Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Aug 1897, p. 5

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$250 ON NOTDQE NOlE T CASHl CASHE filn v0 oit oatelSinuis M. os **klgt Lonmmii tan leemmotbm Who m delut o beomlmthé Mat dba plvibu ts. Tt tai to »,w TEAT ucw taUm ton have the OPIouluntw t. bealm $11i piomanttl. but nube p ag-1 goal. Estate Bougit and 8oid e -ENERAL MNUR&NOE AGENT@ J8 0Heif OTE.RAN Banker and Broker, . Il KENT ST., LINDSAY$-OIT. muuyOi lo- îuîh u lv. LIVERY BICYCLES at t!reatly reduoed. pri es, tully wamrnted. PIRE S Morgan & ilt Duinlop, AJisi,b Hartford, Goduloh. Repairs promptly deme J. (iGe EDWAIWS & COO Hlarvate- Irtou md Sbi Inma«tmP OrSigu af tht avLlL Gea.A81-Little. Cuntrv Schools open Aug. 16 New Unes for Sohool Oipeaiag Diamoni Jubile Scibbling Book&. Ilorlise Booksa................ d. . Lad à EUbbc rEaieo........... f t 0 Ink Bottlu.. ............... .......h BInk pe....... *.......... c lii........ ........... 6 ha Public Sahool FUmMxài Fis ok..................... 8.1 * at .ecnd..d......... ......... Seod »«..:............... port R .............*.~ Betore buyiug yourSeboolmpil m w GEO. A. LITTLE'8 BSok Mdi Statlouty MMrmi Opp. î,00«041" au ui". LOCÂL JO!I!JNIGa 44M of lun* pLITmitaiDoà NLm -------- ...... taï-mlstl oiut~ Por&us<d Cbng., PlâSter prmi Tht ~b.*,oisi Soraat~on Coal Dalvussi et Lomut Puluus. I 3 MdW, hki, GSbmi-d m botJmun dme *.-M. hui. al emov voy *lag te 1111 filomet la.bmo-0.. Tm 45m u. Yontimu EET bu boom t.1 poc o . &- ___ Iau tet *6 mad mlup oer ud.M « th t bioton mWat Ne 2Dmlyu -mu-21k~ v t m.inule thepdSu.of sapomd -of pu%. paum . eu aa t Rlglbothea. Eoo To Iaw.-lumm Son d*. iue bd nonmt fealab. or m- mmudu mAVU or ulhttbm ud, eu.ab u mmmudmimi bY e lyhg t. o S06mimo sot-No. 5 Ddy% hmuOPPo eWAi»ms.So-9 2, pom ALma 0»7.-r"i mphu,p 0.1.1o mmy b. M1h11h hbt à *yu myemd lfaa m» loa dam" mU wMb. vffl IIbim. la ta taie mappli u m hnOshelo Me Mmimm » a e unOILstf.w4 Kàmums'a KàAOmwm-Omsofut" lntubqo1h* futuum oratp.e . egmula. lo saptember m i boum aëMe usGeuqe du Mauv. Iby Eutimm% it.,Ogltbatitev hubots màmd Jui Pu. . md ebtmueu N-ta fl ut1helt 11d m *tb Lut 811. tu W. . amm auph., . 8b@O"m Md JO vuM .m. a mumu ifme thosfoateu i Z o.pedLnaihoh. haW.. m . Otpb. ie.1Amuu s.uAI Viii uomao.1 àthe gali.hldf la the Klooai&i, buomabtby utmiat t.Ra ingr ho.vyp.Uiei6ii b. pWumuiby ipiola uoeumoslimth muricm hiuullumu, Io -The Slbodmm Emlmy." n "tTho uni- vou*ty .1ouIowi,*M'md »4alw m Imitalmente of the etoev ci the Glok mvu of laopomiuscjýo. "u Viatigi,"by EILP ammofsum L ,oh&# o (1 et let é-t' zm.u4rvA ýbewMh#juiute. bore m ,I m mii Y~wagtoe titothu dur la emihie f.ol>e mille. Show.. iles do" ma Votdavenue woieoa mladbmlia