Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 1 Oct 1897, p. 3

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w-mo& t -4 positively cured byte Littie PIla ricy also relieve t)istress from Dyspepsi, j ~gRto and Toc H-cartyEatinýg. A pet. et remcdy for Dizzincéss, Nausea, Droirsi ,e, ad Taste in the Muth, Coated TouguS Nu, j in the Side, TrORPID LIVER. The7 ;,,,ulate the Boivel. Pwrely Vegetable.' to al Plo . SMalI Doee. 31bt~ Mll SmalI rie 5ubsitutiofl the fraud Of the day. :Sce you get Carter's, Àslk for Carter's, Insist and demand Carter'S Little Liver Pis. 205.2y i~A. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1% 1807'. Who la Dot lovai -livaisDot et, il, And knowa Dot efther jIV oi vu; ~~ ÂDAd let atiah fateeahoua.khlm b~ He came a beRger, louimg Iow.' t1I1bond." eaidhb., "thst 1 May le; 1 boy betore the one I ie. That ah@ the alias 1 crave mal Rive. RU. Itrm iteatr. ry at her i780.11 uWi g a When fer too bnmbly ho leaplorue; lie sts- too hlgh aboya b14 reach The bing whom haiethua adore.. NeG KI Il .And se. though courttly vers h., van,, ~~ A rail of accru ber visage bore; ýy lu, lndiff,,rnt ta-hla pravort and pralue, t' âàh&é s..e tuused the bggmr trai he do«r.- The baggar va_ ot 0orerarud' And perfect love bal maole him bli. 'Nùî hi@ toeae a cbglag nogA. N-, ct bie te fathom vomaus a mind. - For @hostlalaa mualgng oafisctte boa feit pity for the anto tiapurmol. And plty baud te love-ton I&tÇr- sTas berger sevoîmore returned. -Thomas bDaun Engluhb, laHrpweRéeMge.- -iuc for Oatober. Ms. Mo*&t ID186 spaeking ai s meeting im Toronto on the 18:h day of Deouhes 18856 jiltPdp go lhe prevlnola l eloi if uaotthl r« Sir Olives Mow t le qufisdlla tic Globe of the 201h asiefoulv.- --Theo0002010U M la one tb vho se- lervatîvoi. sud reformer* shouold al imnite inaroth&bithora mal ho heula Qi sEs1 a govrna'eu I ndependînt cf lie gouemu- ment eh Ottawa. Couaeivv=&Y prefer, IT know a <seat msny cf tieu. , sir John Mudadumd hie polly te Edwsrd Blake anA hlm -polio. I&Mu sors: ihey. do. Il thep hsad Moto btgba I * am aura 1hey vould ntansd a grest mazy km 'ouaervativem are dllen ht, anA gr are aotng".aooordim bu btg au tho. "A 3servotivrea viabelieve In lie pobley o! Sir John Macdonald anAd prilui liaý *., pressai Dominion sovesneat .*teamY oà ther, May .111 ll'ie atlthia ariai sunamp- porlîng an luaependent goieaucal ibars Dooma. euehor aregnaslmatters .'it .... wioliwe have la demi vilsi absoiltli' sequin., for the moitecf Otaslol iteesta liai lie provlusiai govesutmniehoul o b.entîrely ludependeul oftheb. <Stu- mml si Ott vi. Now tlirseare à vutyt ofoacalmsb: v hioi I u>lght î lute the manner in - vhloh the DomIionc govMt- * ment baie bliat it iiithe provitoes, éd show *th. ebsointe neaeuiy la tie Inter- cot orstfihis provinle liaI thes ouelA l. au ladependoul govelamnihere -id no oblgaioensi la OieJohn Mmadosmli, bu &d vho have a polie, .iatlroiy provini"a e. ia re gmsd le lie barlyamI ,pruubmebe Hov does lhe aunv