Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Oct 1897, p. 4

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to-ammbhave cehable g... miâ ippiovel amom NEVERBFR It re ibt M l JeweIeoeLladUBy. aour cm obey. aa WEST END Dry Hîrdioci, Lofl nd, Short; imt- chu Steve, Nul àï a i OSi; aimee.but BWicMmt-Oei yrmh Ltme, Drain Tie. aid Sover Pipe A (nl -inocf LmbenmiShingîmse a E1verythimg up te date, ami Prim oiL* clittitm. Gvusa eal. Tulephome fl. KO0NEY TO LOAN.- onn u m17 ulltin le las, o rS Mte t orarm th*ultaj t omi'wemi d mu«M euàn lo t w oa. OsDanmmB 0e mm kslu efon ilu0wGuuym m Mm ts Es"te otquilr l.our p«moi mu. c êbêip PBDAY, OOTOBUB 1l.1897. £ .l. -mn.umats Kwr. Samuel J. Fox, tic lbotsl.ooami vathe standard bouter in tihe mlg loc diction in maklng friads ovcr, day 1 ils 'Open msnly omums. ho kmown ho dois no% coqaie teo «ent il »If, bui vsth thos. te hom ueoai ho vwu strarngcr la perses, ho erepud gslmlng tavor. Mr. Fox la a thorougili cpablemrn and »resnt!.6s <ced Caus. -Witio b$littl=agDr. MKKmy, viele persail)" j apbomdili tllov, sud6a good, friand, ti e loctot. of Wet victoria cs esicti mimed te id lbe proimoc efthipar tht bon Rot Provincial affils li e i proeut deplorible ondItion. Sir Olier Movit, m euon ttir Coneuvtlveu il, West victoria emi rernombci tiaf mader the advermo dienc stance. iitemdtmg Uic Dominionccoi la JaneO189, bey imi a Ime majoa in the muulolpeltlou tMat ma.op W. Victoria. Therdetrn. oxm týris aboutife o a.utuaaed twnoo tue vote. J.dMZs P WErvwIy. M.Jmam P. Whtney, K. P.P., Isadar et Her Kajestp' oyloppos at Toronto. and otier promlsemi gent mon vwMaldmuts.a meeting on -b"f~ John H. Carmegle, M.-.P. thcebIb. onservativ canidate for 'Eut vlcm s amlen ]P"lula bis iaticgrlui Tu.mday, l2ti et Otolc.,i, i7.30 p.2 Md an!go ono e l obai eXM. S. J. F West Victori14a aithe Academy cfu ta2L119"Y, 0on Wadu.siy, 13& Ootobi boumsab: lotimectifga g* vie sym.Ma. Whlbmyur *é1sàs id1o1prmi atu-t1catia.cgoub lic viae aalg bcputbtev vusksbyl Mairionoa pesasmiM m s :a" vus e t e" for à t L'o,. I ~e' i 4 * t us 15se PamofGloe ut 0151ppciid è 9a Omo"& Js-a"4 setb l n im n ves 60 rn las"d cvusy besuoma.oeamg et smm meus modes Wuaa. M*m h ~.wcn Undb kWh&", Oab mahe s6iha te = tb cheiho la bmbop Of ftaieM 'Omo veaubd w ly sappoesà ab ttogt »m f »he é do; do-bu tilieveow àAmie -1f ma wéami Md lIgt - ml- - I& ltomUi mlviiiâ imua, bonimlacet.,Tmclaite.ou aitis the 11110008 aiedi moi tai"stai cer- tu a un laleadaod, Msacb memmte Mr tul teof d.le peel et amaither oumbure imie Baib ontb Ulmifor bic t itelu Maie tsa Pasion crm fou The sama "v« ali"W, of . v0iWest goodimi vie-on iumg -my stty la md m««"miOta. IHabmbofetsalari iomi.thé e s, MAdt" micind hon Lovimais»ami Hgilmai coa~d len. No ooi vs piSai, ýdw k e mils and mitic vurd of aBo Siea sbep.faanm éà Use equmlIy of bis Vol htasic, doubie dedom, thc MUl teck place beoo shculog. 0 g o he vot .pulagamidaaly mu.