~, iRfluuBat 1~t; 1891 8PD OP SOHOLL w BALE or THE WONDERFJ CHEAP MAN., aA~'er]Blt Cbange 19]W P» l byouIà tht ho a<Smilly Sclsed lIe huffle oet b~du is ehamaeà ci oce.' lan'%M Imnrie.iprfraicu, unla at i. S »~e Philadlphia Pre&-u.ThIràaedi= to vae«cwoided £ aveaibie *ilieeq3ieftly, Mr. Glai- ets u.ind'ueedte abamisan lia i4. CZZaMi thei direction ky the ailvie a bbis frieb&, Larrd Staky, 1tvee lomteenth Bari et Derby, n eelrated mprime M.is, ter, end se bmost suc- 1.tnltraneltir o et lb vila0c OC coe., the ntreaies f 1Mr. Olad- a ...owa' reatives MIaula. weixhed la the bakua nce a emusadim lb lân dm M. las, mid lb. te natta Oumai - Rd etf aauo tIntwcd oam Ibu.eaiulte ino mmon i o m bs io amg te pm- uito. yvo been V - mm 1 od f as ý*É6mi tWmi s l b vise or of mcl ppoeet~ TeMt igo b 2 ýAnoemia meanstewant of bl .1 od,~ a deficiency in theý red corpuscies of the blood. Its cause, is found in want of sufcent, food, dyspepsia, lack of exercise or breathingi iýmpure air.. With it isa' naturai repugance to ail fat. ioods. Scott's- Emuision i4 an easy food to get fat from and the easiest way of taking fat. It mnakes thé blood rich Mn just those eléments neces- I-sary, to robust he- 'th, by Supplying it with red cor- Pus "4c l 30 mu aind ýk. x) b y aIl dnc3;s- 8 W r.iadablOj te&b xe e îapay yura a li e vrete a I tems o01Iatereet lIo ,and. Xeel. Wrmaar .aod lla rlng dovn the ~ lb ldine eaI h W M !a-frImmaI of letport Homryet Kfnqtom. The ~* lsWT*Z -* U*tea hI l ta Tes Schultz aMidlia ompalonu e.U7 don 54 PO'V~ "w. ~*vro lptsonii for t hu lae l.rébellon th ktaoub ri et 88? Eelavaaa t lb daini WOujd mmt Vih 00 aa.eIeb* ePtroughla wslm htt m.,sa fae. D»em Lalaber Co. viicest Ilabs Oaskleu -O1. 1 Snetlà euts.t mad Cavinb ouill levuslp £çmè edb h" ozm noartaci> bi... mii ll le hon'operation for sevoril *m *vi ever etartled by meesu& iUl l ua i lIeshéoapami bupuccîssai1 dmn ocuence, -but a1wu*s "frigîten" 11.16. 000 foit t o o a0 1 k7ed med tait lb ooemb»Aon Of. oh daughter oetgr, admi .Peter Muray. ~UP bUt IeIDt s." o'the aithoonceaaion ofEt slGwtllimbury. lam m b lb -~met vîthbahoclisg dostl. Shevwu nlmvina ce Sm% nram eound the van, aMi tell lnloaewiîllbarraât lu 0 m authW C 1e,- bwhîch lad bus plated haIt underground. . heerb i he senS velUer dieu omauht on tle tep eofthîe barrand lugsine coult, tmÎuioemauvi> theabeng uu.p«edi yul bci led in 1h. *e mmtki. i shffleou bie orbl tquld until disovoei by her mollir; Zý lwàtL tnxrmme ee an teU noïfuialarecomrmendedto leave peha. Uic hug et tntme' lip«te. hole nprove la oatimgmmd looping qultr. This tre etlt nsac"etinly i. Dot vie n i 11 