Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Aug 1897, p. 6

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'V~ tW 4~IfII ~I 13 fi ~; - 'j-T:, ~ I t j i i I nightt,' site mi& d. "SMd 5.51 le aldetU t e uit etUs gene. The lestcarlA* be igy« M rel« mg 1thte boam hubr' sway. Lst um go 1lu."M Iu* w'vtit 4e*. un» u Icameryte - L~~AlMmer-om.el saded vitit Thay veut Jate te awt-*mI.. en Ute he hm aidland wierse Uts fapi abus 0fl OL Re lmltel Ihsi rt esdeet r d elle wvas mov U m e u h aveput hie sudeagoberi. r tc euterbuamst.. ?9"M "bte *nrov aa" truthl, 'vitti tbe Omva n » off umà" %"lbiami a e r fO mbué.rs, iboo -tem am "M4. mOr &t hUmi ba UIee& MM" rntffed taa 5pnal-M4 Ne immèfL »4 moclU ?' h4&êltItbu poutlag tua mm W OO heu U*. »tIyêaWaM Mt m iM om &Imm*-et 4ft M, UW WaU sotp, mi beom satu 1» b*iLt SEFE * 3)o yeunent 'reine-iiber, Mrm.Fontenioy, thrt rvheIIfT rm ' tl eft ber buaband adwuat te ber lter, Mrm.'Vaneiu LitleAlu-> as but a Ibw montliu oid. but thie bOY HffreM v as Meveal yesra of a"ê. My 014 Aunt VUM neyer ulked my father, ud when my mother retuwned te hlm ah. persuadêd ber té leave me w lth hier.- She adopted Me. She gave rue lier iam.e. She miade nme promise te bave nothingt t' do witli my ter- promise I bItterly regret keepinif, "ne it vas flot. flly Unflial and deprivd me of i fath er's blemmlnt, but it ha" kept Me frOmn the love and comi*nlonmhip of a uter se mweet aS this. If yen Wlfilàrit me 1I wllltry t o make am ndu by future love Mdde4- votIon for my negleeo-tiuthée Pat. As liespolke lie !rew Ir' te hlm. Site vas too bewlldered te-o* ut. A ilenc etfprofound surprise bail failen ugoa the- sampaby. Mm.Fn tenoy. wu ftrt to speak. &i doe-remember a&l you have recai- ed. Mr. Vane Ilsite nid, "or Haroild, If YOU viliijet m;e Cali- yen se. It la a plty that Y.our prejudleed aunt kept you from knOwIng yeur goed falher Bert Fontenoy an sd your qeter. I -ar glad th"ait ves "CQan you sing the final toèt lu 'La at thIgtte ur yeou. have resoived te Favorta' wlth Mise BrazoSi ?-P'er- miake amende te ÂÛmee by your future nando's part ? If yen cas. your pte- dêW'otjOn. y arnm e ie wîli apprecate ece behlnd the acensa ja *reatly desir- your affection-and reaDoond te lt." ed""I **1amn Det se surIe"Harold mald He rose and tollowed the ruemenger. turnin tht Irma. "She doem felo ok Bert met hlm. as ~ theugh ehe would fergive me. There "Well ?" hie sald. arc but tWo ef un ln the world, MiY 'I carislng the part,' 'Vine answer- ulster., I have donc* wrong, I know; cd., "Introduce me ta Mis ?frmCale." but I Pledge you uow a brotlier'a true' ,Irma at ln the wlndow, talking te a afftection;,vii yen fnot glve me youi% Young man. On thelr vway to ber tlieY jconfidence and a little of your love ln liadit t page Miss Gray. Bert present- rettirn ?" ed hle friend. The heiremu lu ber long, Hil ok as tender, lita voles plead- Pink gown swebt hlmn a little baughty 111W. the amibe on hie beautitul mouth ceurtesy. w55 winflig asà. ohild's. Ii'flý WuI !