- Iatengt ve od,mSeclipplng va. 1I Tic vesterna shcp tirmer lh a TMr Uiaque character. AU wuvieiii dremi!; Murayoettuais epemmlvcly sM.Som@ voie kutuet01plain turbin; morne bhose et tUer clan. Othons vit edsitl fi»i moraine autta. but m&U. et viaievea uni. tersa, vers noble, :mamyly Iokini gemils men. Inde" toe.bore obity bai the greier caumbor veto ordinar, farmers. Ome coul! beokinS vain fer tii "poveriy etriobcotter." IndeedI va. mach urprid, -an! aqreoably émeaitiem awiticet ofceaitetitbvlft amidonutent. ment met viti ous ery band wvicier ami! the augpgst eiau l.l, la High. lands ou Loviamis, mli ,Eaglish 4.11. amd meidova or In ERaIs .gram lIse..Trac the dvellingt mot bslmg of liter 19th century model ane ot- me fineor veR laid. oui sa 0»uemigit s; bUt oiros!thome mumbie betihasutthbic m or and p.vw up tth Ummof MIa The 6'vcol sale" eu, imer maid bayes qasag»le s*iimla jclity. 10 'came btOo a Tur ai litegodsrc fellowe thrirvdal1 aire =aid mmd"ia il. theiollbklmg Scotch fu, soag, sion, Tinre hle na igu s aitsmu thc sorti e t obai, It betqbigit twillii taibmlait. CoMitg S ram a reambe oioa tic peeka of tic locsllty 1 a.v an .14 b&alaisingernae theviaf- the tquay" the Scoiaumi . Foisa Penny ébe vouli .Ifa gomng. scenaa xmu o mmble! umsong after oag va. sua«. The cli favorites vue aSl tua ovui M thebicpeer vomm vie béafinela voici fer ooeh.r ege, vas donc eut; but sii va. semfortéci by s a w*U1MW.4 allet hem the onptrlbbloam eofopea.beiit.d uhesp-farmcrs vie iii lus attentive Six o'cloci mcxt moria, touai mo imaverciag Loch Limais, put Loch Etive, thc torile Limmore lalmi, duntfa- ami a more more -out&e rains, Âpptm, Eorv mtmlWaM, ili ic teamer rouai- ed late Loch Leven ai Ba"sou" 'aTii vl.v binre t.grand. AvaY le uleft nUs Loch Lisaho, tua entimace te Cie Cale. donia scaa, Foft Wlllm Masd Loabeil; Meaa00=ousup in lonoir <amdoua thc Lociaben #io»- vitii mOlýi ls romanilo,c poeloi oand er »agl front t. Loch Levia, vlCh Loohaber on thec aoubb, tb c "Pap et Glanoe" mmd oticu lofti7 raigmi meunt ain front ami tbc APPin mout&ilurict tou te h Ig L Deep ami! theo maut" sOd b herigil b front iay ha moistic catrance *0 bic 0 Immous "Pu" eoflscs;"hne onauthe peli betwes n.tiec-Paua'et Ghmend m Loch Laven, at tic ffl o et Tue Ppetor Gleno" t."Ilnvemc," thce "temd palatial teliesceof et Oanaint iriolthss, 6iih vite tlie!bjthcfr cli ceim»uimi big fogieCOL Joha agie..Bo*i on.1 Mr@ cMd mm ver pieamed balaie hindi 0 iih tua bi ol onel, e4 V Mhu mn Dfthe 48t, Md ao W mm cantie caie groom vi tou hlm aam ré t.. 1 e Cl, *Jobst ngvm cm Idi c bb.i bp iiià 1,hu4ec iit.heli mwWU IN@_-__4Wb à ie ettu§M y Im m of aboi U e ormulthe emà"usbailbla mi id Tvue4eVhMd puicM * mr b dlm ou.Ja 4-pgmi r" S uglmml iwg »bed Imm tduj, mm r COLceaLme a"eomli mà i . muv1ghiMle h_011m8-310 i Thaï hotkocem -Mmd ma Voukc dulbbc*0 u loday Mue Vsmto atla i b i " m dtm a-Mrd W OUi i b e u m m o Us da,' vork labao»ais&imu»af Relale muai»»&asi 5.30, I vhs ica mehabu b, wbe .h is ernMI c1ttlaw iilei, fatiguem * hapatad to f tor sUmtuba. driva, aad a bamied am cm. o»Utile thingu te ha donc. lloov. iag breaft th*c dtem. for puam mi. vhes for a bhan s our ewem m a m. =-in-apmlishlog mad Butt dm1tartu at mneUl m ita Wh oc.o Mcm bgl ab a 12.30 amdi item fer parmi. menaisai1.30, mai the nDdt dill cnm Momesie mat a2 aid-Imita 11114.30. Aft4 tirt t ieh ari08amiMdpiquet. Ti mcm mot detalimifor ibm., wthei.e optios ef tic ordealy sagiate, vhe bi thc viarc» us hardist