topo inabut of hom miai mmnmlmg b tosmp hm.The lady mmamd.p evit«Wm tope mitieut aeupu), bqt m - am @ho ounli uop hou mioei mie iaumtoa d m vmIt e t boy la good atyl. Mmd gavo i ta aà ufflathsl ho vil) ,omembew fu tom *.tIMi.Thet youpg. emmenéstla Ibat violat, mov bave dueaimpoot fS, au thé Mr e ta mb.) about thre o'clock Albet lomo. a youmm of tmtyavo Y.o « eployod mai m by à. Wu.. Shav. abou t»v.mlli Imm iUlbmok. mu ath "o f ta te bebl. audmt. Homifo a ioathrocbe,, Wb"l aine m*m m mou duamalaIs 1h. umebUi md botor t opil slb. iopped Varts of I& bmmd Md md -uvosdopomttiby thé muI Doueo. Imoc uti. tav. aRt hmuai ameh ueagbod mmd ou*M be ymd roooplmsby tb. upollaise. Doath mut hav" bon omietmomo u.muWein- 1Asuumm' Ainuuu.-You a y Ym Oak SeratI pom lias M'y plie )oiela To TEM PIELO. oaftuloigLlaNo. 1u0 Ne. 100 Idi ofee Ouho%1m totmitI I mlhrim fis IM vitaouvim naouo ,o waeti . samu adim ul. t tudogmioml mi., 4 Odifoom th$b .nMM»mt mii bu mdhi l ~tM &U mbe nma mY Mdmd msutm&d . iimms u. oGmad N. In ivmb muuu imit m» oa.,W. wu&amvl be - 0olà th d"iveIm t 09obli I» Ibm t*6 bapihon IhiuW mi tii-l TIN MaqIR "mm d M»iflitQom&. hoalta 84 9"~ sh.up The K.eylitu. niy pwoe lwý 9» bo u ,dam& KOLON.A. Try b mthimae* ~bm tunm tiiiv Wut.. M unia&L~ apo. 1iiimii mv oa ulmaif fim"" m ii t.mA u m YMiithtMe TIM bek lute iI tt meplub 30baI« belidaeNe. 1hw.. halidap, ave ba 1m1" ooi y ml *hoooo i tAi idllope TI.y bava bain ltheaoa of dtu aliku gari kylcelp aedi, mMd muulY. *G.T.R LUMM PIMui.-Tht o mbom Md thi"at the è.T. BE Mbumy. he" it mast oUmal%0lu "at avotitit .etmla Uni Poltami Wodaadvlu t, aUm 1alav PlimaIMday aul , et Mdlb. tulosit meaho teIhl& bailo coud aemth paUmmMd eparts moueselytul »ma voebuehilp mjo,. bd by aulywmsemi.Undeailheablsbadothp bof muas..iBpa smui et lthele dmm mbo llly"pwu aiiUmmd hbultiVoS* m ouutlut iht t nptuoi elorUmbobadit ofet h llbty vite met a Ums amuhai, the ommltto u mesuae thé lstue t bhvm a aotmllgbb ozouium aMd hU"thel NX& Bîand maàabsrumbasi or blé bondmimliiive lhraIeni hoabety aspport.-Oom. BÂom NIn,-The bWovli ulb mlih.ld e lecal tusmm moiboM sTUmmday ahmismi h. n gtftsinal par. Tbtre mliih.i ssil novel lmu i uloiailcause. Tho lucal ayons ame alina taîcagMaila the iuaki font&l tlou. anithe rua ounil b.hoteOms.The baya' n tac eMos BQ aiyvmi it 11u 6tht casal ni ut uei lait abot tem au A Inmne Young aux -ne. AU Robert%. il. mopuler onag Linissli mku lot towu ebous aVomi mge te tais a. poaition mimoa sdln NoirYork diue Mg . acuvi la tomaesatuudy on e two mesia ba mth hi. psent& . N.Robais aiu hé b Cambrige t mel*obuit &ob "- CoE o SIN. dey, ussddag a soWola *zuil o1tpis. PO«e«".siOf a enauat buftous vuS.. mhluoh bus blocm sai«the trtlalg 09 sentOf lb. foiemoat t.ooe