ARRIVAL OF THE CIRCASSIAN. . , ._ CONTINUATION on wax RUMOURS. ‘ " ST. Joan’s,â€"Nawrn., April 526. to day. Ofï¬cers are in pursuit of Lalor. and Coroner Bull seems determined to bring the guilty parties to condigu punish- rnent. Great eXcitement exists along the The screw steamship Ct‘rcassian from line of railway in consequence of'this la- 1 ' ’ Galway on the 18ih, jostarrired at this memable atla'r' H" advices “B ceased sternly refuses to allow a post port at noon to-day. from Liverpool, by mail, to the evening of the 1611i instant. The aims continues threatening. Ne- ' gotiatious for Congress were progressing slowly. Austria positively refuses to take part therein, without previous simultaneous disarming. The latest complexion of affairs is war- like Paris letters regard peace as hope- less. The movement of the French troops had assumed most threatening pro. portions, and preparations otherwisr continue. 'l he Patric nevertheless as- .aerts that France has not armed. The propositions of Austria in regard to the Congress are said to be unacceptable to France, which is not prepared to take the ï¬eld for a month or six weeks. Napol- eon. coust-quently, seeks delay. The Paris Bourke, was depressed, but closed rather firmerâ€"three per cent. ren- tes, 67g, 35. ‘1 TREAT BRITAIN. The Ministerial statement to the Eu:- , lishParlianient on the affairs of Eumpe 'r had been postponed till the 18th. Parliament had unimously voted thanks to the civil and military officers and the army in India, for the suppression of the rebellion. TERRIBLE TRAGEDY ON THE HAMILJ ON AN U I‘OKT DJVVI‘JIL IIAILI‘VVAY. ONE MAN SHOT DEAD. Front tho Ilaittilton Titties. We regret to have to add the committal of another murder to the list ofcrimes of this nature which have been perpetrated in Canada of late. The titelunclioly event which we are about to relate took place on Sunday evening, about 9 o'clock, at a place called Cliippuwa Creek, on the Hamilton and Port Dover Railway. As the Coroner has not yet returned from the in- quisi‘jon’ we are not in a Pogmon o'clock on the eyening of his disztopeaiu to glve fun particulars, but mt. {up ttilct'f..ttOthtfltslittldlt'g that a great nuui Iowng may be relied upon :â€"The b†“1 “"“9’5†d““'u""‘l ‘1'“! l’a‘l 59"“ docva‘td luau“ W Duigh w N (.m_ lllt‘llt together as late as eleven o'clOck.â€"~ , , . q t , 1.1. ' . .l . p I . . ‘ ‘~,.t‘t'.-.. a‘ise.‘ t ' ployco, \Vllll many others, on the i 'L e 'L ht“ m“ 0' '1" c“ S†m 3 works of the l‘Ininilton and Porti Dover Railroad. The contractor, Mr. White was present with a "hostage to fortune†on Saturday, and be determined to allow his men to enjoy themselves by way of celebrating so auspicious an event. Accorodi'ngly, Smile twenty-ï¬ve ortuirty ol' the laborers, together with two of their forcntcn, assent- bled at the house of a man untried Chas. Quinn, who, we believe, keeps a. groggcry and boarding- ltouse, and there consumed a. large quantity of bad whiskey. In the course of their orgies the two fore- men named Brennani and McGillis, renewed an old quarrel'whicli they had had a few days previous. The laborers present took sides with their respective overscers, and the deceased also rushed in with the. intention, we suppose, of taking part in the melee. A few seconds afterwards two shots were fired ' from a pistol in the hands oftone. of . the parties, the last shot taking ef- fect in the heart of the unfortunate iqan Duigh, who expired in a few minutes after receiving the fatal wound. As soon as Mr. White heard of the sad occurrence, be promptly had some suspected par- ties placed under strict surveill- ance. Yesterday forenoon Coronet Bull and two police officers repaired to the place where the murder was committed, and empannelcd ajury. As the scene oftbe tragedy is some twelve miles distant from this city, We have. not as yet received the verdict of the jury. Deceased was a native of Ireland, about 30 years of age, and leaves a wife to lament his untimely end. FURTHER PA RTICULAIIS. Since the foregoing was in type Coroner