Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Aug 1897, p. 3

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Wm OCt , yostiveîy cured by thés» Littie PIs.6 ______ ~e~eyalso relieve DIStres from Dyspepul eýcdton and Too H=at Eating. A per. Ili-Na fo Diziness, Natios, .Drow-4. .-B3d Tastein the MoutiCosted an mnth Sde TRID LIVER. 'fl Le12qij4x tceBowels.. Purely Vegetable. $mals Prie,. the fraud of the day. Seyou get Carter's, sk for Carter's, [0sijst and. demand. Cader's Little Live r Pis. iora! Pbbau 1 works. YLEI N. "he malssUavusmmg Mill- ERU.w iYING Kilà te b lod drulae ad gl oiui dmited. ONTAIRO ",=:u0a buhb &à loi Y BIDAY, AUGU8T 20. 18W. inlliy XRndm'vor XE.M Ou prty eonaisled of thiet, bssolaf I.uornlatéea the M.P.- th.éPiofioiaýtM XisterIIS of the Iutusior.ThsW ~peuiiOn Wbs LhlOilta Umyteif9 litra Il had charge iargell of théeooMMlmmIl lpspmenmBlior lu oampimg paneues., "th rub.e' Bateivlafthon *ar mmuy y01100 u,ý-mud ladies îoo-who voolibceglis 10âm lOD orne urtiouiaus' about % snuce Dg va, tat lhe y 0My osd do lIke gom, lI; &et dow& étmuplysud bl iseoOOUIiBof Our ttip . . - We los Lindsay la th. teamasi".y. oud for Naminel F"is Sd ba" diouug a. About lb,.. la l. i à omr»e t ou@i in t h. valsa ud ou orule gi. Thé prots aa th«lb.]P. b.d Juage oanoe oarryiug 1hhe vybsmga d I had a smstil canoe wth lighi and hiieî bmgqage. W@ psbddled asiesï re]bmaio lnde u p thériver lubo Bal- rnlats, and aamped ab Bossiiale i *uig. As la oustomay, genlie uls.î .zoédingly oouapiouoi by liesab- Nuos on the firet DixtaB of a camp. Il the moruimg We slmrtedi.sud thst qy va paddlod mros e aian.lab- a soiUul aheet et walr-up* th. river te bocîk, whsré wv had 1 diurne,, wbleh éd te fi dezaolly th* nlght spot ln Mtomies. *iaiglug hore we paddled onuoUnb loto, L,3wer )Ed Toris labo, and cinto Uppar MadTaille. Este .fom Itheltneatoue formationlit granité, ai uin my aoua jetbaro. lit Ieho bodtof ud Tartit e we Pitche. Our- camep fer the 'sondf ght and Blpt the pwJfQumd eleop of Ski oraougblY ~rd 'Brighti arly miiw. mét ont next moie. P efet: port î«lng agia ansd soon ,eaab. 1Nor['csd. Hère wé portageti agala ni Êtecp ih, and paddléd on oip lb. iver, wing the pleamane of - Édiâg .a grec re ofl Lgs filllug op the river, jcaS bc v the materai date. Wo.portagsd boe galn and pàddléd on up the river t onag agt épbefons enting Moors'à ike, la vcry attractive sheet of watss ore thé kiadly ýfate omd Wusa g«" tured tArmér's vifs who aqpplied ni ih vegelablea aud bug@. dtinks 0of mlii d on.Wo paddled, portlag ltob Ou lh. Bv ibis urnme 15 vwusix oela ho.ééiglvm evening--sati I i gin ta rain. W# hmd b mmli. for Big sund, thé aorth end, and wh#oii tefiai we did't ezaotly bnov. OznW weelo lbth. rate, m king à record t or epeet d uugrîrlo oblrg out.for thse aimpl~u round. 