«I have m et Ulma Gray betors," Vm bewldered. Mutnt mie tel: as tbougli said, holding, oùt him bànd t be. Oe tUa vas realty-aa though hoe" vaa 8, Auet touched Il. truc brother pleading frlier love- "A aummer acqualntance., he ite m l 'Re. who bd 9me benged for & " a uamer acqualulase, brother, she who fuît as tbourh a lire- lie anmwered. «I vas. oe eoftthe OMai-J ther'alove would -be meoeveet ai el mer Insecesthat. danced ln h tRie of tri, S Gra'let i U i& armees almd MinsCray's aile. Fortunately 1g taloer.irwliertps. ad rs- i off unscorched."euo le I Irma started uv as -ahe beard lt That lge ioke lier. It wus sot the volce ndhiketos sM. kt" c08 e bitotlerby love. It tiùgled turnod lies lead and caes.onite where thtOugh lt i etr Ainse-tRie liai et pas. as was sltting., She luit lier tinterasion. * it braulfrom hi=. together until tliey vers purplelnuthe i I esntotyet feel ththle amy lire- effort ta restrain lier emotion. Verthether," te-M. m Ilun wer te a re- knewv hin. 'Slie knsw hlm te be the Proaebtul fl5aiituton, rom Mr%. Von- Smin site lad seen- by the flashf itt i- ,t~sy. TheY came uround lier wlth nlng on :tlie. baik of, the b.T.u--tEe ?OnEi&u&tme-I)r. John., ert.- Mr. man hoè bot se laittakn--he ontenoy-.eva Nias Gray, Who Indeed mnan who sew boit a fl Soon eemed deligRtol t the rev*Wtkml. Vanhori. and 1ev that ase al net and lie wihsrme.amythti been 'drowned. - e c orce h rmete mle utm Her bead smam dlgzllY. WoUIG lie 1Sefr%àbri esn.btst know lier ? Hlm syee vers upc. u he ettl aay nothint. She tood thers 'butthe hed noloo ofreconiton.with Harold holding ber hand. feeling. but faheygahe.o.ine 1 Tkety otlke "tiBisPuta thie sualon my lecepton," Hlfae gvet e slMii. TbPY9tal k*I8M ad unable te trame a word lth lier tough t el et. tie enndes Paletlemuioum lips. pt, ughth e eoud te g It ln Dr. John came to lier aid. Year, hoglPe lm etaig <l "W. mrust flot keep you a moment . u~ reetly Irmà alid te chantloer"icad Y reemaeil- the Hindoo presteis' prayer lnt i 555te lng- en re anwhlte as you dre sa.n representlnig the burnlng (of ant Itdlin You lià.v e a o u it excîtudeen wid-w.Attr hle cae ilScasctthis evenlng. Say good-nlght te un sceTle frein the "Merchant et VeitOV and go toýe bd t.once.", . ad then Irmna appnared agalnuln son»0 She obeyed hlm gladly. She fied te large tableaux. Ia.mtly - sitesang thle ber rom aS tlough It.s olitude woul duet wlth Hsrold Van. B"c uh'sg cain lier. Site sat dowvu sud premmcd Swlth à passion and abandoni that made6* ler banda te lier burning forehead. Site CvenflBert Fontenoy Wonder. Elbe ot sttoglabnr-v drlgl tervrdA Fern dslie te* sang vii t oUV wld mare. Wiu.t dlta n W terer.A mormcfapiia*s bowdl liora ln ler lite mean ? Wby badliear- how veli thie audience $éPpiBltedthe .14 T.ime elainied lier as him, ulster ? duet. Vase qulckly gatherel up tbe Wlat vau his Motive ? What nov bouquets and wreaths aunI Md iT1Daolffemlatogoudthsbng n thlae, etngle l btrller lte ? RIB lits burned on lier lips. plae. Tiepe. must be- no more of this."1 "t vwa. a sucem," lie sald. bendIng as sald te heèrseif. 