Omiser, Ljfthl the >lot ost-men- é e atarSn'Journal expluine, -vite usab 1%k poter- op,, iiscamo teabcuiide in the smli 1h. f"engai viiitteil hmmxat. casi*ver u nriiaxy lie, la 4011 the trop -if lait- laIlseroudîwo or the foentain-hfead ofthe alpov.uti- .thru vahe, u mIn èsomli they ii le jure, «hX"eeait 1t matks more or le&- erery lero f t ifvolvther prevalla, and if nmir the fmdvMiml's Cerer«M,1 rigfl" i Surface e lan vIii 'peênelthemand poil it sMy ner-a tro alite b tatrmtent. tIlt thèlr flvor am soou.as tl.y m edeprlved of tle Wedetili% waith pla nflaci neemitatesIýiaeaeddb i. tht vome-re h>be * ed I h'ot1" feddb h i« M"l in tha regard C ae bonnet u luter or znov-drises at a ~etp<NORT1H lBMIZ but caille fr-rti the .T' U4wbv, cud e tai<o IF~ai. lngly-tret rosy 1kes but did'mot buffle P&ils.muBl f hsvlo «P frora ithe ibeart. Ans! the fi, .et%-.%- hé mafemusetolet l@sbai n d Ivo sak t is, bn thèy renels berne, e.ay te15octtmIng snY aIl of lie coi lainaion tb@nlves or tD 'tb* elt_8et *'tgisThonrday. 1the9#thimit. The oriuln et lb. marte boiir4t or drEý-.. 'Want i hors. ficl ntelevn. ,W.auadentlad there le mo rid7?' And 'I tii" erowM atret. vies i naurauco. Mr. 1511 liathe spmpalliy 0ethîe tlae7 ueet fetenltunece eror» o j elil>rlood-lainfhi@bevy Ion. C(:» fer the.t'mment is t.hdr deareet trimd, iGM*u WÂ.-Nbs Marthe Smith. ose ot lÏM emo lime tmr OMteof iairmt erhIql Oep ti ng ladies lof t on li Io u t qiCetl W t lt 0! 15*1 y. Spt. 81. tor mcv Terato. «tRabbilu.-thse 'bock! RDw veu'i th vonldoulad Uais. fui and Ieoupehn4bo eI.oara Im««Moseomeese boll. et-the nexactand ao àez.. - Niu. j. A, <Jalgof ear?.-IàWiuvtt'e Magiezine.rte vbltlag I. i tlerln.ltv. Ni. Thse piano n»4 the Left Nand. returséie oue tramtle sair. Ne .kpert a gu.. a eau...me. . winliamj. lioa' e Gerliii ,vlo wuanp la aDrue-s unly thréob. while of lthe le! I le req*ied but a fool e demdl mbohan&Th~ e hItMo Thore bles mImWpdsp m m ior seve. à" 4eete.to lbat the so-m. pape laOle b otdm mo selvoe et lIe dosamhmM jeatc.by tra b e «lmet Ni. VhlIne, M i u«valru eft &&M tnn eq i &Wwth thle UWhl..la thbla lure nla mklg ferul a0pnt. Whea l~vo~~tUW~ ~mut 09 l tosiss mu *itaite o,1v1îi é1w vn hl lat, thlb hmoi asoutthed xpoittre. tbe more oireftily drtfled, bua t MEx. aid1 m ahlee MSum ae hstameea«lias beau -clow, telbmu mMdmi ut *ey ba it a.certain aermtage. uetqqM a uLTh USta- Ol FÀ rBO& ay i s à"eu- mVUebuiret el b ImeMmot et lbWgev. pmuoLeqimii Pl" e b h ..ie.A et iba muet de IM" r " iilmg m4 = % Metie o th t ani 0etiMWba lIspavussicfemmd@emiseosut 91. am ieueeu o f b" lIaI 616-aveassot vbospm ivIella to