edviee suit Onstist Uberaba toABy? W. aemm"it bi 0liii cn sd wvold ey butier, If yen purli Wlfred LSCuiers goveiniefll e e âtof lie oouus'vilve Party pou Maysy t11 Unt lunîe aupposting m a epeadest <ci' êtnmeut aiToroo auder Mr. WiltBev'i leadership. ,AnA taulier yen lem. "a' liai mobach administrationl viii oUrve Otario'@ beat lctèrettae . le ame la i mannes proatiTupeubor tons goimimaus rudlei Mi. Hmryî depandemi upon a"d la Fieldimg,.BuairsudnAthé. vontrs i f of the liberel pariy il Ottisvom. Wb O Oliver basies Otave boavea holp on"e aboulA Tarte saaHes&dy r"M"aInluOS. _7i AFEW WORDS of ADy E B rFORE YOU OYE. Whou pou Ave ehomce vol oclat vev :canmy. ome yelm ooo om iu-h, Vr but entrou a âeuimum eof expos tunesud iA rouble. Yeur objecta ammdWAeuamin ft» ssliat rit vian the Dîsunmond Dia e ns amfii Your wvon, If Tou ana ou et tie cnons.un tOtaitue vîo emlyplikaispicpo f dp of tha colai requtsci tro.ur ensler.t, 7 "Uilinaine oCamt oeýt os .affilça m Veut dtappotmsu%.n m my uauol U handit ome aommou Ape jum a t olu R00118, dangermo u ahan »d aAwrtblm à .tIti Oolonlg pover tn ocm«mo&d. SédhUI avry large proflit emode. It mluh DIUUoa&#.y" TarU n'Im ulamteoiile timpein lhin*. dyetl. ok;thev ihm.bon 1k"d sad listadinla sry l1udesdud -bave lI Ofl riaSsud f amui aeeaulim - *5p vr oryvhie diAvevuii Dlm&>I4i. Pèe usu u $h to«L e" & am ntaufsu 'i~t 1 W m ttrob.1j ratillml* ~béIft m 4 p gnty ip am ais amdt u â balet - t - v etlcumi*theambWNrTie laMe s "tb«& otad im s"à d iii1.1 *lla" sfaieMd fer 91ie p lo ty et a Paty yistoryi' c aa'ety Msu noctaent lia ahnU lbamse. Iiain .ouA the je mai'd fws tsilie puribm triumph. Tii mutwepdlliliétéar isb ce ub heir lcabnd thè moeaudlsl. lcsuii axs or ai isquhs.mtb; Pama t s elll Scp of baool *Myuiy bAsud hisd flebai M 1 iet t viobi. nanll»fi "Oaeuatbaes,* favftitu e.thé govemment are Paldb liiPYWM çfor muplleufor publia ilsittimumvbhieh artloe hould ho bonght by tmaià; lhe i"bar veati et théprovince bas beau rooiualy vsted te rreple"ih the. tuiaaasv depléed vursltar yees Ibroult- axtss'vmgaoi. 8.111fviu rlua luinbeir packets; *hiskeî inspectersansd commiasionois; crevn andsuand "ibar %pubt; Ignorant magiwtru.. fulif01euouasud prjudice; id ibulers.aukoers, afflua eita muA poittiam hunzaof ilU inAs areabrùa.d- ditg élection oe*ppsa, emch voxkinc lsg aiiehlova pq"lal Ialo e livari le vIiof Inde. p&deat votera sud corce, mcon ver vioni thsy laves, or se upposid te bave bAnfies, le bolet"i up the govorumn .bZ, en 1 elu its -cnidèlea sud beaiagdôva oppasiron. Lot tion mu onere. Thoir vultaritr-l fue@ ion sueh couasou villnet ho toleretod longer-a»A if lii» are Wise the» VIII atudloutly rfuit from mmking theàuùavo.'offensive padu intuhic omlag airmggis. TbeY.616 Web fer dolag public envie dmat o l ei th@ act ait. feri ardy-Rua & Ce..The éesoi.aa"c utlfor aa hasa.of govirmaul t Tcrea*0 sud lr in. vu hoa ohange of officls " aez y aff - vine iatstèesuso viithe re bruic ofuthe livotera la provea. The. mmse balle% vilusme ha Ns. Whiuay câle i. opaler. Etoru vl tics oeleotorul frudeas miso'vemamot cffiohala vilI hokeptl i hi 0" vupropeos puis Ontinia béaul tptee domci a chunge. .