Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 25 Jun 1897, p. 3

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s, I w. I~IN8 s- e, OY LE, Nfta : .1mM m uasf1 >ERS. IRYING KILf "àd Rot utiaah b, Dooua, Newu 5 tock. ING4>E' ce &sohool *ONTARJO ihmadt & 00.1, *chuob. and 1]w 0'" SoOI1lk».: oumnot be a",. :jl ..gPi uwu iKHelAàDAE ThYms eere Dastr s toDysap9~b, t,&"tdgn, and Toc Hcaty Eatlng. A p.r Ict en,.dl forDezziness, Nausca, flrOew* VCS Bad T~ asti te Mautia, Coated Toeigtw Feainthe Side, TORPID IVER. Th*7 ate C BoWv oil.uely Veetie $niaiIt. SalDo $mant Pria.. SabStitufiOfl the fraud ol the day. S.c you get Carter's, .Akfor Carter's, ,Insist and'demand arCSLittle Livecr *Pills. OoutT butol The p f TP t CeOoUntyplmeghm'a g tô n a ,omitte oàu fles 1a blmt'.A. EBilrwod Mud Wua. The finance muli meemt iommtttis yen auolod ta hakle ata suddeflhlh snd iep'it an lthé advlaIbtly Of grnml #50t thétsi br&tY* A potitlloi wai paesmid Itbe ON-i pgm, ai Lýndou imytjA* i lias thli5efor 1odau' lios.b. eid to lie u < 115 ppee au. Tii peltion vs uM ui t0 oommititaOù aimSuid muasemOUL. WSM Hall, Taylor PailaMdiiJ3-P Pulmer, on, bebal 1e tia ovSSiaP 01 FusIon, addri.ud lis o"u an d p»plimd loa ea lt% lasttl thslowntamp et Fenolon la rebuildiait Rose"dalI itie. The cormulîlce mofu maàe Md »u»"s Mt 'èoode e ol aks laIe Omiet. g lon the. advlsiblhy -of geimt Aim le urna. saso ai grandaug 8200 cmb i teb Souhanmd 'Northduim g midtumail %rd 01 tlielsmamietvawua maI raf oued b fnance md&aisedi=mtm IOMMIttes. The reportl0ai valLu fthael. sa»Ù D.uly vithia Ithe ooumiy vu a ret te oqtluiIbiO» comulîlesto e bsappatais SMi. Carkig, ol Austinu sObMUQWp O0- Chicaoa ddesSod thé o"MOI.là nerosa The e porlt fMr Win.ueiyb ove »Oor ofauty brlgss, ucait . l$'o dais bridge$, u gi mmd wsiuued 1 somuxtîe on gobasa md hoilgea The toaida sud bill..OOSemmul aa 1%thotlztd te taesla.o oldeamtiOuM repor othe.advlalblliof uphbilith IPelon IFads brdge. Md almO PIMbIut Join Cirpîlet te expoal $50. tsi h souneil ai 1896, for expeadilvio. IM Coumlli u n immun -mdao"»nom' Vue authoîilel letrpot ou adibl OU grantlmg $100 %0 ouutrp pugbim Sasoiaton. Thse cournoliordussthélic BislstbuOU la b. made ems tèîtpubis ivL. Theéomufl leo.n iOB W odrel 10 appoint al.u mut* 80 au e1.1. vithls LuIamI O.-(mem»board Of odunon n o, emaiwaams ci OI vput I' oeisutmS bmtot M Tise report of *=mm» on Palau* vas »64 âbim d optel. A àcommulmlum flse GaK]moi" va s a, ré graul t tabaay 1lev aMM 1B oud IlneuoW 5Cauphul mlie lhss0ounîl. re s" oSOixiL A»t Il bs. loa I elsevsi tau&"lU à députation oDU la e.1 huai Deasan, Jobum 1908lI, Md IR E Es aiîaessà the sounuli te l pu éestian OaI lié boapilal fer *0 If LtwuMpmil ias souis*a Of Vto Hagaliuuos ýMd i ppilefa aip* $MW0, oaulilloamI ms. SUS Tic »ort -Of emmitle eu POporte vuas erImadadogeL. aepert 0o f fluct omuIis ummd Mmeswuvas alud* alopls. Lis eva umiff id .tlis spes"a mtteo appontl bp counoli toai tai liteu Irétus e à"* oi thélre doler tb. prectclation et lié u»port I thebmadjourned meeting e Of CUBli Tie rtort.e rsomulîlse os. simca "a iequwumatlon yenresfi"sMd adogt 1Th$ report et sommlllos aPpois Ootewvialias buIscf iame»ua Lhday i dOmasu usavusai1 adopté&, A commtule.omusu eWa Mleuras sers, Autn, Bym, Sb§ miiiBalla7 vas appelte4 for lin o1! duafttng amuiblicougoaoo effli,. Of lis 601h Tmi Of l0. usl ou ltimasou sBovoregu.