York Herald, 15 Jul 1859, p. 4

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nth . l 1.! '. .' . ‘I ‘ i‘f..‘,'...' . a . r ‘ w- .. aruurv- :1 ".972. 1. ’ ‘ ‘ ’ " , fl - ‘ ! ' Gt II H' usban'd G0“"T'O Miss Soumvoavm"".“powwow. CROCEETT. ‘ New " Volume New Drersfi‘iw 1“" 4‘» imfml ' Wm” cm “at” i ' " ‘ “ “ ‘ ' ’ ’ B BOWMAN’S "MILLS" CHARL’tBURDTT’ DUNNPGL‘SH’ ' ’ ’ "â€"1 " w ' 'i it ' i ‘ " 1‘ t i :i ' i I . ’ ‘ I i . 1‘ f '1 i i A ' i i ‘ - ' I. : -‘ , . v' ' w ’ ‘_, 6- H :N’nv LAPP. nu.‘ EORCE- 'ks‘oLI), ~ -- H t ’ _, 6., f - ’ f. " l ’ i" v' 1 j " ‘5 ' 5 u 10,“, 3 Simmer. YOUNG, Mrs. ANN“VHELPEEV.~ -: , S .._.__...’ ._.. “MW__.. SMILE UPON THE FAlLLENJ. 1': .t Oh, smile upon the fallen !â€" It perhaps may heal a smart ; It may cause a Slew [of gladness ‘ I THOMAS SEOMAN,“‘ L .‘ 'I ' ‘Ie‘r ' 3r i URGEON Dentist.. will be at Nicholl’s " E‘Hotel, Richmond Hill, the FIRST MONDAY of every month,aud the remainder of the montlr at his residence Thoruhill. All WorkWar- ranted. CARDING &' ‘ GRISTING, WherOVpartieS' from a distance can'diavey done to take with them on their return home. Almira, May 13, 1859. 24-tf. “f 9 Mrs. Dr VERNON, _ ,Mlss VIRGINIA VEAUGHAW; FINLEY ,JoHNSON, I wMiss HAI"I'1E;CLARKE,N. Write 'only for the . GOLDEN PRIZE. -' “ x ages _; - ,Thedeading/and_‘largest circulatedw or” H AGRICULTURAL, Lr‘rERA'RY AND ram“ bbv'u’mdt. ,H. VOLUME THE RURAL'qNEw-X 91,1an islso . wide) favorava known in the East and West, X. FQR. I859. wand v. Nerth a . _ . fl\ 1 i , j ' . if t ' . , ' A- » . a a l V , j .7 . ul . ,1359' v ,, 32.1. - . V j , t . b , ,1 and ~S01Ltl).as; the,n}98t~.popular, A “cultural, A$°c::::“:;::: 3:3,; Mo _ >5 . . I, t . J l 8.. _.___ 1 ,- . FOR SA LE; - ' 3 ' T H E ' ' 353i“ Literary. audFamily. Newspaper a .the Age. .- , , _ . _ . .4, . .y I _ j _ , x _ , g ., ‘ . :s ' ', .3 « fill: that we omit all OXpletives in sunbuucing‘tho A smile of other years. fiFUN E A FU RN H;E R, - 86 .Lfi::l;:::: O E r N ;' .~ v‘ _ 'ljpnth Vo’l’um’e, Splifife it't'o‘ Sgyt‘thfafjgbilrtipep , . - , , ' 1 u, .. l - l oormg, s Icing. I .‘ 9 1L S RA Ely. - V . e, ort or ex ense WI as are ~10 u ym‘a nu” Winn 0Y°rllhmg “’38 happ‘msst ' CARRIAGE. ' Barnsters 8L AttO'rnles-at-Law, and twoâ€"inch Plank, Scantling. &C.. &Cu , LU T T ' til . tain and iiic'reafie cits 161121160013" 35 .8303. 30‘ : ' A‘nd all unknown to ‘earsl at the SUllSCl’iDGl"S llefll‘ Stoufl'ville, Cheap DEAN 611 SALTER,” Editor ‘ "' Journal of its Cilaljsjs‘roxnde’rifng tn” Ch 1’ smile upon the fallen ! Think not, because ’tis so, That inltheir hearts no feelings live, j‘ No sweet affections glow ; Think not bccause their deeds were dark, Grim feelings haunt them still ; Remember thou, repentance true The darkest heart may fill. Oh, smile upon the fallen l.- The heart that’s suffered scorn, Though crushed, had. tender impulses Oct. 1. 1858. EJOHN Waggon & Sleigh Maker, Opposite the White Swan Inn. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. J 1 of T. . WHEELER, 3VVATCH & CLOCK -MAKER, J EWELLER, 8w. RICHMOND HILL, 69-1y HARRINGTON, J R., SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY, &c. . OFFIcE :â€"-y I ORNE'R 0!“ KING AND-TORONTO STREETS7 Over Whiteniore 3L. Co‘s. Banking Office. TORONTO. Agency Pmticularly attended to. .â€"â€"â€"_ C JAMES FITZGE RA LD 31 -tf THOMAS G. MATHESON. Toronto, July 1, 1859. To Good Templars and Sons of Temperance. forCash or Approved Credit. ‘ . , . i JAMES BUGG. V Stouffville, April 12, 1859. Q8y-tf. TORONTG CITY MARBLE WORKS ‘“ 185 YONCE STREET. ‘ MONUMENTsTâ€"TOMB-T BLES TOM B-STONES &c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER. ESTABLISHMET. . t . V HIE New York \‘Vcck is one of the largest and ll‘csl literary papers lofthe dayâ€"an imperial Quarto. containing EIGHT PAGES or FORTY ‘COLURINS, ‘ot entertaining and original matter, and‘ elegantly illustrated every week. 4 «fl PIEESEJVT .' WORTH FROM 50 CENTS T0 $50 '00 IN Gem. Will be presented to each subscriber immedi- . atcly on receipt of the subscription 'mOuey. This is presented as a Memento ot'Friehdship, ‘ and not as an inducement to obtain subscribers. s and Proprieto‘rs. “‘ 1y G0/d672 LPy-izg. ; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. PROSPECTUS. VOLUME EOURTEEN ' only cally,tbopStandardi Y 4 ) RURAL AND TAMMY], WEEKLY “ Excelsior” its gloriOus Mettb, a’ndd't Pro- L gross and Improvement” its‘laudab16'_‘0bjeét8." the Rural continuously merits in Merit and re.- ports decided PROGRESS in Circulation and Use-' fatness. As an Agricultural. l’lorticultural, Li- terary, and Family News Paper, combined. it has long been unrivalled. Not a fnonthly of twelve issues yearly, but a Large and ’ Beautiful Weeklyâ€"-Which embraces in ONE a. greater number of Usefuljand Timely Topics han SEVERAL ordinary journals,â€"-The Rural Is, PAR EXCELLENCE, ‘ TI-IE'P‘APER FOR THE PEOPLE AND] Though tramgk’d 0“! may 0W“ EALER in Dry Goods. Groceries, Wines, ‘HE Undersrgncd Assignees of the T E R M S; V BEGINS SWTEMBER 11’ “1858' " ' Rare seems as bright as ever lived : Liquors, Hardware,Glass, Earthenware, estate of D. C. & ‘W. YALE, Wm con- ' I ‘ IQ; d T . ‘ THE . TIMES, .