laAmaiioa. bis alachie. bu Anpuved moaduflly. la N s, Ymhob hl ona of th. baritoas mdolos sla mof théb MCg cistobuiltem aid bua bou ltéreciplont of mmmv flatarinadrefferon difourent uegalUalon&.Ho mliyett moass farl bimesitu laélie g moleopolla Vinae. -Tht ccloees ei m agoi prmties ou the lut bslt holiday. Tht gante wu imipsi aiou«g by thé pummua céete. Cimthwmlte. ou nov cilsn. ad theie mi. known ortukète. àa crcecoa uchiMe. rosu.hmea iii tm qil.avimg bonmllb* .uoh clube ai lbe Uppo Cmna&ia ullg. boys. tbm ISatacrclket club, mmd othtrsi Mr. fjcmtivatte oramnsa the représenttive Manitoba club vblchtous) IhOntario.1 iCocs tino mgo. Us bu rlteu i"te excellent Pamphloeson ucloket. mlbhave attumaoi omaiemable attemnton mý(>aneim cricièsa. Undair bis ami. thé Liedoayf ahauld smike aa os la t bonelves an firut-ll ioiket Peacisu ein hld rogulaly sov aMd tiîy abouli b. very Imigol, mtaudmi ai mveimi Aimpotat naloh èra ivevtforthes sue fatum..Onemeut hé mout trop rtal ofthabs viii pbsbly b. mth the Chicago Vaniticum M rhclub wmliimai. a loue ot Ontario ahuli. ThoeULidsy "mcelalunov la oouesponueo mlùwth tbs Cicoago mon focs gene. 1ILim air ETAPU..-Tommople oto aboobti Wedaw mds euma hIolestaua Kr. zeom sniausi. lie mll.ianm uit mmrdcitie Manmd Ont"cle geewuaideft Iis ddiauot, bdet alhie deth troun ljuies recetisi by a feIL Tht. unfoulunti COMPUT, mti Jus. mNuhe u oguesilu ablngllnRgHurclp& Brmdy'a etotoboum. A mcaicli b.d bien er@oe on atle suathilde et t building enma brl.p mtai the mou bei mouated. 11. Il gmve vay, fllin lo tiepoaid, a diatanceof E&boultvtmaly.lhl foot. Narrison fit onIse fait. Hio compaorti ii nol ucap ocfuclmall,but telou otht rail- eoed ttaukurunming but thlb. vaooso bis head comng n acontact mil au trou rail mth houtille tooé HsRemav plokei up unoutealos Mdmmi moietetbig home miii. h. did ihortilp attouardiHMe ..l wu badly cruabsi . Ne.Redsonbahmbom a ceident of lie town fort ualy vtw"y yosu Pfou « sautivoiho wuv a.eimtifiusuvaat sadec lbe Ontario guveunnut, uClmu Pme vacitu ami fu lilnag hi. dulltiéoe lerbo. Bfe mwu a polsi olilon. a god faîher ami kid hua" i.Ho vo mitemeu"miand luava a vit. and mine tuideon. Thée fua,. tainé place îhlugihetscnto the Rtieai. On meTo TsoPa.uazu-TIL* 7maul hl, the C. P. RL, iuok plus onWiadme. Paron ail site Omtwiulune. sambtua lmok t tu. Fion-Linday Mai vIntv usITaie hunired peopit bomeisi the uegale- mounlm temA- lot Toteoo ucatch thefeaxo tr aa. :1 ~ lman who.eaffetionhe ei. hloei. tatesto asume h~ obigatins o w ifrot and ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sot ol nlq dise afe tÏn Ob; thtes e lela ll ntat ofvhlcliterem nine organin is bit, not only unfit a wo mian for hap>py* hood and motherhood but incapacitate h. for any aphtre of action No woman con di argt the daily duties ot any iposition vida comifort or satiafactiot *ho ws conuta l . ed dova by head aches, baciache, i g, veaktenimg drains. Troubles of nature ert flot 1>y any means a necea of womaaahood. 