1.To Our joy w. toati l ap4 1tobd oui camp sud hati onsuppr d good eomtortabls hard grournd fori d miade us fésil Me nsw Me. on lb oiîroW (Imbe somewhsbat and am 4W mn, 1 iLmgh sY). Ou intentions vers to go te eburuhid ho uearét wsmlable polal next morinlg. kv beotkitiot bolaie., hotever, vOi Il go, but resied tlmsisad. OuUombi Oe âtuek camp la good lime adi eds trou % Gall lake andud p GQU alINi, lde, àv ~ploîurseque spqot 1b lattior baokgo d, nelIe luloula femmue of distinction. Gu ker betwëueexMelb. ansd .UW#eS à 44l beautilul, and où a bdeghlMaMMe ita paddle on Di su» lesomb W el ùp for &Ul lb. pou-008Mgbeivea fitOle Fau&isâ mmdmei Rlrig a heam taemy rjou Umum ldi baiggsge taooe uuâtaytei Momt 'va tramped tiIflngpartage lb oamrntsr bel7 la thbm nsLsbe tlOO.degréen.. h. 5ws t .ifl Dot ulu grest iai.. ri&M surpoaued a ythawg la 13u 4ibb'u fe fr &me b.rdllb vlh ehlol Wu sowed mway scoucersud. 'Thé bil 4 througâ-he be mot foe# labos vas 'un ilOVable. iNouia.laT.elve Nm4 tll Bomhkug saMdBIgBoekun as.'a *l@ bofsk, iutriv ou bOPotag.. TbeY, vlth uiso e1 t * ok, of tue ma.stype, gîve 1"Bahie i ansd lurhon . - 0 - - -0" and~~ tu he dseerip of ué 8% fora&II. Thie labo leekdmur*W <tbU.The balle 1,reryp aide, sud %b lle% Été , H y Mr tSio4 Uppé mlkba bum*5 Seool D @lN~'V ~'i. oe~ 1, ~ W*OJI, pi ~ ddi vam a .13»» bda rv ib ka we bai iouneion.Ban- My, *m Pve= .Goinglo0 à, rgal Ad awm oMtd k.iwsebroya dres.Tis Resi gave Me.Broyahp ma&.eson otubM =ocl detodo- u - m h. ~vvork 'Vos Soi mi Hem. muS Natlne lasi." r Thé W * T Wad flvaîw Guau MRMPfl% - a~ pb Ca- - il ai w adita r'o lOce MSSei oralun u. la luts .1 B o* ts b Ï"Ms î oa gessesa. Bosum« laboil about Ibis. MU" long bi about t1v.a"ues I Md mus bc vry ieep. Il o laee sAval IIo thé MW e s voy finebsu Iba, Uc1". uskve pMdbS vittb mlyss peoge,; Thue. lain-ens verSiallb lest, oE eP t sse. mapl labs l aseihblé g1#18 matit" .ety ul.h om dovu astheofCot aIof blle als Mst deIlghIalulvY sud qpileMMUSalld cur party. A âne rod«i dbesobnited M le a îwhuMW th#. "Mry aMdthel swtm paa ds"~uwir la Ïor bseo ai omashat tleb. mo*fjbl..banquet at i ndsr 0"sis *ly oeidL'îtoueh. Pl 1m. t te umme atmrj0o!obsi ovur sma, "ia ai Is huai v. fouai &bout*@mlst4*la p*. otOn, hm lrm w U~V M insa «Op of saleMa oua "~ had leverm,ad bis eolleetlon of sipiren oo"li'h h baisa yvboe. 1 dUWe clouât lb.., but tbey vwo maüy, -.;Mr itsu, ad Sb.y ven o gious apoilmene o! Qaumilaxn&asI have neov eubm hïeupeulors (Lo, tabou' W. wons lfcnud ibsl abou 1e ulaite Ibse er W u "on tveuljor moto labe irnns iyltle der a! Bosbmg. The oenstul t hâ bt sBos uto. Bolkumg drna Rai l btbsKee Z t»labea sud à gwop oMboutlhrty Mme. TheAis Ilaifeeder eaioes Boosbugatitîl ubot.eib.slsr onea -nti dralusocly sme Messé or twenly labos. There Il a bsavy portage bére luI.: t ibert IMM, vbleb sajoji *4sDmre o Kàibawiga. mog,o, tleput it maire brlsflj, Kuohbog. T'his le about sein . 9W long, a«d irom peu. Inta as-vurvbeautiiul lhâte Sta OS or Benons or Bonore, I am no MetMt wbleh. 