‘ I my in hearts that ne’er have known ‘ $50- 1 ’ The SUPSCriber is Prepared ‘0 furniSh tinne the business under the superintendence 8:: :13: ' ' soagnd gigs; M E C A j I N V E N T 0 S The Tenth Volu me Win be printed and mugs, The pangs. the pains. the hopeless hours, Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. l-tf ofour duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY One COPS, {on threg veal; :5 ‘aud~ 3 gifts ..’ ’ .- v tratoddn Superior Style, while its COIIquts vleI! W The fallen one mayown. W.-. ._v-.--.._.-~._ on the most reasonable terms and gnomes “d D‘ CARLOS YM‘E’ Whose rece‘l“ Wm be One Copy for fiVe years .' . . . . . 8 and 5 gifts MANUFACTURERS AND FARMERS? 32:52”: litipgplxfiivfg gggfgagfih, hum‘fmg ’ 0h! smile upon the fallen ! Who knows but from above The angels may be looking on With smiles of happy love 1 And then, perchance, the fallen one May offer up a prayer 1 _, RICHMONI) HILL'HOTEL. i STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto every morning, starting from the Elgin Mills at 7. a.m. and returning at 7, p.m. Fare 2s. 6d. each way. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR 'TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS. possible notice. CHARLES TOD, Baker. June, 1859. Markham Village. JOHN N. REID, M.D., duly acknowledged. P.S All notes and accounts remaining un- paidou the 1st day of June, 1858, will be put in in Court for collection. C. YALE, G, CUMMER. Toronto, 29, April 1858 48-tf AND TO CLUBS Three Copies, one year . . Five Copies, One year . . . . . . . 8 7 Ten Copies, one yearn" . . . . . 15 and 10 gifts Twenty-one Copies, 1 year,.30 and Qi'gifts The Articlesto be given away are comprisedvin the following list : and ’3 gifts and 5gifts THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN hasnow reached its Fourteenth Year,aud will enter upon a New Volume onlihe 11th of Septem- ber. his the only weekly publication of the ' kind now issued in this country, and it has a evry extensive circulation in all the States of the Union. It is not, as some might suppose from its title, a dry, abstruse work on technical and deception, and earnestly seeks to promote. the Best Interests and Home Happiness of its, , myriad of readers ‘in both Town and Countr ‘, are invited to try the Model Farm and Fireside Journal. ' ‘ . a j ‘ FORM, STYLE AND TERMS. The Rural New-Yorker is published Weekly- Thu heaven may bless thee in thy Plans, . . Proprietor. CORNER OF YONGE AND .COLBOURN STS' ‘ . . 2 Packages of Gold, containing . . . . . $500 each science ; on the contrary, it so (loads with the one}, number comm-15mg. Eight Double Quart“ And send th life the fair RlChmond HilbDGC- 18, 1858. 1-55 THORNHILL’ QVV. 314), ’1‘0 the 5101?. and DYIIlg. 5 do do do . . . . . . 200 each great events going on in the screntifie, Ine- pagesi An 111,16,“ Title page. 66c“ given at y ' . . , 10 do do do . . . . . .100 each chamcal and Industrial Worlds, as to please 11],, ch,” of each Volume. _ . Oh niieu on the fallen 'â€" ‘ 1 NIR' SNIDER‘ M We 7m 9011008810“ 0‘ 10 Patent Lever Hunting Cased ' - 311d 11‘3‘1'L‘Cte"0l)' one. If the Mealch or T. . l A . . T D n Y . ’ s I p , ' Dr. DUNHAM, Vaughan, near Khuebutgl,’ guauunmes VVamhes I . . . ' . I . . n . . _ . . . _ . _ 100 00 each Artizan wishes to know the host machine in T] fling". N 1. W59; wod 0 “:8 at 01:"; Remember (“0°ng flowers' RICHMOND HILL URGEON and Mechanical Dentist Med' 1 to we ' ' 90 G0“ Walclwsnu -- 75 00 each “58’ 0“ h” ‘0 “ml” “‘5’ Subs‘““ce ““‘l"°-""d aubliffj militia; aide Ellie life This; ' . _. . -_ I V u 103 1 . ‘ ', .‘ ,;L.__‘ ‘1 S ,‘ ' ‘I. k l, I I ' v I ' 9 " , Do raise their heads when suns do shine Ha“, Markham Villag‘j ’ Cancers, Enlarged Jgn Tips) 51) do _, , , _ _ . . . I . 60 00 each m bup‘nler srlvil be lloudemltewghcs glet Sixteen, and one “06' {or t22 ; Twenty. “a Are nourished by kind showers. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. June 30 1859, 3l_1 V D ‘_ 100 .do . . . . . . . . .. . . . 50 00 each ajioupe oil‘Illm Oingln {1,0071 cp or, T câ€"I 1 IO one free, for $26 ; Thiny_ we, and two "68‘ Then smile upon the fallen one! ROBERT RAYMOND ' 3 Am “WY 0‘“?! D'Seases' â€"-‘?“S°“S ‘f‘t’ofmg 30<le110§’ Gold Watches JD 00 each '“Wm‘ir “351°” 9 "‘9“ ‘2 1a.. ‘5 WW 0”,“1 for 3040, [0.30 rel-$37.50] and any greater 3 ~ tor of the above mentioned Diseases, -( H 1 C 5 1w .1 ( the Way 0t Improvements-â€"It the Manutac- ‘ . t It erha 5 ma ' heal a smart ' Propnetor' mid“ 6|“ ' ‘ ' \ll 1 “ t b 2 Hi "um" g7 a m atclws‘ . O . 