and addressed to I PETER SNIDI‘JR, .. . Kline-burgh. N. 13. NO CURE NO PAY. August 6, 1858. 6-1-11 The Scottish 'Ilmcrican 35311111215; DEVOI‘EI) TO THE Interests of Scotchmen in America, AND '10 TH 12 DISSEMINA'I‘ION 0F SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND ART 2 ’dONSIDIQRING the multiplicity of news- (j papers in AIIIerIca. it has to many been a matter ofsurpriso that the numerous body of Scottish residents should have been so long 1111- represented. 'I‘o supply this desideratum, NO. I, of the SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL was published on Saturday, August 8, 1857. and is 'now continued Weekly. The primary object of the JOURNAL is to fur» nishvitd reedch regularly with the newsof . their Tirative,cot1nt1‘y'. It presents a weeklyre-e cord 'lif all‘events of interest occurring in Scot- land. and its subscribers are in this way as fully Informed of ‘what is transpiring at home as if they were in regular receipt of an old-country ncwspaper. Scottish questions WIll be discussed with intelligence and impartiality in the editor- ial columns, and the sentiments of the leading parties on these subjects will be fairly repre~ sented and commented upon. ‘ III the literary and miscellaneous department of the paper, while merit and talent wiII be ap- preciated from whatever country they emanate, the Scottish element will preponderate. Tales, sketches, and poetry, illustrative of the Scottish character, and ofa nature fitted to call forth the sympathies of Scotcbmcn both athome and abroad, will occupy a conspicuous place. in this department, the co-operation of various distinguished autliors,‘ possessing unrivalled facilities for the task, has been secured‘ ‘ in politics, the JOURNAL will occupy a thoroughly Independent position, alike free Ifrom'party bias and national prejudice. In or- der to it terest its readers wherever situated, it will take a broad View of topics of this class. avoiding those ofa merely local nature, except in so far as they may present points of import- auce to the general public ' Questions involv- ing the interests of British residents in the United States and in the British Provinces, will be specially consideied, and it is believed that the informatiOn and news of the JOURNAL on this important class ofsubjects will be such as shall'command attention. The SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL, will in every respect he conducted in an efficient and busitess like manner, with every requisite guarantee for its permanonco. The proprietors. {who are responsible parties, resident in New York and elsewhere. therefore look with conâ€" fidence for the support of their numerous coun- trymen in all parts of America, and they will be glad to communicate with respectable par- ties» at a distance who may be disposed to co- operate with them lor the establishment of the paper in their respective localities. A. publication estab‘ished With these objects must of course look for support Izminly from those connected by birth or descent with the country whose current history it chronicles.- but as the broad basis of this journal IIeceSSi tatos, in addition, the treatment of all import ant questions affecting American interests. 5.115.: as its literature will be cesmopolitan, it is hoped that even to the general reader its columns will not appear unentertaining or profitlcss. TERMS or SUBSCIurTION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. One Copy for one year . . . . .. .. . . 50 Five Copies .. . 9 ll“ Twelve Copies .... .... . ‘0 ill) Twenty-five Copies” .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 till Tn parties getting up a club of twentyâ€"five a Copy will be sent gratis. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail, United States postage paid, for {$3. or 135.. sterling, per annurn. . 11:? Office, NO. 29, Beekman Street, N.Y. noononOOII-QOQIII-O- Fire! I .' _. 1 Fire I Fire I I STERN iVE , Fire Insurance COI‘npany of Tor-on to. INCORPORATED BY AC'I‘ 0F.PARI.IAMENT. CflPITflL STOCK, £100,000. I. C. GILMOR, Pres. blameless": 9 Rice Lewis. Esq. . Thus, H aworth, Esq, James floaty. Esq. W. Henderson, Esq. 