'I lalepronounoed 'Nonan sd you OmnapilIl a»Y w&Y Fou 8k.. Il l e b vIeibit of se»«eTplu tie sgle% uulot l"dwelle onilebor- a"d usa. ul 01, Aà ilftary t a founi akt theb..d of hAis la&@s. sdilna Pathos tothélb.wltdoesmaMd dsepealu the haaps.venses o et hemèei. The Biah lu Ibis laiotste»very pleahlful'and of excellent q«Ualy, tbev are s finetou$,> a soS t ofmedlumbelvreçubrok Irout sud lobe trouS, rssuablirng the former la &PPMawaee sd thl.imter inamise. Tbsy ans beautise, boh to1he ob. oand. tb. W. oentaiabout aàday ant abal st tis point »smptue ou au idaad lu th. oentree ofIte lebe. Sece vs wers allAis bssd-waloasoai lb. TreuS, for lhe Pro- fiaor sud I vaibsti sou es. portage,. Bmie tkree miles, 66 Wren labo, Who"e watersi eipty. lt. eorgîsu BaT., sud s fevr mils lu another dhfroiouould -brina us t1 lb. 8h. Mada- wike. The portagesoro.. t. Wren labe la the Ouet blinof-pleluruqusrond I ever caw; iu m» lie li u balfl Bmoaa Zibe'l remubakbl oi o oui for il. tM, but foriD île IeIh sd féls ebooes; il ob 25 tetl of trot ineaeege-Iotel bottoinlunooue place; and thoe slbos tb oua msw ers exoseodlgly Bia . Our journoe? home I. usai aol desorîbe. W. madthe i.distanueslu about ous.lblrd th. tMm, the remarkable o mleratlou lu speedý'boilg due 10 oua prodigiocus dore. lopmnt lu muscle, for *bseahe M.P.. on the upad journsy, grosiaIetevery lifia o e gia rab box, aoV_ ho ubouidoted -the big cauoe, snd addsd loade ai oiber etomt, sud vaIbai p ,ball and downublil, ovr the portages, vlthout* any apparent effort. The mosie:bilsrailg part o! oua trip wua-sbsm iBealmam antiCamoton labos, A beary wind vau blowimi, aud ooo nre layilabusaIbroals to tb. vain, but the M.P. aid hIb ofesso bokstei a ssii sud gave me a tow, sud. ve @ udied mrou e Mels ia agresi pao.. It vus exblluratlng sd danuerolasd wo &Ul brestbsd more- lreel# vhsa ve landed aM Feneloa Folle, andboarded th. Grejheumi foi LIudsmp.* Who trip oeupied ivelve dlays,,oovered 150 Slle oves 17 labo. and msmy voler astwea.ibrougbl us Iobotter s halal tbreughlt.heeoodng ysar'u work tIbm ve bai tor yevx, and, aIlfer a total eut loesoo neA Mu o! about fOve dollar., exclu- LIANO8 AND ORGA NS. Planos.ani Oîgan, maufeolaretibY lte Dominion Organ anmd Piano pij~ny, Bowmaavin lfl artili, hayiug a.-wide sale. A few weeks ago &wo ivery important sales vere matie, i w" are worthi reoording, althougha the in8itru- meute Vers place i3000 miles spart, ýTbey had tii. upecial honor cf placing one of tbeir Cabinet Grand pianos in the 3r.ystal Palace at London, 'Eng., 'and another beautifal Cabinet Grand in. Iwtan walnut was aold by their agent, Mr. IFleming o Markham, to Mr.. George Parkeri ex.Reeve of Pickering b- wnship. -This alone is sufflieut, if it were necessary, -te convince the musical public how higbly these instrumeentsare appreciated at bhome and abroad, and speaks vol umes for the energy displayed in the management of 'this conpa.ny. Gelneria Agent, Lindsay, 170 Kent Street o st. Zint Brown OfCOIMMRO. $lismi. Brovn veuéto aI.*, Obloago avenue polios station *06« sebo Ilo mstîIo 4BulIeIL IMa be àùzt pestaouof,,aid béer cnes bin bal, laD nv lne wje, hiet i matod thsi durlug the li Stv.ulûeyeI.u mle bau beau undsr arrest neveu buadred tlMs-always for lb. iame offenos-. intoxication. Wbou ah0 gels tired cf ber mu m4»e sbe ho beooe op,asud la laniabty aoeomodaILed. auS Lizais Broya, ýsîya "Bafsuai," oommeuaag on lb. forsgoing, nover lehiled-,&a"lsso!fublibsp; tAisgavera. meut wiiuld mot *Dow