00 web turer Wishes to kec ) )osted with the times- number at same late-0nly $120 per copy lâ€",â€"-. It p p ti 1' l d ' RiChmond Hm’ Feb' 1859’ 8'1y 1' BARKER: Wl’uld0 ‘deliiiii clec‘dlib “mo. 1 cue” o e ffil’OblCi‘VJli ateliesV” 1.57513 (ITO b0 A) 00 Bad] and to oinlf‘ov the bdstl faci'iiies in his uni-i With 3" “Kira COPY for every T9“ subscriber“ may cause 11 0W 0 g a mess - part, an a ‘05 A . I .0 ( Juan . as an , o , I ' r ' - ' "’ ' To warm a frozen heart. e=-___-â€"._____â€":__â€"- JOHN COULTER, Tailor and Clothier ‘ MPORTER and Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Paints, Oils, and Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Glass, Putty, Nailsâ€"Low ! very Low for Cash.-â€"Markham Village. PETER SNIDER, Klineburgh. N. B. NO CURE NO PAY. Chains. . . . . . . . . . . . . .5310 (10 to 25 ‘00'cach Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Breast Pins, Cuffl‘ins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, ,V‘v’atch Keys, Gold’and Silver Thimbles, Hessâ€"if the Man of Leisure and Study wishc, to keep himself familiar with the progress made in the Chemical laboratory, or in the construction of telegraphs, steamships, rail- over jThirty! Club papers sent to different. poet-afliws, if desired. As we pro-pay Ame- rican postage, $1.37 is the lowest club rate forr Canada. m. ' ‘ 1" J ne 30 1859 31 6 August 6, 1858. '61-” and a variew of other articles. wonh {mm 50 reads. rompers, mowers, and a thousand other ‘ NOW-is thetime to Subscribe and form Clubs, Yonge st” Richmond Hm u ’ ' ' m Gem’s to $156,,01L ' machines and appliances, both of peace and 10" the. New Yea", 311d Vic'lumer Specimen ’ M~â€"â€"-â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"~â€"-‘~ warâ€"allthcse dosh/erode can be found in the Numbers. ShOW'BmS. PI‘OSPOCWSOS. 510.. December. 1858. l-it ’ P. CROSBY, The Scottish American Journal Vi’e will present to every person sending us 50 subscribers, at 2 dots. each, aTGold \Vatch, SCIENTlFIC AMERICAN, and not elsewhere. They are here presented in a reliable and interesting cheerfully furnished [by mail or otherwise. at our expense.] to all disposed to lend a portion ofi‘: - - ' ' .l V; v- worth 40 dots. ,; tO-anV one sendin us .100 sub: , . . . 1} 111;“ the freight Ofa 51:11) hke a loco“ ‘ IMPORTER of Dry Goods, Groceries, DI'VOUD 10 THE . ‘ scriboltskat g; d015_ eaéh. a Gold Vii-mull, worth form, adapted to the pomprclicnsion Of minds 16:11.10"in leélt‘Jll'dlf 0f the Rural and “It motive . Because It makes tie carâ€"go. J, Wines, Liquors, Hardware. Arc. “interests of Scotghmen 1n Alnenca, 9,) (1013. Every subscribm. will also receive a nnlearncd In the higiicr branches ot scronce 'JE‘Clb- INS Why does a sailor know there isa man in the moon! Because he has been to sea. .Small newsboy to horrified dandyâ€"s “ Won’t you scratch my ’ead, mister, Iny’ hands is so cold I can’t ’l’ . Misplaced Politeness~Asking a full- hooped lady to take a seat in an arm-chair. It can’t be done! , The Wife of a Boston clergyman caught one ofher feet in her hoop Skirt on \Vedcns day afternoon, which threw her down with such Violence as to break one of her legs. Girl’s taltfe warning.- 1 ’ ' ‘ Charlie, my dbar,’ said a loving mother to her hopeful son, just budded into bree- ches,‘ Charlie, '1in dear, come here and get some candy.”' ‘I guess I won’t mind ‘ it now, mother,’ replied Cliarley,‘1’ve got in some tobacco.’ ' A New Doquogy.â€"Onc of the illiter- Boot and $1106 Maker. PPOSITE A- LAW’S. Yongevs'treet, Rich- mond Hill. . . 'r « Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Boots and Shoes, made after thelatest styles. December 1858‘.” ' 1-m YONGE STREET'H'OTEL, AURORA. A always on hand. Excellent Accommo- Cigars of all'brafidb‘. :4 ' ' ’ D.‘ MCLEOD, Prbprietor. Aurora, July 6, 1858. ROBERT SIVER, Boot and Shoe Maker, / DJOINING the Wesleyan A choice selection of Gontlemens’, Ladies’ Good supply bfii'WlN‘Es and LIQdons‘ dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others w 57-6m Methodist Chapel, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. ' Richmond Hill, June, 1859. BLACK HORsE HOTEL [FORMERLY KEPT BY wu. 1101mm] ORNER of Palace and George streets, east of the Market Square, Toronto. Board fist per day. Good Stabling and attentive Hostlers always in attendance. An omnibus to and from the Railroad Station. THOMAS PALMER. Proprietor. t38-1y Toronto. Feb 26. g 1858. THORNHILL HOTEL. 11HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above premises, and fitted them up in aneat and comfortable style. Boarders and transient visitors will find the 'accomodations in every way agreeable. The best of Liquors and Cigars carefully selected. Good stabling and attentive hostlers HENRY LEMON, 31-tf , _ AND TO THE DISSEMINATION or SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND ART 3 L‘ (/ papers in America, it has to many been a matte;t pf bprprise that the numerOu-sflbpdy of Scotfiishj’i‘eSidcnts should have been solOIigun- I'epi'eseift'edaf' “To supply this desidoratu‘rn‘, No; l, of the SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOUnNAL was published on Saturday,.August 8, 1857. and is now continued weekly. The primary object of the JOUR NAL is to fur- nish its readers regularly with the news of their native country. lt presents a weekly re- cord of all events of interest occurring in Scot- iand, and itssubscribers are in this way ,as fully llllDl'Hled‘Of What is transpi‘ring at home as if they Wore in regular receipt of an oId-country ucwspaper. Scottish questions W111 be discussed with intelligence and impartiality in the editor'- ia] columns, and the sentiments of the leading parties on these subjects will be fairly repre- sented and commented upon. it In the literary and I’i‘ii‘scellaiieous department of the paper, while merit and talent will be ap- preciated from whatever country th ey emanate ONSIDERING the multiplicityyof news- the Scottish element will preponderate. 'I'alcs,, present, ‘ Immediately on receipt of the money, the subscriber’s name will be entered upon our book, and the ‘gift will be forwarded Within‘one week, by mail or express, post paid. ‘ All communications should he addressed to nâ€" J.) , “835 Broadway, New York. DR. MORSE’S lnr‘ian Root Pills. I R. MORSE, the inventor of‘Morse’s Indian , Room: Pills, has Spent the greater portion of. his. life in travelling, having ,visitod Europe, i Asia and Africa, as well as North .Amoricaâ€" has spcnt'three years among the" Indians of Our \Vestcrn countryâ€"it was in this way that the Indian Root Pills were first discovered. Dr. Morse was the first man toestablisb the fact that all diseases arise from IMPURITY V OF ' THE BLOOD-that our Strength, health and life depended upon this vital fluid. VthII the various passages become ‘ clogged, and do not act in perfect harmony with the dif- ferent functions of the body, the blood loses its and art. no . H 3 Terms :1 One copy, one year, one copy slx‘rnonths, $1 ; five copies, six months, $54; ten copies, Six months, $8 ; ton copies, twelve months, $15 ; fifteen copies, twelve months, 1 twenty copies, twelve months 5538, in DEAN do SAL'I‘E'R,. , r. advance. Specimen copies (sent gratuitously for in- spection. Southern and \Vestern money, or Postage Stamps, taken for subscriptions. 11:?” Letters should be directed to , MUNN ck. Co., > 1.138 Fulton-street, New York MEssns. MUNN dz Co. are extensively en- gaged in procuring patents for new inventions. and will advise inventors, without charge, in regard to the novelty oftboir iinrn'uvements. NE WWTREJT mm. 4‘ i: Butlhlo Medical hispcnsary, ESTABLISHEILEOR THE CURE GENERAL I>EHII.ITY, FEVER SCROFULA, OLD ULCERs, nnv or I'm: PIMPLI‘S, 0F DYSI’ICI’SIA, AND AGUE. GREAT IMPU- 1H.(l(ll). SALT Rlllfillill. FlS'lULA, FILES, 1).“ D.‘T.':MOORE. Rochester, N. Y B E A V E R Fire lnsnrance Association 01“ ’l‘ORON'l‘O, c, W. ~â€" ....__. OFFICE, [ibmoved from 54 King StreetEastx TORONTO STREET next building north of the ’ ' Masonic Hall. lfdlf‘t‘he Profitsto be returned tothe Insured, the balancoinvcsted to form a Reserve Fund. w.“ -« BOARD or DIRECTORS; TRUSTEESâ€"Henry Rowsel, W. C. Chewett‘t; Joseph Jackes. I DIRECTORSâ€"Henry Rowsell, Toronto. Chair- 7mm : J. W. Brent, Drputy Chairman ; W. C. Chewett. Toronto ; Joseph Jackes, Toronto , W. H. Smith. Toronto, Manager; Wm, llclliwoll, Highland Creek; John Mowat. Kingston; Wm. Aglin, Kingston; Asa A.‘ lluinham. Cobourg: Wm. Green, Hamilton; lobort Smith. Cbinguacousy; George Blain, Toronto '1‘ownship. Solicitorâ€"John Ilelliwell.‘ Bankersâ€"The t l 1 d (a u t l a u and Childrens: Boots and Shoes constant“, 0 Thornhill, v Proprietor SketCPeS' and Poetry, illlls:l'ative Ol'the Swin action becomes thick corrupted and diseaSOd - KIinlhivéf‘lllil‘iillLT-i‘filEiN- Baud Otnrommo' 85 W10 13. :Ca 0 reaCl recen ‘ _ ll ' . . . . ', .‘ - ' x. ' I i »’ . i . ’ , l f ' ’. ‘ it 1 ‘ \’ H I. , . - . , a p ’ y hand. and made to order on the Shortest No- Jan 20' 1358'} , ‘38 dmracm' mid Of a “dune fitted to N“ with “105 Gall-"1111‘! 3“ Dams: SleklleSS alld (battens 0i AND 01.1) Amt. A c. [13: “’0 P'Ov'dom lure Assuranc" C°m“ eat his congregation on a broard grin, at the close of a hammer and gongs sermon, by requesting them to ‘Sing the Sock- dologer.’ It requires more magnanimity to give up what is wrong than to maintain what is right; for ourj’pridc is woundedby the one effort, and flattered by the other. Turning «The Table.-â€"-Bassompierre, the FrenchOA ' toting to Henry IV, the particulars of his entry into Madrid; ‘1 was mounted,’ he said," on the smallest mule in the world.’ ‘ Ah l’ exclaimed the King, ‘ what an amu- sing sight! An ass upon a mule !’ ‘Very good, Sire,’ retorted Bassompierre, ‘ I was your Majesty’s representative. Hibernia.