'I‘, P. Roberts, Esq. W. Macfarlane, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. | I I Bernard *l-Ialdan, Esq. Secretary &- ’I'I'casurer. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. I Bank ofUpper Canada, Bunkers.’ Btnjamin Switzer, Esq. Inspector. l (311:0. MICHII:,Vice Pres. 113: Head (fluid/f Street, Toronto. in THIS COMPANY ‘litsures all descriptions of and Furniture, in the same. against loss or dam. age by fire, on liberal terms. Leases promptly 11:? 'Good Slabling and an attentive Hostler. THOMAS CQAgtEIS,.Ifro[it'ietor. Yonge Street, Dec, 1858. (if) ’v settled. I II I I A."T1A\N, 'Generhl .-~.gent. filo-1 Residence, ' Rich II‘ond Hill. August 13, 1857. Mist; SOUTHWO’R'I‘HLI ColonelG.‘VV. Cucéusryrfi CHARLES ISURDIITT; '1‘. DUNNHENGIJSH, 111.13.". ‘ linNuv CLAPP, Jun. GEORGE ARNOLD, ' ’ Mrs. :ANN Wantpnnv. Miss VIRGINIA VAUGHA Miss IIAT’I‘IE CLARKE. N. Mrs. DI VERNON, FINan JOIINSON, IVriteF only for the . Gunman PRIZE. ._ ,. THE co L." can a It ILII.US'I§;RATI;§.; E! h 1 ' Tim New Yorkâ€"{Early Garden Price r is one of the. Ingest and best literary papers ofthe (layâ€"4m] Imperial Quarto, containing mot TrAGIcs or 1:11er COLUMNS. of entertaining and original matter. and elegantly illustratcdiovcry wonkt «£8 E’.§éllli.§‘£‘.Tl‘if‘ f wot-1TH FROM 50 CMN'rs To .1551} ()1) IN c.0111. Will be presented to oachfsubicriber immhdi- atcly on receipt of the supscription_11non'ey'. and not as an inducement to obtain subscribers. TERMS: Onef‘opy for one year.. . . . . and 1 gift ()n‘e Copy for two years, . . .. . . 3 50 and ‘3 gifts ANI). CI.U»IBS 3 $3 , i1 . ' fl hree Copies, one year; . . .555 Five COPIES, one year. . . . . . . 8 Ton Copies, one year. . . .15 'I‘IVOIIty-cne Copies, 1 year,.30 m1 II MI. and 5 gifts and Ill pulls and 21 gifts The Articles to liegIven away are comprised in the following list : ‘2 Packages of Gold, containing . . . . . 5500 each 5 do do do . . . . . . “all” eaeh '10 do do do . . . . . . IUD car-h 10 Patent Lever‘ l'Iunting Cased I \Nitlcllfi‘fi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .» . . . . 101) ’00 each 20 Gold Watches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 (ll! each .31) do ..-. ......... till lillcacli ll do . . . . . . . . 50 (ill each 35 (ill each 3“ (ll) each 300 Ladies’ Gold W’ntches . . . . . 21111 H tinting Cased W utches . . 5011 Silver \‘v'aicbes . . . .:',l~'lll {it} to 25 U0 each 10110 Cold Guard, Vest and Fob (:llflllla‘... . . . . . . . . . . . .fi-iltl Illl to ‘25 80 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Ilrooclws, Breast Pins, Cutl' t’iIIs, Sleeve liuttons, 3 Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys. Cold and Silver 'I‘bimbles, and a variety of other articles, worth lI'Ijem [Ill cents to 5515 each. ‘ ‘Ne will present to every person sending us 50 subscribers, at 2 dols. each, a Gold l". etch, wcutb ~10 dols. ; to any one sending us lllll sub- scribers, at :2 (1018. each. a Gold Watch, womb S)“ dols. Every subscriber will also receive a present, book, and the gift will be forwarded within one Week. by mail or express, post paid. All communications should be addressed to DEAN to Sgt II'I‘ER,. 8:35 Broadway. New York. 01 U I DR. MORSE’S Indian Elect Pills. ' Root l'ills, has Spent the greater portion of his life in t1‘::vel.in;_r. having visited Europe, Asia and Africa, asu‘cil as North Auroricaâ€"‘ has spent three years aIIIong the lndians of our Western country-â€"~it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills Were first discovered. .Dr. Morse was the first man to establish the fact that all diseases arise from IMI’UIHTY OI“ 'I‘HE BLOODâ€"that our strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. V7bon the various passages become clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the dif- ‘fercnt functions of the body, the blood loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and (lb-eased ; thus causing all pains. sicknesn and distress of