"Col l h yu » asesai. Hea»- Swei'd ber vitIs lues. DuieiT lochai in luecatasT. KnowOd it %vas hlm," ahe saI wred- ding bcr béai te the .ponY. IlKuawed ho wouli corne,' aud tuat 'twysE jus Zbout time h. vas comnr'. Nice.ra- mouile-place la mecs. GlI tho4 i &bout unbuckliR' thatsIrop. Aln'l I Ïharp 1" Tho ponT pricked up bis esrs, a ehaugibo agTeci that she vas sharp. "This in venT wrohlg," abe vent on isifiE ber' voltesdimtlngIra tee."lo be out go far lu such a Itnely place le-kissiu' a atrange mau." IaM.jaughed tbrough ber hpy "IBut he li't a uslnsag man, Dusky,' Obs sali. 6"N1e's niT-iDT frisai."1 "Honr betrothed -husbhis. Mun n- kY ai the hand9onâe bomseMAI xxent PFonteoy by flns.." - 1 Oh kniov the namo well enougit. I board, il often vhon she Wv k* and out of ber beai." 11 "Then perhaps l. wvasYom. vie-" Sbc put ber flugen up te ber' »Pi>ami shaak ber beai. They bai tairgatnea b.n nrti a numble af thunden broughit ilt he1? minis. IlLot's ride on," saMgd jusky i'op- ping hehîni. And. I bave -fouiyou luT 451119< -founi you, nover ta loue yoi anl? ir.ore," sali Bort, as 1h07 rode aide bi7 side. "Haw iii you -fr4 rue t".sbe agIk1L H'ow di y"u kuewVI? "Nol.- from any Munt neclvoi frotu you, cruel love. -Yoit vauli never have given mre a slgn. «You wouli have lel mue break ny béantt sud wear mY"lt c.ut sear,2ing for you.". 1I l haught you vouli cars tfor'a"' other and ho happier and plesse YOr frlends."1 111You 50e the mîstake, you 'have made. I have ual careî fan suother. 1 have been misérable 1instead. of haPOO!, and au for pleasing ny frieudu, I dont propose ta sarxifice yo.u snd myseif otr ail1 the iondsansd km lùt olx va.* Dusky gave an ectatie boap lni Ibm Milile. "fDo Fou heur hlm? tn~t he 0o ky ?"I she sali, giving the pony a l11100' kick ln the tide. TiMe mustang ak ed hbs cari s asthougb he dii isot al' prove af no mùchspuni. S I "No. my daling. I am. bore ta) stay," sali' Bert, "ta slay until yen go wibh me as my wlfe.", Ho,%,-tho' wonis thrilîod IUs'm poor appresoi eart, Bbc vas happy. ITil u'as sucb a bliiisful.unexpected réaction tram the deolate manoton? < ofter » aI the Grenaier. once more, to liait v-todsfaitender chonimhiug, la miset the Ilghtof passion-lit 0703, 10 fe501 the seul bloamed out lke'a fBer repesê" aunbursî ot Joy. Bbc vas-j5dtent h the purpié UEbl et -the storsy mo- set. But aI tbe word, "w1fe," a ehad&W iankened aver ber face. fissi recalici ber >tram hon 5weet , w heigbî af joy. 8h. Iooked at in VU a ai maemitylu ber dr eyek. Bert. you, eau net bave iorgottm that I ild you I cou Idnover ho your wie." - "..But. You lave me ; Tou bace ieniei Il. I sueo l. I kue'p il."1 «'Tes," the sali sadly, «I qve yoqL" 4.What,- ther, car s sparas M ? Bamethlý n lu or past ie ? i * that l la neobmeu secret. Th*Ii mue vIat ih la. NO m win bat Il ho. lot. me heur it touijugewbot tgh Il bau to ho a banrrer betwemu 7y« sud me. Aiméee, WinI pou uDM is my leve sud t1.11 me wbalMMte M cames betweginusIr' Bis candli, tentder syco. bisteon et eannest, msuly affla!. ron 00uSd mal reest tbem. ()ne moreil the be- tated ; thonabe s sa uddehy' - "Y.fe.,1 li .1telu aU. 1 i VIIteft YOU ta-nlfÇht. Tolu saoli juge."# .4Thank.you, my daalag. Andow lot un ride fasterl. I fait a nplsmb naIn on 157 baud.' A vhite aboyer vast roa'lmgbbebi them. DuîkY gave ber pc5y's eu&a sudien twist e.nd b. dsad bes. 