&ppsr.hy a HEopele;m Osas. AKicineà eBuat ho BafouA Dlartru igi: freM Indigeâtlom - Appnuti aà RcpeleMw Cme0a tomasci TucubisUntîl South AusurlccZervis. vu. ad-Hl M;dar."I arAme Âbsolueiy." Wha hei li.voirfal remedy for c&P bitasof temaci trobe osa do inl e la ad la thé voruet Jobs Béver. banker, Xia- sardie. Dat. tmAout s gar go, asre aéui of beavy wogi ne doubt, 1 bome rory muai troubled i iiladtgution; aemocstod i iitI vae. tises tartibi» diatr.algglsoaga tt osa hadly blie dtorbed la mn: languago. I bhad trisd vilouméthode of r iddtig myseif et the trouble. but -vithout -aueoae. ustil 1 vu aflaunSad w o éSouth Amoricaus er. vin. Tic iouult. mmd I gil a iil fattho benis .1ototberu-thiremedy oued me, ai I usver hauiato ho rocommnal h toav poeaos ufectil eU h éafiot - @tom"ohtrouble,"O l3obi ly P. àNorgsa-15.I. ZNDS*PENDBUT OR»R Ol ]ORUMI l inte poreler lcfor the. mai0o 890à of Mt Order 32 *HEigi Ceurte. 8,000 BuboSlaleCuti 11,000 Kembes,. S2328,801 Ouîpînu Fani. $ 6,65 viepalA 10 bu.foerlal s 71579 wnvers alAfor lckimeancAla S2,000 vot, pilA ber lusabilliy beo $500 *aui pilA for buneral boeeihi la Isly. 1,765-:.àewumnxbersswOr* reoeiied .29 #av courfts vre limae tIu Iu the hlgh ehf ie ier'. rePort aI tht 11gb ecurl cf Ocalo l Un.oiett fBrait. ford the iollovlag nuisiws vii hbouad Igshernai seele*tes ame-s"oiim " h omig baller inovu. The obj sots thei haie la view ame oouuamindbg tusebve t. suve nrsi S orse tr elsof tmcmtdý Them uacbp tesompoed o ec drava trow U mlu imaof lta e ommuaclt Tiey baie tbosumèmre blly Alasuned hi pute mciti badi J&srM.l a sbbéd, tmi Chisi inse e . olts ha:hKF sous out of thé viSible ef publie optabon the beotrfor bavl.g beenlu i%,tla lb t lthe Indépendant Oazd*l Off oisstua Nq o tbeia t»acl;eowi t l. Douluoi haim reSléthe mm nsaticatlon Ua l *LO. md no moolaty ha.PCOSO lle ou f» ths le attesali eelieL.Wb"*' o7 *yOu .etIi by te MMneds, ed ,wu mpaab by tu a ememe, mrmpd nti s i vailles sgcuo# b» orMtiall»melmUeNW lsrealgsteiWI mlums of pmilau. m m m ele otflblst*m la con Ir"»»0 vîe t m* vuftm Mv u viiiac o scbie SdaIsi bb.l a s eu -ThbesI1lia1r#4dl1Bipeba àtadi O f OU ému sb»smai. stroai.Ou ek7l smUb50l I l seu pait imidailv. Tic tudaeadm 01ier of feactll sOali atiu 0<( viei aoasmal e it ,a P.o.-To tbetsr mâiut iAmd c *M abit puuveu05 Mai. u«~,as vil 0. the. peuoSiISof eor boSoel uPro . "eS ugiger, Di'. OeuiUMts, nadA vil Ad 1 th musitimeae f àvIn ezeUW s OUnI orte W e *3istanA5*le 87, IR DIlOrd 7« u- ambavdl Of hstouuim nsrUe, vii t@n & am e sy lea "DU Tl 7l eaaien Fvous, -BO a* 8 9-5 so «Y «M. ao ufoe ou la. 21- mu pi tomer ~ mm vilm - la cou&i e ïrne **ei dom i #l po Iodl.tsWla tbe w«Y e vh 1 n monpubIlilmI tomit mie mu sW OOfori- ù» vahable enet. uun lic meroademsa» s- Id in0*m mnao bociok tuesvIsus »Ow rêie tu noarI goy pu 