V 4j~ ~j ~, I 1*.O 'I * *~ ~ i ~ ~ 4; i .1 Toronto viltiemr bi,15 ut bfi s ilese. Itlus'Clatp hliOtpis l mu*moiER T I S Wathulmgie, lailns ili $10e Thos OciapeumisaU'. sloum "eit" be ufofle due Mdl: tah DER TWU 8S1înl tg.volMg 16% 11, ses.1, #17-60; Mel Mdl voua oui body amd asamg *0. axaimul o hmeulatlulma a is Vr li ea ithu WuuO'Rmtuusphilag ta 4 amsu 6son. sii.Thse alilcg -et Ibis » Waliuu-a ul, bholje t s oue se I. 1,8012; J L sims, gwvoSs -ot 1, son ahiu. ,is*MaIMie ate-Moft SIubles blsif cemayame edu, Ibmthe dmàmffui81,OR,718Et OONERIIND8AY l, 428.8u; J DzlvéEu, wp"g »d 'usky bulg ghamd ml aploa. mof t bm e vaiwbm le :bda deepnbg dibos, lt 2% ose. 1 àmL13 1481.2k s ih mivllmauooa@£"as,# Io b151leleex pout tea a me, . IS!T»E Brown, binv meUhai 3011< e ai M Ijnugsla» m. by m.m« a-m Oum tlae 60 »«es41 Othi lu loi18, oos. 2%,110; JumWebse, 1051d- lPamalsué e te îlefflot N bàOge uisis Mh m msu aimaituef Pri>~ mlu jus pavaI, lot- si$ aK. 8, $1; ]a 0e .mime ilf vos.ld4w»ueab" Ia wmo&noé hema oliinv u 1 tom Webslev. bilmg ailoult, lmo20e , us, obuate ei vl an. xbmw yjofehit ài am lua bm huvisue aWN 0RS $10; R G WebaIulé. eeMousu. loi 20, magi voe. it is ep mpL n cou. 8, #5.10; Wm âSsij isu-qZMC7T leai mse5 wvlbsW Mlg .fo uemea" bulle dry lise, Me.1M saa~Md ma10; #ilalsVre 4gIoop~sUpe tS $24;.av OMMU, 1ibe I M 17 bai té ousiul.lemv.i. tp.UwUw_ soaS, IttO; l me us10 . WJ; nWU mi. vmpthg éo. 4, 18-M; W u 5 'n, u n ' bridge, li.'5, Oea. 8. ml No* 1»h'bu »Vol building soevay, 10 1% e M uo 3w ID40g JSharp, atgllsloMda1, 6, mtpha IS swt 0261.8t Ja.D.,., *JihueS. in to58DIptk U H G .Wh"edlot ba foi aeLl.a e aya But »M4 W , PO V.a8a.aE..hoOSgoum fua b-~- * ie' *ulf eoaSb' e i g~' *~ep dlu.< i..oc, s0t ,~ao- -Mrbob h milIp1~* £0 B Nasal 118 ou ton Céeau émutsl l 'ikgla .l.dfgUt1~1j aa" mseli' ,,u b h baOliÊo m Mie m a mm um tPière rs, ombe O %* mm b1hael jà '<OIl" _A, - 1O-éawà Omitlli Baibus UUeS wu UlO1mhai I*OBmid f lyaiO laé l OMS.îI>I Mdua Midis gé ueteafrv 61i soi immondn Tb* à 4 »V Won. hO fO amossa.111 »M t.W5tWSibVONib IRs iaudi am ubewlbom.~i0 u pbD 1a m Imm of'a" t-t >., <.10-S PuvbtaiseshU v uleu"it te M1s; mi aiow S l e aas_ b.s eyue. 11 cadmorsohnub -t- - .1 ào batde boaeeefnlw ted ~* wribu te *0 awmt; plu«nlh111010118 boit, ln them mal"W mihea 514 11 SUShumb ~ lve w b.ml e ebP- OUmatbO u «ïIIfjecucao a t aothl - $19»mMrmmd va .01 MURpla blIillis a.""#9.. taamw vlblb dy. To%@OThana-; tee. utbo4 *i(thelevr I te n'na l'uo*mib) Udmsus temthé Min ous iollte o UNIo',bo hX1~c i a n idaroaowffhe , ist lorm »wonum ,* icinà tu !puce e a.. ýT'-... au oimee jIM bboli M .»o f -hî rpueerhelhcdhp'~a a î sneue.od m',»a. b MU- oWMt 01*111- M n l to RD.ev n ds' Su ttw ATTIIU~ y!, 187."r ately ThonIl CE 0,peiattuàÈ in n mgUI.ire**W.