'The othen mustang brakei nte a gslilop. whieh Bot's 'irai bay ceai hotdly keep up wIII.. Th* rIs a upen lisons lut as lbey nacbei lbe clin. "Tolu as._ --Au'_el der M s pi ~5U5UIb4I7aI ~m«MIoe01out. ùh er .p7 1 tUi apl a 11.vorlet penmesudMe&, u>liu & bniyet ae utIhv gtep vIlh m agal," b. li&. inwiiWem toU% UWPW an ev " t ou are2 mla ee-4s& y have pmiuheY- s heyu Wthe»11. berheiamew a thbai of1111ein e bs ag cin A 11S, m ay lde alln sh1hei. 7_»u volce ve B.1 Ewbough s treo r Ibeugli l bouie 1ho y« th, ye gmun le aMd ve"e," "but remember 1h51 baelp udor .beiven s1 a!v rii s no" hi Theavoieie 1hr. raa fuck waté a ever thron ud the ti.aetoo cf Uic aIn-Ieucam on he damj>, so «buit rLin, er.In ta 104 l. tony o hon a Trael, 118 e t s e raeuMioi-a lb. htoai ieed hlcti the maoie ,rthe, ganutthe Mcru e mindoc te er vis amoni; erfllgst. br de ction t Llvs (n lé s, Us prs f era tmaed woar il hlilMItcoiahd h borne ne- longer, Sd she bai beni force o e se trous Il as veli as tram thse love ah. felt Il voulu ho wrong. te acoeut-. Sh tbcld ber story slmply, truly. She ýextemuated ne ftuit or voakues. SMe conceoil ethi*ng. -She cauli net see ber lovera face. She couli Mt gueus b.fec«t ber mlory vas havhUg upon hlm 8h. oculi heur bis brestllfl -deeqii11u1é1 es ie venitM Mare Ibanooe, vhon she tld of lbe wleiiU sh. bai receivei tram bog tather, frein: Vauhoru, tram Vane, bu uttei'ed su -exclamation oainldignanit sugen, but thers vas 'la ethen expres- alan-ne word af toudenueus or con- firmation. Ira. aolei Ibis, end fan- cied that she knev whal Il sigalfed.. She euded ber slory wltb a briet re- citai « iha bai appeuci ait the aid Grenadier--hon dismay at findipg tiât Bbc bai nolurnucuse neur the scene af bon mstanune-that Dr. Prudhomme, bai kuevu Solomen Vanbaruk, sud nov bai business tranuactienu vlith bis brothr-that Vansornu bai beon bur- ici bere. Thon, sbe tld af that nigbt I- the laver, ai Dr. Prudbamme's su. ger and 'bis Ibreals, ofihon llnàss sud aof the passible discoveny of bon secret by hlm. When she endei, ho diii natspoak -fen a 11111e while. -Bon heant stooi .1111. Ehe was aylng tg hereit : " lMy ioom -vîi hoteknawn lu an ln- stant -mare." lie Spoke aI ast. IYou must go away tram bore," ho rali. T ou musI go soan-immediate- ly -if possible. Yau must go ta smre ather country for your poace'm aie, fan 'yaur life'a saké." : - " - ,My lite V" Bbc ssii bitteriy ; "ilai rot worth so.much trouble ta preserve it. If I bai means, I bave net Uic heant ta go ta a strange lani-alone- He- lurned sud caughl bon lu bis arme. "My dalngI wvb asiycu muâI go alone? Di you dreans, teone n' a sît. ib at 1 vould turu frlom you -beesuise af yaur mîsontunes, youn mnij- taies. that crcumsaaces forcei upon yc,u? Noô.IbeT bini mie clouer ta you. TbeYl show me that you neei love sud protectiorr-Ihàt yan ned me. And I arn yaurs, my iarflug-yaurs mare than ovon. These arms are for yaur detlense. thîs broast for your uheltor, tbis heart la lave you and bellove lu you., whileIlite shall Iset. Nov. vill Yeu refuse ta isay you are mine 7" Nae, Imina nô langer shut bon beart agalpslib te bappines Ibat héat agalunst ýt' Uke a dove seeking shelton fram the starru. But,. presently, she liftei hon head trom him breast. ",Tour