0"In aur talk te- ele»ze to ber. -41 vondered et liy evt orwle utudesai tath tLudaritv1, bût I got over grounid smre- *cnal romoeucli rîvîleges un-i ow. ndthy du'-nyou ve sueromebUdercaver of a brother. what a mys-, I in'de thy ldflot give 011 OiS ietory he is !:He viii eNfflain blinseif cf t's el1Iou flwera (!lu7fighietotnorrew hle pald. 1 milî twait t ili CIu wl ioe In a masso of i'agraflt.toi-n'ntrrw."1 bloomi) "ý lienyouu played 'Judith.' Thbe cock was str!kin, tw when shte Tinht %ws your best raie to-fllght-yol1 laidlier iead upon lier pillow. Tie ha& 'ayed lt ln real Ilie-Ilinm Weir." deep itSp that was one of the fev, .9hclooed U athlmquicly ei'bleuetngs ouchsafed lier feilupon her, .look %vas se wîld. ber, face so full of and s=t laY Dike a breathing statue vlld terror, that lie glanced around i8n util. the iflrnlng aun awvoke lier. As dreýad leit sotue ans liad noticed her. sedesdlemi h a h late Thea he bentover lier agai. Sexcitedt-h er cfheek. Sthe feltsh1oe 'Corne out With me l nto the fresit one Whe ithad drunk deeply of wlne. air." lie sald. 'the grounds are lovely.', She.,went:down ta the breakfast room Hle did hotat for.lier te give lier under t-isq strain. but strugglig for consent. Hle drew lier hand tlirougb icif-cOntro.Hrl iesoda i bi rfolded 'a na.ntlc arould lier iwindow. vitiBr eneo.B and led lier eut by a side exit Into the turned around wlien lie iteard lier step open air. Miss Gray.lookol a.ter tiein and cametem tlir eoldhv witha coudng aceT1ey kissed lier,, but a lookIn lier oye by, sdea rs wlklednet long Bile 1warned hlm flot te atte-nipt it. He vas by ade nd Ubi ie ld e pai. Shs cool and self-posscssed, ud as site could flot speak. At laft lie said :- laked et hlm and mmv tiat subtie ex- When ls Miss Gray and her cousin Pressioan la bis dark eyem. she sid te ta be marrlcd j-" Itei-_ 'in a few vweels." Irm& a 'neel "Yen,; -lie, hemnome motive In wliat liuskily. lhe tisa Gne.", "If the Faites do et ntnq B eliait a spray et Pale plnk rames ln -'There'a numny- a slip 'tvdxt the. cup la band. Its hslt-opened buds and and the hp,'11Ôlie anaerel. "T"he l'ates1 lem.VÇSsgliaten(id vitt dewv. A bud ta have their own vmY 'WtIi uB mne' Imatch-thèe eon the spray vas Plnned tîmnes." I 1tte tslael offism coa.t. alMter 1 ore b&Al ioed te bu Only - a &dErer." o eld ble*Yeu 9y" aVsiic m lt ltend elo*ln,& mtl*y overs let lmy où hler,.kUte. IlWb eCOul4b - e Yeu, poor girl? And4yeuidtiýeset thing yen coubld havsedoil ent oua chatiged yeur nman d lefltitY Init thut ef Aimes Jsrasie." ,Yeu knew tMat 1 vus itere," cRis said. 'lTeu en, beause et lit I-oll «'No, I emme tti thshoe w evitit Iît. Intcuglt vuvr sdo titougit It vias yen tic deck-hatil5 et the 'Monseoen',bunied in tic uandl'at. I thougit me untîl k miv Yeu as Juliti wit t tiat lolk on yoUr iîce 501se - Site lnternupted hlmù. "119lie dead? _ -site anked, booliitg .lIto hilsface vltl i vld, intent eyem. S"Dld Yeu imagine lie ceuld lîvel Wliy, tic artery ln hie neel was n-lCiI evered. Betore lie could get surgical aId lie liaid lait as muai blood as 1 tinlc an y ether min lhas ln hle velns. Tic vonder le that. le ie 14net ie thoni itastcad et ingering for veels." Si liait sunk lier face in lier handi, oiudderint. 8h. 