ber Io do thil- tb. dietiller muet hi Iionsed. Probablp LI"si Brown noer nid a glace of vbuebey; the slIp voualD ot allow Aia ta do that-men muet bave a lioeuse to i l wb. .Ail Lmai.e ouli do vae I. bol whaedriak inukey, gué -druak, sud go 10 tbe ioeb.up saoneahuudred Urnes, The goveaiet llseu e, nuagnesathe mm gêert, aui Ibou pue tb. aumadrlaken for drlblag ,hah vie umade soordhngI. bcliv, sud soli udea &6vsrnmenb licnc. > LizaIe Bron' gals locbeti op savon bunered tînmes for drlnklug vhbor. Hov mamy lmo.s b.hemén benu loobod Dp vhs made t PIl? ofoisn bai Bbce man bera looksd Up vho cold -l go her,:taab ber monop, sud hurusi ber mvér bc the peles obehi rnsehedj ookedup,ý sud providid for at otbsî peopl a sipenme P Rov lorng fi 1h11 thing ti.go ouiP Limale Brovwnoul t nCl el diuak vith- oui etrong drink, sud ooutd. not gel il utises others wauld make Il sud neIl . TAi. United Statua goverameut provido. tb. drink, aMd moa.s agood profSl au ensry galion tiutilisi; tAie oity llomeo. tb. ae, snd scoops lu the money for Iloemiug l;ti dibea pour vbate.baire Lizalo Brovn bas- o tanidlbthe mng for 1l ail. Hov long, O Lord? boy long ? ours for Druncenneu, au Frauolma, Ang. 6. -Frodenlo W. Evelln. beai of lb. SI. Lukes m ouitill la tlty, basjugé make publie tbé resuite ofaifîtosu jean' expeiment. by wblob Aisclaime ta bie fount s certai curé, bp inoulation of bores bloodd or dnankenueea ae wêll ast for thé traumislou of hsedittry tain% t a loobolism. Dr. Evelmu began bis innestieatlon vAile a suugeoa ln thé Bî.itlsbarmi ln Zululand, sud ho elétéd a her»se asa eome aimal wiSAi plenty ai bcai. Hie cure le on tbe cea lin.. ae the vaccination remsdym sud hoe seoes tâtai; it ual oly bkmlsthAv-rn ing for drink but &acaleo eliothe lb. ild- rom of a druakard f romt dered"tryi a nft. T ho substance. vbloh he oblas b' lu- geotbag aloohol loto ihe blood ai a homme h. mise qulale a. sdhIug lutroduo. Ie labo thebobe@Tmotem. Whal v7"»u bas -beeu le umallpaz, be caps. equlalue vili b. ta bcreditsry or soqulred lobol. tom. The docte«, deirusa that Aio bas bea ucoeumtul luaIlcses Whou bada ives or nartoolica wsro motimesi. ATestimony From the Galîows. A fev mouete ago a Young man iu OmahavAille mai vilh drink, $bot sud killed a man vbo ba benu ons o! hie beal frleuds, vithoat &av apparent motive, e spe the Charleuton "nMeengr;" sud for tAis crime ho roooentllpufférod theai- i #Iopenalty oft l.1w. Bboaly beoae bile exeoutlou Aieo alIed for peu sud piper, sudl wrote s muet pathelle letter addraoîa o thu l.Young mon o cflie I, sapaial le thuse vba bad bettu bis former meocites. Aller reeouatlag varflu expériences ai hie boybood sud "oa maubood by wbîh oh blbidbenudrava 1 nden evil influencese, Aiesai: "But if mnybody amyear mgo hmd to1& me that I veau b hinlujol t. dmp vthbMa Octb setaemos upon me, I vouid bave oalled id..z. -.u aborevaITamn.. Youngmon.. MI PrFRer auOhlidhooi Bm Buffabd I fI.. Hoani Tfflblu-X>oorsbaltdiobag Qoui.hi Dueo for Ber, sud Thal Es Deatb at Amy Moment Woold' Net BurprigoThem "of tlb. malg .t books tbers la n sud," .il bsbeu a, nd the. "m'O: olalMmilibîbe est , in respect oi tbé mablug et uime la fans, of Dr.!1 Willim.'Pirnk Piles eWonder. senIara somse ofl sthetementý puibllsed lu the uovspapersa se ho b. 4teeffealed lu ail, parts of tlb, soupeV, iteal evideo provoe ths hait bas rnoi basu bld. W.,. Il net foraà flb o ns idellsopwbie a <test many people @B tains lu regard le snob malteres, lAie',so amné ot th. prose Weald bueIllnail t liaitmg vthnmatotail okowl.Dusesi01boneft dsrivod frein md permaets sfeeted by the nu, of Dr. Willa . k Pille for Pale People; 111 qLleaté $bfn th. mark te uap SW hah ere là iii oô" méeione offeredth Ie publIlhtsnaml opo viSb De. WîlllamIoe' Ik M1,sd lb., s notlaa seer lau Ibis vIe Domiue lu vbilbitheir nlrués hýnno1beonpuoe& à ours vhilob nee asisme lutAi kuovledgset1> a ro ofebois Te.of Mie Hermld le dU M 69 n l big Wlddr knova. Il le m tn m etu . ohesrl trouble that baffied t bMakli of a nambor of phpselolsâOmume o0 vhom positlvsly retaeed t. trealt th patient on, the grauud ibat Il% i a ou. The sib»s et theaffiollare telite4wlfeof a Algil respesea letisu .1.1-do Lermer la th. t.vnmbp ii L0 reîr the pillage of Dublin. Mnr. and s. Thos. Green are Brui beloers là e effiesoy of Dr. Wlliams' Pitk PlM, for veay good reamous, Mri. Gréee s niti svéry- tblmg bui death trous veak hoit, the trouble bavnaisf1 i i .ber aiuo@ eariy ébldbaod. O on Yoesaiaae she bas baense miloyir bal It vas uotz tAisum possible for ber Io r m. Rer greaiess trouble oflen arone ezhsau or a *uddeu -ataré, sud eam "h l bber r seme emé esauslis nobblag sud the bresthlmg wu 1 iMsd labc.ed. Docomi' medzim. et. have no sifeoh vhalaner. ohoé dlst by o»e phymielm tIbsi ailthi db. doue vas ho beep ber .Ireugath ,isudIl vii vith a niev te trsngtbgn ber alitez, sud vllb no hope*Ibast Aert woid he bonelitied, th he theuseo! -De. William.' irnk ille. 8U& h. inotbeen tali ethoni loug, ho ee, .vbe« ibere was an uamialalabl relief fremnlbhe trouble that hat inma eber vbole 1f. misérable. Durine thi peut summer oh. bas usd ai ik Pille relyo suand as erjoyed bitter bealtA ttan fer many years befors, snd ud Aiehemable nmtolmy * s do ber bouseboid vork, buS aloc miuy of the ont dos, ohorées bat fanIo10tlheslot of a taamer'î vilo. The différent pbpsiciul Who bsve lrealed bsr have frequsully tlid ber bnabsud thaitbey vould nol ho eursipl e hmbaofiber deslb h taujmoment, but ebm la ho up a ebrogvoa, ejopyngboler behuml tboa h.bau doue fOr =11 -BothMas. Green and ber iiuuband fiel grateful for te great benefi t oheélbonrecolel rtrm th. usé of Dr. Willims' Pink Pille, and spire no varde lu soundirng thelr pralues le evêryomo vbo onquIres wbmt ha. vroughli sAi a vouderfiti chang lun Mns. Gr.em'u bealtb sud spirite. . I cao.sof parsials, spinal, trouble, locomuolaraMarié, adoi, rbeumalionm, ersmipelas, acrofulous -troublés, et.., Dr.. Williams' Plok Pilla are suporlor to ail other trealmeat. Tizey are aeso a speoio for the troubles vblch m'ake the -liVes ct se many vomen a burden, and apesdilp tester. the rie lo g-oetibsalth t. pale sud alicv ebuoeu. Mon brokea dova by overvot, vor or exc9ese, vi1i Bad la Pink Pillea sertaoe.. Buld b, al dealers, or îeaI by mail poilpai, et 50 oule s boz, or ilz boxes for $250 by atdenesg ihs Dr. Williams' Modie ie Oo.., Broobvile, Out., or. Sobereot&dp,I N. Y. Bevare of imnitationisud sub- altunIesaileged to b. "jeul au good. » .8 0 't m dI qS bdlani....... ...... f i ý Il »D.Rue... ... .. .. .. .. 