ýQU htid Jus. 241h PmlpItmlmItlut« et * Shun ea0 m ti Wluis. amqi 1m*. teumoui'pgias e 1 I Di md~t lisuesim 1 1 iiim M am'foiav osmmm lb. tevwalk lit 80 e i à eaeli te m tiaejsPl" I je va to e ulTh but mo 9h bDam eitil l».»imt biot vi9s= ony u Uame cf licmate! tu vus ma» aok,-Haipal aSilgured Faoesm r~ lb Us<Le. erfoei geih atpei PrSIod an ne obtaluMe maltfhl B... ~uu EverTaceof: Dimese. pimples, blolohm ma blasîheaeIf use, yeno blood laseloWgls, IupuIc sud Poison. id. WbiIlttbe 1#8strm f iektng vitia lmpurtilm u arnuol bbe holsip aud if yeu voellueMer lb. oyatem, olsma tia. blosi malal vuieel0ol issa.. vos mumii» utsPate' OWclompoad, the gresct mlas'mi ldpuifier. M"i., elebote Ont., .ptoess tisaI Palmne' WSeluipcuap as psanteosvir- tube émnlt gvtgqumlitlun muluovu 10 tia. orIdi oi ilisa Mmd doctota bi ha" gé& oeal p a t.ulllplug l th. fêtmeli liails cti IoupeUmd bau ~ts a emalabe haüge là mv 4I1vlm tamubisd vilia avery bal type or eluemsauo.nglaie mnd ln patcabeuotot .My body for: f oui eaa.I vas undet t,mlnofmt .res boitra a4 Mirent péieds, Mmd imd *ha tiedimmm) iesd- tui, butmi àoe uess.At laut 1 bouRhla boti l o P.Im's 2 2 ol.xlY 0Cou- Pouna maM inlatIllme . oflas"lumas »mmndiou hl IbeLThe oue batti MtimesW. meu"gea i stI heuia s e eloa gla-.-gma Wjuy t5 tued ulmeM . I ~ ~ MMPýgs4 ot fou oeeg bajlis qssa alie éofflof lis * eumal msam oethliaspaète lafor lhc * Sous%, et Victoria miel nspslulb STiami vs lea eJur hoer a s'wdl e ewesio f limaI.fa tblestM opéneiasseut aitai Vusce.te es bal, .olaat" itc hendhalb ce f01, bala»sislltml etao ao .l VCe- Vm~kmpaliais'pfolv $mbae imu,*ohlimIo aUme ma to ail haîtaIwe M~ ~ * %Muee ia i a ue naber oi uaisislUPhueuil maiewou cnoUa d us ishe=abe ehlimmlaitthlies 01 Mr eus ImvoIi.l a qpasima oitî6.aMIo mi--BbbaeI& 0mofeMmd lie ohéae awu ~u~oe epiois tusiby jau.y 'i V. aovMd icm sesalvoase t ma 0 *061,ma kmp » or fthotu Gu vmol!a. as s mllg. M» aul u mi, mm i m, mi i v liso mmue t li * ieeXm vaqbveo . m Imtha O~ ~~~~o:b Ummms!idiU5e a 1es mal e 0 « t« onltsfI ou xrsin et a vshae Ois lt e bim-m bu phe k te ed thé eval *Wb of 60 e 0 ý un- r a s olp sim am abu.M thé s spslilitsuu1 bé pMlBt ilhe iasgelus e M Ille.e e bu lhaItlOS a oi a~ ta eiae galoelaleAm &~ cd - -tgoe usai g»4 solgmTAix Tioa um5anP Ii 4vu MM' abc> xi ui~ Mo- lthép Tiiers Thé la bve Mmmli 01Im la 1 la v ia. l d'Du ls ,sgalet lma exul dl~ 1 lut . UmiWi.douuê. cf 1 la amy vtumocis l»4 pâcflu ttea lm I. I0" ouIlal oep igoda. I 9. or hie,-bu jsi @ us, d ul Osa- lazith anvl mIs mgodpb oIe lsteforts. Th e oullsdla pesit tme effrts he »oulheu gPdM- >ne o! ME. D.pew tstas.. tory-toeis s o veli knovu liati t la uD00008017 1o *somentl upo il. Probably oue orne of the bts etod wIth whloh ho deilgils hlm mudismeetleuthé one uavoiving the question o1 suppi! Md leman M i Md .the tulattag . of soI solely by lbee Ivo dispute of tbis Mr. Depow maya lia oeue day h. wau walkang miong a emIao mud patoeed a Gesmmu buliber siop. Out .1of ulty hoi entmaed th. plase mboa laqulted àe pdce ofamias. 