'vas sîlefit i long white. Thon nie muid: "Qe10d lnows I did net mean ta kili hlm. It -was an Impulse et self-defence. I lidliaotheuglit et murder."1 "BRe vaa mers ,animal. îit me bout viateve". Yen 414 ne great vrolig morally speallng. Tie vrotig vas -in marrylmg hi=-the vratig te Yourself. Yeu had seen ne men botter titan ho, but your womnanle Instincts ouglit te have repeibed yen tram hlm." "Tell me." aie suld suddenly, «"vhy dld Yeu nat bctray me ? Tou knew 1 vas net drowtiedl Wiy 414 Yen net lit- terni agallnst me wvicuoa.revard vas offcred for Information? 'Tou lookl 11e s. man vtow'io-" "Who veuld do thIngs fer rnemey. Yen, 1I-have, doms rnaay thlmgs for metiey. Why iy 1 Inet htform i. mnt Yeun? .Weil, my motives vers .rnlxed. tu tie firat place. I1 lad'ne pressing need etof lthy lucre Justten. And I baw Yeu vers no cemmon wvin an id veubd have ne common dèstlny. I felt vs vould meet agaîn, and I lnew I held yonr »eret-a secret that would .give me power avec you alvays. And te po-mmeau- pe-Wer over .a wveinike11 yen la botter thi m *iney te- a mant wio 11kcm te experlrnent lit felings ançI experienea. But mince thoen I have been etreutgby temptod te betruy Yeu," lie vent on. 01 get -lover it finances, and Vanlioru rale hi. -offer of reward. I et eut vlth the reslve te find yen, and deliver you te the Philistine&. Dose thut mals ene hale me?", '11t dec.not surp rime 2me,",sIte suid. ft0GOon.." III found you easy ta tracs. People liad seen Yen goîng down the river ln the skiff. Thon I isard all about Yeu ln the lîttie towli viens Yeu seld tie skiff and teel a tearbost-tite -Mon- eoei.,' ilie mid. "Wliy dld yen net finit me at once and deliver me to tic autienl- tien 1"I "It vas net uci plainmailiîng atter- ward. Dld, Yau know titat thte *Mon- sçoon' vas burfted ut tic whar'f tits nîglt ater sie got ta New Oreans- iurned wlth ail the boks, se that tiers was ne registered naine of Irma Weir ?. Theclcerk dled o! yellaw foyer tire days. afterwmrd. None a! tic passen- gers knew of Aimee Bruzeule'm deatit. I feund oly one deel bond and lte stewardesvita cauld tell me any- thlng of a girl vie wms a passenger on tic 'Monsoan.' And bath ef tise saud the girl had died and wvas buried on -a- ajr On,-he ie ri1de. Su. You ses. I:'iia Welr -la r.ilalnger ln exIstence. 1 could nDt fu any proof 1or lier being lit ilfe. 1 fotund only bier igr'a.e in thý, sand- BRut you have f.u.:îd ho.'î' O.Yeu 'I do not rîced it ..ili ha a streqk of iuk--o% tz - orth- Iess Fsiîsat1onaI thin7, Pi:' rsix lhundrcd nJiîs Then, I- have found Irma "Vlr tý) b? a woman 1i w'nuld not like to botray, even for -ihI Vanhorn's Iniolî.-Y. 1 have Oloud i to be a ivi- man hosopiuck 1I aili:,'. whorze beaiuty I adore-a wornan a man nilit love wthleIswhole 5ou,'-t rarei, swvt Nl 'inan. full o! that 'varley N-h!l111i- étoxleates mnen like wvIns.!\nd capable of love beyoiîd most womnm's c'oncep- t:oui. Tell me, Irmna Weir. tell nme, have you éver laved ? I h lad bayou days you had neyer seen a man better titan Selon Vantorn. But -sînce then ? Titis Bertt Fontenoy, most wo - men "flnd hlm Irresistîble. I ;aw hlmn loaik at you as titough lie laved Yeu. Tell me, la there any baud betweem Yeu ?Il -Thé're la noue." sitle sald. :"ýYeu do net love iim ?"I f "Yeu have ne rigit te gsk.", "Have 1 net ? Look at me, Irmia Welr. I hold Yonr secrets lit my pas- aesson-two secrets, 'eltier of wlîlch iyau itad ratier