every name; our strength is exhausted, our health we are deprived of, and if nature is not asristcd in turowiug off the stagnant humors, the blood will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will be fur-ever blown out. flow important 111.111 that five slIo'ulIl keep the Various passages of the boiiy'free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it in our power to put a medicine in year roach. namely, h’lorse’s Indian Ito-at Pills, lzlvzttlltluxian‘U-Cl from plants and roots which grow around the, mour atmous cliffs in Nature?Garden, for the health and recovery of diseased man One Of the roots from which liIcSe' Pillh‘are made is a Sudorif‘ic. which opens Ibo pores of the skin, and awnsts Nature in throt‘ring Out the finer parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an itlxpcctoi'aut, that opens and unclogs the passage to tile lungs by copious sputing. The third is a l)ltll‘ull(‘, which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus encouraged. they draw large amounbof im- purity from the blood, which 'is then thrown out bountifully by lee urinary or water passage, and which could not have been discharged in any other way. The fourth is: a Catliartic, and accompanies the other properties of the Pills while engaged in purifying~ the blood ; tho coarser particles of impurity which cannut pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up 11.11! From the above, it is shown that 1):, Mo'se’s Ind1an Root Pills not. only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for they rind their way to every part, and ctIIIIIulote- ly I'iout and relcaszrthe syst'em from all impurity. and the life of the body, which is the blooo, ‘iecomos perfectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is dI'Ivcil frO‘II'I’ the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. I The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die,is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the' afflicted parts. and which will open the natural pasSago for the disease to be cast out ; hence, a large quantity of food and other IiiatteII' is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are. literain overflowing with the corrupted mass ; thus undergoing disagreeable fermentation, constantly muting with the. blood, which throws the corrupted IIIutlor through every vein and artery, until lite Isat'aken' Irom the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added ,to themselves victory upon victory,‘by restoring millions ot'tbe sick to blooming health and hap- piness. Yes, thouwuds who have been racked or tormented with sickness, pain and anguish. by the burning elements of fever, and who have been brought, ‘asit were, Within a step ot be silent, graVe, now stand mourn; testify that Buildings,Manufactories, Mills, 620.. and Goods . had it not been for this great and ‘ Wonderful medicine, Morso’slndian Root Pills. Alter-one or two doses had been taken, they Were '88 Louis-bed, and absolutely surprised, in Witnessing their cum-111111;; etl'ects. Not only do they give immcha‘te ease and strength. and take away all ickness, par 11 and anguish, bur they at OIICe go to wotk at the loundationof,tho disease, which Is the blood. 'l hercfme,it will be shown, especially by those who 1156‘"'llleib»1)flls,r"that they will so clause and purify, that direasoâ€" that deadly oneiriyâ€"wdl'take ifs'fl1ght, and the flush of youth and beauty wnl againrelurn, and the prospect of a long and happy life will cherish and brighten your days. I ' v - CAU’HON.»â€"yl)’t3\lfhl‘0 of a counterfeit signed A. If. Maura. A, J. WIII'I‘E .& Co., on each box. I sign/Itm‘r of A. J. White 15500. All others are spurious. . I I r A. J. WHITE & CO., Sole Proprietors. I 1 50 Leonard Street. New Yorkr. dealers in Medicines. . . I I, Agents wanted in every town, village and hamletiu the lend. Parties desiring the agency and address as above for terms. I I i Price 25 cents per boxs. five’boxes will be sent on receipt of $1. pestage paid. ‘ 33 -"e.7‘“'w.r‘ g ~ . Edito‘rsfun‘d Profirietoi’s.