PoP, éeiréeor pleilu ithe 8h. v ai -olieatv, bW IWV Wld auch *na Wigoyeft3mble uwm et ~blitek >ar, -ch pe t&ryPierd]W gr ey ew and sncb a vide MOUth? @qlality ofaiamluefigure. OFor Doreh vas deeidedly uuderslsmd ber shouiders werO 11<1 aud squarM &Bd her feet large. A bar» leroin. et romance or etOqY vas thia vaut et a bg ety, the dweller inh au out-ot-tbe-way atreet of theelnd Jench. part of the town, a street affly- wdvie andd allnt, for neither cart nor Wagon would pan there, and the neat- t .4êerecar tau sx bletma-wiy. A Street vhièhla, etartug ent stralgbl ion a big, iramblng woodyard, took a a.uddes twist and turned towar<IU the river, where It vas ended *oruPtlY inas tumble-dovu vwharf, vhasee rafterç wweL asid ta le nusate, and whose. rotten loWlag tnmbled aund santed more and more arter ench aprug seàsan of 11gh -"&bniderxi wharr' lad bad lis a gr osP '1sd etleiwbenlIbl 'j Mien of coal barges tron the river vouh lj ome *gd meor agan*an sd arosmit cv.wdI« ont tempontilv, t#e opter goe, jettes and uand ombooers, whoste fayot- mte bait lh uued ta be luis fl gene by. TlVèaîd net nid Jaqus Sebuder, a obrewd, tloatias.tfted lad utit, serGes -t elevee the lest ladging bouse fer uai4ersanad ýver mes la al thaI part et tov», where fine mule id. x ood lods vêetbe lad for a tew Motel. Sa 1Ur. Sehuider, c rctcal and liard-working, 1vIa V«ied;bbroeswaxed votoand amieH vltb y"munid hes-oee âte altuf eveulim-aodfl7daepcated. Storles ot varions Mifde riasrite tbt be bu ai lion bt -heriver snd .leen drovned, for. the lest tînt, b.lad been Mee Jacques vus, standing out ou-. the * gSI, ftwa md e bad becs mardeid, for ,be bad lied sagrat quarrl vith a bg Ke»tueb:y coalbcaver Xheday before i di apalce; or that I ad omite enede ut sbd bleed Omt. And nme si, fMaY, iet he bed ma off te a d utat clte le quitt With -bis UeodM ,b ri U vit e ami »edleloàm vere made liat Il Bat 3acque &uWdr M nest tara n«vas . e seen ugain. br;h tIen s taddliât mile searce ou yeur élid, grewu s. al sd lwY -miter butrd iadvem rcosn* trom TmIhite year de raM .et from 19 teelm the age o t% e am»sd comm -manding poeýun a g tl sreut araba sud poor traies tolks lu* tint .deOtited quarter 0f lIect. Dorcî's motiier? Of ecourse, i va» di m absinthe which made m«el a vrezofet e.once astrdy ptnant *Ne- Van, vbom a te', Met e Mde llers "mugt t h amas, la~ouof tbt * quariet' reînembeici se aviàg 10cm large sudqute hasd»me., *",-; Do it..k ao>mt ot se "un .,hjir as the fiery spirite of aklaebol oun tbg'ugbh er velus and iutig itI ber equally fiery meridipamlboW1Ildièh miade ber rave sud raut sud il-treat Drd, until mre .iBghbbor wddil- lerfere villa tIreat te. -cpolice, or, letter still, notil Pt, Dorian, a poJe taced, siender yrug &est. asorbedin tlle great ver et iutianty, vould eechnrrled -np, sud vità virantvoie sud 1O. etof stora indignation-vosld, SOIyvile stvokiug the dark har of. the Weep)ing etild: "Vons serez damee, Mulesie Shnie * "Thon s "Iaîl Di ko thetrk subd bblttoiamvi t for thy erue)ty te: thine * W oufatherleschild. ltber wvihithon bave the absinthe thon vIlt cravee wleU down blow."1 Shiverlug vwillatfnir sud -éýrooanu out ber terrer inlu moand udamalms, Doreh's mother, snddenly sobered, Wouhd then ý cronfeh irla huddled maa -n ýte aculd fiually lriniq beek er besotted uaother ta n meudlin regret and 'terri- ied repetance. .For some weeks