0osa. ionib.uhe"oiboks. The, bave a aile manopoly rmted tieut by Mr. a ad tbe peuple pay deul for IL. be goreomeonuei vueb.ropalltr 0oMýpet"iSon une P.rmlttsd amons Musimeool boks wvold b. olA for it olwüàilf the pdie noirPA for n, iiossby oesng ihoucad of dollas vu oves perpetrteA l inOntaio aud Dno vay bave the people kolam n âmaliaRly xobbed. Il ib a Ciuon wenty YeatasuMd wil. soif outnmil o .le a aomplote ohange la oducaionai in and c r sV mnater lu obarge m. poilai viii b. very dlfleumnt Itom of Di. G. W. Roma fteh bouting la isdulg.d -ln b» lhe mbers ot th. Ontario gorimeul over Ir ailexeA bouasîvta ind.aiug wilh die affaire. *while Do On. aharges o vwiii partoutl diahonoat» or slouils m 1he tressas» *te .nuloh thcmeivea ST dey tees aharges mode ausacm m of ipsoper, wasteol, and recklema >endltuueas of publia momien, and et olvlnc tbm people by fit la samente &s flusalal poasition cf the province. that ta nafaitul ini imalil "go Ild b. nIihIol in larae thinuu luko. w. Dosapyouo belle:. thal Mr. dy il8; whi more honaut Ibh» J. sel Tarte? A minisler vho would go 0 a aonatltueney duilag the boit of a Ïlimai camptlga and Maxe a speech ouisd te bribe tb. enlire elf cloicleof i lding as Mr. Hardy Aid eau0Oves ctnA a poar &go- le te corrupi et the mos [0 boysa c allwav with goverumeul Ide ai mini limes ie roal value, te àmonoy loto the poaketu cf a politioal bâd te whom ho la indebted for tavore. libher of th. offanders devrvea tebeh )e aumînaril» declt vith &Cd more reeiv punlahed -it la the premieo? f ttserc bomaume ho malles loemuoh &er profussions of houeal». The moral s of th.eomunhlv va s udey okod by Mr. Hardy'. flagrant ffpeeh. r. Hardy'& pollitoal allilance vulh Mr. irte te rutheoulng oielaions In Otui ovine meanIsrampant eorptlon and àoleesie bribos». Âlresdly the vlres are log laid and publie voika aen promised los the expenAiIuiO cof mono:v ii do eèt good to goveinmlandidite. ,Il dos 111 for Ontario vh.m Tarto sud tad bout a lucpiai. lpeaiing st. Ploton on tb. 15th Sept. r. Whitney ouhlined bislaeducacionil locy, one ohlat plaicof vbiah ta the apsoveuent cf the publie achoole. Ho Mu motinttato10mia s aologe oui 01 e publia meoobafor the papis vwho mplete their oducaosin u lb.ually ke oip thé burdena of lifo at 15 or 16 umuof sige. Hm Ides vas.not tbrbnng oolloge dovc *0 every mhool mettons I * t tke stops te afford a thonouqli asaure ef eduçnou *0 lb.thepupils havinq gaïd le vhal thelr loi ta l b ib uIht bh îla nov vell underêtood te ho 1h. atm !Mr. Wbltuoev -*0 fiee th» provincla) iverait» frim the gcllfng uestreint pot pou lu by the> minster of ouaio foi * bassesi ofpolitiomi purpom aàd whtl simost opealy demonced b» Iboa» ,out inllmately aoomned. Anothou [i in Mr. Whitney'& plîlforni lu t voesu advlsory boss ar-tm vith the use minuules of eduiaticu aud ihus gi le unlverally, hue high sohoolo, snd the blie sohoola à voie.*li thmâcacuemen eduectioscisn. 