4"Dwenly onum apoual," ispis the "'But.". eald, Mr. Depow, 'il mut tet .me1sw yout agu Ibis morming Mdlà rcmd Fnuhsaumiliis25oule mpouad.' WIiy dldvou geduos lths p"l?" 4-0b, dol vas miligiat. I don't no% nous nov nad I ot Ilt sémy. Dot mmlii m arepudatlu for aohlimg sheap, heordlgloha, se Ur. Depevuap. "Thois vasu nodemandas1 I dlt vmmt' m»y, mmd"tiesvuasomelapply. ai tia, butohei hadzn't amy, Mmd pet lb. pulse of umusages vent down."-,HaipeeaBmnl Om&& sud thIe Jubhie&. vtues of a goal sud moble voman, whether as e b. fh cl o iovlyblt but Whou liaI goaldvimma ua18 e h head o a i ghts maien Mmd bus sierws ber boucau influemot MImlyaogutb aubjeils, but 410 OM M9tomliue bleat le otisi nations, t-lpssu a àMuai .iumsod. And s. lie luibuts huai ple le Quesu Victoria, lu bila, tic aitMe poucof bei vha. pOihiU lfleb. os »mom mlwoai.Md bdaetail Umm leat hWs id Mda$"%m Io a emoteusulto forun eapisal et Chrlisma loota IMmd fortlls oulllmgend belle-cul0m Paepamlmsen a MIcularge Moi au bsling mae Itougicul Gmst Ballai sud beomioles le ftltaglp seletaul I 'sdnotable usigu of HerU aje*i anmt te b onetdo»e bplihossvh!» main la native lmm ump0g0d Md layami Belllh-AU5!10a cEou»mila lu foreu lieaune 6uu ,iWhom Quae Vicloria lumi si .1 poposd oee tIen of be gromi! ,If4aèe ep ja vklaiI liasmore, aso . rdleMs a l a ltaie lie se*0 il Leuh," but t i ballie xPs.dela 90 licithéieomudîlas Of lu adbwlt sud heu dudteula r e .gare boin Bouse lime 0 uaeMWUoaSvu m fouln al oin M mm msehyarn 1 o the Outdou r mialullsMmdlie Meuo a leol aIet ms homa itmg lb. j MeuWla tadua lot.uulptiia, a éb mlir latInâha *0islatosuosi f li 4ovu oit4 aéiésaI, ougiat Ilveuli 4 musiabstetu ie opIbeir moehm mam son ma,?m. t e elitDm Juahlhe amoto .1onéaaa i ysmme fla aliBdd*h-AImdw a dalue s 0ifur.s eltp otufOamu GeusIlBluff, Mdm «d la sOu mii iimas dueuan emi ufeuil ls ob4 UAd pusseMmd wslu bolU i mi ls = =hw ubil b s M. le tbst lwor eomky. Ie Tic amsaof tm galemiammacl W gumat? liai liemu eî OLv 5 Suisllendsfl. »m -liss ge tius. on ibi tia$ Ilus mal iilm r p o a ps ,e s lia I aU o 47u mvb msd-Ui zl la Jié Ut. toi av- me and à,iil i ai Ba aal!Pb Osaus ipu D~S Doppmg at cet OetBa um b ot- n 2. 1t" T». asouai1* 09 to te utou eebliMr oif Nemolseâu .emuIbjo il am, la 8,WmntaWI...lh nel Vbuteiae-IyDaéis mi. ie oma te lu lou uSEu ma.1 -s he -rou as fla> orne Oum am Moge te u Î delm le,.ai mu bt d4 s i moe, l la ac ,&en lte mpécy bar bh mIOllbfou b..0 àBuobe, smis go aleng, stop$, b.