Bull, Sergeant Ferris, and Ofï¬cer Ford have returned to town having in custody two rue Denis Brennan and McGillis, Brennan Was formerly a saloon- keeper in Hamilton, and he and ~hisfellow prisoner appear to haVe been well acquainted in Hamilton, as they were visited in the Police office by a great many residents, who appeared to have been quan- dam associates. It is the belief of disinterested persons that neither Brennan nor McGillis are directly implicated, but their evidence, as is pretty well understood that they were close by when the shot was fired, may be important, and they Will be. detained in custody until more lightbe thrown upon the deed. It appears that a M r. it’chdains is the contractor, and that M r. White is in charge of the works. Bren- nan and McGillis were the foremen of the two hostile gangs, and we may add that the “dance†com- prised English, lrish, Scotch. and German laborers. The prisoners disavow all connection with the perpetration of the deed. During the fracas a man named James 'l'ownsoi. was stabbed with a case knife in the left side; he is under the itedical charge. of Dr Bethune. Th» deceased. Dniglmeceived the fatal shot when inside the house, and with it bound he leaped , out of doors and fell dead on the sword, a few yards from the shanty. The inquest Will be resumed 7 it named I The wife of the de- mortem exaunnation to take place. al- though it was ordered by the Coroner. Mrs. Duiglt held iii her hand a knife, and deï¬ed the police to take the body out of 'her charge. Should she persrst in her refusal to allow the Doctor to make an examination, she will be arrested this morning. The inquest will he resumed to-day. and from the number of witnesses to he examined it is likely to last some days. SUPPOSED M U {DER HYACINTIIE. A'l‘ ST. A man named Jean Btc. Beauregard. has been arrested and brought into Mono lreal, under the following circumstanch â€"â€"At St. Hyacintbe, on Saturday, the 2nd of April, Beauregard was observed to go into a tavern With a man named Chat-ton, and was heard to make the re- mark, that the lattcr had plenty of money. About lialfriast eight in the evening both were seen to go into a hotel, and about half past nine they again visit- ed a tavern. About eleven o‘clook two policemen saw Beauregard give his arm to Charron. and both proceeded in the direction of the Upper Bridge. Char» ron seemingr to be intomcatetl the police man asked Beauregard where he wu- about to conduct him, but the latter made no answer 'l‘wenty minutes 0i half an ll-.ur afterwards the saute twt, policemen saw Beamegard returning alont- tliriuglt the market-plate. 'l‘hey asked bun what. he had done with Charron, and he replied â€"“ (Jltarron is all tight. lJf)tl,l trouble yourselves, he is floating like a hat on the water.†About the same hon: hersous on both sides of the river heard cries of "an mem‘tre. on me Me "â€" .hlttt'tlt'l‘l l am being killed." BetWetit four and halfâ€"past six on Sunday mo'ning Beauregard was seen protneituding, gun iii hand. 0n the Upper Bridge, lookin, cous'atilly at the “ratâ€. Being asked what he had done. to Cliarron, lie replied that he had not seen him after ei-S-h'. oscer tallied. Yesteyduy, after m.t kin, inquiry, We found up till then no new light had been thrown oti the limiter.- lit-tU‘Cgal'tl is confined in [lie Distilct prison .â€" Illa/mud [lent/d. THE BELLVILLE hilURDER.â€" VERDICT OF GUILTY. BELLEVIILE. April ‘Zl.â€"-’l‘he trial of Samuel Peter Rock for the murder 0 Robert D. Dickie in December last. came on this morning and continued until four P.1VI., when the jury retired anl at? tera few minutes absencu brought in a verdict of guilty. Judge Burns at one:- sentenced the prisoner to be hanged on the 13th dayofJuue next. The pris- souer sliotve-t the utmost unconcern throughout the trial. and also win-en the sentence was being pronounced. Tb. doors of the Court room were kept lock~ ed, and a large crowd were assembled outside of the Cortrt House all day. THE BRANTFO RD MURDER. CONFESSION OF ONE OF THE MURDERIRR BiiAN'rFoan, April 21. Armstrong, one of the parties arrested on suspicion of the murder of L. Adams, and robbing.r the mail. on Thursday night last, has justmade a confession of tin-- whole affair before the magistrates. He says OVer, one of the men arrested. shot Adams. and then the whole three of them rifled the bags, from which they real- lZIftl about $150. They are all coloured incurâ€"Globe. THE STEAMER “RESCUE.