54 . o ..... ....... - e HallW aouaby a d uldLt ïc" î îDBU gr TléosOù Ian us oIR Pman&Iwgotloc na e Lm MUmýl t ad woM tw Who sab n -umot "aUmm 'dwoeoww rAvrftwi huIN2t vas De'- Iln mM rUadon ai nd eltam oudw.fl @UMt*0 cami aqu uabu.........te , AU@L«ob ub rousa bmrem . *.. OvRlau lom. i" Inua fr la ailas. r depldt moe t Morete Moa..,.... * qbbbflw U&p SP09 &AL MNOlthéNS. Tes rout p *al. pâou rIlSIto, r& aamO EklAMM ualadlMlo ' go.l. Nol el on thb SMMffl b caine " ra wo mie moaregfula adL uie. Bbt.upu1.1 aumagsuy. 3«" U bp £Uamtouu dIMU» mteb moai ~iru.a aMa Ea lmtarangBon. é ubi £11adrlusaa leu aoidsm puguméa oosto X&d. W.sumlhsmon agam mi 1cm o7toî'm;U BarnoiiiHug"r.e.sW Val" Ister1LoILBl ood.8etZm. and mmObaplar ai IN.o "meStla rb. Mueai Lit=. Gh.. oing MuagN.b.a& moet eIb Ian'hrld i aa mb i aKu.m lotbe n c Iuean er ofuKnulsma»d T. BuH. s!, agra. L 0. 0.oIR., n.. uImoamitaonde.rmooi Taadmyl Bd"% MO*. M tb aRn ominion Lo. .W 0W0llasa ow iU.; .Z BaLEoyDalai>. *a0 hu w, oa a, o 0 ean, l.u a"I let ata a osiEmota. a. Ni.t F..m3 . sai.u=oeseoi . Lisar taum Er. uwLoasu, 'Vioftori ldngtarNo 0 Moi ta bo Irié Mmc heuo.lm, Crer orab ma;; gla l. l -m l ous baiaokra 0 bm, on- bridg ruaatac Odt e méde ilom ao.iÊr. . uEum mllgsu la Io1..LHal re l S. A.e P- !doe No. % moeulMa d trd m aiul 09euhmob a a ' ok.% lobaMr $ouor0.1.. Na pm cmputr ntygN.o8. aoai il lout*Tllo! ofusasc~haateas Boy.' bll, .3094 saab mautbS J. omtm, Se».;o&J. à. mr helg on céearstary. etsialu l. n Bt ail, Macrua i Kuala msasdsudfoit Tusdy Itsab wnmoa Oralng E814 sa aiwm ncise.aW.aa. O N4A Q 0al0. I. magent, hs O. lobd Io. or mam Koanmm. raudan Can No. , Nsllor t . airdand a lor.. Jao. bsltb mota. VJongbs NoSwen Olwaa L ooe Mo. 0m.-smtNofmslmg noCmbdgeo la itstaa na Sunla 4là on Had- os mmaakwffl'a los. Ubu&lJacsonm, msosa Cr. T. C. mSb fmta lead mof tb Thr daa, la tho T. M o0.sà. om' lt 8 . . H Tmo3ait Tm&ob 0saab mIoult Féta omu it. A1. D NaSas. 0. Moer, 8s. u lodgs romoirsi Naormnlaa' Imtatout L~ir la &.£.u I, oVAJer oaKend Tes No. - Uqgwors, M=Uni ma th stThurda ai srm tut t81 Vl ttIng b prattnalMs oomatw. Wmal. Watranauamaaer . E îs.el record kaor n. laàm ml T. .Me B..-alle mm ornt and Cambridge -blolck PUun600 y, qf.i5..Uai.» ume rocs. opadte themm. ta 10 .rn. ci allg TmmMomwamstuL r. ine auornsa 01 . .t.r* Woma ra et Mayairi mo tu élb ca 1) m. NMes A romit Sa... eln&A o'clook pffla. orlasm. Baiaos I lua ye EsusmNosouEnioTaan, tal OAKWOOD. 1972-1 yi-scw. Loade the ProoeasiozLlla Furnac Work. T'h. fafowlsg ain maples09ibla ablile xla 10= joui oasbol mbat au lmElect Pm nwout phlas T'he <ounty lig, -Grney Rot Wter 8yataua4 Coai. Kma Wright, Gursy hbair. Wood.~ T'he Oouaty Builigsta" ioua slal syien, bot J. Neolad#, Gurney bot air, wûo&d mir and hot waw rcombination. 