'Thel are positlvely and pletely cured by Dr. Pierce's Favorite pio.It impartl genuint tathmn trtnt .th oai orgfa. It wm de è for th" one palpa.. by an eminent a it la tht. particular field of praCtice l'For severalyge.ufféred wlth prolapmus of the uteru.on" uie L .Lee Uch"u of- B< ox 12, Rodney, Je Cro C.,m -. oUi imily physiclut tdm or Îàdueyptrouble, and ev. erything tht bu t ergta" . . I w Worm ar.dworse. L y.- d __atd.bands aid feet ctammy m ol m i tibr palpitatioa of the b 1t Idremdd tegbi coine for I would u t h tbnuei nlg«da so 1 contlnued untIl *e kind unknownfrlend sent me your bookw~ a marked page. 1 begai, taking your* FavonltPemIrptiotn,' contri te rny family'ale bes, a 1I began ta Imr0- ri away. 1 have taken aree bottles ananw 1I au very nearly veU and *u vtry happy, and tha"i . &gea.ýj As usual our 25c. Japan Tea -is the best to be had for the moneYD FAMILY GROCER.s NM. Jobs Jtdam mu mang hiscedg la 1h. clv. et tbe fuel or Edout itesot oun uy wmaulahic mummmttwy absenomt. he hot imabsyixe n'lb thaot, e% ttlag thé zig mai dsmau fi ttotn m puueti Tht loi. . .W. Neollu of St. Audima' hoh mdi tRom. Dr. TouaM ost Paul%6 htmebormugb oucangdpapuom Suas. Dr. Totulm sajuil reiuai mita, a mumlbaholLlmyi mlth oldi Nonteami huimt Omu and Ka i NeS..on thé lover Tht eodhifeleo'grandloige odonlid Ia laboru nt Bellevlio lut laids. àNe.W. EL Bre .tof ulg là u O the grmnd mous. lot 1898. Itla h n uir),e a mIe otnoeellty, but s s'at tueo oummmtalal, b put only boums ilmtmnmte laIs oneé aivu.tlalnc. Thé oouuty of Railbueito iiaYeue rocolpei frthe b eumooa puutotforthe. pot auhool guat aàcieque for 8%500, A thouaima &UNIS amor. Ibmhm Tmyt. vae aoigna g s htuebsuton, bond the AUm. EtW monThuayl,. Aun&121h. John BamIl tof toma wu LamA 810 mai 4.9 ata. COL ls'mron, of stmuEvmel, on thé rmant oxcunmo ion mStoufulle te Eoboaygoon. founi a plain goli dan beang musai emblem. Ownue cas havo'tic emme by applylng ta hlm. The Grand Teunk bava mm nlodcid tbe pa, eou aystem of palag thiemployesi thé hue Mytem. itefai taleoIeliiboss Ne. Johs Bot, ut Peterborough, leavelle tor Bostley sud Weuk. lb. e wli imomu Toront. otet utav.ltosh. tht lem'e mowk.' OwLagte b h.ulag pelcof u t ithe local1 bm en os Noia, »Sulash. prim «of bod1 Momt mal fontua OiAIlhPaket: YënmS mmsif you entno lulois go tethelb KbcdikiYoutchanc.e mii b. goui ttims mut vint.. Ti. ue 4a q»Ullty of ghtnbhlajrn m liaI num s t dmnurnes.t.stand la dmsgily1 ilémsa iuta eabua. Msmsdethteufrn Ilghtalg