†'l‘ltis Well equipped and fast sailing: steamer, which obtained so much peptila - ity last season for the success which at- tended all her trips. will commence plying between Collingwood and Fort William on "Tuesday, 3rd of May. She will leave Collingwood in the evening on the arrival of the cars from Toronto. culling at the intermediate ports, Bruce Mines and Sault Ste, Marie on the way up. This route wrll no doubt become a famurite one, and many persons will visit thr- Lake Superior region on business and pleasure this incoming season.â€"â€"â€"Globe. YET anornnn SUPPOSED POISONING CASE.-â€"Uii Friday last. Coroner Don- nelly. at the urgent request of the friends of the deceased, a young man named Joseph Dumas, who died in this town a few days ago. held an inqm-st over his body.whic1i Was taken front the grave .‘or that purpose. It was supposed by tht- friends of the young man, is ho had hern ill some three wreks previous to his death that p0‘-sil)ly through mistake the physici an in attendance had adiiiinisteretl to him wrong tnedtctne, thus producing sudden death. It was proved, lloWet‘ei‘, that deceased died from congestion of the brain. and that nothing of the nature sus- pected had taken place. A verdict was rendered to this effect accordingly.â€" Clutt/umt Planet 9 To add in a single year to the fleet twentpsrx large vessels. of which ï¬fteen are Iine-ot-battle ships. is an extraordinary exertion which England alone is capable of making, and which could not be execu- ted by the dockya-‘ds of all the other now ‘ ers ofthe old and new world, Were they even to combine their effortsâ€"Journal dc: Debuts. ~n~ On Monday afternoon last, an accident occurred on the Bay, which resulted in the death of a young man named Murphy.â€" It appears that the deceased in company with three others went to have a sail, in an open sail-boat. and upon their return which upset the boat. The accident having been obserVed from the wharf. Mr. D. l’lielan went immediately to the res- cue, and suCceeded in saving the three, but the fourth, becoming exhausth a minute or two before the boat could reach him, sunk to the no more. The names of those saved are Thomas and Henry Dal- ton, antlâ€"Gordomâ€" Globe. The. four ruflian murderers, Garnbril, Croops, Corrie. and Cyphas, were hung in Baltimore on Friday. An immense cott- course of people Witnessetl the executions. All the prisoners exhibited great nerve. Cninbril and Cyphus asserted their inno. react: to the last, but Crtmps left a note. in the hands of the officiating clergyman, to be opened after his death in which he conlessed the shoming of officer Rignold, and expressed himself repentant. Corrie ~aitl nothing wliatever relative to his guilt or innocerce. There Were 30 000 pre- sent and joined with the fellow Croops in singing ‘a hymn of four verses, while the latter was on the scalloldl The wretch- ed feIlOWs belonged to the Plug~Uglies and Rip-llap Clubs, which, will) similar or- ;arnzations of a bloodthirsty claractt-r, have kept the petiple of Baltimore in awe for years past. They controlled all the elections, and succeded in placing their friends and fellow conspirators in high places of trust. The quadruple exrcution appears to have been the first effec'ive -troke Iliad? by society in Baltimore in defence of its rights. A person lately united front Lyons says there are 125,000 troops assembled within twelve lionrs’ march of that city. l'lie forts and barracks round Lyons are overcrowded with soldiers. he shortest notice. There are, more- over IVvIOtltftl linuws erected on the road to Piedmont by Mount Cents, which ere supplied with provisions for the men and forage for the horses. At Leghorn. on the last day of the car- nival a pcrs’m disguised as the Emperor Iftln: French walked down the streets w‘th a volume in his- hand. on which were inscribed the words. ‘ The 'llrcaties of 1815.’ At every few steps Illt‘ mimic rum-nor stopped and tore a page from the book, scattering it ujion the ground in fragments. After some time. howr-ve'. the police interfered, and put an end to the represmitation. .W TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY, April, 28. Fall Wheat. prime, per buslt. . . . $1 55 a 1 D" “ medium “ .. I 45 (t l 50 Spi ing IVheat, prime, for seed,por bushel . . . . . . . 163lt1165 Spring Wheat, ordinary per bush. 1 35 n I 40 Barley, per bitsbel. .. . . . . . . . . . O 75 a U 80 Rye, nominal “ . . . . . . . .. . . 0 75 a 0 80 Oats, “ . , . , , , . . . . 0 57 a ll fill Peas, “ . . , , , , . , . . . 0 80 a ll 90 l’imotiiy Seed “ . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 a 2 OD Clover Seed “ . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 a 6 M Potatoes, “ . . . . . . . . . . . O 60 a ll 70 Apples, per barrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 a 5 (l0 “ dried, per bushel . . . . . . . 3 00 a 0 Oil Pork, treslt per 100 lbs . . . . . . . . . . G 5†a 7 till Beet", “ “ . . . . . . . . . 7 (If) a 8 00 \less Pork, per barrel . . . . . . . . . . . l7 “0 Prime, -‘ . . . . . . . . . 13 “0 ttacon,sidos. per 100 lbs........ 7 00218 00 Hams, “ . 9 0U Sheep. each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 00 a. 8 00 Calves, onclt.......... . . . . . . . . . 5 (It) a 7 (IO “’00:, per lb . , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . .. O 20 a (l 25 Sheep skins, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7.3 a 2 ll“ Bhef ltittds, oer ltltl lbs . . . . . . . . . . 6 Of) a 7 Oil Calfsktns, per lbs . . . . . . . . . . . .. - U W a ll 12 Butter, tresb, pct’ lb . . . , , , . . , _ . , (l ‘16 a 0 25 “ tub, No. I & 2 per lb . . . . . O 123 0 20 EggS,perdozeti............... 0 6afl7r} Chickens, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . O 55 a 0 O5 'l‘urkors. each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ill) a l ‘25 Goose, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 50 all GO iloney,per1b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 015 a 0 20 llny,porton......-......... . l7llO Straw, “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 Wood, per cord, delivered . . . . . . . 4 Ill) 11 4 25 “ perlmid........... . . . . . . 350a3ï¬ ï¬rm aobcxtiamrnto. ’MV‘WMMM GRAPES ! GRAPES i HE Subscribers. having imported more GRAPE ROOTS than they require for setting, offer a few ' VERY CHOlCE VINES, Ot'tlte tar faitied “ Isabella†for sale at fifty cents each PATTERSON, & BRO. Richmond Hill. April 26, 16.59. 23-2 Montreal Ocean Steamship Co. Under contract with Her Majesty’s Provincial Government conveyance of the Mails between Liverpool and Canada. ' The fol- lowing Vessels will sail as follows :â€" Fiom Liverpool. Front Quebec North Briton. IVed’dy Apt, 20. Snt’dy May 14. Anglo Saxon. . .do. . . .do. .27.. .do.. . .do..‘.'7. Nova Scotiait. . . May. .4,. .do. . ..du..28 N. American. . .do. . . .do. .11,. .do. . Juite..4 Hungarian . . . . . do. . . .do. ..IH,. .do. . Indian . . . . . . . . . do..lrl North Briton .do. . ..luuo . . l ,. .do. . . (10.25, Anglo Saxon. . .do. . . .do.. . .8 . .do. . .Jul} ..‘2. Nova Scotien. . . .do. ..I-I. ..dn. . . do. .9' N. American. ..(lO. . . .do. .. ‘22,. .do. . .do.16. Hungarian. . . .. do. . . .do. . . 99,. .do. . .do.?3. Indian . . . . . . ...du...July... North Briton. . . ..d o... .13, . .do..Aug 6. angle Saxon. . . do. . . ..‘2:),. .do. .do. .13. Nova Scotiati. . .do. . . ..27,. .do. .do. .20. N. American. . .do. . Aug. . . . 3,. .do. .do. .27 Hungarian. . . . .do. . ..du. . ..l0.. .do. .Sop. 3. Indian. . . .. . do. . . ..l7.. .do. .do. . In. North Briton. . . do. . . . 