voakcd.people lh Camp, &a rsfie or ticie 1t heday. Of ouam*6ic iils ufe. isnme feu prtalvtm. Thai t ha oxbpeo. Fom Inance the food, tieugi uholceome, le otof the delbomles ouai en Victoria couaty tables; @locping os ti@ vouanmd c ttng opciarly ddu the fraity mora vorli, bat thi soîolty of thit mmoosez Off. Drlilg udit ahbot mus animlaa toag vi viti blittsad msaoica Up. l aisao ior massoiton ef thc annual dril. Thtagm iuchsa iomehovever psascdnaod. Maur hippyJhotur oe wile! aval ou the -.14 Camp grauni. Ia tic cvonlng football mandsi inrnem veto Indulgod la. Wheu daroms fol the beyswvoli vimit ,aegiboring tenta, sud Peau thectiec plcimaatly mlaglng or tolinc yira..Ftsquenely the chtlsttsa sadiaVoreu. faem tho City veau orne and iod meeting la thc large mirquee Patrietie moago Mai cli tamillar hymne vote sang la a vol tt al ny th@ 45tb ia sing. - Scierai Impromptu conoat vet ctes up. City visiteraWo vie t piomt oxptued "mu ne itite baent eboya os thaus eoommionm. Sorgtm. Smith, Paria smuid Pi.. Young, Gambe. Parker an mi ew eo smong lieue vie belpo! to maie tiee fle "aa uceesa Beside ic45tà, thc 47mb ami lub battallea. veto@encampe! ai Pit.burg. omicump. vite trme! viii muy Iem bue batmllom am ina aY plissant evoalr gtegsgoedy aumbea of visite. ram tic or bitaltea. va. l»v.MeDv. twu eil idiata se turne thut maie op innocont phoa. udm tnj ofmn tte.Camp sud maay antic, plom mé mmorisa thau emcaÎwob viii the 2asone Camp. "Ligie oui" ai 10. 15 o'olock pot an end te thee ntaglm Plessure mud a ver, tov mtaute aav a quiet roid cf suernlgy untemnttan tetm4 but vici veto fille! viti tiocé lee"plag the sloop et tho jui. Kinqison hla neocld pluce, vii entig istorloassaociaions snd. juti eougi "mi8gits" te make a tlwcldaye'suy tiee an Inteiesting ose. The soldiete teck la oioa7hbg m»d Tic Fort. Estmer, Royal9Kllltar o-ileo. the, ca ani ms. lar, sylum, Y.K.C.Â., paria, icoke, the ublp building yards, mmd Qu»«,& unieralty, aU reoelîoi visita trom thcm. Klngtorlmms teckk indly io the 4s5md m the 45th teok iadly te ticai. Sumday va a quet dot la Camp,.Ram- drods tram ticecty visite! tieCcamp.,, la he mouID1 mil thé proteutant membea frontth ric lgdcparadai ai 10 o'clock, omd lmcludlng the brigade officiai formod op on tour aid« et a squreisa àRou. J. W. Kaollllmn, B.A., etof dsy official ohapia et Uic 45th priicioed. Theiovem accei ntiemm»ae»co et PMU eut erdumfle emi mm rou,= rb~r, cf LlmiY mat me Fmo.Pils os TUeM!y * 2lst Inst., ai the meeting vau a mmi enjoyable aMi etmu om a. The afuvce mson vas chtfira bumti aso, but ih e ckelm mestomvammcm laenelm. Somc very able aiduesomuseo egieus, Omiet mntm themà btn a O.S. report by Rn. Mi. CiMpioli; tue ubjacietofmllyü vensip" by Roi. Mr. 0Cm of etWlc and "4Prayesmielag" by liv. Me. Me. MIlia oet Uadmmy. TheIic iiIo pipera voie, spesiliefforts am ,dipublIc cf Fendt Fat0 ofuees4t meetin losi a ppauni e hapgbeno qolam bi meiatca tvimn lu lu to be ope! liiUs a IVIryvSi »Oa Np& a onor au vitu ehams&o rare, troc&. 