é ahip On h d me or maltwhiu4 so bid thst I1Ilos rul y ythat 1I lui" in thse wou 110 retura of 4&1% à man, zmmSon un Imm 1 111=w mie'id la, hase cf Psbch ea . buton g focl, a duhel rMa. P"« vi off ai Labradors ma, d, i jolu Eurdock ool altai ago. I my flngn mmdli. MdI vOf *i Do -male valuablu th&uýB BB. 1Ihave Inlb tofnl p1va àlthCouRi letbas hies explalned manmy 1iiu il la balter le Miae , tjbljat vhml the gan i cfa bley c0.m l5n11M0a uge- ment by sumo .of *b aoonpaiull mil vsial la ma* 10 ivolv Si vi l Iwo amVrymte alhil, Sve us mucia guou 0 auelre.onsvoud in ittry rwovo1u! n. Praatce3y mau Maes nDOv are e vilia28.isoh w"@ol, sud bus, If 60 gM eai 0 p*Ms of, il Mes la s ai érvhei lla.h 0achIs ei .w rslo li te rot 'whist> »Volves M »»0vae 0 inmbes la 61mm6we. Il Ji usani 0f thse bata mma g onutirby e iket, visoa, thi loge es0luintonmuid lie suil orne behbi la ibh s uels e ompluhe. The vilalbons li t si n of lieti on thé epmektadoterctOhtaqear. 71tou leeti onlie fient u vnotlts gtvs tieheai£0; uBietese onthé front. éâd oigial on lias isreglysfi4, me. The fomula ofer ding lth"gPqla010 Midtply lhe âoid imulaali ait s os vesi uM&Usl, as w@ wsa4 abovs 28Irnohes, by the mumbea of tseàatb ou ihîta prockot, muid thon dde o heuimulbY th numbut of issu on lb. vsarpuoic t Nvq, s o tmas I1bas bien abie AU abseffl abl judgs, figsuot about 63 te t icgi enough tutohebmaagNe ommu tq ide. Tic birlb. » Rgifjuil 80 musi tias baudsri mi bb. he o. bmit"Psl Ah abI" sumioati. mal le, serwalm a blsIngo Ae's aolePpumiameti gust soff orl la «ab movement. 8Espsufally lu bi-*mi 1, or luaildhâg 1omqtliSWSovsi4l hodudoisa ungia u hsai 0% On 1hleso a aSUCOtika s r n l Ias . O à i8eciiié ai "pUll c koyors bs <ua a "emief vouamdiiamachine motel p;2219IdI lau poportMa - i. effort oz- l- wOd But sbhhoreuw vpoms via aoaemybon m. lB sleuh a dallj ~ gutts oul b.iMm y mmowtoou& a Thé pleamates t dlng lre wehome b- vhbe take o»s ont il te O iUml, a"d d*Mo oim Mmhb=pu l le euutu au Orb 0o p ma. d-I jeal vuy- <t llt ibe 7 ,01 5< Sui vile t oiE pp .a l vorne 49 butîf MOS à sm rtal l oag. A"Y o.' vho la met asougueUli do boter tb es éooa60, M d of oodMler bpovur mda Munos " d66 a. Mn ve vlthoul la ijir. Nelhig above de liheba, ftfig um SUSme adylsabféel orno. Pog* I oo"aemtlb be lle ml doveipdvimma, 9gea1 »à Itou 56 te 60 baloLRi Md Pompmtu , esst ut a Ntal ia.Sypapup l iut.M w& et a d mg temblu ad musera-41% Curms1 Mt le 1. lvu oet. 1t 0f Vlut &Imam. tus mh Is= C -o4mi i - ehm m tu u ,lsm M-W, S.D 5Wt'b RDUU I.. i MM 'UIiAiWObà*I01i &IL Mutba tbe mmel EaU, a Kea~ ilo*,lb. hbusubayci blee.fX ot. S. L P le. . *dMm leuaa eueh moulb la Orange all, ovur DominIin Bank. Robet ugeal, Pnmoe;r IL.I H. a. lgurar. OMM imam.e go. I"7. méta onitbm usMo" !udu OR eay onth am iDominion NankuJ.W Wallace W-IL; L IL03.Be ed. Uotmq. Tam mm Ltua, ukelte g. à% mou tIb u Mdatbh1 m11 posc u m cal nh t i me ba KM% Mdoeé. ver BlàdLn welPedu. Kr. L BOOM.I i cma VcoraGuming star No. 3S, medo b briS&M dibld Tuuadaj09 -*haéhm. tatb.rigue *h%14, cernr etKent and OMM- laigte dOU%% ont Elakwhil8 @tome.Mm. Umm Nmiotil. Voimbiphi Nieun lms T. Banting<. Ueermly. P. A.1* e Lgom & oe ue am aMd iirl 7Mai ci Z:, mnth la kmena.2u hock. Kr. John POeMw, kerey. 