bmis, wvdo, mach towmrd thlb ele., e 64, a bIm l édiaai i Tm mmi e qutty. Ee.e«bt, . _wepase, ~*. . m teeuet cf lb m *ho *Bpflatez cvW ra emo, t b m e% d m e, a fznm et obey their bebet, emdtha m«etbgo»t *h~tvi o nli hitermet lu cm-i.laPRmu 0 Wls uibu hocmm a bon mme . Ole to em W 50 mmé iek tan-.a MWdumbw vIes mle vith.ene bood iews tee uI Ier. t ba sU bhar N i isi l Ith hemboaoidi t* usyai UtheeMtý- d èà b b aal iefot, ad 1usd lu the mut pêfeet inotrurnst >O5.pulsea -b*d dasi aremeat be liati pianâýma" 8NOM » ey lasinhuai Um posmmL l Uioah oeNq-aIl otua elpvosab ~~8 n i aie- a vo- eet thm .Osn1"1e sdui lb»Sa a li're pretereab. forthlb ,it or the OMM"s vpjas~,rse~a .aIet ba& omqbmtti le, et un*T Retguoi rm vellevlemu~ limta hutamiailbassnEmi Uim UY*" s,, a i = ,,~ ~ ~... sel "Iiba **àuatev*. lIebern loItfig. igga an&d U. letr ' tt*j L ~ ~ :1 i $4 i s 1~ s.-Dbmnd. TurIlal ami IPAGEAiS DiM ermas, il bou o» w o CQu meohltthe ma" làs. lm aycimlas0o Thae asurofu samlomiriv t Iluto ui m theDit. at Hlgibotlam's-70.tI.' rliaquare pmatm yte tu~ Ilagatas mp. Ato, Sdlii lt ur ceapodum iLieut.Col. Sam Raabe%, .T.&. etla leideiby tlb mdi Mdisr 3>. aut% d di Bule guet .Peppor, lb adiralai the @aa *vhbl hm a bossremisy ytrais trm Wecdffle. pW nvait gboudai Ivoit thos y.lai Ivelve P. No. 4 meuwmy jeoaMs wm et Omeuse. . 09. . l theers' liteU 'nuipsu viii e laId et ia, 41Ootobiot .1 voy sm al metDow ostlb WU th* - plecada polati olatse bdmaDoeuafegmrd qu&t im, pammmt rafameat l aahéMr aha Îhi olvvas theIrooBliO«M.,eiuOl wbomi they vidied te haye e h@ o b. o -lider 11.11 thmb." Jutossonsema mimugaisslow ab aim twsoa o e Imm ie ilaled *0eose- F mratve f icitlu at DomWafosélue@"i vis iad immommsse s m @11WuPM visi.od«Mthe déest f et Is svmMMt1110 voi liboimipoigaisO déclare im thle d@tait09 viuxr.. fardy, Rae a<Us. tu the oomws i vismiW oufla. Tht tlé latta anedb =lo Judo. Mmd thù spleof &U anesdu peiltici Opinion, have motet b semos Sm l île. thât tIc? lad vIs fBkOlf»«mNO"a vu et the ho. affablru a aparaste lue muti mpuw ol eui. - t*0 province tMdgivem o able mn u n etlbomm.uitt MW*iyV»s v bl . c l a h e loac% Mai Ni. %I h=aeyvibliaphoasele 11e peple. ne sui able, m. tb«0110ahly ceev U-m u proviscIalpolitdIs a oymma is oamlus of bu. fellevera h e e lalatm nasd the nqmpet d lb opponat&ita.Ilà, mot th 11e béat Isatt omane th"io- a 09 thé Op eto Hardy sud Ru» obolliesmaPcvo hume vyth mol mm aiTaris, FieM «d Blair et Ottiva. And the people 1mev I. stoeyj metiaent by *0. Toals Nev.--m org« es opeuble th aobc"idyamipootime mthlg-tbe EldasievaDemIba l' pouyremarIa :-OThete lane mudet MTa '.