94.. .do. .do. .17. Anglo Saxon†. .do. . ..31.. .do. .do. .24 Nova Scotiatt. . .do. ..Sop. . . .7.. .do. .Oct. . l. N. American. . . .do. . ..14,. .do. .do. . .8. Hungarian . . . . . . Indian. . . . . .. . . do. . .do. . ..2h,. . do. .do. .22. North Union. . . .do. .Uct. . . . .4,. .do. .do. .29 Anglo Saxon. . . .19,. .do. .Nov. 5. NOV|S(:01llttl...d0...du . . . . . 19,‘2. N. American. . . do. . . .16.. .do. .do. .19 l Apprentice Wanted T the PREMIUM SADDLERY WARE- HOUSE. Richmond Hill. A Lad of ‘from 14 to l7 years of agomrone but one oft 'irteady habits need appl y.. . w; H. v MYERS. Richmond Hill. 15. 1859. 20-3 l flit lyqu guilt IS PUBLISHED EVERY, FRIDAY MORNING, home were Mmck by a heavy squall, And despatched to Subscribers by the earliest 1837 mails. or other conveyance. when so desired. The YORK HERALD will kets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to the man of business. and a valuablel'utnily Newspaper. TERMSâ€"Seven and Sixpence perAnnum. IN ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. MALCOLM MACLEOD, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR RATES OF ADVERTISING: . .$Oll 50 Six lines and under, ï¬rst iitsertiou.. . Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . . “ll 12% Ten lines and utrder. ï¬rst insertion . . . . . 00 75 Above ten lines, ï¬rst iu.. per line.... ()0 06 Each subsequentinsertion. per litre. . . . t)“ 02 OZ? Advertisements without written direc- lion: inserted till forbid, and charged accord- l ingly. All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for when builder. lit for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad- vertising by the year. All advertisements published for a less pe rioo than one month. must be paid for in ad- vance. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. 1V0 paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay- ing up, will be held accountable l'ortho sub- scriptioit. AM THE YORK HERA LD Book and J ob Printing ESTABLISMEN' ‘. ..â€" ‘ RDERS for any of the undevmentioned description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB General WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" lieuanlt‘s division is ready to march at "0035' “M†Bn'l‘s' BUS'NESS “Rust “"6" AND SMALL POSTERS, CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS, BILL HEADS.BANK CHECKS,URAFTS, AND P A M r H L E T 5. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING ! done iii the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards. Crculars. die. kept always on hand. House and Lot For‘Sale. I‘IIAT HOUSE AND LO l‘ situated on the road It riding to Mr. Aiksey's null. on the 1st CtlllthSlou of Vaughan, within a few rods of Ynugo Street. with a good rough ceast house. stable. sited. garden, and a fine orchard. For particulars apply to S. C. LAVVRE‘NCE. Oti the Premises. 21-2m TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STREET. MONUMENTS. TOMB-T BLES TOM B-STONES doc. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMET. Yonge Street, April ‘..’l. 1859. .â€" IIIE 'Undersrgned . Assignees of the estate ofD. C. 87. W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superintendeth of'onrduly authorized agents, AUSTIN Ann and D. CARLOS Yams. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. RS All notes and accounts remaining un- paic'nn the lstday of June. 1858, will be put in 3 D Couitfor collection. C. YALE. G. CUMMER. Toronto, 29. April 1858 48-“ B A R N A RD ’ S NE\V BOOTS & SHOES k . ‘ UST RECEIVED. great from New York, . a large and varied Stock of Ladies' and Children's BOOTS dz. SHOES which are offered at the IOWest Toronto prices, and front Make. Style, and Material cannot be surpassed. 1L? Call and See the Stock. and examine for yourselves. G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. April 7, 1859. 19otf Letters Remaining in RICHM 1ND IllLL Post Ofï¬ce APRIL lot. .309. â€" Keal, Francis Kirk, Allen Lund, Wm. [52] Langstaff, .loltn [2] Miller. George Madden. Ambrose Malcolm, Alex Mutday, Jasele Malcolm, Martin Miller, Jam 8 Moore, George . McBride, Daniel Nelan,John ~ Oughtby, Wm Pnttiid. Jacob D Quinton, Wm‘ Ricltitiond,0 S Roberts. 