0. 0 . No. a M» amon" uoet a 0.00... MnanmhfltmtUnty, No. *$'Vien mule ta the Prentioé À101V Md >$rd% ~ c h montb. W. newam mobulet bm Tme lsbaIl, orau iet aind Gambeilge douta.or i aekweWaiMure, on ibm Mion eMd iourlh TUuday of "eh ub. Vbrdffl bretbroealalme mlabilelco0m81e. NIg. A. GUUIisBaHc. Ugrar?. Ke anMd GembrIlgO lut, mmlaiS Fof6U mue.atb . n'CM% , 0..;T" . G, t nae. omti7. SM Or »U ».UDo. 0cmul n Md b Tusuiape of mauh mSo a B a Nkeb"oo. X 5oba W&Y. Uoea? ouu=ce meb ailbtu mp, a . 0. 0 .GealaOrdit0 ýci o,.m Pise mm o n £M d l hird Tms, ut «aémosl ta lolga romom ntNobanies' Iritute. manna our maNÂOu*uiei. LImie Test No. M0, mule la Ihe 'Pruaile ob anl, ont abanac Ilquor dor. Unad 1Mh bmfdajfci ury mcsih.Vai hi bMlbrmnalwaye volecmm5 W. NcW&U@ISn- OciMM#dOr; W. IL GremWmll. Y . B , sour.lai.U0. à Lst rOueoVM Us dLIÉ m 6 0 10p.m.Toe mï- aiv wleme.-A . Jh1os, Om V.W . « .MeuletmiSW.immdby i09Utm" la Me . . L Nil stw8eyieate aady a& theeok pM& 5. ou, ieumabexa. L ku si& & SOUlbOOOV eu inegai OhouMamgonemr. HSti- R R uuSel mINSmle Tual eai mule al, meue c 1" mai ~ mhu tiibm usa ami lmWa Vedm ic et « m tIb iLI»Mo* Am & obhti, Hidose. Helm A ~&PORÂL ~zle lu -u u ", u ...... "d U lh b..M... .... a* bu" wemk-.............. z* Q"n qm tud ........... la Il ftmt . .. ... ... 1 M =Men m7WI1E lu bri emUca, acgthe o meuM Foru b a-me mu*miho tqa uet........-te b muem~u WMOut...... Ta t . 05'm l I iS gt u , ivo u Cigarettes DEIRBY OLD. GOLD Cigarettes KITAIL lIi! YWEU IGU REUALL the utory of the pnisoner who the gntoyofrte plied, '. ee. wuIike to e ied ai he smI.l on bei ng asked if ie. am, jtdge, butý I wouldt tied bev rey farine Q6 ts Cunyfo opue firet-eaiS Paris Green>andl Inseot Powder. ])ruggist, Lindsay, if you wauttlo purohase a fret-oluas Piano, Organ or Sewing Machineait.the lowest prieu, and on, easy terms, eaU on GenralÂgenat, Lindsays 170 Kent Street West, w »&. t a roo« W O» ODSr -'~4t. -cuiglal y d .o ntS . Emim* b, Srney o ai r w oo4.L The Oum$ie LI.hay Ibo& sleatlfierl abat i. tV.êâ bo auod. t ,a îu~ US.PnbaVt vomvco& ~ei,1 sm7 hote imr, Wol. o. hold. muaibo t rWoodm. NON GuV amez-wl at & al. lu .. à" tuEli bohat ii.~o tiaireau . JO U 'Jtut. ~ ........... - - - - - - - a r, o sa .br les l m e , Om sm y ho t mli . ce L Co" on r _Puis,. or., bolideao af. IL .. Vilipabotuemt hli.Bll o tlrmbmd. BumueuSi..l vie, eutr. s@ Ou. hall Bo u oblatls Im M"L M lau 1 B sibMsmm.b lgl<Gre blar ol 5 Dar~~I .O lb wnB asw à* ab. boOarUo& ut mur. re~eeova j. 1aH' TAKu tS.,AM& ex5'zW bo 1 .ea mI.j Vu W *Mze. Khot a, CULybtmae, el 0 M* L V I RuK a,nimkayhot a&, e. V.k. S. VOhtOS'. OM jbl 1016. a bt M wmae IS mi bs brndl omr btr aon iu mq*W4 uff*l Mf ~êZ y paper ln the 10 CtSa lor Package &5ets Per Package k -1 41 bi 41 m 41 1-- 14 tj rd ù te kd w îd ,à à'-li 1 Now, 1 want. to be Aniat 21*1 ýl ICT a

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