« odyfemig aleals hdlit Ur. i =y. hat «mimm w . sdelaila the 0 of etthe posplq, ilroady fiou" aid 1ot= d toetut a moil he the tgskoey ad centralistiotlo at have heu mWvisaitee Ion it Toreuto for théRo. ofeci e ltepurts., If ttb.ruIi mloue busi. ouontactIts t th h lami etosthieMaile wu.vIe.aooordtbg to thé London Record aud Toronto Résister. aue met faîtg i"eat the bandeée of r imaadseaiet tav. wiVIII 1151oouiiiuV bave nothilmIto do.".j Puople vIe muid a year io tht orelarde watt Do goud novw lmh lIat ail 11h land vus laid ont vitit fruit treu.I Pooclico. plume aMi otiier fruit are v.w plutiWtalt.is on. TIe but pmeicmos be boucht nov M aa tle. over hai the Pre1 suked a couplé et yoëra mice fer the maine kind Of fruit. n-Z .; Rev. A. P. NcLOode ILA.. B.D.* tormaly eatîoned a% Sonyi, lani tor six Tsar.clerk et the Lnday presbytery, wison AffUSI 19k1 1 formally lnduoted . lothIevai-oacareof %1h. preebîterima eougrpiou et Atwood, Ont., l te Strattord prebW . iW; Il l in oraithat priair. sept. 24th tai second dey ef the f&14,vilii le proolamai, a elvio heldey for thi evamhli e t.Opo. Thon la me omiraltslTotfasnobvlilibe thécs. se aIl depueiaos thé oto te tn *vepl coneuse.hicl nm m onderymêet. i Tuad&y lait, 14t1 lut, vu th. ort-. tjr &iaveamy of ths limitaI cf theallladtrocipa ha theCalmai. Seg.ajor math dld mom tersal tIe day ma dai i aqhala edt lb radeace on Bumsl - stre o mule ml ii.oùo Im mnntveruy etfamy naîo meia. -O MNeday voit. 2Oth luit, vili be the aume. MY o et bmbais of tha Aima. vhaetbe gallait Bergt. Major fiht meit poviui. A mev mode et compaltlmg to, tst i per cent. lai boas publlcod vhlolappou simpla. Nultlply aml given, smber 1eo dollar.bythie sambe t day.etilitemos "e mrai, "Mt@ate 1e rgt îlUiIuim &Mi diide br six. tha rami tet s ta tuot on mm mmm fer aush samba, of dioreiltsMx vu ceuei mIarie tb os dupie m»àmetrois McordllaitteailU os. a seau, iI vu 0 binkér, brêlai, mchant mai asol mu poit ilp firéférence Md Us. TIers baba xe "ol h h isi lefltbolloma II; lhoe iliosy ami labllty t airaior mlatia. Br me» itlmeoilpromoos. cas8.odeal information li bebialith m o6vdaims, .TaMd thé inturut t 1 arp seat. addod cma.iluet; 8 pur out., «Ue iliri.4 au i oau. me buL. ,lt melba, colniavs ými.a. W. G. Bi*air ilevm masmpley opaste camp vllh IlsbabiIo. baRd th Itum Thé rma la m rg" artd h N r. luoq oq«Umla h ab . . re. vIe oetaily ptW lmiai lasep luo% WhovIe I. vu les IUMhtago laMie râal Tb@aotfo.aet Ï loh g atuM eba lse re.mos. A be o s miuida 'l 3% 31111ec factue y. mmut tThima emly àohs bond 84 *0maamltoo.Toist, eh Cure aIl t tle hearta md nervou alnd4' healtb andst or 6 boxes