znwlher ?" sho questloned. "We vl! ual tell ber Ibis stony.Wo ylUl no on0e1.' W. vil! go away aI once.ta Central Ainerica.Thene I bave mrne propcrty Ibat vili ieli uS a sup- port. I vii! write la my matben and faîber.' I love thoru, but my lIte bel- longs ta yoi.' We vii! ho mannied be- fore I go sway. I bave sai I vil ual go sway vîthout you. We viii ho mat- iai aI ance-ta-mornav. ItlaI.bout, lu il not, déaens? Wo vil! go acronssla tbe river-lt ln nat fan-sud take the flre1 boat going dcvii. Ihon, ho ! ton Contrai Amenica. for a nov borne, nov ceeses;asd the ai past buried ouI et iglt lu aur nov happunèms."' - 'laonay 11" softty cried a volée ho- bind tho, . IOh, excuse. me," ssii Dusiy,. stepping out..I"I couiin'l belp Il. It vwas such a gaed speech. Itlnl guoli*goai fartune ton.Irma. Ouly t1 vish-ob I wI sh I mgbt go vIb you and bot." " llTeu shahl go," Bort sali. "Yau shal go If you vout ta, T«our fa.ithfulness to ber gives Yeu a igbt ta go wlth bsn."I 8,h. irapped iovn upon hen inees aui caversi bis Ibard vith kissom. " lThere nov,"beosii, lubI .'f fInd another vay fr nyau t bvyour gratitude.- Cari you gel my bride reaiY ton me lo-morrow aighl r' ITbst 1I eau." Bbc arsuversi prompt- .Ir, sprnnl te ber foot. "lBut let Me tel you," Bbc vwent an, aller a pause "«D-on't manry ber Tandonakt 'the olh *Grenadier. - Dlon't let Doctar Prud- homme kuow aboutl Il" 1pny, ]k fluakyT"# Oh. Irma. waa'ltel!ljYen, becausI 'don't Iink ÊSu.esvèr aau ned Il, but -'" 9"n I k t knav -borW,>cve vores 'X Ohs'tbeau a.vateIslW 4a, MUilPrud- homm erôtnalbin'." *1ybu ipnt memu h. lu lu love vill-"e IlInlovuwth Irma 1 Te do. 1Na b" ~W. a at Iber like a 0w! tan «M»e tims, sud Ibis eveula'ho quea- ed out s French compliment sud. tunn- ed as rei as s compll S e'd stlng like ont toe. I!mat rshi./If lhs Iouglit teW"soi 1 ts'qmanry som.body olme. 6 MitsbOles Zter houdeLr bis thurul us%-nody te belp ber, no mouey -A orlsnds, a&i h. knova ber secret, I*o "2 h1nkso~, Duý t" 'pa abs M ys tet bervmni -" teou "M alpai for il, but I A" êho vusfitUa',bW ber,*a.i i «.,w tS mubeve ; hm a aiby s W'*s JO""a' sud anetitOU Bae '.e The ratu as mover. the iSWe. nearly-clea r, sa" 11. d"y1lht bai lM whoiiy ftad4.Thâey node home, brisi- ly. Irmo as is go iilTtbet $hi won. dsnedet a brnif, Theair Vwas *0 u iagrait. eau oodb d57uos. tbe lover abeh aubandiT dared hope ta BOS again rode at ber sude, andi t her'. vas a. noar, svelt prospect that ishe vouli ou meet hlm aegal'l.neyer lé -"f fmmhtm anWmore. , TheT voulq se. murr a test ho 1 a lu b. gave T ves alghl. 00atIsaI mal eut.about 1It. tisbahi= "t g"t the cfty. vi-- ais - t. ne 00111thb , ie grave. Be wtèei up lbe *550. Tho aveu'- 4r thog 1g iW. ve tr. TUbt-us bacarry hlm la osIbar gaI ceai, share the -dangers and adventur«O Of o11Q7 550 ,lien î t e t. fllght together, :athey wGauld sbire. fins, wbat makes sk rme about their alter-life la&aforeiE" land, fer hlm SgS*B. ut" tu' solêSu sort Of from thîs gloomy baou region. imr The aid Grenadier loorc akmeP"lo'tko. srag sc then the hbaume with Its twa Ilihtd oemestahui11» oti Duky, that windows at the top,,lu the attic study taca lb.