£atheïrD.n N»thoghlha U bO&1SWU BUIU.PIwl1O - om 0f un i.U tu thob UkaseMdf PiyVaIa MOhte b.gulrtu 0 ..l.. sievIi le e *it3Il extol Jbr imit oid -meu 1% u got.. *0jlP" 1H MM , bij o.im Oaivu 1*0 it oEpt ois. gM ~obooi tesehur, ami Muse osm n ua Po MO ,OS lb9ib lt" Wk 10Md au mm home la '. Am H6ipmàua WomBfl. dlGétum. 1 hugeh pulpt to »Il LasrCl .al~~~»» VUrmo1aonlb_4 a W tEl!- Toiygmr lnhethelO >h-Uui,1h vag thoramahmogai oitb luIls wetiar. ". y'-*0 'ob m TOTUof *4 md«Wso wl h lav o ltS MuilIe.Na040 lt 10 ~~ y ,,a@vlo vShl u or 01duht k. enfrtuffemy et Ouais She b t0ad.dmy suts l'Io l'mm *6 111001* 1h1 ~lu 0ek1111101108.. Yeu 1 t g IaTh 1W m d« eicseewum Addremtwiht, a" -Bo doithedo*To u 1vahe ?4,v.et.teê. RDAheteaunpUej y,. ~ auUS 6.argeoeovdaniagIOPS .,lWD. Xuw tr'u10Mn n ydugTu*" à m. nuybal.trt utMbrmHetm salte12 Mma timl hey .Iradhegl. c~~~~nse~~qm oSB.ea bdm *0wbh a" ~ ~ Dm . tfflievahosu dhu i auoyo E U I th.fr~ ~ ~ ~~~~w isepeotiv pisste »VabowtiVIg the 0vil1.111 be zsls Imi tli fte he nom*a ed viýT. l. evmilif 'e meomSt.moix....S . iOge Ji oha ffliS ai0ISa hub ~ V Ott ieliVWsh A M liée mmtorugh th Barea- 1). E vs., ami isyhhl OliliflM"bayehomeetalslaftbat.It bs 5251 Ud7. neot and har h e b dl m l i fÎÏ, mou b el s l bo" u p * 0-m i o aau * M *m xsus m rbd on £0 is1m 0 I. for P0l15 ffISBdpubsOtat'W"boom Jil dtio o.th0mnd,.6 ob in or Nets ies ge pe_911130411hlt ey aie a - u*"gloaa hadmd - ctoma oéiA oveishe blod, fte lo obuë témeadow b01uri oaly, bisomlm uvkmoher smpMr.ii flagipe eW.ldbai do"NMY 1S ~5l oa "-W.at110a0106-7a-1. svy1080flte. bot.O baifýl as luah. a to Mn-V c0 - ec., oY, £D eVUig Maga0eh Pahtyi9loIDuthélulaind susisiT maeOFa lan of X«u , mI orle oirdIa@uO r&WieTi bavy, MW gol, tui e j T peol ofOUS tual, i ais mlte Wh off toe D. trI, s violerIs11T11111 P LL Pîocuu PemsulPelet at ls Sea ot dan blaok lmago l U thge uatite. u bvssa muI Thi ieuluda latis uplaielh l tbg agmi vA iRA m hlb Ilo g iAlIlWlssnvl frspt44l btIe mis Up sln.g asm ie am they ueth esetcMlairns. Eery b vueu aieebifawd.anoney refndedprogrammehe pauty (ro Thora~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ruiu luuottagvilom 8031lar olia.BAN RISNG.Nw Soo.101 o a i1i ho e PiswrpucaeaIv %Bd théI l tom* 'as qouatIs M the- pré- Saiios a te lme bmoa b 0amt . lu Inn m o atls a ol 11D atoietent o. ntes nt muée vofnt. 