â€"An Irish clergyman having gone to visit the portraits of the Scottish Kings in Holyrood House, observed one of the monarchs ofa very youthful appear- ance. while his Son wasfdepict'ell with b‘ long beard, and worse the traits Ofextreme Old age. ‘ Sancta Maria,’ e'irclaimed‘the good Hibernian, ‘ is it pessible that this gentleman was an old man when his father was born!’ He who hath good health is young, and he is rich who owes nothing. At the breaking up ofa dinner party, two of the campany fell down stairs. One got to the first landing-place, while the other reeled to the bottom. observed that the. first was dead drunk. ‘Yes,’ said the wag, ‘but he is not so far gone as the gentleman below.’ - A great deal ofcompauy being at dinner at a great gentleman’s house, where a sit- ver spoon was laid at the side of every plate, one of the company watching for an opportunity, as he thought, slid one into ibis-pocket ; but being observed more nar- mbassador to Spain, was re- . It Wu 5 tice. 11? All kinds Shoemakers Finding for sale. ‘ Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. l-tf JAMES HALL, I I AS always on hand a large assortment of , BOOTS and SHOES, which will be sold at prices to meet the times. Richmond Hill, Dec. 1858. . ~54-l-1y "w. HODGE & Ob. ,v.,. ~"HOLESALE and Retail Copper, Tin and Iron Plate Workers, and Furnishing Parties givmg this house a call will find their orders punctually attended to, Ironmongers, and the lowest prices charged. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. f.._._.â€"--_;_.,_. EDMUND JAGRAINGER, U T c H E R. THORNHILL. 54-1-1y notice. '3 'l'hornhill, Dec. 1858. 41-1tf WILLIAM HARRISON, Saddle and Harness Maker, RICHMOND HILL. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. JAMES JENKINS’, RICHMOND HILL. 0 CREDIT GIVEN. Products taken In established Grocery 8 T - L A W E N _L exchange. The above is the oldest and Provision Store on the Hill. Dec. 2, 1858. 55-1y ANGLO-AMERICAN ‘HOUSE 1 MARKHAM VLLAGE. Fresh and Pickled Meats, Poultry, &c., always on'hand. Farriilies’supplibd on the shortest l-tf Sept. 29, 1858. Grocery 8; Provision Store HALF-WAY" HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. 7 HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the where therci‘will‘ be found cx‘c‘ellen't'acâ€" cornmedation,,for Travellers, and good Stabling. . 0:? Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GARY, Proprietor. ‘22, 1858. 72-7m li. Richmond Hill, Oct. GREENJBUSHHOTEL, 10 MILES NORTH OF TORONTO 0N ’IHE YONGE STREET ROAD. )p fl‘ -' '3‘ "-" V THE Proprietor begs to inform the public that he has. purchased. the above Hotel, and has recently refitted and furnished it throughout in a comfortable style. The Bar will be continually supplied with good Liquors and Cigars. Goon STABLES attached to the premises, with careful Hustlers teat- teud to travellers wants. THOMAS STEELE, Proprietor. (ermerly of the Bond Lake Hotel.) 69-1y WAN HOTEL, THORNHILL. Good Accommodation for Travellers. JOHN SHIELS. Proprietor. Thornhill Jan. 10, 1859. 7~1y CE HOTEL “142 KING STREET, TORONTO. THE SubscribePâ€"begs to inform his. friends and the public generally that he has opened the above Hotel, opposite the St. Lawrence Hall, Toronto. His bar 'VVhitct Swan Hotel to the above Premises,[ the sympathies of Scotchmcn both at home and abroad, will occupy a conspicuous place. In this department, the co-operation of various distinguished authors, possessing unrivalled facilities for the task. has been secured in' politics, the JOURNAL will occupy a thoroughly independent position, alike free from party bias and national prejudice. .111 or- der to interest its readers wherever situated, it will take a broad View of topics of this class. avoiding those of a merely local nature, except in so far as they may present points of importâ€" ance to the general public Questions involvâ€" ing the interests of British residents in the United States and in the British Provinces, will be specially considered, and it is believed that the information and news of ,thc JOURNAL on this important class of subjects will be such as shall command attention. The-SCOTTISH ‘AMI'ZRICAN JOURNAL, will in every respect be conducted in an efficient and busir‘css like. manner, with every requisite guarantee for its permanence. The proprietors. who are responsible parties. residentin New York and elsewhere, therefore look with conâ€" fidence for the support of their numerous coun- trymen in all parts of America, and they will be glad to communicale‘ with respectable parâ€" ties at a distance who may be disposed to co- operate with thorn for the establishment of the paper in their respective localities. A. publication established With these objects must of course look for support mainly from those connected by birth or descent with the country whose current history it chronicles; but as the broad basis of this journal necessi tales, in addition, the treatment Of all impor’ ant questions affecting American interests. and as its literature will be cosmopolitan, it is imped that even to the general reader its columer will not appear unentertaining or profitless. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, PAYABLE lN ADVANCE. $2 50 cusses-ends. 9 Twelve Copies . . . . . . . 30 0t) Twenty-five Copies......... 40 00 To parties getting up a club of twenty-five a copy will be’ sent gratis. Copies forwarded to Europe per mail, United States postage paid, for $3. or 135. sterling, per annurn. [13’ Office, No. 539, Beekman Street, N.Y, One Copy for one year .. . . . . Five Copies . . . . every name ; our strength isexhnusted, our health we are deprived of, and if nature is not assisted in tnrowitl’g 011' the stagnant humors, the blood will become choke-(land cease to act, and thus our light of life will be forever blown out. How important then that we Should keep the various passages of the body free and open. And how pleasant to us that we have it ip our power to put a medicine in your reach. namely, ll'Iorse’s Indian Root Pills, manufactured from plants and roots which grownrouml the. moum atiiious cliffs in Nature’s Carden,for the health and recovery of diseased man One of the roots from which these Pills are made is a Sudoritic. which opens the pores of the Skin, and assists Nature in throwing out- the finer parts of the corruption within. The second is a plant which is an Expectorant, that Opens and unclogs the passage to the lungs by copious spitting. The third is 'a Diuretic, which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; thus purity from the blood, which is then thrown out bountifully b‘y'tbe urinary or water‘passage, any other Way. . '~._The fourth is a,Cathar_tic, and accompanies the other properties Otigthe Pills while engaged in purifying the bleed ; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets, are thus taken up and From the above, it is shown that Dr. Mo'se’s Indian Root Pills not only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for they find their way to every part, and complete- ly rent and release the system from all impuritv, and the life of the body, which is the blooo, becomes perfectly healthy; consequently all sickness and pain is driven from the system, for they cannot remain when the body becomes so pure and clear. The reason why people are so distressed when sick, and why so many die, is because they do not get a medicine which will pass to the afflicted parts, and which Will open the natural passage for the disease to be castvout ; hence, a large quantity of food and other matter is lodged, and the stomach and intestines are literally overflowing with the corrupted mass ; thus undergoing disagreeablefermentation, constantly mixing With the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every vein and artery, until life is’taken‘frbin' the body by disease. Dr. Morse’s PILLS have added to themselves victory ’upon victory, by restoring millions ofthe Sick to blooming health and hap- piness. Yes, thousands Who have been racked or tormented With sickness, pain and anguish, encouraged, they draw large amounts of imr and which could not have been discharged in‘ No Mercury Used. Eryn 1')Pt. AMOS (‘1'. SON. Corncrof Main and 7. Quay Silents. lullhlo, New York, are the only Physicians in the State who are mom- bors Of the Royal College Of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morn- ing until 51 o'clock at night, on every state and symp'om of‘disease. The treatment they adopt- is the result of up» wards. of 30 ycnrs’ extensive and successful practice in ‘ London. The most inveterate symptoms Of Disease crmlicalcd in eight or nine days. and cases of a slight nature in two or three day‘s: at a very moderate expenseâ€"- The cure ellixctcd without confinement or bin.- drnuco from business. ' "ll Y 021.17g Aimâ€"- Take Partzculctr , . ’ol'lcc. There is an evil habit Sometimes indulged in by boys, in solitude, often growing up with thorn to manhood. and which. if not. reformed, by tban in due time, not only begets serious obS’taclbs t0 matrimonial happiness, but gives rise ito a series of protracted, insidious. and devastating affections. Few of those who give way to this pernicious practice are aware of the consequences, until they find the nervous system shattezcd, fool strange and unaccountaâ€" ble feelings, and vague fears in the mind. A Jlfost Satanic/w juveniles. An instrument for the cure of Genital De- bility, or more properly known as Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, &c., which are permanently cured in from 15 to ‘20 days by the use Ofthis instrument, when used conjointly with medicines. New Ren-zedies and Qm’c/s , Cures. . _ DR AMOS SON take pleasurein an noun- cing that they have invented a most important‘ instrument for the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test by the most eminent plirsiciansin London, Paris, Philadel- phia and New York. It has been declared the only useful instrument over yet invented for the cure of Seminal Weakness, or any disease, of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits ofyouth. Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of these instru- ments, pledge themselves, that in any instance where they may prove unsatisfactory after a I l pany is. removed to the same office. Having guarded against loss from fire by In- suring your property, consider if it would not be as well to make a little additional provision for your family in case ofyour own premature death :â€"-whether [it would not be as well, through the assistance of a Life Assurance Company, to provide a legacy for your wife or daughter, or, it'you have not the happiness to be blessed with them, think if the possession of a few hundred pounds additional might not be of advantage to yourselfa' few years hence. . If you decide that it Would, write to the Managing Director of the PROVIDENT LIFE ASSUR-n ANGIE AND lNVL‘STD/iE‘lT COMPANY 20 Toronto Street, Toronto. fora “ Proposal "‘ form, and a copy of the Rules. Or, possibly, the Agent of the " Beaver” may possess a copy of both documents. which he can accommodate you with, and give you ,3 little information on the subject besides. " Agent at Richmond Hillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. ‘ March 532. 1859. l7-tf Ire/TIIECIRIES’ HALLS} [TING STREET, Toronto, .‘2nd door east of Church Street, opposite the Cathedral. W. T. ATKINSON, & Co., Late of King street West, now offer at their new establishment, Genuine English Drugs, Patent .Medicines, French and English Perfumem, Oils, Paints, Colours, Dye- Woods, Combs Brushes &c., At such moderate prices as cannot fail to sch cure custom. W. 'I‘. A. dz. Co. having considerable exa perience in the Drug business in various parts. of England, have no hesitation in saying. that. a great many of their Manufactured Articles will be found very superior. Medicines used in compounding Prescriptions, Family Re- ceipts, Horse and Cattle Medecines, &c.. are of the very best quality, direct from the prin~ cipal English Drug Houses. W'. '1‘. A‘. 61. Co, beg to call attention to their Celebrated Preplh ration for the Tooth, Atkinson’s Parisian Tooth Pas-to. I. Also their much admired Perfume THE ENGLISH NOSEGAY. lrowly than he 1"“ aware Of’ the gentleman ' GOOD Accommodations, Wines, Liquors Wm always be found replete with all kinds of Fire ! Ewilfi z ! Fire! I .7 and whose feeble fraines'have‘ been scorched fail. may, the money will be refunded by m_ Soda vvater bowed and from the fountain; St .who sat opposite to him took up another and Cigars of the chorcest brands. Liquors of firspmte quamy‘ His Table w,” r , by the burning elements of lever,‘ and who turning the instrument in good order. , Catharines Mineral WM“, a«m1 the planmgen“. and stock it Into the button-hole of his ILMARR, Proprietor. also be found recherche. ‘ E S ,1, E R N ljavelbepn brought, astitéveroé ththltn p'fstet of persons Wishing the above useful instmmemj Water‘ celebrated for their-heanhy properti“ . ' ‘ . 1' ' _ v. , ’ e 516“ grave! “9W 5 a” "ea 3' 0, as l 1' 13 will observe, th't the rice, with the ccom- l ,. _ ' Markham. DOC. Good Stables are aNHChed to the premises. ' . ‘ a ‘ they “Vould have been lllllnbeli'ed “711.11 1.116 dead, pallying‘ (ljlfectjojls‘ secllil'elv Packed anad sent. .ceuung, asked him In good humor, ‘ What I _â€" â€" r.-- . a - w. M. SHORT. VETINARY SURGEON_ F116 Insnl 31188 (Mil)me had it no, beg-l, f6, ,his great and wonderful -b 7 mafi or ex “ms ii ten d-Onars ¥¥¥¥¥ . . , . , . . 3 ~71“ ' __ I . "W ' . ~ ‘ I ' ) - , -. .' ' ~â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"- was his fancy In that'.l ‘ W, replied he, D R . L . L A N G S T A F F, Proprietor. of 0101 n16dl01110, Morse slndian ltootPills. Altai one BMW”? of Ijnpommon t F, I C A v i ‘ - _ v or two doses had been taken, tl'e' Were as ’ ‘ . * ' . ‘ ‘ e I lhO-llight “My man W35 t” have 009, FIRST Deon SOUTH OF THE 10'0"“, sept' 17‘ 1858' 67 ll ' l 3 Beware of empiries and itinerant self-styledl ‘1 c Ire usuranc ompany INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. tonished, and absolutelysurprised,‘in Witnessing their charming effects. Net'only do they give OF LONDON, CHARTERED BY ACT OF IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT, :because I saw that gentleman over against . . cures, but never inc put one In his pocket.’ professors, . who succeed ATTEMPT FRANKLIN HOUSE, DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF, Cherbourg.