'l'honias Sisco, Isaac Sanderson, John [2] Story, John [2] Stephenson, Jusepli Storm, Adam Stevenson, John Smith, Mary ’l‘ibb. Richard Turner, James Taylor, James & Co Truman, Win Vandorburgh, Peter Wilson, James Wheeler, Mr. M. 'I'EEP‘Y, P. M. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE, IS RECEIVING I'll! Atkinson, John [‘2] llellarby, Martin Bigwood, C Baker, Jonathan [‘2] Bracken, Mrs Burnett, George Britllnger, George [3] Brett, Mrs Clark, Thomas Clark, Melinda [2] Courtney, W illiam Cameron, Malcolm Collins, Mary Jane Chamberlain, Sarah Debbie, W Dunton, James Duncan. William Davis, Charles Bowling, Hugh Dnrrant, Charles [2] DeoGier, J B l‘lyer, Miss Lydia Faitï¬eltl, Jaittes Gray, William Goulden, Maria Goodwill, John Gray, Joseph llolstortag. Carolina Hodson, William Harrington, Win l-lartney. John limes, William SPRING & SUMMER STOCK A LARGE ASSORTMENTV Richmond Hill. April 7“, 1853,. always be be fabric to contain the latest and most impor- tant Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- 19Ltt I How TO SAVE MONEY. ARPE NTERS and Builders save yom Time and Money by getting your FLOORING I’laned, 'I‘ongned and Grooved at HARRISONS’ I’lutiiiig~Mills.- r I Carpenters save youri‘Monoy by getting your SIDEING Planed at Harrisons' Builders and others u’soiiig PLANED BOARDS Will‘save "at Harrisons’ l’laniug'Mills,- ' . ‘ w lli- mood Pl .d FLOORI"G d stun 3 During the past ï¬fteen years, hundreds of A“ paw“ m want 0f e se a“? u a“ 1“ thousands of persons in England and Aino- PurChaSing it at Harriuons, Pinning Mills" rice, in bothpublic and privatelil'o. have learned To Farm-01's “I‘d Others--1910.“ W51" *1 U°°di Che“? and ,0 write phonography' and. "musauds-or social. SIIINGLES, (which are superior to‘all others.) at Harrisons’ Pi and business letters annually pass through the post ofï¬ce Nor is its great popularity to be wondered at. The present system of writing is‘ moved- iiigly cumbersome, and totally unworthy these days of progress and invention. Phonographv is equally as legible. con be learned in one-‘ twentieth the time. and can be written sin: times Its/list! In other words. the labor of six days can be performed in one-â€"one man can do the work of six! So simple is the systoitt. too, that a person may learn to who it slowly, in a couplbwof hours. An hour's daily piactico for a few weeks will enable tiny person to write Pltonography with certainty. and with some degree of freedom. The same amount of practice continued for six months will ott- able 2: person to take reports of speeches, lec- ‘ ' V T ‘ 0 titres. sermons, or conversation. and to read ll'CP lmvml-I P‘ll'CIIa-“ed l'el‘smll‘lll’ "1 ll": RI‘HISII Mdl‘kf’lsi them with accuracy. Style and Qualities are such as to mth the requirements Dr. J- W- 510"". of 30510". 533's: ‘1 deem principle on which his business is conducted. viz : Small P I?"°"°g"al.’l'3' 3" .l'lvaluubl" “1"?†1° “mm†cannot fail to secure that patronage which ion. and ouowvhich. when acquired iii ,yo nth, ., , ’3 (700d (:0qu . would not be parted With in manhood for thou- ,, . , q r 1 HIS STAPLE STOCK 0F DRY Go sands of dollars " , , ‘ Will be found remarkablycheap. ‘ i The late Hon. Tues. [1. Ramos. upon bo- I-IIS FANCY STOCK 'OF 'DRY' GOODS, itg presented with a verbatim report of one of Will be found to contain the newest gands in Dresses, Shawls~ Munilcs, Ribbon, 5“; his maston speeclies,.- taken by a little boy His Mfllinery Department, only tvirolvo years of age. sold : “ Had this or! Now Open, IS now replete Wllll the nervest styles ofBo been known 40 years ago it would Intro saved me Dress Making by Experienced 213 years hard la‘or.†The learned senator His Stock comprises the following Sl'lll‘ll lllll l'llllfY llllY lllllllll, lllllllllllll, fill. hand requires six years to accomplish, Phono- onc flounce, Flounred grapliy will perform in one. Dunss G-oom.â€"-â€"Flounced Robesâ€"- , Plant .Bareges, Fancy Bareges. Plain F - 0......“ .u- -r ..a ._.t PHONOGRAPVHY, on. WRITING BY SOUND. . ‘ HONOGRAPIIY was invented by ISAAC I’l TMAN. ot'Bath, England, in the year It is the tnostsiniple.