'W.e have bad the 11e cf s& utoubeicmore deapotto thai go czar of Rouai& or the sultan of Tariey» [. Rolmo nt on1Y dualiaed but il oplud, by leikding odmeilioniste every. tere in the piovinas, e. Hoh"udogadet le ohool uystem lici a. ooe te pridi 1Onsario sud uphold Monopolitti hlc uyldeppolod the people. lTh. dopart lnt Io rua on the mcshlme plan sud osre in the tleat of PartY than 8sny Ung euse. Thé Dominion labos eongreilu ésunus mlss et Hamlton liat vesi disenalei bc question of as norot ballot itaa 1 oensaivatin l*6b.Oularlo llalua bave mcmy tibiao.usmhd ot t8h.'do, i- o. d.velepusu inla*0bnom$b porai ocf the provinse, i»d1hbisul bus lieulai vbéoI st ly belosm rie germmut bu»V«mor em el Imm lb. uit sMd op" êsaeh lu go voil tend li promote astlemet $wu on it dislaetssadl SUt** so avc atep the gv..itin nab*S 1.1«, sud.ien.. lià am "'Mr on lis'08 'm MW AÂBtJYERR 'PMTORFM TO ]j I4STRENGTH. i 'I [I NoetabA» WaIAmy Disane- Hov the Plme. 4Lite vwu AA>uted. From th*Cosnval FI holdsr. The romanc@etI n silonfadacof réei lut fe oaMdi 1he. lobeaboriâtlouu of fietton. A peep bah tdhe o aeneaVoula b urmeh us viti sdeq e proof thai Ibis la moretcffscue, trialild avere auievii la humina fit h»nf aon hie -surface. W. fluA mas» v oxperleu ce hm. mimomti neeusnily actusicd beivemu bemli sud icinea.; 981if apy cftI lu ld obtmuded upon the nacof 1he voilA, os briasbed lalc hum oes. Youn may meaure thoe ogflde ocf cou. et thomo sufèes o vh iUii oe e »pou demi: catalogue et! pains il achesa that are oielt 1 undertocd y the friands and inidoquatelv triste b» lhe piulan. This aho ta the ienty »gonuusth&$dia. ecved tie nov fée ýne panneaus for lie il1e to vhioh bhauu 1la mbjeceldwhon snffenlng rou Impo tued biacd or a- ohittered mrv, e m. Thouacade have, sud thouaud st lii nenu *0thb greateut dvanlage .Wiliams' Pini Pilla. .They ber av e d th.ordomi et oxperilunlégala mdégala viih over Inoreaaing bancs. rbu tollowiag alate.- meut le rom u@no v vas rescued rou omlng- paîmanea enteoblement -aud distreseung boul soet D. Mary Fier, cf Lancaster tovnahi:lp Uluri» eouuty, la a maldn lady. A utielght esa2ag Misa Fiuber vs.a IzA vti eaitiosa and s ltremctmg a saico lu the region o the besil. Il vattibuted la aseerai ainse9a li poasibl moreorsloima truc; lb.» voeeovorvosi exposur., rotc. Ohé vas cortalul» veai ma the &obiou ofthle hésité, cs abnormai sîpld. The doedos la aii.ndauco pro unomd lbe aliment actions palpitation fbeb eirnsd obé recsived trestmout oordiuuiy for bye 1 'Pest . At bis sa tlbabi lc 1ah. -vas so loy. PsIvie monîbastho bey recoiving only omestlo attenâiou. Oh., lmzroved ano ht, howeveî, sud via able Sle b. take tàsfriend of berp usr Lanasute r'vil e, Mrs. J. Hauoy, vies. ohé Wae nade modiosi cîteudanco and looi medilue f&bouti.thr.. *esra. ) At thedofd thlei lu.hé.coula Dol gafell ventus. te v eut oveu a ahasl 1 Aisatnce. AUIl ibla te h., complained cf ber beau. Ab % tvo peare ago ah., 1 began bkng Dr. ilime' Pink Pille; I tram bible date @ho gsu vbel proved sa stosdy restoratbcu f norvouSeneègy. t9Dorumg 1he aummar 1896 the tImprove. 