‘ ‘ , . r ' ‘. i » - I; . v "1 his Is presented as a Memento of Friendslnp. . - One (‘opy for three years . . . . .5 and 3.gifts One Copy for five years . . . . . .8 and 5 glits ' hand '8 gifts: 1111:11edizttelym‘. receipt of the money, the subscxibor’s name wtll be entmed upon our" ' R. MORSE, the inventor of Morso’s Indian and whose feeble frames have been 'scorched ' they Would have been numbered with the dead, All genuinhhaverthe name of »' Also the I Quay streets. Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Morse’s Indian root Pills: are sold byall . ,SCIENTIFRj‘AhIERhldN." I raosrizciros. _ F611 R'I‘a: ~ ‘N " BEGINS SEP'I'EMBER 11, 1858. _ MANUFACTURERS AND FARMERS, THE SCI-litW‘llfIC AMERICAN hasnow reached its Fourteenth Year, and will enter upon a New Volume on the Ilth of Soptmn- . her. It is the only weekly publication of the . kind now issued in this country, and it has a evrv extensive circulationin all the States of It is not. as some might suppose? the Union. from its title, a dry, abstiuse work on technical 1 science; on the eoirlraiy. it so deals‘wit‘h the great events going 011 in the scientific, me- chanical and industrial worlds, as to please and instruct every one. If the Mechanic or Artiznn tribes to know the lust machine in use, or how to make any substance employed . in his businessâ€"4f- the l'louscwil'e wishes to get a recipe for making a good color, &.C.â€"lll the inventor wlibes to know what is going 011 in I . the way of imI:rovenients-mif the Manufac- turer wishes ‘to ke‘ep posted with the times- - and to emptov 'lze best facilities in his busi- nessâ€"«if the Man of Lei-urn and Study wishe, to keep himself familiar with the progress Inadd iII tbecbcmical laboratory, or in the construction of telegraphs. Steamships, rail- roads, reapers, mowers, and a thousand other . machines and tl,r}lltfllll‘es. Ivboth of peace and warâ€"all those I]:'!.‘x'f(l’tl'!lft£ can be found in the SUIICN'I‘IFIC AMLIIII'AN, and not elsewhere. They are here pl‘l‘Stttltlrtl in a. reliable and Interesting form, adapted to the comprcbcnsion of minds unlrarued in the higher branches of science and art. Terms : One copy, one year, $552 ; one cepy six months. 5,11 ; live copies, six months, 5154; ten copies, six months, 358; ton capies, twelve months, >315 ; fifteen copies, twelve months, ' £22: twenty copies, twelve months $38, in 5.! advancev Specimen copies sent gratuitously for in- spection. Southern and Vl'esleru money, or Postage Stamps, taken for subscriptions. 113’ Letters should be directed to MUNN dz; (10.. 128 Fulton-street, New Yer-Iii Mussus. MUNN ilk Co. are extensively en- gaged in procuring patents for now inventions. antlwill advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the noveltv of their iIIIIIrovemeuts. NEW T1221: Rum-.1,»â€" ._..... Buffalo Medical Illisprnsary, ESTABLISHED FOR TIII; GENERAL DEIIIIA'I‘Y, FEVER AVD AGUE, SCROFULA, cLI) ULCFRF, GREAT IMPU- RI'IY on THE nLooI), SALT RHIcIIM, PIMPMJS, FIS‘IUIUIL PILLS, KIIINIIYS. n1:nrt.rrv, IN- FlltMl‘l‘IlZS 0F YOUTH ANI) 01.1) AGE, die. ' Eff“ No Mercury Used. L153 IIIR. AMOS & SON. Corner of Main CURE 0F DYSI’I‘IPSIA , and ) Quay Streets. Ilul'hlo, New York, are . the only Physicians in the Statewa are mem- bers of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the mom- Ing until ‘9 o'clock at night, on every state and - Symp 0111 Of disease. The treatment they adopt is the result of up- Wards of 30 years’ t-Xtousive and successful. practice in London. The most inveterate symptoms of Disease eradicated in etghtor nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two or three days at. a ve1y moderate expense-a 'l'l1ecure cflbr-tcd without coniinomcnt or hin- drance from business. . 