11211olumessaeMi oba Allen to Gilwmp, sid in me mal d au ~ IPOIcf h v tthément. ThiC W" s' ofe )doo, amuniedd ersaimentu, AIIBOSS buhontdusa. t oimlxm s swho n lub a u brosa juihise anrten oail dtuISm um au vmi lt, timd ealto UNl ti~ iosaia mplma aoi 1h IfÉfMOM- ao beat u lebeligeglta holaIsore&boa*.USsUbuIraina a oehudoeh ffll bmol s gol goumt wai0men iofi1etvap bhymbu ilub"itoulw oiIlaDuf&m mnt. aa br o WstPlbte uil, ai bom us aaM ub MdW o l u lde eomlly vuthouh h ruclvuDiPlecea108 ggu Oim o. stulla auli u a tat o 1200 oi su l' y B spoll i la ami etua Tehe bg Iod l-Avr' pnlsslY m lcnul.Mdws udOvudvamd lItli Tis. plipum.e la salleage bof. -anmmi orico Irrtaton o ie ýyflpU fond 09U-baiuoq Shtmp.leMm ave inoh ai BOk hmli et.onieboi urne.inud b . ten fte i ý4ir 1. heréelo tbDL 1 "mbeau m ioad irugh 1 Buoherf poible inilesi lhk.lm Ibm>pofIe bamiol ove bi ci wù. so arge s.-euaoII et thibiYSUsevlhvs omit o, C" gpuioih s aillemao sivrshc loaf c1ckm o 10111u,1891. LOuboteai p.gie us a uobnro-alli. hm la a *ctbeofela tise leavas. Tha amdso üaenatl a ul. tw eeltin ol ud auj@abSanpari o]§31w* O al»,r , be@4 I b SUmuaOf linlse bob tth.o vSineesr u te o o . slf o oevs mils smi' te m ins. Cia lu u xîeilIeaeesi u te Mapir.otuuvu. rempivaietassDr. Mmlinboap luflamit out a mihae M iebi Tw"sIlayh bi se1. Ptieuouls.an P.No.4 adam 91, Maà wr- aed the iln: but - oegp. ila. "" Thu oe a hycr hs opans v o posm mm pb isadb iruf i l .io a nisvAle uOl.sMls $ usa eut.be V @ s Pheoeat sl o b'isal aate t estifcino tabui ildg obool b oue ushya otbi e.a pll ueaolgaveilwrL Lb hî eum 1ouisga ms zapm n a> hosvtis à* la e fient I . goie sisteundesal tileEdtheaI Eus.. nausiseollne wem 1h ~lhwngieo EIIE:=-a o*ti 0h lltél. if tu a bi yhetvabiovLmgaie t epip Tui1 e omu vrs pael*out:- éiMsv. Geoi-Ème AMoRse, pelmard E va, ig hulaI oupls labaisandiBe l M.bE.Md e ejt eeraiseail loba premeu Btel hlm ulMaisoa loy anl yuag ou- .inead syteus.MM" 0s Iosghua10s"mals. z he odte2srnt 31a.oy, Ihi tise mpe and oot ise of isthe uaboat ssmon. eonr. uhallois Georte «olet . Yo8. o. 1o% Ifaine aamiélevé t . MobcG.-Mi. O de ssiiOnoi iliiioasaios mnia500ENNA-b; ku maa yts a eift andteuth" u me opairaionIs 1irh rm. Thl e>,moaapeblicve& bn del '1e1318 lbiie oteOs o sdb n $1,850u.", toi lsetulps.Osauilt mm AIoe perasoa buseaT.v.»Mmm Shvoi oSusCo.,lsulToronto.tev PIhoel osthe oxour s eeIIs u ' tbasmevel lapie it. upant@ b$them 96ai l iuo b ,bmam usp~,in ovaimyvn aClt. eauon asolh o reslsYaisami Té atst hubdA si aiîy iiai g ýgod uit»ty aiebulles mlrom s bt mey aouauay mtris ihia @to atl, iiS ne.hy na .tSI BaladaiIL d iti onrpu li Ssbaih biaemma oslsaido y h M iin td &1 c ' iieffjoIal iieo4 d U. sN. Y., -maMamr lir »teelleORb u bau OieeunkP.EUalvser tosI baMi h.hiin P18 U.4.. Esvu 'l'b, mm, D, I« o 008péé ncmm meta l 10#111 u àC" Ct $,2)0f pm ia l y asIiotOl a pa in t Isl_________________ 86oelby E. Maý rei ceued.Jobalay ».4. eimlagla bis olui. Tis Te oot m &mulpbook, ande ~~tsOe7, tboaI lb.m pp 0lsalena andlBs i 5Uethéa m dbaeIuel «a peremtloi fhf fo vahum lya ay o! debesuke theIm moosiCITYàMthe sWAIL.uruëaLiO N