diettan have dis-. cnýloed.I am, MAsIl weare, yor a. tIte1n a**ye eh* l- r aia 5gd le la mi THATTHE AC-SIMILE SIGNATURE l8 ON TUE - es. 4"U CU-LeWu a5 01111111m1nuae MlowW, w= _Sei tu âïl11ratb'ai e»giflsansd but 11111e mny- ohé 0*9Mresed-îir62 Mïmte6 The mother uigflelressey an w«At"d it lwat unIer l'c have ali» pleaffl ,ouwseît one of b x*1 meô se W .Oo" suppose yOU Pl* , *gages bbquet o'routes IIIat deepiy arrY net te b. able th.t$0h ad sen be fr Q GObeck te o 4asmyou wvaut me, mother. But tveaitg Vase vWUthie cente »I twntrévoesatalmst t. I beleve- ofgàtrct*UInth gtt grocin. BertIam u ars en v Wii lisatlie vîtwit are* bitaiont to taik, lasRiad. a gre,tý ohole.TOn love-Aimes Brassai.. fu#d of Incidezt and aecdote lu 1% O iW, but-"ý aiemery. lie midat cet bisnrra- i"@utohablas no rneney."1 tIen oet mrnealventuce tRlipI Iapenel '"o social position,.rMy on.", te ilim I n t e, >.s rose, Oetlusly *I " viiigve lier mine.,- Site ould th, beau ever a. vs' of eowsrm On Sa, gruesa. fan lilgier oe. Teou kew lt, s*tand sn hI' f$adIinhale titeir frq- Mother dear." nattes. But hvho Ri st ddin ag Rn e put lies imtler's smn. taic ha"d ft vas ou the waeby -Ir"t.. lie tb lieslips. She dccv nmn te lier. avl stel blneit 4aroelniy ud bol XIr- kWSed imi. mnat banG ad veut. 0ou. vith is baj"Go,.-Bert,ad do as your hlat 0ic7 etory.SBe,-mals a Motieon le vill- ttls. I vantut yen e i llY. -But drawlier biand. but the lnew that PoOr Floreuce t"ý auinl theis r1loorn lefled hier te ,be -bis Poor 1Fboreuce. ludeel I BesrVl isat altr.nd euch a Lt votabd »eIsm, ineshlm ash. prepared te go ever strue eand .58 lav* that dealeve lnt. *»lw vt Vans laIad lngy hait-uncem-tlr. e evmebv l.Ne1 v "luevuoenon0 Imuent th tg&.tRial Rhébal givyen.ber ress o ethink Later ln th eVs, nîu, Irm vas aut thie hlie cafefor lier. pia» n d Umsse mt noir thie vin- He feund lier abous, She somed tel dow. A Ilgit a bad huit tulen 1mev luntitveby wliy lie liad finlier sho i c. Vanse vent np te -hec pridleawp o s eentai her. Whua lier, -sud drev aroUU4lier-betl ht*titmd somethlng about cliangal big aigesmtous -ber hait-bars .rhis. fSligeh. lnterrupted hlm quiklb7 Site bloed Up tfully, but lita quiet I"DO Det Bay l o" hésamid. u face dlsrmed h r. Se est lu the vlu-t dnlidyenu ibe TOnUvsh 4ev and, playel th ber fan and taiî iseasel tram the hait eugaigemeui elt hrC minutes. oite vsa1tereta bewesi t.s. I treesFu ti cr osunbev sr16siteaid U Me uowît inYOI crarp aepate.w bme. ansott eat délsirs. Dou't timk I vil ii ls ve "Yen tve 0 al*àyae quarrellng,' alnlt uie tsaehniie lladdie muid. 1 t yen don'tile euh amgoing te the bael lt-niglit vith other vliy don' FOUnlePi &part ?"', , X. Everton. m ot turquols V»e ookd tranle.Ther ees r" ile yonns, but lis las a tall met, and love bie tg the punI fai eat. 1 dom't tinll a a bit ficlis." lie quted set .,se that eleIne . Sited I am. I suppose ?"P Aid îti oil rda hey e Ith. Aturaied bt teplaasd sam: TtIe n It invertu morsettaungel ,m=y deuil." Tis uralsg aset ftei"ru hur, rlta b.t W1 ath ep ui m liohé ol the fun Shie etl 'illBer't outalde thei. bar faonm an d. ler face l m Ott sud puiled. aNile liy frei us reathera. bro ugrecs leuvés tiat'f1104 sa