1 '1 Young Mmfl Tar/cg 1 articular T ,' There is an evil habit smnr‘timcs indulged in by boys, in Solitude, Often growing up with them to manhood. and which. if no' reformed 1 by them in due time, not only begets serious obstacles to matrimonial happinosa, but gives rise to a series of protracted, insidious. and. devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervous system shatteed, fool strange and unaccounta- ble feelings, and vague fears in the mind. :1 dfost Ib'cic'nl'i/ic Irma/Ilium An instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Dohility, &.c., which are permanently cured in from 15 to ‘le days by the Use ol'this instrument, when used conJoiIItly with medicines. New Remedies and Quick Cures. .DR AMOS &.SON take ploasnrein announ- cing that they have invented a most Important instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent physiciansin‘London, Paris, Philadel- phia and how Ymk. It has been declared the Only useful instrument everyet invented for ‘tliecitrc of Seminal I’Veakuess, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. ' V .Drf Amos at Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of these instru- ments, pledge themselves, that in any instance ,whee they may prove unsatisfactory after at fair trial, the money will be refunded by re- turning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrumentl will observe, that the price, With the accom- I partying directions, securely packed and sent' by mail or express, is ten dollars. . Beware of . Imposzzzon. ’Ieware of empiries and innerant self-styled, [)Il'ofoISSOI‘S,. who. A'I'TEMI’T cures, but never succeed ‘ I Dr Amo‘s& Son have for a long series of yeais been cngagod'in an extensive‘practice in the treatment of those delicate complaints, and- a.re - the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. ' PERSONS IN ANY PART OF THE WORI D may be successfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for Medicines, the , which will be returncd with the utmost dispatch, and secure from observation. Address Dr. AMOS «XI. SON, corner Main and ' t46-1Y ‘ ‘ IMPORT-A NT NOTICE. 1)ERSONS indnbted to the underaigned.‘ whose Accounts became‘due on the first r OfJanuary last, are respectfully requested to settle them. . 2 ' I J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. I Richmond Hill, March 11. 18’ Q. 15-tf. ’ ‘lflirel ’lns-II : Joseph Jabkes.-_ , DIRRC'I‘on'sâ€"Iélrl tin ryl Rl'owsell'.s 'To'ronld, Chaim-l ‘ I 7mm .1 J, ’W». Ilre‘nt, iIJIiputyI C/Ia'irmtm ; W. 0.. Chewett. 'ljolront‘o ; Josephy.IJackes. Toronto ".I ,, IlImuLgm' ; Wm.) ' ' gllumham. ICobourg; Band of Toronto. , The "B E A V- E R = will {H.511 uui'cc. Associaflo w .. 01F? "I‘ORON’I'O,G,,W.‘. LI‘) ‘1‘ y. - . ,' .v,‘ (Pi-RICE, [reinoved from 53$} King StreetErut'. ‘1 ’j' ','l}lt0$’1‘id‘ S‘I‘Rh‘tl'rilti‘ex't: libilding north of die . . Maémtiai‘l'lau. . _ . " illalf‘dbo Profilsiur'be returned lathe Insude thebaIaIwefinvested to for“) a Reseryse Fund. , I BOARQLOE DIIRRQ'I‘ORS, ; I H ,I 'I’Rusrrl:1«:s.-é_l'letiry" 'Rowsel, W. _Chewett‘ l W. 11. Smith 'I‘oronto",II I Ilelliwell, Highland Creek: John Mowat. V Toronto 'l‘ownShip‘. Sol miterâ€"4.1 oh n Ilelliwell. Bankersâ€"Th» [13’ The Provident Life Assurance Comb» puny is removed to the same clinic. Having guarded. against loss fromfirerylnI- suring your property, consider _if- it would not; he as well to make a little additional provision. for your l'aII’Iilyiin caseofyottr own fprbmutum. death :-â€"whet|1er it would not ibe'Las well, through the assistance of a Life ASSurancoa Company, to provide a legacy for your lwife or- ‘ daugbwr.’ or, ifyou have not the happiness .tm. nncnirnw,INvEN,0ESI ,be blessed with their). tltiuk if the'Ipo-session‘of‘ ’a' few hundred pounds additional ‘ might net I). of adVanIage to _murselfa few vyee’rs hence.’ ’If‘ you decide that it would, write to thelM'enagin , 1 Director of the PROVIDENT LIFE ASSURs ,ANCE- AND INVES'I‘I‘v‘lENT COMPANY .Or, possibly. the Agent of the “Beaver’l' he can accw-nmodate you with. and give you t. I little informatiOn on the subject .besides. . » Agent at Richmond Hillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. - March 1859. 1745 ‘IroTIIIIcanIEs’ R'ILL'I If ING STREET, Toronto, 2nd door east ofi‘ 1 Church Street, opposite the Cathedral. W. T. ATKINSON, Oz. (30., Late of King'stroot West, new offer at their new establishment. ' Genuine English Drugs, ,Pate’ng filedicines, French and English Perfumery, Oils, Paints, Colours, 1)yc-I’V00ds, Combs Brushes lye, At such moderate prices as cannot fail to se- cure custom. W. 