&t thet window ; you Of Dr. Prudhomfme. Then ather lightt iOM cCe. hofore I1 now it, that j came in sight frarn the windows of 7»U hop" wouli C sec 90it, and Blanche' raam an -the firSt ifoar. abave plw'offlL nat ssv .But 1 knew the op~en baseenu. wby WheoIu 1 a, t tiet glinipse Of At the foot afthte straggliflg li t by l. rght1g. -fah It haul archard. Dusky said ta Bert:odi a aebetu t.si «Naw you muet soy good-bye. It e MAtu n he *eenk-butSoton00'- la flot ate taga any further." eh o,-.-fIt go aE k t Slon Tn- . « o i t." ho aaswerd. He turnei b TontI ra; and'telyou ' te doIrma. U TU. 11115; st laU y uetby "My darling," he said, putting ber Il 13 Solon Vnhr bt.trut band ta his lips. as he bout ta ber from b1e. It aiily camesn dark. stormY1 bis saddle, "doIWilnat ay goodir .b0 n1ghta. The nlghte t ghosaride only good-nigbt. To-morraw. at this uTattlu nonsnse, slcy. Tou s5w heur-moyen o'clock. I think it 1-I Win- Il on slormy uigbta, ausé tben the be bore walting for yau. 1 will bave wInd blew the cray h6resor whele coveynce IfOU wiadow-sbu and Ibere one ia ta be bad. Tou will find me just vas lghltnlng ' show you thore," pointilig ta a logopecan-treo the taucetatheb. dc. Thero tbat stood an the o od-xide of the le &a iuraa being, eiUp there.. rc ad. On tbe othor aide was a thicket 1 tell vFou -1 heurt te1e, entreating, of plum-bushos, and rank weeds gWOW- cmpWulg. zii' or prubomm# Iug up Iu tbe corners af tbe croaked Z by turne. 1 rail fonce. . o~h1~l a h homE Impri- As Bort spoke. there was a rustie 1"' soued lun that wréeo yrie. Itl saa ttese bushes, as thaugb roi tne lit- blhng t"al t«ht ta ruade known, voluntary movenient oft somobodY Cof- and looked Iuta. I1 1 do wrang In cealed, amang tbom. coucedag.,il. £MY me when I1 "Hist !" whispered. DuslcY. doSane fer #awai. T1seh" tht of that vreteh' one han beard.1" ed prisouer and of 11W.e Blanche." A laud '"Ba. ba.!"l follawed by -theo 4'O0,4Poor litti ce rI ecboed out-leaping af a goat tram the Plurn Dusky, dropping tbe n slee hd beon tbicket, brougbt a urnile of relief ta lndustrlously ualug. i Wlping ber the 1ae t i. Oyez witb ber mie.. 1Imet and Ela goatship won't betray us." ok atbr lest ni .al'r-yu a aughVU Bert, waving bis bud a o slped your band t aers, u and rode away. hgot aswsy r t ast, wnfaubairsu, * There was nô one ta bc een whefl1 st ber sudtl eraws.ouhdkept they rade up Iu front of the bouse sîgberînd tbr l er epndrecn'ot but aid Nick, wbo grunibled 1il-flatur- ber hande. as if ta eh us and hoid edly as ho taak the barses Iu charge. Us. Il la strange. t sb. seems te They ran Ita tho bouse. and foun<L tee!, somehow, tbat are goln' away. tes, ready ta ho erved. and Blanche' I hate awful bad ae ber, but I pouting at baving been left go long can't bear ta part w you, Ima, and alono.I I do want ta Set WSy .irom this But- your father was to sit with Place. Then I thlnk may ho aa belp you, dear," Irma said, Eoothingly. " tateYeu. it you get et lu that strange výas his own proposition that 1 should1 land., I could nurse ou. I've got a 1ride sonietimes for mny health. H-e little money, her raou my neck In anl lusisted on my going this afterflao!l, adlaho lv. liiheppy and the ramis e ta blame for our long1 way. Doctor Prud mme bas been stay. We stopped for shelter, nlot mighty good ta psy e every woek, betore 1 got pretty wot, however. aniui ve saved Il ail etty nigb. Be'!! Aren't you glad I amrnent made of su- end Blanche t6 convent-séboal. garlike