great Ticieet day ie gray aud mistr. tub on oee aidseoftheb.porei.. Been therev a regulur devupeUl", OTale t te Aimes Brassai," 91111 wItîcl I ltel la. raagot tbrougli muId. Iltremfnds me etflier, atuteli viit thesmunie 4 Trench lisheens sud and, eveet, viti a atrange tonelgut beasl ralano iclwet sdeetelua d gnce.1" lirougit lien. P~str a message came Hoe tianled lier, and 1used lte bnd tfroyu Vane: els held eut ta hlm. He loolsd 6ucl *,Coeedowmn m tse llbrury, I vit hait rsgrqtfully ut the tub!, paie girl, to tulk to you." v1 he bore iber dîsappolntmnt me prend- Ohé dlaregirded tse requse und vent ly. Thers vas a *mile on ber face. on wltli ber lbock. MagI4. camne«NsHeuoderel If II; covened a lisat- ClaIMIng: achte. "There la Joha n-ou oseliack ilu lu "DM ic hreully care ?"I lis thougit. dri.pplng Ilaruablier cbeak. Re lias 'I liardly lielleve ItL" been le mee momse putl*nt. UmnAimée. He w'ould, net have doubtel bal lie coesdevnstaire snd: ses hlm." eceit ler, a fev minutes aftterards, "Wiere la Mime (>r%y ?" - ving theiliber sud alowly vringing "1collel ap on lte *ta in lte parleorlier bande. ville bot tsars et love sud lu oeset!ber mo lle. Bis viti otWundod pride dropped over lier- apeal te John or ~eett e iea him.1, AIl thesaine, mie vent le Uts bail Irmsavent dovu. lic alvaym îIke iaI tîglit, mmd leoed lier owVu brlght to heur John Fontene tul. Bsh fouiti ef, muid dauced every set. oeu blmin li te buol cci. lelplus hle could bave guesed that lion syes hlaI mother litftnm soeinsp te eut o et ishaled uch leurs. %ee abunidunt an And Bert vas frec-tree te offer is "Ue us ait liere &#4 vaat hthe naIn lband te tie voman lie imd grevu te aplami and lie ittpa. waterutremns love no déarly. Late that ittermeon sun devtTheimoins are eecame dovu fer a walk. Sie oflen mo warin." Md emdlpulling lber big 'vent tla aill nreur by, te sec lteé min balf-brotherdvu{pon @a crimOn astMîdle unmbby accampanlsd lier, cane-botten, ettesT "it dovu villibut tuis cvemng mite vas alous. uzl Miss Aiûee. N w, Dr. John, tell Bert vas gla tiil ita opportunîty. Be us wiere yen have len tta merning' uased If lie rlght val wth lier, and " 'I have been inée tour o'clocl et atter. a little einaarrussed héesitation, lte. bedzlde 3 et' mle Waltera. Blie lishenswcred, "Tes." has lisant dIsee, j> lite. Bis iaI wben tiey reacied the top oethle a puL«awtEtul4 tîglit.Si bore bill, they mt dovn under a clamp of St bmrvey. SObe a 1111e héroïne. Pitesamd vatched ln silence tie mu» Yen sheuflimes vorl ahé manages setting over tie picturesque tovitand te de, slttlng Up lied-lihe lime em- erpintinhe river. As tic fiery globe% broîdery and ne zig. -Ils sale helps mink ont ot igil, Bert lurned te their poor 11111e incarne. I have ne.Ainée. doubt." A"'II had a speci abject In wisblng te ..And you bar, been ridlmg li thle share .your valk," hoe said.