1 meut va marked. ho ivieamble b» lie x middle ô! th. num os to donamaih I 1work anA vîlkitai >mant crAmas» .' vouen, aMd ao sa if y aud apparent. '17 permsaent la 'tie 0 s Mies Fichier he bo oue le ber borne? *me. Snobhore lb teunverniabed facao t s remarieble Ieu.The m a peristent, ton. a matune of Dr. Wibluma' Pink Pille vrougbl a marvellouna change, whaoh 00Miss Flohee'a briernd ied mgil b. profieabli kuown ta mai$yotheo., Dr. Williams' Pink Plsa cure hi <ons a*o t h. rooi of tie dila*oa Tbey rem aw M and beilA up the biood, sud atrongtibsu '0 lb. nerveu, tins dslving 4i§au moithe b a ayelm. AvodaltAtiniihiiloi hi xltng *titI very box icu pur lta encloua le lu a vrsppor boulinthle* ne &imoira, PDr. Wulllmi', Pini Pise Pale People. la Inbriatt hoe tsitsluation te that ce vii» soumt? in Europe ezaspi RIuais b-muai bni torelgu *béattb14evea. There heuasbbom a igorai defliemy lu he grain Mharveetu. Rusalabasu a rserve of cIA .vboat. Cubuïde of Enreja, China, Brésl àI and the Wei ldies villWo habnyise. d pieoloafy no couniry ouwde thé United Il States, Cauaa, bua sd Tarie» icm ,1 gvain to »LmoU. e ouAi hstiabu Io timn ipidl» Inpriso. Butmi u hece Fe eomaltosare .6eptiaual, mol lkel? te A oceur agala inuth mess future, violah ré Dotsiaicli bkely mter nez% smmuetrt Sa romin ailla epreui tfigure. lb --Thon' thsl puot» Mia@ Baisa.' X. 'Tom. I umderisl ohéab uajuai given Id Riecr he b.mlttom.' "I vas verso iii. t hst lii Ob& id.âse n epiiloili. ho d thougit I u I àva 'eboztmg gRo*"."-faotI " Ibo ",Edlhoe r'avei" i la ffHarpr 'a Magasine for octber. Id Dr. Lev Planant Worm8Irup removi la worme cf .&1UsAs"fMmchilirmu or atlt&h ProtialeTimui. &. tciliet e u» of Iukdi loan M lpure 11s.Iai tiodiffl ilm abutte. »siol s@ai numI I tiak Peovidemen. vus4dviaitoe uBUB. anA luvu vith piefuot saommatm K. W.Lci aa Tial Emeilng Cc4u u oilyoudo b» tacy c agm i'. om<#i *"slm.. PdIe. t5"t headacie Ii saAb7 àatrbmd-to tryIAx» UiVr «'RJLI Sa sud hWa abotibe, aimi have ne lmos" cre(lthe le ooinult. Noewp l. Y 7caai1»gs Feuay rfflas milthe lautq-ii.4, aam a meti p " v M AL Y.10 2u m El mum Pile -. -...n ............ ** * m chu u ... ... ... ... 1 4 oOeC&L ABI LSA omi~ ii» fSh ft it Ir uc, a aaie lm th Il teuta irousiWhousas»t»tu Paziomiml byme" rBiaugmtta~....e Ia.almu so u.rt is......... oertued mk., UdolanlandPugod se.*i och kuamqunt lmmoeia.............. d@Uii thme000 *0aiS la utccamibu %0 e.aai te m uh mm pu o Derby-, CIGARETTES. 5'0, ts-Package. 'Nrasàm' Obaptr of LAU. mue t he *Monk ][ ,i an ai l% b k w , it h e ' b ird T h m y c d *.a., Méuh. 0. I. Psériak.m' . NOu. mm tà II BeUllimg o.ilm. M~ hem m she *«a vrWay ca uaoh mml ma'sý b lc. r. If> . Co M0% l, Uao uir . Roui. Eaàfl onu u c Iau MUesM is 'ad =WUdoiialu a"h Monta over A N 1 wclnoaBank. ,lRberti lugmai.PrucapP I N O S N D; oRlà 01t et -0 atlU- Bn.J.W !UBmmUOUU1H:6mh O.00 5ils li" Piano. sud Organs,mauufaetured by It bUlai Blait ? wks"Me10. iCompany, Bowmanývllee are still