your statutette of Jeanne d'Arc vhen- we're gens, d that'a uhat that you wiil have it I resemble ? ought ta he. The orwili ho as Where la Doctor Prudbommfe ?" good ta ber as sanyy cou. Irmna, 'Ho read to me tram *Paul and de go andui îe dcviia.Ton don't Virginila'about tOfi minutes. rur&iflg 101tokleau ie l uto hO. TrY aIl the sentences .ogethe r, ho Vas 80 te get s iceupaSh rs o abeent-mnindod. Directiy be haunced t 4 b rS o up, and away ho vent. 1 suppose be lu tbuilteaqan i In vn up In that aid study. poriTlg over bise a ak.8h arrd etmnd bcloved laboratr.Iv ug o i l lng thebaasw e. The cheer trjee times. and 1 will ring again," she leu aky' andmy Iing ni vëesIii- said, sbarply pres3lr.g a littie bell on acuse t s* e nl.Ws the tabl c beside er. Be ore Its m1sirsl-sre e sl totue1ai berlte ori e IItýWa verY note bnci ceased ta vibrato. Dr. be turn ber stops lu t direction af home e.tced.thatclurnp of pbies u n the ragged *Yeu were not lu your study. Tour bluff under whiel' vas SIon Vanharfl'U ceat le al wet trom the leaves," grave. The contra.l an tallomt pine- ELanche salid. troc vas dead-sitten bY lihtniui. 1 bave been taking a littie waik onl Ils white trunkrpse dir fly above the' the bayou" ho answered. wltbout lok- monCmro nl yra ing up. Hie mannor wss fiurried, a.nd beadbnard. on ,h rudoly lot- a tlusb unusuai to hlm stalned, bie.s rdi lc ealo kîn. trdi uBak ~Ulldo Salon Vanborn, dIedijuly 10." dWbat If ho woro In the plum doDled by my band ! dan 1 over for- thicket ?" thaught Irma. "' Wh&t If gel It ?" Irma. thougbt. *1 Boy dare I be overbeard Brt ? Wauld ho realiy ho bappy anifrgettul, heu a human try to prevent my marriage ? If ho belng lies borse Ùpiof otlite by my kr.ows wbo I arn, ho migbt try ta keep sot Il" me tram gettlng away. Ho couid knaw SBbcocvered ber face th ber ban-da, oniy by wbat 1I may have sald When 1 I sd romained motins. Froin bis was uncousclous. I bave secu fna one0percb on anc -of the d .dlimubeaven-, but the houald ince I carne bre- bead a vulture eyed h 'wIth his bld- no onc ; not even the overseer. untIl cous head on one side.. 1saw thaso people to-night. I cST Afttor a wbilç tbcr ceo a revulsion flot think ho knaws anytblug. I Wini Iof feeling. She lifte4 por white face not Imagine any cvii that may bots!! froni the bande that fropped In ber ta keop me tram meeting Bort ta- 1&p. morrow nlgbl." 01 *vill be happy," F e sai. IlIt la Stili. sho cauld not duspe! the teel- my rigbl. I was crue y wrouged. 1 ing that mametblng wouli corne ta bave bad wrong and r ression all my eclipse hon prospect-ef happinese. It lite. 1 have a right t try sud emspe came at Intorvais the next day. A froni It. and I w!!!. I wilI henceforlb grey, gioamy day It ws Blanche wu lve only lu tbe tutu and for hlm. v~ervous and watchful. She seemed And'I vil! eho appy."l vaguely ta suspect that sarnie change. Me uttered theo1 sentence aloud, was aI baud. au herase tea ber foé and shoak back *What la the matter with you 11" ihoe b ei.vy. bait lo b ain. Thse sai, sharplY, ta Dusky. That lîttie moni cf hber valos med ta startie bandmai waà In the seveulhbheaven tb vullure. Bine o aedoi sut hie of ocmlasy sud could hardly bide ber' rusty wlngs, adu orei s bourse excitement. BbcflasheS bore and there, oroai. lu ber brawn frock and. linon