u com,nils by regiilatlflg uscular system t perfect ngth. Price 6oc. per box $~5.At &U druggista. IF YOU HAVE WEAK BACK, LAME BACKV LSA00*oaE em Mr us ususauUuz meai*e u emn.Kun". YPlu.s Seos"1-pa'. , m allà&Us tnt410 ,' 0" et lfbh . lm ai ge, eua%1.6-I l*CURE vou. Finvei N. quer 2% ,i eel::j ,DOO"I Olt WSFm ~8.laxsm 13 eiui18 h~~; .L WILiitem ludm&TiSA, r 5. mmd.me OM -'j^ S Whsaribe for Tas Wàmza. TRie Tient--------------, Omam <fmtd Wame~ ~ WeaOmeaem<"ai, m-11 A' tmtiseIlmme ý &Cht:M -,the sbiu - - af!: I ESTURION - I LNDSA, SflIII OINT 1: ni v. bal g' w wr ~AR1~~.PAY OUF? YOUR OLD LIMortgages. Ileduée vour Interest. Salve ioney. Any terms destred. Business pri- ate. No delay. Charges Iow. No coets curred unlema ban la granted Satisfaction Maranteed. or no loin. Loas arranged ltb local agents. Agents wanted. Call or rite. Encluse *soeu. E. R.LRRTZ.oLDL 102 Chu rch Streel, Toronto. G.rnu te Toroato ExhibMaisd - me coomuilet laina.OMusopsa &Ulr.&va, md erminup um1 e'clom. ORAIN IND PRO meimad ivr smdBa fiunmaia pie pld4"gr NTS9 oi une ea V Fnm he ouamiew et these uiara, lot idi ated on.ou of Ontwrlgh%,on or about Srd Juns. two yrllag bier, ou. iii idcobor. the otisetrerd mIxd vIO vWsto. Any poraun igui.,sucis bnornai1od a4 vi1ud te tiuremorvuy viiha mfubly rmvirdad JOHN IL DEVMT, -2100.5.Blmokatoek ri. e mample mvurted-An Ide rw-mtlk Ieas. thM~ brlng you wa*i IEN wiwsà C. Patent ANaor. u.Washington. D. C.. for tbaslior om oftwio bumad nemto a ; DMTLY SECUE am £WB OCblKLYt. Write to-day for Our b.autlfUillustl'Bted Book on Patente and the. fiaalnt g of eta poor Inventor wbo nmd o0w .00. nd lusa vasgh sbetob or mW ofyour invénition aud ve viii Teugb caM erjected i other handsa md forulgu application&e. afr«esnom ;esseor Honorable D. A. RoS. the lsding mewu.- ac xxreu Cinpanes &cliente in ny l Y &Patentaecnedthrough our agency are brouglit belfo=rste public 57 Sn otice 9 iover »00ne-wspm Temple Building 185 St.Lames St. Mentreal. The onl i *mm Ud GraUaIs EgMOOÈ l th@e Dominioni transacting patent buminon exxasvely. Mention this pavsi My Stock is Complete Meerschaumf and Briar pipes, Plug and Cut Tobacoos, Cigars-- Domestie and Foreign;, American Fine Cut Chewing. Ail Leadi.g Linesa L«» e Laossy nttaU n" 55S ExulSe lmm, urs Wliaoeviidb$u IoLidu, M g aMpm.)u uPMat o arbi 1I laeu mto. b p D'h m. Ih , arie tugB obese. U. ~ iua 5.ahmle e i sa..via North WE MK... - Sewer .and Culvert Pipes 2.11 Sizes from 4 lu. tg <., lu. * j WRITE FoR PRICES. 