OTbill thes om ju. 8. No.21,mal P.os a R i" a a rmlb ro.Emo 2tua e pssstha e l6gaOb.ps sl7 ont hts uhof.et build»" na sool b rt "of 8BfSI UkOPeteboroughboo latlb u2aMd ha air.sthokvu boume, ami expenssu taovmous la«salI ..a mnao ie soui omepwoluiu mmsbau 'atoab os e i oetl a hmité leliai ,s Te -& b 11 ofe oumatl&paNs.a14 Mdv t1,tiadoffst e h aal m rMiu.i hinwoadoiuly auLpo m o l p-osre d'00,t mis éenu e isforîs, nusel u, mb voa, sdoi' Of e sost betminm 761ana lim budln is oteBuxgPbi Movel b E. M ati, s-bon" "a h Johnx- ataspli a.layffe im'if ht ivst er ae, g he -larm.coai V tuuss eirfy naev soeouoas am foi D opposiTis.ou th@mls.(mak bya rllea of lbein a Ta a*lea fa lite meIoba tmML .. etons 14 pa15WsdtiaipMr.!1. ai notvlmigesi Ommailn ,Iea, uye rioîP roea .l*adi mleu- VLL U.b Mfat Bai h 1 rsi 0 smil ilh pueuw sls eaoswilla o Youngalo t snlnIa iossteauaeola 'y ohn1 ruro ia it fbu slu 1h Ubu à 21w 3tàtI 16,sl. ahe ho bsdietth tstéenuary!aielSon, .11 aI y oge.b m isu abavl opul lem n 44g 0 Juy 1 8, 1, 2, 9,ToVn,12 Movge hy Ed dîn arecod*lMMyci ph ulma ouingaIde, u oh l e spoiauu, Il lu pomibli te talsi iba $1,30,o the, rpos t ,0.,bvlt ab. OrotCmpousd lu iOMbm pe*t ~n.- Mdi iwom aie llofflthe m 5pi h0 ii lbotei orua Ip -Zoo boe' eas lxbaelai, h. elleInne Ibat maié ILe hbrhisofo rbaose but188umasse. i sion h i J. Mdvsuaseul y ied vnd '-à us arty vWýes Our mm tue b omuss on mt epaYIdut: l SI Of th tisaI lie îeeve a ylealio telleatS&Iuaty le lbpé. aguliM Saempbbaêth mmxl vaesir a d b ou' is i 10. Nole, ait olid. exsin tie alt suvasosetie ilhIhl ubes hi-e eaepsu. bami ertsai «6oeil i roag em menus. Tes viof use haItd oS 1 1. Meak1, la eonde t. oh- ive lplle igt miav, oies bauItmliai Mr TSi bonSt . 0 .rotset ' b'a. J. 2M.vam so eib-aioleauri .you lumisu tan e pu tis b pul oalou lie Pà as0t. sCti $10ae o treui oeaofuildng sohI l rherf :e o a intpou10IbeO RI dlu.e in à £isaoar st ied . .S A& mie Sýoé. Lana For sal, OMmsi h. L t fana..g-e.,,. Mm. ltL lMAUe ur iv e er 1v. ailoh a. &E BOM,..Eajor John Eqi tS. tits pe ofi Ln4ay b k qaiaIIR&Y M ai e add VMbe plmpilj Silnd.d" M m* Wta eaago"li.-1.tf* JOHIN,,MAKINS -4»3 Rou,.- WILLIM STUET LNIOF Isa --- -- Ral nm le-oà TUE SNOWEU MOUlU. Non a I eoavuaIualSs~?i~ modem asvaaioan Tu~ Usage ,.-luadv *evui.t~D. G1 Livapi DE. R. HAiT, evat, »1,LAT. hmaimts si Twh~ WU~~r~*.~IU 00M tMdi Audai, 00 CoDage SiK eot.--ff-17- ~gOlW~ l P"OBii At E.n. Houas laayo It604 atbOt, - &U dey. DIL MoALPMEO.s.Ao1 Ofiat Md-ami ai-WUm m t an ua8b Mrirminu 0T8al ViEyuGao P.PALIMRBUEROWS.- à. . .. DE.y. A.-ATES Smi'ais aaNs 8"0&» ou termitel lUIUft.yMd ne ]PR& WOOD di RO, Pry8gooo4t.ut,# k Ebttad.Ont Il -ue .uy o~ j.W OO J. ium U mioS. loasofai.