à"mmet ailon 09 buiding. liou i rne mcamae atboom .pot. g doulmg thimmont it iss mamérthmliasthle fou imo"alg posta ombinai. A oeqt cia usbu oma emmudla P4toebueb. A goui exmple ltheb Llcalm, oéemat.follov. ]E. A.!Y. NuLmsaILNP., fot North P4uth. oumo e b.mmot ealve ubemes bayai.ofthe r ovlmms thelbfaummuof etsotern Ontatdo mms thon"miaoftdélea mamly by ldm sogiset cet eummumstmsueaof ubsumo te pro"vadlae 1" a ot tu fot btb acor md b, uIvli liethe omme o nuket pcs lie. CU-oft ePdtobotmam* u thte owm of à lus thmllisp.Il mwutmmaelp e *m tihuemaids liwomi et tbme neoe Th. arib p! -1mo"inov bava m beise *Ma tbe gcoommya ufl agpbouelflsops !smabt b. usuahy lu the z ofitl àvomtsem mn.le the aint blg vult. Imil bv Wr.210à -Im sm eta auto. *M amaoag a lau4matg Th mout - "uu*6 tbiavi q *»es Amamt -dlie 1878. mi mi uelybm esouh Wfu' lmaitla54 0pt-p. dMi âZî.; Ovt:Ise 14; Nov. ui."61 Tmm mmedt 3 bvlmu qdb a s etut bum n Imib.on Ou tb.hudvuh ouatuitgui huit yla 1h. mituep ot« m~d i sMWt. iP. N.&Etistymeon m..i Sm *- d.uak &iM ag -p m Alinimem asidi,. t te dif0 I--p -~ hêu~Deufm mi To Rurn.-Pulaonélia Buw peoit. Ts. u ~m Thora.B1edi * ho fou MavUT F vus adnrI t om .voricng la Ingta' aMi Ryimy% tuooei det aIOwm ouai us p,1dm,. Whieeho, eau bonviiigbis dugtu is . Thte hueietEimilipoaf olt tals éan«900. emin .*0Poinstvostatdev misse usas. Noexom a s mmi vuaib lt point "tu mu ThetIRuet. Lictgbtudmiomg Ce. mue buav puttini la thetMWatm ausnotehlaMa i i. Thté 32 nne0do mli aie Shool àonvontlon miiibsidila KemIlloCe..271k 28ti ad 25h. à NAmmum Lutaa. o @LO.0,O Ruchm & oOr j.mmlpMes,2 f[Qatiab" omt, 41 perosabllotua made oslfime. Muni. cipal deboatures. uruasi. Veimti etemp enoma r i su ual) EsdShuai à C..1124 Vioiaa èmt.Tant.-71.tL Tbs rieinta oftheis ocins ixenluations viii bé o do boom la a dey outwIo. Tht nmy fuimisof Nui% Koyle wmliib. pleais l esmthat bai iangbieuth nov qulisu cul cf dunia, u.ibau oi, eceverh only a mats ut lm 1. nhe oosmaaeme jebUiesIous et Cemaima #temps fubanlth. vaistiof oushai oeuI t. 81 have beau. ropimai.ounamieaid are comuaaudlng ém i vsly àalmise n uc. V. E. Soltiuups a Naiomount home boy. mhu o t aouly binseosv eau ena. poyti by 0, 0. Lamou@ cofutBrlghtos moIl maya terme%. hm coclusi aànotiflcetiont trop London. Engleni, aakil ina lepirésnt hînesif et Temple Bar ou September 1. The lattri»sp bt on tldey scmbhuope meuh b. 19 vêeofop aund wul.thon b. haïe t. £M00 000 ulng. Muulhotps eI tlut mesi foc Esglsai te oWalutlisfoibua 01Torty atsactuatch usn thé home ut nos" la tht ulive titise ofasM utwcisbp Ovin . O.Aduns.vblhïémppoad la Rsupai' Round Table of Auguil iOuh. Tht étiem. lion mu lie COUDo cie, vbltbiu tep us tiaportod. la secttos. a distano aqumi t. liat fion