1 '1Thos. Sadlirhobt water. yod. Llia tOfice. entirs bot vater cea Mmd Wood. I& Woods. = = t, îl 8. eshad h tue, i Psa. hot air W... Sacieri, Guru"y bot water, vood. rainaGée au 1 Pese Comblutiloa bot air Mmd Alex. lois. Gurney' LotaIwter, wood. stem, &'&L 1I. -. llabj, Guraéy bot ait, w'2od. Et. Anisw'. (hurch. 3 Gumny hot air, comC. IJohn fD, ts-voelo -tinrce, 'r iwater, crjsl. st. li'auI' chat 2 Go hot air, oul I EBradbjars HouqeGaraey irtio, o' t riwoüd. 51 oticodat Ch r , 2 GurDey hotaMr, wood. I&D.ttexton,Bucn w, Stewart& MIiai <cirfro= liortb Wsyd Boboo, $iGorney bot air, cael. Mr. Noo eGamay hotaIair, cowl. Franca n t. Ochook, 1 hui'a hot air, gal. - a G. rPs>iu; Guamay ho, w&er, cri-L South Word Uchool. 1 i-tuward hai m;., c'1. Ur. licA-pla.. Grnsey combiu,,ton, .a. Shahif NabAnun, ýBallon bot wvals ytami cal. Thés. Natobstt.,8r., Gurney bol mir, COsi. 0. Bigolow, Gurnay bot air.oul. Dr. Dearsst , (ucey hot wzteri co!i. D). J. licintyrs Guiney.liarila bo l arý. 6 . O aa.Ntin, Bollon bot usIez, roaa. John McDomld. OunoyHirl bot &14 CUL. Hugb Warkmau. Oura. hot welter, coel. mre mcugliton. hot air. Wa"d .GOa. Little. Gurney bat water. 00.1. lias Boyau. bot air, Wood. Co. Deacan, 0uir*y bol wmoe, coal. Jas. Grabams Rurro,. Stewart à Mien. bot mai, coul. IWaï. PFîmIee, uirey oombnaton, ceai. an lisitailurwy bol valu. casi.D> &,V. Bras., Qarnmy bot air, cosi. E. fi. O. Ony boV i, oLWeraer & O., Houari hot air, duel. J. il. So oranOuanorb ar co.BillIonBr*$., <orner bol air. owc. John Kennedy, araoila hms.Britten, Posascombnatlcu, oca. Dr Poole, Gursy bot *a loaal. liehar.dKjlle. Ore, hot air, cas.. Jobs foison. bot valet, oa. .P. Rylmy. Garnel. bot air, 051. Wm. Nasiler, bat vasioal James, ovali, Garner bat air, cos', 2.. bnowlvn, bat mtr ol 1W. K gobées, Eaak-a bot air, oaci. P'r. Wlson, bhot v 0eco nTos. Beu, ;bot valu comoinmllou.« Knawlean Bras., bot a isinom. Oeo.- Beal, bot voai rcomblnstian. J. MgoLenumu, bot v Ps, ol W. W. Jspgan, Ourny botl val . ai Iter Ds naoociblullW ood. Sila B Gmc.(uruey bot air, aoal. Dai Dnmona HBc qBie., Guray -bot air, c.& Xai. Galai, Ourney bom ar,Woocd. W. log. Oursy bhitair, goal. a.E.LWIlsonGara"yho$ air, vooci. J.1.Sylvester, Garney bthot aer, cas'. John balla, Garnay hliai ar. vaod Mma. 10*er. Gurmy bol water, "ca. Gao. Siephmna, Oary bal aIr, vcod. 0. 19. Hophinu, Gurusy bot valer, coal. 0s9 MUfle Gurey bot mliiwoo" Ilr Mts ae. Thas. Adams, Oursy bol -air, vod.j mM.Eazerkîeli, OGamay bat vater, aces. Nia. Ros., Gurer bot ml i oci.IL aKiig. Md sueur aller,. T'he aubjalssd la an u"sted leallmonial whist Dr. Pools blndly bmad al a 1miys - 'Nue "mi" Im41. W. 0a BîI,1br ubpsar uam'n hlOeOrs xodltWarSiswtb~ mt à u 8>hoa I amn imn f189la IaU ntait roranr.ed Rot Latbea r Byeot ph" rosa a"ion Thais vae mai, nof l, e gA., uysât*W age. ait air ,Wame !an pmad ,.re uthIfdw btio. m Ittmn de".aina Ougb le !bum l lb. sâi tâte lr*»mi. Noufatand groe ser brme sma viroue ma as a mcl'MY =tnSvsd et gooite, vioalar.d tif u. cthe uMI taa ofumnt iyiteai aonhunad vu boely a 11%miW$bm WA t gohUirne i fte