having a,-i LAI TeuELU Lua, IctdaulIngIa NM.very important sales. were made, which are LWort mete &M Iaisud tidriTn.ude f cea l u the True Bue hall, o rer oI f Rli i sd O ~ m ent s w er e l c & 0 Ô M ile ts ey ha' brestruots, 0W Bac k plaea 3000 aartm The =h.'aa urtWigh, Wl»I Iaruai 1"8 of their Cabinet Grand Pianos in the Cryatal T. Buaiiag. luroway. P. A. P 3E LSmuis o. . muet Irat »d thrd rldey another beautiful Cab1net Grand in Italian waln iâ iz M n h la kK.maaa»Book. Mr. JO"n Poro, Sectetay. Flda 1'eming of Markham, to Mr. George Parker, 0'. 0. ., 54. 1W0 mu.0T7 kuiicma bEah. I »0Wlilmac, ueuay. Thisi alone is sufficient, if it were necesllary , toc a.c01. ehair Unfty, N. 289, Loyal gay> VS IalhM«u. la th. hreui ie By9al, ii highly these instrum.enuts are appreciated at home . . --, a forthe energy dieplayed in the management oft Maeslin *0 Tino sine hall, corne, et Kant ma Camrige treW . oerW .wULtm 0th VhftWngbretJkrnnalw»s moeveom. M. A.L 0 01111. lac.lecrotar.w uw a L 0. lYoamusaameubelk th*eA LI. ll ornu 0 Blntad Cmbridie trutu, ba" rlday of mcmib. . ILUgent,..; B.ho. 0. ~Gelueralà fta lu Beiua, No. le mu airvi Mdi wrd tuedan of sab o ih k aBaker% blooi. ,: John W.>, eretar>. sona ou UccLu u.- * p Ou Cap, go. de. am1 fourth Tumds> ech ml in la Luodelon Ni,0 Mloiia tore ..=-, Jo.. utti, John Mc8woyz, ChieR MMOMno. id, eeina heuon aiceaiMou. U E E R . m m uehmmon i A a catlon HEs, oui Blobe"Mstre e u L nn, aiieta, @iir WocdV tore. W. lH. M V_ Mof he. - Voa och be. Âfter annual.stocktalcing therE 0. 0. O. .- iiu rée elChaumaliaud mmuoacm Mdi uitiwt m.a imah «*mcma l. adgeromcal oebaim l naMuke. Krmenueor mu WÀiàouzi, Liadmo>Tarnt No. M0, maalhVWtinibratbren éolwo wcm. «Ma. moItus, commander;. .orewell NID meord uku~. x.M.A Mtij c. Lesiand aldg Uta., »ud>,n. 'dur, 4.6 Ipm. ii tneoma padoi'mte 10 P. TOu W. 0. 12. U. MalaiWedmeudvo ciery, mceth mlavj ecu.A 8 aho, O d c Tu almmbO of Loccmcive ihe mest lk tie 8.0.3. HMlsar> aliernsie 8=suaià4 ai in every Depa.rtment ths.t are beini kIn ..HBi] corner cf Kant aai Cambldga git, = v ez> 5it u nu e O ThU NUI T iv emw__ _ _ __ _ _ 0 OhI.ThomU.ais , Plat a B aglue. ThOILMUa imaAbuft fg'IV.Jh Take a look over our BARGAIN oouuuaO8ou -Lumaom TmzA1, moité lk Ketand Cambrtd siriso =acc d u furth udoa% 1 W e have decided togo out ollok .m.. Qro. JoZUne.,Maa'.*r;W. &M secrtotv. Box 10&.C a T I G Là»eAuuaId àto 0 berotierhood 09 & lalCLcai-G Twolm m mtea l. rai Bue hall, ocraiet Kem sd Oambrlige treete ou the a"cM dlsud Coer. ImouàwaiftOU met it -aeiloc~S acrificing ..rries in, I Ohîldrenls IF VOL>' *o HAVE WEAK BACK,' LAME BACKr BACKACH E. LUMBAGO OR RHEUMATISM, DoAwYS K11NET PULLS *WILL CURE YOU. DO YOUR StANDS OR PEET SWELL P IFS 80 OU HAVE WEAK KIDNEYS. DOANS PELLs wiLL sTREFNaTmEN THtem. HIAVE YOU DROPSY, KIDNEY OR URI- NARY TROU" OP 0FANY IINDi' IF 50. DOAN» P-LSWII.J.CUR3 YOU. UOETUIM WORTH KN0W1895 MiADAMHES. DIZZIESS. IRRICtITFUL DREAIIS. DLSTUR3ED SLBEP, DROWSI. MESS, POROETFULNESS, COLD