â€"â€"Cherbourg is a good skul- king place; but it’s the worst thing in the world to make a navy depend for its safety .on a fortified harbor. They are used to being blookaded, and Cberbourg Shows they expect to be chased bornc again- It is a great tribute to our navy, but it is a depressing thing to theirs, Fight or sink, do or die, is our motto. they get; the worst of it, theirs. If they had no place to run to, they would fight better. Sebastopol and Cronstradt were the graves of the Russian navy, and C‘ber- hourg will prove the same for that of the French. The badoer and the fox when D 7 they ‘ earth,’ confess they are not equal to g The bulldog shows his teeth, but never his tailgw-chbzifz Ufii- 1 pcr Canada. a standâ€"up fight. varsity Magazine. Cut and run, if MARKHAM VILLAGE. Markham, May 13,1859. PATENT Drain Pipes, Eve Troughs AND W, ater Spouts, MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY STEAM MILLS, THORNHILL. June 3. 1859. PATRICK LYNOTT, 1 Richmond Hill, May 26, 1859- 24-ly JOHN LANGSTAFF LICENSED AUCTIONEER, OR. the sale of Cattle, Stock, &c. is pre- pared to attend Sales in all parts of Up- 2691 I Yonge Street, Dec, 1858. I . . Richmond Hill. December, 1858. l-tf JOSEPH KELLER, AILIFF Second and Third DIVISION Court. Office, Richmond Hill. December, 1858. 1-tf -___â€"‘~ GLOUCESTER HOTEL, 27-“ THREE MILES NORTH or TORONTO, 0N voNGE-ST. 1' [IE above Hotel Is fitted up in neat and Transient visitors and Others willfind the accommodations to be that of the first class. while the charges will be ex- comt'ortable style. tremelv low, 03° ~Good Stabling and an_attentive Hostler. THOMAS COATES,'P‘roprietor. ‘ 62?1y CflPITflL STOCK, £100,000. ....â€".....â€" I. C. GILMOR,'PreS. | GEO. MICHIE,Vice Pres. DlRECTORS 1 'I‘hos, Haworth, Esq, W. Henderson, Esq. W. Macfarlane, Esq. Rice Lewis, Esq. James Beaty, Esq. T, P. Robarts, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. I Bernard Haldan, Esq. Secretory & Treasurer. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Bank ot'Upper Canada. Bun/tors. Benjamin Switzer, Esq. Inspector. [13" Head Ojfice, Clm-rch Street, .Turonto; £1] THIS COMPANY lnsures all descriptions of Buildings,Manufactories, Mills, &c..and Goods and Furniture, in the same, against loss or dam.- age , by fire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled.~ A. LAW, - General agent. glO-l Residence, Richmond Hill, August 13,1857» immediate easeaiid strength, and take away all ickness, paiir and anguish, but they at once go to work at the foundation of the disease, which is the bloo'd.‘ ‘ 'l'here'fOre, itwill'be shown, especially by thOSe who use there Pills, that they will so clénse and purify, that diseaseâ€"- that deadly enemyâ€"livill'take its flight, and the flush of youth and beauty Will again return, and the prospect of a long aild'happyli'fe‘will cherish and brighten your days. ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' H CAU'I‘ION.»BeWare of a counterfeit signed A. B. Moore. All genuine have the name of A. J. WHITE & Co., on'each‘bOX. AlSo the signatory) of AI .1. jW/tzto & Co. ,‘All others are spurious. 4 J :‘WHITE "CUL'SOIE' Proprietors .' " " 3;." fillrLeonard Sti'eeijew Yorka Dr. Morse’S fndia'n i'OOt Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. . I g» _ Agents wanted in every toWn, village and hamlet in theland. Parties desiring the agency and address as abov-eifor terms. ; . .;._ 1 Price .‘25 cents vperlboxs, five bexeswillbe sent on receipt of $1. postage paid. ~ 33, S -Dr. Amos do Son have for a long series of' years been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified Physicians who now advertise to cure certain Complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. . . y I _ PERSONS IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD may be succ‘essfully treated by forwarding a cor'rect detail of "their cases, with a remittance for Medicines, etc, which will be returned ,with the utmost dispatch, and secure from observation. Address Dr. AMOS «Se SON, corner‘ Main and Quay streets. BuffalorN. Y. ' ' t46-1Y IMPORTAN T NOTICE. )ERSONS indebted ,to the undersigned, ' wlmse Accounts became due on the first ofJanuary last, are respectfully requested to setth them. " ' ’ .1‘ 'vr “ ‘J. K. FALCONBRIDGE, ,. Vllic‘bnion'd Hill.iMaI'cli:1.1, 183,1 15-tf February 18. 1850. CAPITAL, £500,000 STERLING. Canada Branch, Edsel Office: Toronto TRUSTEES :â€" Hon. JOHN Ross, | JOHN CRAWFORD, Esq, 'BOARE or Bahamasâ€"William McMnsten, Es . Chairman; ‘P‘. ‘Howland, ‘Esq, M. .t’., Vice-Chairman; “William Ross; Esq. 7r William Hendertson, .Esq, ; F. W..Jarvis, Esqp Sheriff U. C. of York and Peel. ‘ , BANKERS â€"The Bank of Montreal. SOLICITORSnâ€"e-ROSS, Crawford and Crombiq The engagements of the State :Fire 11;- surance Company are guaranteed by a-ypsponsig ble Proprietary. , . ,All losses will be‘ settled promptly. without referenCe' to'the Board in England.“ 2" » v ALEX.‘STEWART, A. LAW. 'Manager, B. N, America. Agenld , x Richmond Hill; : may

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