oa c« on, le toa nove vlibof os. uoomu taha ba i. ba Pnr mn taê vo ead y u a frmer wiî ori cri te lrgor" &%vmins lu as hoas t e c e feoali wuke ui eldgr. dshi.i oa sai sandwt,nd lb!arymutr h tg a of thev. uln oi boe anailbeb»tM vla déiroï uâ»le o.aiyoy aaueacr. e dild Om oulng (2911). T=08, W. POOLSC . N.., Lldua Give W. G. WOODS the contract of making your life a comfori this winter. WORK of ail descripttons neatly and promptly haa the lwmet Of alti ny ,37pa.per in the MIDÂNE>DISTRICT, ,Pa.perin ~e -Lý"FÀIIIILS GAIDIFUD OIN tETN-, BINDEI IRIRE, ALL SUEAsONT LOWEST PElVIS. JUST RECEIVED- Acar load fineot, grades Itedpath9à Sugars. SPECIAL. PRICES BY THE BARREL. GLASS ANI) STONE FRUIT JARS, ÂLL SIZES. HRARVEST TOOLS AND) MACHINE OILS. SPECIAL VALUEI-- GRE&Y COTTON. et 5.c. a yard by ihýe piece. FÂNCY PRINTS, MUSLINS and ZFEPHYR DRESS MATERIALS LADIES' WAISTS, COLLÂRS.. MEN'S FINE LACEI BOOTS AT $L.75 A PAIR. FANOY TOIL-ET.SETS, ODD DISRES AND GLASSWARE. tY 1 À Iic lit -i JOB ---------- - for God'o maiksep &*&y from "drink: muet Week a ]Ne o Outueuop. Keep ountici bai sompany. Keep a&apY f rom salon" sud boer arderne. Book theis M. Drpden, Ontadle' miaiclor of octtp ai reepoilbl sud mauly pouug agrionltai., baiit l a id, 8mu dlwguti men, or tay ai home wlth noua mother. tb. liberaie of BoulAi Ontario by appoli- It 1 bai doue thtIs vwolb. cutla th Ae lmg bis brother, ilu opposition ho the worMaonog Fou" vtuhea o! s mjorty o1 bis Party, ho I*1 Il rnay soi b.sible t. make mso nsi lu a vap not;te h miusao sobe bt li ,bur le h bigmAi lme t. stop by a Politiaieu, given hlm I. undomlud mmkiàg drenkiads by isv.-Olsarflld, #SasIhb.muet lolbo utfor motter Pa, Mouitor.oc'ae5tueroy. Thielistesitri ne l - ~poligllea srotes ilat M eM. Drjdsnvill Whsm &ammmprotogiq ogaluinitb.hes. rua lu Weci' $lgoma, UriCOeumos the. lsbllabmn in l-m&leamer hie ovu It«M g A»ui, bmving noeahanes of re. home, eudsuiug là d mmy loopstlon. Tho *AlgousM imer bas ot bis onu nogbborbood, &sid dbltaUl. publiacbed vbst la reasmed aisum in*Mple Mie markst niueof bis ownupropaty, bo artioehopn Ii Mte r r us*si M. mol s orunli.But vben bo roésons foundatm ionlufoit." NpOtluslua *mihe boumaneghboboeu re publie mm M noerforglrez.. on a à oUet. e siigly GETiIE,-I aM Phmu" terusomai Msaoihmlmti st bhb rlaze Uffl - i osastlpatis tld, b. lue rmm.-Obsris. Dl, leoa. - fIM bootmboubm Sud aimiesa Dsiiy X.Rai. lmps giîu J lmkoui pus Immo orte "»u a.t vi ohtu eeu t aler mOs bo bute poriernues fnb U tl -o bey Il vbwen 1I ickalmine lager Mu m oo4»To BIL 1 pot ulu baud on mine bhua i midaiuSe im a ri y onmmfor &ib" mues Ide nosTO no pIn Dsu 1 Put mine baai on Pusatd ml Mmi bom iu xg vraps, mine bo d nddane vu amoder PaIn. rgrb0este., al »d« noeur. Assoffis. Dmn 1 pst mine baud là ic e obst aid t"M t sr i am »stalg ren or uscm dutna vu xai8g.GoIjln. mm$e de mm cse nlvau t uu foirMinbosu~. iempsrue Nov déis lea.» -" ineYTmou avlu r ? d. < a TWms**eob; Min ge and ie pain Mnmine b vei ifaPm eym I*T aA l"Revuunsbe W ~s.n tsaiut «40 MOuél. E'oac~ -- f

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