> "Tiers la da'k amuin an mdworking to lhelp eamething .I want te say ta yen.I a pooî' girl, .výen you knew yau wolq amn free te suy il now; hithterto.I have never g et a c* ut fer it ? Let nie IUss hardly feit myseîf te bie so, but mev I1 yt. Dr. Joli " arnfree o te lli ye, dea Aimée, that 11loe o,1is esud. He drew h-ýr I1love yeu, mmd te ask yen ta be rMy leud lo bis sitoulder. vîwfe." "DO yuu realiy love ine, Madcup? For* a moment sh mie-a9us sent. He Yeu are thé oriiy oee ho dues, I am rn ied te scee lier face, but It was avent-. afraîl." cd. Presentiy she turn-d it tovard He hitad aked for Famule, but aie hlm. Ber eyes veresasd, and site vas had met sorne %ut' te see him. 'Sic very pale, but lier volre ' vs quite vas, as $acd:ie lad muid. c'niletl up onifirm. tie moalthle parler, a mevel ln lier 41I am sorry yen feel tis vay for itand, vhicli she was flot reudlng. ýIn me,"I sie aîd, "becaume I can neyer lie the littIe muqie roani. vurtalned off Iyonr vifs." frein the parler, Vane vas aitheticpana. «Bert's heart samk as liie lned ut lier. playing a. iteeLtioN'ni sonita. Pnesently Ho tellt tiat aie spoke earnestly,. but Fannle vas suro lie was Imiprovial ug. ho cauglit lier iand, and pleaded wîit He played on atid on, and the nain vends mand sioqueut oyes. beut sot tly agaù the windows. At I"DN omt Bamy lta, Aimnes. Do yen lat. Fuintfe rw:- vandi went inote ne st cure fer me a littie ? I vil b.le micl rooiin. jdcvated -that yen cati but give me "I cant ncrad," st ud Yu a returul'oi imy love. Aimée, yeur muse a~ i¶en ns ne slu. *wour bookos Four munnrteme lhave giveit do ý ou plb y sncb n:-elanichely thlngs ? Ilme hPe. ontdstI etcgotl "Tiey ýuit te day-and iuy mod,!'.Tnuhave seemol te cmre fer me." lie aswe~ed. I do net cire ton Yeur.- ells mid "Your wted? renee mdObut I cari nover marry you." Wliat itaje yeuutanmalté yen sud?" 'I Bshe as beç.inmîng te tremble. Ohéte He rs fron thle plane unI tuccd was leslng lier self-poasesslon. Il a lier, loolVng utilien wti ilssubtie a greatrelIef titat.aho lieurd, a t1h5: eys. ftmoment, Madcap's merry voles crylmg: "Do Y4 thitnk, Miss Gray. because "AÂh! yen stole a marih on me, but yen are fie fontumate, un îeiress, and b5e 1 ml! " lirgdy. er teU;n lteammyn oe a elletit. He iardly spoke dnnlmg lte that ethk' are as hippy as yen are tRil terf ar nevrsdlid hurt'hI: ylberne. After tes, lie vent te Us& a-g thCer..-A-o-tentu etic atlers reoin. $ite vas stting lu lier WRAPPER OF EYERY B0~ITLE 0F C ASTORIA. 'b"io le p t apnlase-dusebottin onil. Il YM Ws.i i ir bulDntaflow &li ü lu h.or-prouise libatitI dans- AT Huf S u Io1v -u 5&, Rat and Drm .Trimmings mld below cost go as to be ibis ta m .rlom for Fitl gooda. Ciii beVoro itistoo late. W'Dreua and liantie makingdons here. MISS-MlITCHELL. I have juet completedaa and Orn now pr6p8kred to f urniuli everytbing for hom3e finishing in my lune se >. heap ùs the cheapehIL BEvrything giiaranteed right or no piv. (Jali @ad inspect work and et pricif. Telehono rtu. -2010-tf, BOUIaIau ight. Day Olooks with the second hand sono, and il gamed fifty-five minutes every hou r; how long. viii ht ks, to lot a whole Dago? That is «V ompurmté figiiring out the profit we make on Our -rive-Cmai Boaq, for. th.y're really worth tel' o~it, Sd & hobe thelb.Qusen. goeswith everY A.. IGINBOTHEAMI Drnggimt, Lind&&Yr a s' 'I nini A ~ - 'o IITUIRE ~IENTLcoi UUDMA à oohmal erTB 'i -slut k'nWm umd"»or su 7mSuI"iahse 't 1j il It tii :~i H :II~I Î 1

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