-nmst natural most. rapid, and triest easily-learned system of Writ- ing which has ever. been, or ever can be iii- vented ' ' ‘ Planiug‘ Mills. money by getting them Planet? G will save money by Tight , Roof ailing Mills. 11:? ALL WORK WARRAN'I’ED’equaI to hand work. and executed with dispatch. H. a. J... HARRISON, PLANK ROAD, _ RICHMOND 2t)- 3mt' purchase? your April. 15,1859. f 11113 SUBSCRIBER. would respectfully intimate'to IIISTI'IP _ _ tids an customch the arrival of his . ,- r , r .3 , .l . ..q, he is confident that the of the public. and the mills and for Cash,0nly, are†attendant on the sale‘ï¬of Cheap andf - it .. It, ntiets, &c. Artistes- l:’tobesâ€"twa flounces I rencb Delxtlltit’s. Fancy French Twills. Milroy Stripes, Flounced'i To Clergynie’n. Editors, Physicians, Law- Printed Ballerinas ycrs, Secretaries. Convovaticers. Law and Me.- Frencli DeLaint-s, Checked Shawllies, dicttl Students, Lecturers, Printers, School 'l‘eacliors, Merchants. School Boys and Girls. a knowledge ot'Pltonography is ofvast utility.â€" In fact there is no profession or calling in which it is not useful and no young man’s education can be considered complete without it. During the past nine ttionths hundreds of persons itt Caiiada,.ot' every pursuit iit life, have acquired the Art, from many of whom _ V _ Silk Dres‘ses. Bailey Silk I’oplrns. Ilymalaya Lustres. i\"lAN'tLi~:s.â€" Miitetl Tweed 'l‘almas, Summer Cloth 'l'almas. Black Glase Talmas. Rich Frilled Mantles. The Union 'l‘alma BONNETs.â€"t'olorcd Mixture Bonnets, Bonnets. Black Broad Bonnets, Broad Indentetl Broad Bonnets. Girls’ and Maids Indented Hats, Tuscan Bonnets, Rice Broad Bonnets, \Vhite Legltoi'n Bonnets, Fancy Bonnets. infants’ and Girls Tuscan Hats, Infants†and Girls" Broad Hats, ‘Boys’ Brown Brand Hats. l-losmarâ€"Vanen’s Cotton Hosiery. \Vomen’s Merino Hosiery. Men’s Cotton the subscriber has received neatly-written phonographic letters, expressive of their do- Socks. Men’s Merino Seeks, Children‘s Cotton Hosiery, Gil-Is’Coetton Hosiery, Boys’ Cotton Hosiery. light with the attainment, and the extraordinary 0 so with which they have acquired it. For the purpose of aiding iii the dissemination of so itttportnnt a reform iit his own country, Alexandre’s Celebrated French Kid Gloves. Hormclt's \Vliite Cheap Linen Lawn Pocket Iâ€"Iandkcrchiefs, \Nilenx 8L Co’s. Skeleton Skirts. Iitiproved Cane and Whalebonc Hoops, Ribbons. Laces. Parasols, SeWed Goods, lays, Vetls,Shawls, Sheettngs. Table Linens, Napkins. Towellings, Ste. the subscriber is now prepared to supply all h Sales made for Cash OnIy, and no second price. who apply, with the Mason. OP l’ttosoona- JOHN CHARLESWORTH; ray, and the PHONOGRAPHIC Corr Boon. sent by mail to any part of the l‘rovrnce. posuige it"? 41 King Street West, next to Beckett’s D'ruggist. 9I-31n Scindia T‘almasy Mantle, 'l‘iffany Marrtles.» Grey Broal Bonnets. lndented Litton pie-paid. for the small sum of 11? ONE DOLLARCQ] 1. Any body and everybody. who can learn any- thing, can learn PHONOGRAPHY from the Ma- NUAL. without other assistance. Those who wish to be able to put their thoughts to paper at the rate of front 100 to 250 words " per minute.†should send for the above-mentioned works at once. _’l'lto instruction giVen by the Manual is as plain as A. B. C., and ten times as easy to understand. The "CANADIAN PHONETIC PION- EER †is a Monthly Journal. devoted to the advocacy of the Reform. Price 25 cents per aunurn. Address. (pos t- paid) 'WiLLiAM i-i. one. Oshawa. C. \V. . NOTICE. PPLICATION will be made totlte Muni- cipal - Council of the Township of Vaughan. on the 2nd day of May next, for o. By-law tuestahlisli a Road. Firstly: across the North East corner of Lot No. I“. in the 8th concession of the said townshipâ€"from the concession line in front of the said lot to the northern limit thereof, upon. or nearly up0n, the Road as now travelled across the said corner; secondly. across Lots 1 1, I? and 13 in the same concession upon the linovof Road as now travelled front the southern limlts of Lot No 11, to the concession line in frontof Lot No. 13. and which Road passes by Mr. Sha- ver 8 Mill. Sliirtiiig Cotton, Celebrated Expansion I‘orOnto. April. 