Dorls lite, unguard- ei and ili-eared. for, wvol meerthelees lie bragt by cosuparieon. Bt the dark days wld corne.again, villa a renewal o horrible scenes ami WMue treMment, sund Dorh gvew éïder end mare meit-relat s&d nitureci be- 7ond ber years. It vas one oecin "Mn Doré vwas lealkag a ms~bda eM fitel games aailâ eu*Mvô~-bg éinspiration t DOté, gave 1er ufeue alcw lyuf on«thl. e brhood over ber an1n ions snd over hebebmtted mjo et, b was Dow tuai. a1POaOIflg tIe couines et the unknown. *Under -Dord's loddevéip lh"Ia fi fald evenimg s #stlaetllwoet treet urch- lis bld arelWed sud'igmg "6AIl Oses. Are Ahi. ta ei" suaoter popular dit- And as the -notes ilcioff lu thestlienc of th darkeulng eveulug a tan, decrefi ohd figure rose np, note coli tell trou vhere, but Ib camPe forvýa-idas if obeyp lng DorchW s al;, and, sds'anelug 8BIOwly "6Yon called.- Wlat *roul e With sereanis of terrrthe éhîdrci ruglici tutnblng over caedi' tr, 4owr the lerce,. Icavîng .Dorcl'ilu eoqma4 viti >tle tal phautam l, veird ilue catiaonliai evoîci tram euttIda mess. ,PTe lDorian, 1 vouli- reballd th, whanf aili Jeasse h out as 4iworlg th tue fishlsg boa t ram Brataris and- b saud mbO&onerm tra-oer-t m W:ý1bfflemidould jet th~e umeZ quol tiou.i Dorel Wtkh e M Cacti w o#laiihied muie fe.v 4#s lalow,' cys hw andsoiber le s teriulued, aibeit her ycaru ver. su» tes de. and ev. ,I tcprieee nd E«le, bil<u* w-," 'la~. ~I 5W t I v ~ c dre ami -11 oel53 70V 1Oom gM t t»a w. or= et ted he eu wbwa row411 A" uboet 0fau m look g pen mliaa 1 mak a sr1dlu a" > refu. tbomi0 filEs, -m bo a ti 1.1pa ev , sud bm us 31 ta.. 0.zeoud Pute Doi» olW Doa> b hplainami the ehmls a neltar iaru roZ, d l74m, ai D~ mi l e. st do ta the river,» Mld ums vr tnin "M tause, lbuet vu t. bc I . b wm qmm 0 oead' , dFeue Doshe bSstmw e crios uson.t hel a larà" aomlut crup 1-ak m'il . tebribl b tb Iwbftoe ah. ~ . feS.te s*= toda uilu t.otbg ou e ÙI4Vifl amUIh6o, I.%V*e iaw raom. t-he- :m- set - have M me1r i MU a etladutopla mb usMad a t. Mi Avie ellestetMory 0f tIh avkinl i MNclei t rn cw mbuyn.em th gel &H tbe e dm D ie os points... ixoe d*t meuhu mg=NMw. h. au, amqi gi&M t arcmanuftetur teabsi bte ou accouaI t ie ocaxeltbywltiz bb e b pmdSebai advanedi Ivo mats a poual. . lw omd there wuaml qusiatiti ibwj y 1, k=u rundbadebe agthat th.bar vw« very iglob& Mi uStly M ri maotihgu o trvets, oee.ke, etrm e boiset -voer, &am1 I lua<atoecor- 0 h î vuonded vlth m»v" bc@m& dpereo go g via. bal anrd i au tsons f wléuntum iwuéte . bu 000 to qq9meo tide .muall., Mus, or atm fb the tree.A grat pate wrote ta me ilti a vW< t, UEmt x mWbEU ont bave, for ome cause - ed to do se wville Mibo re u» M «Ppaur otegig%Î tbe bark -d é&Wpu I " i*M "Ijf tht people voulid alcit1 tent n e 1atfer gbhl tention e. tea cite markt ftJ a 0, = tb m i b. quit.se to w mm Ict Ied l nlbea queautel rn i lmm vime lb. M ibas unS! lb. 1Z. leh mIebMMfY te te ottu temdomamer kia *M. l inongb barki Mt te.partsaeAi wili be overèd I nd am 1 î1 D le~ ~ a Mao ffds e e bite Va*r..e ie bi. Tbon tat the batllie lIer- 1ourhly ihlied, sud ville d rilujeected trou tbe veather. if it =j eut lu . 