=, r. iaduai.ORiToopls MWi YisglaUIlaifa DB. 0. N. LAURIE.W.H 0R 8 owd c TMIS Uivrsiy.memember Royral Colental sifflons o 01 ID 0.aaai ciTuali Uavoei~. 10evai. Oarjo, Dntit~ Lindmay. Hadiquarters -for gS enai dutsy.-10841 HO DE. D. W. BHE. DRNgEANDS B NounS, ladmw eg Treuna i 'ml - l 11et m DNTBT aotret" i..i h m t tp* am, CliB M d E .m W R IT E N 'h g mt- "<MO D r.-n e a b samm r.Oln h .aug s i. u. DR.WB==u . lb. adsTbe h Die01801,e.IMSOmumso R01 L a bi " i h OSas am roim OMetuaL " mid £m mous»prk EmmufasiOSWO OM à" g uusit g ali dmCa W"Tibn" Md f 8 -M vebe t OL 8t gno asqa s. 11N» v MOEI.KON MNZTO O. MoSEY iANDEBO, mw8 i s hes .9 ntulita40.1 Idmdwi. OMM h £mematUe MI 0Iaiei DONALD Ese1110N.teasiait tâte bonovu. -Wum ammiTouaà 1(008E i JACKSON- . Oý. E8, UEN tboe ii? NOOZZ a.iNONEXIf yu 100 3IL:Te o euDi"itv« sy VE5 PERCENT. ________ILJ_______ne_90M SU. OOf«H Aatma . SidH h. HOKINS, U!= . Cai Dy..r I~~aà»rà No.S aaa ea ou0m-xo. IlU I ~ ~ LlaMY. Cm.-110 MoLAUGRLIN à MoDIAEMKID@ luiue, olina«. é&. &Www ami 7aiahh.a.w. KEllyI l" vue.ema n l l *u àmmbdit«tIoé,A wu e ,. Saud ou lb. vow me"l onadfa 4 an. EedO"màtd IL . Mg ou xEI. IL a. IMOL&UInu. Mia. 11011%a.sm i. . MDIAID. swim ,uBo. GANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY@» mJ -U" bb 1< L¶dp>mî.I. *w= =WM LUs. _ EIJEr * CZ &moi&o... M.m 'a ..- Oaai ~.eu%.. àcarn*fau. OrWQC L a u se» & u nom " lm Iam Puumto ooa pa« a&o"M dubarkpInu e09veaks, 'II tI UL-iti. J., HOY LE) - ANNINGT.ONQ kom af1maertnenî t ofBash, r u1gu mlkindofaaha0j BW, oola, Iiigsr ;mae4 eb m Io@ 'Wooia lamèe i il d% 4ibi. u mi raer ood 1o sa PetG. HOTU L.LND SÂXY 10 BUI-LD ERSI gos.26le lthe expmnue of pntting qu1 Patent DRY BLAST DRYINGAKU el of 81,000, vo$are prepaw dto RS omo thel bemditeof good dry atattla d examin, eut goodu sui get esmai& da of Mouldingui 8&3h, Doo.ra, 1Na,éý m4 adrafla. etc.. ia utoci. GEàO. INGLE Janadian Office & SohOd iniitnre (Jo., Limited, STON, 9ONTAIN foomte W. BUlabhcmldt & Ce., éums o0fio Sohol Our id 'Pmuior ÂuTxÂol Schoc The latas ani buti. d ts Gold Modal at tb. JauAca oël Douks et "it Oornjay cannotb igli, Bésuty ci Dodga, Adaptal le lia Séelar, ldlt oroulara ipdie fectre Jess'l1 lpain"i Fegu! .sm1 .5eel mi los gen. anau Ai" au 16 n18 On la ul In 18 la 18 Oni therae ordina -lu 1&I 10 18E Don In 1M Exper Reoeil De: IIn 18£ Expen Reoeil De ,cl Expet IDDe !LWIf ai eue*" sect StingS el conno. ao $2 luS' Itnm Dtemsc Dofiai flfo, 1odun tuai Tb made Beau m&n ' Beau Boitc bes In Dl vim equa 'Tsaàr ona vii Exp s RaI ~OTTL j at~buaXb. -u ~ Iu I.vu mb-a- - me tour low as, lue TiSuat, .mtius 1 sutti.a"mimIl i..ug Tuemble. mu sas 1 hy HsgyfwonS.ami 1511 MsIat i "9 oi. But1osavelo f i- bthr »ltea bott ffluyia o= *4 gw'u iydhiuèm&nal llUoau. Iammv sIa10vlua * 4 *~ 1~ t ~: j I ;;-èm