New Yorkkt Buston.. li te Jane nuaibot W. ClatiRuseliwhite sot usom- midlgvune e slbood e s agors. chemu thâa e 1evhave iehguluboi lie. navala Ibis mmnl uumnm ualn CapotrWhltmtp imum ne muh iabout huml. les s mma. n ibal mielho mcltés abouit "PIima nst" vil!b. valosmi bv mmar iomiaio. Theo ualié, by NU lliMt Sommil m ap"mtaUbehilu MR& . mii b. ooculls, Mditliedocuumets on bloyclugmai latotuolu apum ii b. touai mut MI et sp.tdtlahemal us u»»L It la nov ptepouoits thotlze postait. mai diplut e pen ot sbuionm ii me P~ taS apa e tbeau placea te lests dh ammne ofthliter mi to si voii madinIlt. thé, doad lettauoR... Thon mii b s m blaek hdytyIinet honlm âo'Goiteban dbll "v Iis»au. Thèr S éflu estghu ei al.aiite. but ont tait mai1h mauteum w b. itop gi fer e vhIlI& This mi alulpuduc les.Mmd catilo abippwa amd Twteo. Itle amotable febd ht h ib s eu. josephk Oba"ie l mi bis Im o b âe eni sono% treMlvio Ii ie b l m o nAflnts. Nus8@14M. x».hun lsa Naismal ofmltaiNu E'mWa bber huba (W. dam. t lb lit uti Kr. J. 1P. Wièm p t in.sUMuaetlvo luet nbu mua lat. immule btu liogi b. bà*mlatuM XMdmyT, Axe a .ne usimsig etbibi u- Netmi amuim . SI Ihlm e.oudis. iip.ibi. 81 ; Oulbvill mli ailunomouds if a Ag. duagli lttvavot amb, 1.1.1he b oWahl t~ vi bai bau laoabelle fée 6dais. mmi ~ =tda cas s Mp m oaut le op W", fa oi"4embuta Wgai mm ii mtiTmmavvi Wu 1h. boy 110a00dmain niiisum~_htetun, ii somu ca moy 1ev, t la lu b. ioped> tPtoutedfi feU hot abeau upt labonlM. bue hotU~hly ýdulandaMl caualng lie fama e uod "mi. oftroubilé iv Mr; Calée Oulas' Item r@e% esabout Imo miliie =toma, wu sicuci iv llghtaine la the beavp tntalut mosi anddamagedila moyeal plasso 1Tht ILiai pueaigdas hof .1P.iHope cma taexcursion Taosimv ho Laidéli. Thi exauootbactivaila toua ou thcecequlmu mine u'oiok iala ami bouid i*aai 0uandli lfor isel. h.oRSthq asuvit about @amm o61cklathet .,oia. Fron Ibouotbatookhaa tor Port flope. This jexcursion conta psomimsete bo vety pppule I li yeue being ournaof et h.mcml bmtitul mater -omuaslattcoUd",ty, Imilala ett R , Plu oce,1benng, Bcibet, Du bemtifàl ahumbaofe et t. A Glfalwvyonug lmyu a hurtotgo te chunt itocorahoudbicticclint vbaî abs Ihought t.eiM hae dolmen. Eh& huna lhe sarmentol eebrmaamiiM. net âdisut ntil @h . hSwuheomnib o -.the booof ef rpamlaluuSt ci la mdi'eliai aie b*ai beoUgit by alitai a pal of hhi ubmad'se troussb. aeni butladyoumpsalos lughtd auob-l abahstt Iky atbracwod b attention cithle. ntiS,. oompeîloand Do a co ý«opt Iemooluamaiteamstielias aasof the tenb bordaulant hsaevesthet-choir loi Off vith "As panlt ehuat." Cciopoliesmeuhubes mmv b. oubai is people amy thev mes, buùthlionte al bailout cf tbun It bu hm:1csuos. A policeman erueaWda mmn tor cstuyig s aby02 bicycle