00E OOADELAIDE ST. gr,l AOTOAY AT Mmifo. T 0Roý«, GOME'TO LINDBAY FAIR And -enjoy yonrself. Payi .a visit. rai no m"B SM ymas, n st 6 M. We. are ehowlng nmre rare bigîinr Js4,oaugPina. WATOH ES. CLOGKS, JEWELRY $Le& ' mdewyom a;AND SI1.EUN Onk M ~ Wbaolvl Undny »d InursaPOR aiEngagement sud Wedding lkso, bllOm B3boegoaand*Uisrgmon WeddlDg Proet *181lats 3688RM 2@Ua os600. Beautîfrû patterns, Iow!ce#, isi a be rousii tisea otOSe. Bob- EIGHT DAY CLOCKS O'NLI os, tu.a Boate scI âamn. cm bcamdene wy mmUetwm WALTHÂM WATCH,SW. ' sur . o'm ReMte 20 poraMaos etit ~. ~. * SpeelaItyi No Fancy Nr ______________________ Ail 11ork WarraUled. COMMERCI A l- Sauca ~~ van-a CALL A'ND SEE GOO4-DS,MAR Om uTa»lat. .?.onu . 16 MT.PLIN 'ÇFIGURES, AT pu lVV. F. M1G WTYF nea do do 010..OSto 87; Kenlt St. Liudsaf- Splg do o ..z- . 0 S t0 85 85 Sept. 3,3972T-61%f Sc.do, do----------0 70 é070 liexmm lon.mkl1Ii1roaw ..5t st &6 1 5 o b a k . . .2 7 5. eo . à9 5 . à el 7 5 t e m 9 5 00Mop, puIfl4 eroi ... ... . ... 1*StetTj oua mml, perlSe . toli 5f SUmII.......... go1017 .. e UeO 10 mai roes umtc0e a "ectales,6 -.4040 170. ot2 UB.m.... ..*,, . .*~.... 0tele 0 25 Iw ed.. boa* . - . 4 S 1e9t. c Suiptia ha...ver:: rar Uic logé,~ l---e Ute 50 l W15UaUipik.m......... OU0t09 0 I1 ~Ot a~e eeeu.. 0 iOtto e af Docks .... 0 1 a 00691i PU :e10te o Cist 2 8 orw ..l............ C d te 8O0 bc- 0 tOU62 urSecat r Oh o@C* ndseu mdbigo ffl aveu 20war1ntSI Vmoft -71 sa m a it ....n ne..... n. *e. e a *~Imam#am a%*x m. nad <L PETTYJ 0 te. __ __ ___ou_ Toneis sUb UsfiaUte 4 m....- PUsc. ~en e 4m tS Pt% u od.DU$aNN e bu #uruIf me1:1i! l Plu.E Ne ME I Asp, d stri rSpelokE 001. MIay lOth l b" y Aurel, * aspbmbri 14t11I. 19.by 01ou ML Taxas.Abait Edvrd lidevaoft Mvsusci GcorpNalseva un.. Of Làa , h margret Nmmé ly dugîlter ea E. G. Whftoatde, etLlmday. sunou- -Oi h lmradmy, Impbon ohobrl, by le .TiU»amle umua ly £W. I.L P. III& .B A., 0et Leud.,Ont., Nr.J.J. e m «S rdte M . .L. las-At L onui Y m Tulaisept. 1011, 1897. Edan Kilt.. s'apqd 6 menth suad 4 day.. voangt oo f Me. MNIlm o ,e Cougle, Colde. S&ré Throat, Aillai flrobthb, mi&al ung Troubles ireqickly iiALMýA COLLEGE For Yoisig Women. A residettal schol. Cofegiate and Pl-e ~<rtorySt.udises. :i.Fi.. Art, Elocution Business. Moral anâ XiAthetic Advantages. Affihi- atcd wîth Victoria vunversity. Coh t aua eight acre pak. Loy aâtes. For itard= Ca ogue mmd-particulars.addresma: * Ms Tur Or have vou jalpitation, throbbing or irregular beati!g, dizziness, short breath, smotheririg or ýhoking sensation, pain in the breast or hiart. If so,.your heart.iq affected and *111 mnt turn affect yotari r erves, causit* iervolsfless, sleepless- ness, morbid xhious feeling, debility.ý Umùburn' Hoaio1SV sI.wý iv ~1 r j