1 MWusas. RaON, M ug1 Mi Aumbla, are onmutng te h reputallea et "amies" lain s cOu" lotton Satutday for Baffbo&,ehbis mUN, tht. mkntag haroa lIMsipp.i by iiîm darbiq 18epuimbei ,One day lutb veei i irove of eily h5aite ahuep « irta b;r =hà i vilIe for ah pm oaa ! m d o e &a d l salve a gré" iup te cu la irlithmg*y mite. lai- waplIuv lo o P s hep" l, Uic Isuo u bu l er timmeras... Kv.I . QodU,229 WeU4"aga Vinas.six - la aa ime %esvalattea, Port Pey VOIemVitoI 21U aiar.easaivu iesal. vieQ haMetqe.iU mpcl th vMa1 . eamefurM v bbo ticv cam cm s1micam A1 mai"a1moiilag a Scoth it vgimiabutv*s lsoue rmie i Theteves e ijaithe Vctr govcrnm -bmtse o gy tv .mViOfUiSm h o dvnS cir cia moIv - . H va. imc ly poua lb ro ma e ov Tic 45îb aud ism" i toga vr.luibemmber mime b Tom air somosaon Krad ts eam vf Ln0* afoey arge Verasmfay sempistaaywu teomm léetcwu a! os vir teauiMotin nb7 0tic ctouta tou ode mos n noueuse amacrs f h mn onth m iii s bpa ementai KI staet6r"lth by"ma lui ie l on mir tic coeue nome raa te letenatre cin garm. Ti lOf vO. i i megmm al eoit vR. ca0.London. wu Thim e tthaiondd uth e go ia hcme on nd bLlvaiy vii I, vie mornablet mm u" tToammy Brownsiofm oua ui mmoutua Tie miqt eat tW"m -es"dian odpaen a mer otnicpyKuent mr. Haveni baien e i cfioos - tor ail ou Thure mtly miermiet iem attnd! md eprts pumntIloo Hv»mu.-Ia Riaimi., mSept. 25 Ch. tic 29h. ce tic aums e t lie belle fathua, Sinmnet, bilai. T. Xaaaisg. Dr. W. Dr!a. etcfRechuter, te TUII., cmly dauqimisa ef Kr. lmm . LoeR.Lluismy. PowELL - HEEBEET. - in Tersa%, o Sept. 2ffl, 1897. bi Roi. Dr. Thom»., Wilim Eduard Xmy Powell Md Alversila dey, SePt 1 t. lime.Mgladumuaibea et Kr. Robert Bemca. uise, sud ]Kr. W«el H. Haies.l, et Bruce couaey. Unise Tuuu~ -At Eludua. on Xcay..Sept. 20gb. Ifu IL Wlanlr.d Turubali. md Eu..RoertS. KMra. RAZUTr.-At ia-ii nsiUeuCrsvoII on Eu.mal 2th ti ember, Rbert Rmmp, CUrinT -Ait on malle, o cnday, Sept. 2tt. 1897. Prédmals Cubisi. Tugs »ù et the lite Woelmea Richard 0,1111. M"IL 1)... et Eep4aghmm4 INouiolk4, Emg1 mesd77, J.,P. WHITNEY M.P.P., !es.der of Her Maiety's loyal opposition at Toronto, and othere, Wini addea a meeting on behaif of je* Na, CIRI[6I'y e,*pepuy am Liherai.Cne1 rit'ecandidate for But Victoria, at FENELMON FALLS i IN THE SKATING IRINK ON Tusday, 121h October, AND»09NEONN BERLI OP SAM** Je FOX the lteral-Conurratlve candidate for West victoria, oit Ch. AOADEMY OF 1MU8IO LINDSAY Wdswsa, à 1 te! mate ~t il. h En- UANTL. 1~~ I $2 le W orth yorwUvle t*0-kaov that oct asmrtment o e styl. [aibe J~ endm Cbpesih complete. The distinctive featur. of tieicamai bleatylo, aovelty. We propot fadilie.for production et NEW OVEýR CA.RMENTS* Vaay itylisi Jackets la plata havi,. Newv amiefrgmm Jackets la Bo2x Baive Clota, Drab, Green, Navy and Ladies' Blaok and Colored Bo"cl Clou ,Jackrets, correct Ilength. The New Tight»'Fïttîng Back aapes -i Black and Colored, At EA" ITANCE )a sirailit via are dao thse vuy la the .mvlng NOW TI on haie th feu vifli procrasttn ien proiM FU.R -LINEýD CAPES, F.UR .TRIMýMIED CAPES, W 'hich iare nrs laavmiety Thé Ïbeva.omu wS 1897 se. W OUVO. 'Vohp -Md the satuaimg -.MY mim. vSWh aie t" bIa lacu.thèb oÉ Mr.A. Noul, vulkao, Md Mai moVUthMa .Tis et =iehm hevedilag secod vhio mes intnsonterai, ovlpg to t»e poplaity o1 nPrie., bobPlae la tht methoëoichuté haonWeou. 