CHILLS, NERVOUSNESS, ETC., ARE OPTEN CAUSED BY DISORDERED KIDNEYS. EvEN SP YOUR flIORY 18 DEFE.CTIV'1 VOl) SIULD ALWAYS REMIDIER TuÂT DOAN'S PILE.! CURE ALL, IDNEY TROU- BLES, AND EVERY. DOSE RIBLPS Titis SOLO AT ALL DRUG STORES. ORGA NS. the ýDominion Organ and Piano ide sale. A few weeks ago Gwo rti reaording, although the instru- A the speci&l honor of placing one ti Palace at London, Eng., and Int- was sold by their agent, Mr., ex-Re eve of Pickering .township. convince the musical public how le aud abroad, and speaks volumes this company.. Agent> Lindsay, 170 Kent Street West. j~ 4 1v - -i v reaeas ubro ILine s nàCeard ut -TABLES thisi week. and are Men's Suitsi Suitsi bats, and Pants, thia clearing out sale la on. OAKWOOD. 197-1 jr-tow W is l e p.eusula Tisiace Workc. t - k lg -1 'b 1- - i i '~ t~, The COuaty Je& omGuaët Ri lt Vn4 co »MGoalm e VliGu qbot air, vood. a m W vi cmiaios. lbé& Bainhet vain, 'oo. LiEmu oI ta. 55boht v encc mi voos. IL. Vooa.' oumharmû,=IPMaU Lot ir Vum adter. Burusirbot voter, Wood. P.%raaa mi 1 hi QMb0»99a»hi ot. ai nl. 5oy, i raq hmlter. vood. mt.mOui. &-J. Sur amybot air Wood. sé. ssdir% 'b x $ h irl hml0&,cmi. Jou D. Y UsI, Gaer -&Waer* . et. ?»Nt.churé. Il erhbt adt, us. BadImn ouas, 0 s.Hra, bhm ir voil litlWord l"0l,04Ge1a>hot itmL Kr. I i Ncpnurney bat aIr, ccii. 1maiuh. uBoL & I lch'. o1 ar, @MLlam .Pri h re otwawsro»ii mout Vniuhoo, i ovailot in. aI. Dr. EcAipbl uGrnuy oombfnstlon, acai ihecISMsuwm m iet v" e.. Matoa, gr., <cruey bot a%&, eut. 0.a MlaeCr>but*,,MiL IDr. Degmd urey bolte, am. eD. Lhea>r aa.USpiae i el. usÉ4 aBolton bot vater,col Johns Muliaul. CraiNliaitabelir, ccwd. Nugh Workhsna, Oumey hot vain ccii. Kmlo nevet air os . "im ii. DaOnCney hot waMr, ci*. m Ua« uv1, o.r bot va,"ml »& ire., urehot air ece I.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~L G.Oamri btar si IWmr&C. oyu bb ar, oi. iaÎ N.lo Oma umer lt u a&. Bitos h&M. 0mev bot aMr. «»L1 KuaiCn>lta"V u"b %ir,.OU&Billon, Pumcomblittgon. ccou. hm e ba I it, il saiKle umev hotaMr. COOeL Jon ouibo vi, L i.J*Py1 h uus ot air, cooL. W.. aoln, bt mr. cii.JamuLerilGusmor bot air, COaL 1.8. aovbc, beivain oeil . W.M. l BuBck'& bot air.ciel. Pr. UaaJ bt vaasr, oes.Tua.Imal li sr Jot oUiiit«i. J. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~R 'ia o an aa.W .taa Ouffl> bot *MatiVci Coftu~ rsv lo att, vmi.mW'ingiuruy ot mli cie. $).H.-»s ê as o Iar.v A.I 8»@&mW aeat.G rus t s ?, co . bat a*.. . i n% S hat otv e. ol Ms.Su AtueIli . E kUmgaa i au.h Ma. Ph. .bJol% h rmliu iua i le ». offt muil ad mA e. evra g. N i DUR lib4 hm la a otge#Mm e Qam" Oxfordi]Rot Water "Muteai V«~~ uot a uPEsUOami e 0 m w fym tou vos h.bsuad goav eilS aiBiO wé b ae*«Me, j ime. otwt*94htalldlni laumain afirm wktcain ose largi u " d ftmarc tii toepr- maaw"@ . WU it ia i"a mit - - eee e-W POLE.M 09. Uabg -~ ~tg~cf amtuhsgYODr life a com(fl 1LE, i tea NITA "av- mm lam wooC)ID S 1 1

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