1859. M. LE’VISHMAN, No. 81,King Street East, next door to the “Colonist†odice, , New Stock of _, STAMP L E ‘A N 0 FA N Cy I DRY.&QODSr NOVELTIES 0F VTI‘HE SEASON !. % ill! I ll‘, mm“! u ill“ VI. lllllllll’ has redeivcdry'his- (mi GEORGE '1. if, PEAIRCEI, k BONNETS, Vaughan. April 1, 18.59. ownénplfi-e‘f ' H O S I E R Y A N D G L O V E S ,, FOR SALE, 1 SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS, SHAWLS, MANTLES, use. A Desirable Family Residence, ITUATEI) in the Village of 'I'liornhill. and adjoining St. John Street, (commonly called the Plank Road). being pat-to Lot No. 3t). within a short distance of Y ongo Street,â€" contaitiiug four bod-rooms. sitting-room and kitchen : with a good stable for 2 horses, wood shed and other useful out-holdings. with yard. garden and a good well ot‘wator, and containing about half an acre of land. For further particulars apply to the Proprie tor on the premises. SAMUEL LEMON. Thornhill, April 15, 1859. QO-tf (ti? Sales made for Cash, and no Second Price. M. LEISHMAN, No. 81, King St. next door east to the Colonist officer 20-3m NEW MILLINERY. -VMWMCWVWWWW‘NVW Toronto, April, 1859. G. A. BA RNARD, Begs to announce to his Customers and the Public that he will open on: Wednesday. the 13th inst., in connexion with his General Stock. a NEW lllllllll'llllllT lll' Bllllllllll‘l it lllllllllllllY, Which will be found unusually low. Milliner he will be pre Having engage d an experienced3 pared to make to order in the mos BONNETS, MANTLES, that? And every description'of MILLINERY, with Neatness,‘ Taste and Despatch, and trusts by strict attention to this department andinodcratc charges to merit the patronage of the surrounding vicinity. ' AJGE _ L N0. -. A EETS at WM. DUROSE’S'HOTEL ' Victoria Square, the last Friday oven- ing iii oaclt tnouth. OFFICE-RS FILE-CT : JOle BUTTON, Illrrstcr. JAMES "ANAGIIAN, Deputy. THOMAS BOWMAN. Secretary. JOHN GAWLEY. Trcriimrcr. Victoria square, May 7. 1858. 48-1 W Richmond Victoria, ' OYAL ORANGE LODGE. No. 778. J meets at Brother Robert Wiseman’s, Masonic Hall, the ï¬rst Friday evening after the Full Moon in each month. OFFICERS Et.i:t;i‘-â€"Coloriel D. Bridgford. blaster. R. Wisenian. Deputy Muster: John Munholland, Secretary ; W. Pogue. Treasure- Paris, London 8; New York Fashions received monthly. 3%- Call & examine our Stock before purchasing elsewhere; @ï¬ ' G. A. BARNARD. ' Richmond Hill, April 8, 1859. lQ-tt" moi Two Doors North of G. A. BARNARD’S Richmond Ilill.‘ TOBIAS DOLMACE Would respectfully inform the Publc that be is propared‘to make to order llllllTl llllll llllllll lll llllllllY , lllillllll‘lllll. Jam...“ 21, 185.; .33 AT LHE LOWEST nEitUxEnA'rixo PRICES. , ,, , r _ , K All 0rd -rs executed with Neattiess ‘antl Despatclt. To the Sick and Dying. ALL WORK WARRANTED. ' R. SNIDER. of the 7th concession of RiChmondIlill,Marcli18. 1859. 16.“ l Vaughan. near Klinoburgli,guarrantees f ~ - _ , ._ _ --A/ to cure I [4‘11 I . ' A .1 9 , \ ,V r "a cancers, Enlarged W061“, wo COMMODiOUs rEuEMENrs S A l B U C K L P 3° And many other Diseases. Persons laboring adapled for Show“ s'tl'aiï¬d m the mlos‘t wishes to inform under either ofme above manï¬omd Diseases. central andc‘omtnauding partdof tlllte Villadge ;_ will do wellgo can in rim 1] each containing rooms. 200 ce'ar. gar em, I i ‘ puid and addressed to o' A letters to be and other conveniences; well suited for Mtl- that he has now on hand a large quantity or 0 PETER SNIDER' liners, Tailors. Tin Smith. Saddlers, or Shoe superior SAP BUCKET“. “'hlk'll llï¬ IS selling Il‘HE Subscriber Farmers, Sterekeepers and Others. . . R t d 't. A l't reinaikablyclie . ,r , - . - KhMl’urgh- Show en mo ewe pp) 0 1 Lot. No. ligand“ Con. Markham, or by , N. B..N0 CURE'NO PAY. , i ' 'G"A' BARNARD‘ letter. pretpsid, to Buttonvillo P. O, turn-t6, 1858. Sl-tf Biohmondï¬lll,lsny.m,18“. an ; Femmw, ,3â€, ,M,