4e weather &se .rois anid de Milou it, it vii l deWkk sand d in. lolor- ed. WIenprstttrme ahr ami tborougtlydlb la am wesr.tly vilt. Afer ic rhgIPart of the bal* lu takeet of t ea le sripd thîe brt e ns la a uy vidth s d l le e r i Umreete twelve tstIl nsd l-&en EUX Al&W*âi u oeTOM ieubled oves Itseht tire. t. lix«a.dma 0Vl lait fcet Ilns gbetoe dzplug se tinhei AEA -Ib5m eSS drY Il m ea wade jute nice.hpplunà tàaufflesy t. haudleine lutd. "1 ion'b blnk the. people reallue 1eMv gj upa4011 1 eh couli le maie lItîs -manner by mcm sud e de» engaged lu fm. sg o. a 1sMd lb ds reaflY au extra duty. ani eau be performed vice the. rops an e ld >y Or 'When tIh e lIer la 100 vet to pleu or do oller field work. or etaI a pre 1 Otne. Tb* frunl esatern People Ihave h beu gaIhceriug lit for Y3enTs lu Suppiy the 10creaeîng demani -of manufacturer andm ~Wemy 3 1-2 rentq a ponni for the dry -bart. go far the Most of OuraawlpY bas came tram surlIera Alabams. C HI TS -,tendn Couny, Arl., and along the lise 1 e tIc lllunolu Central Rallwy7sanfat &Op*m as Grenais,4 Miss., but we couli budie many Oneahat ve 11 el, sn4 vildenu b gi i reernumbers ot pple vou dm ntesulIn1.tblm OO B Iiusry M Udmgt findi lb more O& prftable b.eottuu."--Memuhlsis- Th anesolal Ales eaL %iii. BýAilli n -0mn oebirg. W glar, mites of "Iht ALba i la The A9guM Oouvy. Mr. mwo e g lacier that 1beauIdei be numer of beffls gWt e omerl 1bs vti lveai aile * i umaiet imargol st Ibeé t -em-,o M Imii IavlSu lie pe'~Ie e< U.iSay ami wzoSuiug.mmlwy fi. ~uD sud q.ê lb*4~oMutsPl - *Ufl W w~I ~ owk~vMub~4i ieu~m i. b ~À. aol aw'- i I~ SVIor N LAMV 1.9 @VESLp A toml t b e i lm a W*LWUS 5. OUQTEWAfi, rau rau»ie, Coyan TM @mm pou tus n m* e.i iâ â ýbmuiat" » uke.n om et um f M-t d pmw -* 4" a.«te ut im mpymhado Tnoe~~IO. m x% MNeIS les ram* oSes, aute. - tbua *mu* uni'a SIGNATURE. la:u 'N~'w WRAPPI3IR p. '-J wtiùm~» êiusjstplarns.luhIIm li. I iullabaiL D.s' soau "pu te un 8 tl P" f ro s t TBhIÂUBEBB BLB 0P LÂNDSV ~~w e01F .P~AT TrOWN C Ir DBÂMY. whovoas fvirbu 0f a wanivtmued by the Mayor of the 1'~w miUudmy, mi uebotlatoi ye.asM of the sald Town, bbarH»1 lae ise t ayèmoemo B a 19b cmmauding me ta lovy upon tie haioinu lelhor jpols.1iamâfgr *9mi S o 0ftaxes mdue thereon ad oost, -1 no" thà a u tue saLi tare. ami asteaesooer aidI %hall on WAT, TUE TWERNTY.Smwuno N DT W IZBRAY,188 at the hour of Twelve eookuo, et e. CourtHommela MtheTown 0ciLlnday, proceed ta aunlby Publi Àe uthe mat lndoras mae h masMay le sufficlent to psy such ar- eo0ftare im dbuawàdl o masm aurd As ma n ndukmuu.mlo ts me PUàitmOd 1 àL ým ku vfq -1- mK g3 Subdi til1piEBdladkW Day>12 de 1 do 1 doe lqNDurhamll1 de.-. 18 do w17 de-7 N3Ridot Uý do- S ftbl, ark 8 9k FELIbd" â Babils k Llmdmay, Nov. W, 1807. I f 3 $1097 $227 $124 Bult 20 x 2 4-79 225 :04 46 -Z 632 1607 240 1847 8 1703 243 1946 j 974 225 lige itW pts 2023 273 3196 UO0l 227 1328 W071 225 12-91 8S48 225 1074 848 225 1073 Nt1702 243 1945 697 225 922 2035 2 73 3208 4à 319 225 544 Wp j 2192 255 2447 10) 276 225- à01 Et238 225- 463 3-40 2 ra 565 ws~t 166 2 25 391 110 375 2 25 600 19pe 1163 228 1391 * 12 12 230 1442 1212 230 1442 574 225 799 I 574 225 790 * 9 73 225 1198 Cp Bt 203 226 4 28 Cp 6&t 602 225 8 27 Sp i6 996 225 1221 CI* 1129 2 ri 13'56 I 974 225a 1190 m P 1843 247 2090 NÉ& î 4 80 225 705 Town Treasurer. VICTORIA PLAIINS MILL s. I LBv. Ius& osmIletai a flWY - PIEIS'~ 1 fratek .voeytbiu b' boume fimimhiug lu my lime a - fiL. émmpoeu. Uvuylhlmg g.muuissd waght or no psy. E~I md~oi wk mmd gsê - .*L?.~TLUT e Td~ xa~. -aoio-tf. g nÉÈ IuR t'AL 6u f S 00 Wordosé makero 1 ETIMI