bofore binsanmdithi tie poiafon ig tah. Il alvia e glums pendent peoplse achililaom e mas 1iUh ouai the cornera ou a mhosel with e pooc Ule1 heiglasa baby pmetoh up on ltehaile bats. bstoue un. If Ibm machine eauoà thoe mm mghtl avemy ii. but ypo u Ave t. tutai vb.l vouli b.ppmoa *a b by.rI in a certaila immi toms leit auna, ions lufin vWhosi.ltastei la - uisimaaMY ou e chm*nei t t oimue u mihl e bsa up easand"spaly nTe cmmibtu ot rauai nolics théaI aul tii Young la Who tock part voie opéotisi t. mue bloomus and ÙM ha laiho :iiim'î bave bluono tu tbeA' tva vould b. aupplied i mti tibîb. oomnittie. Vis ashé,usng etflis garda PSwt musié îhtevu sa immens attuaso Ia fau t v u aamtnu h euVi.tle peosil1 openti lie juana lay attenisamppaerei oc ita A i g. sam u, plangi u bo eboulitu. Thaoiw»ma gooi proicmmi. mmid aisi i.ttahwmMlbut .111 lai odmécy vhs Mtua"ithe Ms parI, - u «Ift ey moe dlappu(nl éui sîamollaina. Tii Ptàbuo.bcaleu aation mv u i A regala ubg h".etsItomtp là»ei Ses Ibis Itufutoràtis« e 11tta mUsat CoL Ruibu. Tht juhlu ie voiism t l 1 or toi euilm ucw ti uttiue*. qUiamsWt te bi~cyce spon Tce>. dair li 10 and15M Bandin ttendawac. À -m vbU abu boom cmualng nuch Intereat amusatht -MWilool aitIy mvuocudud W«Umo.iy butaie P. M. Molatyre. Ti défendent la tie ceesuvie d 25o...mct Youttday moenlng a large mumbo, of Peter. buough k slvatloslote asemutheough lava on 1h1oxr«uomealo S ttuxg.on Point Tij P.lsboeongh . . band mooompmluod thir2 oni domu Kant St. f'voug aur oltinu mti »al mioeolletly i.mderod iselec. tios.. 1hlh à vory otedltablo bamd aidqua tooktht ltova b stem The Kinguso 8. A. obacwu " n a ndimn uim. Pou Su--Souud code. 81.25 pet oordf .WmzNT.-Aehtont houiukopae. ]iiÊ vt.Young gIr froua the country pueforeed, Apply eàt WÂarn omfo&-9.1. Soa.Bealu empnbltfor ather amc joki oun codWas othiiwmd gentlemn. Tho rlaid aIa. Krtle hma. usuonovaed and r eehithoiTho Bumuse. Thtealteday -s pofu etwo- mamdlng tlking uhùa ou.Houa t a p hon lé ieanmd tld Ibm. -Out ho bai e h.buser imtmthe rit«. Timklag tbhat bmenut tho Ilttle. lan«mad fur buArng annimal the pa7t e stau tu i UIla recitement la cpture ~ AtumIW amu home'. bmrd mark thov dlacovered the lo ami. Fotnmtoly (tochlm> Cour. Rom u aw ombrto befuoni lb.., SGoiaro BEMLEVLL.-MZ. Wai. Stump, manager of the Benaon Houso ham obtaluti possession of the Hub Hot;el In Beil«WI1oand viii horafter rinit. The pries .ar e ong ronovated and put fùel cou, condition. Mr. Stump han had -excaleul expeelence In the hotel llnc both- la Lindsay, St (athrines.and To.