neck mrma looked up Md vhlm. A fone- arron. vitb the sîcoves noiied up, jboding foll upon h 111w sa abaiav, , showing ber slim, sinowy arme. Irna I.but as erepeattir 17 touni ber ironing a lîttl. pile of cal- 1 I iih ay r' lars, cuits and banikerchiefs, wbich j "haen 1r ssii&s att Voli, haIt-. she bai vashei aidstsrcbed. iqmekng volce close ber. . turc.' I Ive -Packei your valise full!ofi0& ansud 5vDr. oame. lmia 0- clathes. IrruadI" she sald. IlThere la u ut loy, Md face WU 0he4 witb .h rcom fan the»e uit!.thingu.* ,Wfien r' ho te o, bowing ta . Sir BeakilîHavk'Il(ber petnne for erW thbbM hita heui mSllt Dr., Pnudbmmçi) Iluatakiug bishieséta, matie.UOTh"ema 1'm goins ta carry the, vaàmseout by tusIsDi the hack way, a"i bie il in Ibe ole.e -V b uluUW's ard-felice carner uil vsgo. iZ_ '46But 7our own clathes, Dusb, iiu ,i ltrudo." Iz». havol't yau put up soins of tbeizip 1 m o s'4f oi, counteaus dMY clothes!1 biesayou. thers an vbw*bo ai s&1OiOfU SEUl oeatiomfrÂs- xialxl lita- iIAT THE ~AC-SIMILE. SIGNATURE j4-2 ON~TTH f. subtl% Ir teloct-avos WlM puy bh'..T4~ &e uo bave, a dase rIt oroei bensli ta beur bis sereb- MW e Soquletly te a feathery -rod luto bils vhle she Iaoked et hlm a"d Hstenud. " Sbeeaon6ver kuav what moment tbe pack m&Y ho won ber," lhe vent on. M"Ne s abuid put lthe acoan holveen-ber o.ui bor hunters" 1A Bush, mauntei ta Irnma's oeebil as Suit half-Mlle ta bier lips. Ber bourt »da wbPsiee: I"Bbc vill soou pet MUs ma es oeen ber aid ber pursuers." Ml h. gueme ber tboughts?1 Did thooe strange, plerclng eyez ba-ve the mffi- readng taculty ? She aimast beilevel Il vheu the notai hie suciien chaflt af countensuce-the grim, bard, eorn- prebenulang lok IbsI camt atoa s face. Couli lie knov of ber autlpatei ffg r? Be b" aisltresolvel ta t1M hlm. no oppasei wu-brer nature tea amy thlng secret and underhand, but thon vas asubtle somethlng lu bi% look &M. vords Ihalt wantied bier secrecy woi*d ho bout. Bia preseuce oppressed bier, hie eyos madeelhor uneasy. IlaTu bai buslnis ith me ?" sha sali, tepping away tramn the tres shé bai bcen leaning agaiust and gather- lng ber llght scanf about ber. l'Yen. I biait business. A consula- lion about J31aache-a portion of your salary I vlshei la psy you-o&ud- nmnethlng else. But Yeu vers nlghl. 1 a ua ntl h bre. The 'place lu gWomy., And Ibat wretcbed hussard ln the isad pins--d Yeu heur hlm croai awble ageo? I viii, beat hlm la bis awnismal note sandsonre hlm fer away." . e threv np bis arme sud utteréd s cry lu Imitatio f lb. blrd'u, but laud- er, boanmer. il, vaansvered bY nmone ncvbo ai Juet nidien up to lhe gate-sa negro boy on. Dr. Prudhomme5 "It la Victor vltb the tuait."ho effl.4."1 sent hlm taelbheaffIce at break ai day. Be lbad maie ,gSai apeed." Hoe et ta meet the boy, vie .rode tovard Ilmn, sud wben neur, beZi eut -a package. Dr. Prudbomme eager- ly grasped it, and hastily tore l oper Il éontaiued novspapers, a pamphlet, andd ane letton. BHe broko the envelape vithout a word oi apolagy and glane- ed aven thse page of writing. Bis face obhanec, bis brov became carrugatei vitis perplexed tbougbt. He oi>aked et irma. IIMiss Brareale," ho sald. I h ave business of Importance wlth you. Se no kind as ta coqje to my study at fiVe Ibis atternou2' Irma bout lhon beai sud startod te wailk au. iThe «Bayau Belle'1 la a-eornin' up," sbc beard the nera boy may as ho i>repared ta iead bis borse ta the stable. "Sho steamned Up ta the landin', as I. wàs ridiu' %way." Dr. Prudbammie started. His faffe grev, a sbade more saliow. Be strade .bastilW after Iru>a. "«Loet me change the haur of ueeing you, Miss Brazoale," hoe sali lu a ilur- rleul vay. IlI have an engagement et Sve. Camne la me, if yau pleaso. a hait an bour tram nov. At three. Miss Bra- seale.' laokine et bis watch. Irmna walked avay. wondering vbat bis asItated mauner and bis change lu the baur ai bis appolutment mlght mesu. The content& af thé lbIter, the kuavledge that the boatvas se noir, same ito have. movei hlm strangely. The -Bayou Belle"- was anc ai the tvoa mal mîern-vhoei boats tbat pliai the hayon. wben it was blgh water, te hrlng Up stores ta the plantera sud ta carry iovn Ibeir cottou ta the city Markot. This vas ber first trip thia scason, the receut rains ha"ing made the bayou navigable. Dr. Prudhomme'5s tudy was at the veny top of the bouse. His sleeping- rtom jalned bis daughter's on the firut iaonr. Hia library was Ihere--a amal roorn urtalued tram tbo panior. but bis books of study and research, bis chemnicai reotand atbor oxperrflOltaI jqpparatus vere ln bis iofty iattc perch. where hoe otten stayed tii miinight; su" lator. Irma bai nover seen the ln- terion at thîs room, before the o dacof whicb she stood waling wbii 1th* dlock dawn-stalrs struckIthnee. "Y, ou are prompt ; I arn vory glu.4." Dr. Prudhamme sai. opening the door v Ide euough to admit bier, and thwen closlng lî sud apringing the latcb be- bird ber.. The roomu swaru lu a strango ureM light, shed through the pale, purPIê. tintci glass ai the dome viuiaws aven- hceai. The marbîs huas.e the skunls, the framed parchnients sud aflStOUceO pioturce. looked -veird ln Ibis lighl. 'And the doctar bimmeif. lu bisa PurPls dressiug-gewn sud tinted. gol-limuild glasses maie a figure at once repelleut and strangely fascluatiflE Be mrotianed Irma ta & cusbianed atm-chair besîde the table, sud set dow himoÈ_l anthe, opoite ber. B0o1lE 0OF nomtIE~ fromfp IlX .rIi;i Cam& 10eb la pplisa s-g4»bottin onlY, h i, lu M inbudL .Dontaflowazxyon. to ml F*%Iylnhg el@lte 1.pIeuon promuisoe t Il k1oà mPMU l vn ula er every pui. Mme. m- u tisaI ougej OA--TOPt - -r7, ~ louas5c. Hat and Dress.Trimmings3 sold below cost so as ta be abie ta mskerwm for Psul goodu. Osl before it i stoolate. EWDress and ~Mnde making doue here. M-1139MliTCHF.L.. VICTORA PLkNNNoIIL b ave luit completed a and amuti11w propared to tuaruich .verythiug, for. house fini8biug in my line sa oheap autih.e hoapeit. veiything guaranteW righ t or no psy. (oli sud inupet work and get prioem Toiephoms us. -2oIO-tf. WE HAVE j"i MW s~up lu piokages Dyests, molias DiamOfld, Turw»h md Gemma. With the latter youa can dyé eitiet »Ml «e OuoUwith the one paokB8Ot uaiit ~h gs of oolor on euoh paokage. i . GIN]BOTHEAMI Druggt, LI;ndByt -~~l -tý',..EINTUI ~EGENT&LCo maw t0o '-t 4' ~ "t' * jt t! I j -tii I 14 4 i 4 Il f~! i Ilet 1~KfaL .auisdaW.~~ WRAPPE5R 0F E'VEBY th1 coam ot .1.7. q dsoply ne- e t oy.B anolkb I munt go." "I apecteait.l" hosma Io*e.. Na laid tbe aute on themtog, bis "PUbymu to11 me hsa am i wy7m ýk&v la% mmBrmue'.r ~U tn~~ t" , heoee I vm I lo «bflW umie bis