4187 eveclag, *heu Mr. E. Siodiati Md Mm, is!daghuu, or Mr. J. J. Wh os, veto au la the bondset hol YDateIo51 by the Rev. T. P. bsoe. Tb*1,4e vie va. mcwumi b IcomhmL govaci la coëes, vlth "UiiMad uveat4a vii à at.i by bue00cousi cWIlMo 09 ImlaymaMd be Plaî tfVerulmu. The gtoom va. supporat by Mr. IL J. WhOD., broth., ot tihe, amti KvM. J. ieO. The "mi, vrwon tis cowns ami ably 811.4 thela t.ylapo- tics..Aiticheclose o et uti r.oay . bide vae peseated wtth a very hmni. nmre bible by the tmabées oft he choit, the pauseatation bolag mMdc br Kv. [L Dolmsn. Th ic idlg pauty then te- [poirui to the uelicc of thé bide'. pavet., vice a umptuon. teput wu~ -mevvo& after vici tie happy couple drove te Liai..y to catch the lirsitrais fothe veci, sthe lutn tiepemd ihefr honsymoc a Smuncle Sam's dOmlMICU&. The bMide o»f oise Fnl"aFills mcmi beuiflgilsa ampousse a very eveet mdfn optano voloo., ani ber gteii poulry wvahovm by the DMumu mmd aniomepimenta vhloh mie reciv- cd. TutMes ad ber khumayl e îateiud to maumy long yearm of h«shi mmd prcmpeaiy le Tout humbleçooauupodeai'm aicet emmaiesi vum. The Liai.7 ai Wd lugtoa miac- brda. mmd~ ~ ~ ~~~~04 091vm big v rcllg ciu ii. peint. THE RATHBU o ____ The Ratibun Comnpany alvsym baie a supply os bond of Portland Cernent, IPlaster Paris,- Hydraulie .Cernenté Froqucat ebipmcmtg receici direct fromt tié manaficlareru, Our star Poriai camnt kone Of the boit maies inatLb. maaieand've cma <matmtes lb am .ah. W. ar" wlagte uubmitileteI a test byamn exprt.engIsse, te de.monubrate tit is equmi te the bout lrnported -or native Cernelt. mcli hue, mmd wv. i psy the ceettfMare if tc ,test donsnot pro"e the chiim mule for the quality' et the F<~SteveNul Mai Blsokamita. MIII go.. 8. THE SUN SAVIIOSID LMA ftCom mAImm mMWONm adeKmom ma oo oumqi ,hne n nbum allR rue- m m t mm, ime o W Imm pli A"m M ïgai a i iiol o 5- Up.. PIANOS ORGANS Pianos énd Organs, manufactured by 'the 'Dominion Orgau and Piano Com. pany, Bowmanville, are etili having a vide sale. 'A few veeks ago two very important sales vere made, w hich are výorth-recording, although the instru- moenta- vore plnced 3000 miles apart. They ha<I the special honor of placing ose.of their Cabinet Grand Pianos in thc Qrystal Pfflace i Lndon, Eng., and aaober . besutiful' Cabinet Grand in Itlbu Ivmhrut vis sold by their agent, Mr. Fleming of Markham, to Mr. Geo. Pak-mexReve of Pickering township. Ti alone is sufficient, if it. were neces. .ay, to con rince the musical public how hligly these, inst rumen ts are appreciated at home and abroad, and speake volumes for di played in the manage- ment of tii. Company. W.W5LOGAN, Goneral Agent, Lindsayo 170 Kent SItreet West- ver Du. réaji. & NoOuIJOutII. Cause r.u. Viciais AI' ITED, NUL?. inlW~, boul e tmelIW~ w' ~ ~ rn~ mmdi a.lnEmea ~lmk utemmialiai. A GENERA jHe Ba 81 KEN odut Omt. 2 hot Arn The gooda erfect as c uaranteed1 ud LOADI ROT, WA iod speak d OLEA]1 JG. E Hardi 3!Sgu of tl ýHEPHI BO 'Ontains 112 adey Schoc ~cket Editic Ild Type i sge Type1 mata Edittoi zale Edittiom Full-As Lny of th BEock ai .opp. adsuy. Augu etha mmdce "~atu cfi that gives.our Mantie -department deservedly the leaderahlpý in popular g ad nd popular prices. LES CAPESI J t,~i e'

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