- outo and no doubt ho viii make a suce- eu et bis proisnt. venture. The body of tla l. John C&zmpbelIl, Who il t port Steel, B.O., an lOth JuJy meelve InluWoodviloleait Saturday moemlng and mwu conveyod ho the uomidcnca of Mr. D. MoLachlian mianco t vau laken in the psbfIudm church vhere a large oeowd congrealto Pcv thelait respecta to ltedeputed who vwu much eaiuemed by ail vhôoiremhlm, Ro. .J. MoD. Don=anooùduotod the unerai merviceai W"hWODvoevey lmprive. Interment vau mai. l1a th. peebtertan cemetey, satof IIMÉ&laÈ A cremerybas' becu establishcd in Thoeh TeNoral sehaols opencd this wcck. A naine> from, Lindsay, incInding Miss Waýtaon anad Mr.' McFarlanc, leftto attent! the Toronto Normal. 'a Iacablcgram received at TR WÂRDERt oMmceye.steday, Lt-Col. Hughes announced that -ho vouid sail for Canada on that day, per Str. Labrador. SThe- excursion net Thursday for the benelt-of the Home for the agcd should be wAll pafrônifrdi Tien vihima te athoi 1km modacl isi Thte sturlon hai been re-wired and ber lo thle cemba sia u tut" *A&e I searciligiat strengthened. lié F 'j MWt saihme ftby. Intertati etawillnote with pleasure tu them iist l e isrcnt nernational yacht races Augomual math. Nogim if bismusmmm U thGeala.l.CandIan boat won the wosblu mmi-la moei s m mtuiisqe tru Ca lam§dommms1 Twiadfm atimosThet-Nasitolus viat cran la saI ho be Sept.~~i fm.bu nuaiaumethis joar. Lettons le town Dws'ttoeg e MM osmoml bite o&fromnaatitoba frimadis aay tbat prov idlpg th.elemeat. -arefavorable, the tarmers Tht obA, o bie unavlusa. wmiiréalis ne md.meiy. eu.e tabF loi a Tal TaIde, Mmes. msacopnîti y the Misses yonnUaffM.oif ut là doaâ. Milb. Maion homet. aat prunt enîjoylng rummi la ou MPeIru Taooushiod-ida ith fitenia ln Gravenhurel. TimesTie]M" a&&ohez" oml vouki fEA. setea oflb. nOrll n. éatM hiup on&*iBhu4U VIit.iM 0515m T t aoboro Reviev says thal theRev. .. riotab ios me001< bmeafele WJ. W.Nacaelilan et Lindsay bai alruady b. 050 et t»IWi lA-IMs uàmeo. rlute a fouemoait position Iln the church. tu èNe a tmPwrme.The archeelogolcal section ai the British' Tii iomlu i. et'kUq nid MWassociation nov lansesion la Toronto, dililiStonimdi apu.,t m bt Oglt vfil ItAl fiSbro ad prace to Rica Mubse IBaIaseOs." me - ~id I* lu view lb.herpent mounds discover- dlsstu. aud isini T. taùdiuvtshlgeed on the shores oftat b" 4 0" i 00 Th@body of *altm 0" *A. uluvM ? s AOUQUoD*TOX ii. im» ttmbf.liaIM4i y" saMut slxsb"ouma, inds- ~hi Um P5PtlI* gla luushu, &Ut,»aimis! oyot.Aucoode- U5ei~ io vs. altlagMM alef Uu U of the ba t lmep ug iva hcld a l leu =àmwim m "i iiivou b loi&S ba;lb mie i> Fm om " m- tlm uble. Vo unemm hii la s on dborln ÏO ei Ib o b u Ose imgare b Napta6PeoMy.a iM waoMtaes PURE, WHOLESOME DELIGISoust AND.EOONOIGAL. Put up in halM Pound packages. Retailed at 140. and 50 ot-s. per bt e I' 1~i: : ~ ~: *1 ~ r bp èbte My'0mi mée s i @do Soie

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