'i‘. A. &Co. having considerable ex- ;perience in the Ding business in various parts. i of England, have no hoSitation in saying. that ‘ a great many of their Manufactured Articles: will be found very superior. Medicines used: in compounding Prescriptions, Family Re- ceipts, Horse and Cattle Medeciues, 61.0.. are of the very best quality, direct from the prin- cipal English Drug Houses. W. 'l‘ A. 51-00., beg to call attention to their Celebrated Prepa- ration for the Teeth, Atkinson‘s Parisian Tooth Paste. Also their much admired Perfume THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. Soda Water bottledand from the fountain; St (Iatherines MIIIeI-al Water, and the Plantagenet \Water, celebrated for their healthy properties April 22.1658. t46 State Fire Insurance Company or LONDON. CHARTERED BY ACT or IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT CAPITAL, £509,000 STERLING. Canada Branch, ITOâ€"Rd Office: Toronto TRUS'I‘NES :â€" flon. JOIIN Ross, | JOHN CRAWFORD, Esq. BOARR or DIRECTORS.-â€"-Wllllam McMaster. Esq. Chairman; W. P. llowland, Esq. M.P.t’., Vice-Chairman: William Ross, Esq.; VVillinm I’lenderson, Esq. ; I“. W Jarvis, Esq. Sheriff U. C. of York and Peel. BANKERS w'l‘be Bank of Montreal. SoLicI'r1~Its.-â€"Ross, Crawford and Crombio The engagements of the State Fire Inâ€" surance Company are guaranteed by aresponsi- ble Proprietary. - All losses will be settled promptly without reference to the Board in England. ALEX. STEVVAR'I‘, A. LAW, Manager, B. N, America Agent. I Richmond HIE l Februarv 18. 1851} 12-1?' dirt lint haunt IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched to Subscribers by the earliest mulls, or other conveyance. when so desired. YORK HERALD will always be found to contain the latest and most impor- tant Foreign and Provincial News and Mar-- kets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business, and a valuable Fain”) Newspaper. TER WISâ€"Seven and Sixpence perAnnum, In AnvANcr; ; and if not paid within Three Mouth.» two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING: Six lines and under, first inscrtion.. . . .$00 50 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . . (ill 12% Ten lines and under, first insertion. . . . . 00 75 ' Above ten lines, first in., per line.... 00 07 Each subsequentinsertion, per line. . . . 0‘102 If? Advertisements without written direc-. tion- inserted till forbid, and charged accords ‘ ingly. i All transitory advertisements. from strange”. or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. vertising by the year. rioo than one month. must be‘ paid for in ads Vance. I . All letters addressed to the Editor must be- post paid. I . . Ngo. paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay. ing up, will be held accountable for the sub-s scription. THE YORK HERALD ESTABLISMENT. RDERS for any of the undermentioned I deScription of PLAIN and FANCY JOB: WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" aooxs, FAch BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LABOR AND SMALL rosnms, CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS, BILL HEADSJIANK CHECKSJJRAFTS, AND PAMP HLETS.I And every other kind of 'done in ’the'bes‘t“ style, at moderate rates. .: y 1 Our assortment of' JOB TYPE isventirely‘w new and of the latest patterns. A large variety - of new Fancy Type and Bordersivl‘or Cards. Crculars, &c. kept always on hand. Kings-roar Wm. Aglin. Kingston; gAsa’AL . I I J IWm. Graemllaniiltout; ' ,Robcrt Smith. Cbinguacousy; George Blain,. ' 20 Toronto ‘Streetfllklronto, for‘a “sProposal ”' ‘ ; form, and acopy,of the Rates., may possess a copy of ,both documents. which.‘ be‘ A liberal discount will be made to parties ada ‘ ‘ All advertisements published for aless pe- 1 Book and J ob Printing , LETTERâ€"lenses PRINTING 1

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